i.akk t'ouNTv kxamixk;.. ia kkvjkw. okmjon, tufusday, Nov A Reliable Remedy rott OATARRH Ely';?, Cream Balm tiihf.k l Hiitr V l ali.nrlird, (llvti I. mini Hi One. It ll llllHI'N, HlHll IK, liciiU Hint piotcctH III" lllhl IIHl'lf llj' lll. I.nuiii riixuliiiiK fi,,ui Citarili and Orlvi-n nwny liC.iM hi (I..-1. .11, (u. kly. It. ..tor. s Out H, n. ni.f 'r,i... i,ii, Hun II. l ull hi,. fill els. itl iiirIHr,u ir by mini. Liquid (Iri'iim llitlni f,,r ii m. In iitiiinli rM 7," cl. Liy Urol hern. Ml Wnrroii Hired, New Vork. DIARRHOEA lakeview Ci(;ar Factory S l ullh M i IT. Milker i if Havana mik Do'iii-stic Ci;irs (0"TKr Dill, KHB K.OI.IIITII Olve iim it iruil. More In it.. Iiiiil'l,itf iirxl .l.uir In I'oHt A V. Iimiii .nkevnm . Oregon. I,, i, if i Nolcle & Reynolds House, Sign and Carriage Pa i ii ters i , aperitif and Kalsoiuining Otllec w lili WiHiilriM'k iWirncM (iciicrnl I'.liickMinll Iim Laki:vii:v . Okiigon THE SUMMER GARDEN. udy Color Effects Whan Laying Out 1 Flower Qeda. j Joe nmnlciir wlm I m 1 1 in obtain the -rcnlcnl kimiI pleasure fro:n t'i flowers u run ninw should study the churn tell ill. n i f cm I, kind In- i Ihh.mi'h and nee Mini em Ii nerves ii purpose Hlinil. In lute friiKi ' he will find Mi i.i In mi iiilluli, wild iu n1, ihkI-ini star nhnped wiiln- (loners, delightful In Its pel runic mi n Hummer's evening. II I.i mi cxi client ilmii fur a border il!inli'. In front i.f iiilhr growing nhrnbn. lie Humid Minify color efTccln In lay In nut IiIn flower beds For n lied Where ii iiiiimh nf yellow In de rl K' '') n 'iillfnriiln poppy Ii useful. I iiriHt lie Him ii where It h to bloom, mm It linen mil trnmpljllit well I'm' Hide Mini (.ink feme i lump i,f kIii..c mil double hullyliiH kn lire gmnl. phllitisl In IIIIIHHCH. A lloucr Willi ll groWN lllllloMt on high lis n hollyhock Im I C i i1 I m- k I i IJohlcii Ulow. wlili h ir iluei'M ii wealth of golden tlowcrn good for cutting. In ii luii'L vii nl ciinlci. II Is n .,. : Hilt I.an4 toiler PImii to devote the npi.ee In front of . "I'fi'" iit if thn Interior. U. H one fe.iee to .Inhlh.H ..nil conmon for .!"': ''"lc"' art'lew, Oregon, Oct. these ..re Hre . please the mont fns "snUv Ih hereby K,ven tl...t the' tldloini (lower lover. If there happens j Ktnte of Oregon, has Hied In thin! to lie n miiiiiy cxpontirc In the Kirderi , olllce ltd HrpliCHl I; to udeet, undnr I liliuil il few pompon ( hryHiitit Ik iuiiiiik. !tlm rivlHlotjH of t he net nf ConmenH, whl. h nre liiudy. They wilt j;lve nn , "I P'oved AiiKUHt H, 1H1H, mid thn hcIh (Tif llve illcpliiv of liny imweri In the ' ,"IiI'I''"'-"IhI hiicI MmemlHtory thereto, n in ii inn. The ilniiiiiuonill phloxeH nre ri eedlnfly pretty low (.Tow Inn nn There Is no r.reA tt nnyone tuffcr long with thin dincnn, for to pflrct a quick cure It la only necea aary to luke a frw Atmrn of Chamberlain's Colic, O'.ubra and Diarrhoea Ccredy In f t, in moat caara one doae la anffu lent. Il never fnila and can be relied upon in the moat aevere and duneroua tun It la equally val uuhle for childien and la the meana of auviiiK the livea of many children each year. In the world'a Malory no medicine haa ever met with greater ,iccrs. PMICE 25c. LARGE SIZE 50c. Coldi and Croup In Children "My Ilill.- jlrl Ih nuhje. f to rolrln," aiiyn Mm. Win. II. Ki rltf, No 41 Fifth St., Wheeling, V. n "Lnnt winter aim hud a p.ever ipe and n terrll, routfh Imt I enrcl her ulth ri,an.i,... iHln'a Cou'Kh Kerneily without thn aid or h iioeior. nnd my Httln huy Iihh heen prevented nmny tirnen from liHtlrm thn ernot. I, 1 1.. ii..i ..... ... i -.. - t ... i...- . . i.T-i j ii n- ii. I tliln nyrup Thin remedy In f r sale liy Duly and 1 1 nil. AHLSTiVOM. Proprietor. I - . Tliniier Land, .oilre. i I'epdrtiueiit of the Intel inr. U. H. IBiid OHIen at Lukevlew, (Jn-Kon. it let.. , Hill. ' N"M'",", 1h '"Tel y Kiven ttiM JOSKI'II , I.I.IilOT. of I'll nil, Oieion, who, on j Kept. ih, r.Mi.S, mniln TirnU r and i Hlomi Af'plifMl ion, No. ihkki, for KK 'iiiiirter HV qiiHiter. H lialf KK miMr ler, Keetloi, Township Yl H.. lnun K , Will. Meridian. Iihh Hied lioliee or inl.iitinn o ifiake Filial Proof, to entnl linh eliiim to the land hliove l(.-crihed, l,ef(,re l;eiHter and iCeeeiver, at l.nki view, Oiejion, on the Zird. day of Ileecemder, I'.X'S. Claimant iiamen a-wltneHien: John A. Motrin. John II. (ireen, I N. KulHay. Win. . lieneflcld, all of 1'lunh, Onvm, i O Mm. J. N. Wataon, IieKinter. W ANTE I) A reireHilitntlve In thin ei.iiiitlj by 11 Iniire real entitle cnrpi irni Ii m. KH'Clll 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 M to tllllMI- Who WImIi til 'leculiie fllllltirlnll V 1 II t !--1 ed. The Real Estate Security Co. Fort Dearborn Bldg. Chicago, III, IiiimIh. I ery nhowy In iiiiinn. They l.mt bill n few weekn Iii liloom In ii wnrni ami expoM.-l Kltiintlon. (If the (lalillim the ein tlin and ilecor.l the forniH nre Ih'oiiiIiik more nnd more popuhir every year. They ahoiil l Im pi. inted. If ponxllile. no their lilimHoiiin In AiiKUHt. Septemlier nnd I even Inter will help iniikv thv iMirden I hrlflil nfter iniiuy eciiHitl liliioinlni;. other llowern hnve the NW iiiiHlter NKdiiarter. See. V.4. T .:i7 K., it. n; R. V. M. Any and all pi rnonn claiming Hd Ver ne ly the IihkIm denerihed, or deHiritiK ' to uliject l eeaune nf the mineral character of the land, or for any other rciiMOD, In the dlepoHMl to ppl leant, : Fhoiild Hie their allliliivilM of protect in thin nHlee on or before the Hlh iIht nf I li..-ui, I,.r KUlU The foieifolnii notice will he nub- liehed in the Luke County FxBrniner, MATRIMONIAL ADVICE. printed at I.akeview, Oregon, for the period of at leant thirty daya prior to the dale herein IiihI. mentioned. N.'iDlC J. N. WatHon. Peiiinter. Xoilee for I'obllratlon. Department of the Inter-or, U. K. Land OHIee at Lakeview, Oregon. ; Oct. 2H, r.Hi8. Notice In herehy iiven that M A V A. JiKCICAFT. i f VintiiltH, Oregon, who on April i:hii. nmrle Ilomentead Fntry No. Xm, (Seiial No. tor KK (juarter SK ipiHiter, Kec. ). N ,' half NW (uarter. Sec. iH, N'K ipiarter NKijiiarter, Sectien ', Towuhip 40 K.. ltan Hi., K, Will. Meridian, hr.a Hls'l notice of intention to make' Final live year Proof, to entabliBb 1 claim to the land above denenhed, be-! fore Iteiflnler and Iteceiver, at Lake- ! view, Oregon, ou the 14th day of December. IIK'8. j CIiiiniHiit name an w itnesHeB : , (yrnn Ueeraft, (Jilbert LaphHm, of! VintillaM, Oregon, and Waller Tracy, I Walter Howard, of Lakeview, Oregon. I S: DlO J. X. WatBon, IteKister. i tV9VVVVVVV & LAKBVIEW t SADDLERY vi . t i z i D " A Ian a complete line of wri jron s t r s Hie best Vara- file on tlic market ad- and luifcrify hiriicMM, whlna '..l,e. 1 i;i ,tM, Hpll'4 iiilrtn. roM lim.ln fnct every thlnjr In the l t.e of nrilKe nnd hor-e furniMhliiKH. lie. imlrltf by r ornpefent m a . "V. mi m. rau .... .a i I f t hI, ... ;. if us I Imlirr I and Nolle Depnrtineiit of the Interior. U. H. Land Olllce at l.nkevlew, OriKcn, Oct. M, liHlH. .Notice in Ih hereby kIvcii t tint Anna M. Xelloti, of Lakeview. (Irenn, who, on Auuiint :tl. 1 Ih H, made Timber and htone appllcat Ion, No. (l.'i!l, for Lota 1, 'Z, KW (piarter NW ipiarter. Section 1'., Tow nnhip :k; S., LaiiK'e H! IL. W ill. Meiidiiiii, Iiiih tiled nut ice of Intention tn make Kin Hi Proof, to eMtiiiiljn'i clHiui to the lit ixl above dencribed, befoie Likflhter and Iteceiver, at Lakeview, Oreumi, on the IH'th day of December, 1!HM. t'liilniiiut iiamen an witnean'n: ('. II. DiiHKiiheiy, nf I'iiImIi-v, Oreuoii, TIiok J. 1'owill, Frank liownrd, Manuel Siiuiidern, and Walter Howard, of -i.akcvlcu, ( Irenon. OI.'iDltl. J. X. Wat noil, lti inter. N..I.C lor I'ubllollon I lepiirtiuent of t lie interior, U. S. Land Olllce at Lakeview, Oregon, Oct. :, l'.ms. Notice in hereby civen that Zncehc iih Whltworth, of Lakeview, Ore Koii. who, on I'eb. il", I'-WJ. made lloiiientend Knlry, No. 'St'Xi, (Serial No. mi tor S Imlf NW iuaitir, W half N K iuiiter. Section J'J, town nhip :t7 S . Itaiikjc 1" K. Will. Meri dian, Iihh tiled notice of In tent Ion to make Final live year Proof, to entab linh claim to the hind above ilenci'lbed, before KitInter and Iteceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on the ilrd i ay of November, KHW. C 'la I ii i nn t nainen an witnenhen: Ch'in. To n in ii en. Dan Mnlloy, W. K. 'er liiiK, Walter iUwurd, all of Lakeview, Oreuou. Oir.Nl'.i. J. N. WatHon lteKlnter. Timber lnd Nolle Depart inent of the interior, 17. K. Land Olllce at Lnkevlciv, OreK'on, Oct. H, HKIH. Nolii-o in hereby jjiven that (iKOKtil A KF.LSAV, of Plimh, Ore Kon, who on Sept. It, 1!H)H, made Tim ber and atone Application, No. OfilH, Jnr NK .(iiartur, Section, .'il. for Town ahlp 117 H , Hiiiik" Tl K., Will. Morid iun, Iiiih Hied notice of Intention to make Final Proof, to entnljliwh claim to the land abovo dencribed, before inter and Iteceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on thn lHlh day of December, i:kw. Claimant tinmen an wtnennen: Kitten Fine, L. N Kelnay, Jim Tiirpln, and Will llenellel, all of PIuhIi, Oregon. Oir.DKi. J. N. Watnou, Keuinter. How to Ba Happy Though and A' That. So mnny women find mntrlmmiv n j Utile liH(ipHlntliiK. ii ml. though mnny coiifcnn the flirt. Ihey mrely nee thn! they may tlieiiiHelven be to l.liune. When a Klrl In eiiKiiced nhe In alwaya careful to liM.k her bent that her lovVr may ndinlre her. Mie often fiilln to do the mime for her hiinhnnd. Thin In a tiilHtnke. Men like iilwnyn to iidinlre their wlven. and they w ill do no all the inure when they nee Unit other people admire them too. The untidy, dowdy womiiii may have nolld vlrtuen. but one lum to reuieuilH-r the fm t nn an excune for her iippenrn , and the mini who U menially apoloclinK f"r bin wife'n Khoi'lcomliiuM In in dimmer of IIihIIiik aoine one fine more attriictive than nhe In. Then 1.4 n tulntiike for youiiK wlven to drop their old friends and expect tUelr liusliiinilM to do the name. The mill l ie, I loxern niny for n nlmrt time be llileunely h.ippy In eacli other'n a.H letv. but nooner or Inter outside Interest will W mUxod. anil If InipplnenN In to continue they iniint Im.iIi mix with their fellown iiu,l tu ko their nhnre In the .ilciiMtircH mid the work of the world Wider Int. tests will not mnke either Icsn fond of the other, and the woiunn who wiitm to keep her liiinlnmd'H loe will never do no by tylnc him to her apron ntilnxH iind expectliiK him to rpend nil the time he can npnre from hln liUKlnesn within the four wall of home. A wife Mioiild not meiu'e her Individ uallty In her liusl:icd. A ho may be Nweet. hut It U nluiiys monotonous, no nhe nhnuld have her own Idenn nnd opinions, she ms'd not arjfue that's fntiil-lmt n little tint prevents the neecHHlly. Married Jjjf SPORTING WORLD En Sua, Chineta Ball Player. Chinamen In this eounlrv line not yet tn ken up the jjreat Ainericiin nn tlooal K'lUie of biiM'biill. hut there la a OOentlal in IIhwiiII who threatens to br.vk Into the dolncs In thin country very noon. Thin I 'hl.'inmnn In F.n Sue. oo- of the rentes! nprluterv of the prsenl ne. He Iiiih a record of .1 neeonils for the fifty yard danli and In Bwiri tha I lh Kind Y"i Ham Always Bonjjf S'fiitQr AIDS TO BEAUTY. -&te$iw PTifM mmm mm m mmWmm :nar, :lting machine. ROLLER BEARINQ. HIGH CRAOB. EREeCTED IN 1000 MODERN THROI!aHOJT FIRST-CALSS ACCOnnOHATinNS SAriPLE ROOH For COnnERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT TOWER'S HSU BRAND WATERPROOF OILLD CLOTHING look betlcr -wears longer - ana give more bodily comforl f r UCCUU Jv VUI Oil "VJy. large panernj. yer cosls no more than the "iusl as nood klndsx N 5UITy3-?5LICKR53Q? SOLD tVERVWMtRt f garment 0WEJf V bearing lt. t w. in. ,11.1 I . wourprool r'iHtW uuios ran' .v; r. i-m-r J ry i tltf )irtliratioilH nimply devel op dry ciilnri U j thuy dry up tliu aiicretionn, which adhere to the membrane and ilecoin. pond, cniiniu a fur more aerioun troublo Ihnii the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drying iiihiiliintn, fumes, auioken and iiiiffs and use that whi.ih cleannen, soothua and heals. F.ly'a Cream Ilalm will mutter catarrh or cold in tha head easily and jih-uHuully. All driiKK'Ht Hell the 60 cent size. Lly llrothura, 60 Wurrou Struct, Now York. The liulm Ih used without paiu, dooa not Irritate or cnusu nuueisiiig. It apreada itHolt over nn irritated and Hilary aurfuca, roliov. luu imiiiedialuly the painful iutlumnmtiou. Lly'a Cremu Jliilm contulna no oooaiue, mercury uor other harmful drua. The Indolent woman reiilns her lost energy when nhe Iciinm how to breathe correctly. The Hallow girl, with the dark circle, under her eyes, discovers that with correct breathing the con Ri'Mted veliiH will jb'ld to the ntluiu lated clrciilutloii, the dark ring dis appear, nnd the luster renppearn In her eyes. Nutmeg have uicdklnal qualities, which make them most useful In the treatment of various Illnesses. In case of colic and dyneutery, for Instance, a little nutmeg very finely powdered aud mixed with n little milk often bus a mont hei'c:! I.il e:l'ect. Sleeplessness Is often ivlie- cil In the same inniincr, for uuluiei:s hnve very noothliiR qualltlen. le.iri Im'--. i ielr use, npnrt from the . r.vluu nape !. Iniisuiiicli an they refresh nnd wash the eyes. The eye requires to be kept cleir and clean, nnd tears perform this duly A striking example of this Is nh iwu when the eye In hurt It nt once . o iniieiices to wnter. and of ten this naliiriil method of clemming re lieves the i in mid remnvea the en use of the illscoinl'ort. 1 1 1 1 circling can be done with good results in tho way of dccrenslug Hl.e If the principle of resistance is employed Taking a standing position, with hands on Dips, rotate the hips, beudlng the knee and keeping chest and shoulders Immovable. Contract all tho muscles used la this exercise and resist. For a variant bring the knee up to the cheat, remaining as nearly erect as postdble. Practice la alternate motion. A Pretty Custom. A hostess whose hospitality Is almost a byword has Introduced a chnriulng custom for the benefit of her guests 8 be inunaKcs to find out their favorite flower, and by meuua of large flat aacbeta she delights her guests with sheets redolent of rose, Illy, carnation or whatever may he the flower named Pr fumed bedn are Indeed a luxury, and yet they cannot be called a new development when . recall the de llcious lavender scented sheets of oar franamotnera' daya. KM BCK. reputed to lie able to run lOO jards In II 1-5 seconds. At present he Is play ing third base for a team In Honolulu, and his work 111 the Held, with the bnt fit"! on the bancs Is said to be mnrvel ouu. He has played against several Ainericiin ball tenuis, and bis ablllty hrw la-eii very highly spoken of. Iu an other year some enterprising manager It! the I'nlted States will probably im port hi in. Taft Says Jap Can Defeat Gotch. "I believe Illtachlyamu, the Jnpauese wrestler who receutly visited the While House, can defeat Frank Itotch," said Secretary of War Taft receutly. "Anyway, 1 don't think CJotch has a rlsht to consider that be has finished the Job uutll he has made my old friend Hltachlynina cry 'F.uough!' 1 don't know whether it would be pos sible for the two men to agree on terms." snid the secretary. "Wrestling In Japan Is a very dlffereut matter from wrestling in America. Instead of being roped Iu ou a mat, us they are here, the Jnpauese wrestlers struggle uot only to throw euch other, but to push each other outside the marked area. Wheu a coiubutant steps over tha Hue with both feet be loses the bout. Just as he would If he had been thrown on both shoulders." oEOH'iftow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. CSald a Business Man: "Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said an Educator: "The quality of instruc tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest." C.Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. References: Any bank, any nev. soaper, any business man ir- Portlaai by buying this reliable, honest, high grade sew. ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co. SAN FRANCISCO. CAI r FACrowV AIKLVIDnPR. ILL. Suns Sunset Macuinc oftcra the readera of thia paper the best opportunity of the year REVIEW Or REVIEWS . . $3.00 SUNSET MAGAZINE .... 1.50 WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.25 FDCr with your order, a beautiful premium, a 75-page book illustrated in four colors with 125 Western views. ALL FOR $3.00 AND 1 SUN SET M SAM fftANCiaCO, A G A Z CALIFORNIA I N E LAKE COUNTY ABSTRCAT CO. INCORPORATED A COMPLETE RECORD 5P (Vigilant to Race Again. Tha old America's cup defender Vlg Hunt will be put iu commission this summer aud raced by C. Oliver 1 se ll a. The famous yacht is now laid up high and dry on the beach of Gardi ner's bay, at Oreeuport, N. Y., but work of uncovering her and fitting her out will be begun shortly. She will be put overboard the middle of May. Mr. Isetln bought the Vigilant last sum mer, but did uot race her. She la elabo rately furnished aud therefore much heavier than she was when she defeat ed Lord Dunraven'a Valkyrie II. off Sandy Hook In 1883, but she la atlll fast and probably will be queen of tha coast thia aummer In windward work. Though now rigged as a yawl, she re tains a large mainsail and has little lens power than a sloop of the same Wl e have made an entire transcript of allJRecords inLake County, which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. SMHSH MMaMtti HHIUWIUM! ERRORS ROUND. In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed recoid, and not indexed; and many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed at nil, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors: Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting tip these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. 1 'ft "4