KOIU LixciftttrN rv i'.xaminlk, i.akkvilw. oiikcon. tiu ksda v, m cpmiu it a. iimh Lake County Examiner KKK.tl J. IUWM.V,V. I.KrgrM Paper, and I aigrat Clrtulallon In Kaslrrn and Son th can tOrrfon 1TI1I.ISIIKK KVKK) ft'Hi:KMiVY. Knicr-M ai lilt- Vest oittci at ,lv!e. Oro. a Svt'on1 lift Matter. I ol NTY oKI-lmAI. t'.VIKK M B5CRIPTUW R ATIS. One. sr. in ailv am-t-, $- 0C- Hii mot lot. " I'-' Thro, ti out h, " ... g& li n,,i pal. I i.i a lvix . . .10 rat. SnbiTtlrr ( tin' Kiamtnrt oho n nwn from one lix-alttv In another. tr ctiainct Iht'ir posiorriee a.Mr. v. .ii.Mild ivwrnNT tr drop this 1. flic a car.1 so tie ir paper vai he ail dresse.l to iiir ruilti sstottu- ri.il' tlUll!g ill ilJtlW Ulltl Hie tucon pltshu-ctits titii which llinko 11 (-il aiMitiMtll; aud liH' y. In fill tl I ItOtH) Ml -U TEMBERMAN WINS J OVEItHOMESTEADER T!i oi'iKrniiuo t it n-ci (state Daiiy Association at rVilem tat 1 week was the tin tMivotwfiil fw j xii Commissioner if thi liem'ral hell by I tint body. Washington i j jj1U1(1 ot!!o, )-niilr 1 1. ISM is. rrn. California ver rr"prweili1 in j ored a decision in the case of Thomas attendance. mi ehit.it. Th grand t y kM,ir li.T s. (tcor;e S. Harper, prlre for let display of ilairy i'- Li,.),, if in-lu l M y Hip Seeielaiy i.( the Intel tor, have h iriy d"eltlcd la airing on n nunitirr of other entries Bailey (Ik Massing! Lakeview Oregon duets who awarded to F. A. Schuttin ger of alom for Jan etiitit inci'tM 1 mi 2 rarities of crn?ee. Tbe Hong las Ci earner j Co. of Roseburg u tirst award for highift oiring 'naai ery Putter. I'. 15. Mattke of Si Hen ! r hit. I est soc-rlng tiiiiry but ter mi 1 T .1. ItMllnntyni', of Hohson- villi-, for I'ik-l ps-t scoring che.. Tlx j f()r jm, dnir men ('li- Igcd a fiiml of fl' Hr :M,t H i.i,.. Ill f.ir I Iiu intilovninf of fill -' Ki-c.'ar tiul:i' a.l- H.w' " r.lm 11 iMt't. t. r II ll Ail 'rtl' c 1) 11 l; ' : fri i' I u o a' 11 "in i.n.ini ." tinn 1 imriM'.t fur a 11 extra 1(1111:1 Ail -V poslui'ti 'tra All fli.irl i.-i 111 aits viu ...!. r 1... ki i'..;uinn. v ht liui- li in avllion. hiiI B't. a Jjivi-ai h o rani,.! Mlm. 1'. f.wi ( 1 olli'" . II .Hi 1U11I l 1' af'tv gSr 1 rlin'i 1 A'tvi ri 11 114! ana Jut' IliK. ihsIi 111 B.lxau.r All I I Is must !. pan! h rt.if tai l! lu.nilh "No deviation Irnm llns-o HTU's ..i.l 1 lal i-r; oil .tiu-Si- I pri t to I link' lUiry 01 iiiitioim lliioiicti Ollt tilt ctnti 11)' to t lit llik'llt'at OHri i Thf ( i t 1111 11 lull ti 1 no t I In tiii'i 11 j rial ili-tii It j-r-t ivltlo. iiiinniu iiIIht tlnii'j!. Hint tin- iiiin-il il ut'vor lit I will 1 ;ikf t'vt-r 1 lit' lo It-fiilo Imiiiiir I an. I Sfll.nu t.f jijilnt i. t li" f il-- I'lln' tt ' Iw lei. n '.i toil o )i In irtiilm i' )t in t ! rt'vn.iii' 1 it 1V iiiillitni tiiill it. I'lif ImiT t;i ivi'l l- iiii-rt'.is' tl. w I I tlint t'li litittlt'il wim-s lititli id 'tnost 11111I fttiolun. A tax wlil In- I- vlotl mi I'lti t i lrit v am! l'iik, also. THIS PAPER l.imi1 Mrooi. couiraits lor is Ut'itt on Hl' at? l.lv..rticlllP 4., San tiAUi'iMXi, atlveriisiii i-an ' iuuJi FARMING NOW A 5CIEN:E Th" tiiiy is f-'one tb. ouhiut the Anierioan L'Dion, in wbub tle lotruor can be cousitierml to occupy a lower station in life thau his town lrat.Ue.r.. Thp ivlea was conceived roui coa ditions prevalent iu the rural or peasant districts of the Hntjsb Liles aud of tbe Kuropeau uation. liut ju America some of cur meatt nveu epruLi; from the soil, and proud ww tbey to ackuowedk'P and proc filial abut fact. PunnR rec nt years tbediuitf kuid deh-iraliil itv of larm life has two moro an. 1 mote Inpi arnt. Tbe eetab lishment of agricultural colleges has lifted tbe callitikr cf the farmer to aj scieuiv where lumns, educated and 1 trained for petting the best there it' out of the farm tiring greatest sue-1 ce. Aud many succesiffnl business' men, there utreuuous days, after a I life of tumult and ttiess iucideuttoj wrt-s-tini: a fortutii' fr.om tbe territlei con -pel ition of tiU.-iuees pursuit,! tmii In tbe thnu lor re-c.t aud comfoit' for approachiun old ae. ' but irreat as tins I eeu llio advance, in farm met li' d.-. and in tliv introduc tion of luLior mviui! tievu'eti, tbe future rromis-es -till betttr t b i u j' s for the iutelliKeut ;aruier. For instance tie future farn.er will euli irrigate hi- laud, aud d!r 1 drought as well as floods. lie will hec'iiit- a gcit-utifii- forester, aud i-veiy larui will produce wood aud luml;er as well ti-- wbe;it aud a 1 les. A single acre v. ill pro luct- t:;it teu acres yield now. Women v. ill u rk out door us beiiitiiy as li eu ; iu fact, tbey will be bolt: Uiuisls and the truck garden ers J'::ere id I j a closer re'aticu between the prcduoer and tbe con sumer, iunoriri a horde of middle meii (iO frequently waste rnnre than is destroyed L-y iuorant help and 111 rpt toe coii.biin-d. Uulcr tbn alliance with tin.- c. bi ol tbe furm wib be Vrtlii" 1 11 it orjlr for ttie uro.-s wei-jr i' ji t'i" oro Imc's, but for itn ar d its 1 d';i hticn. iur rctoi ;; I ecoiJie places f or ti- hcjuirlny kuri'.1. 1- louieH will tli garden, f a rin. Tbe s i'.t: and t lie very c : ' 11 .- is iilrea t.- tl at lie haw i.fnl I its weultl ;.-i..l,ts. b u t he I olden mmms getting BUSY THESE DAYS A, II. Moli. id, of Kf.l r.luff. r.ilif II known iu L.'ikt-vi.'W. and who ix the won! I.iiyt r f. r lie lir.11 of K. It, Llmlley & I'.i. of ltoftoii. n-ci'lved a tt'lfuram jroin hU hoiist-tai iuu that the i.lNH' bajrs of .ml cotlHitftlt'il to tbem froiu..rt.v wool nr..worn of 'IV luillia County had li-en tlisposet) of anil that returns mild l' uiaili' at oj co by mail. ilcspatch from Kotl Bluff wiys; riiere mimiih 10 lie a Mi; demand for Iamb. h.iiiI Mrs. Matfirie 1 Treiit' has sobl I .Mo head to V II. J Mclm.es, who bii" whipped them to Tracy. Mclnne- alo l.ouirbt '.'.KX) ' lu'inl from I i '. .Mitchell, of 1'ankenta, ! aju) those ill best lit to M ultpit-eiicy i liros. at II ' Ucavd Cough Medicine tor Children The season ior cuuhs and col's is now ait band, and 'mi mucb care can not t u.-ed to protect tbe children. A child is mucb more likely to con tract diptberia or scarlet fever when be has a cold. Tbe quicker you cure bis cold the Jess the risk, i'hamber laia'scoutib remedy is tbe solo reli ance of many mothers, au I few of those bt have tried it ate wllinn to use any other. Mrs. I'. F . Sturchet. of Uibley, W. Va., says: "I have never used any thinif othci . than Chamberlain's Con'h Kemeiv for my children and it has always ciien Hood satisfaction. ibis remedy coutains 1 no onium or other narcotic and in this laud district. It was a case riini out of I bo n-storiit Ion of forestiy luiid-i in this tlls.rict a year k'o. Harper II 1 i 11 if n timber and stone l application u r tbe east halt ot the southeast quarter of section III, .H-I.'i, nud Murphy II I inn a homestead entry same Hint, iiIIikiuk' settle month pi loi to tlie time the t wo 11 1 1 i 1 1 t'li t ions ere 11. mil'. A bear Iijk' whs ordeti'd by the l.iikrview Luu-d .Dllice, and subsevpiently 11 decis ion was rendered it'commc ml'tiit the iiJIowiince of the timber and stone apl lie ntlnn of I lnt , At tb" heariiiir it was virtuiilly con- eo 'd that the homestead ai'i'lii'iint had ma lo tiood so fur ;.s was possilile : for bun lo have done so at t tint nine, dot bus to residence mid 1 1 1 1 piiMi'iiieut. the 1111. In contention be I ilk.' that the bind was more valuable or its flintier than for any other pur pose. And to that end Hie timber mid stone applicant Introduced vi- I lenie tendluk to show that the In nd Mas not suitable for ark'icultural pur- ! POM'S. j Alter roiiHideritik,' tbe testimony ' siit imt tii t tbe bearing, the Com- missiouer r eat-bod the follow lutt cou- : lusions: : "No pr-ctiiMvl compliance with the! repuiremeiitii of the homestead law 011 I this laud is otijble in tbe matter of j nil1 ivHt ion, for the land is not even tit for crazinn imritces "It may tie ruui'eded that tbe lauds in question arc. vacant and unappro priated, hence falling within the general category of vuds mibject to homestead entry. tMjt it is also true that tbe homestead 'aw imposes cer tain requirements on the eiifrymaii, one of which is cult ivail ion, to the end that the eulrymau by such act can demonstrate bin nood faith in tak iutf ttie land for the purpose of a home. "The cultivation iu such case is mire as essential a requisite com pliance with the 'aw- us that of resi dence, aud must consist iu the entry a substantial ue of a reasonable area of the land i-mhi-ftced in the entry. "W here tbe Intnl. as 111 this case, is of such character that it Is apparent that no practi 'id compliance with the homestead law is possible, iu the matter of cultivation, the homeafead application should be re jeoted, for it is evident that ood ; faith must he wanting on the part of tbe applicant. (Wright v Larson, L. O., "."."): Metisotl v. Stale of Idaho, I -1 I.. I) . 272; Jamison v. llnyden, l.'i; U D, 27r..) "The homestead application of j Murphy is accordingly bereiiy reject General Merchants, Carry an Up-to-Date Line of Pry Ladies and Gents Furnishings. We are Agents for famous Hanan and Red Cross Shoes. AGRICULTURAL PROFESSOR HERE Prof. H. K. lluchauuon. of the Ames, Iowa, Atiricultoial College, is in town. Tbe yenl leuinn came out t i see for bimseff ami make a report to others as to tbe actualities of thin section of tbe I'nion While here lm will mnk" utile trips from tioldeu Uoose Lake Violoy iu ordt-r to mote fully tlt-tt nil ino the auriculliiial and horticultural resources of Lake County, and if satislled may conclude to invest with ultimate intention of locating with us. If he does so, it wil' tie a iu lent tier in the cap of Luke dimity, as the cent lemaii Smiles and Squalls M "lllK tKIII.tT . A Los AiiL'eles mull nut a divorce from bis wife becaun she unshed her two chlldien with Kasiolene, and let them run iilonnd linked, as It wan too much troublii ami took too much time for her to "roperly bathe ami dress them. Ho snrelj must l a inlKlity piirticular man ! IMri'i dories for Sali- Tli is office has 011 bund a fnw copies of the county directory, which will bo closed out at .Sic tuilf price Thoae "IshiiiK a copy should not delar semi inn their orders. It contains t be I N T1CK name of every voter in the county. There is a special write up of the county ami ut the towns. In it there in 1 . ... . . aiso is a synopsis of tie umo law of Norit l.-Ulifiii'cni iiiitrnn ih'Hln-M M'tilce dlscontliiui'ti. or cbaiiu'fM inaile In bimpM, notice thereof iiuiHt l-promptly t to tbo :'oiiiihhv' otherwlHe current will "Mi charKi il for all wiring. eliTtrlc lljrht Mocki tH nml i lii trlc IroiiM. up to the tlmcHiieh notice U receheti at tbn olllce of the Company. All eliitrlo IroiiH, when ordi-rotl illwoiitlu , miiMt . Mont t,, t. olbc. and a rii celpt will M. nivi n ihercfor, until re iiit Ht for ii in'wal of such wrvice lx made. All l impa . ft hiiriilnk' In voliil the lime lor w hit h tl.v iin- riitetl, will be churned for Tomporarv of fice at Fir-1 Natloi at t,mi , ,kevliw. N-I' -M NSiiN. Proprietor ' Lb ctrlo l.Kut Co. traveled exteii-ively tbiouhK'out the West, and would be abie to tlran con clusi ins from the slamlpoiiit of ' u. i.i 1 iiu cu.ir i.r tr.i .iu..ii..fi i... may 1 ...:.. ,ii 1 i,.u, ;u i, ,.u,,...i 1 know lotloe and ex pel li-uce He bus tie uiveii as conn. lent. y to a cliil.l as , , r,.r,f.t his applicatou for tb.. land to an adult, l or eale by A. L. ; applied for by him " luorut0"' iSijned ) S. V. I'KOCDITT. " 1 Assistant Commissioner. Who can have the temerity to iVri'b' . the power of the j.r.ss. hoii it is I Some of the advertising matter of authoritatively reported from tin-j the Oreum) Valley Laud Co., agents Antipodes that a novel plan is heiriii , says that "Lakeview is tbe comini! ex p-i - tilt 11 ted with In Australia in ' Metropolis of Southern ( Ireu'on. " W fiat is tbe inatrer with them? Lake view is not a k'oi'ii: to be! It IS the metroplis of the (in-at Inland Kmpire of Or-L'i n. and is iJ.wiys yoi.uu' to maintain that prou 1 distiuctolu. ttie State. ami much oilier valuable in formation rik.ar.linK Lakeview ami 1 11 (nit at y country. ridding it of tin' rabbit plague. A iiewspnpt j is placid at the mouth of tin-burrow, and the bole is then st . .ppeil i' I, eart b. The lal. bits an sa i. I to I f so fri' b t t-I let) by tin- rust It 1 1 1 ur of 1 he pa per t ha t t bey w III not up fnai btbt- spot naain, prsfor riuu-t . . dit in 1 be burrow. irone over into Warner Lake valley, and will take a trip into the ;bihl,it ; Creek coiintiy, and will also isit tbe . mines at (iobiriin. .1. l' Snyder and wife of the famous ; Willow Ibincb, Calif., were up Sun : flay to attend the (irel er-llahii wetl- tlltiL.'. While here tbey mmltt a plens- ant cad on The Kxuiniuer. A llanicrroitM Operation removal of t I.e it r peudix poem t apply it.-!.' as w eil ediie. r-ur fa 1 in intei.' 1 a! 1 ai ts of and tin; nb. between tie bo will ) e c .1 to e A valb-y lull or f; tiear.-t t-i t a I i tbe tot ore v !ll ti 1 1! ri.- '' i 1'- Al 1 in 1 ..e f'lt. This is Worth I'.eading Leo. !' Zeliuski, of lis (lit sn st, Luttalo, .N V, kiu: "J cun.d,..tbe most at.tifyinj ci.ld soic J c-tr had, with 1 net I., u'ti A niii a S'lu', 1 6ff lied this B iht- otice a day for two days, wheu every trace of the sore was !fjiit'' Heals all sores. S 1 I under ;;arhutee at Thoriitou's driit' el ore. c. m ill . tr laruf your r furs is. y on call .if t.p f cash bv h lsci Liow., ot is 1 ne removal 01 w.e iipeioiix i v a siiinion. No one who takes 1 1 Kin Li's New Life Tills is cut subject i-d to this friublfiil ordeal. Tbey w 111 k so iiuielly you don't feel tbem. They cure constipation, lit inbiche, bilousness and mnbiiiii. 'J.'ic ut Thornton's diUh' stole I'lmii Itn aUic-, lliinaaloM K. A. liui tin.tbe architect and con tractor, south or Ablstroui's harness shop, on Mu 11 St., informs The Lx I'lnlner he bus a plan for a Iioiik'i.Ioh , w ith four r.ioms of irond size, which can be constructed here. Complete t r ?7.si, iiicliiilinu' bath room ami pantry, tree pi iiu,' t he tltnr..M. CLASSED WANTS After the 1st iluv of f -- elnlMr. IIHIS. nil bills for el.itiic Hk'his miiHt be promptly pni, , ,u or before the lath ilat of each molitli at tbe I list National Hank of Lakf. lew . r, I'loii ptni sH In 1 Ins particu lar w III insure . out, nuance of the hit-N- I" .)I:Ns.., iToprlttor drilf Llcctrlc Llu hi Compai y. W'ANTLIi. binds. farmlnu binds. Iliuber and other hinds ilinc! from the om in r. (ilt- full pnrtlciilaiM ami I"'"' I" ALLS. Ml Kl in K, -'Volii Atlorpiy at law. l'MlvHroailw u. . I ).il, IiiimI, C'i. I't'-r.s. Mv; iiu 1. iiu. l isp .' 'n '' '. Li. ;t. ills nud ( lojit'H to bo I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III I f I. .III. .1.11 I Hot. pun-, I 1 I.Ll; U IiI-in 1 1 .1 1 . ( w lui 1 . I m 1 ni -l.y mmlf r In - Cicosc Lake the b-.a.e (.! t hose id .-id i - 1 -Hilly tea '" tf Aii.' i i. ... i 1 - lit v. .-bbll have bi-c- :i e f rosi.r;roiiH tbou.-ands, ducts, ; retrioii farni.-r .nil .in I I 1 t i; ' 'is will be n.ore 'iy wb.-te else in climate, aud pro :"i 1- to make t iis pat adi.ie tor tin; I (.n'.nn. ailHIIIIBW-Dcvj'f. i , .lliat.ee f "--j " ' but fit-j'J'-iU'ii.ii ViYfr-T-i'Ti-inMi.rl'f iMti t- i and U , i II t in tne mine C.: t! t tit''' : w s-' 1 lr. r. v.t'. ; o. lliog'-r. Jt ot f W wtirk'-n on - lm i---r : Levi Sirr.uss & Go's O.prcr Ri.cted Overalls i;. 1).. I.I. st I. A dltor id the; r ' n " of (.'I. icayo, ; .-'eh marked praise i s t be follow liiU to ; tbe current issue of - a J. "A.; . who t 011 H'i:i:.i-: Ur, say ed itoi iaily 1 1 the ' 'Lum Lei man " : The Pacific NM-thweht makes wonderful appeal to eery visitor. is a land ot iiviiif. waters, of uuldc.11 i soil; cf mineral wealth beyond com-j prehension; of forests which will bless, mankind w ,i a uliier lauds are dean- ! late; u laud of mountain, plain and! valley; of a pimple meat in intellect, ' energy, enduiauce, aud kliniliness 1 In this trolduu Nortif west, in a climate without the harshness: of tbe North j or the euervatJUi; softness, of the j South, these people aro building au ; empire. They haie harnessed the i streams lor power, or, pouriUK thc'i over tbe plains, have produced fruit tul fields aud k aniens ; tbey are wrest ing from the eaitb its mineral wealth, tbey are coavertinK the forests into forma of utility and beauty; tbey are building school-) and colleges; the Dible vision ot every man dwelling under bis own vine aud 11 K tree is realized here, where bin every bodily need aud intellectual want may be gralfled. The natural wealth of the country la reat aud great are its cbivenieuts, but better than all this are tbe peop'e tbomtielvea a chosen- (.reiioratiorii of live, widc awiku Atncricau Uoy.s Iiavo obtalno'l the riglit kirnl of FIREARM EDUCATION by ljoiii' orjuippfd villi the unerring, timo-horion.'il STEVENS All proffrf s-ivt; illn-.hl .lie Hil'l h'piti-tinr iioo.l-i MiarliaiiM lianule t-'l I-; V K S. 1 1 you 1 1111 nut t a, tain, wo will sin 11 ih re. I, ex pit si. pri. ,al,j upon ret cipt i.i I ulult'ir 1'i a e. K Cm ,np u r-erel li cetiis in Htaiiips lor 1 0 Pu-fc Jliu.si i iiti't I uiulttir. Hepl.-I.j Willi S T K V K N r! untl K('iierttl fireui 111 in. foriiiutioii. H 1 ri kin if cover in cnlui-H. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. 0. BI 40N Cticnm FUU. Mua, Siiip vour bidfs and furs to An dt'is.'h Iiros.. and n-d 10 to .".a pcreunt more imii i'V, No inattei- how sbiniiifiit of bides .-ilwas ol. tail. 11 shipping t In ;u f A 1 MifllieapoliH, M fit il. They are tin- oltb st and most r.'lia I id" fur In .use iti 1 be Nor l b w est , liack etl In tuenty-livf years of honest tlealinys. A tiyoiie interi'sti'd Inbuilt. iuu or t rapping sha nbl have a copy of their famous hunter's and tlap- iff s ytiulc ! contains J ."ill pai-s fof the most valuable iuioriiri'lou to bunt. -is and t ra ppers. The rt'iiular pilce of this valuable book is jfc'J.OU. To t III if shippers Si. .'.", Write to I lie III t ni III y for free book let, jtri f list, sbippino; tans. etc. I'hcy aie nil ffec. A il'lress Atid.'iscb Iiros. Ia-pt. n"l Minneapo iis. Minn. COUNTY ORCHARDS' MUST BE SPRAYED All fanners or fruit roweis in Lake county are hereby notified tnat. under the s,tf Jaw it is imperative that all tin it trees should be sprayed. Lor that reason fruit croweis most. obtain proper appliances iu order I hat ; such work can be done dmine; t he I period previous to I. odd in;.' in the sprink. H is known Hint two dani.ci- 011s Hindus growths alreaiiy liave found lodgement in the counlv Sprayiiin will destroy all i-sects and ! before lb-lister ami Keceivi r, at Lnko- fuiiL'UH erowtb. All Hint growers WJ observe this olllcial notice, aud com ply with the retpiltctiients of the law. Hated, New Pine Creek, Ore., Dec. '.) V.lhH. A. '. Smith, Inspector. I 111: I ami tf ( t n-f . t n( pi r in... i.r 1.1 li ll r'li.ii. ) l.iru y, a. .rili. jr-N.i ii.-,irt -s 1 li it ii ti-ii t in 1 1 r Muni, r It l p. r lii-rl.-il ..r Nonce lo Creditors In tie-County Court of . t he Slate of (In oii, for Lake (,'ounty. In thf matter of the estate of ( j Oscar A. liulettf, ilect'iist'iL (' ' The ilinlcrslirneil having been up. ' pointed by the County Court of the; Mate of Orcnon, for Lake County, Administrator of the esf.i'e if Osiai, A. liulftte. ilfcfased, not ice I- I ii'i'i-t iy glveli to thf cri ililors of. and all per soiih having claims agait.st said tie ce used, to present, them verlilfd as1 rei Hire d by la w, wllhiii si motiths i'lter thf lirst publication of this "no tice to said I.. I". Coiill, I t his nlllre III the town of Lakeview, Lake County, H i's: on. L. I''. Conii.o' Administrator of tin- estate (jsi-iil' A. liulet le, deceased. H.it.-d 1 1. t'1'inl.er l' 1 1 1 , puis. Tit tiiite lor I'liliiieiilloii I Jepitt t mi lit ot the Inferior. L S. I Land Otlice at Lal.eview, Oregon, December 1H. 1!IUM. I Notice is Inreby jriven Unit. .JOHN lACOliHON, of Lakeview, Oieioa, who, on Nov. LI' l!'i'T, made Home stead Lnt 1 y No. .'ISTIi, Serial No. UH.VJ, tot S half X half, section II. Town ship ;i7. S Kaiik'e I-;., Will Meridian, has filed notice ot intention to make Fluid Commiitat ion Proof, lo cstah lull t-a 1 i 11 1 to tin; land above described W'AN'IKH-A ranch In Lake or ad joining counties. Musi have good ; water right Address X. li. "o ex aminer. No'l ICK All liuriied out or brokcii lamps must, be ret iiriied to the of fice of the Company; oiherwlsf an extra charge of a cents will In- ina.le i on 1 in 1 1 new I 1 n 1 i N I'.JLNSKN. Proprietor 1 '- 'f Llfi trl.' Light, t:... j AMLIUC'AN LAUNHi:V:--lf you! wunt food washing go to the Amerl ' can Laundry. Mrs. K. Mcl (an iel.t. WANTLU: Loomers. Hoard by tin day, week or month. Mrs. lb Mc I bin ids. I.011K T TIIL Nil II ( T-; I I ); ;; "aril Issued by the Tclephoni' Company for destro lug lis pia.p- v. ' iiar N'O'I 1C1. Customers miirt comply with tbe rub's ami regulal ions of the Lakeview Water Companv, or the water will be shut oil. -'-If. S 'V. LKIIALT. HLTt erv II LIN( -a It .011 II AT TIIK 1! it i;v tf W A N"J I'.I ) Tl M lll-.l; LA N )S -IIOM M stead 1 1-1 i n 11 ie ti 11 10 1 1 1 si wanted. Wii want to buy direct from owners. Write particulars to M. II., Pox -i:i. Kilgeui', Oregon, lit Nd'l K'l All patrons sin. old pur c b isc hi 111 ps 1 if 1 1 p. Coin pa 11. v iu or dt r I o secure I he best lights. No low- grade nor Inferior l imp supplied. 11 I" 1 il lll't tllllLl lli.l ....... I 1. .r t.l. I.i can be puri-hase.l each morning at I t lis rc-pilr. inents ma v I it out. . allace ,v. Co ri. lie w s st and 011 Wn ' p , LNSKN Proprietor tor street, north of the Pusi olllce. lutf . ;,f " I'leit rl'c I Ight Co XI'.WS STAND:-I)AILV PAPKLS I UUI1 NEW QUARTERS view, Oregon, on the loth day of 1'eb- riiaiy, i:hi:i. Claimant nanie., as witnesses: Ole Solie'ii Chris .JergeiiHcn, of lily Ore gon, and John O'Svecn, P. M. Cory, of Lakeview, Oiecon. D'Jbl'JH J. N. Watson, KegiHter. Deiart inent of t be Interior, C. S. Land (Hiiro at Lakeview. Oregon. Ib'camber LMiH. .Notice is hereby given that JOHN O. KVLKN, of Lakeview, Oregon, who on Nov. 20, I III 17, made Home stead Kntry No. USUI, Serial No. Oia'j j for lots 1 'J, Khalf NW quarter, XL quarter KVV quarter Section 110, Township .'17 H., K a n g e 17 K., Will. Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before ltegister ind Peceiver, at Lake view, Oregon, on tbe l.'Jtfi day of Feb. lUOU. Claimant names tu witnesses: John Jacobsoti, P. M. Cory, of Lakeview, Oregon, Ole Koleiui, Kristian Jorgen sen, of Illy, Oregon. 1)31-10 J. N. Watsou, Register. TiKil.t e l.uinl -Volice the Interior U. S. Lakeview, Oregon, Department of Land Olllce at November 25, i:08 Notice is beret. y given that William N. Jilfibop, of Lakeview, Oregon, who Nov, Ut, VJUH, made Timber and Ktoiie Application. No 08:j:i, f or H half NIC quarter, NL (juarter riE quarter, Sect 1011 lit, Township 37 ti., Kange 20 11, Will. Meridian, baa tiled notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establsh claim to tbe laud above des cribed, before JKeglster' and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, ou the Moth day of Feb 11)00. Claimant names as witnesses: W. IL Wendell, O. L. liarnum, A. 11. iiuruum, C. A, Rehart, all of Lake view, Oregon. D3F.r) J. N. Watson, Refeister. 'I lie Lt'ikt'vicw Furniture p.'iny li.-is moved into the Ilriek: Ihiildiiiy; on Water where a Lare Stock of thin"; usually found in a i tu re .Store will he kept.. Coni-I.-irtfe street Underta ker's Parlors Repair Shop LAKEVIEW FURNITURE STORE. WALLACK & CO., Prop'r