Qffl ft gum nnw vol.. xxiv I.AKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, OKKGON, TIUJltSDAV, NOVKM HKH 20, l!)()H. NO. 48 Irrigation at Silver Lake North End to Boom A Grand Land Opening At Lakeview in l 909 Tli" Portland Journal nays a boom df tint rMil Oklahoma sort nomnthlug tlmt never liefore happened In Ore gon I m'hidtiled to occur next vht In thi Lakeview region as h result of ll It t bind mix) lot hhIx that In how In piogri'HH In roil iiitct Ion with the sale nikI colonization of thn oM miliary roml grant. A total of ll.W.! tracts and the same number (f I.ukvlow lot nre bclrg sold nut of approximate ly 4 KM) seres of tliH grant, and tint mana gers ill the Mil" J tl opening day will nee l least (i.liitl lien mid women on the ground lit l.tikcvlcw to f n r 1 1-1 -,nto In Hi iIIvIkIoii of tliu lands I hey liolil contractu for. Tin li" of the kiiIi mill opening of I ho lauds to settlement Ih oun ot the must unlioit In tl history of In 11 i openings, Init It t not mi experiment, HI IIIH'l'MMHf Ml tllllU llHVII liri'll IIIII'Ih in a large way ilnrlng the, lust tow yearn since tin' postal nut hunt leu stopped Htlllighl lottfllt-N In tin- llivlH loll llf llll'k'l) bullies Of lllllll". Till' nnw plan In ii draw lug. with mii'tloii fcutuiit Ingrafted ilium It that takes It nut of tin' luttciv i'Iiihm I. lit leu ten It III II KltlluUOII Wll.Tl' t 111! UWIIIIS Of the luii'l illM'li' it print lenity without bidding, I he. opening being conducted liy three trustees whom I he cniitimt tin ilsrs elect nl til" tliu of tin' op iMi I lik' The Oregon Valley I.iiimI npnnv, which now ow ii ri mnl I selling t'n grant bind In h' ii 1 1 In-r n (trecon, held ii similar liuot i imi in k' lm-t August In the Sim 1 .11 1 valley, ( 'oliinolii. where ',' , i x i lut inn nml th same I) I 111 I i(T of lnt well' il ii-l rilillti'd. Technically It wis an nu.-t Ion. iim every i'iuii ru t Iml ler t i l in n farm mi I l .t lint I iy bid tha niiiiiiint of In- cunt I m l . t - There were only "J J i xo-pt i"ii in t li T.i '" farms it ii'- t t ' 1 1 - t The 'M-l-'t liiflH Wein CIIHI'S wln-ii- (In- 1 1 Hi-la fi'iiliiiin-il large mnl vIhImiiIiIi' lii.i'iiiM io'-iiti, nr where there wa" stnne special reason lor hiddiinf n pri'in nun. I'ln" pri-mioirH hii liM -r hn i' l in ii f it i I l.y tin triint'T" mnl l I'-il nrnninl i n i 1 1 y Lon Range Weather Prophesies I'riilll the '""II I'llllll l-tii l Ill-i'lHrle: I'.illlin- rlirniili lo"; Mini' reii'liny I In' luiitf ruiiuc (nre chhI in n p-i-i ot Innlli-n nl ill'- "IM.Iiilili i''. 1 1 met her Willi lln- I n o' Illiiih- III tin' I'll lnwlliK Ixnoc, it In iipiini III that nit'' inrt nf tin- fiili-cuHl cull I'Mfll.v l-lillilliii'l'i-iini'l. which I wlll tu Inn Uc phi m li tin- pulilic. I'ii'i. ll Hpi'IlklllU tlllll' Wl'll) fl'llr flll'C.IHlH inmlc hy inynclf. l ii-Hi, a very lry full. pr iluibl.v ex ti'llilluu loin 11 1 curly win l it limut Iih Scciilul. tli.' ilr.v wciithci- tu I'c '"I- ' ' I ' HMClCMHil III (if lll-IIV.V hturiiH lur...- ill Inrtv iin.VMor nix wccUm Reported Here That the Narrow-Gauge Will be Built at Once to Lakeview It Ih commonly repoitml here tlmt thn iiHrrow kiiiiko ruilroml iri to do ex minimi Ht ono to Lnkevinw. Wo Imve not lieen nhln to verify thn re port, hut it certiiuly Is the proper thiiitf tor tlmt line to do. If it will do this, the pnople Mr will lie wl:l itih to furvlve it a many kins ot com iiiUhIoii in the pHt. It woull Mem tbHt. luHiiniuoli as the roml Iihh men nui tools and mHterlHlJnn the Ki ouml, it would hn HHtr and chnnperto ext 'inl now thnn to do no Inter Tone of raiU are avail- SOME SUCCESSFUL ORCHARDING Ihiys Land at $125 an Aero Plants to Fruit and Sells for $l,loo an Acre J. J. Hull, a BiioceoHful orohardiat of Wonatobee Wanti., baa hoiiKht a 120 acre traot. ou the south aide of the Kogue river, adjoining the city park, tlrantaPuas, and will put it into fruit. Mr. Hull tioiiht a traot of land at Weuatcbee for whlob he paid Il'i5 an aore and after plautloK it to fruit Mini nnlt.t vutl 110 it nnrnfullv for four i V ill" 7,wi. .,.. iliha I your! buiii lb tur vIiva ou nuioi Kxatntner will be able to relate ex parianoea of tbii aort in a few years and now la the time to buy while our fruit landa are cheap. J. T. Allen, !of Chlcn, Calif, name up Satuiday to look at a really Rood oouutry. where everything pleaaea . aud Qotblog U Tile, n h n ciihIi illvlilniiil mn nnw nil thn conlriict hohli-ra. A kfnoil tunny I'orlliunl mi'ii nml ntln'rn nr tnklnK nlvmitnKn of thn opport mi ll iim to thim miimx n Minnll i ropfrty In hliiiK over In thn Lnkn vli'w c.nintry nml mhl lo their per tniiiil iommihhioiih. 'I lie r ii Ih h fnirly Uiiml ui'iicrhl know IimIkk In Wi'Htiu ll tlri'Kou of thn fnrt ttiHt thn oi l WHtfon roml lm iIiIitm vk c nt in iIhh nut of thnlr wny lo mn thn roml throtiKh thn IniHt nut li'ii'tiiml VHllfj'H hii'I rnliiK nnc tlniin of mint tit-r N l.nkn mnl lltirm-y i'duiiI li'x, hh thn roml I'liinpiuiy took Itn pny In IiiihIm hIoiik i-iirh niiln of thn hlhny I i ml lin y luiil out thn roml hy h itlri'ct rniitn kIiiukIi hi'tohh Orn Koii tln-y woulil Iimm- tollowuil rloncly thn Niirvny of thn new initio linn ot thn Ori'tfnn liiiht'irn from thn Mnlhniir llvor to hiitflir. Hut liihtiul, .thi'r turni'il Houlh. inuiiy Ii'Ukui'h nit thn direct ruiiln, mnl wciuli'il thi'lr uuv I roiiKh the hi-v i-ii iiiIIi'Vh Mint in" 'iow kno'.Mi hn Him Whiln lloiHf, VMM I lupin iin'l t'ntlnw in lower lliirney, mnl throiifih U'linier, IIiiiihi I. like, Die lillil SpniKue river Milli-vn in Lnko county, I I lieu nliniiht nun milt Ii lli-mmh the ' Kluiiintli lu ll in i mil urn I i Iim point H hi re I hey ci newil the ( 'in-cmli'ii to reiich Mtik'i'iie. .' t ti e (Iri-k'nu nlley l.nnil cum linn 'h I 'lie Hi- chiihI hrml iiunrtern In !lln ( 'Iniin her nl coinineice lilinilliiK It 1 In ciil I thitl (he rnl'i lit now k'oiiik' nt i I In- lull. n( I. .11 Iiiiiiis II in nit i. It Ii h'litiie.l tlmt ituiuuK the hiiyern me nil cIiikiii-n of in ii . mnl ti nt while the hulk nre working men, it c I iniiuy proleHhiiunil nnil I ii h m - iii'in me hhiutliik' their luilhlii Oregon inw IninU hv liiui'iuu the H'liull lm ert uient li-ipiileil to pnHhi'Hi H few of tin." fur III cuiitriii'lH Tin- Hit iucl'i'l" tier llk'er, pleni li-llt Saleili, l'nlli City A eliiu iini.Miy: ('. S .iHckmiu. JinlkHi Wehhler. VV. W. Ciillnn. I.. Thnmpi-iin, i.uy W. Tuln't. John M. Si-iil t. t'ecll liner, K. ti. lien I. Victor Tlinrue. I'. '. .Im-kfoii, lr. Ii. I'.. I.ee Slelnel. V. t' StllU'el. A. f. C. Iliiiymi l ntlniH. The 1 ii-l of pur chiihetH who ilil'-inl tu colnnl.e nml in tuiillv Hclt'ii on the k'rinit i ll loiiK one. Ihiii colony nl l.iiwt l'nlt I i'i I ruin n in w ill if, i. o c o tea OJ K3i tOi Ami 1 luluhl mill ill ii the In etiirnoi nf l In- win i if win. I J lie lai Icr ciil ' l i-iu li peril nl Thii il. I he i-ii'iim fri mi I hi ; niihl In- Intel lull lent . i v 'i n ! u iit ot lln- n-ii nl uu- In i li.iii in I In i-1 u ii a tin lit Ii- l.i icr uun i I'mirlli. fur lln- ki ;i-"iii I ' c in it-1 1 1 1 1 1 i m iiifn 11 will I In- I ' 1 1 . -1 1 i ( i'i in.il no in ink" l tin plum Since iinc in in v lrn-inl.H nKci uu what I 1 1 It 'it 1 1 1 li.V the fnrt V iln.Vi. nf ruin unit tie' cniuiiicnt nf lln" Chi-uii-Icle," I "Iri mcil ll ptnpiT In m'IhI 'nll IiIh ciiiinniini-i!! inn. wli-thcr .vuu ciireil tu publish thin ctliiiuiliiicnlinll ui-iinl. S. V. Kl'.ll Alt r. I.nUi vlcw, Ore.. Oct. I'll, lltdv utile alouMii rf the Tonapith linn, lylntf id lo nml UHeleHH, that doubt lens coulil lie Kot nt low coHt, nnii there i nothing to hiudnr Knidinr all win ter The route from Alturaln to Lekn view can priicticnlly he laiil on top of the Kroiiud mnl nurfucnd aftei wnrJa. " In view of the fact ot the tlioiiHuiniH ooininu next yenr and Ihe thuaMauita of dollarn thin nectiou him paid thin company heretofore, Lakeview la cer tainly entitled to this extenHion at once. It will tiiva thU uarrow iraiiKe the key to the whole railroad situation if ii makes thin move now, as (li'laj-B for It will be dauKnroiiH in more ways than one. HILL IS HOT AFTER KING IIARRIMAN Hill Will Fight for Fvcry Inch of Ground on the Pacific Cocst Ban Frauoiaoo, Nov. 12. Fiuau clem bore aay llatrimau and Hill are preparing to look horua iu a buttle for control of truuaportatioii iu the went and ou the Pacific coant. They declare the battle now beginning Iu the uorthnant will be fought all along the count, aud into Bau Franoisoo. It U pointed out tbat the activity of Hill iu the Portland, Bpokaue A Heattle railroad, aud Ita varioua eleotrio feeders to his road la the northwest is to forestall any develop ment bv llarriman that may take away from the Hill roads valuable trattlo In that section of the oouutry. 0. 1). lilakeuley aud wife, of Fallon, Nevada, were guents of Hotel Lake view last week. YOU may talk about your foreign cooki snd all the thin;i they make, The thouiand dainty diihet that they rtw nri'l boil and bake; You may prate about their wondrom skill in culimry art?, How deftly they can manufacture pudoinjn, pea and tarts: Qo praiie the French and German chefs and the Itiliam. to . For making salads, sauces, sonps and fanny dirhes new, But for a toothsome morsel upon whKh I can re!y Just give to me a solid wedge of Yankee pumpkin pi' Let those of fashionable tastes turn up the no c ii jrice And think it quite plebeian to be rimrl ta'.i frd; Let them eat their pate de foie gra. th"i- tnnTVs a rl nr.h ft-J With foreign names, suspicious look- p"' '('"ti mn': finrV JUST GIVE TO ME A SOLID WED3E OF YANKLE PUiiirXIH PIE Let them eat those airy pastry putts they thiak to very ni'e because they've got outlandish names and fo:t a ir.i ;hty j rice, But, say, to curb your appetite and your stom-"-!i fti.fy There s nothing like a great bij chunk of i'an!-cc l.i.npkin fie! 1 !toAt leef nny have more nutrin:ent, more boly b'.iiKlinr v.orth: ,7cal, mutton, kmb, be nourishing nnd stretchin-;: of yowc girth; jYour chicken, duck or turkey miy suit pila'es very fine. But these can take a hack seat when I'm p1!? down the line. Fish, flesh and fowl may serve to stay the appetites of some, But you must treat me better when I to your table come. Leave out the high toned viands. 1ft each dainty dish go by, If I can get my face fast in a piece of pumpkin pie! John S. Grey in New York Tribune. i ? f vV,y - J.ri 4 1 - ' -:- fr 1 1 Vo;I 1 1 If I i. ; JX Jiii,tyi , . ... ALLAN COREY OF THE YALE TEAM. Allan Corey, aon of the inllllonnlrn atwl man who married Mabelle Oilman, the actress. Is one of the prominent linesmen on the Yale football team. Corey Ih a fust player and one of the sturdiest men on the team. lie made an excellent showing In the practice guinea. A Crook oouuty man as holding; the bridle of a horse when the sulmul . the man's fornarm so forcibly with its nose tbat both tones of bis forearm ! were broken, If , ' ' I ' it v . : 1 a . -v - i "jv - c 4tiB, tJ? , -. - H. V. c .Hx ' V, J- "-.fvv. .. tins The Bonatica liulletln reports tbat as soon aa election news reached tbat place tbat Lewis Oerber started 12 car loada of beef cattle aud 213 bogs to Dorrls and Montague yesterday. isnar bUrt wm iu rMra. T lm Inn t 8 liver Iike lyader any: K. K. Fornbwy. a rivll pnKlrf'cr 1 1 v IriK'it ISoInf, Idaho, Iihh In-en here th paMt week lnoklnjf ovt thin wo tton, and the renult of Inn vixlt In, tlmt lie h an Appropriated tin; watern iind flood wntern of Silver l.nki. ntnl Thorn Lnkn for Irrliiatlon ptirpowf. Mr. l ornhnv Inth' western n-pntn'n-tatlvf of Miller, of Miller and Vale, of Mct'oriniek Mock, Suit Lake City, ati.t Ksrnnel ). Boone of Hall.r, Idaho both of whom are now larjr'l.v lnt-ri'Hte Ih Irrigation euterpincs throughout the went ami who han dle illiliiefiMe ntllllH of tnohey of CIIMt- ern ('aplrallnt who are looking for nlich Invi-ntliientM. Mr. l-'ornhay ln forinn nn that thev now have water enoittch aipri)frlsted to Irrigate 1V, Oix) ncren of land, anil before he Is through with hln trip, that enough water w ill be appropriated to briiitf the total up to H) OHO ai-ren. Mr. Iomhay Informed im that he confi dently extni-tnil that the geritle lii'in he whm lookintr up thin matter tor ami with whom he In axSi iclated would In-t'ln work in the very nesr future. Not only the water I to In tiad, but that he had Rheii the nnil n thorough and exliaunt ive exa in itiation, togfihcr wit h climatii: con- J Beautiful Golden If there is any more beautiful siuht anywhere these bright crinp mornings than this broad fitile valley, sur rounded by the wliuteniog whtie rapp ed mountains with the deep Muo of theOoldeu Goose Lake Phimmerini? iu the distance, tnen we :ave i'ail-i to Hud 't heretnfora in our extensive travels ou this American continent. Aud every stranger who comes is also charmed with its beauty. If this valley is beautiful iu its uutill ed and natural state, how much more eDticing aud satisfying will be the vie when its whole surface is sub divided into 1') acre tracts and is dotted with homes, with orchards and gHnleus. Hut such a dream is soon to be realized, and with the coming of the railioa.ls, the rich and valnlje orchard products of the Gold en Lake alle: v. ill no out to the four quarters t f th earth, ah i will estab lish a recognition as to goodaQss BDd quality that wi'lniukea record second Big Irrigation Scheme Just Over the Line in Nevada HKN'O (Nev. November 10. Chuiles A. Hrowu. director of the Pennsylvania Kuilroad, of Philadel phia; A. F. Murph. of Horns, Ore.; J. M McLood anJ 't Iv Johueon, of Seattle, were iu tbis city yesterouy competing srraurgetnents for the irri gation of 'jr,000 acres of laud in Long Valley, located iu the extreme north eastern corner of Neva la. The party left last night for the urea to be de veloped The enterprise involve an outlay of mere tliuu fcVJO.UiO. The prelim luttry work has been completed and water rights have been procured. Massacre, Middle aud West Lakes DRY FARMERS TO MEET AT CHEYENNE Only OrH'jXiuth of Govern ment Land Left Can be Irrigated Piaus are uow being made for the third Tran- Missouri Dry Farming Conrgess, which will b held iu Chey enne, Wyo., February 23, 24, aud 2o, next and will be a convention of international importance. While this ia iu a seuse a new organization Its importance as au enoouomio move met is easily estimated from the fact tbat when the irrigatiou water baa all been impounded statistics show that water can be placed upon but one niueth of the available and well locat ed agricultural land. Even the most skeptical critics of the effort to populate the uuirrigated lands are now begiuulug to admit that iu the face ot their constant claims tbat fail ure would surely follow attempts at so called "dry farming." the crops from uuirrigated farms both experi mental aud operative have "made good "the claims of the "dry farm era." CALIFORNIANS PLEASED WITH LAKEVIEW LANDS Peltot Beherna, of Orange Cnllf., and Julius Kurtiloff, of same place, were here looking over the property of the Oreirou Valley Land Co. In which they hold contractu. They were more than satisfied aud return ed home to spread the good word about Lakeview and Lake County. dltlonn. and lie Mnd-i It of a charact er that will when cultivated Im high ly prxlui-tlv of all certain aa well aa veifetablen. Mr. Fornhay wan rather antoulnhed th it nucJi magnlllccnt and proillle noil n well an the abun dance of watr to ln no ealnlly Ktt ten had ewcafied the even of capltal Inta no long and thought he and hln anmH-laten wprp more t han fortiinute to drop Into mirh an eay project. Mr. ForMhiiy Im yet In thm country prospecting and iookini? over Christ ina Lake country further, and will make a thoroug:and perfect xa mlnii tlon of the entire country before re turning home to reporr. He exp'-et to if -nick In h couple of muntis with a surveying crew in the field, and im anon hh the survey In completed active construction work on the Irrigation project will liegln. The company that Mr. Forshay represents has many million of dol lars behind them, and we have the assurance that If a railroad has not Is-en constructed by 'lie time their project Is co'npleted. they will build one themselves, a- there Is more thn n an abundance tosiipportarouil In this rich and fertile ceti'in that is to be made to blossom as a rose, and a to yi-ld rich harvest to thetiilers of the soil. Goose Lake Valley to none in Oregon, now acknowledg ed to be the best fruit country on , earth. And while we are talking ou this topi.', It us remiul you that now . is the time to get a foothold here for ' a little money tbat in a few short yeara will be worth tbousaods of dollars! Just think of the oppor tunity now opeu to "acquire 10 acres ' of this beautiful valley 'or only -J0 ; an acre, with one half irrigated free, and a town lot of this beautiful young city thrown in ! Knowing these things aud feeling thn grand future ahead for this town and valley it ia a wonder there is a sinlrt coutract ou bund. Soou they will all be goae, and leheu will come rerets of hund reds for lost opportunities as the roll of future slowly uufolds itself au-1 'they see those who bad nerve, energy and ambition to grasp the things tay present otters, and 'which will make j homes, where contentment, and pro3 j perity will reign 1 I fire ou this laud, and Massacre Lakn : is to te converted into a great reser i voir, which will get its water supply ' f ro'P a wide territory throucb several 'small streams- The land to be irriga ted lies about twenty five miles east "' of Cedarville, Cai. and is separated ; from Surp -ise Va'ley by a range of ' low mountains along the Califoruis- Nevada State LiuH. At preseut there j is no near railroad connection for the i territory, but there are indications 'hat railroad extensions uow planned ! may reach the district. The lauds to tie irrigated may, it is said, be ; leased to homeseekers. for a number ! of years before being sold. WANT HIGHER DOTY ON FOREIGN WOOL Rit e in Cost of Wool Pro duction Makes Addition al Dtty Imrerativo SALT LAK C1TV, Nov. 19. A s.ill biger duty on imported wool is tbe demana expressed in a resolution adopted by a muss meeting o.' the wool growers at tbe Salt Lake com mercial club rooms to day. President Kdward II. Callister of tbe Utah wool Grower's association presided. There was no opposition to the resolution. It recites that "the coat of production of wool in tbe west baa materially iurcreased since tbe passge of the Diu.ly tariff bill on w oul aud that ourrepresentativea iu Congress labor for a raise in the wool schedule. A committee was appointed to draft a statemeut for submission to the House Committee on Ways and Means. RAILROAD TO BFND WITHIN 15 MONTHS lieud Bulletin: Tbe most Interest lug bit of uews iu tbe railroad line to be beard for some.time is the state meat made tbis week by general Mauger O'Brien of tbe llarrlmaa lines of tbe Morhtwest to tbe effect that ba would have a long stretch of road in operation during tbe next few mouths. Mr. O'Brien said: "We will bve the road built for a distanoe of 115 miles within 15 months." Tbat will give Bend and tbe lieud v. mntry a railroad over which to maiket tbe crop of mo.