LAKH COUNTY KXAMINKK, LAKKVIKW, OflKdO.V, THUHMDAY, NOV. VK 10 nKVEN D r?. M i lcs' Anti-Pa in Pills il headache Neuralcia. Sciatica. Rheumatism Backache. Pain inchest Distress in STOMACH. SittPirssNtss mm i ii va ..l, m Take ONE of lUe Little Tablets ano the Rain is Gone If jrou have Headache f7 v.... I They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no bad After-efrcU 25 Doses 25 CenU Never Sold in Bulk no o Commercial Pmting m 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D i 0 0 0 0 0 Wli use the lust cuts, the hest type, the lest presses, the hest ink, the hest paper mid the het workmen, in the produc tion ol'our printing. 'I HAT'S WHY Our Printing Gets Business MONIvY paid out for jjood printing the kind that hrins results is just as much and just as jjood an investment as that put into 'oods on your shelves, or the ma terial and machinery in your plant. While that money paid out for the ordinary kind, is money wasted, thrown away, just as it would he if spent in a midnight dehaueh. And the result is largely the same, a sore In ad accom panied hy a jone feeling, when you come to. IK YOU WANT RESULTS TRY SOME OF OUR. QUALITY Miial rroor Motlrr. l)niHrtin'tit nf thi Interior, U. 8. Lnml OUIce at Liikevlew, Oregon. Oct K. i:m Notice, la lnTflir kIvpii Hint WIMj I A M T. I'OWKLL, of i'owell, Ne brailm. who. 'i Sent. 12. HUM, madi) B Timber anl Htoun Apjilieiillou, No. (i.rt 1, for K Imlf HW fiiHrl-r til HW eiiutirtiT . SW imrtcr, Section .')'.!. TowiikiiIi :W K., Khiikh IS, K., Will. Meridian, ha Wed notice nf Intent Ion 0 to innki) Filial IVoof, to CHtnlilinn I! Halm to Mm lttiil hIiov deMeribsd, In-torn Keylider and Ueceiver, Mt Lnkevlew. Oregon, on the l!ih flay of December. I'.K'H. L'liilinunt uatnnn an iimhh : Fred I.. Comm. (ienrifn II. Lynch, K. K, Woodcock. Marlon H. Ilnrnen, nil of lew. Oregon. OldUM. J. N. Watnou, lit-gUter. 0 0 0 0 8 RESTORATION TO f-NTRY OP LANDS IN NATIONAL FOW-ST THE JOKER WORSTED "Whnt won ttitt mailer wllu you tb other day? You were going down the utreet In n hnnnoin. You wore without a bflt. Your fn wan dusty, am your Dom wan bleeding. Your rollnr wn" "Ktop!" lie an Id. "It wan elcvenieM brought me to the condition In whlcti you biiw hip, I've Ix-cii getting cleverer and cleverer of lute." "Do get on wltb the utory." "I aay that It wnn a dirty trick of Joining to run awny like Hint. And (Iiohp Hilly hooka nlioiit Theodore I look and other il;i tlriil Joker iinjrlit to bo topped If I hmln't rend Muff n I w ill I (lie in:iii helling thnt he'd uiiike tin n" ''rniiKi-r Invite hliu to dinner nii. I a II. I could hnve kept 1 1 1 1 -f . In. I - Ii il I kept iu li.H'I'iiir clever I hie;!-. . my ien hImhiI the ticket I ii- I ) :. i .ion I Imd. wii ;:i't 'i .t" "Tell Ii e nLoiit the ticket Inspector flrxl " ; "Oh. Unit (Viinnl linker Htreei. I :i ;V there n nil luHctor on the Iniht ; and. I 'j(.r ii hrnt ( tl k-i. i .i I Into n hci md Hiixn enn Inifi- My I !e;i !viim to tell hli:i thnt I h.nln't a ' n I necond -ln i-k ticket. I.i't win ii I e v.ill ! Ili(? to I'liMii'e Into the third. I hell he d i hhj thnt I could not do Unit mid flimiM : tcive to pny the cxcc-". the difference 11 ween fecond n nd third. Then I xhould h.ive replied thnt I won Mil' I pjy and thnt I would ch.iuir". '1 'lieu when he tiled to Htop me from p-ttli out I Mlioiild h ive dliown him my tirsl clnss tlcki-t. Si?" -Yes." Can't you liiinitlue whnt n nll!y Rout Hint Inspector would have ro!;ed? Well, he en me to tu.v en I'riittfe. nod he D The Vo-' ! , ill li'C. r ';V X '.'.'.) ? . t 1 i 'ays IJonctif, tml tvlilrli hsm l - i r, Iikh borno llro tl;rint? ... itf.M beoii n?a1 fnl. r s.ijx .-rvlvloit fchii-r IIm jtitVun-y. Allow no mm to deceit. ton in ll Cotintirr-its ImitalioiiH and " Jnt-iis-j;oMl" aro lnt KJtcriniflts tlmt trillo with :iilanjrT tlii hraltli of liiOinlH uud Chlldrtii Kxpcilence against Kxicrimcnt What is CASTORIA Ofttorhi In liarnilosH substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, DropM and Sooth In (r Syrups. It I Pleasant. It contaliiH ncitlx r 0iiiim, 3Iorpltino nor other Narcotic uihstanco. Its ao Is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms find allays I'everishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AViud Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Howcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'anacca The Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature oi 0 Hiild. 'Tickets, plejise.' I liciMU. 'I 0 o to o tern tea n o o o o w o o tot o to to a Fee! Bad To Day? Plow's your stomaoli? Sour weak nervous slinky? Uud taste? Lust night's dinner didn't agree? Well, just step over to tlio druy; store and get a bottle of ft SSX l OH For Indigestion and Dyspepsia Tako a good, liberal dose, and you will bo surprised how good it will make you feel. Kodol makes weak stomachs strong. Kodol is pleasant and palatable. Kodol digests all tho food you eat. Keeps the Stomach Sweet For Sale by - - Daly & Hall Mil HVM.Bi IVAI1TEM OEOER flGEHTS' wni ! iiir--l l!l.i; To,. il INtACHTOWl IlKtrirt jiul rilnhil .inii i..ur- i M...I. I lCiliii;'r I -ii v. ir ht ti. lur jki'iiu cvcrvMiicic t l-V ii.m'i. iiHiiirv i.ii. rue j r u,. ait I iff hit tfffrr .It out. nil .filial. 1 Kl'.Ot 1 1. r.l mini ynti recrivt' .mil .ipplnve (U your hicyrlr. WeBllll . .i.i..iir. ...ivw.m-i.. in mi- ,...- ii'..'..i .i cent .nr.. ut in advance, It tiHt. m Imw I I'.N ItAtN' V l KK I III I. dtlllliK xlni h lime you nuy lite liu y. Ir 411 I. it it t .my u-it v.iu ki.Ii. II v.. 11 an- I lie .nl.i lly lir.l or iU mil nli ki:t i the Im-'vle hi. It li n k M us t i.ur rtiH-mc ami r.m will not bt cut our .nr. Ff flYCl'Y PRIPF Wc """"I' lllc limliMt tTMU luiyrlra It Ii lxililc In nuk . . ......... ...... , r ,.lil .Hove l.irtnry rust. Vim nvc ft ,i tu j niiil lkmcn pre. his ly liuinit dnrrt of us un.l h.ivc lha iiuuiifm Hirer ku.ii . .ii.u-i- tK-l.iii'l your In. yclc. I N r III V a liiryil or a .ur ul lirra Inuii umtoti lefn H " " ' 1 rjt.iioKura anil Irarn our unheard ot Jattor AC , I -1 vf uaii I air ajtvAuuntA u 1... ,.- I . .1 3:lif IU4I It ILL DC Ad I UHIiKLU ' n -u m tl tSi: tVli'iJr "''' ni.iki-yuu Una year. We aell the hniheat fraile bicyrlea (or ft-.ifc. tlin any oilier l.u lorv. Wo aie utntieil illi ri.oo prom alaive l.nHuy oal lA lllt'l'fl.K IKA1.-:KS. VHU f'.lll Kfll UUr llirvll. Ull.ler l.inr ou.ii n.... i.l.l. . J doilhlaiiur prirea. Orileia lilli-il (lie day received. b.. M II M lilt V I.I.N. We do not remlarlv handle aernnit hanil lurv, I... I,., uaiially have a iiuiuIht on hand l.ikcn in ti.idr hv our i hiiauo aiurr.. '1 he. ue rlcir nu iir.iiiii.nv al pihc rauijiUK Irom W:l lo -H or l. lie .rrinlive Ii.iii.miii mailed lire rAHCTrO nallfr? lKl" lit., linii.irto.l roller rhuliia and ptdula, paila. rcuaiia an VVAdlLH-DHHnCd, ciiuiuwtil ol all itiuda at haij thi tuuaj r.taj ru't. (BM ilEDGETHORIi POHCTUBE-PROOF fl fit Wtaail ailltal va lalkw I U in I rtllUUUt., UHLT 'A' r.i'ultfr rrttitl trice of thru tires is Jt..v; prr pair, out t.i attribute we u-iJi jell you a in in plr pan lur SI .Sihiashuithorilfi it ..v). KO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAII.S, TiM'k iir ih will not lt tlin Mir out. Sulv tliiuianiid paiia wild last year. Oirr two limiilit'il tliouMinil pan now ill uie. DESORIPTIONi Made in Itlslivrlv uud cum i idinu.vci vdin able unci liiii'iliimide u till aiiecial (iiiiihtv of rulil ir r. whu li lie vi r hrioinea uiioiia uud wliirli c'losea up hiuull liuin lilvis witlumt Hllo". i ii u tliCHir tocK.MlHr. We have liuiulirilaul Irttcra froiunntis. Lihu i.v.i-j, i i . ioi"i, i;Vi. mi l it; Nut il'H U llfTcl))' K I VI' II UlHt tile! Iiiinlri (Ii'hctiIx' I In low. i'inlruciii lliW iicrifH. within th l-'ri'iiiunt Nm (kihhI KuriMt, Ori'kjoii, ill iv ciilijfct ti M-ttli'iiK-iit inn) in try umJi-r t prOVI-lOMH lit tllM hiinii'nli'itil Iiuvk nf Mm I'lilti- I ' Sliit'M Hii'l Hit' in't nf Jiiiik II, I'""! i i:il Slut.. j:i:i.-, ut lh Umlwl StHtes ; Uii'l ntlli'H ill LiikiM ii'iv, (in i!.iii, ti'i Di'i-i'iiiliiT IT, I'.ni-i. Any M' tth r v. Iio uiih iii'tuully mill in ""l luiih cluiin ln tiny ot hum Inn H for attrii'iill hi ul .iir o-t h i riui to .laniiiiry 1, V.'i, Mil. I IlilS llllt H I ll II J 1 11 J Iiiih a irr(.-rfiu'i' iik.'tit to ii i it k it tiiniii'Mtt'Hii nt ry tor tlm litmiti iti'limlly ofi'iii ii'd, Sni'i IiiikIh M-rn isiumI iiion t li- II I l I (-11 1 t l t) r, tit tilt! t'IOIH lllfllt illlH"! lulu', vt ho iiitvt' ii fffii'iire riirlit Hiiliji-ct to tlm 1'iior riKlit nf itny nii'ti n-ttli-r, ' iinvi(lci ruii'h n-ttler or fi I 1 .1 1 fit n t in tinnl itled to takf Ilium' htfiul ntry and tlm u ffci elite riptlit ix exi-rfini'il irior to Dt'fi'inlitr 17, 1 l'.kiM, on viliicli dittH the lamia will In? hiiliji'i-t to fcttli-niHiit iiml entry by uny iiulill"il itTMin. The lunilri (ire an follow : TiieNK itiitrtT of NIC iiiiirtfr, H Imlf of NK (itiitrtcr, SK iinrtt'r nf NW ()iuirter. See. II, T. -H S., K. i:t K. , W. M . li-ite.l upon the H(.lii'iit ion nf KujhI K. Snr.l. ot Silver Luke, (ileuon. v. (in alleneH rit'ttlemeiit in l'.'Ul The SW (jiiHitcr if SK (imtrter, Se 'Jl ; V half of NK I nit rt it, inn! the N K iiiiirtT tit NW iuitrt-r. Set-, 'js, T. 'J. S.."K. l: K... iil l'llfiit urn nf W. Tayne, nf Silver Lake, Oreu'on, w ho n plicl in July, I'."i7. Chillies II. Ilowiinl. of Silver Lake, (In-unn, also a pliinl for the Hit i ii SW iinarter of SK tiiarter, See. iil , ami the W half of NK itiaiter, Sec. US. in Septetiil er, l'.KC, nlle'.-in Hcttlon ent in the. rriiik' o( llkiij. The SIC (tiarter ot SK 1)11111 ter, Sec 'Jl, T "MS., K. l.'l K, iiiiji'atiiin nf mill ChaileH Ii.. iloWHi'.i. The K halt rl NK iiiiirter and 10 half of SK (niait-r, jSiv. "Jit, T 'J7 S., K. l.i K..Ui.H-atiuii of H. Lane, of Silver Lake, Ore Hon. Tho N K iinarter Sec. ;il T., ;i.l S. K. IS K, anplit'iition of (itiriiav Stem of l'ainley Oregon. The SW quarter of N W tiarter Sec. .1; the S half of NK quarter and SK quarter of NW quarter. See 4, T. 27 S., K 13 K, Hiqilictaiou of Amos. II. Howard, Jr., of Silver Lake, Dreuon. TheNW iuarier of SK quarter, K half of SW quarter, and nouth went quarter of SW quarter. Sec. 15, T, 'J7 S.. U. 13 K.. ai iilii'iitioii of W. K. DaviH, of Silver Lake, Oitkoii. The SW quarter of N K iinarter N half of NW quarter, and SKquai ter of NW quarter, Sec. 1.",T. 27 S., K. 13 K., anplicatiou of l3ercy J. Wurne, of Silver Lake, (Jrenou. Fred Dennett, Comtniririinuer of the (ieneral Land Otllco. Approved Sep toniner 2:i, r.H'8. 1'rauk K. I'ierce.Fiint Autiiritaut Secretary of the Interior. 022N17 WJ lit dcU 'toiiii iH Mai ink that tlieii ttu-a liuveonty been piimpeil lip 0111 e 01 twice ma wlinlr aruaoil. I liry writ 11 no more Hum I 5.V.;3l. M ua MM mmm- MVJ Notlre the thlrlc rtibtier treau "A" nml Minrtiir alripa "II' and "l," li rlni at rip "It' to prevent rlni cuttliiK. Thl. tiro will niillHt ititv oilier tinke-MOFI', rl.AMlU ud t.A&X l(llIN(i. ti cirdinury tirr, the piiiii'lure r.iHtiii(fiialit ieu LwitiK Rivi n by aeverul layer of lliin. apecuiily pit ired lain K on the tread. Thetemihirpiiceuf tliie tire if. so per paii,lnit for Ailvertikiiiu miitmat-Nweurr iiiakiiii; aoeciai tnoluivpi iceto the rider of only U 1)0 lr pair. All iinli ia liippeil aainc ilny etler is rereiveil. We ship C. O. T. on approval. You do not pny a cent unlit you have exuiiiiucd and found them alrictly Ha repiestnled. We Kill ullow a caali dUouiint of ) per rent (thereby ninkint; the price 4.An per puii) if ou end VI I.I. HASH Wi lli OltltKH and enrlohe Una advet liseiueiit. We will aUo acini one nickel plated hraaa hand pump. Tirea lo l.e reltiiurd at U H exeiiie if for any reason they uic not talihfaclory oil eianiiuiitioii. We are perlectlv reliable and lu.iney aent to ua ia aa oulc na in a bank. If you order a pair of theae tnca, you will find that they will ride cnaict, run faster, wear better, Ian! louver mid look finer than any tire vou have ever used or a i n nt any price. W know that you wilt lie to well pleated that when you wuul a bicycle you will give ua your older We want you to tend ua triul Older at once, hence thit reuiui table tire oiler. mM rrr TfnrC don't buy auv kind at uny price until you tend for a pair ol IF M33 Ktt-U I rtJLO IlclKclhoni Viincture-PriKil tirea oil nppiovnl and trial al the apecial intriHluctory price quolcil alxivc; or write for our bin Tire and Suudiy Cululogue which deacribea aud quolciall make and kindaof tirea at 11 bout hall the umiiiI tnicea. m-m but write ua a poHtal today. IIO NO 1' 'I'll I N Ii. OK IIUVING a blrycU MJlf nUI Wll I or a pail of tirea from anyone unlit you know the new aud wouduifuj oiler we are making. II only cxiatt a poatul lo Icoru tvcrytlnu. Write il NOW. j. l: mead cycle company. Chicago, ill f'uaihfriita'il-iit ann 1111 iiim ii.iiaa j 'A mm 3 convenience. 1 ft 'Pepeating Shotgun This new 6-shot model is the simplest, surest, and fastest 12 gauge repeater made. It has the solid top, side ejection and double extractors Speciul J7!atii fea tures ot comfort and The closed-in breech keeps the action clean and the shells dry keeps out rain, snow, dirt, leaves twigs and sand. The new take-down conatructton allows you to uka nun apart In ten arconda lor rlc'inhitf or packing, yet the Joint ia always ua firm uud rigid aa in a solid frame, nun-tuks-down 11 11 11. The frit firearm tin your hand and helps quick operation. The full choked trims are srunrantaei close-shooting, hard-hitting (urn, and are uncauulled for ducks, aeeaa. foaea aud all lot'K-runge work. A circular giving larg Illustration, with full description of this handsome new gun, aent free on requeat or with complete 130-puga catalog for S stampa. 77t& TfcarA'si firearms Ca, 1 42 Willow Street NEW HAVEN. CONN. 3 FTMirttJal hnven't t;ot n wcoti'l Hmet ticket, hut' Vlien he Interrupted hip. lie "aid. Show your ticket, plenxe,' m-:i k 1 11 1 1 nil. civilly, at If he were lielnjj pa lient with a child lli.'it couldn't iiikIit Ktaiid. Then I h:id l kIkiw it. nml b didn't ni'ciii (.nrprlseil or amused or imlned. Me ;ild. 'Thiiiik you." mid went on. Other people in the c.'irr!:i;e mulled 11 crud deal, end I Hither finn-y rhey were snilllns :it me. These t!rnX' don't work out t!;e way yon have plan ned them heforehaiid. Thnt was what was wrong with the uljrnnllnii In the p:irk." !int wn that?" "'IJiiit wiim what hronht me to the rontiilloii In which you saw me jester tiny. I had seen the KoMlcr.s slnnling In the park. They fool about with lla" and noteliooUsi. find crowds come round and Ret frightfully Interested. Well, my Idea wns to do Rome hocus nk'iialiiii; that didn't mean anything mid fnko In tlie crowd. I meant to write to the papers about It afterward, so that tin crowd would know they'd lieen fooled and fet mad with theme-elves. That's the last thing, by the way. 1 ever do with Jennings. I told lilm about It. nnd he wns n good deal amused nnd said he'd Join In it. We put on blue serge units nnd yachting caps, so that we looked official, with a dash of the navy nbont It. We had no tings, becnuse we thought It would be more fun to signal with our arms and legs, but we both cnrrled thundering big notelKioUs. We took up our posi tions in the park about fifty yards apart and took cure to be near 11 path where plenty of people would be pass ing. Jennings signaled first. He stood on his left leg and worked an Imagi nary bicycle with his right. Then he rapped his knii's together sharply twice and finished by striking his chest with iMith hands alternately very quickly. I thought I should have died of laughing, but I controlled myself and pretended to take down the mean ing of all the signals In my notebook. "Then It was my turn to signal. I did n windmill nctlon with my right arm nnd bell pulling with my left. Then I covered my left eye with one hund nnd slanipod with my right foot. I threw In n few more eccentric move- j inents. and of course Jennings pre I tended to record them. Hy this time 1 each of us had a little crowd around , him. At tils end It was almost all chil dren and nursemaids, but at mine there were a (rood many nblebodled park loafers. Jennings always has nil tb luck, as you'll see. , "Well. It was a regular bean feast and went beautifully. Wheu the crowd asked me questions I told then) not to talk, ns It Interrupted the signaling, but after a few minutes n big. interfer ing; kind of mnu came up. He wns very quarrelsome nnd partially Intoxi cated, but I fancy that he knew some thing about signaling. He had not watched us for half a minute before he said we were not signaling at all and that the whole thing was a plant I begnu to feel a little nervous. Then he snatched my notebook and of course saw that there were no genuine entries lu It. 1 moved away, and that crowd, which seemed much annoyed, moved after me. Jennings, swing there was trouble on. bolted nt once In the most cowardly way Instead of coming to help me, and ns he had only nurse maids nt his end he wns nil right." "Hut you were not?" "The police got me out of the park la the end and put mo Into the hansom In which you saw inc. I can't understand . why the crowd lest Its temper Over a i harmless little Joke like that, but It did. Anyhow, I've done with these smart tricks now. In future you'll llndly reuiemU'r thnt I'm Just as big a fool as nnybody else." ! I promised not to forget It. Black ' nnd White. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 33 ! LAKEVIEW i --ALTURAS STAGE LINE U. E. Barker, Frop'r. KLAHATH LAKH ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE . . . In Effect May 1st, 1005. Office in Thornton'5 Store 1 L. .. . Ar. B.i-i:. ...6.55 " Hsi.-I Kr'g 6 AS " Fail r r'k..7U5 ! " Kl b Si.'g7.10 ' " Pixie R.10 , " i'okegainag.iA) A. M.LT.Pokei;ainalO.S A Ar. Dixit- .... iu.m " " Kl'tl Sp'RS 11.40 " Fall Creifk 11.44 Steel Br'ge 12.00 " Bogim 12.2W P Bi ' Thrall 12.46 ' Statre leaven Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at Ha.m. Arrive at Alturas at p. in. Leaves Alturas for lakeview a' j (i o'clock a. ni. or on the arrival j of tl.e stae from Likely. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - Given Strict - Attention ... First - Class - Accomodations. Klamath Springs Special. ' Lv ."Thrall 1.30 P. M.Lv. Kl'h Pp'frai.45 P. M Ar. Bugii l.M Ar. Fall Creek2.50 " " Steel Br'Kt-2.15 " " fteel Br'jre3.00 " Fall Creek 2.;j " " Boifiis 8.20 " Kl'tl So 2 in " " Tbrall. :.AXt ' LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE '. E. Tavlor. Prop. WESTERN STAGE K'amath Falls-laksYie.Y & Stage Company OFF If. KM Mercantile Co'sj Mtore, L.akrvlc American Hotel. Klamath Fall FARM Hound Trip One tVay S1H Offic at B. Reynolds' Store. liiije leaven lakeview Mondaye, Wed nofdaya and Fridays at a. in., arrive at l"iueh at 0 p. ni. Leave" Pinsh Tuee lavs, Tliurstlavp and Saturday, hi a. in., arrives at Lakeview at t p. m. Pa-"eiiL'er fare $3 one way or $5 Ui round trip. Kreiwdit rates from May 1st to Nov. let f .75 per hundred ; from Nov. lM to May let f 1.IH) .oer hundred a. - -i ... . . -. j Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A. W BRYAN Proprietor. Leave? Lakeview at 6 a. m every Jv but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at :t0 a. ni every day liu Sunday. I'asscngcra' are Sj Rord trip $f OHFICE Keyuolil A WiuefleM'a akevtaw America's Greatest Weekly THE Toledo Blade TOLEDO. OHIO The Best known Newspaper in the United States CIRCULATION 200,000 Popular In Every State i if ii i the oniiRH AND CURE the LUNGS Mothers In Factories. Irrnornnce no doubt accouuts for much of the waste of Infant life, but Lancashire's Industrial conditions give her her bud ure-emlnence. Mothers who work in the factory cauuot rear their children naturally, aud the cam HPd the tsklll and the attention necea-l miry for successful urtltlclnl feeding ar' ieyomt them. Mauchestajr Guardian. J s with Dr. King'i New Discovery PRICE run miniie rllri "yyvno goo a i.oa. . w . . s OLDS Trial Bottle Free ANO ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACXOItl 0B, MONEY KEEUNDED. I In many ri-spirta the l oilnlo Klaile ia the moat ri'iiiarkaUle uvekly ni'vvaiaf r ullishud In tut I'uitt'il Statfa. It ia the only muv siHr espocially eilitil or Natintial uiri'iilatiun. It liaa hail the larm'st cin-ulation fur more years than any tii.i.Hp'r prime. i in America. Fur. thermore, it ia the cheapest tiewxpaper in the world, aa v. ill lie explained to any person who will urite us for ti rina. The News uf the World ao arrsiiKt'il that tinny people can more ea ily coinprelieiid. than hy readiiii; cuniheraonie col umns of dailies. All current topiea lnatla plain iu eaeh is.ue by special editorial matter written I rum inception down to ditte. The only paner pnidihad eapeeially for people Mho do noi read dully 1 yet I Ii i rat for plain faeln. That this kind of a !iewipapes is oopulur, ia proven from the fact that the Week ly blaile now has over 2tm,ouu yearly auliaerib cr, and ia eiri-ulated In all parts of 'the United States. In additon to the news, tile Itlado pub lishe short and aerial storiea, anil aiany Ua partnienta of matter suited to every iiictubur ot the family- Only one dollar a yeai. Write tor f ee apeciineu copy. Address THE BLADh, Toledo, Ohio. F.XAMINKK, both n nrr TOLEDO 11 LADE. 1 Vr tC.tU THE James Barry Brads wltb Swallow Pork la right ear tor ewes: rererst for wethers. Home ewes bquare Crop aud bin Id right ear. Tar Brand 111. Raima, I'rant Lake. ostntttce address, Lakeview . Oregon Zac Whitworlh Brandt with Crop oft left ear. Nail Ondercrop off right lor ewea; reierse lor wnihora. Tar Brand W. Kauge, Klah Creek, I'oa'ofBce addres Lakeview Oregnoi i Notice The Lake Couoty K chauned hands, C. O. M iv.J ;i rmi.-. I sold the paper to Fred J. Howiiian. All nioueya due on s . 1 -ci'luiio.t r j payable to Fred J. Bi:i , .1 , i,n,! m ia , to continue tbe paper to i.:l m i tcrip ers who have paid in i.dvin c, Ki tti full term for which such suuaoi.tiouri have beeu paid. 11 ilia due for adver tising to Juue 15 are payable to 0. O. Metzker. Signed 0. O. Metzker I Fred J. Bowman.