LAKH mn.NTY KXAMINKH. LAKEVIEW, OltKUON. TIILKXDAY. DECEMItEK 3. V.m i IK I C TJT pax GOLDEN EAGLE Gold Mining Company Of Goldrun, Oregon 50,000 Shares of Treasury Stock For Sale at 5 Cents per Share This Company was Incorportvd Ma) 24th, 1907, under the the Law5 of Arizona. Capital Stock, 1,2.-0,000 Shares full paid and non-asscssiblc, par value, $1.00. The Kroup of claims contains about 250 acres, located anions the best, with Rood Allowing: Inspection solicited. hi H t l I OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: (leo. F. Atklns,lresldent ; A. A. Patockl. V. Ire$"t, and Oen. Manager ; CM. Woodland, Secretary ; (leo F. Atkins, I reasurcr. Correspondence solicited. GEO. F. ATKINS, Corning, California. Personal Mention H. V AhUlrorii loft nn WedncH'lay ' mito hImu, fur Maryimllit, Cullf. Mm. AMelrom him liecn there for iiliniit n mouth. Mini him nlxo lieen v'mIMiik relatl'i-a nti'l friend In Hun IVHiiclxr-fi. Mi. Ahlxtrnin will m Hlihcnt n limit tMO neelm, mid pnrhnpo nil winter. Mm. Ahlnlrotu will ietiirn to Lakeview llli lilm. Hi(itoKriiilu'r V 11 1 1 1 nun up frnin New 1'Iiih Cnek Monday. MIhh LIuM, neiee of Col. V. I. Llnht, of the lintel Lnkevlew, 1 1 1 Wedneadny moilntf on the unto utiiKe tor Iit home In Eureka, ' Vlifoi 11I11. She exim.'li to return mime time in I'n til nary. L. I'. Wliiklfiniiii. of Paneo. Warn., In rt-n wliiuhi Hiilmci t ion to the Examiner ImIiHK to I'll I I'll l'llllnT'i) to IiIh friend iiml n-i 1 1 n ) 11 1 anrm of Lukeview. Mr. Winklemiui Im now riiiioliiK h l'K hotel iit I'iimco. Lakeview Mercantile Co. Get your Fall and Winter Supplies from us. Our lines are now complete in department. We carry the very best goods money can buy. Get our prices before laying in 3 our fallsupplies. Lakeview Here. Co. Wholesale and Retail J Eah Aiildirn, 5a t j - I P w 8 Old Santa will arrive once more, With Xmas Goods and Toys galore. Such things were never seen before For little tots of two and four. He will arrive on the 7th of December, And little ones, you must remember That the things are all at ALIISTROM BROS. Just to suit your Fathers and Mothers. 1 I I WANTS TO FILE ON TIMBER LAND WITHOUT MAKING A PERSONAL VISIT Miv. Marj I'. N h. of Eugene, Ore., Iiiim iihUi-iI t In- Sunirini' Court of tin ' Appeal for tli" Seventh Circuit. ! which held It unneccuMury for Iht ' ! II.. . . 1 . .f , .1 I I ll tl ikur.iti 11 v ill iiimiii'i i 11 l av 1 i'a' I iini , .( .1 ,1 111 1 11 Umih 11 writ 1 1 1. iVn in 11 1; 1 n l' t linlior ami m one i,f iiiinhlainns nmiliiMt Srrlr.v of .-i.ti v thnvon. M. In h.-r tli.-l nt.-ilor loirtl.M to i-omiK-l lilni 1 p,-tltlo.Mhiit 1,-hl ilw in.'- to fo -to ri roimli' iiii.I follow I In- il.rl-lon . low tliU riillnu. Iiiltnliiii Unit lie 011 of tin-I'iiU.' -t.itoH Circuit Court of Mtru-n tin-Ihw (liffi-rt'titly. Thin U Worth I'c.dlng hoo K '.I IniHki, of (!S Cilisou Kt, Hutfulo, NV, hhh: "1 curt-il tli IiiomI iniiioyini; col. I Hon 1 vr lunl, with Kucklcii'H Ariiicu Hnlv. 1 Hilil thin h iIvh ouch ii lny for to diiy, rtiifii ivirr irnco oi inn Hon who Hun" lli'itN nil HorH. NoM uinli'r KuniHiitio lit 'l'lioniton'ii dru Htoro. Will Jrov Applt'S K. It. ItuniMs. U h ri'iu'iit Hrr ivnl from iviviTHidt), Culiforniii, tho home of thtt ornnj,'". 'It' ttiltiku tliore will hi) renter rollt in tipples r tliiin in orHii!Pn there, Hii.l lor tbut ri-uson i..... ......... i ,i t.ii- II. i vtii'i lx otliurs from thiro with jiletity of I IlllHtlH to IMIHC 111 fllllt lO(IUCtlOll in this valley. I. A. .1 it n f ii riM U I, of ( iillf , Im In town. I'miik t'oirerxlH In from I'IiihIi. II. S. lloXMWorth, if f-ii n KriuiclHco Ih n ulHlereil III Motel l.nkcvl.'w. 'I'- l) 1 1 nniihrey, of Heiio. N lipr for t he iurioHt of iorcliiiHliiif Mtin k. T. !. Mclntlre. of Newton, Kihihhm it ii1 S. V. SI 1 IT. of Moiitiniii, nrc here to look over t he Ireon V alley J,nli) I 'oinpn II v roIOHlt lull A. II. York, of t'ortlmi'l, wn ii-uiHtere'l Ht Hotel lakeview HHtur iliiy. .1. A. Wetnlell lnix re-elv'il woril from hi w ile Mint their hoii w ho h,l 111", foot HOMi-rloOHlv Ihjureil It nliort I line into. iiimI w ho lunl returiieil to hi' home ut 1 iiiiiMiiioir, will lie com H'lleil to dock to S;icinllleito for furl lii r toeiliciil t r -nt ne nt. Mr. Wm. II HotehklMH nnil MIhm Aleili McColley eie 111 M rrieil 'I hxllkx- u lnu ilny I'.v .Iiolae Snliler. The Iih I i y yoiimr iieuple led hi once for their home lienr I'lilnli-y. iHv i i.-orziii Uoi'kiiw, of I'hIhIi'.v U hi-re on ii lflt with .Mrn. W. 15. I .siil i-r. i A inn rrlilue llrei hi wiih Ihhui i y K teriloy to ( l.iuile l.awHoii himI Itocl.i X'lln-eiit j Mrw. Ii. .1. Jlarlin, left on venter- ll.'iyV Illllo H-MJie for Old Mexico.1 w here nlic isih-h for Ih-r heultli. niid ' w ill upem! t lie winter there. l)nl.i Schmilik Iiiim Jfolie to ( mUm-I toun. C iililornlii, to vlml hl piiri'iilH. Kil Itice left yeHlerdoy for Siintn Kokii. Cn lifuriiiii w here lie w III vlult Willi relitlVeS. The Kxiniiirier reKreln to By tlmt Mr. V. V. ('onnter, Mild hit) ehtimab'fl fiimily will leave town thin week for Home point in KpHteru Vndiiiifton, w Uto he lm a lucriitve opruiiitf in I liti timet ii-M (if Ih . He Im -1 i h i II lT out hiH hoiiHehold Inrniture, net ice of which will ho found iu (mother column. V. A. l-'itzpntrik, of the ZX much ChewHiicuii viilley wan in town Tues dHy. John Loveliinder. was over from Kliuniith 1'bllH Suturday. C. (). Jingle, mid .lolui Cliinton, of Kan KraiiciHco took turkey lit Hotel l.iiKev'ew i naiiKHUivnK any. Ci. J. 1'arker, of Adel, whs here TlmiikcciviuK day. II. SiiiimniiH, of l'ortland whh hero over Suuday. Ceo. ('. Hiiln, of Klamath I'hIIh was iu town Tuesdny. J. ('ouiuions, of I'ortlaud, was here Monday. V A, Wil.ihire returned from Asb liind Monday. (!eo. Copelanil, of Merrill, wan in tow u this week. 0. K. Parker, of Adel piime over Monday. Harry IJoherts, of Plush, was in town Friday. Mrs. 1j. N. Kelsay was down from Paisley Tuesday, and lett yesterday for Plush. U. F Wrlnht, 'f Circlevllle. Ohio, iirrived In town lust nlirht. He likes the look of thiiiKX. ud if further iu-vi-st IkuI lou cotneH up to bis I'xpi-e-tiitlous hi- Iiiim i-oine prepiired toseny. tsn i. -DRENKLE & RAINE REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW OREGON I ! I 1 THINGS LOOKING FINE UP NORTH K litor Hoi ler, of tho Silver Lake Leader, in a personal letter to the Kxa.iiim r u.un nnys everytbinu looks line up in ',tb upper end of the county, evideti n of which if had iD matter copiu I 1 1-ewhere, and .says that within the next two years that sectiou will have u thousand new families We are K-a-l to learu that aiil eoiiKiutuiate those peole up there who have waited so Ions for better things that railroads aud all tho Kood they brio a community are boon to bo their uood fortune. Kvery one we meet who knows that part of the eouuty has the greatest, of praise fit it. COUNTY NEWS Silver Lake Krom thf lx.-a'l-r From nil Indications, Northern I.nke county will lo the reel pent of one of the liiriref lioum-" in the way of new wt t leri mid oi her Kood tliinus next year tlwm nny other county in the state. I'ai'ev, Summer hake, and Silver Lake preci u-t. wliic em linices one half of Lake county is i olnjr to lie Htrk-tly In it from l!t0J forward. iraln that wa sow n early now covers the ground with h rich velvet jjreen. Pli'H Keeder Ih diireiiu; well on bis homestead, and will soon Iwniu the erection of a gn residence. Alvin Niohh. of Paisley. jxiHfu-d through our city last week on IiIh way home with a blir load of flour from the Madras mills. MYSTERIOUS RAIL ROAD SURVEYORS .lack Sin ih Married John J. Simmons, of Sau .Mateo, j Calif., son of John Simmons, of Lake- Columbus Porter has brouirht his view, was married to Linda Murphy, i cnttle In from Klamath MarHh. and Nov., in the Church of St. Col- i will wintiT thorn fitthc Harrey ranch oml o, Oakland. The bride is a Sao ; ,, Summer J-ake. Mateo Kir). "Jack" as he is familiar- j ... iv known here, has a host of friends .u.v Martin was able to tie on the lii this county who wish him a full j "feels Monday for the first time ninad of life'a iovs. aud none of the I wince he win taken ill w ith pneumo- sorrows in bis new relation. Cedarville, 2."idt: We are informed that a party of Western Pacific ralirend surveyors are now entering the valley from the lower end, coming across Swearinuer Flat Where they are surveying to ho one seems to know. In fact, Modoc seems to Ik; In line with several sur vey parties, one of which i m-nr hap py Camp, one at Swe ringer Flat, and two coming dow n from Prine ville, through Warner and this or LoiiK valleys. Incidental! v, it miht be said that the biKirriiration scheme is a prelude to the buildinjr of a rail railroad through that section of th country. Some of the parties inter ested in that project are railroarl men, who know" what they arc doing, and, of course, are not giivng all the facts to the ppblic. and Apples 8 Special Bargains 8 at Reynold's Store; 8 I will guaiantee Lower Prices than any (j store in Lakeview. We do all our own work. Reynold's store is the place to W ... z g buy your Merchandise. 8 B B.Reynolds 5 XKnOtKOtOOKOtS i i : Harold Modulus, infant son of W. Luir Tliouipson ami wife died vester day forenoon. Dec. 2. He was boin Sept. Kith. The funeral seviros will be held at the home today (Tburs lay), at '2 p. in. The parents have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. MINING NOTES V. H. Oliver, of Spokane, was iu towu Saturday on his way to Oold run. He is interested w ith Mr. Kielly in the liutte and other properties, aud cine down to see. how the work of development is coniintt on. If the tunnel now beinu driven strikes as rich ore as is shown iu the shallow shaft, ou the surface, the whole minimi world will sit up and take notice and wonder why the ground floor of the district was missed, but they will mt hire just the same! Red Livery Barn G. E. LINEVILLE, Prop. New Ritfs XTSV-f sl)CcIal Accommo. Fancy Teams JXjiA dtl?n1s. to Let wCgLla? For rrcigliters Corner Canyon and Main Sts, Lakeview, Ore. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucao county. es. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he U senior partner of the firm of F ,1. Cheney & Co., doiiiK business iu the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK 11UNUHKU DOLL-AUKS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frauk J. Cheney, f Sworn to before nie aud subscribed iu my prt-s mce. this Oth day of Deo ember, A. D. lHSti A. W. Oleaaon, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh cure ia taken inter ually and acts directly ou the blood aud niuoous surfaces of the system. Send (or testimonials free. 1 J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by all druggists 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills fur constipation. A. .1. IMickworth is Dead Man v of the Lakeview people will remember A. . I. Duckworth, brother of. I P. Duckworth who came up here last .lime from Holers, Arkan sas, on bis wedding tnur. He was then the picture of health Put word reached here this week of bis sudden death, after four days illness. He lirst bad acute bronchitis which was followed bv congestion of the heart, lie died Nov l'.Mh. Hew ns-H years old, and besides several brothers and sisters, leaves a sorrowing young bride. For that Dull t ctllnj Alter Eating I have used Chamberlain '6 Stomach and Liver lableti for some time, and can testify that they have done me more t,ood than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after catiui;. DAVID FUEEMAN, Kespt, Nova S'ia. These tablets strengthen the Btomacb aud improve the dicestion. They nlsj regulate the liver and bowels They are far superior to pilte but cost more . Get a free sample at Daly .A Hall's drutj store and see what a splendid medicine it is. Taking Out Cnttlo Alturas Plaindcaler, 27ult: Chan. Dermick, foreman for Miller & Lux, drove a herd of 1000 bead of cattle to the Hudspeth ranch, near Cedarville to pasture through the Winter. It Is a Wonder Cbatiibeilain's Liniment is one of the most remarkable preparations yet produced for the relief of rheuniatic pains, aud for lame bvck, upraiua and bruises. The quick reilef from paiu which it atloids in case of rheuma tism is aloue worth niauy times its I cost. Price, 25 cents; large eizeoOej Hnr sale bv Dulv aud Hall. Kauclicr Ituy Oil Stock One of the Malheur pupen cays; A. Venator, the Harney county stock uiau, delivered 0UI head of cows for shipment this week. Pheue always takes a chance, and before leaving for home had eafely tucked away iu oue of his inside pockets enough oil stock to make him forget the cattle busiuess if oi ia struck iu paying quuuities iu Ontario. nla some three weeks ago, Oilla rt D. V.rown, of Lakeview, As sistant Forest Supervisor, is in this vicinity anil will stay looking after fore-try business for a couple of weeks. At t his place the young men have their jolly club; the old and young j maids, the silent sis'ers club; and the msrried ns well as the widows and widowers are left to trvk their thumbs. We are an awful lonesome set' E. E. Forhhav. the engineer who ! was here for ntiout ton days, and filed on the waters and Hood waters of our Lakes, left thp latter part of the week for Salt Lakp City, where he goes to confvr with bis associates. It It his Intention to bo back within a month bringing with htm part of a crew nnd the balance will be gotten You should rememle that most cough aud cold cures are constipating. Vet the most important thing to do when yxu have a cold Is tc move the bowels. Vou canuot promptly cure a cold until you do this. Kennedy's Laxatve Cough Syrup stops the coug'i by allaying intlamation of tho throat and lungs, aud it drives the cold from the system by geutl moving the bowels Childreu like it for it tastes nearly as good as maple tugar. Sold by Daly aud Hall. Iry L Wm. Mohul, of Lewi.-ton, Idaho, who owns a 0 year old apple orchard near Rossetta, will market 1000 boxei of apples this fall, at 11. i" a box. The apples were grown on irrigated laud. here, and will at once proceed to sur vey for all ditches, d uns and reser voirs, so that next scanon, ut an early date as practicable active con struction work will U-gin, and the dirt made to tl v A good, hard thump will take spuuk out of many a braggart. the Scientists say that tuberculosis germs lurk in telephone mouth-pieces. r roiti the way the telephone line from this place to Lakeview has nee n acting for the past month or two, the enfre length of wire must Is infested with these irerms. fur you cant talk over it at all. Will It. Ml The address of A. II Address M. H. Swazey California. SWAZEY. Cottc nwood, ELECTRIC WIRING AND SUPPLIES Work done according to reg ulations of National Board of Hire Underw riters. G. D. WOODRUFF, Contracting Electrician, irij" Leave orders at Reynold's etoie. For Enema, Tetter and alt Rheum The iuteuse itching, characteristic of these ailments is almost instautly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have beeu cured by it. For sale by Daly & Hall. Subcrllie for The Examlucr and get those magnetites, too. Blue Prints Made I will make Dine Prints of any tract of land iu the Lakeview Lnnd District, und do abstract work. Cull or write W. B. SNYDER Lakeview - Oregon Colorado Hotel LAKEVIEW, OREGON Newly Furnished Rooms Comfortable Beds Tables Supplied With the Best In the Market Cuisine Excellent Home Cookiii"- Bcikery n counection. Delicacies of ai kinds. Ties Cakes, Rolls. Fresh Bread Daily C. E. LONZWAY, Proprietor ALBERT G. DUHME BUYS TIMBER LANDS F?ST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING LAKEVIEW. OREGON.