Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 19, 1908, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    i.aki: corxTY f.xaminfil lakfvif.w. okfi;on. Tin i:si.v. nvi:mhi i; in. uns
mil, j, iiomn.
UirgrM rrr. nl lateral Clnulnllon In
i:lcrn and Southern Oregon.
Km r'.1 itu- Oft.-c t 1 i;ovirw. Ore.
. s. i ntui i ln Mullet.
(' NTY OKI1' I A I. 1' M'KH
One nr
Fix inorMi-.
Three I1..VU I
-fW not 'l.l in 'lviioo. H JO tin' t
Onlrn:viin I hi- Mummer who remove
from o-: Lh-aIuv
I,. hi. oilier, or i-hiit
th.-ir p,.torti-- a.lilr.-. tuM r-m.-nitnT io
drop ihi. !. r I'"'' I'M''
dre-t i.. it., riiihi ih!.
- -
Roenliir msii.Iuis .!- M n '' 1'h t"J''
colli..... ,--. l- r ... AH '"''; ;'
rhai.f-.l fre.-tMi.enrm.Hin. .-'. '""t".;'
tion ,!...' f..r.,..-xt ...! A.I Mo. il
rKwli..!ii-x r All l.r: I. rnm.t "ir
Ro.l.-r. !.. ! .-..Hi 'in.-. I'1-' l "'r i1'"' ,'H' h 1,1
.i-l,;..,,. A ,., ..Is. -. iiierii..n
rr.l : tlia-i--. 1 1 '. i;.- m.ih."i of .-..ii.t..-Icn.-e.
11 10 ttll.l ni l
1 rni-u-nt i-.s us na Joh I'ritit
in. v.i-h ir. Hilmme
All I'l Is mux he K-ii't "'it t!r' oi l, li luomh.
iJSii .l.-s ih! !:. ;rot. th.M- lerrn.
TUIC OIDCU i si-r "i ni-i K.r. i-'k
I rArtn 1,v,i;V.,:":i,'?,.T
limit' .--tre-t. for'
.-at' he for il.
The Klamath Kn'.ls l'nily Herald
Bii.vsilint I.akoan.l Khiruath county
each Iibvo a lato for the tv
eruorsliiii. t" tli- imthis of .lu-li;-lialyofl.ako
.ui.l .Indue Nol.uid of
Klamath, as so. ma ( ;. .vernor Chain
iHTl.'.in tii'.'N liis way open to the
l'ofro.l States Soliate. by til-' inti-'i-
i.atc! .1.1111. l.i.-.ut -r:mm' "I"""
icant votes In t le co-nln
Jslat ure.
The fact of the m uter is that the
nenatorial sitnaii.ui in Oregon is d '
ci.ledly an anomalni. and r. inr ds
Tte Exi-idaer very much of Hi
story of the l"y with an apple,
luin.ciiinu away while liU pla matss
were te.-isii!r for a Lite, the aplie
nii'Hiiwhile rapidly disappearing tm
til only the ere was left, and one
littief- How wantcl that : " Xnvv '. ''
BHid the chap with the apple. " I'ere
haiiit tr inyr to be no core !
Sudi is the condition with regard to
the irovernor's aspirations for t lo
Senate: " Here u'flHK i" -e,
no and ins excellence n
. ; II
Lave to content wit.i nai i.e. brany an.,t vvLi,h cou,iel
nlthoutfii Liter in lilit 'f !'t expen- w(tlj Uouety of imm M, ,,leas-eneei-irlier
..f our popular, able and ,n,1Hiitr ,. hl) would make an
amiable judges inuht aspire to the
governorship, and win !
lint, there is an e-j'- well, of
that mure will be sai later.
Now, as to the cjueMioti as to wh
shall repres'-nt Oregon in the L'nited
States Senate. The Kxaminer is per
fectly well aware that, under the op
eruti hi of Statement No., 1 there was
a majority votecnM for (iov. Cham
berlain. It is true, too. ill Hunt of
past elections where lurir majorities!
were roli-i up f"i- republican candi
dat--.-, that republican votes alone
made this man tle-ir ctio ce for Sena
tor. Wh; V Somo ai-siii one cause,
and souk- u-.ioth-r. It aps-ars, how
ever, iu the primary ejections, t he
pres-nt iueuailH -nr. Mr. Fulton, was
defeated by Mr. Cake. In other words
Fulton's e-.k" v. as all l0Ull. Who
did that? Th- u--oii an avers,
with some warmt'i not to say as
jierity. that .L lroer. its registered us
repui..iCaii.-. and voted for Cake at
the primaries, aid then turned
around at the general flection and
vote.i for Chamberlain. Weli, siijj-pos.-
t ii'-.v d. l '.' 'lhat did liot fleet
him. ll was ivpi.i.;;. an votes that
did ii. VYIi 7 W'a- il Fulton s m
jiath'iers o Knil.-d Cake? Fn
ijuesi ionably ! Ai. 1 republican in
terest wen- je..;.ar!i.. d to to abet a
petty j.-rs'.nai - '.
Thus, because l a personal, do-ln-ttie-maiifr
pnii y by factional
lead.-is, we have l lie anomaly of a
democrat licini! ch o.-u bv a popular j
VOte hi Wre-oii for l he hinhest olliee
Wltnin the ilt of the people by re
nublica i. otes !
I'.ut, was Ii. . lectM d ? No'. Why".'
liecuuse lac Coii.-:l.lutioii of the Uni
ted Stat- k pro ides for the election (if
Bfiiatom by reiuesi utativeH of the leo
pie. That has never been changed.
The people have no direct voice In
that choice, ami they will not have
until the constitution is amended, eo
as to permit of a popular election of
United StateB Keuatorj. We will nay
right he-e that The Examiner favors
euch legislation as will make the
Senator elective by the wholo people
There is need enoun of Hiieh change
in view of past scandals, aud the
character vf so many men chosen who
do not represent the people, but who
do represent all that is vile and ve
nal iu class and invidious legislation.
It l.i ueedlobH to specialize here
Every one knows this, and there ia uo
use denying the fact.
i)ut, after all that has buen said and
done with regard to Statement No 1
it has no force, is not aud could not
be made uiaudutory under existing
conditions, and there iu neither a
moral nor legal obligation upon the
part of member of the legislature to
assure it in any way. Aud less from
a party standpoint is it wise or ex-
i - .i! . . ..t..nir
: th,,,,,!,-..,.. ,.r to twin reproach
on the melve, hr vottim for h
! deinocrst w hen tticie Hie iiumi. g""l
' iiinl tnn'. honest, ami well him 1 1
. ,r ,)( p,,nHt orship, within replillicst.
rH,,ks There Is no need of it.
I True, some republicans, cit her from
j,, r,llllip other CaUSO.
I placed tunny of the loom t ors of t ho
low'isl;itiirt in a position white they
'minht l" mule to violate h pre elce
jtiou promise. Hut that ! -s not
equity, niul espeeilly no, when nmk-
iiu tlHt roi:ii! thoy hint no lieu
that they would he asked to elect H
democrat in violation of all law and
precert !
The member of the legislature from
titi omitY Is free to ai t ill rtliy ay
I ... T1 . . if , . ,
he pees Ht. 1 his county reKlstele.l its
vote against Statement No. 1. It
wmill have none of it, an. I if other
parts of ttie slate had ilono as well,
there would have been no audi hiiml
lating spectacle to the rest of the
ooutitrgy hs is now apparent in i're
Hon ill the attempt to plaoo a demo
crat in an ollK-e which liy all sonic of
ritzbt aud fairness bfloiikts to the
rei'ii I licaii !
Tnoiv is no question hut that the
republican majority in the legislature!
if so disposed, has a pertoctly local
right to proceed to the election ot a
reini!.lii-:iu lor senator. If the f;u;
tioual uw'ht within the ranks is tiitlor,
as it seems to I.e. in w hich one side is
ktiili'tt; the other, cut loose from
both or all, aud pick out some now
man, some one with the uecessary
breadth of beam, and draucht, and
with Kni's bik: etii'iiiih to make him
self felt Btid heard in the national
councils. Then, yo ahead and elect
him. That is all there is to it. And
later, lieu the time comes so that
S(.ators tuny b- elected by the pen-
pie. iu a lejii- and constitutional
way, if the republicans then desire to
elect a de nocrat well and nood but
uow there is uo moie excuse for it,
thin there is for each Statement No.
1 legislator to butt hU head against
the capitol i all or to ami jump
into the Willamette river.
The Examiuer nian l einu a stranter
here, does not kuow niueh about the
public men of the state in the person
of Messrs Fulton, or Cake or Lowell.
It does kuow i.arvey Scott, und
knows he has brains for the place,
but urol.ubly he has lots of enemies
newstiai er men are ulwavs so favored
rpvllMf ,,.... We
i uIjii i iioii' (i muri ni'ur in l In Ml 11 1 fl.
ideal senator. The legislature mik'ht
try him. It could do lots worse than
; to I ostow the tona upon him.
He is the Hon. Henry L. lieuson,
I of Klamath Falls.
la in tiki n i; this suL'estioii of plac
iiik' such a k'ool. sound lopublii'hii iu
tl.e ottjee to which the republican
party t this s'ate is clearly entitled,
we act upon our own initiative and
vvihtout consulting Judi;" Benson, or
any one else.
The Examiner wants a republican to
yu to t(;e seuate an 1 knows of uo
better man fur that position than the
J udk'e.
It is up to the legislature to net.
an 1 that, tou, just as though there
were uo Statement So. 1 bugaboo in
ex i.-teiioi;.
A republican should be elected j nr-t
as a (jeiuo.-iat should be, were con
ditons r. verged.
That all there it to it I
1 1 1 : n i : shot
Attorney H.-nex, o,-aft prose, liter
ins-an I'rfi ni-lseo, was shot Friday,
by a rejected juror, named Haas. I
was feared Il.-ln y would die, J but it
is iion t li'Hje-ht, I,., will recover. His
assailant commit ted suicide, floor
is reported to have confessed who
bribed hini to do the sbootfi a. Tie
city is iii a r.-at state of exeitemen'.
and K'Mjf ean been placed in confine-lie-lit
as precautionary measure. Tin-
yratt p.oseeution will pe carried for-
ward more vioiirimnly than evcr.and
Spifckles has pledged his whole for
tune to I ha t. end.
I'leasani, mire, easy, safe little liver
Fills, are DeW'itt's Little Early Ki-eiv.
They are easy to take, aud act gent
ly. We Hell and. recommend them,
Daly & II all.
A.I'. f'roKH, of Los AiigeleH, tin
proprietor of the Likel.v-Lakevfew
a 'age lino was: in town Tuesday.
$loo keward, $loo
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
onejdreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in alll its stages,
and that is catarrh. Hub's Catarrh
(,'ure is the only positive cure now
known to the medicrd fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treat
inent. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally acting directly upon the
blood aud mucous surfaces of the
system thereby destroying the found
ation of the disease, aud giving the
patient strength by bubding up the
constitution aud assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietois have
so much faith in its curative powers
that they otter One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it tails to cure.
Hend for list of testimonials.
Address l J. Cheney Sl Co.,
Toledo O.
Bold y alll druggists, 75.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Tuesday. Nov. In. l'KiS
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
ment, of Nov. a 1!H, atmo of
Hoers present when the follow
ing claims were evainlned. approved
and warranlM ordered drawn on the
Hull. line Fund in payment of the
Hank of I.ak.vlew, cash ad
vanced for supplies and
freight on same tor Court
House, per "J vouln rs at
tached l,..o. r"
l'.ank of L ikevlcw. cash ad
vanced for suppl.s and ,
belch! on sainc tor Court
House, per 111 vnin lu rs
tsched. .", U."i "
F. O 4 hint ro HI. for money II d
vanciil for Court House Ion. ;t.!'17 ;to
t he follow lug claim wax examin
ed, approved and warrants ordered
drawn on the road fund In payment
if I he s.t me :
Bank of Lat.evlow.for money
advanced lico. . I'arker.
Kllpervlsor of lioad lls-
irlct No. ', for work 1.7;.in,".
The following claims werecxainlne.l,
approved and warrants or. I I
dru," n on the getn ral fund iu pay
ment of t he mime :
l.lch A: Harrow, board of Li
sa lie persons
V.. Ilarlin. for sawing and
plllnir wooil
II K Hcryford. for 1 davd as
o. unt.v commissioner Hiid
C. A. liehart.for 4 day as
coiiniy commissioner and
T 1". Iternard. forsnpplles
M. F. Church of Lakevlew .
rent of church for election,
Wii slow Hailey. for canvass
ing flection returns
W. p.. Milder. br canvassing
election returns
T. X. llatl. c xaininat loti f
1 iisi no pat len t s
E H. Sinilh. -a n.lnat Ion of
I iisane pa t ion t s
Fred .1. Howiuan. printing
and piiblishinu
YV. ! I w slev , Judge of elec
tion '
YV. M. Iiiincan. clerk of election
Y K. YVilig. clerk of electtoll
and delivery of returns
T. K. I'.uriiess. clerk of election
Ft :.o
Hi Ml
17 Ml
ti.i !NI
." (10
:! ixi
:t no
i: on !
1.. on ;
:! no ,
:; ihi
s no '
: mi i
:: no j
:s no j
;t iki
ltl "JO
:; no
:t imi
:i on
11 I lelldersoll, "
15. Mclllido.
M. Harris, judge of election
M. .Johnson, Judge of elec
tion and delivery of returns.
.1 K. Smith, clerk of election,
F. V Foster.
YV. t. Lobiuett, "
.1. L Hampton, judge of election, :i oo
YV. K. McCorinack. Judge of
election and deliwry of
ret urns 1 1 on
I.. A. Moss, judge of election. :t (HI
.1 II. Taiinehill. clerk of elei'tloti, :; imi i
W. V. Miller.
YV YV. Hampton, "
S. 15. Chandler, judge of elec
tion and delivery of returns,
S. I'. Hicks, judge of election,
L. C. Mover, "
F. II. Loveless,, clerk ofelectloll,
C. H. Hardlstv, "
I). M. Lryan.
D- N. lclaud, ludge of election,
.las McKee,
V. K Larry. "
H. I. Robert, clerk of election
and delivery of returns
W. S. Schuster, clerk of elcslloii,
I'. E. Tayh.r,
T. A. Crump, judge of election,
.).' X. iivan,
.1. I.. Wakefield. "
L I). Frakes, clerk of election,
F. 15 Houston, clerk of election
and li -livery of returns,
.1. C. Iiodson, clerk of elect ion,
K A. Faxton, judge of election,
E. A. sn vder,
V. II. Hyki man, "
C, I) Arthur, clerk of election,
J . E. Mel lonoimh, "
C. A. Cllpplnger, "
b. I. Lfght. judge of election,
YV. I'. Ib ryford, "
Robert McKee, "
i '. E. Oliver, clerk of election,
V. C. Counter, " "
W. Ii. -nider. "
:! no
A (Ml
.". i;o
3 mi
:: on
:i uo
:i oo
:i ini
'! IN) j
ini j
:i mi
r.' on !
no ,
:i no i
:: n I
:i i'ii;
A Oil I
:i oo
12 i io
:: mi
:; mi
. ixi
:: imi
.", no
: on
:; mi
:: no
:; mi
: mi
:; imi
ieo. II. Newell, Judge of election, :i dd
W. .1. McKee, " " I! dd
l. Clumdler, " " .'I dd
I , O, lluiiting, clerk of election
and delivery of returiiH "Mil
V. I). 'I'riiey, clerk of election, :i dd
( Ioih. I'.uiltn, " " .! dd
L. A. C'nrriker, judge of elec
tion I'.nd delivery of reti.riiH,. .
il. I-'. Arthur, Judge of election,
.low. Me ler-niin, " "
F. I. Fisher, clerk of election,
It. I-;. MorrlH, "
.1. (J. Oliver, " "
S. .1. SI ml ley, judge of elect ion,
.1. I'. jMlke,
I. F. AinlcU, " "
S. I'. Vernon, clerk of elect Ion
and delivery of ret urim
J. H, Aldi idge, clerk of election,
T. 1!. Mciiratli, "
.', (Ml
:i do
:! in i
15 (id
:; on
:; (hi
:i dd
:i imi
:: on
TIB Stat
Drilling macnine Go.
is erecting a plant at
for the manufacture o their
woild famous
for water, oil, gas, etc., etc.
A moderate amount of
muuvy Mill aturt you la
a profitable business.
have been proved by
Competitive Tests to be
The Hest In '1 lie World.
For full particulars regard-
well drilling machines,
tools, supplies, etc
. write to
i.'2 .or
These Beautiful
Crisp Mornings
Are a Fore-warning That
Winter is Coming
Now we arc prepared to furnish you
with Supplies of All Kinds for Fall and
Winter Use. You will need
Blankets, Wool Underwear, Rubber
Boots and Shoes, Sheep-lined Coats
and Vests, Caps, etc.
Our Grocery Line is Complete
We ask you to callr inspect our line, and compare prices.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
Seven Minion boxes sold In past 12 month. ThlS signature,
CIihh. llorton, of Kliiinnt'i I''1Ih,
litm licen in Lakeview mid viciutiy tho
(.Hut week, making piiichiiHCH of cut
tie for feeding.
He tioiiK'lit Home of CIihh. FccIi-h-tou,
F. V. Thriihton, V. IJ. lieimitd,
(ieo. Wrikdit Hiid of Andecron .V War
tier, and a fpw cowh uf the 7T Coin- j
puny. In Mil he necured Hl.oiit IV0 ,
Mr. lloit in is eiik'ued in t.uyiiit;
und feedllik' cattle for the Sun Fihii
ciHCo market, keeping mi hand 7oo or
more lieail all the lime.
On ThurbdHV mornini,' Dick Wilcnx,
of the t'irnt National Hunk not ii wire
from lioHton to buy nil the uool and
in u 1 1 oil olfercd. While V. L. Sned
Int; leceived word that the wool cllpn
of T. J. Flunk, W. K. LoiiHton, Di.ik
O'Mali'.ny and fithers had been ""Id
Home place fir c. ThlH ih one of
the Hi'tinfactory renultH of TiiM.'h
election and one fur which all the
Hheep men oted for in Fake ciiunty.
C SwaaiiH' ii, ( f Saci aiui'iito, pur- ,
chi.Hod .'KKJ head of cattle from (ieo.
M. Jones of Paintey.
The Dalton ranch, near liojiana
fias dii-poHed of nearly l(MM) head of
cattle ililri Hei.Hoii, and theiu in t-till u
bunch lett on hand.
Crciiinerj nt ( 'eiiar llle j
Cerlarvilh) liecoid: Tho Lakeview
Kxaminer Hays that an ettort is l.einu;
made to t nt o I. i 1 nb a i t an. el y at Lake- .
view. Lake and Modoc would both !
be ireutly benelltled if more intcrcHt
wnulil be paid to the dairying! buni
neHH. Now that the Lailroad han
come into Modoc ipiick t nui-por j
tiiti.iii can be had, and it, is safe to
way that upeciul rates ou butter can be1
Haw to Cure o Cold
lie as :arefnl hm you can you will
oi-ciiHionally take cold, and when you
do, get a medicine jf known reliabil
ity, one that, has an established repu
tat ion and that, is certain to effect a
ip.ick cure. Such medicine is
(.'hauiberluiirs C'oiikIi remedy. It has
gained u world wide reputation ly its
remarkable cures of this mont com
mon ailment, and can always be de
pended upon. It acts 011 nature's
plan, relieves the luiik's, aids expeo
torutiou, opens the secretions and
aids nature in restoring the system
to a healthy couditoii. During the!
many yearn in which it has been in
general use we have yet to learn of a
sink'le case of cold or attack of the
grip having resulted in pneumonia
when this remedy was used, which
shown conclusively lhat it is a certain
preventive of that daiiierous disease.
Chamberlain'H Cough Remedy con
tains no opium or other narcotic and
may be given as conlldently to a
baby as to an adult. For sale by
Duly'and Mali.
in the mine
M tk hrm, im ik woods or
in tk$ werktfcoo. ihouwwli of
worktrt vrywhfr mtt
Levi Strauss & Go's
Copper Riveted OverafJi
Ik bom lipnMli
iivxnii to --w .IJm
ht Mrkial IMS uii
X .!,
To Cure a Cold in One Day
A SwUm Ii.ih taki-ii the to
count nil the tcp he took iliirliiu
ii year lie fuuud t lie tin niber in Im
!l,7l'.d.(NMl, which given '.'.'. 7ld Mt.-pH n
lny, And n hit of lli.wr nlepn are
taken hunting lor trouble and homh-.
I Iiiicm we 1 1 1 1 t it !
HorM' Uroppcd Head
Dick Kltik'fley had the inlHfoi tiiin
Thllisday to have one nt liin uiHtclieil
p.'iilei- drop dead troin heart .li.-eii-c.
The horne had been u.uklug all I lie
to f r ii i n t: apparently iu the I" M of
health and comlit ion. Ate I.ih dinner
all rik'ld and drank as iimiimI Hut
u'-en hitched up at :ieon on IiIh way
to the planluk' mill dropped dead In
the road. It in ipiitc a loi-n to Mr.
K iiik'-ley.
.lolin Mludt, of I',, inaiiza , uiih In
town Monday. 1 1 m i im m f-i.u inlll
plant, lhat under hU i iiei -i-i i.- maii
iiuciui'iit will grow Into Houiet hing
bik' iu It" Hue.
Mind Vnur IfuslnrKt I
yi ii don't nobody uil
It in
your biisiiiPMH to keep out of all the
troulile you can and 3011 can and will
be out of liver aud houi I tioublc it
you take Dr. Knik'' New Life I'iIIh
They Weep biloUMiieH, iimlaria aud
jaundice out of your ny-tcni. 'Sir. at
A. L. Thornton 'h Drug Store.
1 'licle Sain's new Merles of postage
stamps to replace the design now
current, will soon be ready for dis
tribution, and the stickers will be
placed on sale at. poMlnllices through
out the country at an early date.
I nr Chi.ppcd Skin
('happed skin whether nn the hands
or face may be cured 111 one night by
applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is
alho uueipialed for sore nipples, Ihimih
and scalds. For sale by Daly and
Silbcrlbe for The L x 11 in I ue-a 11. 1 gel
t hose magazines, too.
Tlic L.'ikevifw I'liniiturc Com
li.'iny Ii.ts moved into the l.'irc
Brick Ihiildin on Water street
where a Lare Stock of every
thing usually found in a Furn
iture Store will he kept
Undertaker's Parlors
Repair Shop
Curv Crip
in Two Di'yv.
ty. c-vt: y
i 1 I iv .. et ..t in..- . r ..I..-1 . hi .. r i.i.r.1,
j 1 II. I. II. a ('1,111 I Ii , I y H nr I. fl
1 Hi' i'l . riu. in. ill 1 11 r (. .1 I. it
j I . . I II n Ii ; . 1 , lit).
I .....
I I 1 i: S Li; a 1 a Mi.-rlilcc. I room
1 colOige In Ih-nI ICkl.ielil section of
j l.akex .- , Clo-eln. Til ins r.u-.. .11
able. A l-o a II Iiiiiim hold good and
I lllflilture 1 11. j 11 In- at tliU olllce.
WAN l Inii.U. fanning lands.
timber and o( her lainU direct from
the oe, in r. (IKi' full particulars, and
I'll' - t" A I. FN. Ml ItlUM K.
-s :!ui Alloreey at law,
P'Cs llr..o. 111 . ( laUuhd, Cal.
in-1 a kim; 11 wt: iiii:
gla.'e of Ll.piuis 1 11. 1 ( IgaiN to be
found In it egou I f
i! i r!.!::: ni.-u at i i;i:
Hotel Lake lew bar. The best and
pllte-t 1 1 1 -1, v mini.. ((
1 . i 1 ! a l 1 i 1 F Niii 1 1 F Mil:
in 'I in d b I he Telephone
Coinp:ii! f. a- iteMfr, , lug Uh prop
erly, put
N( ) I K 'I '. - Ciifioiners 1 1 1 1 1 m t cniiipiy
with the ruI'.H ami regulnl Ions of the
Lakeview Water Coll i any, nr the
water will be shut oil.
'-IT tf. s V. LKIIALT.
in Ten i.i'Ni 11 at 1 tif p,i:i:v-
cry Miloon If
W A N 1 1 . D - -1 IM 1 1 K I : L A N DS - 1 1 ( M K
stead leliuipii.-hinents wanted. W'
I unlit to buy direct from owners,
j W rite pui I leulars to j
) M. IF, liox IH'J, Kugene, OreKoll. i't"
! can be purchased each morning at
I Wallace ,V Co's. news stand on W'a
I ter st rei (.north of th" 1'iii.tolllce. H'tf
rv local it y. ( iood pay; experieia-e
iiunecessary to represent large Real
I-'.st ate organ iat ion, w rite today. H.
1 F. Loos Co., DcsMmucs, Iowa." tf