Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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er S Sale.
The best opportunity for savinR 15
now oiiercu ai mcuci .
Our Annual Stock-Taking Sale
is Now in Progress.
The reductions are made without
calculating cost or former
prices. All broken lines
are being sold at a sacrifice
of profit.
ltiutni'M Um-kIh or Kraifora InaerU'il In llila
column of wltaii'wr iti-'rlilttm 10 t'vnta a
line fur each In r uon.
Thin oflitv It abort of helpj coiiho
qiloiitly wo Hiv obllKvq to ": to
pirn ' wltli much InttMri'HtliiK now
matter on thi' hook that "honlil
have appeared In thia Issue.
The Examln r Is 110 yearn otl toda y
orKniilxcd tor the pnrpom of mrmlng
liiHtnu'tlon tor reporting1 local event
(or the iicwnpaHrn of Hint town. If
every t'oininnnft.r v ntl orkimlxc
claas of that Nort the iivnn would
hnvrf fuller pages of local Intent t
than la morally the ril. Hut ho
far im the Examiner Ih concerned. If
you can't call whit that linn, phono
or drop hh a postal.
The moving picture aliow Id really
h Inn aililitliin tu the niiiiiHoniniita nf
The KoUvca Wlilat Chili will moot i thf town. (!ool selections are shown,
..i i.. . . . i . i i ...i.i .... i .... 1 . . . . . . .
Him rnniff out i' l our ami iiisiioci,
without the uminl vibration ho untlct
ih In numt such exhibition.
Show Hie given every niKht except
Saturday night mid three change are
tiiiido each wer-k. The price of ad
mission l J." mid Id cents.
after closing; of loiljfi 1'rldav evening;,
loo Skates, nil kliultt and ilios.
Anton Hardware Co.
A "Watch Meeting" whh hilt Ht
the M. K. Church, Now Your' Kvo
"Wanted" A few irood second
liniid cook-stove. Anton I Id we Co.
Stnrt the year right by subscribing
fm tlio Examiner. If you are already
at subscriber, come In and pny n year
in iidvance. It Ih surprising how good
you will feel, and it won't hurt us a
of yard
Outing Funnels. ... J.... L at
Children's Under Vests, at
All Prints, 14 yards for
Apron Check Ginghams,
Black Sateen Skirts,
Pillow Tops,
1J Villd
K 'diioed from
2.00 tr.
II e d u cel ,
from 60c to
- 10c
Children's CLY Hoods, STiS $1-00
All Remonts
Bear in mind that, no goods
will be laid aside or reserved for
anyone during this sale.
Our bargain counter contain dish
es, children and ladle shoe, ladle
knit inventor vest, bov corduroy
lothlng'. In fact, too many thing to
mention. Hniloy & Maaaluutll.
Our bargain ciumlor value iiiv the
host ever. Hniloy & MiiMHltiu III
. tthe M. K. Church, Sunday Morn
ing Ktv. I. C. Parker will ileliver a
Boruion to the childru. t uiKht hi
fiuhject will he Mau i 1 mniortiil.
ThurHdHy nlnht. I'rayt'r Meetiutt. We
will study Hrst chapter of Komibiik,
and will thereafter coutiuue the study
of that hook until we have niuile
a complete and crittcid Mtmly of the
who'e hook.
A is nrirent reipiett is extended to
all Christ ia- to con.e and study with!
Just sh we go to presM the court
Iioiihh tower I liKhted up for the llrat
Ihn't Takt taw ItUk .
When you hare n had coutth or col I
do not let it (trait alontf until it he
comet clironie lirourhitln, or drvelopa
into an hUmoW of pneuinonia, hut
Uivo it the Httontirn it dtaerves and
ui't rid of it. Tak Chalimerliiin'M
Coiiiih Remedy and yon are sure of
prompt relief, l'rotu a amal. tieulnn
Inn the nilo and use of t h kit prppara
lion tins extended to nlJ parts of the
United Statt'M mid to many foreiun
couutrles. Its many remrrkahlf
cores of conliK ami cold have won
for it this wide reputation and exten
sire use. Hold hy 1'nly and HalL
At Yonciilla. Ore.. Jan. -lid, l'.!,
Mrs. M. .1. Kiflor nnod .".H yearn. T.
K llornnrd rectveda toli Rrsm Satnr-
dav iimriiliiK an nn.'iiin hrrloath
Tim Sheehan Writes
Of Gold FIiningat Hoag
Situated -net 0 nh, to the et t. In .H ahout 30OM o, r. L.v.
.,f New Pine Creek, a rising touu o j totl) aud averaKinK $rkj.
Hie Oietcn-Cali.rnia tate one t. ; That thme mines will shortly change.
II . . M . .. ' I . . i . . - L . n L. I 1... .
i00te Luke valley is u-e uu.ii: .uiu-1 nauus is veiy pruunuie,
iia.-i..f u r.uep that is now cut comnaoy is willing
anminv: mu?h i mpot'titnoi;. The
or ii I ile
us. in the prayer uieethu service. , s, ;, . ...v,w iM.Ml(,.rt ,. .. )ur,.,i i.
. ..1111...1.. ... t I a dauiihtor, Mrs K. Itiick, ol.'lwlu
' " , L'ull 1 .1 .. I I
I'onltrv m ttlnu
Hardwan t'o.
J. C. Oliver was in from the West
Side Monday and reported that plo ' -iiiit
was heiiiK doue out there that
', day. as the heavy raius and suuws we
are having this winter makes the
farmers anxious to net in as hitf an
increase, to crops as they can handle.
:Just mark it down that Lakeview
farmers were plowing on Jan. A, l'.Nfj,
while their eastern compeers were
huuKiiiK stoves to keep warms!
Go to the Skating carliival New
Years Kve 7 to 1'J. tf
The Odd Follow" held their uuud
election last Saturday night, and
elected the follow lug officers: N. O.
! A. E. Cheney : V. U.. W. K. lloyi ;
Sec. E. K. Chemy; Tens. Harry
j Hailey.
! E. J. Stone, t.akevlew'n now plio
! tojirnpher. Is dolnr tine work at his
j rowidom-o, one hl k west ol the Kx
I ami iier ntlloe. Call and ne wink.
I TD cBruival at the skating link
I New Year's night drew out a big
I crowd. Te re were numerous costumes
i of every description. Those who
Idrew prizes for tiest characterizations
! were: T. E. lieruard, "Preside" of
'th- Lukeview (iun Cluh;" Kelton
(.iuuther, "Katz:iijummer ;" Amru
!(ilen, "Lady from Quebec :" May
' Barnes aud Marie McShano, "Maids" J
land Clara Thrustoo, "Old Maid." I
l-'alls Idaho ami four step ohtldroii.
Mrs. T. E M rnnrd nud Mrs. V. M.
I'uke. hot h of l.ak'Vlow. and J V .
ami Sam Coelor o( Twin 1'alln, t . 1 . 1 1 1 . .
K-oeiiMil fortncrlv roslilod In IjiW'
view, 11ml loaves many IiIoioIh Ihto
to no. urn hor Ins.
W. W. Kcvnohl. of Iiowiih, Wai.h..
lied the :iUt of 1 ici inhor lKo .-
j (ifi yours 1. Id. and ol t ho first t-ot
1 llors of E'ike ( oiiutv. Iealng; IxTe
aliotil l. years ag;o. 1 lo wiih hero 011
a v Isli s years auu He loaves fcmr
1 ch I Id rou. two sons, Erank and liloh
ard.whoare In Montana, and two
j dauuhterH. Mrs. I'eiilln and' Mr,
j Mario Pax t on , hot 1 1 of Lake view .
j Anna " .losophono. lovely link
'dauuhter of Mr. and Mrs, Scott
1 1... .1: .1 11 .. 1 .
I A'll 1 1 1 1 , 11 Hi I o 1 uomia.l llMirniii or
iiiciiihrnuouM croup, slio luol only
I11011 III since Sunday liltfht. he was
horn July M. 1IMI1. The funeral wilt
inkoplaoe today (Thursday I at the
M. IC. Clinrch, at '1 . in. The family
have the syuioathy of all In their
The hahy of Mr. und Mr.. Ilomur
Moiris, of CheuMiicaii li(l Moinhiy
The remains were brought hole Km
hurhd. The funeral took place from
the Inline of its gruud parents. Mr.
and Mrc S. 1'. Moss of Lakeview. I
Mrs. Notion's Great
Sale of Women's
Up-to-date Suits,
Coats, Skirts and
Everyone of the above positively
NEW this Season
Come and See for Yourself.
La Mode Ann?..ei,on
Groceries, Flour and Grains
All Kinds of Canned Goods,
Hardware & riming Toolsi
t or Miners, IJuctaroo., 5hccpnuiu St Rnuchnicn
liverytliliijr Carried in Stock for
Miner at both our Stores.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co.
bargain counter will pleaso
I '.alley V Massiulll
roll mines occupy " consl
rea. mostly in Modoc county, though
uiuerous clai-n- Lhvi- heen staked
ut across the Hue iu Lake county,
'l'hat gold existed in ttiib rttiou
ws made known years ai'o by a uiHu ot t tie ranit of Hoag, from
which it derives its. name, though it
tb only a few yar since it was in
st 'fated in a practical way. Then,
Bird Wade .of that locality n sole a
iiseovery which brought many -a er
old seeker- to the ploi-. a-id actual
work began. The Uig Four Mining
) Milling Company was inoorpor-
attsl which obtaim-1 crmtrol rf thf
wo-t valuable properi 'S, on'ng tho
Sm and Little iionau, 1, the (if. Men
frva-nire ard (idi Knight claims;
md '.Ci!),i'i shures at 10c were readily
The wuik of .ievelopmetit iia.i i-iuce
t9je.u t-luw, tl.oiigh satisfactory, I'll,
flimrnny Uhlenily lacking then.
4iiiiemeuts to carry on the vork iu
pro) i-r maniK-r. Ah the nnjes ! avo j
e-n .voikt-d to oome c-.xtent. pur
t'.-ulurly the Honauza King, where a
of ne-iily W feet h been
irv':hed with feet of tunnel, and
i,ifct ,,f out.-ide tieuch. Tf.e first
ivids wure struck at a depth uf bo leet
toiluri (he surf c. . The porphry is
ahout 7"j feet wide, and seams pboKt
Mra. J. I'. Wlltfong. a recent now
i comer from Ox uai ri, Calif., has pieced
a noval bed quilt, which she will copy
'right, under the titie of "Oregon
j Valley Laud Co. pattern," It " ill
make a handsome appearance on a
as the pies
to sell at a
I fair Hgnre. An offer of 8110.OU0 dol
Jars was recently considered. Hud a
; sale of the company's interest would
have been effected were it not fori.,t
some d.'fereoce arising regarding the'
disposal of the shares. At the present See our
'time a Colorado mining company is j
interested and baa ottered To.UUU dol-j L. R Conn was proudly perumbu
lars for the same claims. The latter, ; latinK tl)e streets the other day. with
in the event of purchasing, intends . a strilJ(? of Bt,eckled beauties-the
to install a mill at once, and gift cf a frjeurj ol,t Bt Dog Lake,
utilize the mines without further de- 1
laV, 1 N. V. Jensen, the electric light man.
Bargain Counter.
liallov & MartslnKlll.
A great many ) eoplo have kidney
aud bladddei ltrouble. mainly duo to j
neglect of the occasioua- pains iu the j
liui.L t-li.rkt t.ii.iiii.i,l in i,..,i,. iii-inurn i
disorders, etc. Delay in suoh cases Is . TJ
dangerous. Take lie Witt's Kidney ' KJS
and Bladder Pills. They are for weak I jA
back. backache, rheumatic pains-jM
and all kidney and Madder trouble, j sj5
Bunch (& Tussey
Alturas, California
Unoubtedly, a period of quick mia-
. lug activity in thia distrust is at
hand, and the population of New
Pine Creek will increase many fold in
.the forthcoming Spring aud Summer.
Jit is a pretty little town, beautifully
fotualed on the east fc'cio oj ooose
Lake, iu a valley, rich aud suitable
tor the production of grain, fruit aud
vegetables of all kiuda. It is reached
by stage from the south by way of
Alturas i't milse away aud the present
terminus of he N. C. O. Kailroad
being constructed northward.
I''or health and happiness DeWitt'a
Little Early Kisers small, gentle,
easy, pleasai t. little liver alls, the
best made. Sold by Daly aud Ha I.
Bobber roofing J cost of Hhlng;leH
jfiiaranteer! V) years. An ten Hard
ware Co.
was up from the plant at Pine Creek
Tuesudar. The oft weather caused
i one of his main line poles to fall, and
others aro in a decidedly shaky con
dition. Mr. Jensen is a machinist,
and the way h4ook the kinks out of
our new folding machine, showed that
1 be understood his profession.
1 The press of this fireat Inland Em
pire is rejoicing; over the fall f Ofa,,,
snow iiin rain 01 100 piihi, 101 iiiikiii.
1 1 mean feed for stock, ami big; crops
I the coming: harvest.
I The Klamath Republican said it is
1 reported that the Lake county Exam
iner is to be couverted into a daily
paper sometime iu the spring. Th
big development going oil in Lake
county should le able to furnish
material for a daily.
Up In I'rlnevillo) a c)uhh of adults
and hig;h school students husj been
Tluilier I .a nil .11llro.
Department of the Interior. C H.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon,.
November. 'J'j, lfKiH.
Notice is hereby gift mi that MJL
TON IS I' BP BICE, 'of Lakeview, Ore
gon. who, on Nov. 10, ti)0M,. made
Timber and ntoue Application, No.
OSOti, for E hall SW quarter, Section
XI, Township iiti S., Baiu'e VJ E.,
Will. Meridian, has tlleil notice of
intention to mako Final Proof,, to
establish claim to ttoj land above des
cribed, before Bog-is'er and Jtetieiver,
at Lakeview. Oregon, oil the llth
day of Feb. W.I.
( hiiinant uum hh
(i Duseonerry. ti. W
Bice, (ieo. Lyuclt, all
Wecorrry a full line of Fresh Fruit,s, indluding;
fflOranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap-S
w it nesses : i
. Bice. MaboWl
of Lnkeviw, Jjlj
ll. N. Watson, BegistM.
Government Land
Homesteads and Desert Claims
in Lake County, Oregon.
Notice r Publication
Department f the luterior. !'. H.
Land OUIee t Lakeview, (Jreon,
Nor. 2:i. V.XH.
Notice is htxwbv given that tho State
of Oregon hut) filed iu thia uttvre an
application n select under tbe pro
visions of tbe Act of Con guns of Aug
ust It, IHS, and the acts supplemen
tal and amendatory t hereof r tho SW
diiarter I W quarter. Sec Hi. T. 40 H, ,.
IL IU 10., W. M., iier list No. OKo'i
Any. nd all persons uluimiug ail
versiiiy the lands descri.hod, or desir
ing to object because of the minurat
chiurvcter of the lair), or for :uy
otbr reason, to the diupOHal to aupli
caait, should Ilia tlmir atlldavit of
protest iu this olllon.on or before tho
'ilrd day of Januai y, l'.Wlt.
J. IV Watsxiuv Bvgister.
The above notU will lie published
in the Lake county Examiner, a week
ly newspaper printed and published ut
Lakeview, Origin, for at tvast thirty
days prior to. tht date last heroin,
1)10.1 11 J. N. WuAhou, Kegbter.
pies, also all kinds of Nuts.
Vegetables, such as
Celery, Cauliflower, Onions, and
fpFresh Fish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs.c0
tdlf your merchants do not- haadleS
this classof goods, get thembu&y
Goods delivered In one day Lo Lakevtaw.
Thousands of Acres of the Finest Grain and Fruit
Lands on Earth can be secured now, FREE !
fTTWr r1 f TuwWffli'f.ff'lalaTffMaWiTF
Do Not Lose This Last Opportunity!
For Particulars, apply to
Tlattx-r I. ami otlee
J)eiartmeut "f the luterior, U. B.
Land Oltlco at Lakeview, Oregon,
November S, i'JOS.
Notice ia hereby given that Lillie
E . Harris, of Lakeview, Oregon, who
on November 'Jii, 11)08, made Timber
and Stone Application, No. 0772, for
W half SW quarter aud SE quarter
HW quarter, Section 2H, Township M
Si, Range 21 K., Will. Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
Final Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Keister
aod Huceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon,
en the 8th day of Feb. l'JUO.
Claimant names as witnesses ; (Iran
ville liardisty, Sarah Cii.rrett, Gordon
Garrett, Farnhum E. Harris, all of
Lakevisw, Oregon.
1JJF5. J, N. Wutson, Register,
coMfT(r pit iv r.
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR. P.ornimro
The LarKcat Livery ami Feed Stable, In Southern Oregon
or Noi l hern California. HoraeH Boarded Ity tho Day, Week
or Month. Special Attention (ilvcn to TraiiHlont Stock