Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 31, 1908, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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D r.M i lcs' Anti-Pai n Pi lls
Pain inchlst
Distress in
( i
i li.'ivc iiKiilc
w hiili, in finy
W'c liavi-
ever made in Lake Cuntv. and every I )eed viven.
In tninscriniuu
inortLraues recorded in the
at nl
We have
Others cannot find then'. Yc have spent iimu
these errors, ami we can guarantee our work.
Marked lor Uealh
"Three yenra o 1 whh iimrked for
iloatb. A kthvu yard i-onitb wm
flMirloK my luu to piemen. Dootom
failad lo help am, and hope had Hod,
wheu ray biiHhau ' Kot Dr. KIiik'm
New 1 Olaoovery. " aaya Mr. A. l
Willlama, of Hmo. Ky." 'The llrht
dose heljiexl me and IniprovAinent
kept on until I had gained TH pounli
la weight anil my henltli whh fully
raatordd. " Thia niedlclue holld the
world 'a html I u u record for couuhe and
ooldi aud limit hikI throat dUetmed.
lit prevents pnenuionin. Hold under
Kiiaraatee at Thornton'. I )ni atore
ruin rrl II. Trial hottln free.
Xearly eveiy bodr'kaowa DeWitt'a
JLittU Kirly Kiura arc the bent pil
in ad a. Thuy are amall, pleacent, aur
J Little Livjr pllla. 'Hold by Daly and
Timber and Notice
Decartnieut of the luterior, U. ,S.
U.aud OIHce at Litkeview, UreKoa,
.Novemb'r 'A 11KJ8.
Notice la hereby lven thut JULIA
KLf.A KICK, of Lnkevlew, Oreon,
who, ou Nov IS, 1SKIH, made 'i'linber
.and Stone Alipplloiitlon, No. 0812,
for E half HK tjii'irter, Hectton 'M,
'Townahlp 38., S., lUuttn IH K., Will.
Meridian, Iihh IUhi notice of intention
to make HiihI Proof to etatilUh cIhIiii
tojkbe litdd above deHoribed, befiire
4aKlHter and Hecelvor, at .Lukevlew
Timber Land Notice
Department of the luterior, U. 8.
Laud Utlloe at Lukevlew. UruKon,
November 'A 1!K8.
Notice la hereby k I veil that Hairy
M. (lluzler, of Haorainento, Calif, who
ou Nov. HMIH, made Timber and
Htoue ApplioHtion. No. OHai), for HK
quarter, Hoction U8, TowiiHhip 37 8.,
Itatitfe 17 K. , W ill. Meridian, him II led
notice of intention to make Final
Proof to etitabliHh gclaini to the land
above rleacri bed. before County Clerk
Klamath Co., at hia oil loo, at Klam
ath l-'ulln, Oreyiin, ou the 5th day of
Feb. MU9.
(Maimaut imniea an w it neHHeH : Duo
lohuHon, of Klamath FhIIh, Orejiou,
la Craven and l' rank Howard of
1KHV1UW, vrcK"". uiiii 'iiiu iiuwiiiu
Illy, Oregon.
ii j J. IM. Wuleou. lieuiHfer.
Tlnibrrlant Notlee.
Department of the luterior, U. H.
Laud Ottlue at Lakeview. OreKon,
November 2T, 11KI8.
I w,"r . ' 1 ' 1 .7 IV uUHP t-rowUed to the doors.
I 'ivp ull ,.t l.ukviw Urn. poor children of the east aide.
I nn of the actors were mere babies.
1 vt.T. ' v
& Novembi
" ilotloe
ce la hereby )(veu that .ADA
ITIr.kV 9 f .Laulam O I airnn
Iwko. oo Nov. 0, 11)08, made Timber
vv'aid Stone Application, No071H5, for N
half 8W quarter, W half HK quarter
! aeotloo 20, Township 38 8., KanKe
i'll K. Will. Meridian, has tiled notice
of intuntiou to make Final Proof, to
. I eatbl ab tilalm to the laud above aea-
! jurlbed, before UelBter and Keoelver,
' iat Lakeview, Oregon, ou the Oth day
i of Feb. 1009.
: f Claimant names as witnesses: Ueo.
5H. Lynch. Tbomaa Btudley, b L.
, iHose. (J. W. Ilardlaty, all of Lake-
view, Oregon.
J IWF5. J. N. Watson, Register
Take ONE
of the Little Tablets
and the Pain is Gone
Complete ivecord
ii) cutirr t r;i iist-i ipt of .'ill
v;iy. nllVct I'lopt rty
a lomiiktc K'ccord l i-vcrv
the records we
net i ti
deeds arc recorded in the Mormae record and other
Ilunl"eds oj mortjjniM'S and deeds are not indexed
and aie most dillicult to trace up from the iccords.
notations of all these Error5:
Aotor Was the Friend of the
jtage Children.
There are nt preHcnt eiiKUKed lu dif
ferent capacities ou the stage aud In
the theaters about 400 children' to
whom the holidays unually are days
of toll, and muuy of these Utile folks
are bread wluuem for younger broth
er and sisters. It was for them that
the late Tony Pastor aud his wife.
Mrs. K. L. Feruuudcz. aud "Aunt
Louisa" Kldrldge, now dead. Inaugu
rated the Christmas festival which
baa become a perennial affair.
The little oues, all less than twelve
years old, provide the stage entertain
ment ou these occasions, and there
never la any Interference by the au
thorities. Christmas, 11H7, was Tony
Pastor's last appearauce as the chll
dreu's Santa Onus, and this year they
will miss bis geulal face aud kindly at
tentions. Last year he was master of
ceremonies and Introduced Ills tiny
"top liners." At the cud of the act he
presented to encb of the girls a beau
tifully drcNKcd doll and to the boys
boxes of candy, or appropriate toys.
Admission wire by Invitation only,
and wheu the programme begat) the
ly to
tbey went through the business like
vete,"" ns, and the gravity of most of
them when singing their comic songs
was ImmcuHely amusing.
Oue of the players was presented as
Baby Ksmond, a perfect cherub, who
piped a love ditty and danced with
one foot held In the air. Mr. Pastor
said she was of "this year's crop," and
when ahe bud elided the performance
be asked her to tell the audience tier
age. Without shrinking from the ques
tion, as her fellow actresses do, she
lisped, "I'll be four next January,"
Another of the same mature years
was "Miss Miriam Jackson," If you
please. She came out with a Teddy
bear lu her arum, sang a song aud did
such clever capering that every wo
man In the audience wanted to hug
Lillian Toliln, herself no bigger than
a doll Imhy, sang "Poor John" and in
vited the audleuce to Jolu her In the
chorus, which It did with a will. At
the end of the programme Mr. Pastor
announced that a banquet was await
ing tho chlldreu In the basement of
Tammany hall.
After the little ones had been satis
fied In that respect they were -.. ''
to the main hall of the building, am'
there the really big feature of the
evening took place. On the stage
stood three Christmas trees, betiding
over from the weight of pretty things,
while the stage Itself was heaped wltb
After that there was a second dis
tribution for stage children only In the
room oX Tunoiaar .Mil.
If you have
Try One
They Relieve Pain
Quickly, leaving no
bad Afler-elfecU
25 Doses
25 Cents
Never Sold
K'ttonls in'Lakc- County,
in tin county.
Mo tirauc and fansfci f
found numerous
not indexed: and
ol dwllais luiiittn.' t
Hanager. ?
Most "of the chlldreu Cad wrttten re
quests for certain articles, and as they
appeared oue by one and gave a name
coiTPHponiA ig with that on Mrs. Fer
nandez's list the present asked for was
I delivered. Some of these were of
costly quality, bsvlng been purchased
with tv donated to the cause.
Mrs. Fei'M.uides said the children of
the stage nowadays ask for useful
things rather than for playthings.
Since these events were Inaugurated
It Is estimated that more than $30,000
has been spent for gifts. New York
Kaanl Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by the agreeable, aromatic Ely's
Cream Halm. It is received through the
nostrils and cl'-ntiHn nnd hcsls the whole
surface over which it diiluws itself. Ilrug.
gist Bell the f0c. hizo. Te-t it and you
ar sure to continue the treatment till re
lieved. Announcement.
To Hi-oom e those who are partial
to the ute of atomizers in applying liquids
into tho uasul po.-M!ic fur catarrhal trou
b t. the proprietors p -ep ire Cream Halm in
iiipii I form, wliii h will bo known as Kly's
Li tii l Cream lSulm. Price including the
spr.iying tu'.ie is 7.' cents. Druggists or by
In il. The liipiid for. ii cni'iodr, s the med
icinal properties of tho solid preparation.
A Memorable Day.
One of the days we remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our
neaiin, is the oue on which we be
came acquainted w ith Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless purifiers that
cure headache and biliousness, and
keep the bowels right. 25o at Le
Mead's Drug Store.
Kotlre for Publication -Undated Tract
I't BI.IC U!ll Nil,!',
Lakeview, Oregon, Laud Office,
Dee. 14, 1908.
(Serial No. 09).
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
Joneral Laud Office, uuder provisions
or Act or Cougress approved June 27.
UHKJ, Publio No. 303, we will oiler
at publio sale, to the highest bidder,
at 10 o'clock a. ni., on the 22 ud day
of January, 1009 next, at this office.
the following tract of land, to wit:
WW quarter SW quarter, Soo. 22, T.
40 8., K. 22 K., W. M.
Any poreous claiming adversely the
above described lauds are advised to
tile their claims, or object ioa, ou or
before the day above designated for
J. N. Watson, Register.
Fred P. Cronemiller, H celrer
Medicine That Is riedieino
"I have suffered a good deal with
malaria and stomach complaints, but
1 have now fouud a remedy that keeps
me well, aud that remedy is Electric
Bitters a medicine that is medicine
for stomach aud liver troubles, and
for ruu down conditions," says W. O.
Kiestler of Halllday. Ark. Klectrlo
I Litters purify and eurlob the blood,
tone up the nerves, and impart vigor
and energy to the weak. Your mouey
will be refunded if it fails to help I
you. bOo at Thornton's drug store. !
Farm and
Makes It Plain Where the
Weed Crop
Come From.
Tlit! Connecticut i-.i'i iiiK-nt xt.'itlo.i
I doing n great work In tenting clnvi
-il. II it)iiiini'l fifty-one R.iiiiilfr of
OCl JllMt II H It Ih HoM l).V 'OIUici'll
rill HCCll (jell let's. 'I lll-SC HUllllllt'H WCIO
tented for wc.l Heed and !. to hie
wlmt per cent of the clover need won! 1
sprout. 'Jin- result of the tent hIiow.i
Mint only oin-Ut!i of tin- nrl in foil
HUH lit to UhV TIllCC K.lillpiOH ..
adulterated wlili ii worthies jil.iiit.
ami forty one more or ! didder,
UlC IllOit llllllU'TOIH !!'.) or l,ir.lHlK'
wlil' li cmii git hit i tii.- crop
I'cW lIllVM pMKM Without l'OIIIlillllt
from noun- one who iiic.i tin- i!n Hit lu
''l"v,-r S.impli'H ii ri' ofipii "i-iil In
f.iWlllK till' rloVIT llil!!tH hlri!!lK'-l ll'
' . ...I. I.. I. I l I
a l " it wtiii'ii t ini-i ii r i 1 1 1 1 1 l !! in iim'I
mk-Um tlii-lr II fi' iiwny 'I'lii' cut kIi iWh
n ml!' form of tin- ullliftloii '1 Miik of
li 1 1 I . i tin' kcciIh of tli Im -iirs Into tin
Krouinl wlu'ii you Hft-il onr clover!
Vrt that Ih Jimt whut Is ln-li'S ilone
whi'ii wo liny onlinnry clover ?i-tl
In one kii in ! of thin Connecticut
clover bihm! li.lll eedn of the dodder
were In one pound of clover seed, lu
that same sample there were 12,709
scuds of plantain, 1,01)5 of foxtail, 1,017
of sorrel. iT-'O of bindweed. 2,147 of
lamb's quarters, 1,808 of wild carrot,
220 of curled dock. 1.243 of tumble
weed and many others, making a total
of 44.522 weed seeds In a pound. In
another sample there were 78,004 weed
seeds In oue pound sold as clover seed.
Jll.t ImarrlliA wh.l a farina, Arm whan
he sows six or eight pounds of such
stuff on an acre!
Another thing was the low quality
of the clover Itaelf. It has been dem-
onstrated that the heaviest seeds give
the strongest plants during - early (
growth and In most cases largest
yields. This Connecticut bulletin states
that clover seed of average quality
should run 302.000 to the pound While
lighter seed may give a greater num
ber of plants, a greater proportion of
them would die out or do poorly. In
twenty-six out of fifty-one samples the
seeds weighed less than the standard.
As for vitality, the average of these !
fifty-one Connecticut samples was 86.6 !
per cent that Is, the number out of a
hundred strong enough to put out a
sprout One sample showed only 64.2 :
per cent of seeds with any life to
them. One sample was so poor that
only 48.1 per ceut of the seed was clo- ,
ver. and ouly 84 per ceut of that would I
sprout Three samples were evidently
adulterated with black medic. Seed of
this plant Is Imported from Germany
expressly to adulterate clover seed. It
is so much like clover seed that an
exert Is ueeded to detect It lu oue
sample there were 11.015 seeds of dod
der In one pouud of clover. With a
seedlug of eight pounds per acre this
uieuus two seeds of dodder to each
square foot, and tests prove that this
dodder Is not dead seed.
Hints te Mushroom Growers.
In turning up a portion of a bed
maggots may be discovered In the
manure. A few may do no percepti
ble harm, but a large number will eat i
up the spawn, leaving not even u
thread to develop a single mushroom.
Mauy kiuds of Insects are apt to
swarm lu warm cellars, together with
the egg laying varieties which cause j
Mia - It ... ..., I
lull IUUbBulai ICttlUICflO VI IUUI U Li
which may often accumulate and i
which Is an Injury to the mushrooms. !
In each succeeding bed In (urge cel
lars Insects follow up the new beds
and become more vigorous. A high
temperature such as wo bad last full
is conducive to their continued exist
ence in summer garb. A good crop,
however, can be secured lu spite of
them wheu the houses are kept at all
times cool.
When mushrooms are grown lu glass
bouses the return pipes are best run
unrVr the walks. In the usual way
of beating, where the pipes run under
the be tubes, paper placed over the
beds will be found beneficial as a pro
tector from excessive heat and drying.
With good, vigorous spawn, properly
prepared compost and care about the
requirements of heat and moisture, a
good crop Is a positive certainty.
There are garden crops equal to If not
swcpasslng the mushroom as money
makers to the producer, but no on
need complain of well managed mushrooms.
.v .
s :v:iyi
.. iv r-,
. . !!:
- - rii
ti in
Al! ljm ;t
l:iil.tioii4 ft ..! .Jiist-uH-;;o:l" nif but
14 i!;:t trill- t:;l cii!;ui(r-r tim li-itllli of
I Llilidiiii I'.xprieiice against Kxperiineiit.
Casioi iit in ii liarnilcMs Hiibstittitc for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, !rnpn mid Suothiiio; Sjtiiiih. It i I'IciiHiiiit. It
coiilain.4 neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
unbalance. Its uk It K',sra"t!C. It dostrojH Vorin
mid ullaj I'rvt.-risliiifss. It curc I)iarrhi;a and Wlud
Colic. It relieves Ti-oUiiriff Troublfs, -ur; CoiiMtipatloii
:tnd flatiili'iM-y. It aHtiniilatf;H the Food, regulate) tle
8to:na h and liowcls, iviii"; healthy and natural .nl(p.
The Chililrcn's Panacea Tb Mother's Friend.
Ecars the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
H. E. Barb eb, Prop'r.
Office in Thornton's Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at 6 a.m. Am vet
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
6 o'clock a. m. or on the arrival
of the stage from Likely. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters
Strict - Attention
First - Class - Accomodations.
P. E. Taylor, Prop.
Office at B. R ynolds Store.
fctage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrive
at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves Piush Toes
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at '
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Passenger fare $3 one way or (5 fm
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st f .75 per hundred ; from
Nov. 1st to Msy 1st 11.00 per hundred
and CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
Now Discovery
Kr A (I M
OLDS Trial Bottle Free
Jamps Barry
Brnds with 8wallow Pork ta
rlgbl ear for ewes; reverst
ft. aT
-i i i T !
lorwtvners. Home ewee buuare Crop and Bin to continue the paper to all subscrip
ts. right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range. Urant era who have Paid in advance, for tha
rostonte address. lsevlew.Oregoo
,- ,, .-,. I
Zac Whitworth
Brands with CropoS left '
ear. Hall Underoroo o
right lor owes; ruerae lor wntbere. Tar Brane .
. w. Hange, fish Crek. I'oa'oaice a-ldree I
Uk""" OT""n I
1 :-!i, tr which lms )
!; l.rto t! f !;rii;iti
1 )', h-i'!i iMiclfi ' jr-
ii;n ri iic.i f '.'' I'm !"!: itcy.
Signature of
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect May 1st, 1905.
1 Lv. Tore.ll ... A.
i Ar. Bogue t.ib
I Pteel Br1 6
" Fell Cr'k. 7 06
! Kl h 8p'(n7.10
. ' Dixie 8.10
' " rvkegemas.20
M.Lt. Poxegem 10.44 A i.
" Ar. Pixie 10.5S "
' KI'hBp'ss 11.40 "
" Fell Creek 11.45 "
" Steel Br'ge 12 00
" Bogus HM P at
" " Tbrell "
Klamath Springs Special.
Lv.JThfall 1.30 P. M.Lt. Kl'h Sp'gm.P. Ii
Ar.Bogut l.M Ar. Fell Creeki.SO -
" Steel Br'ge2.1S " " Steel Br'ge 00
Fell ( reek 2.35 " " Bogui 8.80 "
Krh8p'gft40 " " Threll . ....V
Klamath Falls-lake view
Stage Company
Hereaatlle Ce'sj Htore. Lakeview
Aaaerlraa Hotel. KUaaath Fall
Ross. Trip
Oae Way
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BR, AN Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m
every diiy but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. m very day bu
Passengers' are S j Rord trip (
! OFFICE- Reynolds A WingfleM'e ikevlew
America's Greatest Weekly
Toledo Blade
The Best known Newspaper ih
United States
Popular In Every State
In many respects I
be Tad r do lllarl. i ih.
moitl remarkable i
weekly newunaner inKiiuha
in iuc i uiiru amir, u is me only newspaper
j especially eauaa lor national circulation. It
I has bad tlie largest circulation for more yeare
than any neuapaper printed in America. Kur.
, Ibermore, il la ibe cheapest newspaper in the
i world, as w ill be explained to any person who
k in w rue us mr lerins. i ue news of tbe World
so arrvnged that buay people can more ea ily
comprehend, than by reading cumbersome col
umns ol dailies. All current topics made
plain in each issue by special editorial matter
written from inception down lo date. The
only paier publihed especially for people who
do not read dully uewsiiapi-r.and yet thirst for
plain facts. That thia kind of a newspapes ic
popular, ia proveu from the fact that tint U
ly Blade now has over viOO.Oou yearly auhscrih.
opuiar, la proven iroui tie lact that tho Week.
ers, aud ia circulated lu all parts of the United
Ktatee. In addltou to the news, the hiade pub
. lislit short and aerial storiea, and many do
: pariments of matter suited to every member ot
the family- Only one dollar a yeai.
Write lor f ee specimeu copy.
Toledo, Ohio.
XHC EXAMINKH, both n ne
Tbe Lake County Examiner baa
changed bands, C. O. Metzker having
sold the paper to Fred J. Bowman.
All moneys due on subscription are
payable to I1 red J. Cowman, and be is
fni apm fn-hinh .nh .nirinit.n.
" aw a a v w vav a-e as M wovi ipVIVUI
, T , . , c'"auiur aaver-
nave oeeu
l J 1 J : 1 1 . J at M
V.olu? " uu "r J'-yoie to u. u.
Signed 0. O. Metzker
Pred., VV"fn-o