Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 19, 1908, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    i.AKi-: cofnty i;xamim;k. lakfvif.w, oui:;on. tiifiisday, novfmf.f.i: hi,
i' '
f ' r'r'r'f's r'r 'f
Gold Mining Company
Of Goldrim, Oregon
50,000 Shares of Treasury Stock
For Sale at 5 Cents per Share
This Company was incorporated Maj 24th,
1007, under the the Law5 of Arizona.
Capital Stock, 1 ,2."0,000 Shares, full paid
and non-a55csslble, par value, $1.00.
The group of claims c ntalns about 250
acres, located among the best, with good
showing : Inspection solicited.
(leo. V. Atkins, President ;
A. A. Patockl. V. Pres't,
and (ien. Manager ;
C. M. Woodland, Secretary ;
(leo V. Atkins, I reasurer.
Correspondence solicited.
Corning, California.
Personal Mention
1 1 mi . II. L, lii'MHcin, of KlmiiHfit I
Falls m rived In town Monday it chic! j
i'ihiiimi'I fur Hubert MrCulley. He in:
accompanied by liin Hon.
IIi'V. I'nt tier Totuk In, who left, here '
flir I'hlhll, WHH Called
bark lii ciiiiMii of Uim of Cornel- !
Iiim I-' i n 1 1 ii Iln held htIc'H H'mi- I
day. lie returned to l In fiiut h Falls j
Monday morning, j
Mr. Tlm KIm'I'Uiiii. of l'lu-h. is" in I
t'lWM. I'lil- Kllt ll-llill U It line wiilt-r, I
hii 'if hn wmk ill Mint, linn having j
appeared In I h In in nn nf trm Fx-I
ft 1 1 1 i 1 1 r. j
C. A. Nelson wiih In from Drews
valley Tuesday.
Lawrence Tracy Im in town withn
slight touch (if ii rn i in I H.
John Li-win, one of the 7u bucciiros
wan in town M few liiiVH this 'A nek.
MIhm NH Klinpson, who has been
at'cudiug school at Ashland, returned
I home liiht Friday.
I'M"! V 1 1 1 1 ft r ri H, f'Ot-t-
tmixtrr, ih sintering from mi Hl'Hi'i'HH of
f he tooth.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Get your Fall and Winter Supplies
from us. Our linesarenow complete
in department We carry the very
best goods money can buy.
Get our prices before laying in your fall supplies.
Lakeview Here. Co. - Wholesale and Retail
. s.t.s.s.tJ J ' r r f
!' ' ' 'r ' '
V.. (I. Hinder and Hum Ktitirt were
In town Sunday from New Fine, creek
Mih. Nellie Smiford, who Iihh been
' v-ry ill for mime weeks with typhoid
j fever in now said to be out of danger,
liu'i will hood ho con velcHreti t
j . ,). Feck anil fninily, of the new
'minim camp iifiir Gold run were in
j low 11 'i ll l-H I li v .
1 1'. K. Kkriltf, mi Httoriipy from
Seutlle I' hcr ill the iliterent of the,
j A lo-kit Vukon K.xiiohitlon, which in
to le lieM iii that city next jihi,
'mention of winch Iiuh iilreicly iipeureil
in t hem; colilin Dr. Hli'l whicll ill !e
coiit iniieil Inter.
i I'.V. Kiitferhorn. uiwl hiH mother
weie oer from Merrill Kundiiy.
J. S. KeiHHy iimi .Join t aney
ilon Irom lJ:iifley 1 1,1- wuek.
Mr. (ins iJoiiiior, of wiih in
town I:it '1' tin r H'l ny .
MiilHiel Sviirt, of Cottoiiwoo.l,
v. im in town Tim t fiJuy.
I). T. 'otmif. .1. -'!vnii, 1'at Mur
i.hv. T. C. I'lynn Alex McCulloy. !:.
A. l'l.eii H. Beit Harder. J. W. line,
l.ouiH l.iiiiiet, iiml Frank Iloer
; were nil in from I'IuhIi thin week.
1 i. I). Stikel ami hiH mother, of
New Finu Creek were, niio.s.t of Hotel
I.nkevicw Satni'ilay.
Cek'inahl i. Urady of th l oientry
Service win in town Friday.
I .i ii i i h Keriibian. of 1'liibh, wiih in
' if In .i i. - ..9 CI l...t.K U.-UU ill
Lakeview, Oregon. ' ;,. , . . town Monday on hin way to Sun Fran
Nov. 1. '.MIH. I "j'tii" I l.Vn fur hk c.nceVi.H the ,- j H-o to hiK mother durinu
Ihavaneena few Hinart ileum In !. valley landn. He wan very ,,., I tl. lloli.lnyH. Mr. Kerrigan li a line
the ! ideated, ami hack an enthusiast ic )"""'"'" , i
II " K. . I w ioin hiiv mother fiioold tie tiroud to
iimi icin n y . .. .
cam ner own.
coiinti y
to the drawliHckn of
..i i tl. r..i,L. I.eliiL.' fed ! InoMer for Kakeview
out hy the Htock.
( f courHC the hheep induhtiy did
lncreiiMc very fant for yeurx alno catlle
and Iioihoh.
I wiih not very inuch intereHted in
the deVeloiinent of the country
twenty two or three yearn nun, hut
now I mil k'renHy IntercMteil in the
urouth and IncreMHe ot the county.
We knew tliH road land wan owned
hy a party hut the uniinK wiih lined
an uoveininent land, hater on It wiih
rented out to Htock men and wiih
fenced In. That in the IichI and mont
valualiln for raihinu hay and tanning:
that alno imikeH it ho the Htock have
to he crowded into the inountniiiH
where feed ih ecarce ami Hcattered.
There wan a uooil deal went for tdate
li k Hcmtailic
Thin d hIichhIiik dlHeime reHiiltH from
a (llronlcled colldltou ot t he Htotiiach,
mid can he cured hy taking Chamlier
lain' Stomach and Fiver lahh lH. (iet
a free Hiunple at lnly ai d IImU'h iIiiik'
ntcie and try it.
lie miivm that there are over Ul con
tract tiolderH in that city, and
more Mill purchane art a renult :if
vlnit. He Ih a railroad man.
that Ciiiirt Kcpnrtcr. 11. M. lllchnrdwun,
liiri cm me Ill on TuckiIiivm Ktnue frniu
and I Khiiiinth Fnlln tu tukc the tent Itiiony
Heemed tu have an inkhni ol w lint Ih
to he done here in way or lailroud
coiihtruct Ion in the near future.
ircmuihin: ''I'hui lelluw In Luke
Count V wliu ciit the hilic vote for H
1 r )) I til MMi I'lcKldclit knmvH who he
xiunliiat Ion of ItolHTt M
Blue Prints Made
I will inikc l ine Fniitrt of
iiuv trnct of himl In the
Fii'kevlcw Fund HiHti'lct.niid
do nliNtrnct work. 'nll or
l.ftkcvlew - - Orcjton
laud which Iuih
under tenet). j
Von .niiiiot expect the iaueto miii I
port the name number of Mock an it j
did liefoie it wii? fenced. When you j
think the rant' cannot keep the htock I
luit you cannot mc. tlm raiik'e very
well and feed the htock o" It too.
That would lie like tryin to faun
ami feed the htock on the rowin
K i niii. Ah I have had ex uel ience over
theho raiik'eii for tl,e yeaiH and a
tenderfoot would not have any idea an
to how much html it would take
a hiimII numlirr of ntoek. Some of
it would not keep one head of Htock
for the Heason, an it in covered with
hrilHh and pine needle, etc. lie lniH
to make Home allowances for all of
thene draw huckn too.
I inn not one of thone who raise
ten cropn and not. plow the ground,
an I iniKt Mill hhoit on Homo of the
cropn. I hco Home of the people Hay
the Irot t coined a little too hooii Home j
time. Hut 1 expect it inont any
time the weather lookH chaiik'ahle
That in Hoinethinu like lniihlliik' a,
hoiiHO and havinit no roof when u
rainw. Joe AmhroHc.
tanner and Htock raFcr.
In the
1 The Kxiunlncr in yhid to report
that Sheriff I'ent n nlile to lie uliout
. MLcnin.
j .liidK'' I'-ciihoii left yesterday for the
jhceneof the recent hhooliny lifffliv,
mi lliitl lie Will lie prcpareii will! tie
titilM for the th-fciice when the cane
cotiieH up for t rial in May.
W. H. chnnce. of Alhiiiiy, Oreiron.
was in town Hcvernl iI:i.vm iIiIh week.
Mr. Chnnce i. the deputy I.nhor Coiii
iiiWkIiiiici' and factory liiHpector.
Mr. mid Mrn. W. C Ford are loca
ted In rooiiiH In the Mc Cool rcHhlence.
II W. Pivnkel, ond kou left hlHt
week for I. os AiiReleS. They will he
iiliNcnt fora inoiitli or no. A ntop
wuk iniide nt WlllettH, Mendocino
for ! Co.. Calif., when' t heyouii); mat) wiih
lOKI'll III. il('iHa IHK lie' PHiniinuni
of the lakeview
line udditlon to
I will guarantee Lower Prices than any
store in Lakeview. Wc do all our own
rU RwnnH's store is the olace to
g buy your Merchandise.
B " B.R.eynolds
Joiiriiev Home tlaVH
The new hlock
local market 1h a
t he town.
I, F. Cotni, all tricked out In the
ton of a thick hunter, pawned up the
htrect ,vt Htcrtluy, hut was too fur
iiwav. t'o nt't an item as to what he
Intended to tdioot.
Koy Shirk left Wodnehday inoriiltitf
hv aiito-htant' on a hniiu sH trip to
Sau FmnclMCt).
l'rof. Will its wan over from A ie'
over Sunday.
A. 11. Fitzpatrii' of the ZX ranch.
Chewaiioan valley, was in towu rnes
Jay. I). 1 Mallov. who ha heen Htiper
iiitendinu tlm driviiik' of a lot of 7T
cat tie to Morrill tor feeding returned
to l.akview Tuesday.
lieiwiirt Hrowu was up from Davis
creek Friday.
Mrn. I. eta llatidtey left Tliemla.v for
UuiiHiniilr, Calif., where nhe will
Hpcnd the winter.
Hert.Vntle.tif New l'lne Creek. Ih
acting an otic of tho deputy sherlffa.
Mil l'lne, of I'IiikIi. retiirnetl Mon
day from Sacramento with IiIh wife,
w ho la much Improved In health.
Fniilticer Tlionie anil wife of Kin ni
nth Falla are In town. He la In the
employ of the (lovernmcat Keclama
tton Service.
Mrx V. L. Clapp ban Roue to San
FranclHco oh a vlnlt.
MIhhKIIh UuhhcU returned to her
home In Ilerkeley Sunday. MIhh Kuk
Ht'll hna heen here about a mouth vis
iting her mother ami her Hlnter, Mr,
1",. N. J,'ii)iilnli,
I.. F, Court riulit. editor of the Her
t tui . 1M1111..I lleinlliuht, wiih In
town K'vr .1 da.VK hir-t week looking
over the lo ldinuw f the Oregon 'al
lev Fuel Co . and left Sunday on the
auto hIiil'i' for Ida home. He wiih
pl.-ni-ed wi ll what he hii v here, ami
will back wlili a rool repi rt of
town and country. Many of hin
nelhhoi-H and friend took conlructa :
In a hlmllar etiterpriHe of Mr. Martin j
and hiH aHHociatas In Colorado, and
all were HiitlKtied with their holding. I
which letl them to take contract1
in t he Military Koad (Jrant. that willj
lie parcelled out to the lucky hohh-rn
thereof next year. Mr. Cotirtrluht ,
expet t tti return tiext year ami may
decide to locate with uh. We would
be ifhitl to iiuinkT him among our
Leon Frakes, "T cattle
dtopped at
uiuht with
Deep Creek
one thouHBud
Mr. A. F. Thoriittui wiih hoKten
for the whlht playera Saturday after
noon. The gucHtH were MchibnneH
HeinlM. Clark, Miller. Snellli). Faulk
ner, Sherlock, Hatchelder. Shirk.
ThompMon, Frice, Norin ami NHhh Ap
pIcK'lte. Mr. W. Schmiuk entertniiietl a few
friend at card Friday afternoon,
ThoHf present were Min Applegato
11 ml McsdameH Snellinir, Faulkner,
Norin. liyan, llartin, .S'herlock ami
Hatchehlt r.
The shakehpeare Club will meet
this (Thurday) evenltm at the home
of Mr. . I. F. Norin. The latlicH of
the Club report interest Iiijj: meetLnnH,
ami a irood attemlance. I
Mrw. Delia H. Cobb entertained
the Needle Club of the Fatern Star
Frldav afternoon. Afier luncheon
wan nerved Mr. W. II. Shirk acted the
lteau Hrunimel, and gave the ladles
of the Club an auto ride.
Mr and Mrn. Creetle McKendree
gave a little dinner party Monthly
evening. Their guests were Misn
Applegate, Judge Hcnson and son. j
ami Judge Daly
cattle. Leon ih taking them to the
Doiinon riinnh where they will he 'ed
during the winter months.
Parents of the Deep Creek school
phoul ! hre that their children attend
school regularly. You being so
fortunate as to have Prof. Willits as
teacher should give him your cordial
Mose Messner was in Adel from;
Hart mountain Wednesday. !
Arthur Parker went to Colnian j
valley Wednesday. !
K. A. Priday and Prof. Willits went j
to Lakeview Fridy afternoon. j
Mrs. Kountou, Mrs. Priday, Mrs. I
CJivan and Mrs. Morris lett Friday cn
a a extended visit in Surprise valley.
The best advice for some people to
give is to do as I iou't,
Mr. John Morris has heen seriously
ill the past few days.
Win. RouHtou was ia our conty seat
last Saturday.
Alex ritzpHtric ua in Plush Satur
day lookius' for saddle horses for the
ZX lirin.
Wbe:-e was Kay, Sunday?
On the afternoon of Nov. 13 our
base tia'l team played the Adel Indian
hoys. After an exciting game our
team came out victorious. The Adel
team was tmdly handicanped as sev
eral of its players were away.
Mr. Cleave Wakefield and Miss
(iates wete in Adel Sunday.
It is rumored that two girls said :
"Gee I, wish I could dance with
those White iiihbnn Hoys."
foreman, The Altura I'laimlealer is informed
Thursday ; by Eugene (iraven that the orchard
head of i u the "Hilton dairy ranch " Ih heav-
i tiy loaded with fruit. Thin Ih vl
, dence that altitude has little co tlo
j with tte froHt Itelt In Modoc countv.
The orchard In located on the edge of
FUicky l'rairie. anil Is not tnlv hcv
j ernl humlrett feet ntiove I'ltt Hiver
! Valley, hut Ih considera tile higher
; than Madeline plains. Mr. Graven
i sn.VH there is a large body of vacant
i land on the prairie that 'wlil produce
j alfalfa, fruit and all the cereals. As
I tine timothy nn we ever saw grow is
j produced on the Hilton ranch and
there Ih a vast body of Juwt an good
land lying open to settlement.
Mrs. Gus. Douow, of Bly ; Clark
Gibson, Salt Lake; J. J. Courtright,
Hertha, Miuu; J. H. Mitchell. Wich
ita, Kars; Fi. Day, Clairville, Calif;
J.J. Iteille.v, the Goldrun mtilng
man was In town this morning. He
wan accompanied by Wni. K. Wilson,
of Colorado, Cnns. li. Shaffer. f
Pennsylvania, and Messrs. McDonald
ami Hlakely of Nevada, who came to
seethe mines and tire well-pleitsed
with the outlook. Mr. Keilley in
working -shifts on the Butte proper
ty. The tunnel itt now In over .TOO
feet, ami about 130 more will lw nec
essary to tap the vein. The ground
is looking good, sml Mr. Reilley feels
that he Iuih a big reward ahead, for
the time ami money now being ex
pended. Arthur T. Potocki, who is largely
interested iu tne Goldrun. Uoag and
Ft. Hid well mining districts was in
town Tuesday, on his wav to Ft,
Jones, Calif., to look after some of
his mining holdings in that section.
The gentleman is a firm believer in
ail of the camps and says that money
judiciously epeut in each locality ia
certain to repp good results. He will
return here in the early spring.
DeWitt's Kidney ami li'adtler PillH
are unequnled in cases of weak back,
back ache, inflamatiou of the Madder,
rheumatic pains, ami all urinary dis
orders. Thev are antist ptic ami act
P. S. Kskrid ,e. Seattle; II. L. Hen- i promptly. Every case of kidney or
W hut Would Xou Do?
In case of a hum or scald
would you do to reliuve the paiu
Such injuries are liable to occur in
any family and every one should be
lire pit red for them. Chamberlain's
Salve applietl on soft cloth will re
lieve the pain almost iustutly, and
unless the injury is a very seven cue,
v ill cause the parts to heal without
leaviuu a scar. Fur sale hy Daly atd
ton, Klamath Falls; 11. D. Chase. Los
Angeles; C. T. Fraucis. Broken Bow,
Netir;J. S. Francis, Mono.Nehr; Wm.
Mendenhall and family, K. Falls, S.
M. Heck, Oklahoma, City, Okla.
Want. t
The address of A. II. SWAZKY.
Address M. U. Swazey, Cot tc n wood,
bind Jer trouble hhonUl be attended
tt) at once, ami the aches in the back,
rheumatic painn urinary disorders,
etc., are warning sign. Don't delay,
for delays are dangerous. Get I'e
Wttt'n Kidney and Hladder Fill. Reg
ular size 60c. Sold bv Daly Hall.
Walnuts and Almonds
Fresh cranberries at
An Kggloss Hennery
Cedarvillo Kecord: The Lakeview
Kx ami tier says that a sou of C. E.
Sherlock is gouin to start a hennery
there. There are henneries here, but
unfortunately they are the ennless
kind, which causes the houBesvite to
say uncomplimentary things iu gen
eral ami about her liege, lord in particular.
Red Livery Barn
e. n.
New Kijjs and
Fancy Teams
to Let
Special Accommo
dations For Freighters
Corner Canyon and Main Sts, Lakeview, Ore.
Can! of Thank
We desire to thank our many
friends and acuualutnucea for their
kind iisslatonce Iu laying tho body
CorncllUH Finucano to rest
Michael Flniicane,
KclatlveH and friends
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
not onlv iieals Irritation and allays
Inllamutlon, thereby stopping tho
cough, but It moves the bowels gent
ly ami In that way drives the told
from tho etysteni. Contalus no opi
ates. It Is pleasaut to take, and
children CHpeclally like tho taste, ho
nearly like maple suger. Sold by Duly
and Hall.
Watched t'iflt'en Xoarj.
"For lilteen yeats 1 watched the
working of Hucklen's Arnica Salve;
ami it has never failed to cure any
sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it
was applied. It has saved us many a
doctor hill, " savs A. V. Hardy, ot
Fast Wilton, Maine. 'Jae. at A. L.
Thornton's drug store.
Work done according to reg.
illations of National Hoard of
Fire Underwriters.
Contracting Electrician.
Ha"Tjeavo orders at Iteynoltrs store,
Be th I lhl Knl1 You Have AUsys Bouglt
Colorado Hotel
Newly Furnished Rooms Comfortable Beds
Tables Supplied With the Host In the Market
Cuisine Excellent Home Cookintr
in connection. Delicacies of ail kinds.
Pies Cakes, Rolls. Fresh Dread Daily
C. E. LONZWAY, Proprietor