Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 1
The Power of Cap- OUR ESSIE WAS .
ital Is Now Pre-i BELLE OF THE BALL
By WOOIiROW WllON. Prtldnt of Princeton nlvcraitr.
moMt Htriking fact ahotit tho actual organization of
i . -1 . .i . . t .
Ci moncrn pocicty h nun mi; iihwi coiisiiicuouh, vim
J moHt nii'lilv wichlc nml the inoHt fonni'hihlrt
power i not the power of govniincnt, hut tho power
of capital.
Our iiK'iuoriort are not of history, bit of whut our own lives ami
experience and tho live nml expericncca of tho men aliout us lime
diclocl. Wo luivo hml no cxpericnco in our hty or in the days of
which our father huvo told uh of the TYRANNY OF (JOVERN
MENTS, of their minute control ami arrogant interference and urhi
trnry regulation of our luisinc nnd of our daily life, though it inav lie
that wo hIiuII know Hoiuething of it in LW NEAR FUTURE. We
have forgotten whut tlio power of govommcnt iiu-uns and have found
out what the power of capital nicnriH, and bo we do not fear govern
ment and are not jealous of political power. We fear capital and are
jealous of iu domination.
Capital now look to the people like a force and into rent AI'ART,
with which thev nuit deal as with a MASTER and not an with a
Essie Cobb, Born and Raised
in Lakeviw, is Prominent
in the German Capital
Pleased Texan Writes
Entertainingly of
Lakview and Vicinity
To Tli Kvammr-r, i '"lory of 0111 comitiy, and have suo-
II i..., ........i... "( I V I in dolllii within ix innnMm
loft Pitlliix. Texan tor an extended trio ' ",",t U" ownem lime rtrivtm ' I'""1,"' "-'
throng'' tin Noitliuetcru slates and j ,M ,'" a ''"' 't year. I tie hcutdlti
.uii.ii.iull v K....t I. ,. !,...,.... 'of which will he morn kii.nlr u
"f-. . mill IlltllQ . . . ..ff.nv,
l" UIONWIM IjlMlCf. WIH II I 111' lliullll . '
pamctiliiriy-- l,uke county and the
Lakeview coiniiiiiuity and thinking
au expansion from me, thouuh iu an
humble way liiittht he of some Interest
to itiomt cnnleuiphtt lug a c limine of
locution to better their conditions
financially and other Ue.
On entering the (ioldcn (miohh Luke
Valley fiom the ninth, the scne t lint
Kreetn thn eye In one of inHKiilH-'imit
Krandeur. I front tf uh were the
limpid water of thn beautiful (ionse
Lake forming a mall crcceut for forty
iiiIImh anil teriniiiHtiiiK ut l.Mkoview.
i The Continental TIiih'm, of I'.crllii.
( ieriiiiiny. In Itx Ikkiic of Nov lth,
tiita tliU to May of 1 lie 'I'lunikMnl vin
celelirntloii of the Ainerlcnn colony
tlier, which will Im of IkciiI lnterenf.
I11IHI11 11c li an MIh K-oln Culdi, one of
' l.nkevlew'B fair dnujfMerH, wiia n
' participant:
; With a rit' rd tirt' ikinir it'udano;
j f 41) tin? aniui'il Tli'iiikHlvin ti.111
1 ncn I and luill f IItIIii'h htMtlliuc
' American colony took plaee at t lw
1 LnmleH A nwMtelliiiiiNiark. Alt Mui
! till, TliurNila.v cvenliiK. SiK'ciwHful
I and (Iclluliifiil Iu every retH-cr, the
celeliration wiih clmni' tcrlniMl l.v all
; the traditional kouiI eheT of the tla.V
of national Kal It mil. There were
fearathal the hiuicIouh Ihihjiii t Inc
, li.ill would look empty, even if a
couple of hundred were prewiit, lint
the expat rlutea cuine In fnrve, nnd
when A inliiiH-nilor Mill, returned
only a w hourH tx-fore from a fort
lilK'it'H tour in the provluceM, rapH-d
for oriler at elyhl o'clock, hla Miiuliuu
face lMained upon a company that
at retched from end to end of the loli
' aaloii. There whm lianll.v a vacant
place at a Minute tiiMe.
At t he tHhle of honor ' I In- Am
haHMiidoraud Mrn. Hill the l:ittr'N
lirnt apM-arioice anions her IihhI
coinpntrloth Hanked by thcMpvakerM
' of t be evening. I r o f e k m o r
! William MorrlM avlM. of liar
! vnrd. and Mih Ik, a. id I'i'ofeMHor
(Mix II'T of ( 1 : 11 intiln. nnd Mr.
I Abler; t'oiiMul in neral and Mtm. Thac
Ikara, ('oiiMiil-fteiieral and Mm. iaff
D V, of IireMileu, the indliberM of the
I American Kuilniy unl of the ban
j (iiet coiniuii tee and their uiveH.
Nirace having tM-eu proiioiiuccd by tlif
Uev. Mr. UriiMM.-r, pantor tf the Amer
' lean church, intention nan turned to
tli.- ini'iiu. which iliMcloHcd. ainnn;
le-wrnttta Hoiik, the National liird
with iiH patriotic t rliiiinlntrrt of cran
! la-rry miiiicc and cvhT.v. Sweet pota
tciea were a)o pie-ent.
I Turtiot wiih lilloeil by t he Inl rod 11c-
tirnt Mpeaker, I'rotcMMor
havlM, who laiiiiclied foithwith Into
a ch.irm lei lllr aft r-ilii.ncr babb'e
wil, Min iiHin and ntorii M,
aadd til inturenlfd pin t lex "ill arrive
to partake of your ueueroiiH hnxpital
Ity and help create a renter proa
peril y, and they will be with you
heart and hiuiI, in briuuiuu about auv
cnuditliin ttiat Iihh tor lln ohject the
Ijetterineut of iuankliil.
To exprens iu favniahle Ii-iiiih on all
iteiliM tliut xreet you in vinltltiK thin
biiiiitittil laud tlowini; with "milk
tnd houey', would be a plcaauit iu
(Iceil. but time forbldH, and I am tnk-'
nitf more of your valuable npuce tLau
ly euaoweil 11 with her rlclinHt nilt,
InavluK nothinu to be ad led to
beautify ita landscHpe or enrich the
already verdant hoi I.
The natural reHourcea of aoutherii
Oreuon, aurpan tlione of ail other
atatea and aland without a peer iu
all brunohuit of the wtuck iuduatrv.
The homea. cattlu, blieep aud Iiokh
are an flue hi nation ever produced.
The timber aud mineral rcaourcea of
southern Oro'" will add iiiilliona in
wealth to aid the rapidly increiiHiiiK
citleiiBhip to a higher atanduril of
pronporlty. As to Keneral faruihiK, 1
am (touMtraiuud to believe that there
la no better country in the United
States than that which aurrouuda the
Oolden OooHe hake valley aud South
Kaatern ()reuou. The volume of pro
ducts iii this marveloiiH coiuitt ' iu
three or font yeard will be au ei ,hth
woudor, aud aurpriHe to all the
pioneers, as the new man with the hoe
will coiuo and CHtabliah uew methods
and uew appliances all up to date. 1
The orchard, the farm aud ;tbe dairy
will each come iu for its ahare of the 1
proHperity of the uew man and hid
method. . The rich deep aoil at every 1
turu Ih a moHt uttractiie leature and
stands as ..' ttuarantse Unit your
otforts, if .correctly applied will be
richly rewarded.
LHkevlew the (jueen city of the la '
laud u Empire, backed by aa HuJ
natural resourcea as nature evei pro:
luced, atauds as a living uioniiiiien
to the suootiaa. of aa high type of
pioneer citizenship aa the world has
ever seen,, and yet, the little city, aa
we now 'sofl ) is ouly an atom iu
activity,' as to what it .ill. be iu a
few yours, (or the advent of the Iron
borse. and fof Ule thousands of good
cltizeiis7oJ'owig iu his wake, will
trausform the hidden resourooa Into
commercial aud iudustrial success.
The opening of the Military Laud
(Jrant, by the Oreou Valley Land
Co. that has been tied up aud aa
Impediment to the development of
the Lakeview uouutry for halt a ceu
tury, should be looked upon, with
more thau ordinary iutereat, for the
Oregon Vulley Laud Co. have just
recently acotupllshed the most re
markable I uoloulzatlou sale 111 ih
Iu whl.'h "Seine Kleftnux," "Seiue
orpiileiix" uim other cel-jbrllle of
I'.erlln I'til vcrsii.v.
When t he punch had icen reached,
theuavelof the A inlxiHiailor lever
bc'itleil IhroiiKh the hall iiLcain. to
propoM- lheloul toiiHtHlo the Presi
dent of the I'nited SlHU-Maudthe (ier
uiaii ICiui"ior. They were followed
rcMecl Ively b.v the piavlui; of "Hail
Columbia" and "liie Wncht am
ttheln," while 1 he tonstx were drunk
Mt J. Mil i 1 11- 'rili.ll Mnim Ii- 111 ifila t.f!
Scrantou, Pa., aHoprauo of rare er
Kouai I entity aud charm of voice, ai
peareil amoiii; the hhrulibery hidini;
of the
The keynote wiki aulllltant optlrnMUi
with regard to Atni-rU-rt'M future. He
paid a KlowLng trltute to tie- I'll
Jfrllll fatlWM, "WtllMH- MOIll IM-M
marehliiK la Amerlca'M fluht for
bllfhcr cIvk- Idenlrt, ant to the teach -itm
In McktMtla ami iiulverMftieM "win
on low uailarleM an- laboring MleeplenM
ly Hud miMe ItWIil.v to Int'iilcate the
xpli it 4 KMMlcltlatriMhlpln ourland."
A roii of Columbia mil vernlty men
coutrlvwl ti"bunch" at the end of
Prof A-Mer'a MMech and the hall re
Moiinilwl of a HUiblen with the ear
MpllttitiK war-cry of MoriiiiiKMlde
Thi n the AmbaHsador read a cable
icram which wiih proposed to kcikI to
PreMidellt ItOOMVelt:
4uu fellow-countrymen com
memoruiiiik: ThanKNivini; Iu lierfin
MUid patriotic KreeiiugM a if I loyal
muni wlxhea."
lie iiHked Ihone Iu favor of dixputch
Ini; the ineWMHiie ti Mlyiiify by ha lid
clappini;. and when the thunder had
MiiliMided he aunoiiiiivd: " The cable
Kram la uunnimoiiHly apilaudei.''
There wan -iM'ral relief when t'e
fruit and clu-cne MtatioiM on the me
nu were ri-aclitwl, forthe tabl' -ervice
had u '. Ii,.',i (.o is)I(mihm for It
pace and l iok-i at watch'- revealed
1 hut over thni- hour had U-en Hpi-nt
Iu food, ph.VHhal and intelec't lial.
liite coffee and cijiurett wereenjoy
ed Iu the ante-rooiiiH, the hall nun
cleared for dancing, which beiran
nhortl.v la-fore midnight and lasted
until the eari.v iiioruiiiK Htreet-carM
were heard clanuln their way
th irnh Alt-Miiabit.
A always happ-nsat TliankHi vlnn
function. Thurday evenint; wa
notable for Ita dinplay of American
Ix-auty and fetching clothe. It wa
the m-neral conwnsu of the male
contingent that never had ho many
pretty jrlrl and matron lan-n ua
Membled la a i'crlin Hall room. MIhh
Cord of BHton, Iu pink crepe du chin;
Mi Unpley of Duluih, in pink net;
Ml Cobb of Lakeview, In navy-blue
velvet and MNs liinUn of Brooklyn,
iu white tdlk, were ainuled out on all
hand a the belle of the ball. The
conceited apiiearunce of their dance
card indicated that the selection
like the President, cablegram
weeined to t uuatiimoiiHly ap
plaude 1."
Wall Street Is the
Servant of the
Br SERENO . PRATT. Editor of th Willi Strnt Journil.
The two billion dollars which are deposited in its
Lank? and trust companies arc in reality the DEPOS
ITS OF TTTK COUNTRY, anl bandrcb of millions directly
represent the balances of interior banks in Now York institutions.
The frreat ojierations which are carried on in its stock exchanges are
in a large part CONDUCTED BY THE PEOPLE of the country.
Hie Stock Exchange is really a national institution. Many of its mem
bers are citizens of Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, St. Loui gnl other
cities, and of the 590 firms represented on its floor 314 maintain 527
branch offices in twenty-nine of the forty-six states of the Union.
In so far as Wall street has fallen short in the pcrfonnanees of it
duty it has been for the most part in FAILING TO RECOGNIZE
It ha-s acted as if it owned the money intrusted to its care instead
of being merely the trustee of it. It3 financial leadership in too many
cases degenerated into financial bossism. Moreover, it is al-o fair crit
icism to 6ay that Wall street in many ways has been PROVINCIAL
in its outlook. There are scores of Wall 6troet men who know the
earnings of the railroads and who have at their tongues' ends the sta
tistics of wheat and iron productions and yet who have never crossed
the Allegheny mountains or seen the Mississippi river. Admitting all
this, however, Wall street has nevertheless DONE THE WORK
which the country has cut out for it.
Sheep Men are Plan
ning to Adopt the
New Conditions
Week cndiiiK TueHday, Jan. ti, l!tuS
max 'rnlu,
uu the leit, h low iHiute of moiiiitHliia 1 "i.ipmeu " mu ouioei," nui in con
nklrt tln Lake' entire leuth, reflect- j l'l,,Hio" would Mk to be kindly re
1 111 thn lull iiIiixm iii tha .i.i .. ! member tn ttli thn HRteemed eit ipnv.
be Ufa tli. On lb nat vt thu 1 ' "'t while in your ciiidnt. ami I " ' nan u in 1 lie naicoiiy ami
Ink a i thn allr r.n r .l,.Mi I 1 : that my fondent hones mnv 1m rMHlizn.l 1 ' hearts Willi a lemMti'ill
nod thero with ImHiitiful Inn a 'hiwI i iu HiitlcipMtion of beiutf with vou s,,,r panuhil liaimer.
ori-hnrds, well kent bnnm and uood . nt t,le o'""ik of the ureal laucl Kraut
tio mux. next AiikiihI, and with the kiudebt
The mea lowH me ren for nnleH rouard to yourself and lady,
and miles; the thoiiHatids of acres of 1 lu yourn very Holy,
Harvest fields tlmt hml delired their M- C - ill itte, DuIIhs. Texas.
yield of Kolden yraln was semiiiKly
an emlless clmtn. In fact the tiold-
eu (Joiue Lake Valley is a veritable 1
Paradise, where .Nut lire has so luvinh
i nn. i-eiix .Miicr, Uolntiiliia h
brainy acholar, wan enilnisiinstkally
Kreeted when the AmbiiMHttdor ire
eiited him. Trof. Adler, after ex
prexxliiu; hi plenMiire at Ik'Iii; "nne of
the Knur Hundred" a Hitlly ut the
number preneiii proceeded "tn deliver
a thniiKhtful and eloquent nddrt-Mx.
of day
wed. I 4-lji'l j
thur.J lit! I L'.sT 0 5tl
fnd'yl jiN I Uti I J.4T
bat "y j -Ml On "I o.'ou
mm. 1 :i! j 1 o.i: tni
00 ,
I chly
111011.1 j.' j L'l M j 8 I
tlli-H. j ill I 24 I 0..X j 00 I cldy
I'rof. WillettH, wa over from Adel,
to Kpend the liulidaya with his
family. He reporta no anow in the
Warner Valley; that bin liorsea have
run at lure every uiht anJ there Is
an abundance of jjreen Krasu for fe-d,
to tin Joy of the uHHknieu.
Dr. Stephen S wise, rabbi of the
, fiii S. naironne of New Yark city, re-
tains an ardetit affection fur the I'u
j clitic iiorihwcut, lila rcHldencc fi.r nev
leral yearn. 1 11 comnieiitlnii on the
prize applcH re'entl.v xen to Kuropeau
rulera and exbiblted In New York, he
wrlten: "Why Ik tlim fruit nent to
hiu-Ii IndilTereul I IreRonlHiin hh Kd-
ward.'WIIhclm, Nil IioIiih and Mr.l'al
! flereV If you really want Oregon
applea to count, do not waate them
011 ICuropean inoiia:cliH, but Kctihem
Into the ayHtcina at Orconl"" who
love and treaaure cverythlnjr On-go-nlaii,
from little Mount Hood to blir
Hood lClver applea. iiut the applea
won t lie kept lonn on cxhlliltlon Iu
our hornet here they would vhiiIhIi
aa the mint hovering over the hiiiii
mltof Mount Hood before the morn
Iiik HUH."
Prof. It. 10 Uuehunon, of Ames,
Iowa, returned from the Warner Lake
Valley Sunday aud left for home Mon
day moruiuu. .
He was ho pleuHed with the laud of
tlio valley that he Uleif ou a desert
claim for himself, aud also ou one for
liia brother, aud nave . orders for 'the
immediate improvement of the same.
ISotu Kcut'eiuen will ' return lier iu
Hie apriuK and will conduct opeiatious
ou their farms on au ' exteusive scale
iu a Holontltln way.
The fact that Mr. I'uobduiiu Is a
professor la the Iowa state Agricul
tural Colleue, aud has traveled exten
sively all over the West, aud after
much iuvestlK-atlnu was au charmed
with the Groat Waruer Lake Valley,
aa to make preparations for a future
home there speaks volumes for its ad
HutagH, of soil, climate aud productions.
It snowed all Monday night, leav
Inn 8 luetics of heavy wet snow ou thu
ground. The precipitation was oue
inch. Tuesday it ralued all day aud
all nlubt. The roads are a mass of
slush. The staves make fairly good
1 t '..iSzS I
Some of the Ktockmen of thin sec
Hon. and entieeiall.v the sheepmen,
view with conciderahle concern the
certain Incoming of settlers to take
up the government lands, now avail
able in Lake county to the extent of
probably a million acres of tillable
bum. Iu thin matterther onlv await
tDe change that baa been Inevitable
to the Kto.k-Krowinj; Intercuts all
through the went from Canada to
Mexico. There will nimplv tie a
cnaiifre 111 the methods to those found
necessary elsewhere.
For Instance, at I'hoenix. Arizona,
the shivpmen having been cmfrori'
ted with the same problem thatexlsts
here today, solved it to their natls
faction.aud to their jfieater profit.
They learned that the old theory of
unlimited himmi range is necessary to
the niccessful minimi of 8het u iu the
arid West lias been exploded uccord
Iiik to the experience and npfniou of
Mr. Dunlop, of tlK Salt River Vallev. j
Mr. I) mlou hag tried both method.. I
and has forsaken the free erasing or
open range method, aud has jm-t
bought a burnt of (iOtlsheep which will
lie kept exclusively on eighty acres of
his alfalfa farm. Without auv refer
ence to the fact that advancing civ
llzailon and improved niethoits in
dry farming and the storageMf water
or irrigation must continually re
strict the open range for gracing,
Mr. Dunlop advances many points
In fa vor of raising under wire over
me oiieu-rauge plan, Iu the first
place the ten per cent loas among the
lambs from the coyotes which the
open-range sheepman figures on, is
avoided entirely with a woven wire
fence. There la a saving of at least
two pounds of wool to the sheep each
year, for this amount must usually
be thrown away because tif the dirt
and cockle burrs gathered In the open
range, to this may tie added the
wards of $50anacre from thatsource.
The change probably will not dl
mioish the flocks here, but Instead
will Improve the quality of both wool
and mutton and largely increase the
peoduction. And every settler will
in this way make eheep one of his
sources of profit, aa it does not take
loug to get a start of alfalfa, ami
with cure flocks will rauidly increase.
Viewed from this standpoint tho
cutting up of the great ranges, with
limited feed, and sowing same toalf-
ulfa, will make Lake couuty more
famous as a sheep producing section
In the future thin has tieen the case
in the past, when the wool and mut
ton products occupied tir.-t place in
the eyes of shippers and consumers.
Cutler, candidate for quarterback ou the Harvard football team, is from
Andover and played a first class mine last season. He la swift at running
back punts aud uses excellent generalship in giving the slguaU to the team.
Klamath Herald, 1: Parties com
Ing in from the luiiry anil Bonanza
country state that the people of that
section are iu a high state of excite
ment over the cattle and horsesteal
ing which has lieeu going on in that
neiuhborhood. It is usserted that
this business has been going oh for
a number of years but never reached
the exteut which it has this vnr
There has been a gang of t helves
who have been making a oractice of
stea ing cattle and horn's, and while
It Is pretty well known who the pur has been impossible, to
obtain evidence which was consider
ed sufficient to convict.
The people tire adverse to making
complaints for fear of the failnre of
conviction aa the irnnu- Is so Mtnm-
facts that hoof rot and niauv other that they are a menace to the private
diseases are avoided by the watchful cltlzeu. The feeling, however, Is be
farmer, that the wool grows lietter coming so strong that the belief Is ex-
aud heavier under the reetrlctiou of. pressed that if the outfit is not clean
the fence; and that the sheep mature : t'l out soou that there is liable to
much younger aud grow larger. j something happen which will stir up
These are tin significant words t'c entire country. It Is said that
with which Mr. Dunlop closed the from the gap east there is the mot
IntTView. Intense feeling among the people who
"Lots of money has been ntade Iu I have suffered, and it may reach such
sheep iu the prist, but those who a poiui wnere they will take the law
think sheep days are over are might-! Iu their own hands,
ly mistaken. They are just begin-! The sheriff and deputies have U'en
ul tig, Wool last year was 22 cents a j doing evervthlug In their power to
pound and lambs sold for fi. Sup. tract dowii the offenders, but It Is
pose wool sells for 14 cents this year) realized that It will cost a large sum
and lambs for f t a man cnu make a of monev to break up the gang, and
hundred per cent profit ou his band I the sheriff Is not alio 4-d anything be.
or sheep. Of course he has to have a 1 ond his salary. The Count v Court
ranch aud alfalfa to start with. A has promised help in a small, way
man could come into tills valley with and has offered a J.V) reward in oue
a few thousand dollars. liUV a few lease . . It Is believed tlmr
acres plauted Iu alfalfa, stocic it with cau be secured to send a large uuin-
sheepat nine to the' acre and clear
JO per cent a year on his whole in
vestment. That is he could do It if
he knew his business."
That alfalfa will thrive here Is un
disputed. Over lu the uext valley,
the Surprise, int of the land there
Is devoted to Its growth, and that
without the aid ol Irrigation? Ulg
money is made by farmers w ho raise
it for the seed, often realizing up-
lier over the road aud permanently
ureuK up me nana of theives, and It
Is probable that the County Court
will offer to stand the expense If a
general lynching Is to lie averted it Is
stated that the county authorities
w ill have to take some action with
out delay.
Assessor Foster is down from Huoj.
met Lake.