LAKK COUNTY KXAMINK-. H K KVIKW . Offt;i)N. TIM HSIM V. .M.N. 14. Illit. hid or Intnmlve, hut 1 wanted lo fell rver Hint wn to hi quaint blnrk doll ynu (hut I tlilnk you won't l( niiiinjcil in'1" 'eiiKiT. 1 muM have rrled. again, nud -Just om thing innro. Mny .N'everlheleM I ale two of the pearlies I 1 tin ii k you for jour kooiIih-mn on n'.ii- nl rl in-1 n i it ly presented Hid other ImnrdT It brightened what mini . wlili h I imilitn't pnNNllily cut, o illii-l Tivlmi haw I iri-n n kDiii expert J-l ioiiiy "II" child ftlt t lnr on n shawl erne." Jmrnp lUlnil Mr. Knit Kay In riinirii o 1 A' IT for n reward (if virtue, Jimt as tM inn ii not n gentleman Jimt horaUHe I l"'l 1 1 j ,f my IciivltiKi and some fitrniiKi clrciiiiiHtiiiiiTK liml fon ctl "ii k tin ini'it Into my Im-II. tint Inn! Iilin In travel In Hip MlccrnK') I 1 1. 1 1 'f l'"' Iukitujh arrived. There were Wluli Hint, Without III knowing It, I two tiii.linii limine men lii'iir to ( lino:e rouli) limn slipped lulu hi pocket my from. mid. nit I've heard. In i Ii.mIii .'10. llCHWeil two evil 1 1 'n lietter to (lllMINO "Oh. I did nothing." 1 atiNWered. "It I the le-w. I mulled I.eMeerliliigty at Hii' wan Hip other people who did every-1 smaller mini, who had Junt rrnmrrind tliuiK Hip little Hint wim dune. 1 1 h " I'"1' "r " I'Ioiihph Into Hip box nf n 1 ho linvc to lliniik von fur liiklnu ,M',V ",ltl ik'I'voiim I'loNlrMI'in. Hint iitnoii nway. p mid Hip other who came J imt In fnm tvrr so rude." "They illdn't iiii'tiii to ho rud" hp Mid. "They wanted ymi to tell Hipiii nonift lilntr wlilrh I hoy could put Into Hii'lr pnper. nnd they live by dnlnu Hint kind of thing. I (lid Hip I.chI I could with them, Imt I wlxh I could linvp hii i d ymi fi nni being niiiiovcil III Hip beginning. I lii'Nlliitcd lit IIimI for fear ymi iiiIk lit in Ihii ikIithI k ikI mid think mo nt hud n I hey were, hut I wInIi I liiidn't now." "After what I saw you do nt urn I rnuldu't poNNlhly hnvo inlHiiudcratood." I Nil Id. "Thiink you fur Haying thut," ho re turned, 'though f..r what I did then I don't dcMcrvu any pralne. It wiin done on Hip IiiiiuIhc, nnd I'm lined to Knit water. An ii child I lived cIcmp to It fr n time In California and swim inlng en imp nlmoHt HN imt urn I nn walk ing. I'.ut I'm imt hero to tnlk nhout liiVHilf. It wiim only to tell you how grateful 1 wiim iiml inn nnd aliall coii tlnuo lo he fur your klmlne on the ship. I couldn't fo without xpenkliiK of thin, nnd thorp' Himieihlng now I'd like to ask. Voii won't hp offended?" "If It 'M hoiiicIIiIiik .You want to toll dip, I know It Un't Hip itort of thine which could olTeiid." I mild, hut I didn't Hay It lit calmly nn It hiok when written. I Mmnmcroil n llitle mill cot the word tangled up, nnd I felt my fine urowliiK hotter than ever. "I thank ymi it trn In. H'n only thht If, while you're over on IliU Hide the wnter. there'M ever uny wny In whlrb a mini n man who'd he nn respectful nn your foiitiiian. nnd loyal nn your frlend-'ould ponnllily hitvo you, 1 wind you would lot nip he that num. I know It hociiih now nn If hucIi a t hint: couldn't happen, hut liothlni;' ipilte ImpoSHllile In tills ipieer World. Illld- and iinyh.iw I h tut 1 1 nlwnyn Ins rendy. Voii could trust me" "I know that!" I couldn't rpHlut tirenkliiK In. "I'm -employed for Hie preMeiit nt a club In New VorU. If you'd nond word to J I in I'.rett nt the Manhattan club, tliorc'H nothing under the miii that Jim Itrett wouldn't do for you. from find I tin n hint d g to tnkliiK a moMKnKo acros the win Id." "FlrMt I must cntcb my dog lieforo I til il Ioho him," I aiiHWered. laiighlui; "I!ut If I do. or or there'll anything fine, I Hlian't forget." "That'H ii true promlxe, then, and I hnvp to Uiank ymi for the third time. Now, I'm imt K"lou t trouble you any longer, lioodl'.v." Without Mopping to think who be wan, or who I wim, I held out my band, nnd bin good looking brown fnee grew red. ML. took the baud, preMsed It bard once, dropped It nhruptly. turned on his heel and walked away without looking hark. I wiim ko luteroNted 111 going over the conversation In my mind that I forgot to feel like I lean Itruminel with one pnw up In his glass ciihp, nnd though I tin re my ten minutes bad passed. It hardly Hoemed two, when n wonderful little black Image In the shape of a boy came Milling up to me, nil rolling w hltu cycK nutl red gilu. like n nice New foundland fuppy. lie bud xome news pHiiers tucked under bis arm, but 111 his band was u hiiiuII basket of pouches almost too beautiful to le real, lint then, weren't they und wnau't ho part of my dream? He grinned mo much more that I was afraid his round bluck face would break Into two bopurate halves, and looking at me with his woolly head on one aide, ho thrust out tbo busket. "Pur you, inlHsy," said he. with a funny little accent, for all the world like Sally Woodburu'a. "They cuu't be for tue. There must bo a mistake," said I, wishing there wasn't, for the peaches did look de licious, and there were two rosebuds lying on top of tbo basket, one pluk, the other white. "I don't know any one who could have sent them." "The gent knows you. you bet. missy," replied the limine. "He guv me a quarter and nnl If I know'd my alphabet 'uuf to llud letter 'It' on' tote dese yere to the prettiest young Inly I'd ever seel. Most wlte ladles de.v looks oil Jes' ulh.e to me, but you'a different, inls-.y, nu' I reckon de tings must bo fur you." i una a norriuio vuuou or tiiu coiu pllment proceeding from the Flash light or the Kvcnlng nat "Whet was the gentleman like?" I asked. "Like inns' any gent, missy, Vept that be wus powerful tall, an' I reckon If be keeps right on like he's doln' now he'll get mos' aa brown aa ma some day." Then I knew that I was safe In tak ing the present, ao I did and gara the comical black Image two or three lit tle round white metal things I'd got from the purser when I changed sow English money. I didn't know bow much they were, and they looked rldlc aloualy small, but be seemed pleased.- When he had run off I turned taj at tention to the peaches. They were so big that there was room salf for tear In the basket, and tbey-Msmed dreadfully pathetic considering front whom they had come.' '--i; That poor fellow must be .almost penniless or he 'wouldn't' baVe been la th stoernge, yet he bad bought peaches for me and irlveu a "quarter" what- Whether he wiin Hilled with cruelty, or whether he was naturally of nn an gelic illipohlllon, I hIiiiII prul hi lily never know now, hut the fact remains Hint. Instead of turning out the fiend I'd Im'cii led to expert, he wns one of the most considerate men I've ever mot. lie wouldn't even let hip unlock my own hours, hut look the keys nnd opened them fur me himself. (Illdn't nn ox eentitiiior bnihl t lift hair of Home (iicoii whore bend ho wns going to chop off? I must look the incident up when I have time.) Anyway, I thought of It w hen the custom hoiiHfl mail wiim being no polite, hut the analogy didn't go any farther, for my bend never ciimp off at all, nod two of tbo boxen re mained unopened. "You're KngllHli, nren't you?" be nuked, nnd when I Hiild yes, nnd Hint I was only on a nhort visit, liv treated my lielnugliigM iin If they were altered If bo disturbed anything, he laid It bnck nicely, keeping up a running con versation lis be went on. I told blm that Kngllsli women might bring home all the pretty clothes they liked from other countries, and Hint I con sidered It most iingiillnnt In such s chivalrous nation as America to deny hulies a few Purls dresses. "I in you happen to know, miss, what's the Income tax In your coun try V" he iisked, tenderly putting hack Koine yellow hairpins which had fallen out of n Imix of mine. "I tear me. no." I exclaimed. "Hut 1 think It's sometimes more than n Hhlll lug In the Hiund. I've beard my brother sny bo, nnd ns for Hip death duties. It's more than your life's worth to die." "A ah!" said the nice mnn. "V. haven't got any Income tax on this side, mid folks can die In jM-nce when ever they please. I guess that kind of evens things tip, don't It?" I didn't know what to answer, so I thanked him for bis kindness, and we parted the Is-st of friends. Mrs. I'.sm Kny appeared so quickly afterward that It almost Hoemed as If she must hnvp leii lying In wnlt. Hhe was look In-; pule nnd shattered, and j Louise, following close Isdilnd. wns ! povlilvdy haggard. Only Sally bud weathered the storm without being outwardly the worse for wear, but even Mio didn't look as good natured ns usual. "How have you got along, you poor, deserted darling?" affectionately In- of clecfrlelfy snapped In my veins, ami I bad it presentiment of Interest'ng things that must surely happen. I've always been very sensitive to smells, which can make me Joyful or tuli ornlilo. just ns music SVxn. Vie snys I oughtn't to I'll people this, as It signifies I'm still In cl'ii-o touch with brute creation. Hut I don't much mind If urn, for si many nnlmiils are nicer llinn we are-dogs and horses, for Instance; nnd then one bus to ncknowl edge, whether one Jlkes or not. Hint n monkey s a kind of poor relation. Pneli plnre I've ever visited bus Its own smell for me nnd .... .... . ... even houses ti ... miiij M oii,r, toilM HIIOW IIM- niflCII Was out of Mason, and I'd nerer swa ; so much brilliance of color or variety! In a street. I tried to search for the! cause of this cricet. but I couldn't define If. Perhaps II was partly the clearness of the atmosphere, but there was a great deal more Hum that. E erylhliig you passed roomed to be pink or pale green or gold or Ivory white or ultra marine blue, yet when you renlly thought It out detail by detail It wasn't. And. I limit Ii I'd considered the sliya rnpers nw ful from a distance. spinning along at their feet I couldn't I loliv l.j.t, n tit nl ri u l.i 1,1. ..I .. -.- .... i .1- ii. , HiiiiMniii hiimj ui niimi: A Ittlla black image in the ehape of a boy. quired Mrs. Ess Kay, undismayed by a fixed guce from Sally, which appar ently signified reproach. "It wasn't very bad, and I've quite enjoyed myself," I replied, forgetting some tedious moments In the light of others not tedious and hoping that the roses lti my belt might pass unnoticed. Port una '.i'!y they did, otherwise I i ''.'f id bri' p Icn l:i a difficulty, for I ; li'Mld have lu'.'.cd to vulgarize the lit tle episode by putting It Into story form for Mrs. Krs Kay, and presum ably roses have not been taught to grow wild on the New York docks, al though they suy Americans are so very luxurious In their tastes one would hardly be surprised at anything. A beautiful electric carriage, bigger th.".u n brougham, was waiting for us, nnd we left Louise, with a butler or soiuo other manservant out of livery, to wrestle with the luggage and bring It In cabs (which they called "hacks") up to Mrs. Ess Kay's bouse In New York, where I knew she meant to stop for a few days before going on to New port The minute we drove away from the docks I began to notice dozens of things which made me tremendously conscious that I was In a foreign coun try. One would think, as so many of these people ware English, or, anyway, British, before- they were Americans that their buildings snd everything else would be enough like to remind as of borne,- But eck street we tamed Into showed ms ttat this Isn't .at all true In New York. There are bite Ilka Parts at least you think ko on a su perficial glance but nothing la ' the faintest degree like London. - - fVimethlng .In the sir, too, made ma feel excited, as t does In Paris. Snarks of Itatllemead Towers, If I wire taken there by winding ways, with my eyes blindfolded. It's the smell of ol 1 oak nnd potpourri, ami books mil clilntr., nnd autumn leaves and pine trees, mixed together. Mother smells H'.e u ten rose nod Vic like a wax doll. Loudon has n rlrh, heavy scent, which makes you fool ns If you bad n great deal of money nnd wanted to spend It. but not In n hurry. The smell of Paris makes you want to Inugh and clatt your hands nud go to the theater. The smell of Itonm makes you feel as If you wished to be very beautiful nnd move lo the plow nrooinpnnlment of a magnificent church organ, with the vox humnnn stop drawn out. Put New York -the smell of f -w York! How shall I describe the Herniation It gave me, ns Mrs. Lsh Kay's elect rk carriage smoothly spun me up town? Tlii heavy feeling of homesickness which I hud had on tbo ship for the last few days wns gone, nnd Instead I felt a wild sense of exhilaration, as If I'd come dashing homo after a glori ous run wllji the hounds and plunged Into n cold bnth with two bottles of eau dc cologne poured Into the water. It was amazingly hot, but tbo breeze gave a bint of the sen, und every shop und house we passed seemed to keep spices storisl away, for the breeze to blow over. Even the old fashioned houses, no higher than those In London, were as different from ours ns possible, and It was extraordinary to sec people nicely dret-sed women ami pretty girls perch ed on the front stops under awnings without so much as u pocket handker chief lawn 1st ween them and the street, persons of that class at home would Is? far too shy to lounge about and Is? stared nt not only by the neigh bors, but by twenty strangers a min ute, yet here they sat ou rugs and read or did embroidery or swung back and forth In chairs that risked like crudles. paying no more attention to the passers than If they had been flies. Ily and by we came out of the quiet streets walled In with monotonous rows of red brick or brown stone houses Into a scene of terror. It wus a street, too, but whnt a street! I thought that I'd pros u accustomed to motor ing through traffic, for once Stan took me In his car all the wny from Pattle- i mertd to Pall Mall, w here be stood me I n very Jolly luncheon at the I'arlton ; hotel, but that experience was nothing I to this. I felt a little Jumpy w ith Stan ' when we shot between omnibuses In a space which looked twice too narrow, nnd once when I thought a frightfully tall horse w as going to bite off my hat, but I soon got used to It. If I were driven every day of my life for a year through this terrible street In New York, though, I should be no more used to It on the last day than on the first. The only change In me at the end of that time would bo In mv hair, which would have turned snow white and Ik standing up nil over my head like Strumpel-Peter's, ouly worse. Iondon roars, a monotonous, cannon-ball8-lu-the-cellnr roar, with Just a light tinkle of hnusoin cabs sprinkled over the top of the solid sound, but that great straight atreet Into which we suddenly flashed had no solid sound. It shrieked In short, sharp yells, made up of a dozen distinct noises, each one louder and more insistent than the other. There were trams and tram bells sud motors and carriages and over all au uppalliug thunder of trulns rush ing to aud fro above our beads ou lines routing the entire street built upon lrou stilts. Every minute they swoop ed by, running north and south, und I trembled lest they should leap their tracks and crush us Into powder. "It's ouly the elevated, deah," said Bally, pitying my agitation, "and it's never fallen down yet, so I don't be lieve It will today. You shall take a rido with me if Cousin Kutuerlne will let you, which she probably won't. ou can't think .what fun It Is shoot ing past the windows of the houses; Just like glancing Into an exciting story book you know you'll never have a chance to flnls-li. You do get a peep luto tragedies and couiedlea some times." "My goodness!" I exclaimed. "I'm thankful 1 dou't have to live In one of those houses. It must be Impossible ever to take a bath or to gt rngaged properly." Fortunately for my peace of mind we didn't stop very long In th.t fierce street, but cut across again and came out in Fifth avenue, of which one seems to be born knowing a little more than of other streets In America. Just as almost every one In English novels lives In Park lane, so all the New Yorkers you read of In Fifth avenue, and I should hne n dis appointed if Mrs. Ess K adn- lie cause In that case I should ev.nmtly have , to go bouiu without stuCybig home life In the States from tae right tend point , At first I didn't see where the gntnd house I'd beard of kept themselves, for every where were smart shops and politic' buildings and so close now thut we could put down our sunshades mountainous skyscrsners. The shops were beautiful, though Mrs. Ess Kny ipologlsed for them by saying that It i At our rate f.r speed I biidn t to wait mnny minutes for the grand Fifth ave nue bouses, nud oh, poor Imdoli -poor, denr loudon: I wanted to fly back and tenr down ItuotJiigliiim pa I are. Mrs. -s Kay bad always talked about her "New York home." which made It Hound rather small and mod est, so l was surprised when we stopped Is-fore a huge, square pile, built of rich looking, rough brown stones, so nearly the color of a Christ mas plum pudding that It made mc hungrier thnn ever to ls-k nt It. The house In trimmed with three wide bands of carving, made of the same kind of stone, mid there nre carved bronze railings nnd lamps on the porch, nnd the front door Is enrved. too, like the door of a cathedral. We were let Into n vestibule, nil col ored mosaic ond things, nnd that oienod Into n big, square, glassed over garden, with a great marble fountain playing In Hip middle. I never saw such a wonderful place In my life, but until I got used to It, I couldn't help fi-ellng that It was more like a splen did foreign hotel thnn a mere bouse. The garden Isn't a real garden when you come to examine It, for It's paved with rare stones of different colors, like the Jewels In Aladdin's cave, but all around the fountain beautiful flow ers are growing and pink and white water lilies float In the marble basin. There ore orange trees in pots, and a forest of tall palms, all of whlch-are reflected nnd related over and over again In the mirrors of which the ! walls are mnde, and on the little tables ' standing about here and there among ' groups of Inlaid chairs are bowls over- ! flowing with roses. The roof Is a sky- j light, over which creepers have been ' trained, so that the light which filters through Is a lovely green. No doors are visible at first glance, but when you ore initiated, all you have to do Is to walk up to the mirror wall, find a gold button, press It and a door opens Into a room as marvelous as the foun tain court, around which. It seems, all the rest of the house Is built. "We'll have something to drink here," said Mrs. Ess Kay, "before we take off our things." So we all sat down, among the palms and orange blossoms, and a delicious sense of peace after storm stole over us with the coolness and the green dusk and the perfume of flowers. I supposed that "something to drink" at this time of day meant tea. but al most immediately a footman came through the glass wall, carrying a tray with nothing on it except tall tumblers. There were straws sticking out of the tumblers, nnd as the man moved I could hear a faint tinkle of Ice. For a minute I was bitterly disap pointed, because the thought of tea . - I.AKH f .5 A - ? V i .mm 1 f I . n ' r. - . i . : n. -'rK0M Proprietor The best Vanquero saddle on the market Also a complete lint of wagon and bujrgv har ness, whips, robes, blis, riates, spurs, quirt , rose ttes in tact everything In the line of carriage and horse furnishings. Re pairing by competent men. SW8. L AKBYIFtV . a t ERECTED IN looo MODERN TMROUOMOIT FIWST-CALSS ACCOfinOPATinNS SAHPLE ROOn For COnriERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT QEo'iKow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor Lesley Dental Cream j Perfect for W Teeth and Gums W An Ideal Tooth Paste Absolutely Free A full weight tube of this delightful tooth paste free to anyone mailing this ad with 4 cents in stamps to cover postage. Absolutely Free Send your name and ad dress on a postal and we will mail you our three new com plete catalogues, free, postage prepaid. The Owl Drug Company 6 1 1 Mission Street Man Order Department San Francisco, CaL Lakeview Cigar Factory A. Stohkm.., I'rop. Maker of Havana and Domestic Cigars CO"(TBT OKDKBS SOLICITS Almost immediately a footman cams. had supported me for hours. But when I tasted the stuff In my glass I wasn't disappointed any longer. It bad two or three strawberries, some bits of pineapple, and a white grape bobbing about ou top, and It was full of chop ied Ice. I don't know what It was, for noliody mentioned Its name, and I was ashamed to ask, lest It might seem too Ignorant; but It was good, aud tiiHted as If It might have : a little wine In It, mixed with i fizzy water and other things. When I I had drunk mine. I felt a differ j ent girl; quite merry and so friendly 1 toward Mrs. Ess Kay. I bad never thought her such a nice woman. I 'QiTenus trial. Store in the brick ! building next door to Post & King en loon, akeview, Oregon. NoIde& Reynolds House, Sign and Carriage Pa i n ters Papering and Kalsomining Ottlee with Woodcock & Barnes i General Blacksmiths Lakeview . Oregon ! W ANTE D- I A representative In this country 1 by a iarse real estate corporation. Special Inducements to those who wish to become financially Interest ed. The Real Estate Security Co. Fort Dearborn Bldg. Chicago, 111. COUNTY ORCHARDS MUST BE SPRAYED There is curcrlv anv limit to the nossihlt improvement in seefls. but it takes lime nut! money. We have been improving fluv.'cr flr.'l vrertable fe(M for over fn years. More tl.nti aooo peor'e r-e working to make Kerry's Seedj suit you. Buy the best Ferry's, For sale evervwhere. Hssrs srrn nnuju Ffcf OIV RQUeST. D. M. ftllRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. 3S3 ' TOWERS FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED GARMENTS i are cut on large : patterns, designed to give the wearer ,the utmost comfort ilCHT-DURABLE-CLEAN pUAPANTEEnvERPROC, SUITS 3 29 SLICKERS322 WVHtXKAiiritf iiatanunu. 1 Si I 'fetMf AITMI CO SO3T0N USA. All farmers or fruit growers in Lake county are bereby notified tnat iinrlAr tha afftt.A Innr if ta imnAHlIf IniiKhed at almost everything that she that all fruit trees should be sprayed, and Sally said, and I said some rather joor that reason fruit erowers must funny things myself. Still, I'm not obtain proper appliances In order tbat sure that as a regular thing I wouldn't such work can be done during the rather have tea. period previous to budding in the We sat resting for some time, though eprtK' Xt known that two danger- uui iuukui gruwma aireaay nave found lodgement in the county. I WHKn't tired at all now. I could hive run a mile, but suddenly I felt a little sleepy, and I was glad when Mm lss Kay proposed to go to our rooms. Leaving the fountain court we ".me luto a hall, hung with tapestry, fi). from It a w Uie utalrwsy led us up t h gnltery, lighted from the top, ' 'i"h runs all round the house, with ' ' 'rxirs of the bedrooms opening off It ; i Is so gorgeous that I haven't n one thoroushly comfy moment since I came, except at night I'm asleep. Timber Lan4 Not lee Department of the Interior. U. X. Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon. November ' Spraying will destroy all insects and fungus growth. AW fruit growers will observe this official notice, and com ply with the requirements of the law. Dated, New Pine Creek, Ore., JJec i9 im A. M. Smith, Inspector. Bts tKs Bifsstue ef Iht Kind Yon Hist Ahnyi BOGgtt All the latest news contained! in The Examiner. Notice is hereby given that Iva Q. Fox, of Klamatn Falls, Oregon, wot on Nor. 7, 1908, made Timber aurf Stone Application, No UT'Jl, for & half SW quarter, section 14, Township 38 S., Range 18 K, Will. Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to malt Final Proof, to establish claim to tbe lands above described, before County Clerk Klamath Co., at bis office at Klamatb Falls, Oregou, on tbe 9 ta day of Feb. 1909. Claimant names as witneses: Fred Noel, T. M. O'Connell, Arnold Press, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and C. l Du sen berry, of Laketl w Oregon. D3F5 J. N. Watson, Register. New and cotnnlet- line of carpenter tools- Auten II a rd wore Co. LOUI Dealer In P 1 have listed Ranches, Timbei ' property In Nor country tbat is t Idly. ' r'stat of the beat and Tow California, ii improve rap-Caiiforuia. Subscribe for Thf vimlner. m )