Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 08, 1908, Image 1

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vol.. xxiv
SMV - - -
S. P. Vernon, a
a Quarter of a
tifies as
Believes Artesian Water
Can Easily be Obtainad
In this Valley
K 1. Vernon, who lives thrtin tnllis
aotith of Lakeview, where he conducts
dairy farm in another man who I it
believer In tin actualities of Ibis
oiiiinl rv.
I la li been h rem, lei, t of the CoohA
Lake vallev fur 'J I fears, lie Iihh neen
the good aud I Mid of It all III tint pant.
Mild knowing I Tut is content to tuke
chtiiit'i'H on thf fiitiirn. (luring ull
tlmt time hu hll lieiill iMigagml in
farming iiml Hi no year ha liH Uhors
Mono unrewarded, lie has nocccHHf ully
urowu vegetables of ull kill. lb of tin
llueat quality, und tlmt every year,
too, without, the help of irrigation
Ki.kini! of irrigation Mr. Vernon
Hay tburu I) uo t(vu tuit ijuij tin-,
Vftllor irt out no Into ten aero
a round Mine to oomn Hooiier 01 Inter,
hi Ijellnven, If it ahoind lu found
nooetiHiiry to ri'dott to irrluntloii tor
mioirimnfiil fruit trromn tlmt urteiliin
wellt will ol.tHliied uimtly and
ctienidy In lull untion of thn vu ley,
lie 1'iit n well down 40 feel with
drill on hi I'liice. und wilier cmiiih to
within four tuet of tho top of the
uroiiud. 'lliii ruuHou hn inude no
iittmill'l to U deeMT whh due to tlm
t ot tlmt hu had Imu 1 drill und hi"
naiid pump would ii t k throovh u
tied of itilrk Hand he utrui'k, hi tlmt
depth. He ludieve tlmt urtei-iiin
water I'Hii lie wot here at a dentil of M
feet. II In opinion i htroiik'lv nip
ported in the fiict. tlmt jtlnt over the
ritfue lu tli ii next 'valley eant, Surprlt-e
VMlJey, there are hiindiedi of artefinu
welU, all obtained at a depth of from
15 to 35, or mora fret Many of the
fir mem there huve arteilnii willn
rlifht at their doom mil pipe thu water
into their boUHen, liariiH and orchardx.
Ju all Chhh the tlnvv ih giiod aud
The ifelltleiiiHll HVJ he reineint ith
well, when he tlmt I'limu hern, the,Klown
liaiumer Lriuudu were u iuduHtrou-i an
aotue Q( them a o no. I'hi'y olaimeij
veuetahle even wmi..! !!')t uro. Mil.
o convinced were they that 'hey made
no atfort to urow even the oomiuoiieft
of vexetabluM, and hauled all audi
tttulf here to Miipplv their ueoiU. And
I he fellow who intimated that he
thought fruit wouhl do well hern, why
ttiits waa uothiuu to it Imt that he
waa plumb cruy. Hutu few tielievera
weut to work uud "ehowed" those
Life of a Herder
Has its Charms
I'aisley, Orfl., W ,aos-
County RxamtUBl' Pl)b- Co.. Lake
View, Ore. Mydrtar.r: I will hu
uloae a clliuiluif from vveea y
Oreuonlao. entitled,
Uheaoherder.". 1 thluk Ja i
luenv iu KrnluB "ii iujr inuice, it is iu
waa Is quite r ht in ""Lm "jj better condition than it was two years
la envylim "Mr. Sheepheatder nd iUJ,)r0V4, l thiuk (ud
aectusiou. borne poople ,J0-,B). The Rovernnient ouht. to de-
tbe impreasloa that most herder r,iBU to exterminate the "Ma
are llvlad like some "Outcasts M i.XiVf!o"ote, aa they are most des-
Jut of thani are isolated out iu ine
,f them are uoiaiea ous iu me ,
.la hu'ii.Ij" or tlm iiioiinruinfl.
nut ior one iu mink
worth llvinx If Otlti will a ;
pomneosate worth llvlurf fHf ad.'J Oui .
can lave a meat many ditfuft'ift ways 1
to oass the louesnue hours aWat Jf 1
tbev Wish l0 l tor One liav I0r '
uood newspapers (liicludiug the Lake 1
uoimty Kamluer) and the sume of J
kfood mavaziuaii aud Biiend some of ,
r."'"00 . "Y.; ii.ll. ;C uT. . Tfiieilm
uiy idle time reudinif tbeui, and i iu his alkWl" "fontiupes. But upon
U ore are other pastimes that one oan vIhUIiik the' Pfl)u. that eveuing I
eujoy such as tiuutlotf and fishing, or1 "took back" wLn fjhfid said id nyni
iu aumiitnr one cau no visitiug to his 1 pathy for him aud hrujaet envied the
other neighbor iheep herder."
- r - - I
tiave tiHHii hriidlnu for the past six
mu aimers, and the last two 1 have I
Sienu alone ad summer aud have herd
ad and moved my own oump most all
(he time, f jr a small baud of about
1200 head of sheep, lles'dea I live
up in a high altitude where one can
lireatbe tbe pure air and have Ice cold
uiuuutaln spring water to drink, aud
rest in tbe cool shade of the pines
wbeu "Old Bol" is seuding dowu his
luioatV'fJercest rays." It is living iu
"'Natuie s Sau'tarlum", so wnai
'more oould oue ask, If tbay were ouly
tto take one thought about the poor
tuau kind tbat have to labor in tbe
terrilio beat of tbe harvest fields or
to tead over a desk all day iu the
ftr.lfiiuK beat of some Urge city to
make a livelihood.
J a oonalusiou I will say that I
thnk the "Forest Reserve" is O. K.
aj t made application aud got au al
JotoneotiUrt other stockmen cousld-
Resident for a;rj a ED ED T
Century Tes
to Its Worth
fellow from MiHNourl tlmt I hey did
tot. miow wlin t they were tu king
about. Iliirfng Mil the time he Iiiih
lived litre not to exceed two or three
years fulled to produce good, big
crops of fruits of Mil kinds, Hiid of Hll
previous years lie bt-.lleves rond it Ioijh
thin year are Id worst. Several of
the fruit crop were ho heavy tlmt
iiiimt of tint fruit rotted on the
ground, as there ham no local market,
Hint It was (nit nf (lie ciie.t lun to
think lit tlMllllllU lllllt M lOUi of
bundled ID lien or limie t'J H railroad.
For tlmt rennoii alone there has been
on incentive fur tanners here to in
create tlm size of their orchards
vVhen the" railroads come, however,
these coiilitiomi wi'l change and when
'ttui world gets ' 1,1 I'1' apple i ot
iJo. ho Luke Hiid other valleys iu Lake
county, there will fpiing up a demand
' f or theill ciiiliil to tfillt 110 Vulirharfed
.other regions faniooH the world over
tor H splll'Mor tipple lie M'oke ol
taking M liox of Iiih ii Ii-m I Oakland
where he exhtbted tlieiu t ileuleiH,
everyone nf whom mum unmnm to
(.eciire I liem for hhle, reinnrkliik' tlmt
they never kh v hiii'Ii h'Ick, h i i I tlmt
I liey wool I top (lie niuikel iver Miiy
Korown Hiiywhein "1'tiat (net
mirely l 'Ui'niirHi;iiient for Hiiy one to
loi'nte here und eUk'KCH In Ml'l'le t'ro w
in.i-fiiecituiy us juuud Hrv cnuni n.-ro
now, find It wi'l ro an eny iniiuer lor
a mini u! uiui nieiiutf to tMtnuidii
liimxelf. und ft inti n poHitioii in a
few year where he run enjoy a nii-e
iueoine from the output ot hie
orchard .Mr. Vi ruoii coimiileri ten
HcreM enoiiuh for the purpoiiMe, and
be rink tor the time, no c-onn at
hull I, w lieu the tiitf runchert of I iiIh
cetloii nid he cu'np Into huiiiII triicto,
and iimde the home of thoiinHudii of
Contented Hiid pi oMperoiiH people. lie
iiIho kiio.m ttiut thirii an ideal i-ec
tioti for the dairy lititdiiMeH. Imt iay-4
tlmt the irir.wth of t' at line in a 'ho
hampered for want of heller ami
cheaper tiaiieportatton faciiltieH.
Taklntf all thiliKM into coiiHlderat ion
Mr. Vernon thinks there if no lietter
Hectioii lu the Aineiit'HU Union today
for a man with tunall meauH to t;et a
Hturt than rlklit here lu thin reuion.
Pick Kluv'Bli-y tun placed a t itf hect
if the ordinal y red variety iu
exhitiition iu thiii otllce. It wad
In hit (,'ardeu in town. It
in vi''.'"lft,'1H'., Xhi lug beet Una
"llt uept ft) w hat w ill be done here Inter
iu way of producing viitfnr. All tbia
aud other vaHeya hare will produce
tho llneHt HiiKar tierts lu the world,
lie m!ho Hhowed alfalfa o aecoud
k-rowtli 7 feet aud ii inche lon. All
theHel thiiiKS make the n ontba of
MHHteru farmera water. Hut the the
way to ttet our lauds Is to come now
while th y arn cheap.
ered all moat "worihlans", but 1 have
pastured it two years Had this belug
au extraordinary dry oearfou, but my
sheep have doua the beat I ever had
tbeiu do. and now are at fat as tbey
can be, and as 1 have used good Judtf
- ... 80Bep wve to yollug
. n
Bert Huff man la ThJ OrPOIIIan
At the bead of a deep, woodo'1! eni'
yon, branoh of Upper McKay ( Ve'eK;
1 catue Upon a sheepherder' imtit
TPtiteruuj , nun n iKuk ui m unujp
JVeM, la tbe wooos t moralized upon
the" aTif fi the sheephearder. aud my
heart O'eit't.o'Ut in sympathy for biin
euceriaiiiiiJK versHinity it um Btom-
. 11IU J JMT .
lu oue oornor of the tout
good phonograph aud nearer
it sevefVrt
choice records. For my delight he
rendered two or three selections by
Puttl, Caruso. Sobumauu Jlelnk aud
other singers, a speoon uy uryau, a
vaudeville selection and an act from
Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar."
Uuder the bead of his bed were
half a dozen of tbe best niagaziues
(some of wblob I bad not found time
to read), aud at tbe foot of the bed
lay well thumbed copies, of the latest
1 looked at this bronzed son of tbe
bills iu guiinlue euvy. tlete be may
read, write, tbluk, oommuue with na
ture, or be carried to tbe great con
servatories of tbe B'tlsts, while tbe
drlvtn Blares of the city muBt beud
over a desk day aud night to meet
the terrlHy coui'putltlou of this soul
less oouMiMretali world.
Our Uncle Jim Hill Has a Galvanic
Battery at Work on HarrimaiVs
Heels to Wake Him Up
Tin I'oi t liiinl Juiiriifil of tin
r.ltll tilt MM.VH that t'nl'Hel Wllllrt III
1 liillnlilrd. llnrrlumnV firt M-itl.-
'nil the lIM Iflf fount Hint churue
il'nffjilrew lit I Mcnn Indue, l ill
I'ortlMlnl tndil.V. He HaMit lioct
nf i lie iiinriilnK ciiiiferrliii; with .1. I'-
uviieml tiutiiftwr of the II irf,
rluinti Ii e
Ill Orce-nti, and paid brie
vl-ltn to
.' varioll-i depart llieiitM of
i lie .Southern 1'iirlfic a ml ( i
K Ac N.
in i In Well Fa run bubliiiic.
According; to '"loii Hull 'bird, the
Southern 1'nciflc will la-uin work at
once on a lie w line t o run from . id
bind, on I he K Inoiiti h l-'aiUexti iixloii
of the S Pacific ill Hoiitliern
Kbiiu-'illi coiiniy, t" .MtiuiiM. on the
Nevada t'allf iiiiia und Oi eu"" r i il
rond; runiiliiu tt.r.inuii th nortli
eart corner of Sink iy oil coiiufy In
liorl hei n ( 'abfi'i-uiii and throiili the
Uivater jni't of Modoc county.
Mr and Mrs CreKsler aud Geo.
I i uu k i iih. and his sixter, Mrn. DelU
t'obb, returned Thursday from their
trip to Crater lake.
They report a mont enjojabie trip
and reln'e tiiuiiy interesting ex
periences. One niiht they had to
tay in an Indiau home. The ladies
demurred at flret, but being permiad
ed to enter found everything as ueat
an ia usual y the cave 'tl niauy white
houteholds. The ludiun aud his wife
were uiwdiiHtea from some Indian
school and were up-to-date, and it is
a regular stopping p! ice for ail w hite
They visited the ilarrimau borne at
Pilicun Buy, aud say that the rail
rea l king has one of the most lovely
spots there is on earth. Mrs. Cobb
has traveled exteiixiveiy at home aud
abroad aud says she never saw any
thing any where so beautiful iu . its
n itural scenery, which of courte, hns
b en greatly enhanced by tbe lavish
use of wealth. Tbe Hurriman home,
or "Lodge," is constructed of logs,
but it is o embellished that it is
art in tin and beautiful, and contains
every kuown modem convenience, in
cluding au ice plant, electric-ligbting
and telephoue service. Tbe grounds
huii the bay with tbe woods stretching
from the water to ttie mountains
beyond are iudesct ibably churmlug,
end cover a section of laud uow. to
which Ilarrimau Is making coustaut
The Upper Klamath Lake and
Hfltritnan and Hill Have Nu
merous Surveyors in
The Oregon Ian of tbe 11th ult.
U editorial page has this to say re-
iWrilRe . ?at nlrori situation
fir riftiflM:
The' rfaWrm'au. gvs'le'u Wte. fl lilFiFS
u.un in UISU I IIUIHlilU IOB
Wallowa Railroad, arip'f,her force tli
work on the Tillamoo'il ffueV auf more
engineers iu Central Oret(W thau'have
ever beeu there before. . . . i
The Oregon Electric is extenuaTlts"
vaney system, and tbe United Rail
ways bvae 500 men aud 300 teams push
ing their road out iuto Washiuaton
Mnauwbild 11m Northern Paifla mid
t! Oieni Northern are uiaklug tiual
arraugenata tor handling the heavy
trattiio that will nonr iuto Portland
a i soou as the new North Bank line is
completed, next mouth.
The railroad developments now ac
tually under way and projected from
Portaud Is of sufficient mngnitude to
iusure a greater growth iu this city
within tbe next two years than we have
ever wituessed iu a similar length
of time.
Hard Trip on Kltlior lluuta
People coming here over the Reno
route complain of the tediousuesa of
the journey but tbe Klamath route Is
worse Even tbe rail road rart' of It hr
uo better tbau our "small gauge' line,
aooordiug to statements of new'-oom1-era
over that route.
Surveviirn Imve twen wilt out
IflhiliK tin- route of the 1 1 1 him ure
follow I uu; t he uimp ral direct Ion of t h"
: prellmliiHi.r Hiirvi'y to Alturax. TIiih
Will tiike theui through ii rich
country nml it In proponed, iih kooii
'iih poMxitile. to coinph't" I hi line of
the .Neva !n, f'nliforiila Ori'ifoti to
i Luli'vlew mill north throuu'i L'ik
county Into centnil On-iron.
i Colonel II. alurd a.i'il IliM
tnoriilnu: that th'-rcare inure iip-ii at
oik in (ire on now on i In projected
lliiex of l lie t-.V Ht.-ni tlun
there have Imh-ii for tiioilthn On the
Kl iin itli I'ulN exteuxlou aloiK' then
are l't() iiumi nt work trying; to get
th' line 'o th" !ake by fa'l.
Mr. Iliillablrd (Iih uvi re 1 l' liran
I..i for Hariliimn that U, be I1rt
kii w Im piMi:i Ich im the nitc for a
count ry iHt ii te a ml Induced Marri i.iu
lo look at it. ! iiIho conducted t tie
iic ot ia t Ioiim for It m pnrchaM' and ha
liad ueneral cba:ue of the improve,
lin-iiti tliat have lti.'ii mad'.'-
Outer Lake region has been called
"The Switzerland of America," and
with the great pretiite obtained from
ilarrimau a connection witn it, w ill
.. ...
uu'iiiiiuiauijr ucuuuio a suujiijer rcuri, ;
of the nam popularity as ia tbe case
with California for a wiuter renoit.
This tact probably accounts now tor
the manifest aim of llariimau to give
that eectiou adiiect route to tbe eat,
via Lakevievv and probably striking
his ma'u line iu the vicinity of
Winnemucca, Xeva'la. Tbe wagon
road to Crater lake is one of tbe wor t
in America at present, atbough there
is a move uow on foot, nad advocated
and supported by Ilarrimau to con
struct a fine auto road to tbe lake
from eitbtr hide of tbe ui'uutaiu,
wiiicii uououehs w in o compieiea
. , the coming year lu some
places the road is very rocky, makiug
passage with au auto well-nigh lm-
possible lu one place it was uecesary
for the party to get out aud pile email
rocks against large oues iu order to
get the machine, over tbe obstruction.
But. tbe beauty of tbe lake, aud tbe
indescribable grandeur of the sceu, '
was woitb all the trouble tbe journey ,
The party did n t stay as loug as
tbey intended, sa tbe altitude of the
lake, somethciug over 7000 fet, made
tbe aii quite chilly, aDd especially
during nights and morniugs. But,
i all uuite iu saying that if oue wishes ,
, to see Nature in all its beauty aud .
graudeur, it is necessary to visit
Peilean Bay and Crater Lake.
Messrs Tohnson nnd Mur -
tb&rs. jonnbOll aim Aim
phy Preparing to Doom
Nevada Lands.
. , ,
thl .S7L V f k,c'". "ispasou or
.iu uas tum m say or me scheme !
Of tbe nieu here last week, who were
mistaken for Ilarrimau eugiueefs: !
Albort IH1. MnrnKw
. , 7 - - tu;i vnpbniu v vunnuu
Ndgeil ttre at wtifrk fofulftlir forfora-
linii.irl iulm nr a 1rfiU lanl .if Tann
II 11 n NHlflFrtM f ' v aau
III Nnvuifnl a'lirl Aflaii ii H that I:1'
may, upoil by buudrtl!s' pf I
farmers.. Tese three metf , have pleutf '
9! ,niney aud, have purc'hAd - more I
tyaa 5,qoq acres ,of fertiloi la U J in the)
cithern portion of .Washoe iCounty
(ijuc-oio tseno. . itiey win ;te as
sisted ty the State of Nevada in Ibeir
WotMluieiF tilve a llnuiiuet,,.
The Woodmen of tbe World aud tbe
Solace Circle have moved from the 1
Masonic to tbe Odif Fellows' Hall
They gave a banquet Just Wednesday
evening which was their last meeting
in the Masoulo Hall. There was a
large orowd in attendance.
Card playiug aud dancing were in
dulged iu. it waa a very pleasant
gathering aud eu joyed by all present,
. . - - - V ST
the editor and wife.
Mrs. BlKgn I'm going to get tt
Ifown to match my complexion.
Mr. Dljjrgs But Han't those hand-
painted kowiih awfully expeualve?-!
vn.5u ecna.
They Report They are Setting
Land Rapidly -To Begin
The Cortland Journal of tbe 1st iost.
ea Robert J. Martin, president of the
Oregon Va'ley Lnod company, which
U opemtiK the old military road land
grant iu Houthein Oregon east of the
Cascades, is in Portland today, en
rouet from Kansas City to Lakeveiw.
On his arrival at the Lake county
metropolis he will inaugurate exten
Hive operations, lucludini; the platting
of the Kraut into hiiihII aud large
f ai run. aud the installation by irriga
tion project to irrigate about W,fJU0
acres of land.
''Thecal- of the southern Oregon
lands of our company is prngreM-
rapidly iu the east," be said "The
stales of the middle wear seem to
kno aud like Oregon. Since tbe
Sail L';is vallpy land opening by our
', company last moptb in Colorado the
Oregon ale has taken on quite a
, boom. Of course our company is
tending out each month a vast aomunt
of printed matter advertising Oregon
; throiutout the '2:1 states in which the
!eale is on. But other good advertising
which Oreuon has had in tbe last few
years is helping to sell Oregon lands.
"We epxect to be able to bring a
good many thousands of people to
southern Oregon next year, when the
time cores for the partitioning and
distribution of tbe grant lauds among
: tbe buyers, Lekeview, which ia
' already the best town in tbe United
, States off a railroad, will be pretty
mre to have a boom. In our San
Luis valley laud opening we bad to
: start a new town, but in tbe Oregon
opening we have a good town to start
' w ith. Tbe new town of Blanca, which
wsa etaited on tbe San Luis tract
last month already has a population
of 300 permanent residents, and lots
have advanced to about three times
tbe price tuey were going imme liately
! fll ICI kUO UiirillUK. A u U I u " i. v-
not iced
owner WM holdln(f a 25 foot business
1 The Klamath Heiald says tbe Lake
; view Laud Office has 6eut out notice
tbt the plat for tbe survey of T. 35
S., Ii 7li E., W. M., as surveyed by
.Robert A. Smiuitt, was accepted by
n, u r :.,.,:.. i, c .. .
, Liuld OrUce, August 25. 1SM1S, and
that tne 8aj(i plat wlU be aled 1Q tue
Latevie ooie 0U November 2. 1108,
Bnd lMat an tbe iaud3 uot otherwise
appropr,ated or leserved w iU be sub
: ;
cation on aud after that date.
This township covers tbe northern
Going for
Narrow- Gauge
' Tbe Alturas Plaindealer of the 2nd
! lust, asys Norbert Mattes, up to tl'e
1 present time, has purchased nearly
! 4,000 bead ot beef cattle. The price
paid was tl ceuts, delivered, at the
'Corporation ranch. All of these
'cart e have or will be driven to Red
i Blutf tor shipment, littd the N. C. O
Rv. company given living raies to .Mr.
Mattes these cattle would all have
I be"n "hipped, but thinking they had
a cJnch deaiallded a ruinous rate of
View it flHI
i the compa'ft
cad walk tiy
'r, aud Meceut rates are not given.
i wiuu;j uo so. Tins item alone
represents a loss to the N. C. O. Ry.
of at ,east 10.WOO. arid it is only one
" T. . 7 08, lu 8 aai ler wy.
now belug Buffered.
uiui uniiLiia rii
A dispatch frOiU MoMiunville says!
. , . , .
'mil i iLtLdij mail
.i.iun cuuri uiBiauce : muer iroiu a uig commission housa
east of towo sold a budeb of 67 bogs ; iu Kansas City, Mo., requesting one
lately, fatteued at a cash outlay of ,' bo each of Hpitz-u burg. Yellow New
W2, receiving for tbem tbe sum of ' ton and Winter Banana apples be .
toiti.87, or a profit of o74. 87. pressed tbem, and added : "We are
f ni'eed at 28 a ton, Mr. Reld ;
"... P . l'u'" ' iuui ;
also allowed tbem to have tbe run of ,
a 100-acre Held of clover early in the)
eaBuu. no men jet mem nae a
mree acre ciover neid,
tbeu an elsht-
acre neia oi wheat, and later a foui
acre patch of peas. Tbe 100 acre field
of clover was mowed for seed, the
pasturing being a beuefit rather than
a detriment.
" Thus the bogs use only tbe product
from a 15 acres, giving a pro flit of a
little more tbau $38 au acre ut, fair
interest on laud at valuation on 1100
au acre, after deducting tbe cost of
putting In tbe crop,
The bogs did all
IDS DarVeSllUg.
NO. 41
lot at 1750, epxecting it to be a site
for a bank. The lot coat bim nothing
at the opening "
Mr. Martin is one of tbe country's
leading land men, aud this in net bis
first visit to Portland. He believes
this city has a great future, and is to
become one of the world's big marts.
Keing au experienced expert in
calculating tbe pobabilities of raiload
aud trade development, his opiuun is
looked upon as worth while.
With II. A. Hunter, president of
the Oregon Militaiy rioad (irant com
pany, be was a guest of President
Hodson and Tom ItichardHou today at
i the Commercial club s luncheon.
where Luke county's prospects for
rapid development were discussed.
1. U. Auten, one of our hardware
dealert- his been missing a lot of
chickens the last few oigbts, and be-
ing a member of tbe gun club, rushed
i nut several nights with bis six shot
Marlin with not much elne to find
no intruder, but the cbicken was
'gone. Monday night be again beard
a disturbance in tbe ben house, and
caught the rascal, a big skunk with a
'cheken in his mouth. J. H. grabbed
that cbicken, and Mr. Skuuk hung
'on for dear .life. But finally Auten
1 got the chicken. Tbe fkuuk ebowtel
' tight, and growled and backed under
'aboard. Auten went after him, and
'found 12 dead chickens there, four
of which were nearly eaten. Tba
skuuk woU'd urab tbe chickens and
, push tbem farther under tbe boards.
. But finally J. B. got a chance to
shoot him A'itbout getting too much
of bis bad breath, and settled Mr.
Skuuk for all time, and that, too,
; without smashing in the least bia
prefumery shop.
Mr Auten faye be has had experi
ence wibt skunks before but never saw
one so full of tight lie wanted tfiose
cickens and seemed determined to
keep tbem.
portion of the Upper Klamatb Lake
and most of Agency lake and ia
swamp and overflowed bud. That
portion at tbe mouth of Wliiamson
River and east of the lake is within
tbe Indian Reservation. Tbe north
ern portion of the township belongs
to Abuer W. Weed, and nearly nil of
tbe remainder is in private owner
ship. Tbia township waa included in
the laud withdrawn for irrigation pur
poses so all tbe Laud Office notice
real y means is tbat tbe survey has
been accepted by tbe Department.
The Ft. BiawellGold N'ugget, 2lth
ult, yuys; As was stated iu the .s'ug
gut, last week, Robert Mattes is n
tnis eectiou aud has brought mo; of
ttie beef iu the 13 id well vipiuity.
Tbe majority of cattle are good this
year as, most ot.our stockmeu did not
depeud upon outside rauge, but kept
their stock ou pasture. We uuder
etaud about tbe. lowest price paid was
21 for cows and t25 for steers. These'
sales place our stockmen in a position
I o nniin to O h ri no f rtrlv R 1 1 eieil
lili .t.z? r-
ht'-W. hi '.: oneUthoS
. " ur less -) bouchL
none will be shiped over the N. C. O
Ky., ow ing to business tactics appear
ing iu the form of a ravenous. Klut
touous animal. v
COMING 10,000
Tha KvunltiiAp thia u..l, 1 j
" inurivwi a
uumiiill iu UUiaeo UO088 LiHke Vallav
10,000 strong duriug
the yea iut
So getlreadv for ua. W r.
stay.' r There is room fori
ult ! tt.eiu
and more too I
The; Examiner thinks it wan Mr,Lel
Held, the great Chicag , n en haat
who sad: "There is no b tt-r lodloa
tlon of the prosperity and go ahem I
ativenesa, of a towu'fban a bandBome
ly printed newspaper filled to over
flowing with well wiitteo advertise- .
meats, set up In tastily displayed
type. It shows a strong commercial
spirit, aud to men fiom such towos
we always extend a hearty welcome,
and give tbe greatest enoouragment."
There la a moral here for some if they
will take tbe trouble to look Ut it.