Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1909, Page FIVE, Image 5

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"t'''f Wf 'fort's I Zf. ?. 'r't '''' r's.
Gold Mining Compaity
Of Goldrun, Oregon
50,000 Shares of Treasury Stock
For Sale at 5 Cents per Share
This Company was Incorporated Maj 24th,
1907, under the the Laws of Arizona.
Capital Stock, l,2r0,()00 Shares, full paid
and non-assessible, par value, $1.00.
The Kroup of claims contains about 250
acres, located among the best, with good
showing : Inspection solicited.
Personal Mention
Geo. F. Atklns.President ;
A. A. Patockl, V. Pre.Vt,
and (len. Manager ;
C. M. Woodland, Secretary ;
Geo F. Atkins, 1 reasurer.
Correspondence solicited.
Corning, California.
II. II. lUhn. left Monday for !
Iwo month visit In Kanan, Hlirl hi
boyhood lioiiin, In Iowa. It U hi j
Ilrnt vUlt hack there In over 2.1 year ,
Mini ttiti In n. question hut he v 1 1 1 (
Mn'l much cliHtigr.. lie Iihh nn Inter-,
est. mi attentate thore, hikI that hi part
In thy object of hi V In 1 1. I
It. A. Ellurlch, of Hiot(Biin, wan a j
recent v'notor. Like ovur; mm Finn (
who roiiK-n, lie I pleam-d wjth thai
country, hint ha secured a rHca of I
old mother earth hereabout,.
.?. V. Mlckel linn gone to Hurpr'ee
Valley Ciillf, and may decide to locate,
O. M. Main, of Paltdoy was in town
hint work. .
Tracy C Blair ami wife, formerly
f Ijike ('minty, lire now rcHldcntH of I
Ely, Nevada.
Mayor Bailey, CD. Arthur. Ouy
Ingram. Dr. K. II. Smith, lyee iliorn
tin. Dr. W. R. Boyd, and Frank
' Bunting, all left town Tuesday noon
for Hnlem and other points In Ihn
Willamette valley. All of them are
elka, or are to become audi while
F. II. Mehllx-rr, an attorney of
llowinan. Mont., who w here
nliont two month nito, write: I
like l.akevtcw and surrounding
country, mid 1 wlh lo keep In touch
with Itsgrowth mid progress. I hope
toliealile Moon to limke Lnkevlew
my future home.
F. II. Oliver, of (Joldrnn la in
town He ays they have atruck the
vein In a lean place at 4.V) feet from
ho month of tunnel.. The formation
I solid. Di Ift Inn will he done on the
lead both ways to catch the rich ore
thute which appeared oo tbe aurfac.e.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
raMMM Sale
Bargains for Everyone.
Lakeview Here. Co.
Wholesale and Retail
iiinixiMiiMiiimiinii ii i ii i . niiiiiiiMiniM
'Soothing and antiseptic, and act
promptly. Don't fall to Ret DeWitt's
Kidney and Bladder P1)h. Accept do
mihHttiote. Regular size 00 c. Bold by
Daly and Hall.
Harrv Eolert la OTer todav from
! I'IiihIi and reports fine weather over
Lakeview is a Good Town
Lakeview Im a wonder to every new
comer. None expect to aee arch
a well tti lit town, with its banks,
hrlck atore-i, elm trio lights, line
Kravlty water system, Ita beautiful
tree adorned street, beautiful homes,
and over l.rmtl contented and prosper
one people, an far away from any rail
road. The Examiner man ia a new
com-r. too, hot he has traveled ininc,
and with the knowledge thna gained
will hack up Lakeview against the
world for Its size.
One of the things we feel especially
inclined to brag ahout in our magnlfi
cent court houae.
Thon, there ia the net of chime
therein, which we are willing to wane
money on. is not possessed by other
towns of itH ale In the Americau
I'ii Ion. We are alo creditably in
formed that it ia the only town in
Oregon that in alle to boaht of aucb a
poenehnlon,. Eveu old Portland with
Ita thousands, ol people, and the home
of the OreM'tiiau, 'he greatest newa
paper in Amerl-n, doea not possess a
net of chlmea. In many respects
lakeview now ia lu a class by it self,
and uh time move on it will be mote
and more in evidence aa au iip-to
date Htiil thriving community.
A tremendous deposit of borax Iiiih
Inn-ii dlHcovered at Verdi, a atatlon
on the S. P.. Weat of Keno.
The dance New Vear'a niht
very enjoyable alfair.
waa a
A Bed of Fine Coal
Found East of Here
Thc tV.lurvllle lteconl of tin lot h
ult. haw thlx to Hiiy of the new coal
illHcovery iiiii le In Northern Nevada,
eat of Lakeview:
C. II. linker and Marry M ay Held ,
returned Moiuedaya njro from Nevada,
w1icretli!y were dolnn Home work
on coal iliilina recently located.
roine time a no Mr. llakcr. who U nil j
expert inlnlnn man, went out look-:
Inif for opala, ami on koIiik up the,
Hldu of the mountain he observed ev
idence of coal. Having had coupler-
liblo exh-rlciice in coal liilni'M the ili
dlcatloiiH lookeil uooil to him ami he j
followed one of the velna Into 'thoi
ground and found a ijood urade of j
bltuiulnouH coal, that huniH lively, I
heat-quickly ami eii.ltH no (llHatfreo
at.le odor. A company cinaltlnir ol
Mr. linker and wile. Hurry and Lu
Htace Mavtlcld, W. II. Patteron.
John St re't ami Curila True was or
Kanlned ami a lare luimunt of
ground wiih (lied on. They antik a
hlnttt 12 fe't deep and Vhen drifted out
Jil f(ct when the etrata of coal widen
ed out to three and a half feet. That
It buniH readllv ii- proven by the fact
that whll.) out one of the boya Ket
lire to a rat' neat located In a badg
er hole which happened to run thru
one of the Htratan of coal, ami the
nextdav, olmervlng a huge column
of Hinoke iHHUlng from the hole, they
made an examination and found a
I imi Shoulder.
Thin In a common form of muncnlar
rheumatinm. No Internal treatment
in needed. Apply Chamberlain's Linl
ent freely twice a day and a quick
cure ia certain. Thin liniment has
proved especially valuaMn for muncu
lar an 1 chronic rheumatlHin. and ia
nure to sive quick relief. Chamber
lain' Liniment Is alo excellent for
praina and tirulm-s. Price 'St, cents;
lame nl7e TiO centa. For sale by Daly
and Hall.
The County olllclala moved
the new court lionae jeaterdny.
Hwarc of Ointment, for Catarrh
That Contain, Mercury.
as mercury will aurelv destroy the
yutie of ninell and completely -lerance
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Hucb
articles should never be used exceot
on prescriptions trom reputable
physic iaus, as the "damage tbey do is
teufold to the good yon cbd possibly
derive from them. Hull's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
4 Co., Toledo. O., contains no mer
cury, and is (taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buyiDg
Hall's Catarrh Cure be Biire yon pet
the genuine. It is taken internally
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney A Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by all druggists. Price 75c.
per bottle.
Take Hall'a Fimily Pills for constipation.
hot fire burnltw. and It was only by
hBrd work that the fire win put out.
The tire bad burned In on the coal
vein for a dlatance of 10 feet. It In
aald that there In a mountain of coal
ami development work will com
merce In the nprlng. Tho And la
about SO miles east of Cedarvlllo.
Near where the coal was discov
ered they slao found a good quality
of nitre or aaltpetre, but the quantity
haa not vet 'a-eu determined. Fire
opuln and gypsum arefouud In that
vicinity, which would Indicate that
vast bodlea of minerals exist there
and will Home day be developed and
yield golden returns.
-Eve Opener-1
Special Bargains
Reynold's Store c
I will guaiantee Lower Prices than any
store in Lakeview. We do all our own j
work. Reynold's store is the ptee to (J
buy your Merchandise. ft
B.Reynolds j
Fever Sores.
Fever sores and old chronic sores
should not be thealed entirely, bu
should be kep t In healthy condition.
This can be done uy applying vuaui
berluiu's Salve. Tola salve haa no
auperor for this purpose. It is also
most excellent for chapped hands,
sore nipples burns and diseases of the
.Lit, Jn aula liv Dulr A. Hall
PA t ill . V. J ' -
Red Livery Barn
New Rips and t?3V? Spcciai1 commo
rancy Teams stg&"s
to Let For Freighters
Corner Canyon and Main Sts, Lakeview, Ore.
Drilling Plactiine Co.
is erecting a plant at
for the manufacture of their
world famous
for water, oil, gas, etc., etc.
A moderate amount of
money wlli etart you ia
a profitable bitslues.
have becu proved by
Competitive Tests to be
'1 lie Best lu 1 he World.
For full particular regard
ing well drilling maihmes,
:..rr.iii'. etc.. write to
P " i I ' '
tr r
Kr Kiilar corrnixinileiicp.
The incoming of so many people
for government, land here is putting
new life, im and thought into our
There is i-erous talk of oreing tbe
channels between the series of lakes
compiiin what is known as Warner
lake, so that pasolene launches and
small steamers ran ply these beautiful
waters,. Such an improvement would
make a stretch of navigab'e water 70
miles long. It will be done one of
these days as the lake is a paradise
for hunters of feathered, and other
The settlement of tbe country, and
the pold mioini; operations at Gold
run, are factors that are making good
for the growth and busioes life of
The dance at Plush New Year's
Nitfbt was well attended, many com
ing for a distance of 20 miles or more.
The stack of babies and other local
colors reminded one of tbe affairs
rceutioned in that (treat book of
Western life "Tbe Virginian. " Tckets
to tbe number of 02 were sold. It j
was a masque ball. S"me very floe
costumes were displayed' besides
numerous others of a comical and
juvenile nature. I
A tine supper was provided at tbe j
Messuer Hotel. !
The affair was pronounced a most ;
enjoyable one by all present.
A big party of railroad engineers
are at work running a line la the '
south end of tbe valley, working uorb
ward. No one can learn fer whom
tbey are working, where tbey started!
from, or tbeir destination., Hut it
surely looks like business on the part
fo some one.
l WE
for .fit h. jo tn5 more aiwr for too to .bio IUw Far. nd Tli.i
U i boma. Writ rr Pnc Lint. Market krx.rt. Hhi,(,ra I h. anri ntm.
PM. lbr kMH. SMt thin, oa th tulirt 0vr wntt-n llitmrmttoc kll fir lnirrii A,
Trp.n bmcnU, IHcor. Trp.. O.iim lu, Bow o4 lm u. Inp, .od tn bnn,
rllJirV" ! i""' f-T'" I IJ To oar tl t.. R,4 Umrf inw
All farmers or fruit growers in
Lake county are hereby notified tnat
under tbe state law it is imperative
that all fruit trees should be sprayed.
For that reason fruit urowers must
obtain proper appliances in order tbat
such work can be done during tbe
period previous to budding in the
spring. It is known that two danger
ous fungus growths already have
found lodgement in tbe county.
Spraying will defetroy all insects and
fungus growth. All fruit growers will
observe this official notice, and com
ply witb the requirements of tbe law.
Dated, New Pine Creek, Ore., Dec.
19 VMS.
A. M. Smith, Inspector.
Stock owniTi in the Malheur re
gtoiiH are informed by the state veter
inarian tlmt until they kiil off about
5(KI wild pnnie of the scrub breed
that transmit the disease to valuable
borsoi, it will be impoaxible to eradi
cate tile g'andertt lu Malheur and
Owyhee. Theae wild .horaea are of
no value, and they convey the
Stomach Tronbte Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take Uhamber
luln'e Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Mr. J. P. Klote f Kdina, Mo., says
Content Notice
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office, at Lakeview, Oregon.
December 28, 1008.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled in this office by W. F.
Burch, contestant, against (home-
! stead entry N" 3703, Serial No.0C52.
I hnvn naeri n crent man? different made Uec. y, lltlXi, lor Lot i Es
medicines for stomach trouble, but I quarter NE quarter, V half SE quar
flnd Chamberlain's Stomach and i ter. Section '2, Towutihip 37 S. Kaneo
Liver Tablets more beneficial than 1 23 E., by Oscar Vogel, Contestee, in
anv other remedy I ever used." For ; which it is alleged that said ogel.
The Pure Food Lam-. c ..
Secretary Wilson says: "On ol
the objects of the law is to inform tb
consumer of tbe presence of certain
harmful dros in medicines." Tbt
law requires that the amount of
chloroform, opium, morphine, and
other habit forming drngs be stated
on tbe label of tbe bottle. Tbe manu
facturers of Chdubeilaiu's Cougt
Remedy have always clai me 1 that
tbeir remedy did not contain any of
these drugs, aud tbe trutb of this
claim is now fully proven, as no men
tion of them is made on the label.
This remedy is Bot only one of tbe
safest, but one of tne best in use for
coughs and colds. It value has been
proven beyond question during tbe
many years it bas been in general nse.
For t-ale by Daly ar d Hall.
Notice lor Publication
! Department of the Interior, U. &.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
: December 22, 1LH)8.
Notice is hereby given tbat OLE
, SOLEIM, of Bly, Oregon, wbo, on
Nov. 20. 1007, made Homestead Entry
No. 3878, (Serial No. 0.133) for ST
quarter. Section 17. Towuship 3t5 S.,
Range 10 E., Will .Veridiau, haa filed
notice of inteution to make Final
Commutation Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver, at Lake
view. Oregon, on tbe 12th day of Feb.
i pjoa.
Claimant utmes as witnesses Wnu
j E. Sutter, U. J. Langkam, Kristiaa
ijorgensen, of Illy, Oregon, John
Jacobsen, of Lakeview, Oregon.
D31 10 J. N Watson, Register.
sale by Daly and Hall.
The mining camp of Qnluey, Calff.,
about 15 miles south of Lakeview, Is
said to be burled under 12 feet of
Directories for Sale
This office bas on hand a few copies
of the couuty directory, which will
be closed out at 50c-half price Those
wishing a copy should not delay send
ing their orders. It contains the
name of every voter in the county.
There is a special write up of tbe
county aud of the towus. In it there
.. 1.. (d a DtinAnuld nf ttiA crania laws nf
the Stato.ftU.1 much other valuable ln-be ")
formation regarding Lakeview and
trlnutary couutry.
ever since October 15, liX)7, has wholly
abandoned said lauds and laded to
reside thereon, and bas never com-
. 1 i ,1 n.iflt tlia hnni.Lluii.1 lav.' anH tha
j J 'i i v;u n tiu i n u uuinvKiiuu .a., ..uu .uw
rules aud regulations of the Interior
Department relating lo homestead
entries, and still continues to o
abaudou said lands aud does not now
reside thereon ; that said entryman
has never cultivated or improved any
part of said lands; aud that said
alleged absence from tbe said land
was not due to bis employment in tbe
Aimv, Navy or Marine Corps of the
United States as a private soldier,
officer, seaman or marine duriug tbe
war with Spain or during any other
war in wbicb the United States may
is printed for folks who want to
keep up to date on big things,
and who don't want to be bored
to death while they're at it.
So its chinks are filled with
good stories, good sentiment,
and good humor.
Read the publishers' talk this
month, and you'll see just
where we stand.
Blue Prints Made
I will make Blue Trints of
any tract of land lu the
Lakeview Land District, and
do abstract work. Call or
LakevUw - - Oregon
Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond, aud otter evweuce
touchina said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m. ou February 10, 1901), before the
Register aud Receiver at the Uuited
States Laud Office , in Lakeview, Ore-gou.
The said coutestaut Having, in a
pr per affidavit, tiled uecemuer i.
1008, set forth facts which show tbat
after due diligence personal service
of this notce can not be made, it is
hereby ordered and directed tbat auch
uotice be given by due aud proper
J7FO J. iN. watson, Register.
Content Notice
Department of tbe Interior. U. S.
Laud Office, Lakeview, Oiegon, Dec.
28. 1008. A sufficient contest affida
vit baviug been tiled iu this office by
W. F. Burch contestant agaiust Des
ert Laud Entry No. 041) Serial Xc
0C53 made Dec. 28, 1000, for N hair
NW quarter, NV quatter NE quarter.
Section 31, Township .'io S., Kaujre 2
E., by Oscar Vogel. Contestee, ia
which it is alleged that said Oscar
Vogel has never expeuded iu the nec
essary irrigation, reclamation or culti
vation of said lands auy sum of mon
ey whatever and has never performed
or caused to be peifoimed iiuy labor
or work upou tbe same cr for tbe
cultivation, clearing, reclamation or
irrigation of said lands, aud bar
never made auy expenditure o' auy
kiud, either iu money, labor or
material upou or about said lands;
that taid entryman, for the eleveu
months last asr t as . holly abandon
ed said lands and continues now ti
abandon tbe same.
'Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond, ami oiler evidence
toucbiug said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. ill. ou February 11, 1009, Letore
the Register aud Receiver at the
Uuited States Land Office iu Lake
View, Oregon.
The said conteetant having. n fc
prot er affidavit, riled Decemtir 21
1IKJ8, set forth facts nieh siiow thiC
after due diligence pertoual service
of this notice can not be made, it U
hereby ordered and directed that
such uotice be given by duo aud pre
per publication.
J7F5 J. N. Watson, Register.
Colorado Hotel
Newly Furnished Rooms Com!
Tables Supplied With the Best In t
Cuisine Excellent II
BflkerV "l connect,on' Delicacies
J V'ns Cakes, Rolls. Fresl
C. E. LONZWAY. Proprte
able IVds
all kinds,
ead Daily