Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 31, 1908, Page SIX, Image 6

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t.AK I. t'OI'NTY KX AMIXI'.K, 1. A K KY I KV. Olil'.i i( , TIM UIS V Y IH'.C. :!. llMis
Vlep-I'l i-lit. til
V Ol MKli- . . .
Ki-i-ii-imv of T'.-mnrv
Socrotnrx of War ...
tmrni' ii. tn rl
ruiiK; f .i ii. ml
Socri'tHr'- of s v
SiTct. ty Interior . . . .
8K-rotnrv of Akru 'iiniri
Sccrriiir ot I .in n r-t . .
WmihI' Hi WnriHT. '
V s.,. I'
;.ivi'rn.o- '
Hn pic .' Iiiiic
f " rem .!
1 hi'iMiir
; in. W
. Ko-is. I'll
i uti tiMM k-
Kl Imi No. I
II i on. lon
m. II. I'm.
elm" I Hnini.iiri
. V.
I,. M.-. i
. M
loll tti' .l
.lumen " "
Ovur V. since'
M. 11 l.ll- - '
iisiei. ('..nun ssion. '
l.;m.l c,
K. I'tiiml" rlH"
K v M....t
K NV . Hcno
A. Mi' .
. M . I'raw no.'
S i oi . V .'
l'.iir h"
r s i .
to in-ir i li"
'in ii.
S 1 1 , 1 1 1 il 'I
i..Ihi M . ' ri
. . w . Ki ;.t;
11,11k Hi Til i. ,
I S , W I I1H1I1 .
1 JTH H I'll I l I'lsrKI'l .
I' No'.unl
Joint Si-nun
Kevri f 'i-'ii!
A'torni v . .
J N IVsi-.i
Kri'.ir i r.'ii
II v.-
1 imtimii
W . J . M ixir
. I. AM OKFU "K.
in s
,-r . .'. " ' .". K.i-n.'
; ik r. mi ntv.
Tri.iiii'r' r
Sell on' Mil''
Surveyor .
Ciimriii.i.n'rs . .
Sitx'k l:;.is-ior. ...
H-.v r!lT
V. Sn-Uliis I
D. J. W iiiox I
J.N". W HtMIll I
J.S. Lam- I
B SnnliT
. '-..i
t . mi in
. Aii-' Iv i
K. ii li sir.i-.
A J Ko t r
I! H Jin- s ill
.r M. Ksiiikiii-t
A !: iirl
H K ll.TVti.r.l
. ni. rr.-mliool I
. M..ol
Oi ini-iiti.iT.
. . Tr.RMiri-r
A O. I". W.-I.AKK.VIKW liirn.K M 111
Met is i-Ti-rv s-iiiinl n.l l.mrtli Thiirvlny ol
fHCh month, in Vmr-lo Hull. I nkevii-n .
I'bas. 7oiiuin!wii. W.M.; Wm. (..untli.'r, r.
No. P. ofM., A.O. ('. ., MtsrlK first mill
thiril Thnrs lnvii of I'ii'li mohtli iu Mhsoiiu
Hall, i.ts tir'.-.n (". ot H : Srlnm 1'rii'f. I..
ofH.; Vi.lH liiiinhtT, r. of '.; Krm- Ny
ni r, K. inr.ii-r.
I. O. O. F--I.AKKVIKW UKh;K. No I- O.
O.K.. meem cverv SHtutitay evniins miW.I
Killows lli!. at f ::'ii'r!.w k. from i.-nitnTl
in 1. n.l mi h olrlis k Irom Aictl I to
rienti-mlxr an. Uiren H'l?y, N.
Clii-in v. Sti r.tarjr
K. K
J o. O. K . nu t-is the fir--l arl thir.l Thnrs
1sv iv. rnnts of la. ti month in "d'i Fellow--Hail.
Lakevii w. H. R. Herhrd. f. P., C. o.
Metrki-r. -H-ritw.
I O. O. K.. meets the m-nnnl ami f'urih
Frirtavs of i li nionili in (i. i Fi liow- Hall.
Mia. Alice Hiunine. N.ii; Mrs. L. H.ry.
for.l, V. ii.; Mrs !. I Mos. secretary ; Mrs.
L. J. MHL-ilton. TreKsnror.
first Sunday in each month, .r. iiiiiK at 11
a. m Aside innr preai l.mis every r-uu-
day at 11 am. and "Sup. -n. at Lakeii -w.
SnndavS-ti( Ixr'Je at CUM p.
m. p'raver Xe.tinK Thursday 7:.i J. in
Ijidies Aid Wednesday 1 p; in I'ljoir
jiractise Fndnt T:;p m A cordial irn na
tion is cxten.lcij Ij ruun.
I. I . I'AKKER. Pa.tor.
at New Pine reelt. irep.n. I'r. acliiin: r
victt at 11 A M and 1 :iv H M of each Sunday
of mvrv rnoinh Sin.Jay S. hooi alio A.M.
l"raj'er Service at 7: 0 ... M'EdneMtay cveninu
of each weed Ail are iCnrdiaiiy invited lo
attend , tic sen i.-es
J HAYPr.N HuH'ARti, Pastor.
Preachinif kervice at 11AM a4 ": V M on
1ft and Mrd Sun. Sunday School at 10 A M.
Junior Sin iety at i:: P M. Haptift Ynuns
J'ople's rniou u;:if M nn eacrt runday.
K-aytr Meetinir at 7:30 1' M ftViliiolny i Ve
uine. Ever) Ualy iiivited to atn ul aii s.-r-vice.
W. X- HOl KlNe. Pai-Uir.
and Beneii ji-i ion at loo'ciock a. m. Sunday
school after Benediction. H'et-k dav Ma at
6:30 a. in. I. A. V'AsTA. S. J.
at Law,
Jnlic View. Ori;oi
OFFICE-Palv Buiiilinc.
Attorney at Law,
l.iind Mai tern KpeclalC)
O.'TH'E-Uair Building.
Land and Law Ofilce
Abstractor of Titles
Ebtanlifchi-d lKh
I.ttkev ieiv, frc-
Attorney at Law
Ofliee: Over I5atik of La view
Lakkvikw, Okeoon
Attorney at Law
OHice in Duly HiilMing
li A. VVITIhM M. D
I'll VKII IAN and M lll.i:il
fi pp c pv. l rpnnn
buy Lots In Watson 'a Addition
Before you buy Iota any whure In
this riciuity see those in WatBOu'a
addition. Close to buainesu center,
of Lakeview. 3.i tf.
Continued Prom I'm f"
thliiR rven when lm Rtnml KtlH Rnrt
a pivit many inure when she whII;h.
t-ti it'll net she attiunplUlu'S In M':md.
svtecpy Mini if ii wny, with her he. id
a little llireviii hack, ns If she want
overt body In Know licit sin' i. 1 1 ::.-1 1
timidly lnii.irl:iiil In the s lie. no n- l
only 'f lllf unl'lil. lull I'f till" lliii Cm'
V't. Ill spito of n!l. in l!u' riil II
her f ;!.' which l ',iin--i's x.i . I'll
inure III a n Iut retire. hi Ii is i roil
' liii niph, as t ln lli.iiiv is sr eii'-.i i.'
111. I Slh'COSSl'lll. Oil Ii l I'f I: 'I III'. I I
s a unite little cell i'f hair i'-i1 lii'ls
i: .'If an. I ytiiral up I '.! a . i " mm:I
shell. A lauor kifps il i i li o :i
l.'.'Us as If llu- point phiVL .1 I' ! Mr-
Us as If I lio point phi'. L
l'.ss K.l 's I-l :lill. !!;.".!; Il
!. rsn't. I or t ho f.-t'i'lioa
rnl) villi Ii lias i!n i'ITiv l
ji;s; al.inil to fall Into sim
faliii.j;. ll's a Mai U lii'i'.-i
r a I
I ol .'
.1 ill
mure til;c the tiiipust anil
)ilri)il iit lir. ,wmi.( i'i, mW.
ttr-:iU:ht. iLuik pyidirows an Inch delim
it aie lila. k tiKi; so are the short eye-l.'.-hcs.
also thii k and straight, like a
stiil trinj:i'. Ian the eyes are uray
i.Tay h i;luss. lliotiKh not iranspareiiL
S i::u-ti:aes they sei'tn almost white,
v. i:!i just a tiny head of I. lack for the
pupil I never saw anything so hard
e;it the :!as.s marliles 1 used to
j.l.iy wiilu, and llu-y look at most peiv
p!.' as if somet'.iiiitf In-hind them were
j"iiit; a mental sum in arithmetic, for
t! omet hint's nun advantage. They
ijoii't link at mother iu that way; no
eves hi the v.rM would dare. Imt I'm
t n ! I : i ! .-ir al-ut 4irdinary pcoile. who are
i;.'l fill wiii:e arum lilies with the air
( f bavins tmnu in kinds' gardens.
Mrs. S!tMesaut -Kunx's nose Is well
'i -i,l au.1 rather lare. So is her
mo tviib a 'tiiiu red line" of lips.
I'. it smiirlii.w it's tlie chin the fea
tr.j'e tun simply take for (Trained and
uardly letuemlieron unst faces which
do:::iii'ites the rest. It a-omes roinidiui;
on! under her liiis. makiu them seem
to recede, though they don't really
An 1 li s sipiare. wiih an efl'ect of the
skill l.ellj-4 laid ou over some perfectly
hard like inarhie. or the
same Ivory her teeth are ninde of
besides al) this as if it weren't
en a:'!i she' a widow, one of those
women who look as if th-y had l.eeti
born i idows. Anyway. J in certain
that Mrs. Stuyvesuiit-Knox i-an never
have Lieeli a child.
Sally Woidlitirn's chin is rattier full
too I wonder If in spile of her lazy
ways and slow, soft speech she i.s
very decided, like her cousin, who in ;
so iii'ich older and hi truer and ap-pau-ntly
ahle to make the Kent It little,
southern relative do us she wills?
Mrs. E's Kay. terribly Klitteriiiir -this
evening In fl cown contrasting
strongly with our simple things, was
almost too nice to me, saying several :
times over how glud she was" that I
was going to visit her. At dinner she
painted word pictures of the "good
times" she would give me, and though ;
I've never beeu able to care for her !
and don't a bit ijiore now, I began to ;
be rather excited by her talk, for she
made things seem so interesting and '
new. Ilesides, it appears that Sally
Wood hum will be at Newport most of ,
the summer, so I shall have her to fall
back upon. i
As for me, 1 was good as gold, and
Vic threw me approving glances, for '
which I was grateful, for I like being '
la Vic's good graces. She doesn't 1
often bother with me much, but when ,
she does she is so sweet it makes up
fur everything and she knows that j
I could hardly wait to hear her ex
planations," and so I was glad Mrs.
Ess Kay and Miss Woodburu were
hypnotized by mother Into thinking
they wanted to go early to bed. Moth
er Is very clever about such things.
She didn't come again to talk to me
In my room. I suppose ahe thought It
best to let the new Ideas aluimer.
Anyhow, she sent Thompson away and
shut the door between Vic's room and
Cera sooner than usual. Presently Vie
slipped quietly In to me, In the new
blue dressing gown which was to have
been mine, only when she saw it fin
ished she wanted it and had four
inches taken up above the hem.
"Well, how are you feeling about
things now?" she asked, sitting down
lu front of the mirror wiih her hair
brush In her hand.
"I'll tell you after yuil'tf old me
why I ought to feel can- way m..-i 'hau
another." I said with prudent reserve.
"Then, like a good child, brush my
hair. I wouldn't let Thompson do any-
thing because 1 knew you'd be dying
' to haie me, and I can talk so beautl
. fully while my hair is being done. It
makes me wish I were a pussy cut, so
1 that I could pur."
j "I hate having mine touchej by any
! one," sai l I.
"Well, perhnpi) 1 should hate It, too,
If mine were curly and about six Inches
?:--r--j r-r i
thU'k mm rnnio down to my km.
t 1 1 1 1 . 1 .' Ill'l'llld of In-Ill;' llllli'i
plrri's I lure! i Ii it's Ihm oiii.i V
li.iw I -. i : l I'i'.iu V.iii Kii.iu, li.i
I lis Km ! , i:i,,. i,. ;
i,. i ii u in A l.u I i a Ml''
n;1 r. ; i - il in on I 'n- n
was -t ,i Iici c lii'l.'ii
a i 1 1 I i;i!
, i lx .. i...
I I W llcll sli.
'i :
ll.lVl ,l li.i'
it lii'l'
! I h
i t l:
! . I'i
m mil ; !i
.1 II Ull
a liiml
m in
s 1 1 i i :
'i i -i :
t i I,
I'll! t
I .
"I'm i
.Ti. li r
II Irtti'l
I I'll'
i : '. i
... i i
I ;'ii ; i
r- Ii i -
l l!;;
I'i i
i Mi. ill.
I i :
i i -1 w as .
l!u-n II I.
In linn!, nl
mi. I
lil' i'i
i'i'v l.i:i :!it u i
imh'H'X mi l In
Hi in 1i.i;
III.- sir.- '
"I i. m l sin -r ii t
i MM i- vain
ii in.mon. ii-v
lia.lly 1-ii.n'i
IT "i I
li In l'a:'.ii '
-Not Ills."
"Yi s. yr ln An. I I siv n lr i-n!i:ll'U'
pni-pi-rt (if our u.::;i": it If y.ia'll
l i tin- Statos wiili Mis : s Uay "
"W'lia: .an that Ii;im- h tin with it
I (lmi'l Un.iw hiio II: vhat ymi mean"
" l liat's Is-i aitsc jun'ie mi. Ii a (jn- il
Kiliy If j mi must liaxc cvi-ry I'
cni-scil nn. I i-u'iv T Sir iM
I rt lias niipaivnllv cijnrclvi-.I n pa
initil.iii tolcrut urn fi r ymir N li toria
u!:K!i is liU(-ly If pnicrly f.isicivil
ami cm'imrai;i-il ti ili-clop Into sumo
tiling inoro satisfaotory."
I'atroni.'liik; Imli-i-.l! That dull -li'-
"KVphniitH ar" tint ns m rule dull.
Aivl forty tlKiiisainl a yi-,ir In any
foi in i-.iii nTord I pattniii.- a ilauli
ti-r of a In'ii !ri' l dni-s wltlmnt a
jn-tiny. In-i'i-ns I'm uicri-ly tin- Kram!
('a - rliti-r of tlirii- lu fai t, my !car.
I'I. I ! l " : i ' -1 v iiin-s tint Sir HIMwrt
an 1 a
! as fi('.
lie's l.i-eu rath
wrl'ten almosi
I 111'. !
en :i
Ii Ik
! tor
-ll illl to
i n ue doit II
!.it lo Moll
it I res he'
1. 1,- si'l'lC
. 'oil. t!f'
lion! le I .
lime h
i-i loo'st
t on "
. i
'Ye-, jiiu TVe one lime he i-ii-t
saw toi v. as lieu ;mi had that
fri r'ttr i! col l au l hsike I Ll-leou-'.
:t!i ;. oar r no: e in lit- it"
i.v and ovr eves half thcii-s Hut -t.c!!.
retry, you're a U-.uity. and I'm
imT. i'.im -i'i I do i! !:i-r i:i e!f I'm not
bil loo.i.g I'm "penny pl.iiu' and
; ou're ';i!i;ieiice coliiii-1.' and the
Man:. -II i.ia i can .ifT'ird I uppi-in e lor
a t.b'c Vn ' :ic .-'i frig'i: fully, luridly
pre;:; ihi't it's almost Improper, and
it' In- c i ... - down and sees you he'll
pro' il ly tliink you better worth his
iiion.-y than 1 am."
"What nonsense! And If he were
such nil idiot of course I should re
fuse him."
"You would. That's one of moth
er's ditliculties. Even you must see
that would do no good from the fumi
iy point of view."
"I could keep out of the creature's
"You couldn't without Stan making
some blundering remark or some con
treiemps happening. It would lie sure
to. It's much safer to have you abso
lutely out of tin- way, and it was w hen
we were talking it over this morning
that mother hit upon the plan of scud
ing you to the Slates. You know how
jirotnpt she is once she's made up her
mind: Mother is really a wonderful
woman. Twenty minutes later she seut
it telegram to Mrs. Ess Kay asking her
lo come down and certain under provl '
deuce that she would, for an Intimate i
sort of Invitation like this wheu we're
alone (especially after the great dlsap-1
pointmeiit) would lie too flattering to a 1
woman of that type not to be snapped 1
ut, no matter if a dozen engagements'
had to be trampled In the dust." i
"What 'great disappointment' are you 1
talking about V"
"Infant iu arms! Why, Stan ami
Miss Wood burn." !
"1 didn't know nobody toid me" i
"Fancy needing to be told! As If
that weren't the only rcuson why
mother smiled on Mrs. Ess Kay In the
beginning. It was because she thought
Miss Woodbtini might do for Stan
forth, who must marry money, and Is
lou pour, hui'iilil;, poor, to be much of a
catcli with most English heiresses, who
aren't as keen on titles us they used
to be unless there's miiiii- solid I'ouii 1:1
tiou for llit-m to ciniid on and n : wo i
hie. Every one - '...s Mi. s ,'o nl1 aim's
a great heir s. an I lliou !i j a -'s a lew
years older th.Hi Stall .!ie':. a I l ly. a
charming ivo.iiii.'e a:: 1 i: i: I I loii.i
Mother thought ail lliil liie da
they were in 1 1 m lo. -i d lo hi-r at In
Northminster's coiic. il, ko she invite)
them here. Cut Stan and the Wool
burn wouldn't loil; at each other. It
was useless even fur mother's genius
to attempt the Impossible, so She re
signed herself lo the Inevitable and
gave the thing up. She meant to drop
the Americans gently, which she could
easily do, as I hey were going home
soon, when this new Idea popped up.
It's really important for me, dear. I
do want you to see that. It will be so
much belter all around If you are out
of the way. anyhow until I'm safely
engaged and the wedding day fixed.
'J hen. you know, If you haven't mean
while picked 1 1 1 an American million
aire on the other slde-don't look so
horrified - mother will be able to de
vote herself lo you, heart and soul, as
she has to me. Next spring you can be
presented" -
"Jion't bribe," said, feeling as If I
wanted to cry. "If you want lo get
rid of me 'l go without thai, but I
should have thought I might be sent
again to Aunt Sophy's."
".Not again until our magnificent
cousin's safely married. Kh. wouldn't
have you there. Remember how sh
i .'i.i-i 1 1 1 .-1.
asUi'.r f.i- i
v Pi SiiMi I
!.iy. a': 'm,;
, IsVI I ! 1 1 1
': i .. ,
1 ' . - - ' T
tliniv rr livf
1 ililn', nlioiil ml
1 ii'iii'lui y rlsi-'Ml
i n iinrt cH' ii
; iv clillil. iiml It's
;i tn i i-l i li'M' lliii
'.. . I i .in. Ii of tin'
i r.iii'.iii
" " 's si-: ! li-.l. t "t. ii ' 1.1 I as di
i. iis I iimlil. I 'i . , t I. a l -i In the
''.n l.:'. o.lii I "A i! i-nvi Ii-I'k to In
lu-il. i ll e. I'm - I. rp.V "
1 wasn't, I'til my eyes were li-i.
i:inl ill, ii- was ,i lump In my tlnoal.
I was li.iiiiesli , ilii-ailfiilly limnesl.
for . -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l; I il.m't know
Imi I: se.-iin-.l to ln somel hlnu l'e
iii'M-r liad yi-l iiml Meter ean
liate I'hal Is why I wauled to ls
alone and write ct ert lliiiiit do n c
nelly lis II has liappeneii.
" "nr
A IM AVAKD id lltty dullnis is bote
by tillered tor intoi mill ion I lint will
lend to I he in rest and conviction of
any pel sun Im bus stolen wires nr
ui nor pi opoi I v, freiii our ('niiipiiny ;
and the same reward Is ben-by olfcn'il
lor inturiioit ion that will lead to the
arrest mid conviction of anyone des
troying I he property of the ('oinpiiny.
t'lms. t'mbiicli, ,
SecretHiy like Co. Tel. A Tel. Co.
Not k.r.
notice is b.-reliy given that nil Irilgn
li.oi. nr mlilniee ilitchen iu nil t n u t
sticniiiM .hrmiglit I .like I'minly, Ore
gon, must be Hcris-msl with a small
lliesll Vt in- wcreeliltig lit I heir licml nr
jiiiicllun with the main channel of
strvniti. AIhii nil iIiiiiim or obstruct
ions nil hmI.I st renins must lie pro
v l.lisl w ith n ll-di bidder, or t.t In rensy
men ns of piissnge. h t ii r tu-nr t tu mid
dle of the nuiln chniilicl. so n ti- nl-
ow he pllH-uge of trullt Ht III! times j
of It'll T, Hn oinvl.hsl bv Ian. Sub) j
Work to lieiloiie nt low w ntcr nine, j
or to be Ci Oil pi. -led liy l'-li. 7, 11Hi7.
lly order of .1 ' A. IWu bum. I
SiH-cinI liiputy lisli Wnrdi-n fori
Lu kt-Co ii ii ty , t-gi ui
$1,000.00 Reward.
I'lic Oregon. Cnliforiii.i V Ni vml.i
LictK-k l'rotecilv ,W n'liil b hi
will nlve f HiiNi llewnrd for (be con j
vlctlon of niiy party or partii-M Hti-iil-liitr
liorweH. cuttle or liiuk-H iH-LiiiLMtik'
lo any of I he follow Inj ineiuU-rH of
t li Im Ahbi h-1m t bm:
Cox V Chirk, ( bevtiicitn Ijind
Cuttle 4i., Hertford l.llll. I A Cjiltlei
'i.. Lake Cimnty Lund At Livenlock i
C-o.. Warner Valley Stock Co., Win i
W. I'.row ii. (ieo. M ." .1 1 itn-M, i -( i. Han I
Uilix. K. II. Clialli'.ier. C. A. ICehnrt. . !
l ine, W... Currier, l-'rinik II. ItauerM.
J.C. HoteliklcM, Cnlderwood I'.nm.,
T. .1. I'.rnttaiii ,V Soiim. T. , riunii,
Cn-Hxler Jt I'.. inner, W. T. CroiHler I
Maud I. Ilamlui. .
i i. . .. . ... i
1'. II mi vi nun. 1'ri Hhl't i
. M. iln l Kii.Sec.V" Trenx !
I W. I'. Hl llVUlKII
M. 1'. M. liKKKN
I S. I!. Ciiamii i:u
The Lxaminer bun a Biipply of flrnl
rlanH butter wrapper paper on hand
now, at tb follow mi; price: -'or riim
wiapperr, (Tinted, 'S..rm, for Kkhi
printed ii.t.'J. tf
fRtt Iuowlntf what It wiih to Mi:f.
fer, I will i;lve I'ltKL Ol-' CIIAI:i,i:.
to any ullllcted a piiNltl ve cure foi
Lczeinii, Suit I.heiiin, KrvwiiM-lnM,
I'ileHHIHl Skill DlMeanea. liiMtinit n--Jii-f.
Dont Hiiffer lunger, W rite I'. W
WILLIAMS. 400 Maiihatlan Avenue,'
New York. Knch me Stamp.
ont yon lioine last
lanl! lie, in.i. t r:
. Ii-i-llii-; li nn- I i; . I
to !: I ;Veh r;i hi .
I'lin1, i) ill '.ill I .
for t in. I. !i o, . ;
: f,,!!. II f.i. tl.lle. -'I .
Why Refer
to Doctors
Hccniisc wc make medicines
for them. We cell them all
alum! Ayer's Cherry Pcciorol,
atul they prcscrlhc it for
couohs, eoUls, hronchiiis, con
siimptinii. They Iriist it. Then
ymi can alTord to trust it.
Ask your own doctor.
Thn liiot Inn. I of ft tontlinonlftl -"Holit
lor over lly yr."
M(1 bfj.d Arr('n
a iittiufftaturr of
j Mill.
V liv I o Bl-f-rrl, - W -lll.lHll
Ili0 r..ritiil of :1 imr l.-.l.fl.
Aver s Pills Kr'tlV nil tho Cherry
Pectornl lit bronklng up n cold.
Thrte in no rrcd of un-itic uftrr
IliK hiiiK with thin ilnr.itic, (or lo
rtlrct a ipiick cuir it in only lircra
ary to mkf lew .loan ut
Colic, Cwlsra and
Diarrhcca Remedy
In fact, in mom mam one do.f I
sufluirnt. It nrvri luila and mil Ixr
rrlird upon in ihr mokt ifvrn and
dimrtoun iumi. It la ripmlly vul
uhle fur chililirn and U Ihr Hiram
of saviiiK the liven ot iiimiy cluldirn
rath yrnr.
In Ihr wuild' Mnioiy no nirdicinr
hua rvrr met with firmer nuccc.u.
l Kind Vnj n W;irt Boi:1!
ir cl.
The ll.rnry l oiintj
I. l 1 I htlM k A IMM'lft
II. .11. I H III. I, an
a iiii-iii t.r ;-. 7'4
r.-WHril rorrvitlt-iic.
h K-hiiK in iii. t-.,n
in Hon ol .nri.i
M'nill.K li. k I.,
lolitfltik' lo I. in. -ir
li r In ml lnion I
offi r ( in r.-.mnl
llorm' I. mini tiorwi-
4llol- on ell lnl
or Im.i I. -) lo.
-iiriji-il lim.'oiintli-t
IIKt i ri nk l i.HlilIri
ol.l Morii.'ii not, I to Ni.
iilll In- r. i.orlc.1 In inn
h inec II urn. t Ink
tf(irM- Vl'I'l.-.l ssll.'ll N
ItllollKtl tlili. .... tloll
l-npcr. II mil imi r
pliiinr Tin 1 1 ini- M
l.ri.'.l. ;.i-..- w rile or n I.-i-rn.l
Muni m'. Il.irn-. liri
W IV .llrow n, Iiiiiiiii on-.
Reward for Morses
I will irive .i.ini reward for Inform
ation that will lead t o t be il c, i vel V
-if niiy IiiiI'm- braiiiled w ith an olil
In r-io-.ln .( braiiil on hot Ii Ja wm, pbiced
iim In the cut III IIiIk n.l vert icui.'lit ,
with trlaiiule lirand iiinli-riieath
t he liiil'HeHbiM-. 'The trbilmle plnced ,
III Mich u manner art would cover up
a bar on but h j:iwM. Animalx iiiiihI
be found III the mihhohniiI ()f Home
pl-rHOII (ir pel-NOIIH.
1'reimre for; j .nil winter'. rendiiiK
by Ink inj itdviintHUi) (if line or nil n
I our clubbiiiK offer.
Your Next Commer
cial Printing" Job Can
Best Be Done By Us
Whether it he
Telephone or Call at
i , . w . . ,, .,
ni miih too nam iwnn Bwipi
... ' LXPUilt-NCfe
CoPvmoHTS Ac.
li mnl ifr(nf iirt mat
Hi i't l t fuf
M IN 'fi'l'-iMr "i
nit. ii (M'rt tnr tit)
pmt nh)f ii' illitltilcn
. 1,1 ! y i utillili
fill (trt. (' nrlx'f ,n MiM-til liiT imIiiiI,
.i . ni tnhf m I lirMi. It M no n 1 i. Imwlv -tlx
i ll HH. it t l irvii, it tlt
Scientific Jitncricntu
H tiMiulantncIv I1hilrf (t rl1r, I nrvrsl rit.
'ii l-i i 1 1 i'f lent nt.' )- iif imi, 'I ii rm ft
fi it r .iir tiio'iihi, t. H..IJ lifall tiwiifiiiifa.
MUNN & Co.3010 '-New Yorfr
Mimo. rt m , . K Hf.. Wnahiiitfiuii, . I '
MCinc CBAsn greatest ukku
r Pi Vt f ri tt Bui i -r ' .,
tiatir lit daiir 'i -ti
lrtr t it I t.t tint t'i ! f I li ' i
H i.! trl ur I- l i' .
I 111 tr t nt tlhjrt'il Ml, - I . V, i
r-ini mt fftlnali! an.) m in' -
If i rt flpr lo ; M , r
fnitl frowr tl m i i i 'i
ml nil r liar rbca luib t ...
on yr lnlttl ; t
IUy. ( Binntka it'.. 1 ( 1 s ,.i- 1 1
fa'tr. thr tnnlb t fln,i n ui 1
If. ott mtmtb flttclu. ut
Uhv, cm jmr 1
W'iilf, tt uxmlha
irvita. n fr .
uu4, Mi ftioytb J
Tfi3 Weekly "Chromic!
Th Trry ll
pubUth4 Id
wrrkly 1 r i, .pnH r
tli nil! re '...
$1.50 a Y,:r
I'Bom 1 ini1i ati4 Mit to . t -
pie . ..(.j t
It tg xt btiiM, lira il fi'it 1-,' 1
Hfl Of lb WO! Ill tl Milk i-l H I
a(iii( way full i)t 11 1 u 1
rl, II aaUI Aiartmrn( ili
AotirmTtTit vininu
fOV 1 TUT t AHill.-N-
LZVI TOCK an ifO.. Tl
wldf of tba'r
T dun dvt4 ! Agrlrullui I. .fit
mltur. rul(r m4 mn4 I.U 9ic k i
wall tllutral4 a4 tll4 1lb mfr, ..f
tba fTal lBtrt ! all ngaj.l u
tbaa tiw1ufH. aary llo balng utt-n
bf thm wh w f rlu inir" ii win
m jrvrmlttaaT lbl Ctaal
Ia vacUafj la fur ubacrlt Ion.
M. H. do YOUNG,
FnaalM "CkrsalrU,"
ia Fntaclare, CL
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
XKiutiurti of
Bnftrt tb
Blj ntnr
(iH . If
I l-.ti '