Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 19, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 47
akeview May Soon Secure a Firstclass Saiytoriuoi
What hu probably (mini the Maddest
tragedy In the history of Lake
County took plm'e between II him! 4
l M., Ht tlm heiid of Fish tirwk,
atiotit IH) tulles emit of Lakeview; some
inference Mtioiit range Imtweeu
Cornelius Flnucmin mill Kobert Mn
Culley giving fixe to n iinrn'l willed
culminated In the death of the former.
The Mhnotlng whs perpetrated In
the presence of so mo four or five per
mm, Kdwnrd Lynch, John Hhoohmi.
John O'Connor hiiI John MoAuliff,
hII tock raiser of IIiIh county, ami
Kay Kunford. a sheep herder in the
employ of McCulley Hron The
depofttt on ot tlieHl witnesses nt (lie
Coroner's t ti lien t Identical in
mIiiiohI every respect mi'l theref'Te no
(loiilitn exist, ii h to I he shock log mil ore
of the alfair.
According to the evidence given It
Hppenr.t Unit Flnucaue met McCulley
lit the iin-t Mill of hl much lit I' lull
Creek ami charged the lutti-r with
glazing (ill hi. 4 deeded
I 'il to Mil lir II moil I III
iliM'eHHcil nleppeil forward,
1 11 lt nn Hggrennivc iiltitti le
nn nppnrent mot Ion to i-tt ike nt him j I ,riu, lielnu Inn n in Co. Cum, nt out
A Winchecter lilln MCcnlh y held on i:iit jenr uo. He cnuie ot u very
IiIh Nhoolder dropped to I he urnund, rcupcctnUe liunily of the tin mini;
ninl wim picked up hy Lynch, whojcluxH, IiIb (ntlier Michnel nnd mother
whm Htiindliiu u few pnceM nwny. Hut. helnii Mill living. It will cm tiiinly
he Mill relumed a liitve colt I iMol In
Iim 'dp pocket which he drew f 01 1 n,
no ' with it llred tin lutni Mud. After
he sin . hi t l''iniicnne wnlked u feu
p(ii"' nn I ft II, tlie Dicker of life ile
pnitltitf u lev iniiiuteH Inter. He
never hpoke hut pn-oed liwuv with the
Hpirelit I'Hne of one ill eimy
No IiIdw were Mruck. nnd 1 'iuiieini
w hh in poHMChtiou of no llrenriiiH
MCculloy then to ik Inn rille froin
Lynch, llioliuted Inn InllfH Hil l rode
UWIiy, The lieWH lemdied I'IuhIi uhoilt
mi hum lit r when MeAnlde ru-lie I
Into t lie lelel;one otllee to hiiuiiiioii
-Vhe nid of n iln.itnr to the Mde of tln
ilylnn mini: mid it wmh then the
people of Liikevlew were Miocked hy
the diriiilful i nt ell lyeiicn
Doctor Daly, uceouipnuietl hy Cree I
McKeudl ee etui ted for the (.cent) of
the murder k'iiiii lifter, mid itiilvr l
there cut ly in the nlld. Hut nlm !
no hiliniiil Ii ii ii il .'null hilp the pron
trute form on the ro.'kn where it hud
fnllcn, mid nfter u ciiperlleliil cmiiii-
1 1 ii n 1 1 1 Ml the went leinen returned lo
il.nkeview. MNIiy (lliMidi nt the
, deceHHiid were there, who loiided the
Ihcdy ou ii IniUk'y, nnd l-nnmht it to
I Hiikev iew, iv hero It wiih ilepohit d ill
;t he undei tnkcr'x olllce in chnre ol
liWin, Witllnee
I On l'"ii lny ii pout uioitein evam- 1
;iuutiou wiih miide when doctor Dil
H'Xtnu'ltid the Imllet. It pitHhed
, IhroiIKh the iniiHi'le ot the left. HI III,
i ntiTed t!i" nide, piiMsini; tieneiith the
l '. , "'"' I "i Ik "U cloiu to the ttkm
Hni l.. aide. It wim not Ihitteu-
jd or even gcrntohel in the Icnt-t,
' jitiiim nteel eonti'd, mid wiih perleclly
i iiii)ut 11 w hen tnken t rout the liody.
7 he following dny u coroner'H jury
I'hh Hworn liefore Win. Wnllnce,
Ittortieya Veuntor mid Hnchelder
tteti'lliiK. I'") evtileuc wiih hh
Irendy ntnted, mid vredict of killlnu
y n kuii Hhot lit tlie liHtida of It lliert
tHcCulley wan returned.
l I'ho body wns Interred at
Uraeyard oil Friday afternoon
ho iiHaUtiinoe of h host of IrlemlH.
Xhe funerril started from the under
taker's at i I'. M. mid the reiuniiitt
M ro taken tu the Catholio church,
Yeyerhauesers Hegin Uny-
itnr A ir'titi 1 i mir A 1 i i f
$1 a Thousand
Kliitiiaih Fullri, Or., Nov., ".There
i ji decided Improvement In thu tlm-
ot market ovcru .yeurngn. Shortly
IC-Tllie tliiiitiebil Hurry of 1!)II7 all the
rgc tlinbi-r HyiidlcnlcH withdrew
lildr buyers iiikI until recently only
i lew clulliiH had chinged haiuls,
those at a very low llg'iire. Iu
tH tlio piiHt two months: the Wcyer
He user Company has purchased a
pjulier of I'lulniM Iu K 1m ma t It and
ke CoiiutieH, paying: approximate
ftfl a thousand. There am also
jjicr iiuyer
if Hiilert are
It liest, I
laiket for
W' Wuch
Jlier luiycra In t he Held, and while
hii ICS are hiow ami me price is not
IndlcalloiiH are that the
pine will be good during;
of the land of huh
Ot Ion has been absorbed by the
true J corporations; but there art
il( vast areas Iu the handu of the
Ki'y-llien, anil u mo price coiuen up
n likely that a nuinlier of clalins
l tie aold. In some sections,
a re the laud fs cIohu to thu lakes
Mrlbutary to a sawmill tlio price
Biucli higher than in the remote
Rlons wliero no cuttlngjcau be done
Cd a a railroad ih uuut.
(The bteel la now laid to within
ls of Alturaa, on the is. O. O.
where Fat her To in kill administered
the hist religious ittnn to the pence or
t!u ilepHrteil soul. The, good
Father was deeply ulllicted nt tlm
dreadful calamity helnlleu on h's
Mock, ninl in very kindly words lie
appealed to the friends of the deceased
to hem I he . nrrow w ith good mid
chritlmi spirit. Neither was IiIh re
quest unheeded, for uo nobler trihuto
could Le paid to the lenpecl of their
departed friend thiiii thu uiiinucr In
which the loners! arrangements were
carried out and the liody was luld to
After the hort ceremony the liody
wnh tnken to the graveyard iiud
hulled with the i-ili Ituiil blessings of
the inlnlMlcr of iod. Wreaths were
nuineroiiH H nd hcutllul, mid tokens ol
sympathy were eneral In the circle of
friends I tint wntched nod hepled lit
the hiHt tender net ol hiiiiuiiilty to the
one who wim luld iiwy Horn their
sight lnniv-r. O. V. Wallace directed
the funeral pi Orcediui'rf III u mniiuer
worthy nt the llnci-t v.ords ot com
iiiBinlut Ion ; while Michael Fiinicaiic,
John McAulilf. Denis mid Joliu ()'
lund. Thin ' 'u 1 1 1 k( Ii o ii. Hud Cornelius Taylor per
which t he I turuied (III) delicate timet Ions of pnll
ntnl iiMHiiin I hearers In the tenderest way.
mid with, Cornelius Finuciiuo wu a native of
he end tldllik! to I In) piirctit In t heir
, ii d mje ; hh they little ilieimied thnt
thu hoy who lilt their hii py homo
pome. tcvcn Viuih iw would never
mote return. The decem-ed km it'll) c h-il i nu H lte which t-hnll tt
in.iii ot powerful phynuue ninl kindly i nen lv nn iiofi-ihle upproiich the ideal
dlMpllM1 lull, ll'l l iltlle Hlld JOVIill
niiiouK hl-i wlio weie iiumher
eil liy hlH ncipinltitiiiiccH ; while
(iiemiea were to him uukuown. Unit
he wiih thritty mid IndUHtrioiiH in evi
dent troiu the properly he owned, nil
ot willed he in-., oiled In the le.. yeitrH
he wiih in (his country, i;. ni.l. n Ii'h
hrolher Miehnelol Luk"VH , nnd hlM
pnrentH, he leitveH inmthei lirother
and three hIhIi-ih lo mourn hlH lute.
Ah for McCulley, hu phoned Iroin
CriiiM Hnke nlioul 1 1 ::u We iucHdiiy
liltlht to HnkevlDW lor the i-heri!l lo
t ike him into cu-tody. Mierill Dent
lielUK nick. (.'Ion leH Arthur wiih (h'pu
tlod to i licet the itliei-t, which he
ill. I. tliklllL,' ti e I llle mill llntolflou
the priHimr he iohne.ied ill the utter
noon, lie ii, iidu no t-ltilcineiit, hut.
heeiiin ery uiueh ileic.-t-ed hi Hpil'ltH ;
Whiitever mikht he i-nld nlioul the
pot.r fellow Unit now renini'H in t he 1 to nt t ii i ii huccchh lliinnciiilly you inuM
K'l live he in duht Ii-hh hnp ler thim the, hi leiilly itivehHi hie to putient.
ii nlorl iiiiate Hi ii ii ho now iiAHltH to I tourists mid truvelern from nil point)
HiiHwer the woetul chnruu demnuded Jot the coinpnHH.
iiy iiiHtice. In CHHtinu nhout nmoni; the known
' McCulley Ih n native
mid iilniiit 'Ji! years of
of Lnkeview,
old. He llHH
worked liHnl, and with his brothers
Iiiih muaxHed quite ii little wealth,
owning Home real entitle und severnl
Docks of sheep III thin country. His
parents mid many brothers nud sisters
live tu share in his trouble.
Judge lleii-un nud Thompson ure
engaged iu the defense; Messrs. Web-
Mer. VeiiHlor ami Huchelder iu the
"rosecut ion.'
htunogijiplier Iviehiiid -on arrived in
Lakeview Tuesday to take the evi
deii"e, but the court Hilloiirued liutil
the followiiig morning.
At th i preliminary trial hefoiv Jus
tice WIiihIiiW Italley,) he defense walv
cd ix i in i i in l in 1 1 , mid asked fur luiP
for thi' pilsmo' which wan granted
In amount of yiO.tHMI, nnd he was) net
nt liberty until the court cuiivciich In
Strangers Arriving livery
Day find No Houses
Ueady for Them
Not a day pusses but some one
calls ou or writes Thu F.xaiuiner us to
possibility of renting a place to live
in. And as time rolls ou the difll
enlty will be greater.
Some steps should be takeu to care
for all these strangers arriving within
our gates. Fortunately the weather
hero at uo time is extremely cold,
mid it may be a question of tent-life
for a while till other dwelling can be
A ready made house, concern lias
lie en organized In Klamath by the
enterprising business uieu of that
city, with uulueieul capital to con
struct dwellings and dispose of them
at about nue half the cost of houses
of same clans. The price raugea from
75 to 7.r0 with from 1 to 7 rooms.
Lakeview has just as good talent,
just as good facilities, and more mon
ey lying arouud iu old socks, aud
tomato cans, w hich should be takeu
aud put at work so as to care for the
thousaudsof people soon to arrive
hero. Iu 'other words: Let'a get a
move ou t
Subscribe for The Examiner.
The Iixniuiner lias the following communication relative
to the establishment of a Sanatarium at the Hot Springs
here in Lakeview, from one of our Chicago subscribers,
which will be good news to all our readersj
Such an institution located
our railroeds would draw
here every year .'is those best
have fully as good curative
niisas hot springs..
The writer is a wealthy
'i g'.
wim savs:
I ('hlcno, Nov.
:ird, 1!H.
' Mr. A. 1'. Orenter,
j l,H Vnle Ave, Cilj.
I I enr Sir,
! lieplyinK to your letter ol recent
Idiite reipiei-t Inj; my opinion nn to the
: ti'iixiliiity of es-lul'lUhiiiv' n Hntintiiri'ini
!nt I.nkevi.iw, Ore. I will t-ny llmt in
or.u i io kivu yi u n i oii.prt ik iimv e
' miHwer to the t-everul uelioiirt pro
: pounded I n J on r let ter. 1 Iihvc rpci.t
cotihl lerhle time in collecting vutioim
! reliiihle dntn, nci.le from my own
. pel Hiiunl knowlcilue of
; lie I hi ill H 1 knowlt'ile of itllH hecllou ot
the country, heiirinij ou the nuccec!t
: or fnilure of hiich venture, hoth from
i ii neilii iil in d HiiwiicihI hlundpi Int.
fur un iiiHt it nt ion of thin kiid, there
nre t-evernl very esnciit iul re pur Mijent
to he counidered. Von liiUHt Imve n
mild e iuil.le clunute w ithoul ex 'reiiien
i of hent or col I, with h uiHXtmum ot
; hiiiihhiiie. pure Irenh air mid wtterin
j Incut ion ptotcctel hy iiHturul liiirrh rn
I iicHinM (lnn.i chilly vindi utid toux
: it n 1 Hk'nin-t nil Hiidden and e.vtreme
i t it ii i n i trie chiuik'eH productive of
j Mevere hi oriiiH nud hliznrds; it ninnt
I It.r ii fresti an 1 uhundmit xelect food
i Mipply, I e Min oiiuded hy or ad j'ic nt
1 1 Ji ricli iikTicnlt'irnl, fruit nnd cruz
ni k' d 1st rict ; t he niiliirul enviroiimeutH
niii-t lie pleio-iuu'. with mi ultitu le of
from :ti h hi to 4"H feet, Biillioient to
iro.liico I hut ki'Umi of hiiiiyHiicy and
exhilirnl lou ho viiliiHhle to thte ulike
who npidy for relief from phjii'Hl
HllmeiitH or troiu uieutnl nnd phynicid
rt'i-t nnd recupertiilion Moreover
siiuiiioria of the U. S it is dillicult
to llml even one that can fulfill these
elementry qunlillcutiotis. mid inoed
there are few that can claim even the
major part; while ad who possess a
rea.-onulile dugree of knowledge of
the environments iiml wonderful re
sources of the (iol.h'u Cioos i Luke al- ,
: a .rz-zi
A, .
- - W& W y .1 :
5 '
Tsl An, dowager empress of China, la lot only the most active Dower In
the empire, but Is undoubtedly the most
in spite of her advanced age this remarkable woman Is still the real authority
In the empire, her son, the reigning emperor, being dominated by bla strouf
minded und capable, mother.
Tho Kinperor died the 13th und the
day. The new hinperor In l'l iu, 4 ye in
Foul play la surmised una uuuks miii i
m Lakeview after arrival of
thouands of wealthy people
posted assert that our springs
propci ties as the famous Ark-
and prominent phyieian of Chi-
ley uud Hh corii'iu' uietropoliH, Lake
view, mu-t ndiuit II. nt here you have
the toll men-ore of nil tln-He bdvantau
!) bud ii ore.
Lociited u you are in one of the
moM wi.n.lertully tert He VHlleyn in the
woild n verilnl le (,Hrdeii of Kden. I
here Mother l iuth henrs with rrck- j
I-" prof iiHioii hII manner of her
I'hoici'ht IruitH, vei:etat leu mid Kruinn,
t Ii it t k'l'eut cj ii t ra I hiiHiii iii w h ii h the
hoi, t hern Chiin ok l.reezeH How ink'
ttemtily onwnrd over the iiiiniensei
tori hti) produce nn u linnet perpetual I
Iih mv Hprn ik't ime, wiiere you nre t,y
the dii-timt iiiouutitius on either hide'
ell ect nilly protected from cyclone.-,
Mci urn and liliznrdH uaniii
itimlii nnd dreary dHyn, where the huh
mrely Jails to thine, with your moiint
nin htrcmiia pourinu down their tor
reiitn ot pure cryMu' water, with your
foti-MH nnd Mrciitnti houiidiiiK ' all
vnritica of yiwne ami tlnh. a houudleHa
hcciiety on every luuid to delih, the
-e, mi nlittude ot nhout 4.'U) feet to
quicken and exh.lirate both liody
and iiiind, the whole pHuoramu of
tint lire to attract and, the elixir
of life lor the invalid, the coilvaleHcent
or for the man weighed iL.wn with
dull care and laKt'ed l.ody, n-rven and
heal n ; and moreover it h your vitrioiiH
railroads now hck.'inuinh' to lenetiate
in ever' direction, your vant agricul-
turitl, glaring mid timbvr lands, with
Lakeview as the cential tlivisiou
iioint, giving iliivet cunnect ions with
he gieat trnncout inental "lines nud
eMail-lulling intimate riritiout' with
the entire coast country, it must in
evitably appear that here you have the
I leal soot It r a tl'oioughly modern
and up to dale sanatorium. Hut to
add lo its pertcctiun anil greatly
enhance its utility mid scope of oper
ation you have the niineiul hot springs
of Lakeview with an average temper
ature of about W degrees find a
superabundant out flow, a mud sul
phate. I alki'liiie
water, the
am. lysis of
the gleatest
all tonus of
. Iiieh 1 have at hand, of
value iu the treatment of
rheumatism, gout, gutro
intestinal uerangeuieuts, diseases of
I he 1 iver aud kidneys, errors of nieta-
T i
potent female influence In the orient
DowaKer-FnipreHS died the next
old, with 1'rlnce Chun, as recent.
nan created grout excitement.
E. W, Kynnm tni4 wife and Otto
Korbin of the Rabbit creek uouutry,
of the Warner valley were in town
Fiiday, waking final proof on the
hotneMead of the former.
Mr. Kyarison. id very well pleased
with matters in his neiKhhorhood,
and I I lev so it hap a fine future, lie
haa done considerable in the way of
Improvements, all of which 1h of a
permanent nature aud intend doine
more. He got onto the land this
HprniK after the dry upcll set in, but
nothiun daunted plowed a lot of land
and Howed it to various kinds of
tirniu. lt did not germinate until the
fall rains and now presents a luxur
iant growth. He is hopeful that it
w ill mature a crop, and if it doon he
probably will become an advocate of
full plowing and ceedinu.
Mr. Korbin also hud made coiiwider
ab e improvement, and among other
things has well !U feet deep that has
an abundance of water, and a wind
1'ruHideut Hoosevelt has declared
that Thursday, November, 20, shall
j a day for the annual Thanksgiving
in the United states having lMie.l his
proclamation to that elfect on the
uight of October 31.
The text of hia statement in .this
respect is as follows:
"Year by year this naliou giows
in etiengtb aud worldly power. Dur
ing the century and a linlf that has
elapsed since our eutry into the circle
of independent people we have grown
aud piospered iu material things to
a degree never kuowu before and not
now Known in auv other countrv.
l 1 he thirteeu colonies which stranded
j along the seacoart of the Atlantic and
were hemmed in but a few miles west
of tidewater by the Indian haunted
wilderness have been transformed in
to the mightiest republic which the
world has ever seen. Its domains
stretch across the continent from one
lo the other of the greatest oceans
nud it exercises dominion ulike iu
Arctic and tropic realms. The growth
in wealth aud population bus surpass
ed even the growth iu territory. No
where else in the world is the average
of individual comfort aud material
Oregon Finances
Are in Good Shape
Oregon has no tate debt, b, aided
or otherwh e. This is one of the llr-t
fuels stated in the biennial report of
State Treasurer Steel, issued last
week There is In the treasury a i
cash balance of $C.8i!0,15, of whxh
?'.'14,S!7,!S Is in the general fund an
amount sulllcieiit to pay stateexpen-
bolism, in fact of the broadest possi
ble Held of usefulness.
With all these uatural advutuges
aud at the daw u of an era of marvelous
development of the entire state
through the opening for settlement of
immense areas of public aud private
lauds, the operation of the U. 8.
Keclauialiou and Irrigating Service,
aud the irrigation of vast tracts by
private enterprise, it dose not seem
possible that you could do otherwise
than succeed with a thoroughly
modern aud perfectly appointed sana
tarium, judicious buildiug, competent
medical attendants aud careful busi
ness management.
Allow me to suggest iu this connec
tion that a thoroughly equipped hos
pital department or a separate hos
pital buildiug iu this growing city
which will soon be lull ot railroad
and busiue.-s activity, will soon be
well uigb iudispeusible and will prove
a most valuable adjunct from the very
In order to develop a proposition of
this kind it would require some time
but success would be sure to follow
aud a well estabished eauatarium
owued aud operated by private enter
prise iuvaribaly pays euoruious divi
dends. 1 shall be deeply interested in
watching your further progress iu
this matter aud if I cau serve you
further please command me.
Very truly yours,
J. Ix Wells. M. L.
Ex member Associate Staff of Cook
County Hospital, Secy, aud Attend
ing Surgeon to Samaritan hospital,
Secy. Chief of Clinical Stall and Prof,
of Uenito Urinary Surgery aud Der
matology Dearborn MediccaF College,
Member Chicago Medical Society.
Member Illinois State Medical
I Society,
mill on the same has not been able to
make any dimtnnnition of the output.
The wind mill serves as a land mark
Id that vicinity and all travelers make
it a point to get there for water for
themselves and animals. It al-to saves
the neighbors in the bnsin a trip of
1 4 or !40 rtile to North Warner Lake
for water, something necessary before
this well -bh dug. Other settlers
there alxo will dig wells. Mr. Kyan
ou believes an artesian well can be
obtinad there and the faith that is la
bim will cause Dim soon to make the
The water question being definitely
settled, a Mart is to be made la
gardening m.d fruit growing to
determine whether or not such things
can be successfully grown.
The gentlemen reort that all the
settlers in tb basin are going ahead
with the opening up of their farm
in an energetic manner, feeling cer
tain that success will crown their
Procam at ion
well being i.s high B9 in our fortunate
"For the very reason that in
material well being we have thus
abounded, we owe to the Almighty to
show equal progreea in moral and
spiritual things. With a nation, as
with the individuals who make up a
nation, material well being is an in
despeusible foundation. But the
foundation avails nothing bv itself.
That life is wasted and wor.-e than
wasted which is spent in piling heap
on heap, those things which minister
merely to the plesure of the bndy and
to the power that restsorly in wealth.
"Upon material well-being as a
foundation must be raised the struc
ture of the spirit if this great nation
is properly to fulfill itsl great mission
and accomplish &11 we ardently hope
and desire. The things of the body
are good; but best of all the things
of the soul, for in the nation, as in
the individual, in the long run it is
character that counts.
"Let us, therefor, as a people, set
our faces resolutely against evil and
wlith broad chartiy, with frieudlnipss
and good will toward all nieu, but
with unflinching determination to
suite down wrong, strive with all the
strength-that , is given us for right
eousness iu public and in private
scs until next March, when the taxes
for HHiy will lw paid.
The report shows that two years
ago the balance In the general 'fund,
applicable to payment of current ex
penses of I lie stase government and
maintenance of state institutions,
was i-L'l'.'.rilll.U'M: there was received
dunnvr the two years fj ."!:.', Vi.'t, 40
aud disbursed i'J ri!Ki,507.45, leaving;
the present cash lalance in that
fund. -214.l!y".!s
State Treasurer Stee Imakes a,
number of n coniineiid itions to the
legislature, uinotig t hem these: That
the inheritance tax be made ap
plicable to the excess of S'iMiO. ou all
collateral inheritances and on be
quests aud devices exceeding: $-VX) to
persoua not related to the donor:
that the depository la w be made ap
plicable to the school funds; that
counties be required to pay the main
tenance charge for care of insane, In
the first instance the counties collect
ing; from the persons ordered to pay
the charge; that such special funds as
the pure food fuud, the veterinary
fund, the board of examiners' fund,
etc., be turned into tlie uenerul l'uml
and all the claims now paid out ot
these funds be paid out of theicencral
fund; that provisions be made for in
spect iou of weiK'hts and measures so
that the law reaidlng the same
may be enforced.
Oregon Cattlemen in Syndicate
Which Leases 10,000 Ares
WIN'NIPEO, Mau., Nov. 2.-A
tyndicate ot Miuuesota, Montana
aud Oregon cattlemen has leased 10,
000 acres of grazing land near Chilico
Lake, some distance from the head of
Butte lulet, British Columbia, aud
t.houdsauda of yearlings will be chipp
ed iu. The arrangements are iu the
bands of J. A SteUon, of Uuluth.
iu this locality there is uo snowfall
and youug cattle stay out the year
Marwiu Cannon wsa thrown from a
bucking horse at Cedar v llle aud bad
bis leg broken.