Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 29, 1908, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Lake County Examiner
Largnt Paprr, and Lartrnt Circulation
Eastern and Soathrrn Orrfott.
intermit at hr I'okI Other al 1.t1w, Ore.
K'i'oiKl-ClaM Mnitor.
One i'r, In mlvanoo
Pl mortrn,
Three month.
.' 00
fW-U n..tpM In a.ivum-e, J 50iheyeat.
Siibwrtbera to 1 he Examiner who rntiov
... from one Uh1Ut to another, or rhatiR.
their pomorrW aililresn should remember
dron thin ottirr cnr.1 o tlivlr twiMT ran ho atl
aroiuM-rt to tiio niu iwiumiT.
Regular .t.ii.liti ad. 1 00 m-l. '"',
Column spare, imt month. All sirihiiiik aon.
changed free tu-e a month, i t f com i-j
lion hred for ail extra ehane. All t-eml
IKwitlims extra All short term ad. extra
Readers, lural column. Iiv. ht line each in
teliioti. Want al. V. a line eaeh insertion
Card of thanks $1 OH. Kesolutioti. of nmd
lenee.ll aOan.l upwards.
fTfcTrsnslert Adver' and Job Print
ing, eath in adauec.
All hi. Is must be paid the first of each month.
No deviation from these term..
- -
la teii on nie at K.c. l4aa'R
Advertising Ageney in ttid
coauaetrt'or ZrtS' WA.
-vi ti i MiTiaMti TirL'CT
Of Ohio
J. I. Iee, of MultnoniHch ('-unity.
F. J. Miller, of Linn County.
A. (.'. Marsters. of DhhIum County.
R. R. liutli-r. of (iiiliaiu County.
( Concluded from Pirst Page )
Time Now One for lie Iter ThiiigM
But, by over-stockiug tbe range, the
feed once so bountiful bas beeu large
ly fed off. and uow tbe time bas come
for a cbauge. Tbe cbauge bas been
gradual. 1 remember coming to tbis
town six years ago. You just tben
bad bad a tire. Tbe town was not so
large as it is now. At that time there
were none of tbe fine brick blocks
that now line your streets. But, tbe
changes 1 note uow will be still great
er ii; Hid years to come, aud now
Dear i nd. The presence of Mr.
Martin i i an evidence of big improve
ments for both town and country.
Tbe advertising be is doing, and tbe
work he is now engaged in, will sure
ly draw n a ly people here. II is plan
of selling one of these tracts and a lot
for f-i-'O is a wiuuiugone. 1 will take
one myself. It is an opportunity not
often met and 1 know 1 shall not lose,
bit will gain instead by tbe invest
W lat a Tenderfoot lid
"Iu tbis connection I am reminded
of a transaction that recently occurr
ed iu Alturas. There was an Irish
man wtro bad a Hue tract of 40 acres
of alfalfa within tbe corporate limits
ot tbe towu. For 20 years be bad
been tryiug to sell that land, and ! to tbe present time there has been no
found no takers. Fiually a man and j inducement for people to locate here,
bis w ile came out of the somew here ; Our iuterests were mostly iu the way
aud cpied that tract. He ilked it of stock growinu. iu this endeavor
and said to bis wife: 1 wi'l bunt up loot a few have beeu successful. Our
tbe owner aud offer him $0000 for the! county records show that last year
tract His wife said: I don't believe I the income from stock-growing
any man would be so foolish as to sell ! amounted to more than i'Sit) for each
for that price. Tbe man said: 1 will Uhd, woman aud child iu tbe county,
try to buy anybow. Meanwhile the which included tbe money received
irishman learned there was a land ! from cattle, horses, sheep aud wool.
seeker iu town. "Aba, me bye, I'll
unlo.ti ou that poor diril!" So be
bunted tbe mau up. Tbe borne seeker
asked tbe price. "Well," says be,
"I hive tbe 40 acres, twelve cows, a
fwe pratsie, a sack of flour, a sack of
sugar, wan sow, and sivin foine pigs,
Bud yer can bov the lot fer jist $2,100.
"I'll give you an eveu f2,000", said
tbe buyer. "I'll nut take it," said
tbe Irishman. "Very well, I'll give
you 2,100. Aud tbe Irishman told of
bow he fixed the teuder foot. Well
tbe chuckle-headed sucker, went to
work and platted that tract into town
lots, aud bas sold -ver 812,000 worth
and still bas 70 choice lots, on which
be probably will realize a still greater
"Tbe same thing will happen bere,
aud elsewhere iu this Great Inland
Fmpire. Tbe opportunity for money
making, lots of it, is fctaring you in
tbe face ou every band. Some one
will be sure to reap tbe harvest.
"For that reason it will pay you to
stand shoulder to shoulder with Mr
Martin in tbis march of improvement
now being ptinbed forward, and to
aid biui in the enterprise by your
good will, even though you don't
take contracts in bis land distribu
tion." Mr. Martin
At this junction Mr. Martin arose,
and said :
"I w ish to be understood that I do
not claim that 10 acres will be enough
for the needs of any one man. It
may be that it is, but under our plan,
a man can buy any number of con
tracts from one up, so as to bold 100
or 200 acres or mere In one group, 01
both, if be so desires.
Mr. Trill
Mr. Trill Wbs tben called upon by
Judge Daly, and said:
"1 represent no one special man, or
locality but am in tbe Held in tbe in
terest of every part of Lake County.
It is my purpose to get out an
illustrative and descriptive booklet of
Lake county and its diversified inter
ests. Mucaka aa W ith Authority
4 'I have traveled over every part of
Oregon, aud Lave visited every
county in tbe state except two. I
have been in every town and city of
any impoitauce in tbe state. I have
also travelled etrnilvely In the
state of Washington, idaho.and Mon
tana. I must say to you frankly and
earnestly, not because 1 am at present
in Lake county, hut because I am t
hom-st In my convictions, that Lake'
County, so fur a its resources ami ,
dvers'ty of interests Is concerned Is i
ahead of anything 1 have wen In the
regions 1 have niont ioned. It pososs-
es vast anus of the finest of surteul
tural lauds, most of it in n slate of
nature. F.uough has I mi don In
wsy of grau ami fruit production to
lemnustrate its worth. The vast
sHce brush plains '.'ill some ilay he
cutiie vast wheat Held. Such has
I been the case elsewhere and will lie so ,
here. There are parts of the country
.especially adapte 1 to dairying. Other
, i-ectiotis ruoduce the finest of fruit
, wnil.h ( Pl, if n,,t Htiperior to theroH,i, Is a united elTort to enable
i pimluctl'Ul ot oilier sections in me
I ,at- U11,i .(.. ,.., the hest in the
i. '
! of Orjianlaetl HITurt
Tlmro nrn I hniUHiici of ont'ortilii
mw fl)r lloIIU8 tor frmiug dhiiyiug.
frllU (jroAjlig. 8lld for III ill ill in this
great couu try. 1 he development of
gm., indust rics pave the way for every
pursuit. The tiuest ion f-vi r present
is how to uet these facts to outsiders,
so that thev may hear the glad tid
iuk's. and come and establish homes
among us. My line of work has satis-
tied me that in no other way can
greater success lie attaiuel than by
means of organizing the business men
jand tbo farmers iuto oje compact
: elf art inakiutt body, whether it be
0Hlled commercial club, chamber of
! commerce, or aUythinK else m.estive
of its aims aud purposes, why? For
I the reason that your town is situated
in ' rit'hent aruicultural or
horticultural sections u the Un'ted
! Spates You possess acr-a, large
tracts that are to he divided into
small homes, where intensive farming
will produce splendid results. The
outside world, hnuury for guod land
in your good cii.nate, is just beginn
ing to learn of these conditions aud
id eager for facts, ivery business
man and tanner, I a iuformel, is
deluged with tetters of enquiry
many sucb letters remain unanswered
either fn-m lack of time, ur other
valid reasons. Such a condition
should not be allowed to exist. If
there were a chamber of commerce
established, and soma good, capable
man placed in charge, such letters
could be unswered properly and iu
telli eutly, aud a vast amount of good
doue in this way. It would bring
tneu aud money to the county that
may now be lost, and go to other
localities, who see the advantage of
securing cew people.
"Sucb organizations, proprely man
aged, have made La liraude. Pendle
ton, Hood River, aud the Rogue
towns what they are, and that, too.
in face of tbe fact that none of them
possess any superiority of location,
climate, or resources over Lakeview,
other tbau the one fact of railroad
connection, and tbis will le supplied
this town in the near future.
"In conclusion I will repeat that
your best interests will be served aud
conserved by tbe organization of a
chamber of commerce, wbih with
your uuited effort aDd support can
not help produciug results that will
benefit all."
Judo Duly
In bis closing remarks Judge
said :
"I am gratified to to be able to
say that there is every prospect for
treat changes in tbis county soou.
A His Income for a Few People
"I have been a resident for over 20
years, and during all that time noth
ing startling bas taken piece. Tbe
few hundreds of people we hare here
dow came iu gradually. In fact up
Probably there is not hd ther county
iu tbe L'uion tbat can produce a lik
. 4ood Country forth' Knergetic
"I believe there aie few places, if
any, that offer beter opportunities at
present for the industriously inclined
or tbuee anxious to get on iu the
world thau rignt bere in Lake county.
If we have been able to produce sucb
results as that mentioned from only
oue resource, bow much more cau we
expect, nbeu our few hundred people
shall have growu to :)000 or 4000. who
w'll Income interested iu a dive sity
ut products. Sujb conditions must
give us our coveted railroad. Wbeu
we are in a position to take full ad
vantage of raining the various pro
ducts that, we kuow are adapted to
this bection, and for farming of all
kinds, 1 sincerely believs we will have
oue of the best counties in the world,
"1 am particularly glad tbat a man
like Mr. Martin bas taken bold of
these lands, and is selling them to
aggressive and energetic people. Tbe
fact tbat be is placing .'10,000 acres of
rich lands under irrigation ttiat are
immediately adjacent to this town,
bas my earnest approval, and is some
thing that involves a splendid future
for Lakeview and its people."
At tbe close of the remarks of
Judge Daly tbe assemblage broke up
into small parties when the speeches
were discussed and Mr. Martin was
pronounced a prince of entertainers.
Tbe result was tbat a spirit of good
feeling was engendered which must
be productive of great good to this
community. Sucb meetings, where
ideas tbat benefit all are uttered, and
a spirit of rancour is absent, bring
men out of tb9 selfish condition of
mind tbat arises from constant pur
suit of tbe almighty dollar are a
good thing. Tbe suggestion made by
Mr. Trill is a good one and if tbe
business men of tbis town and county
unite for tbe common purpose of
letting tbe outisde world know tbe
advantages we possess as a place for a
borne, witb good schools, churches,
pure water; where farming of all kinds
Is a success, and where every variety
of fruit, except cilrua or other trop
ical varieties, of the flneet quality la
produced, which lalxt elTeoletl by the
organization of it clmtnb-r of com
merce, or eoii:e such body, it is cer
tain that it will be as productive of
as good results as has similar effort
proved in I he case of Hood River,
Yakatua, Weuatchce, and other sec
tions now known the world over as
the region where the II nest quality of
fruit is produced They will hear of
Lake county later hi n mure pro
nuoticed manner.
Nature has done everyhing for us.
All that is necessitty to briug Lake
county to the front, besides the rati
to show all Missouri which embraces j
most of the world, that we have the i
tiuest of everything up here, and that
there is a welcome for all so long us
the opportunities 'ast, now lying on
every hand and open to all who care
to embrace them.
It is said "Opportunlti a lly. " Sol
they do, but the man who grabs them I
beford they raise from the ground, aa
was the case of the ruau uieutioued
by Judge Cornish, kuows when !
"Opportunity knocks at your door,"
as she sometimes dues more thau i
once, that then is the time to receive
the gifts she i ready and willing to
Oppurtuuit ie'a dour is now opeu,
wide, iu Lake comity. Dou't delay
iu securing a cheap home uow, for
they are nearly a thing of .the past iu
America, and oue of tbe few (laces
where they still are to be bad is right
here iu sunuy, fruitful, beautiful
Southern Oregon I
Tbe conseusuc of opiuiou was that
to tbe effect, tbat Mr. Martin was con
ceded to be the wizard who is briug
iug all these beueUcient chnugea tu
Lakeview aud Lake county. It was
acknowledged that be is holding wide
open the door of Opporl unity for all
who care to enter, it might very
appropriately be said "That be who
hesitates is lost, iu this instance. And
Tbe Examiner is gad to state that oue
ot the remits of this meeting bas
beeu tbe signing of a big u umber of
contracts ty Lakeview people, who
heretofore had uot beeu alive to the
Opportunity offered them right bere.
VYlieu sucb a man as Jim Hill and
secretary Wilson, say the available
laud of productivities is about gone,
and that practically all there is left is
iu Southern Oregon, with an ever in
cieasiug population, it is well for the
land-hungry to be ou their metal to
secure a few acres before the Door of
Opportunity is c'-osed, and tbe Day
of tbe Doomsday Book arrives !
f-or Chronic Diarrhoea
"While in tbe army in 18U3 1
taken witb chronic diarrhoea,"
Geo. M. Felton of South Gibson,
"1 have since tried many remedies
but witbout. auy permuaent relief, un
til Mr. A. V. Mi es of this place,
persuaded me to try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy
at once." For sale by Daly and Hall.
The post office at Visti'lis bas been
moved from Klamath to Lake county
and C. S. Palmerlee bas been appoint
ed postmster.
Every man und wwinan lutereHted
In the-development of thin 8ectloti,
"Xewt'st and liest Oreiron," should
Miiljscrliie lor I ho hx a miner, the one
with the largest circulation, and
which Is the largest and lxHt newsi
pnpvr in SouthcMterii OrcAtMi.
We ive Oregon facts prominence.
(July $ 2 a year, when paid in ad
vance. Smiles and Squalls
A preacher in Missouri 74 years of
ae forgot be was married and took
uuto himself a yountf belp-eat. Tbe
old lady found it out and now be wld
have three years iu the pen tj
strengthen bis memory.
The hobos whom the Los Angeles
authorities uave a compulsjry bath
can uot understand why tbat Alturas
school ma'am Jmade such a tuss be
cause she could uot get a bath. They
didn t need any, and do not see
why she needed one so badly as to
skip the town to get one, while tbey
bad to skip to prevent getting one.
Los Angeles bas bit upon a plan
tbat works ii ridding tbe city of
tramps. The police round tbem up
and force tbem to strip aud take a
pluoge bath in tbe deepest hole avail
able in tbe river. Fifty were served
that, way last week. Tbey vamoosed
instantly, taking witb tbem 'Mu more
who did.not like the bathing idea a
littie bit. if tbis cure for the tramp
evil spreads, tbe Weary Willies will
soon be like the other has-beens, very
few and far between.
..SMY3M.. 1n puiM au)
S'BJ3AQ pajaAJfl JOddCT)
jioj oijai uoui joj
"1 " uiiuap ;'''J'ki
M P333t 'Sjf'
fyi jo spam mmm..-
ll"l m . B y
Are a Fore-warning That
Winter is Coming
Now wc arc prepared to furnish you
with Supplies of All Kinds for Fall and
Winter Use. You will need
Blankets. Wool Underwear, Rubber
Boots and Shoes. Sheep-lined Coats
and Vests, Caps, etc.
Our Grocery Line is Complete
We ask you to call, inspect our line, and compare prices.
BaOey Massingill sSST
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. e
Seven Million boxes told in past 12 month. This Signature,
J. N. Htctfrritltl. Warner Lake,
wad In town Motid iy and callid on
The Examiner.
Mr. Fltr.uerald has Imvii a rctddci.t
of the county for a iiumlter of yeais
and Is eiiK'nned Iu the slock biisiuesH.
He reports that recent r.iliiM have
started up the feed over th-re hi'
pood shape and he t liinks It ulll not
U litH-CHHiirj to feed ex teiisi vi ly the I
coming winter. He lias L'NI head of I
cattle aud hint winter lew tllatl UNI
ton of hay HUlllced to In Ink bin slock ;
through the winter Iu tine hIihc.
While Mr. Fitzuerald 1m In the Mo k
biiHluefS he is frank enough to ac
knowledge i hat the country around j
him Iri ii m tine aa any In the world for j
all anrlculi in a! purpose: there ImIiiu i
cotiHlderulilc rich black muck land. I
ou the bin M' ranch. If this Were
drained as It can and will lie some
day, und miiI-iII Ideil, It would pro
vide prosperous Ii-uiich for muiiy-
Nurticlent water can In- ileveloxl
there to Irrigate thousands of acres.
But, even without water, and by
dry land farming all kinds of veufia
bles of the til lent (jua lit.v.lncliidiun t he
tenderer varieties. hu'-Iium corn, en
cumbers, iiitloiiH and tomatoes, are
KTowti Iu profusion.
The finest of apples, peur, peaches,
plums, prunes, apricots, and all va
rieties of small fruits also thrive. I'h
ually thetrcenand vines are loaded,
but this year in common Willi the
conditions prevailing In all fruit-pro
ducliiK sections, the crop wiw llht,
though tlm finality la line, lie Krew
peaches thin year ho lurire that lit
could put them In a coffee cup, and
all his other fruit grew to like pro
portions. The gentleman anya that when he
came to the country as a boy In 17:1,
there was only one log house Iu
Lakeview, which waa located Just to
the rear or tha present Hlte of the Ex
aminer ofllce. At that time the high
mountains and low hills, as well as
the valleys, wen- covered with line
jj-raHH which made it a atock man's
paradlHC. Hut excessive henl!nr
killed off the grass and Mage-briiHh
Iuih xprung up instead. He says the
grasa will come Iu again If not fed
down too closely
He thinks a railroad la needed"
even for the good of the Mtockmeii,
as the freight rates of the '. C O
ure extortionate a sample being a
charge of "ftj.'l for one of their little
cars from Likely to He no, a (llstum e
of only lot) iniU'M. it Is pretty evi -
dent, that as a gc t-rlch-tjuick scheme
me narrow-gauge, wnicti some not
inappropriately term tlie'blg-gougo"
road. Is au eminent success for Us
Mr. Fitzgerald says he Ih glad
to see settlers come In. as he knows
opportunlt lea are great here for al
most every line of human endeavor,
ami very pertinently asks what dues
ainsii want better than a flue cli
mate, tine fruit-, dairy and grain
lands,.! he finest water In the world,
and u home Iu Opulent Oregon I
It will soon be possible for one to
start at the Columbia river and go by
rail right straight down to Los Ageles,
on the eastern slope witbout crossing
tbe Sierras into tbe Sacramento val
ley. Tbe gap in tbe Southern Faclflo
line from Mojave to Keeler, Inyo,
county, Cal.. is well on tbe way to
completion. Connection will be made
to Keeler witb the narrowguage
road into Tonopab. The latter ' guage
will be widened.
A mile each week is tbe speed tbe
company expects to attain in complet
ing the new road, which will shorten
tbe distance from tbe southern part
of the state to Heno and vicinity.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Vmr Ctmprwti Akin
Chapped skin whether mi
the hnnda
or face may be enrol Iu
m lilulil liy
applying Chitiiil ciImiu's Salve,
also UlliMiiiHlitd for sure nipples, hurnn
and kchMii. Eur sa.'e by Duty and
( Klvr rM ( .cr 1 1 lit- (.r mil' n iil m f wrV
t'Hch lim M Itu. , Ihlrt) w tjR, .if- It fl H-r
nmrt li. g N'n nlw ri tut iiM iti iiiM-n"l r r
FA KM FO KENT-Oii Wt-t side,
4-40 acres, all fei I: excellent hoiie
and barn; with Ion acrex plowed,
(iood terms t o tlealra ble leium'. Ap
plv tu (!. E, Sherlo k. Lakeview 44 lit
WANTEI m w:m M m; iii: re.
iiilios the w-rui-i'K of a man In
Lake It w to look after expiring Mill i-m-riptioiiH
and to secure new IiiiMiii'mh
j by means of Hpei liil inethodM uiiiimii
allv effective; poxltiou mtiiiiiii III ;
j prefer one w it h experience. hut would
coiiHlder any applcai.t w it Ii nod nnl
turul (iialllii-iil..iiH; salary f I .tut
pt r day, with (-ommlHlou option.
AddriMM. with r. ference; It ( . J'ca
. cock. ICoom 101', Sii.S'I'hm Magazine
, Hldg. New York.
NOTICE. Customers must comply
with the ru)s and regulations of the
Lakeview Water Company, or the
water will be t-hiit oil.
'J7-tf. H V. KEIIAUT.
cry Saloon.
stead reliuipiiHlitneiits wanted. Wo
want to buy direct from owners.
Write particulars to
M. II., Uox 4!t'i, Eugene, Oregon J0t
can be purchased each morning at
Wallace A. Co's. news stand on Wa
ter street.uortb of tho FostoHlce. ltitf
ry locality. (lood pay; experience
unnecessary to represent large Heal
Estate organ latlon, write today, li
F. Loos Co., DesMoines, Iowa." tf
U VK lit W
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany lias moved into the larc
I J rick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usually found in a Furn
iture Store will be kept -
Undertaker's Parlors
Repair Shop
Cure Grip
la Two Dry,
on cvr"
WANTED ImiiiIh. fur in Inn lauds,
t lintx-r and oi her lamia direct from
the owner, lilve full luirt Iriiln tu nml
IsiMlieto. A I, EX. Ml'ltlMM'IC.
IN-.lm Attorney at law.
lisiH Hroa.lway, Oakland. Oil.
grm'e of l.lipnirw and Cigars to he
found In Oregon. tf
Hotel Lakeview bar. The Isfttaml
purest whisky luide. tf
ward Ihhiii-iI Ii.v the Telephone
( 'oinpaiiy for ilefttro.vlng Its prop-
Notii i- l In ri 1. 1 given I lint on Mon
day Ih- I'M It day of OctolsT, lims
from . ovloek A. M. lo.'ioNI.-ck I'. M
ill Hii'il ilay, ihe County Hoard of
l''iiliili.a I ton will Ih- 111 HCMsloiint the
Comity Clerk's ollhe -it Lakeview
Oreg iii, for t he purpose of publicly
examining the assessment roll for the
year lists , and to correct alien ors in
valuation, description of uali I h-w of
lauds, lots or other property; that
the sitting of Haiti board will bo ci n
tlnued from day to day thereafter
until tin examination anil correction
of sold assessment roll shall ho fully
completed ; provided, Hie said exam
ination h completed within one
month in which the board is requir
ed to meet. All NTMons Interested are
resMft ully requested to be present at
the sitting of said Hoard of Eitiall.u
thin, and show cause If any then? be .
why their nsHcsmtnt for the said
year should not be charged or cor
rected as t he said board may seem
Just and i (iM-r.
W. D. West.
Assessor of LakeCount v, Oregog.
by J. 11. Hlalf, Deputy.
& CO., Prop'r