Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 26, 1908, Page THREE, Image 3

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L""M sea s
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A Tliimkstfiviiw Story by
Lpcs Winthrop
r iKhl, I!,
o vim
1 1 I'll IV
rwtjjs. wawisaarc.'..
t.,vo Qntlnfnetlo.-i
nfLiir at OM;r.
' '.'i, Iii hIh iiml ..i.-.
lulu ri-tiltin; fr r.i I :
I .
.1,1 r
Jures to
i ( I. in
mi. I nwiiv ii 'c.. In ,
I;... .. . i llm Neti-i-i of 'In 'i.
I . v I . I III..', 'ntitillli I .
,; i i I I ..In tlm Ii. ml i iln in i , . ,
liii-- Mi-, Ml cent, lit I "nirt. ! I ,
III ill l.l.lMlil Cf . Illll flu 1 1 1 lnj , ,.
ulun. I . ' . 7 i 1 1.
1 1 T flf'TMr'i'r. IC, Warrtn 81.. ,w Yuri,
Lakeview Cigar Factory
M. M L'liiiiiiiiKiiiim.J
think It's n Hiinri
llcllllllllll-il 'leildy.
"Tlicrc'a I'iiiii 11. Inn. If
Mm kit In Ii I h I, In. liNinltli aliop
I gcti hN fun- a black ii h
iiiiin. Then In- .ii-h limn? mill
1 '""I he's nil iK lit . Wlni I
' f lloca ll linlkf If I (tilllll oil
Maker nf
Havana ami
I )tucstic Cigars
One ii a Irml. Morn III tin'. l-r,i k
IiiiiI."il' MI-HI to Ling '
, Mill .akeVIl". Ori-i.ill
Noltle & Reynolds
House, Sicn and Carriage
Pa i liters
Papering and kalsoinining
Oilier with Wouilcuck Itiiriii-M
tiilnritl I'.liii kulult Iim
I.aki:vii:v . ()in:c.oN
W A N T E I)
A r.iii iitni vi- In thin count n
by n huge rral cxti'iie rnrniri I .
hjifcllll lllllllcClllelltH to tllilne
Wind to liii-oliie fl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II ' Inl. r.l :
The Real Estate Security Co. 1
I'ort Dearborn Bldg. Chicago, 111.
Ilmtx-r I an J Nollcr.
Ic artim-iil of the interior. I'. S. ,
l.nii.l Otllce lit Lulu-view, Oregon
Oft. H, I'.KW.
Notice ia I hereby given Unit Anna
M. Nfilnii, i.f Lakevicw. Oregon, who, ;
on AiikiiM .H. r.N'N, niinle Timber iiml
ntiim. n ill ill K.ii, No. t'l.'i!1, fur Lota
1. 2. SW iiinrtiT NVV ipinrlcr, SitIihii1
1 Ti nnliip Ik'. K., lliiiik'o Hi K.. Will. ;
Mi'llilliui, Iiiih llli'il ti.illrii of 1 n 1 1-ii 1 1 1 hi i
to iiiiiKi' I'liiHl ,1'ionf, to rtmilit.1!
Clllllll to till' lnn.1 nl.ovi. ili-rcriln'il, '
!'foli Ki'Kl'r Iti-ri'lviT, lit -
I.iiki'X li'W , il..'oli, nil tin- IK'tll IV nf 1
I li-Cfllll.rr, l'.X'K.
Cliiiinitiit nan rh iih witiiPHHi'H: H. '
I )iih.tiIh.i v, nf I'iiMi'V. Ori't'oii. I'ln.h.
.1. 'oi.ll, Kriink llowiirl. Miinuil
SiiuinliTrt, an. I Wullcr lli.wiinl, nf
KitkovlKW, Inv'ii.
oiMnr, ,i. n. Wiithon, lii'-intiT. j
1lmbr Land Nollt
)i.iiiliii-iit nf tint intiTlor. I". S.
I Jin. I Ollli'f lit l.iikct li-w, Oi.koii,
t)rt. H, ;kis.
Nntli-o in liiTi'Ly jjivi-ii t hit t
Koti. who on 1'. l'K'H, iiukIh Tim-I
liitr hihI nloiii Apl'ln'Ht Ion, No. t'.MH,
for M'1 iiiiutfr, Si-i-tiou III, for Toti-j
Hhip 117 K . Uhhuv K.. Will- MitI'I- 1
iun. Iiiih lliid notii'o nf iiiti titioii to
iiiukH Kiu til I'nxif. to t-Htiililixh cliiiin
to tli liinil nhovii (irHi i il.i'.l, l.tforo
IvouiHtcr iiml UiTi'ivi-r, tit I.iikuvii'w,
Oron, on t ho I Nth iliiy of I )m-iii Iht,
Clllilliailt IIHIMPH IIH tlllHHH: Kittoti
Klni, L. N Ki'lnuy, Jim Tuiiin, hih!
Will MiMii llrl. nil nf I'IiihIi, Or. .yon.
Oi:lHi. J. N. WntMoii, Ki-KiMtiT.
mi i ml
w ll M I II -N
liif IllHIl llil nf illi i
M Imii I nil llmi, ',-,," m.i lI fully. I
..Ilirll.iW yi.ll MMMIl llllTl'IIMll."
"JllHt l.l-l IIIIHI. Jim HIIW IIH'." hi'
liMiKhi-tl l.liii-rl.v. HUT llratt lc told
iiih I una tln limit, hut I ill lu l miiji
...hi. ina inn .iouK to (iii-..r my
In. k w It Ii j ..ii."
! "I riin't rtlaln," audi Hnlly lnim-
1 1-lit I ' . "Itlll Nlllll-.W lll-ll I KIIW
v..i hint hiiiiiiiht ullli nil I In. iii-iii. Ii.
l.iurhli.K nt i.m 1 I rouliln t !. nioiii! I""'"1 I""1''-''.
of j.m liny ini.r. I Jimt felt Halinmnl
t nil tlii-ri' iiml rt-mi-mlH-r tlmt I wim
, imikiik'''! t" J'nll."
"Ami you wnlliil nil thin Him. to tell
' nif," In- mi 1.1 H.-ornf nlly, "I-t me llvo
: mi lii tliut fooI'M inriidlNi nil HiIm time?
Why. 1 ri.ul.l lui jjoiii; ullli rtie
: rnrilhiiniM thU ulnti-r If I Imd wnutoil
to, I, lit 1 told Itluki li-y tliut I'll i oiiip
mi to inirtiTH Juki nu I could Imi lii'iir
: )..U."
"I'm Horry, Ti-d." h anl.l dully. "I
; lll.i ynii mill when I m-i you, hut
i lii-n wry llttli w hlU your fiict gvl
nil uhlii nitli the iinirka on It,
; mid I want to rry."
I'.inttli hum rlshl," h wild hlttrrly.
"I.i-t ilniiH folk inn rry iln-ua folk.
, Thi-y look iIi-i-imt ilo ii t tut ii ninkcup."
! "I HUip.ihi I oiticM to," mill I Sully.
' "Hut I Juat i-iin't, TihI."
"All rlijlit." hi Mti ill hniHiuily. try-
lnj to kft'i Imrk the tram that woulu
Aim M!,ah
' V ' r
w w
I A A J f aWl aVTal
Av. II I
V X , i. fit.-.
hick llknl Vm no, itnl the drvtm
iia I fin ' nl li:iin they'll runup liltu."
I ll ai- tin. old rim n." anld Ti-d. "1
K'int li n t, nil rlKht, thoiiKh. Tkj
tn'i'il n run."
I'.-imiImkIiiii na iiiMlly ohtnliuil
whiu x pin mi t If id wna lunili. for I tin
"old mini" hud youtiKNti'i-H of hla own
nn. I n aoft upot f'ir rlilMri'ii, and in
nlly lio Kny llttli- Ipbiii wnf trottltiK
I'Mvn tin' frown roinl.
Iilfk wna hrouuht to tlm wlinlow.
wi'll wriii'd tip, Imt ho only wnvH
h Inrik'ul.l liiitid nt !ln clown nnd turn
(ii 111 h hi'iid nway. 'lid uiihlt' lii'd tin. in
nnd put tin-in throuRli lliHr trh Uit, hut
lth no t;ri-iit-r aiiff-iHa, nnd nflr hi'
Inn! put (he h n in In the hum hi went
Into tin' Ilium-.
"'Ihnt'a tin' flrat kid I ovi-r anwthnt
wiian't nlurk nn them ponliM." In nnld.
"Whiifa tin' innttir with him?"
"Tluit'a whnt we wnnt to know,"
at! I III fl lrnvn flirl.fl fntifi CL till lt:iit lllfl
jtnlkliiK with Knlly. "The little fellow
I Kif-uiN t he mink Into n ftort of ronm.
; in! we run not roiif him. lie will
'! .1 inf. nn I tinlcaa we enn K've hlni a
ili-Hire for ffvul find Iriterent hi in In
thliiK we nhull juat liae to watrh
, him allp away."
' "You wnnt to come out nnd look at
au Id Ted auddenly
Coiim on out to the hnrn."
The phyNlcInn pntiHi-d a moment
Thf-ii hoiiu-lliliin: piiani-d In the k-i"''
j of the two men, nnd they went out to
jeviln-r. For hulf an hour they aat on
nn old wnKon Imx nnd tnlke, and
jllieti the phyalclan went hnck to the
hnilNe ii ml Ted bitched lip the ponle4.
j lie drove out of the yard with a flour
jlnh of the whip townrd IMrk, who had
I l.ei-n hroiiRlit to the window to nee
. Ii I in olT. The little fellow answered
; with n wenry vave of the band, nnd
! Ted lirllti-d hla teeth aa he drove off.
I Tin? next inortilntc dawned clear and
'hrlxht. It huh ulmoHt Indian auni
' mer, nnd the wlndowa were open In
'the Myerly home. Ilik nnt at the wln
:dfiw. llntleHly wutchlnff the people K'
driving liy to church. Mm. Mycrlj
divided her time hetween the kitchen
and the front parlor, to which UUY
had liccn moved. A trunijM't call Bound
i-,l down the rnnd, and alie came bur
n liiK In.
Around the hcud there diished a
rider nil crlmnon nnd koM, mounted
on n Murk hore gaudy In crlmaon
IioiihIukh. With n awing he was In the
yard, nnd Juat lfore the window he
lilew another lilant on hlu trumpet
"A turkey for Muster Myerly fit for
a king!" be announced In approved
rliigmnater tone. Then the black
borne hacked away, bowing to the ns
tonlwhed child, and wheeled nnd duall
ed up the road ngaln.
Presently the hern Id returned at a
; more atately pnee, preceding the most
curlouH prooetialuu that had ever
Itruveraed the Huntvllle road. Juat
j hehlnd the rider came a fantaatlf
'clown, either foot on the hack of a
! milk white horwe. Bi-hlnd him lum
i bered n huge elephant druwlng a gilt
jterlng chariot ahlnze with gold nn?
Slowly the procession lumbered law
the yard. At the gate the clown ills
mounted aud threw handsprings up to
the very door. There he paused ex
pectnntly while the elcphuut ponder
ouslv turned into the yard. Tue:i tin?
Ctda anil Croup In Children
"My little feiti la aiihject to cohla,"
anya Mra. Wm. II. Serig, No 41 Fifth
St., Wheeling, W. Va "Liiat winter
aim fin 'I a aevere apell hihI h terrlhle
cough hut I cured her with (Ihinnher
lul u 'a Cough Kcrnedy without the aid
id h doctor, nnd my Utile hoy line
heeii praveiitfil tunny tirnea from
invitu the -roup l, thn timely line of
thin ayrup 'I hia teniedy la for anle
by Uiily nnd Hull.
Tlmi.rr I Mint of lee.
Depnrtrnent of the Jiiteilor. U. K.
I.iuni Ollieo nt Ihke lew, Oregon,
Oct.. . IIKiH.
Notice la here! y given tlm JOSEPH
l-.I.LIOT, of Pli ah, Oieion, who, on
Kept. 'JH, I'.kiM, inii.le Timber and
KtoiiD Apidiciilion, No. (iifKl, for HK
iiunrter hW ipiiuter, K half HK nimr
ler, Kectlnn '!, Township .'!" K..
Hiinge 22 K , W ill. Mi ri'linii, Iihh tiled
notice of intent inn to mnke Klnal
Proof, to estnlillHli 'ai in to the land
above described, la-fora Hegiater and
liecelver, at hnkeview, Oregon, on
the 'i'lrd. day of I )eccember, I'.X'S.
(Iliiliiuifit iiHines hh w it iiefl-ifs : John
A. Motrla. John II. tin-en, j. N.
Kelsay. Wm. . lieneHelil, all of Pluah,
O.riUIO. J. N. Wataon, Register.
Hi.owt.rTHR rinsTHsmv i,riKiim into
i iik kaiii
the doors nt the back of the chariot K-AUUg
Me to liis eyes
i ilou't want
ain't got liny one
fn long."
the tiny road enrt,
ii nd the four ponlea
Mlale IjiiiiI oiler.
I )e pint iiu-iit of the Interior, U. S.
liHinl Olllce, l.iirctiew, Oregon, Dct.
l'., IIH H.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Ktute of Oregon. Iiiih tiled in this
oHIch its appllciitiou to .elect, under
the provisions nf the net nf Congress,
approved August 14, 18-IM, nnd the nets
supplemental mid Hinendnt nry thciiio,
the NW ipiHrter M iiurM r, Hcc. 'Jl,
T .117 H., Ii. 10 II . W M
Any and nd pi rsons cli.iuiiiiL' adver
aely the IiiihIh .leaci ihed. or ilesiitng
to object becHiise nt the iniiiiiiil
character ol the IhiiiI, or tin nny it her
reason, to the ilirposul In . pln iint,
Bhnuld file their altldio its nt pli.k.'-t
in this ollieo on or In furo thnlltli
day of December, I '..
J. N. Wiilsnn, liegistcr.
The firegoing notioe will I"" I"'1'
lished In tlio Lake County Kxni i,
printed lit liiikoview, Oregon, for the
period of at least thirty duyB prior tu
the date herein last mentioned.
NOD It' J. N. Watson, Keglnter.
. are cut on large
patterns, designed
! ,to give the wearer
the utmost comfort
wv ma am iih
tntmmnta. kal
I, if.W V v
ring Imi i..
.! I l l gl t It to
!i. i -illlilied lilt
i-ri'ii.e I the w hip
trotted "H
It vviii only four miles to t'nrstou
v"le. where the I'.liikele.V hlppodroim',
i..-iin;.-i le mid circus lay In winter
iiiaiteis. but every revolution of the
little wheels seemed to put Sally 00. J
happiness- miles behind
Ted Stevens was a circus clown
not a very good one, Imt good enough
for the one ling wagon show he trav
eled with. Lust spting he had comv
down u few weeks la-fore the opening
to rehearse some lilts of comedy, and
lie had met Sally Myerly.
Hie had never seen much of show
folk, nnd she was attracted by his
fun us well as by the w holesomenesa
of his manner. In the threo weeks
they aaw each other Ted hud won her
henrt. Then the show hud gone south
to open. It whs midsummer before
tho alow moving outfit hud come buck
to Oarstonvlllo to show, uud that after
noon Ted hnd done IiIh best because
Sully was watching from the reserved
seats, lie bud been rnther disappoint
ed at her lukewarm appreciation, but
ho dll t ,i-a'I-e what tho mutter
v. . ii i x i -: 1 he had come bnck with the
now t i u I i w Inter quurtera.
. h i .' i.'i the meager salary of
f c rial to Ii'.;;- 'ie for the stock Instead
..f1 p'avlng nt t!ie vaudeville- theaters
iro --:!i the wln'cr, and It wub with
i hupp- heii-t th't he took the pony
four In hand out for exercise nnd had
driven to the Myerly farm.
lie had received nn enthusiastic wet
m v.e front ten-year-old lieU, but Sally
h id been cold, uud nt Inst nhe cou
(..seil that the night of him In the
it:i',' had killed her love. Her Ideas
of romance were gleaned front cheap
Ootlon, wherein English lords In dis
guise were more apt to bo heroes than
circus clowns. The night of Ted lu
bis motley had killed her Ideals, and
the wanted her freedom.
Por the next couple of
bold to hlH work, trying in oeciipUm
to find forget fulness. Ho had beei
fi,..i eLver with doffs once, and In1
open, and out Buttered a tur,:ey six
j feet high. The clown sprang toward
I uud with his whip mnde the-bird tace
the w indow.
! "I 'ii k," he culled, "here a your
j ThaiiUsgh lt's turkey. If you don't eat
I every mouthful of It I'll make v'jo cle
j pliant bile you."
I "Klepliants don't bite," laughed tdck,
his face nglow with .excitement
I "This one does bad." suld Ted dark
! ly. "You wait aud see. Turkey, bow
to the gentleman what's going to eat
Solemnly the bird pruueed toward
uud bent Its ueck. Then It f Unwed
Ted around to the back of the house,
and the cuvalcude followed, aiming
luto the road. Oowu beyond the bend
Ted was waiting with the bird, but
the cambric ekln covered with turney
feathers, the muklng of which aud
kept Ted up hulf the nlgut. had been
removed, nnd It was merely an ostrich
that was bundled Into the best chariot
of the lllukeley outut
I.ate that night Ted turned up at
the quarters. There hud been
Thanksgiving dinner In the tralitnn
ring, and all, from the "old uir.u" to
the hostlers, were slttlug about ou the
benches swupplng stories.
"Well," said the "old uiuu" kludly.
"did It work, Ted?"
"Hid It work!" echoed Ted. "Say.
I'm afraid the kid's more like to dtt. of
Indigestion than starvation. He' all
to th-.' good. Kverythlng's all to the
And the little group crowded about
to shake his hand, for they knew tbat
a iMinaiice seeking girl bud nt lust real
ly found the heart of the clown be
neath the motley.
weeks be
Nine Days' Thanksgiving.
In the time of Grecian prosperity
and power (hut nation celebrated
feast very much resembling that of
the Jews nnd supposedly borrowed
from the latter. It was called the
feast of iK'iueter or the Eleuslnlan
mysteries, Iiemeter being the goddess
nf the cornfields, by whose eseclttl
favor only good harvests might be
expected. The celebration continued
r permission to trv his bund at two Surlng nine days, and offerings to the
ilie iionlcs. lunt to occupy his mind, iroddess were made, consisting of obJa-
or I he iionlcs. lunt to occupy
i.,,t in in- inns nluhts. when the
lence was broken only by uu occasion
al cry from the ntnek barn, he lwd
plenty of time to think, for sleep came
late to bis tired eyes.
Tbe day before Thanksgiving Thoei
as Myerly drew up nt Pie shots in.'
climbed dow n from his icat Ted sa
hi m and we it out P i ' 'H-i
"Rally His '. " "' ' wo
bring the p.. inc.- '' '
Hi- dons of wine, honey and milk.
Th meloncholy daya have coir.
The flow era fuda away.
The cricket a upward turn their to.
And early dla tho day.
The mmirnlnn turkeys now are &
To death, aid. worre rirhap-..
Tho partr'd.iefi. with muWod
Are aadlv ao'inrttnar tara
oilee for 1'nlilleatlon
Defiartment of the Inter'or, U. S.
Land OH lee at Lakeview, Oregon,
Oct. 2H, IIKIH.
Notice ia hereby given that MAY' A.
HKCKAKT. of Vistlilna, Oregon, who
on April ", HKl't, tnnde Homestead
Kntry No. iKMn, (Keiial No. 0750) for
KK ipiarter SK ipiatter, Kec. ISO. N
half N'W piarter, Sec. 2H, XK quarter
NKU8rter, Hectic. u 2U, Townxhip 40
K., limine 10., K, Will. Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
Final five year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and lieceiver, at Lake
view, Oregon, on the 14th day of
December. !H!8
Claimant names as witnesses:
Cyrus L. lle'-raft, (Jilbert Lapliam, of
Vistillas, Oregon, and Walter Tracy,
Walfec Howard, of Laket iew, Oregon.
No Did J. N. Watson, Register.
The best V'atjue"-" sad-
flic on the market,
A Ink n complete line of wagon
& iMid iniKity hrtiMH, whttiM
.oliea, riliti.s. lilfM, Mptl-4
iiilrt. roM-ttiH.ln fnet every
lil riir In the Ii tu of carriage
niifl Imrw fiiriii-hlngH. Ke-
t i i rl ir liv
IV U '.
. J
cotnp'tent in -n
8an tb t$ Hind Y"o Hart lm Bonr!
J ' ' - J
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSald a Bnslness Man : " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will win out in the end." Said an Educator: "The quality of instruc
tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest
COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
References: Any bauk, any nesoaper, any business man K Portland.
by buying thb
reliable, honest,
high grade sew
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.
Sunt Maaine offera the reader of thla paper the beat opportunity
of the year
rnrr with your order, a beautiful premium, a 73-page dook
rrltt inultrated In four colore with 125 Western views.
3.00) ALL FOR
an raancisco. cauroaNi
1 c have made an entire transcriptgof alllRccords inLake County,
! which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county.
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed recoid. and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and ate most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot hnd them. .We have spent hundreds oi dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, manager.
Jer JtWHH C OT0 lit.