Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 03, 1908, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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We will be pleased o
To show you through
our lino of fine hnni'
tailoroil clothing whoth
or you a to in inunoiliato
nooil of olcthinp; or not
wo know you will lo
ititoiostoil .
Wo show a oomploto
Si no ol
l ho ' Now Kiml" of
roaily for wear oloth
iii.LT that fits perlootly
ami oontains unoxoolloil
workmanship. Tho la
tost stylos and noMuost
pattorns at roasonahlo
prioos. ran.uiiiLi from
$15 to $25
Call ami juil.yo for our
soif why w o arc so on
thusiastio ovor thoso
K'ouK'inlior "'iumoy
ohoorfully rot'unik'il" ii
you aro not ploao.l.
w 8
ii'llt'VU'r A ft'
lutfer Entertains the
st People on Earth"
t the Colorado Hotel
i.iltnn Iam-rIii or Hoa.ItT lnnerli'il In tltl.
rnhinui il Iinii'vit (li-wrtllni to roiila
lint' for men lusi rtton.
M Snelli g mul Mrs. Faulkner
.... I. ..-t I li.ilp frl.m.l u-IMl wlllut
Saturday afternoon nt the home of
Mm l-'. M. Miller. Tl e guesta present
wore Mi-hiImiiiom Watson, Clarke,
Tltom hi. Emits, Sherlock. Hutch'
elder, Norrm, Shirk, Cmlinoh, Hliss,
liVHIl, tSUtlllllg. I'HHIKIirr, HIlll IMC
M issos Linton an I Applogato. j
I'ho management of tho Hotel Lake- j
View lllil t.lOUISt'lveS plOIld, Mini I
rnt tiled their guests anil patrons by
their tine, turkey dinner on TTiHiiks-;
giving day.
Wo lia vo the ;! da mul tliey will
In' nil ilKpla.V Monday, mvi'llllHTTtll. j
AliNtrotii Urns. j uf nl' kind tit,
AliKtrolil Itroa.
The hull given Ht tho Opera House
Thanksgiving night xxa h well enjoy
ed occasion, bringing out ono of the
largest gathering of the season.
N.'v llin Carpenter tool Jnsl nr
rlvoil Aii'on llnnlwHro Co.
A lot of nteotul liHtut btovoH nre
ollcro 1 for tal nt tho Liikovlow uli
lio poIiooU. Auv liifiirniittlon fur
iiIkIioiI I'V .lohn Molloiiniili. School
Oisttn t No T. - -t
ItuMuT rontltlli, ojllHrHlltil'll III VCHTM
mif luilf t li c Use of (ililnnlcH. HI
iiton llaiilwiiroro.
Tho Htito loft for Altiirn1" yotoriUy
ni'irtilni- ith oxory tout oiviivioil.
Itooili'tiniiuh liorso kIhn-h, till hIxoh, j
Mt Alltl'tl 1 1 m i-i 1 wnto Oo. j
W. I Mel 'o' 1 1 mi. of (' 'In ii it Im. Mont,
joi'ivi'il TiirH'lnv, mul N ho well ,
l'i )i;t'i ho will loi'iito ht-ro. j
Snvr lii'Hii'.v lv lnivinu' Voiir lii'Jlt-j
Ipu: sloven lit ' A'Mcti ll:iril ;il"C t'o.
I". 1,'iinr. n prominent iniTrliant of
Allnr.'ii ilii'il itt San I'ram Uco
week here lie IihiI ffunii fi.r imilienl!
t l'iit meiit.
nlu'lit Mtl-ie !
lHiu-e SHinr-liiv
I ho ILilnl. I
'I'ho fH.'illn fairly who showoil hero;
rt inoiith o sio Htfu, lire reeoivlntf the'
highest of pros eotiiinontlHt ion where- :
ever they a t our. 1 liey will I'O
M'li'onioil when thoy couio iicimi next
A I'll'.'IS.'lIlt lit lie
Slol.l at I lie ...ra... II.
Tlltir-iila.v e eliitlu. a I " 1
nla r t o u nma n. Ki 1' o '
ll lu .-I Tlie i" rai. .n x a
of ti e ilepMMutv of Die & in
Hie i.l'l tninii.i; nxi 'ii in
rniino . '.ilifuiiia . It:
riew ai..l Io n... liii h is ii. i
n lie Mi;ll of life, .lur t.i t1
lly of i i. il.lliel.l ainl l'onopa
tors. A tree stippiT was . r
hjiI.kIs. eraekeii eral"-. eake.
i r. artcil
i;: honor
ta in to
i Lake-
V I 1 klllX
!i o peril-
i.l.-.l of
pie ami
iiiii n fn -liliient
"I'lk's ii'Tk" i.
i hl-fur
fruit, ninl for I
eral mipplv of
ft( r (lie I. Ml ipiet in 'iise to
Ilie reoinst o,' W. 1,,-iir inpson,
the winy aril alile loat -iuaier, a
nil mlier , if neat lit'le fpe.i Ins wire
mile, all of w liirh were np;.roprinto
to I he n i iision. Mirny regrets were
' epn ssid tli.u Mr. l'.mler uiil ileehl-
etl to i list his lot elsewhere, even
thoi-.uli it U'inur only a tetnponiry
hithi p'liii'ii', hs heexpti'tM to n'tiirn
here in t he emir' of a year or ho.
The irnests w ert lll.'Ht ly of the I'lk
fra'ernity. as follows :
Antlereil heril : W. Lair Thomp
son. No ;Vi7. Allvany, On-.; (iny lu
urain. No. Il'-Vi. Itoseliiirir. Ore.: Win.
Anilerfou. No. T(1. I.a Junta, Colo.
K".v ii liutli r. No. "40. r.utte. Mont :
anil V. I.. Snellinc ami I ieo.Jllarro,
of No. . Ashhlatnl, Ore.
1 1 . tiis .1 nst Startiil rvil MoKoti
ilrei'. lr. J. K. Smith, Harry l'.ailey.
mill lee Thornton.
I .viteil liuestH Ir. W. It. Hoyil. J.
T. I'a ehelilor. Fred .1 . How man ami
o. H. Whorton.
The Songster l'rvil Mi'ICen.ln-e.
:l H) IT stox ew. nexx
I xx are Co
It ti.
i:t Allien
Th" l I.I lYU.iws of Khm.iith i'alls
ro ilaaiinit: on 1'iiil.l.tik. a ttiok or
tone l'i;il.lliij; with "J er ::'rl's ninl
M kril I. r (Iraih
'lliioe years mjo I a r itk
te.i'h A travo yt.i ei-ti
t ari.i' :nv l.l-irf I : 1
f.ule i t.i h.'l; n i', ami ; 'n
In ti n y liusl ti jj et Pr.
Nov Pis.'ox orv, " mivs Mr
VA tlltoies. of T'l'i.'. Kt 1 !
1 tlf
K ' n:
A. '
e Ii v
XX ii
1oso I i lpe.l u. an, I I :i i r . veil on t
ki pi on until I ha.i gallic.) ." s tui ti .1 s
in weight an. I tnv I o:. It ti .i- fully
ff!tor'il. " This tre.r..'iae In 11 Is tt.o
orl.l's hi alinc roi'or.l lor eoni's an. I
c.ilils an.l lilitk' mill throat .iise;iM'd.
fl piex-rnls tioiiTi i.ii i.i. Sel.l uiiilor
uarati t o at I Iiortiton ' I'li.: stoio.
:Vv an.l If. 1 rial I i ll U' f r.-o.
Th-sj eool eronirjk.'s snow the xalno
of tlio ooJ work ou the psrt of the
Initios who originate! anil hrouLt
foraar l the pul lio litirary anil oroi-te l
tho han Isonie, roomy l ull line. It is
flllo.l oaoh nikhl with ooif. ops, 0M
an.l youiiif, who put in the hours in
He purine kuonlotlce of uso totle.ii
for all tiu:o.
The Hii: l"our I Welopllienl Oo
xx ill not Ih ri'sponu io for anx or.l. rs
or ili tits eoiu raiMeil tiy M. H . i iilli.nn
; on or after t his ilate, for the reason'
i that he Ii h faili il to j u.-l if y as Heere- ,
tary .-i n 1 l reasiirer of naiil Company
1 or t o prox iiie his harv of eH-;.ses
I in operation of same, a aur.-e.l.
j The Hie Four l. v. Co.
, liar
, .VI kinils Mei-hanios tool- at
i 1 laril xx are I ' unpai y
I lien. 1 1 n ok i usi has l ieu up to Sum
; tnor lake tho pa;.t week, onak'ee.l in
j a run. i.i up of Ins horses ami cattle
! for t ho w inter.
I.ako county is not alone in its
! potat.) nhoi taee atnl eonsoipieiit liik'h
j price for tho same. Ohio in short
! Iiin0 Pushels. Tho ilaniaeo liy rot is
; foi'all there lioine only - per cent,
i Lack of rain there mh well as hero han
proilucoil tho shortage.
i Spi I il attention jrivon to mall or
ilers t-ent AhlHtrotn llron.
That l ossy cu of Mr. Mikel' that
was lost anil found. I rousht houi
twins, one of the eontleman pursiin-
sion atrl the other calf a perfect laily
The calvps nre of notmal size an.l
doiiit! well. It is quite unsiial for a
co to harp twins an I Mr Mikel is j
ir. no b elatoil over this increase in hi i
A of pure eyrsiini rro north!
frort: !" to J'J'i a ti n ha I eon d is- i
I'oxrroil up in Orrok count v. i
A tine lot of ni joh stock jnt ;
reciivH at this Pttice. Sen ! in your i
orlors. If ,
H. lMis. nl. nrv. timl r ornixT
r.ero In mid winter iinil tIhch koum'
t Ititi'M to 1 1 1 In mltl-mimmcr. They are
looklnic for a locution lu ell her Crook
or I.ako county lnt will probably
locate near Iteilmotul, xvheiv tlie.r
have frteiiilM. Tliev ralleil nt the Jour
nal office anil ixpremeil t hem hoIvcm
as well pleaHeil with UiIh pari of the
Public Auction
1 will aoll at public auction, on
utrcot lu I.iikovlexv, opposite Lake
view Hotel all my housohnlil finnlsli
Imis conslttine or, Homo Comfort
Ituiwo (novx i. Kitchen Stove, Kitchen
Cabinet, Hrriiser. Iron He. Intra. I with
.tool pprlnes, Silk I 'loss unit trass,
s4 Splines an.l Mnttrasa, Clean. Sow
In" Machine, Th; lo, IMiUne Chairs,
lioeko",'tal y Carrlnno, u ry Sly i
Hook case, WritiiiK Desk, Hooker anil
Staiul, iin.l ninny t her ar icloa ton
tintiM'toiis to mention. With tho
exception of a lew articles every thiuu
benefit uexv past la inontliM. hale to
l oein at I :.(0 pharp If ba.l stormy
lay. postpone.! until Monday follow
In,). W. C. Conn I or.
Tom Watson, Auctioneer.
Oklahoma Hustler
A rustlei from Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, was here last week in the
person of S. M. Heck. Ho wan from
Missouri, but wont away an euthusi
Hstie believer in the luture en'ii'inss
of Lnkovievx ami mil rutin. I me
country. While hero lie purchnsoil
several lots in Watson's ii l.lltion, ami
took options on a lot of other
properly. He xxill return in the
spline prepareil to stay. Ami if a
hie ottlco Lull line looms up hole soon
alter ilo not bo stirpriieil.
Medicine lhl la ."Inl.rlnr
"1 have s'ltlere.l a u I ileal with
lmhu U ami slounii'li c nnplalnts, Ini?
I have in foiiml n loin, ily that keep
me xx ell, anil that tome ly is lOlectno
llittem a lite. In tno that is miiliclne
for stomach an.l liver troubles, ami
for tun iloxxn emu! it lorn, " says C.
Kiostler of Hallo lay. Ark. l-brtric
Hitters purity an.l enrich the tilnoil,
lone up tl.o i.etvis, mi l impart xiyor
ami rey to tho weak. our money
txiil l.o ii tiiiulo l II ll falls to ht
Vim. .0c at Tln i n ton 's iltne stole.
l.iUcs (lie Country
.1. W. Nelson mi.l son, of Sua Kuis
valley, Colora.lo, are 111 town. They
woio uiterostol In that coloiiiat ion
scheme, an.l came nn to take a look
at what the Dreeotl Valley Hninl Co.
Is ilome here. They are Hitistlnl an I
xxill pioliab y courbi. le to make their
homo hero Htter the opetime ol tho
eiant lands, as this section has many
iiilvautaees oxer Colora.lo tlioueh all
who visiteit there were sati-tlel with
their I iirealn.
Iluod x,ouh McJlclnclur ChlUrrn
Tho season for couehu mi l col 'a Is
lion at haml, and too much care can
not be u i'ii to protect the children.
A child is much more likely to con
tract dipt heria or scarlet fever when
he has a cold. The quicker you cure
hi8 cold the less the risk. Chauiber
lain 'a ciiueh remedy is the solo reli
a nre of many loot hers, and few of
those who have tried it hie ixlline to!
use any other. Mrs. F. F . Starchei, t
id Kit'ley, W. Va., pars: "1 have
never use. any thine olhei thau ,
Chiuiil erlalu's Coueh Ken.edv for my j
children and it han always eiven eood -aat
i-ti.'tiou. " This remedy rontalns (
no o.auiu or other narcotic and may 1
l e e i ven as conH.leut.'y to a child as j
to an adult. For bale I y A. U.
Press Goods
IMonty of variety, hoauty nml tvonomy
Just riht to koop tho foot warm
Koopino; warm moans kopinj; hojilth.
Nirht downs
I. ono;, warm and pretty.
l ol it; lit In I or o.ttions.
La Mode Anniei,on
"9 T- 1 . , 1,1
1 I U o I II
J Adel
iivcrythinv: Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Stores.
Boots and Shoes tor Miners, Bucca
roos, Sheepmen ami Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All Kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & riiniii Tools.
- i . IT' . - .
Warner Valley Mercantile Co.
!a . ! o
I Pflcific Land Co J
Timber LaaJ Notlca
1 1. nrt nu n t of the Interior,
Lakeview, Oregon
l'. s
and x ill rema.n for ,
is in Fortlaod
soinei i me
The no xx- rci irii.v of V. 1.
iin ir. on the Slier!. tk ad. Ii!
about n ady for occupancy.
Ii. r s Tatro made proof
timber claim today.
bilari. illo Creiinien
Furniture and
New Pine Creek, - - Oregon
Laud Otlico at ltkevicw
t -, i . i.i. i
Notice is hereby eix"on that Harry .
I M. lilazier, of Sacrameuto. Calif, who.
Sn.-I- j on Nov. 'J.'l. paw, made Timber and!
ion In Stone Application. No. iK'a', for SKj
ipiurter, Sectiou '.'"x. lovxnsh'p 3, S. , i
17 I Will u. Hl.l
to )liH,)(fi,A ,,r inlwn I ii.ii t.-i n.ulfM l-'Ott.
I'riof tJ establish a-laini to tbe land '
above f.escrilied. belore Cuunty Clerk I
Klaa atli Co , at his otlico. at Kiatn- I
, ... lath 1-alls. llreeon, on the ftb dav id
The (edarville Khi'dm savs thei j.-ej, jiki
crt ai'ory buil line there will soon - Claimaut camea as witness.. : Dan
comi loted. It is M x 3.1 feet and two )j(,hr)!l()n f Klamath Falls. Dieton. !
pt.iie hieh BnJ a boil-r room ,Mh t-ravpn ,! Frank Howatd of!
1U. one story, l-eitie an 8'''" i Lakeriew, Oreeon. and Ollie Hoard i
tu n on on one si.Je The ; ( f ,!lr Oregon.
machinery has teen ordered and willi ):tl.-r, j. N- vfttsou, Heeister.
soon l.o ready for business as poon as ( .
the farmets to brine in the )epHrt,Ueut -f the Interior. U. S. I
milk. It will le a coo.1 thins for the i HU,, 0lt.e at Lakeview. Orei n.
coiimry anil an no nave rtim pnoiuii I .oteniler 'i l!-H.
, even strain a point to tot n ish milk.
Taxidermy Work
Mouniinii oi lkrols
Dtvr. Antolopi. 1-to.
Mounting of
i lamo-hirils, I;to.
Tanning of Skins
Making if Skin Kuis
with om:u mouths
or closoil
We guarantee all our
work moth-proof ami
itulstructihlo hv time
dMifH H.aonWc: $A to $10 for IVer or Anteiof HeiU
Ejqru will reciv prompt attention
J. D Aatcn & Co. VliiiUt VVimiVl KUavth Folk
luxxa l :i ii I.Ikes I.akeiexv
F W. Voeul. of Iea Moines, Iowa,
arrived Snndav. I. ike man other
he came to pee the country for Dim-t-lef
and others. Like them, while he
v anted to be shown, and wa hrmly
convinced that nothine would do him
except a 10 acre irrieated tract, while
now he is satisfied if he efts one of
. the lareer snb-dirisions of the road
eraut. that he will renlire a eood tie
1 inteiid on his investmement.. even
i thoueh he does net care to hold it for
. his persoual use. He n ill take a eood
. report of t h itt couutry home to bis
; In i friends.
Nearly ereiv body knoas I"e Witt's
I.illle F.srly Hirers are the let pills I
Notice is hereby eiven tbat Lillie
K . Harris, of Lakeview, Oreiron. mbo
on November Ka.W, made Tiuitier
and Stone Application, No. 077'.!, for
W half SW quarter and SE quarter
SW pu alter. Section US, Township W
S., lUne- 21 E-, Will. Meridian, has
tiled notice of i itention to make
Final Proof, to establish claim to the
land atiove described, before Keister
atd Keceuer, at lakeviear. Oreeon,
cn the Mb day of Feb. P..I9.
Claimant names as itnessxa : Gran
ville Hardiaty. Sarah Ciarrett, tiordcu
(iarrett, Farnharu E Harris, all of
Lakevisa, Oreeon.
IWFS. J. X. Watson. Register.
Homestead, Desert and Timber Claims
Automobile Service from Likely to the Land Located or Sold
We are prepared to get your property before,
thousands of people on short notice.
List xAith us and Rive us a trial.
CoglHirn Residence
Two Blocks West of I 'oat A Kin 5aloon
Office at
made. They are small, pleasent.
Little Liver pills. Sold by Paly
Hall. .
Can (Iroxx Celery llerv
The F.xaminer i confident the
finest celery in the world can I
eronn rieht in Iakevienr, in this deep
. black, rich soil. And yet not a stick
. a to be had in toxxn 1 hank.-iviog
Idsy! One of thesr day ome celery
eroner still come alone here, and pet
one of those. 10 ,cre tracts, offered by
i Mr. Martin for the price of a anna,
ani m i tl make a fortune in celery. We
need to l ttioa u, that's all, and me
i ill be!
: Settler Coining
' I A McHonald .wife and aon nrri-
red In rrlnevllle Monday by waeron
froiu their former home tutya the
'Journal at Hrtdevport. Houplaa ron
ty. Wash, tip nexr the Canadian line,
whetv tbe un rvory drop ti o0 U'low
Notice ot 5ale of Real Property
Notice is hereby given: That In
sure purauacee of an order of the Couuty
ami ; court of tbe County nf Iake. State of
I Oree' d, duly made and entered on
the tin da) o; .ovemier l'.o! diiecl
ire authoriiine and licensing the
Administrator tilth ill anueied of
the Ksatte of J. Q. Adams, deceased,
to pe'l at private hale all the real
property tlonein to said estate,
tbe undersigned Administrator with
tbe Will annexed, of the estate of J.
(,. Adams, deceased, a ill ou or after
11th day of IecemUr, p.mS, sell at
private aale for cash in hand, at
Lakevietr, Oreeon, the following
deaorbied real property Udoneine to
s.aid estate; to it: HV quartet of
SW quarter Se 14; E half of SE quar
ter and sW quarter of quarter Seo
15 IpSi. a K. ' E. W. M., Lake
coutity, Oregon.
Dated at Lakeview, Oregon, this
4 tb day of November, HVH
M. O. Hopkins, Administrator
with Will annexed of Katata of J. y.
Adaoa, Deoeaed. Nofl2Dlu. 1
ri'tr-onit rvnaoutt
Mammoth Stables
O. O. AHTHUn. raoMiiro
llie VarKcat Livery and IWd Ntablo In Houtlirnt Oroinin
or Northern l allforula. Hoihon Hoarded bv tlai Day, Wwk
or M.. tuli. SiMilal Allcnllon uhcii to truiialont Klock
lakrwew . . . . ommaoN