Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 31, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 52
Chr'almaa waa pat, and lilt" nil li e
iighhoia In Praheeti, Hlddy Kelly
was hujr with the preparations for
New Year. Tim rool of the tt l rmldn
looked Ming tint warm In It new,
brown cunt of thatch, aud the w'i
ItllNt urtl with the whitewash. In
able It waa the same. 'I'1" ''' "liy,
the irnW dresner the llttl" "K the
clay fb'or, ware nil scrubbed and
IH)IhIIiI till everything III the llOIIMB
aatlidled Hiddy ua being clean mid
neat " I''"-
An! Hlddy lu her white knitted
cup and Jucket, aluck her bauds under
her equally white apron, aud after a
fw nioiiiout aurvey of er Industry,
hook tier IikI with Hllifi tloii.
"There!" aha ald to herself.
'Hiaas heart. If avary alugle thin
lahnut bioktu' )a-t lb aem aa new.
Now, than. all tlm nalhora cuo see
who have tlm bnnht hoilHekeepr, Darby
Kelly fir Hhauu Kim thlnka
twoaua aim got dat u silver talot
Until Chrlatmaa ilat aha -ail laive ua
II Ih tba 'locks' at now. Faith, we'll
ee, though. I'm not. nolo" to laive It
go will til. even If It poaht ma tha
Unlit halpeauy In tha house. " And
Hlddy again shook her head and tcaa
d tha atirn a llttla vlcloimly.
Hue uiruad to tha fireplace and
fanned the cheerful turf lire with the
oud of her apron, bumming agreeably
to the Buttering noise of the walvng
names. Th kettle anon abided Ita
aweal tuua; and loo tha boiling water
Hlddy turned the two freah rgg, and
prepared the toiH that m to serve
for Darby's breakfast. Darby wan
rfl-diggtug 'u the garden, a kind of
Ulxir Ihat helped tile appetite In no
buibII way.
Hut betor hla wife hud done ro-.kiiitf
Huruey O'l.rudy walked lu with a
"liod hleaa you, Middy."
"Arrulr. d IIkh ye, kindly, liar
ney; ait' good morn in' to yerseir.
latiu'l It the folna inornin' were
"I'alth an' troth an' Mint a what It
la. How l the hell thin morn In "I"
"Horrn the wbii a me was ever
better, Harney, thankee; un' I'va
jentit tlnlshe. I ahtnwlng f'r Him New
Vear "
"Hravo! Hlddy, liravot Itiedlvll
n bit v I'd know the, -mid pl-ce this
mora In'. The Joikes av it ont li i
Drithelt thl year." Hurney Hht a
well felmieO look of adtnlrittiou over
t he ah'iiliiu waie, end performed a
atrHlit( yaatro-'oinuMil not loo, w hich
eei ved for aelf i-oiiim-Ioii am lie
'Wlb ood luck to you Imruey; If
'tlabnt ye have alwHye th irood word,
wiananb. Mut punh up t tto fire an'
tell ua yer iiewa, avoachal "
"TI'HiikiHi. Hlddy. thMkmt. - Hut
'pon uiy eo'jl. I co'Md nhtaud here
'tlHTIbb'a Kvelookin' at yer kltcleu ;
for I tell yo attain. Hlddy, the loikea
av It leh iU In D'u.ieen. not even
Molly Hrady'a."
Haruey iuiu rliind. lie wan
aloulaMntf on putting Hlddy Into a
Work of Improvement
of Oregon
Work on the irrigation projects of
the Oregou Valley Land Co. Is pro
gressing uioely. Chief Knglueer Kicu
aeems to have hla work well in baud
aud is proaooutlug the work without
making any unnecessary noine about
it. In fact we doubt if the people of
Lakevlew realize the amount of work
that has already beeu accomplished.
C M. t aulkuer la in charge of the
work of iiiuuiug out aectiou lines in
the valley and ubout three fourth of
this work is now completed.
Oood substantial. comfortable
oamps have been built at both Cotton
wood and Drews reservoir Bites aud a
temporary camp ebtablibhed near the
moulh of Drews cauyou. The imme
diate Miinorvlnloii of theMe camps has
been placed lu the uhergo of M. D.
A transit party in charge of 11. M.
Frame and a level party iu charge of
of A. D. Uyun have beeu engaged iu
the locution of the main canal linos
A topography purty Is lu churgo of
S. A. Musheu. C. W. Wutsou is the
bydrogrupher, who has charge of
water ineiiHureuments, rulnfall, data
eto. U. II. lingers is the draughts
man lu the Chief Kugiueei'a otllce iu
1 (3 V 1 15 W
U. C. tlott is Foremuu ut Cotton
wood camp and hia force is engaged iu
digging test pits and preliminary j
work at the duiii situ. J. K. McCoul
la Foremuu at Drews camp and is,
building loads und doing preliminary
work at the dam site. K. T. Ktriplin
is Foreman of a force of tnenbuiliiiuK
a roud up Drews canyou to the reser-1
voir site. - '
All the material Is uow on the
ground and work sturted ou the con- ;
atruction of about thirty miles of,
telopoue line connecting the Chief
Engineer's ollloe in Lakevlew with
both resetvoir camps. Intermediate
booths will ne established along the
Hue ae that the main otllce iu town
will be iu (iilck communlcutiou with
every part of the work lu the vulluy.
An uxi-to-date saw will plant bus
been ordered uud will be located uuur
Cottonwood reservoir which will be
planed iu charge of te. K. Hhlnehurt
aud contracts for logging will be lot
la a few days. It is expected that the
mill will be lu operatiou by the first
of April. . , , ,,. .
Cottowood dam will be built of
earth and about 1000 feet long no top.
The'reservolr will hold about thirty
thousand acre feet aud tbe water will
cover 10U0 acres of ground.
Drews creek daw will be built of
it her rubble masonry or loose rook
and will be about 70 feet high
Kbmifc tioo feet long on to
iop. Ihe
J.000 acre
reservoir will hold about 60.
Biddy KeOey's New Year's Gift
dllferent humor. He reuiMrked
Incidental y :
"HejforrM, yea. Hlddy; I wh lit to
aea Molly aa 1 waa coin in' up, an' got
a (o"d look at the new claret jug abe
Kit from Amerieky."
"vou eea what, Haruey T What lu
the wourld ure you epakln' alioutT
Tell me, Haruny, tell me, " alio cried
In eiaMperatlon.
'Why I'm apaklu' about the claret
jiitl Molly Kot from Ned Hropby, the
returned Yank. la It the way ye
rtldu't hear about it Hiduy, an' the
whole counlhry knowln' It," be
continued lu apparent atirprlae.
1 1,1. ton much for Hlddy Khe
could control
her temper no longer.
Khe blurted out
"Wlaha' the dlvll welcome 'im
home, an' hla claret Ju; an' 'tla
uo bin' better could be expected
lr l.ln. or I.U tad.ier before hla,.
i.hJ i v-nh.- ll.oohv. Indeed 1 The
l-ord ave mercy on hie Krandfalder'a
iz: : -twaJ mt.ecurtiuH h.
i,ii nit f-idiier '.tioa lie
Itoud to him ) took Mm out of the
poor houe, w I lout I he tdilich a the
clothe, or the Indie or the mill o ult
An' now nil-liter Ned come loike the
iKiiorut hontoon he aUii wan, inak
In troutdo at ween daiceut peoj Ih.
Kaith I knew there aaa aome trouble
brew in' litaht n U lit. when 1 hhw
l iirmer Hropby irliu' up the road
in a idile car, uu be wouldu't an
much an talk to me. aither. Indeed,
no; becnune Ned the Vauk waa eouiiii
home, the ould cockMloudy !"
"Tek It aihy, Hlddy, tek it aUy.
Ita uo UHe Kolii into tltn over It, ye
know Indeed no wan lien I toll me
what the Hrophya U, au' Molly Hrady
oitlier, ir any wun beluiiKin' to Mini
for that matter. A ye'd' euy, Hod
mel Mi in an. I the olvil uiatchud uui.
Let It uo at Jut. Hiddy; tpilet thliiK
the IhhIiI, y know."
"Aiiy, indeed I the durthy cau
boe! If lut woouldn't tnek wan tek
liv or lhir a-iiaea. To think that
he'd- O, wlrrawlrr-."
Heated comfortably by the cheerful
lire and leiaorely amok'i hla 'dood
eeii. Harney waa eujoyliiK Hie thinu
thoroUKhly. He cent auploioua
tlunce. at the ifouJ bicakfaM Hteam
in up pleasantly into h'a uoBtrllH.
The flavor wan food to him laud hla
mouth wjih waterluK for the eUH and
toiiMt. He looked from the kettlo o
Hlddy nud back auaio. but knew
there waa ootlilou dolutr while in her
preent diapoultion. He Hhould strike
V. L. Co.
feet and will cover about 4000 aces of
It is the lutentlou of tbe company to
not only furnish water for their own
lands but to all othei land iu tbe
valley and are designing their stuc
tures with that end iu view.
The result of tbe labors of this com
pany will be more and more uppurout
as the years roll by, and prosperous
homes dot tbe present sage brush
plains. They are euuged lu a magni
ficent work that should huvn the
plaudits of everyoue.
II. A. Utl-y, who bus a homestead
In the Lake Abort aectiou is dowu for
the holidays. He is very euthusiustio
over the prospects up there, mid suys
a number of new Bottlers have recent
ly taken up government laud in his
He suys t he altitude is probably 6000
feet lower thuu at Lukeview, aud iu
consequence it is much warmer. The
old estalillsho I ruuohes there ami in
Crooked Creek, raise all sorts of
fruit. He never suw finer cheiries
than were grown there this year on
Mr. Chandler's ruuuh. Mr. Colvln
also raises the finest of fruits, uud
also produces ull soits of vegetables
without Iri igtuiou.
Mr. Utlev is digging a well uud gets
Dlentv of grod eater. 1 here also is
plenty of water for irrigation if ueed-
ed and one desires io go io me ex
ptiuse of get tioi it ou the land.
SuipilHOH All Visitors
The Examiner otllce is a most sur
prising institution to ull new arrivals.
No one expected to see such a plaut
away up here miles from any where,
with a typesetting miiohiue, big press
as. with a counter aud a machine for
fold iug the papers, paper cutter,
aud the machinery run by water
power, but it is all here aud more
coming to keep tbis paper at the bead
of the prooeslou in Eastern uud
Southern Oregou and Northeastern
California. A subscriber from Grand
Forka,N.D eays; "we are coming with
70 families lu the eprlng, aud we waut
you to change your weekly to a daily,
aa a weekly ia too alow for us1 which
may be done, good friend, "when
the flowers bloom In tbe spring, tra
Subacribe for The Examiner.
- .- .. . . , , i , . , ,
another key to not her into tune; and
no be broke In :
"Faith an' troth, 'tia the thruth ye
are tellli;', every word a It, Hiddy.
Hut ehnre Mo'ly'a preeent Ubint a
patch in yir own. anyway.'
"Me own present? What do ye
main, Harney T Surely ye don't main
to aay Yankee Htophy bro't me aome
thin' too ; or are ye jokln'."
"Ton my ami I, I waa never more
aarlooa. biddy. An' let me fonratu
lall ye, an myatlf f r belo' the fuaht
wan to brln' ye the ood newa. I
wlah ye lonK an' happy He to wear
It nrrm.
WlHba. thankee, mi' Ood bleiw ye,
, Haruey ; an' Yankee Hropby jtiod lu-
, at. at. .1 I a ,i I . I .il luind
era inn un. me uu:hu. hjuvi.u-m.
' .a a 1. ll It.. fr...t.t ihln
: rm (inaaer d u.i iu.u v . .,.
ever hap tor f all the w n ,en
In tha wurld Molly Hrady'a the
wan I'd Mow .t the n.e
An' II bait Molly'a claret jnK. fer
ahure. HarneyT
bould a litfht for
It It a a n-K'.ar 'touauiia , womun.
"A reu'lar what?"
"TonaiHiM, Hiddy, toiinilim. Uat'a
wbnt the echoolmaMter called it; an'
he K"t It fiom the 'dlxheury.' He
caiiHe. ho paya. wuna't In the oiildeu
tolmea when Herculea ao' them other
llriu'. wun av them wuh
!f?elln eore about the w iudpiee or
the toimilH. an the doctors cull it au'
they ahluck Mm into a barrel or aler
' up to htii hen I to cure tutu. Tboutfh
!l can uuderritaud there'a aoettier
! tollia to it ; Koine ei ya Mwmh be
cauttehe truld o'ie aaicretn about
aome wan elhe. an' even nom- hejs
'twaa becniiHH he had a little rau
tor woinean' they wanted to tantalize
Mm-that mains to KriK I'm. ye know,
l or the funny thiu' about it a dat
there waa nil koiuda of fruit aud
I wolne neur Mm. an" ivery toime he
tried to tek 'uui they vaobhed from
his reach.
"So some clever Miouchal', hearin
about it, noon to work, au meka three
decanter, au' locka 'um into a caee.
ao dat no wan could et to the wine
without a apecbnl kiiy to it. Then.
Iieouuae of this, he calls it a toustltis'
Ita a rail beauty. Hiddy; good enough
for a king, by julperal"
Hiddy'a joy was complete. She
moved about lu the little bonne in
ecstacie. Khe could not overcome
the joy ot outdoing the oue of the
claret jug. Haruey was highly pleas
ed , that was evident from the grin in
Southern Pacific Threat of
veriiny i ouu iu
Cause of Extension
Reno Journal, 23 The nurrow
fauge line of tbe Nevada, California
a a Oreogu road will b extended to
1 ,keview iu the uear future. The
regnu city, being the projeted pree-
nt terminus of the road, will have a
road from Keno just as soon us the
couutry can be surveyed. Trattio
Manager J. M. Crawley yesterday told
The Journal that Biirveyiug will be
commenced enrlv.
"We are now at Alturus, 184 miles
north of Keuo." Mr. Crawley said.
"and e will no doubt extend the
line at tbe earliest opportunity
hevoud there in tbe direction of
(ioose Lake valley aud thence, at
some future time, to Lakevlew. aud 1
hope even beyond that point. The
country is well suited to the needs of
the settler aud uianv families are now
passing through Keuo ou their way
The N. C O. officials, it ia said,
huve giveu Hie citizens of Lakevlew
HHsuiance that uo cash or bonus of
any sort will be asked, but that a
small plat of ground for a station site
wll be acceptable. It is claimed by
certain local ruilioud uiou that the
Southern Pacitlo will divert the Lake
county trade from its old chauuel
by way of Keno. unless the N. C. O.
does build into Lakeview, and estab
lish better rates. It is a fuct that an
announcement has just beeu made
Will Use Electricity to
Pump for Irrigation
A thouaiiiid small farmers In Plum
as county Cvl., south of here, are to
Irrigate their lands with water pum
ped by electricity, according; to au
announcement made by Charles K.
Held, who Is one of the managers of
the Hound Valley Land and Power
Company, with otttces at Uroenvlllo.
Coutraetsfor power are already bel
iiff made br tbe corporation, aud no
tlees are HeluK sent out to all the far
mers telling; the in of the plaus.
The power company U establishing
Its plant west til ureenvine, wuere a
fall of 000 foet of water can be used
for irenerutlni; electric power. Held
estimates that It will develop zoou
horse-uower. blx of the Northeastern i
California towns wnicn iiavo iierciu .
... a a . i. '
hia face. He would soon be chowlog,
, tliHt wa plain. And in such gkorious
, circunmtaucea how could Hiddy help
i aaking him t 4,ait a holte"? F.arney
,di I eat too; at ttfftt baahrult but he
fcoon ;.,rok Io4jm, Darby'a breakfaat
dlfappeaj um down hia thrt aa fant
aa the talk of the tonal'ua allowed It.
! Whea larby Kely arrived, tired
and hungry from hi morning
luboto. Barney had d oue eating, aud
: waa drinking Hiddy'a health for be
third time out of her Nw Year Kttl.
Fur by this time b bad convinced
bar of the Deceaaity of obtaining a
uuantity of biandy, claret and Cham
1 i-aigne to do pistke to the 'taotalua
or MonHilua, and therefor there wot
uo Deed for the whinky bottle. To be
mu re Harney waa doing lend idly.
From the career of bis eye be marked
the dlcomUtted expreeeion of darby'a
face, tbnugb be pretended uot to
notice it. He grinned worhe than
ever when Hiddy iu the fuilneaa of
joy, kprunir the uw of the tantalus
upon ber buiibaud.
"A rail tonailua. L)arty, achree!
The whoulmaaler wed ao," nbe x
cltii jied.
"ToiibiIus be d-. What about roe
breuktaat? The divil 'un all I card
about yer toutdluH. Somethiu' to tek
the hunger out av me ahtomacb I
want. "
"Winhn. faith I never bbw ye ether
wine .Darby, but lays crashawliug
atiout whu thin' or the ether, an'
never appreciui iug' g lod nes w hin
ye bear it. 1 laive to ye, Haruey. if
ye ever beanl the loikea of Mm."
"Nevpr, lli'l iy, never, in ue o
outlindiHh. Darby Kelly, yer out
lindiab," philosophically.
Twaa plain, poor Darby was up
ULraiiiBt it. good and hard. He
realized it too. a be oatdowu lesign
edly to tbe cnorseW lift over iruru the
last right s supper; tbouan occasion
ced ruefully at tbe whis
key bottle as Haruey dispatched glass
alter glass while regaliug Biddy with
many ridiculous tales of Zeus and
Tantalua and oher charac-.era counoct
ed with the history of the Tonsilus.
(Evldeutly bis knowledge of the
Aucients if correct would put tbe
ifioa. famous classic sbolare to shame. )
And there Darby had to sit and
listen to It all without a word of
objection. He was painfully couscious
of the leugth and breadth of his
wife's tongue to cross her io a way of
remonstrance: be could stand
that after Januaiy 15 the S. P. will!
sell tickets through to Bonanza, Ely
and Lakeview, and it is possible that
Klamath Fulls wil be made the
distributing center for all of Lake
It is to meet these conditions, as
well as to catch the colouist trattio
some claim, that the N. C O. will ex
tend the Hue from Keuo to Lakeview,
aud that as soon as possible.
K. W. Walters, of Boston, Mass,
strayed awuy out here to see if be
lie could nud a uetier piace man
Heuuville, and he found it right here
in Lakeview not so many lobsters,
but better climate and a place where
beans thrive as well as iu Bostou and
where onions grow as well aa in the
Conne-ticut valley; aud where the
puech, plum, apricot aud apple thrive
'side by each" as our uenruu
frieuda vould put it! What more cuu
a mau wuutr
Hort Floyd, of Plush,
was in town
last Thursday
fore) turned petroleum for lfghtln
will Install electric HkMs by the first
of the year, when It is proposed to
string; wires from Greenville as the
central point.
Tbe social dance given at Davis
Creek Christmas night was well
attended considering tbe short notice
in which it was votten up. The floor
was iu Due condition and splendid
music was furnished by the orchestra
nnninnuml rif Mr. lVilv. Mrs. Will.
Kirkpatrio, and Chester liriles. An
i oyster supper was aerved at the Dut-
tou Hotel, afte which the duueera
returned to the ball-room and danced
r 1 1 1 w ha aaatl rnArnlnO nniira
, i . i
it no longer, bw did venture to intei
poeei "tMnpbt TwU confab Mil laive ye
wUkiiit the drop of tue bottle the
grocery man e ye for New Year."
"Horra the drop, then : for I'm go
io' to get a o,n art aicb of brandy and
claret and ebamvjigne. An' then
weMI see who'll nave mnsbt ralson to
talk for tke New Year."
"Ye will, lode!; set a thin:
diokunw where tbe money la to com,
from "
"(joi ia good: The money M
come too. "Twill have to come. Ayi'
more'ndat; fur I'm goln' to in.cta
Yankee Hropby au' the acbiMilmaBber,
aa' I'll buy a Bpaog new set of ulmntmu
to be in style with the tonailus. '
"Aerab .woman, what in tbe wurki
ails ye, are ye goin' to drive we out
or bonne ao' home? Well ye. know
the gale of rint MU soou be catn 'an
wevo't a pound in tbe vorld to meet
it. aitber."
"Winba, bud luck to tbe riut and the
landlord, t'gether. Wev'e been
draggio' an1 scrapiu all tbe days of
our loife to pay the durtby vagaboo',
an' now we can't celebrate tbe New
Year widout tbinkin'ar him. Faith
hij 'troth, then we will, while tberi's
euytbin' left to buy it. There is that
'caibh' (pig) Dearly fat, an'
"O ! tanan. an diel ; womun, are ye
mud? Sell tbe 'caub1 for foolery an'
laive uothiu' to pay the rint! The
divil a veil Mil I sell Mm, byjaipers!"
"Faith, if ye don't ye needn't, or
do u-thiu1 elne oaitber, if it mutches
ye. Ibu daicent iioy here u no u
Won't you Harney wont you tek tbe
cai.b t ) Buagb Fair?"
"Khure, Hlddy. shure; if ye wants
me'." was the quick response.
"I wouldn't doubt ye, Burney. In
deed 'tis kind fadder for ye be what
j ye are; ye couldn't be anythin' elHe
an' be aaytbla to htiaraus u vjrauy
(Uod resbt bis soul)." Ibeu addreb-
ing Darby: j "Wisba I may tbe divil ao1 bis grand-
"An' oow, Misbter Kelly, as ye are , .mother go in your road, Barney O'
feelio so cantankerous this mornin. (jrady, you"
an don't know how to sbtaod be j Bat tbe angry voices of a dozen
yer wife when ye've a call tr, I'll te j disappointed women shrieked through
puttiu' on me Sindy clothes aud bidd-
ln' ye good mornin'; For be tbe
toime lMn op to Yankee Btophy'a for
tbe tonsilus, ana enow u io me
naibors, an' see about tbe liquors an'
tbe schoolmaster, the night '11 be
fallin'. " Tbis resolutely.
"Oh 1 Oh! Oh! What in the wnrld
Mil become av ua, at a I. at all. Tbe
Port land Corporation
Developing Borax
Deposits of County
There ia an enterprise . now being
carried forward in tbe northern part
ot tbe county that means much in tbe
way of rapid development,' being the
opening of the borax deposits at
Alkali lake.
It appears that a Pbrtlaud corpora
tion has secured these deposits, em
bracing COOO acres of land immediate
ly aurrouuding Alkali lake, and
already has started operations. They
expect to bare things in shape to
make regular sbipmeuts of borax by
tbe first of June. The cement for
laying foundations for tbe necessary
strutures is already on tbe ground,
aud tbe machinery is now on the way
from San Francisco via Keno, and
will be hauled through Lakeview.
The product is also to be hauled 1
Grows Potatoes by
Dry Farming Method
Dry land farming Is uoed on Pleasant i Mr. Ouifg stated that he thoimht
Hlde with the tiest of results, espec- ! tn,rt waK practical demonstration
lally In potato ralsi.K. says The Dallas (VLW.,u!t ?m,,d h ihT ly, ?U,ts the
Chronicle , dry farming or dut mulch svstem.
Last weVk PeterOmeir. a prominent als,) stated tha t his crop of pota
rancher of that neitfhborhoo. brought w,w without any rain-all
to The rhi oi.lcleotiiceWKx inu.ns j A k i V co,u ,ro1" 'lo,w
of potatoes of the Burbank varlty ' i""1, ,n,',M the roots of the
which Each tulier , P'?"1" ' "urfoce cultivation,
was perfect aud there was not a twin I ri;N U,h, . ltati at their present
In the lot. In telllua Chronicle rep- ,,H w.uuM .8tHm ? J'r-V
resentatlve how h raised his crop j ?Lljru,1 ,ro,n laml whlel1. U.M Ut'a
this year, with out rain, he said:
The great secret iu raising; potot(Hs
in our neighborhood Is iu preparing;
the ground aud Its care after ta'lng
planted When I started to prepare
my KTviuud for the potatoes 1 plowed
the land and then used a drag;. It
was then left about two. weeks and
then plowed again, the potatoes tie
Ing; dropped lu the furrows. After
finishing; planting;, the ground was
dragged. When the young plants
were about four Inches blgb 1 used
the drag again, this belug'aU the cul
tivation they received, Tbe crop was
raised entirely without irrigation.
"The land on which I raised tbis
crop of potatoes was old aud had
been planted in small graiu for 15
years and was supposed to lie about
woru out. In all I had about eight
acres aud they netted me 25 25 per
acre 2SI sacks of tine marketable po
tatoes and about 25 sa i of small
potatoes which I will utit sell. I
planted all perfect seed and you can
see the result. I started tb harvest
my crop September 2t ami finished
November 2." 1
' r- - ' I
aigeut corn in round, an' notbln to
pay Mm ! Owhonel ochnr.e!"
In Bitch o BiHerablf frame of mind
waa Darbjt. aa Hiddy proceeded to
don her Sunday uttire. Harney,
grinning, toaii wbiatliiig home unknown
tune,. kmw.I Darby'a temper, and
wlxely riuewled on making hia depar
ture. Ii wanted to go be for Hiddy
be bail; asitbing to fear while sbe was
preaent for the glances with which
Darby warded bun were io no way
IndiaaAive of hla better health. So
with many pledges to come and drink
from tee tantaluH he absconded.
Un ker way to Hropby 'a Hiddy call
ed' I to see Feggy Murphy. Peggy
wtft4elwhted to hear about tbe 'I jo
si his', and their mutual joy was con
firmed by a succesHion or kisses and
toon. Pegzy winding her many happy
.New Years and 'Moog life and joy to
:ue It. " At Norah Manigan's Hiddy
-dm dioeppointed. Norab had already
oo in uropny s ; narney nai sent
her after ber "plush cape," or some
thiog like that. It was the eama
with a fe more or the cronies. So
doiding on telling the news to all
th neighbors n the morrow she
sbauned Molly Brady's, and bfaded
directly for Hropby 'a.
Sure enough. Ned the Yankee waa
there "a rail Yank, too " He was
HtuDding outside tbe door, a neat
business- ike person, smooth shaven
and wearing heavy hair, tie sainted
Biddy, politely.
"Wisha, good mornin.' an' good
luck, Misbter Brooby, an' welcome
home to tbe ould land, and the ould
place." she replied somwhat bashfully.
"Thanks, Mrs Kelly. ioens you've
come alter your New Year's Gift, eh?"
"Well I don't deny dat, miabter
Hropby." modestly. "At tbe same
j toime I wish you'd come down an'
tek a drink out of tbe tonsilus.
"The what?"
"Tbe tonsilus, sur. Barney O'rGady
tould me twas a rail tonsilus you bro't
me. "
Yankee Bropby smiled.
"By jimmies, if that fellow aiu't a
stickler! Indeed, Mro. Kelley, I'm
sorry you are disappointed, as I've
no such gift for you. Thougn if that
scapegrace hadn't sent so many more
up here I might be able to please you
or somebody. But if 1 was old John
n. himselt I couldn't satisfy that
gang TOU bear doing all that hollering
;ln there. Come in, and see your
j (reudi.
tbe open door, aud heaped tbe bard
eat of luck on tbe beadjpl tbejbaplesa
- aerO'UTady;
Klamath Lakes are frozen over and
skating and fishing through tbe ice
are diversions of the people of that
through here on ita way to the rail
road at Alturaa.
Tbe deposits are located about 75
miles north of Lakeview. Tbe waters
of Alkali lake are very strongly im
pregnated with borax, and tbe shore
line and around about the lake are
lncrubted with a thick layer of tbe
mineral. It ia tbe intention to ex
tract tLe borax from these deposits
first, aud, later, attention will be
paid to tbe mater of tbe lake.
A peculiar thing in tbe midst of
this vast mineral depos:t is a spriug
of good water, waim, with a tliaht
mineral taste that gusbes out of the
ground right where the works are
The Examiner will endeavor to get
more complete information as to this
grain crops, and doubtless In Mr.
Oiue's neighborhood others will
profit by his example.
E. K. Barnes, who came here from
Riverside, Culif., a month ago has
since put in bis tin e invent igatius'
different parts of Northern Luke
couuty. and baa concluded he will
take up government land as a home
stead ut tLe crossing of the uorth and
south and east surveys of the liarri
niau system. He says there are a
number of big flue valleys up tut re. of
the fluent of laud without a settler iu
them. While there he Baw lots of
stock about, all fat and sleek, the
country beiug well grassed, but no
buniau hubUuiion for 'JO or muie
miles, lie has sent for a number ol
fiieuus lu ooiiib uud locate also, being
satisfied that the couutry is all right
for grain and fruit raising.