Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 31, 1908, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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A Good Beginning
For the
New Year
ill help you make it one of the most sticcoss-ful
in your life. If you haven't been anions
our many customers we invite you to join them in
liHVJ, and we will try by every fair means to
make you i;lail you have done so.
A change from one year to another
is a very happy hour. It permits the
putting aside of the old and taking on
of the new. You may have been pleas
ed with what you have bought at other
stores. We want to please you more
with what we offer in the future.
We'll help to make the NEW YEAR
happy by giving you values that will
insure your happiness.
Our Annual Stock-Taking
Sale begins next Saturday
Hnlm-.l.x l ir Hi-iiT. InmTti'il In Hit
ruliimit el rhH'vrr iliwrlpilon 10 rem
1 1 iu for rch him nlon.
The opening of the Moving idctur
allow vu postponed from Monday till
Wednesday night, 30th ult on account
of nou arrival of the Mini.
The Examiner winhea itn readera
'"A llHI'PV and lTOKHm!ll New
An apology I duo our aubserllier
f. r the limi appearance lout ii'l.
Hut It wmk a caw of audi nr wiirw,
Tin' now folder wo had tvoolved waa
not properly ndJiiMted ut I In factory,
it nit In tin eiidea vor to g?et it in run
ning; older WO Npollcd III BUT pitN'rM.
B. We lielievo wi now have the ma
chine In order, nml It will Ih a unwit
llt'ip ill till flit 1 11 1 t'l llll'l'l
lee Skatea, nil klnda nml I-M.
Anton Hardware Co.
"Wanted" A few good woond
hntnl oixik-Htovi'rt. Anton lldwot'o.
Ion't forgot the oM fashioned
daut'6 New Year's N in lit.
a uteani laundry of which more men
tion will tie iiiaile. lie I a typical
Dakota hutntler and will net bimy
anon to the good of l.akevlew. The
Examiner welcome hi in nn a citizen.
K. Arthur mfimil ii prlxe at Ahl
at roina in the ahapo of iv hiiiiilrtiuiit'
1 1 H 11.1 -1 tt 1 1 1 1 I'll I'l.lllJt 1-tliH'l llllti' Ht't.
B which ho linnii'iliiitcl.v g:nve to one
of the young lad leu ut lakeview.
BW'e have our hunpIcIoiim, E. C , wo
have our HUHplciotiM. t hat then' will
Ota-another jlngleinc ( wedding- Im'IIh
S. PoBtinnKter Miller aaya everybody
In gvttlii married thla winter. Well.
Eth. ahem! Well, or, how long; nro
you golu to remain a liatiielor?
P. M. Cory, the genial proprietor of
the Klamath Lake view stage line,
received a Chritmas Gift lu the shape
of a 1- poun 1 hoy.
The Examiner has Iweo favored
llnyimiml tlnnti'l Hniirt'i-tt
The nad newa of t tin death of
inonil Ian'el Sun ford TucbiIht n i lit
wan circulated through towu Wodnca
day morning.
Ilia death created concern from the
fact that he waa the chief and only
witnesH for the defense In the column
trial of Kohort Mel'ullc-y 'or the k I II
iug of Con Kiniicane, a few
eliK'e. At the coroiier'a jury he nave
hla ttfllmony in a clear tone, anil
expressed himself aa a mau of lute II
lience and linn convictions..
1 1 le death waa due lo tvphold pneii
motila. He waa horn In Michigan,
Nor. f), ST. A wife and two child
re n, a tmy and a girl, and a father,
n'other and two sisters are led to
mourn his death. He had never heen
lck hefore, and had the appearance
of being a strong iiealthy man. He
waa not injured aud belonged to t:o
secret or benevolent otler. The family
have tbe sjmpathy of all lu their
tttm funeral will take place some time
today, Thursday.
Mm. Knlll l.tiiettnricrr
Selma. Calif. Mrs. Sade Lineliar
K r, aed H ;raia, 7 tiiontha and 7
day, beloved mother of Mr. M. A.
Striplin, panned to her Heavenly re
ward at the home of the latter here
lint KrMay morn ink', Novemhr U7B
I'.KiK. While enfeeliled I v the Htrex.
I of years, elie had heen ill only alum
three weeks. The end was not expect -
ei ami i nir pane i ilk' uas peaceiui wnn
villi a bandsnuie calendar from the I the wordu from her lipa, "I am ifoliiit
ottice of toe Silver Lake Leader. It I uond hve."
Tbe la?ivierade Ball Christmas eve
. waa well attended, the hall being
crowded to it? utmost capacity. A
cumber of tine characteriatioDB were
present. Mies Mae Harnts as "Tbe
Hpauish DnnciiiB Uirl' took Orft
prize, Bnd Wm. Nixon took the prize
a the bei-t sustained character. The
follow ing is a list of the masquers :
Fred Keene, ,-ai.r: C. Bevy, clown;
Andy HotcbkiiH, farmer ; Artie Re
hart. o:d mac : lioy Kthart. old farm
er; tiny .'vyswarner. Indian; Roy
Chandler, sport ; CJeo rioone, sport;
lete Groub, clown ; H. Fine, any old
IhiDtt; Keltcm 'junther, (.port; Liun
CroDemiller, soort ; Clay Penlaod.
bicycle boy; Alic6 McUrath Fatiuie
Touninssen, 2 fid friends: Harvey
Proctor. Lake Co. Examiner: lieu
McCulley. bionco buster: Mrs. (Jeo.
Ayrea. Gipsy; Corda Fn r; k A Clara
Thruston, school girls ; Mae BarueH,
Spanish dane'ne frrirl ; Mellie (Jibbonn,
Pocabontoe; Louise Storkcianu,
Dutch pirl; Mrs Geo. Chancier,
China girl; MHbel ilotcbkiss, liberty
girl; Mae Green, liberty girl; liill
Nixon, John Wendell: Hazel Hery
ford, bat; Hazel .VeCulley, hearts;
Maiuiie McCulley A Eolus Lottfus,
day A night; Mrs. K. Linville, A K.
I inville, Spanish cavaliers: Mrs. 11.
Yoant. maid; Agnes Tracy, "Belief
Texas"; Mrs. t. Ablstrom A Mrs.
A. Wallace, DaDcing girls: K. Abls
trom, Prince Charles; A. Wa lace,
dude; Walter Ny a warier, cavalier;
Mrs. Frank Smith, tambonne; Frauk
Smith, cavalier: l)on Baxter, clown;
Laura Chandler A Pauline Suyder,
frost; Liilte Schmidt, cards; W. Ford,
ghnst; Andrew Bull, Clarence Metz
ker, and Will Mike', base ball boys;
ViotoD Miller A Earl Garrett, Santa,
Clauses; H. Utley, mother's boy;
Inez Watson. Gipsy; Bob. Weir, hobo;
Mark Musgrave, Irish bod carrier;
ClareDce Price A Bill Anderson, two
little girls, Mrs. Wm. Gaucher, fiee
show leautlful Indian maldeu.
much handsomer than any we evr saw
in the woods, crossing a mouutaiu
stream on og. Thank you, tiro.
E. .) . Stono, l.akevlew'H new pho
to irapher, Im ilnlnv: line work at hi
rt'ildence. one block west ol the Kx
a u i t oiliee. Call and wv work.
If there Is a handsomer paper, or
one better tilled with big ail of the
IocmI busiiiPFS men, in Oregon than
the Hood Biver News-Letter, it il.ies
not reach this ottice. Such lovalty to
tbe local press can he copied with
profit by the other towns of the i-tate.
' Kiiblter roi iflnir i coat of Nhlnulcs
I irua ran teed 10 yearn. Anton llard
i ware Ci.
I There are calendars and calendars
but the most uniaue one is that sup
plied its patrous by tbe Lakeview
Mercantile Co It is a handsome
rhioa plate, beautifully decorated
The Examiner acknowledge receipt
of one, with thanks.
New nnd complete lint1
toola- A tit on Hardware
of carpenter
The Electric Lllt Co. hat inserted
several notices in our Want coining
which shoule be read by all its. patrons.
t W. N'el-rir, i,f the na liiver I-ev.
C ) reports two I piogress in the
work of construction of t tie dam f'tr
IrriiiMtiou and poer purposes. The
Company built a temporsry earth
dnin and raised th water 17 feet iu
very little while, and from the test
li:t ie, are S'irn there tvill he uo dilli
ulty in racing it to the required
height of 50 feet in order to turn the
water into ttie ditches.
Up to the time Mr. Nelson left
ftiere bad lieen no snow fall, and the
lowest temperature then recorded waa
below zero.. The watet that is the
soarce of the river, gushes out o'
large springs iu the desert. Tbe
river is only four miles long. The
(low is large euout'h to irriatge at
least 10,000 acres. The water is tepid
ami never either in the spriug
or tbe river, and the flow is consteut
ud regular the entire year arouud.
The company expect to have the water
ready for a portion of the land to be
irrigated in tin e tor crops next year.
Tbe clima'e up there is ideal, and
with water tor irrigation, will make
the region one of the best fruit grow
ing sections of the county.
A factory for cojerete blocks and
pressed brick has been established at
Klamath Fads. Such enterprises tvould
do well iu Lakeview. Though we live
in the midst of pine timber there is
no lumber to be had in this market.
Klamath rapers also complain of
shortage in lumber supply and con
tractots threaten lu conscience to
make lumber importations.
Look at the big ad. for the skating
carnival prizes. tf
BORN: lu Lakeview, Dec. 27th,
190H, to the wife of Alfred Morris, a
Full Brass Band will play all even
ing at the Skating Carnival New
Years Eve.
On cur front page wiT tie found
an original story by Tim Sheehau, a
talented young writer of Lakeview,
(who writer for many of the lending
, magazines of America, and is also a
! staff writer on the San Francicso
'Chronicle. Tbe Examiner will later
I give our readers several more of his
Poultry netting all kinds, at Auten
Hardware Co.
Frank Hackney, the popular sta.e
driver from here to Alturas received
a tine pair of bear skin gloves as a
Xmas present from Prof. W. II. Burr,
of New York, father of the young
man whose death took place here
last July.
Go to the Skating carioval New
Years Eve -7 to 12. tf
Beuard C. Sitz and wife arrived
from Grand Forks N. Ma., Thurs
day, " and are delighted with our
climate, which is quite a relief after
experiencing 40 below weather before
they left. Mr. fritz is planning several
business enterprises for the .own one
1 he funeral mas conducted trom
the First Methodic Episcopal church
at 2:11.1 o'clock Sunday arteiuoou,
ermoii by Uev. Itichard Fysh of San
ger, assMed by Ue. I. Stewart "f
the Christian church and I'actnr S.
J. McCounell. liev. Fysh was ileceas
ed's pustot at Laketlew, Orck'nn, fur
a n ii in tit-r or years an. I there piem-hi cl
the funeral of Mr. I.inetiarger ten
years iik'n. I he remains were laid to
I rest, in the Snlina cemetery.
j Miss Sally Fry was born in North
A niptmi count y, Pennsylvania, April
IX'-M. On August 27, lb shewn
married to Samuel Linebarger, and
with her husband a little later movei
to Sik'wtmiey, lnwa, where the' re
suled for 22 years. At this place In
H4.'I hofh united with the Methodist
Episcopal church. Leaving Iowa In
1H7.' they came to California locating
at Chlco, llutte county, where they
resirted for II years. In HISS they
moveil with their family to Laker
view, Oregon. Here February 1, IH'.lH,
the husband was calieil by death, the
widowed wife and mother taking in
her home with her daughter. Mis
M. A. Stripliu. In l!HiH Ml. and Mrs.
Striplin and family, accompanied
by deceased located iu Selma where
she has since resided.
Four children weie horn to these
now deceased hut Sainted parents,
and all survive father ami mother,
mmely: W. W. 1, ids burger, of Tulare,
Cal . C. P. Llaebarger of Chlco. Cal .
S. L. Linebarger of Hoi th Euulish,
Iowa ano! Mrs. M. A. Stripliu of near
this city; and all were present at the
funeral exempt Mr. Lineharger of
Deceased a devoted Christaiu
lady, beloved by children and grand
children, and during her long life
made many friends iu the several
localities wlvre she resided ; and
sympathy and ondolence will uo out
from every acquaintance to the famil
les now la sorrow.
The Holiday
Finds Little Trouble
In selecting beautiful, ac
ceptable, and very reason
able presents, at
La Mode Anniiloti
EE Government Land
Homesteads and Desert Claims
in Lake County, Oregon.
Thousands of Acres of the Finest Grain and Fruit
Lands on Earth can be secured now, FREE !
Do Not Lose This Last Opportunity!
For Particulars, apply to
.If n. Annl t:( l(-eil
Mrs. AnnU'E, Heed, iijjed O years
and 22'dH.vM died nt Salem. Oregon.
Iiecemlier l.'fth. and was burled at
Pleasant Hill, Lane Co., I)"ceniber
ItWh h. Iti-od of Eugene, her hua
bain), and three children, 11. E Keed,
of KiHebiirg, W. F. Keed of Eugene
and Maud K. Met ,'oniuick ol llhynllte,
Nevada, are left to limiiru her loss.
Mrtt. Keed waa at one time a resident
of Like comity, and was prwliililv
well known by many here who will
rennet to hear of her death. The Ex
aminer extern! m, inpu thy to I lie be
reaved ones.
I Adcl
Groceries Flour and Grain.
All Kinds of Canned (ioods,
Hardware & riming Tools,
l or Miners, buccaroo., hcrpman A Ranchmen
Everythlnjr; Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Stores.
r-i .- ' - -
mi .
Warner Valley Mercantile Co.
Adel (Plush
Carnival !
On Roller SkaLes
New Year's Eve
SkaLing Rink
Notice tor Puhlk.llnn
Departinent of the Interior, IT. S.
Luuil Oltlce at Eiikeview, Oregon,
Nov. ill. V.AtH.
Notice ia hereby given that the St.i
of Oregon hag filed iu tlii.-i otlico
U'lli'tion to iielect under the ro
viHiona of the Act of CnnguMK of Aug
UHt 11, 1818, and the uctx Hiiiileuien
tal and amendatory thereof, tho SW
((iiurter NW (uarter. Kec Id, T. 1 S ,
It 1'.) E., W. M.t per lift No. tiH.Vi
Auv and nil iierxoua cbiitning ml
verwely the land dencribed, or diibir
Ing to object becauHO of the iniuernl
character of the hind, or for tiny
other reaaon, to the diHpoHul to aiipii
cunt, ahouU rile their ultlilaviU of
proteht in thia offlce.on or befuru tUu
2.'lrd day of January, l!X!i.
J. N Watnon, liiigihi'tor
The above notice will be published
iu the Lake county Examiner,, a ttk
ly uuwKpaper priuteil and published at
Lakeview, Oregon, for at kaut. thirty
dajH prior to the date ImhI herein
1J10J11 J. N. Wiitawu, Iteglster.
Timber I. a ml Nolle
Depiirtmeut ft the Interior, 17. H.
Land Otllce at Lakeview, Oregru,
November l!X)t
Notice a hereby given that Liliie
E . Han in, of Lakeview, (Jrogon, who
on November 'Jtl, VJt)H, made Timber
and Htoua Applioation, Nn. 077U, for
W half bw quarter and HE quarter
hip 3f!
8W quarter, Hection UH, Towna
H., Kaoge 21 E., Will. Meridian, baa
filed notice of intention to make
Final Proof, to eatabliuh claim to the
land above described, before Kelater
and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon,
cn the 8th day of Feb. 1!X)0.
Claimant uamaa uawitueHaea: (Iran
villa Hardlbty, Barah Uarrett, Gordon
Garrett, Farnhaut E. Harris, all of
Lakevljw, Oregon.
IWF0. 0, N. Wtttnon, fe((Uter.
75fls from 7 Lo 12
Band wHl Play all Evening
BesL sustained lady character
lady skater
gentleman skaLer
Spectators 25 cents
mimm HiMtn'iinai imhiiu
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR, PmofHimrom
Tim T.ftrgPHt Mvcry aul Feed Htablo In Southerti Oregon
ir Northern California, Horaca Itoardeil by tho Hay, Week
or Month. Kpeclal Attention Given to Traiialent Ktock