L K K i'f rv vv1Ink HKKVIHW. ORKtlOV. TIII'IIHIJA Y, SKI 21 A Reliable Remedy Ely's Croum Bsfm ll quit My altam linil, (tlvei n.ll,.f Onu. II cli'ior-im, honl lira, III III Hill lll'lll-l'l tllll 'H' IH l llll'i I. Iiiniiii ri-N'i ' i tn f 1 0:11 I 'llllll I ll 'I 1 , l I lH iiwuy ii '"l l in I'm lli-wl 1 1 1 1 . My. I.i . V lnre I In. Srii'M h .f i I miii iiml rum H. I n , r . , , , intH ur I V lllilll. l , f,,r , l.ly lliiiili.'ii,.',i Viinii Hiii ! .' ATARRIi r r::.r : ' ii M ChadwicfcV Choice, JASET O 71 EGG. If In' married nrii! c til .ii j fur tiinifcir. i lung trip pyi IkIih .1 I'm . I.ln i .ii I'V Ah'l'Mf.H lakeview Ciar Factory V. St lift M. I'rni Mriki'r of I I.i vun.'i ;i ii(l Doi.tcstie Ciy nrs MJITKV OHIO I'll NIII.M'ITNI 4 lr tlx lilnl Mure 111 II I i build'-iy in' 1 "I'm! in I'i-i V Kiim loon ,nlnvii'v', Hi'iiv'iiti Nolcle 6: Reynolds H jtise, Sin and Carriage Pa i 11 ters Papi-ring and Knlsoiiiiiiing Otllci- Willi WiiiiilriH'k A- r.iirncM o'lici'iil HhickMliill lis Lakkvikw . Okic.ov VV A N TI: D A n.i (IV II I II fipl-ciill I V I H i I III I.I iitath o In 1 1 i- c 'ii 1 1 1 1 li 11 1 o-IIHe inlpiir t i Ii i III '('IIII'II I H III I III lC I 1 1 ''I Hill' llllll lli ill II I II ' I I Ths Heal Estate Tort I't'nihoin Bldg. tcuri.y l Cliitcgo, III. I liiiln' 1 I. iiml rsiiitie 1 )i'iin I iniMit t f 1 1 n Ititciinr 1' I. llllll I Mllcii Hi. Lnl;eUe,v, (lir j . 1 Aiimirt 1:, V.Hh. Notice i hereby nivcii Unit I 1 1 V 1 TATKll, 11I l.iiki'VU-rt. Oicumi. who mi .In.' y -. i:n,Vi, iiiiulii Timber mi l StuiH' A 1 1 I i fit t . N 1. t'i'il, 'ur W Imlr v linil. SiTtiini j, 'I'uw n. iii. :;: S., loive I i;., Will Mi 1 i liiin. bin- lllinl Ill'tlCC lit tilt flit lull til Kl'lk" I' IiiiiI l'Kiiil, tn f -IiiI'IikIi rliilm ti I In' lilllil ill 'Ur ili fi'i llif I, lii'InlH Kihlil Illlil I !-1 ii , lit l.iikc view, I Itii'. in, mi If K'.tli ihiv "! N .ivi-iii 1'i-r, I'.n-. ('lilllllilllt lllllllfn II" W 1 1 IH'hHl'K Kiel S. 'I'n' rii, Hilt S. Till 1 11, li.t.iV" II Klevi-us, .)iikI'ii 111 lirii-c, nil nf 1 ,! Vlf . in-k'i'il, A'JK 'J'J .1. N Wati-mi. Hi ui' Artec (in , i'n CM r iiii'ii 1, in on nini dill hii It . pendulum i". iM,g in h 1 iimiI'i. fill, -mi. for linvlil riimiu I I'lll' K'"l'll"- 'if fill (11114-. V lllilll ,f I,' j HIIK l ii'inl in Vlllll, iik i,,l ,rf r.H'f Willi linlr fi-i;nl:i,. i ,i,i , ,.. I'ioip i !, -!! mill r.iill ,i ..i I hi M' ll:l, I , . 1 1 : lllilll' ii 11 1 1 1 1' 1-1 iii'li,' to 11 p v 'ilk liuli'l. ii'ii. IiIk iliiy'H lion,, I j nili liiivr Inn vlit ipn I luim f(lf ,, ! iiniilli liming lilx nNnTlliijr ii-rl,i, I Ami nIIII luni. hiih nut miililifil ,. 1 II I lint llkf v. I111I In. ti-rnifil Tnniy" jfiiilH. 1111,1 tin. ,.V Ifiijjllijor tin. , I j if film ili'iilM., ti ! in of ilMiiiiftlti.. i Iiii'ii It iv.iM tin it Null I ,11 nunc ; l (III IIIIKl'l nf I 1 1 I'M ll r llllll Ifil llllll !l'l IllT llMllll- III III,. HUllllllH, Wlll'lf Miivi- ili'Miiiifil nil Unit nun ,ii iM-for,. C'lin iiml ri'Julif.l In tlif iiliKfin-i. of 11 (l III or fni-f. "I llnll't MMJiliim,. 1 1 I ,M tlOi!ft 1 1. fill will ii;,i,'iil In Jiiii." Kill, I NfM i '.'. Illl OMl'lllllllllllN IIHIllfHt.V . "Vi lll'f I1I11I11 niiil,i inn InTf, 1111 I lifter ymir , inniil Imli'l It miiHt Hi'fin Hklmpy, linil M lifti I mm you on lln- nvi'iMii I xnlil tu in; Hi-lf. 'I'll In't t Int Cm llnvi ' liiiilulrk, iiml I'm u'.iIiik to imU U liniiif, mi iiuilliT iilnit In- inny think.' I Von li.ni-n't i-liiuiK'-il n nilie. lime. ; "Ini i- mi Irft I.11 ifin e." I Now. 11 is ,i.ii!iiii fur 11 mini ulio 'll-llll l-X llllll III- H 1,1'K'llllllllK to look 1 I tu 1 1, ,1,1 iiml In- iIih'x 11, ii (Jirfer lii ; 'li'ii'lll' il ifli'f r.ftreli li'lil'N. nil, I fur .ii- lilt linn- I m vi- ili-flili-'l I I1.1t Nell ' v ;i-i lu ll iii if 111. 11 U.il.ly yuiini; lifihfil I! til liul I.1111M Hint i-ll Iml :iif fii.'li nliiilli-,1 tin- iiiiiiii-ruim ,f. I lli'l nf till- lll'H f'liil-MM in till- lll-WH l'in; mill IiiiiI hriiinli'il tin- vli-liiltj Ills l i,. r.,r . 1 t .i'ri.n- hIii- Iki, I ., im ..ii hlui. 11 ;ii:tri'iitly l,y i liinni.. "I I I I, HI 1,1 !f ,l,'f lln- lluitum i.i, I.umiui linvi- in hl'i nilv lite, lifl'ui'i' In' h ii xmii- went 1,1 j i-i'U 1111, 1 eii'tiliiiiily tlml furluiii- ' lien tin- ni,i'm i:ii Inlifii u) till- ' llfU'.'i lll.-lili- llliiilllllii.'i.iliillll', M till- j i'i-'. I i-rmi- they Iiml t;iken iii tin- j iie-.v'v l.orn Imliy elfiliimt nf the fir- ii'.. Nell Iiml len.I nil lln- ft i-1-m mill :ii'! ili'ii'iniliii',1 Unit I'iim- 11111I IiIh mil. j 111 ,!i.iiil,l I ,.'.!! ii lift' 1 in i 111 1 y . "I.i- . lllilll mil 11 1I11111I1 fnul." Kill lul'l lief luullifl' "II' f enn Imlil I' hi , 1 l.ffiii',. lln- oiIiits iln I'll m- innr- -ti I 'I I mlirl I fttiifl ini, l I fiin 1 11 nt nl tin- Inlei i 1 ir, I'. l.iiinl (Hlii'i-iit liikevieii, (lii'uii. Aniiii-I I.', Ili'H Notl'i- . tieifly v'ivt-ii tut KI.MKI: il()V 1 , 1 1. ,,r l.nli.'i ten. ( in i.ii, 11 1,,., on Ju.y II. I'.ns, : .. a, I 'I'lmlinr nn, Ktulie A , I lent ion. No. I'7, lor N Imlr Ni: uiinrter. See. 1. T 111 S . I,'. 17 I". , N Inilf NYV iiiurti-i. Sretii n 1; Tow ii"lili M S.. Kiiiim- s ;. V, Meii. linn, I it- llleil n itleeof inlenli ni to tiuiKe 1' 1 11,1 1 1'riint. -In 1, tu! 1I-.I1 elllilli In I l,i lllilll lilini I- ill, I'i le I, l,e fore leu l-ti'l unit l.'ireiier. nl l.iM View, (Itee ,, on I lie '.Mil iluy i,l Nui etnliei, r.'nrt. (.11,11 i nn' i.nnii'N 11 h nitii," ,- I'll.i (Irii.i-iiH. I ' vi II. nini' I, l''i'um lli-.i:, of l.ahi'Vleti . I )e.'i,i, 1111,1 ( C'linn, ,1 1'iii-lev, m AX -".' I. N 111. I.', u 7 IH, i-ti-r. !.. ,,,1, A I'utlntf InvrAlmrnl Mr. .lulu. liite, of :t.s 1 1 ililmnl Ave, I luiill on. Mm ne. kii.k: "lluie lieeu lllilll, leil with 11 eou.'li eleiy whiter mnl hpriiiK. hin-l winter 1: trleil inniiy ml veil Im-il 1 fine.' uh, hut j the I'liiitlli I'oiiliiineil until I lnniK'lit a oie lint tie of Dr. Kiiik'n New Din ooviiry ; lu-fniii (hut wim hirlf koho, tliu roiitth hum all cuiie. 'I'IiIm winter the Hume Impl y ri'Mill tin s followed J 11 fen iIuhi'h oiiee more Imn ialiod tliu Hiiniiiil I'liiiuh 1 hid now con v I u cod Unit Dr. Kiiii'h New Diweovery Ih thu lii-Ht of nil ci 11 1 k li mid mm riuneillea. Hold iimler Kiiiiriintee 11 1 A. I,. Thorn ton ' Diiik Hlore. .rKli). mi, 1 Triul liottle true. 'l.lHlK Mil H1HAIOIIT l TUB FACB ANI HA y 'I III l- AGAIN.' lot olijei l 1 It llOIIII II Wild II InllK , llllulll, nun nip Ii of I1I-1 lolling.- Ii.il ou.el iiwir. I lien lit In . he f,, 1, I h!i,i ,.f o, (I,,. lorloiiH' tooi. He wm rn'lier fitml I111I tin- li,l.;, I mm. ic tu !,i- dour. ll vim 11 .ii liilii Ki-n t, , ,',. w,m ,,,,( PMiii-, ll .. the Muulil lime rilulied to le- iluur mHIi o li -il.illnim v. eiconi' I Ii It llllll- miild In- ileil liil'v nfipioveil r. "They will he hneli In 11 11 hour." mill j In- fill. "They Imve imlv yuiii- i,u u I SOU II on 11 kIiiiiiIiij; t-nir. mid they lllll In- inny In h.ne iiilmieil yun . Won't you w nil '" j ( hiplwli'li lie II, lie, I im, I i.iik I0-1I lie went lulu the Utile nirlor mi'l llel.lil (Hit the llini.t rolnfol til IiIh ell.'ilr j I lie (.'II I i;iu-e, nt tin- iluur I "Clin I e I jnn mi , llilnn liefure I fu?" hIii- nM(eiJ HolieltniiMly. "Tb iiuiiilni,' niier Ih itpMt.-i i-4. I 111 11 gel I t In n moment. " , "I'd rnllier tnlk," mild Clnnlivlek j .'oinfuiliihly, e wim hiiimry fur coll- ciilnl eniiiiiiiiluiihhli, mnl llif Illtle iiiild wum very ililTereiit fiuin Nell. ; foinetiini-M Dnvi- Kiew 11 Illtle tired of , Sell 0 ful her ImiIiI flattery. ; "I riin't Hlop." cried the iflrl. "It l linking ilny. mnl I linve the oven full." , "When Minn Ilnltun i,H' nil tin- .onUtiifV" 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 - I Chiidwlek. "I lllilll luive to Invi-Hllnle." lie Iiml lieen no lleiliellt n culler lliat he knew from which door Nell wim I ' iistunifd to put In nn iiiM iirnin e. tier Kleevi'H lulled up nnd fin iiduin Me I11I1 of Hour on her mniey chin. In iiuilnir the frightened protentH of the Illtle uiiild. he pilKhiil lili nay Into the kllclien. In Iht eiiilmrniKyuiont Iiorn Iiml fur 1,'iilli'U Unit Nell hud cliilnied the cook ery fur her onu mid that upon thin Inlent ulie had counted for the winning f liinli'. Ick. Now (hat the cut was Jilt of the liaji the prntiahlilt lex were (lint Nell would turn her coiimIii Into the Mreet. She liiherlled 11 hhlewisll temper fmni her iimilier, nnd Dura knew licit (In- two women Mould lie iiiiplni'iilile. I liinlw h i; Kiiirfed the uplcy odors nnd tiit'lii-d In 1'ie Klrl. "Ni .1011 me the fairy of the kltch en V" he mild. "Nell dues nil the work. I luxt jwnteh the things w hen she k'X'H down low ii," deiileil I torn hasllly. j Chailwirk put one linger uniler the l Jluipled chili mnl riiiseil the fie e llmt ue iiiij. in iimik mrniKtit into tin- ;ra.v . l" CM. I "IK,k me KtralKht In the fine und ny linil iicnin." he couiiii.imlisl. I Thu luliK lash.-s fell over the 1 1', milled if.ves iim Dura strunled tu make her de ; i In I iinivliiclii;. ihadwlik laughed, i "l.ink here," he mild as he releasi-d , tier cum. "I came out here today to ,iisk the hand of the woman who had j I inailc me coiiifuitalile. It Is nut that I l:-ared ho much nliotit what I had In jwit. It Is not dial 1 can uet a dinner j here without having to Mghi thn ! waiters nnd (he ma it re d'hutel Th u wasn't what nppealisl to me. though Ihey do nay that the way to a nian'H I heart Is thmtigli his stomach. That :ouiuls funny. Imt really a man dnesn'l ' marry Just a cook. ! "I wnnted the woman who of all the : uillll"" I pie In this dig tow n cared : "iiough fur old friendship (n cume and resi'iie tne from the ma It re and the jmeiiu. It wasn't ju( the Idea of din ner, hut (he home. 1 want n home jf my own. and I wanted her to run It , fur me. Itut It seems that she did nut (lell (he (ruth about the cooking. I miess the rest of It Is pretty much of ilie mime piece of goods, and It won't Hiind the wash, ll n you I want, little j woman, not because you can cook I j lon't know Just w hnt It Is. but I want you. i "Vou slip on jour lint, nnd we can 'run down to city hall and get a license iatid a wedding rertllicate in no time at all." I "Why, you don't even know rnv Tim In-r In nil ire Departii.i-nt of t. li? I n I ri or, U. K. Kmil Olllce nt I-8k-vltw, Dreon, AmiiHt 12, i:iH. Notice is hi-n-l.y vhcii that l'l!ANK (. 'IW)IU'.D, of l!onmi7n, Oregon, ". 'i July !, l!iH, in m I Timl er arid Htonn Ap licnl ion, No. 0.V2, for NK ipinrtfr. Ki-clion .'ill, Towimhip .fs H., Iliinun 17 i;.. Will. Meridian, Imn filed notice of Mention to make I'lnal I'rnof, ti; iHtnbilrth cliiim to the land aiiove (li-Hcriln d, dcloip l.'egii-ter and I Keeeiver, at I .n k v leu , Oregon, on thn ,lilh day of Noveitn.er. llflS i Cliiiiiimit iiiiincH ii- w it iienHi'M ; ver II'. M. Cory, Henry Ni-we Wm. i Ilmnmf ruh-v. of Lnkeview, Oregon, 'mid .In en H DiiHesoll, of iJuiuhi.h, i Iregou. jA'JiKl'.'J .1. N. Watnon. IJegihter. LAKEVIEW 5ADDLERV s. v AHLSTROM. I'roprle'or ol er for 'iliillcili.ni lilei', Tmrl ri Hi.if i. m Htt.t', I.iikevi iv. Oregi n, Land OIlie, Aiigtit-t I), i:M)H. Notice is hen-hjr given that, as dir ected by the (ViiiiinidHloner n ' tho (ieiieral Laud Ofllce, umler the pro viHionH of Act of CongrcrM approved .IniieVn", l!HHi, I'ul, lli;No. 'MY.',, we will offer nt public Hah,, t0 ti)H highent bidder, Ht in o'clock a ru ,on the i'dh day of (September, IIhiH next, at thia oflli-e, the follniviiig tract of lanfJ, to, wit: NWoiiiler NWiiiintler. Kee. W ,T. .'(8 S., it. 'in K.. W. M. I Any pernofig claiming adverrely the ' j above di-Hcribed lands are advised to (He thi ir cliiiuiH. or objeclioiiH, on or j before the day above designated for, I Hale. j " J- N. Watson, Heigt-ter. , Fred V. (,'ronemiller. Receiver. 1 x x & & & s & 2 & S A i A i A lie ltt 'aji"," He on the market. A AImh ii coinp 'ifid buggv te line of w ngi, Whin HplJf hiirneHH, robiM. rlntiiH, bits. ijulrtH, rin.etti H.in (net every tiling; in the line of cnrrlnge nnd I i in hiii.lfMi gn. J , pnirlK y compftetit m-u A 4 Si. r no t7r . V, "V.i M 4 A 3 - 4 Timber ljuil tlr-- ' Department ot the Interior, ,U. S. i Land OMIee at Lakfiew, Oregon, AugiiHt I'.kiH. Not ice is heiebr iiven that MAI! I Kill; IJ. WHITKliUL'Si;, of Lake-! I view, Oregon. wt,o on June 4. l'.H)H. : j iniide limber and otone Mplir-aticn, No. I Mi:' i, ferial .No, for SW quarter ! Section, -J T'MVKBhip '.'M S , Kange '1 K., ill. Meridian, has filed tint ice of ' intention to make Final I'rnof to eB i tablihh claim to the land above des Icribed, before Kegii-ter and Keceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on the lllth day j of October, lt'H, I C'liiiiiiniit names as wituenHes: ' A 1 1 ii L. Whitehouge, (j. W, Hardiaty F. II. Sny ler. It. A. Paxton. all of i J.akeview, (Jregon. S 111 lo 15. J. N. Watson, Ileginter. COURTEOUS ERECTED IN 19(H) ' MODERN THR0U0MOJ 7 "IRS-CALSS ACconnonATioN SAHPLE ROOfl For COHHERClAi TRAVELER TREAT MEN LIGHT & HARROW, Propneto; F P 1-UiHT QEO HAkHOW 3EVING MACHINF. kOLLER BEAMING. HIGH GRADE. nv-' . . .-...'.-;.- fa'.'j- "'iX ( , l imber l.aiij Nuilcu Depni tuient of the Interior, U. S. Laud OHIce nt Lakeview, Oregon, Augiiht V.I, 1008. Notice la hereby Rlvea that MAKY V. WlUSllIKfcJ, of Lakovlew, OreKOu, who, nu July 11, VMS, in ado Timbor and Stone Application, No. OBI, for K half NK quarter, N half SEquurter, Section 10, Township 38 S., Hunge 18 K., Will. Meridlao, lias Hied notice ot iutoutl'iu to muke Final I'roof, to entiililinh clulm to the laud above des cribed, before Iiegiuter and Koceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, ou the 10th day of November. l'.K)8. Claimant names as wltuesflea: Dave Joihm, Miinuel J. Kwartz, 1'. F Wil uliire, ('hiirles Uuibucb, all of Lake view, Oregon. AaoO'.'J .1. N. WutHou, Kogloter.. NilNlll (-llllll I'll ipiickly yioli1n to treat. unilit ley the iigieiiiililn, ai'ouiutic Kly'd (.Jleliiil Uillll. It in received llll'ulliill the Ui'HliiU uud eli'iuiHi'H and lu nls (ha w hole mirliu'ii over which it iliiluH.n iiHelf, lrug. gi'its 8' U tho fide. aizo. Test it ami yon arn miro to oontiuuu the trmitmcut till re lieved. Announcement. To iici'ouiiiiod.ito iIiiiho who nro nnrtiul to tllll UM,1 of nt iHinxor.i m upilyiug liquids into thu iMHiil pusisiigeH fur ctiturrluil trou. biff, tho proprietor prepare Oriiuiu lliilm lu liipu I for u, wiii h will be known aa Kly'n liipii l Ci'.'.kiii it.ilm. l'riro iui'lmlmg tho nprnyiii; t ii 1 10 in 7.' nt. Drug:iMU or by iii,,ii. 'J im li'ii:d form eiiilMiilim tha mod. loiuul prupiirlina of tliu build prtipiirutiou. If you nee (blnklng; of oi'miiilzliux itock coin puny ueo our new Buiiijilt name!" cried the atarlled uhl lu-lote the end of the , - ,.,, kMleKS," WUH ,lt. ,.,,,( uvy you nee whnt the paper i-Tni nt fumir,,! ,,r n... ,., ...i... ' p l.tll .1. ...V ,,lf, if, cooking , gave me mv flrat sinri ..i i,. i... nble to trace his likeness In Cleon Ulnke's dnugblor. They told me that (hey did not know where you were, nnd today when I recognized you It was that which first suggested the falsehoods they have been telling and led me to Investigate the kitchen. We can pay them buck for their food. They'll be content so long as they get a lot of presents. Will you come, Dora?" Something In his tones appealed to I lie girl, and she looked luto tho eager eyes that searched her blushing- face. She had been sorry for Chad wick, and . piiy is niitn io love, ne read his an swer In her eyes, and a great light of plndness came Into his own ns he lcnt nnd reverently k!s.--cd the tip of the dainty ear, fur her face was hidden flgnlnst bis strung ah, ml, ler. tied to him mouth. !ii aalil the o:licr day about bis bacon hi his room and getting the halls all Mindly? He's pick of the French stuff the hotels all have, and there Is nu one In give him what he wants be"auso lu dues not know where to look for it. We'll have him over here to dinner, and well, he'll want t come agalu." Mrs. Horton had nodded approvingly upon her well preserved daughter, and bo tho campaign was begun. They were fortunate In tho posses sion of a depeudent relative. The Ilortous had an Income, small, but as sured, aud when CTeou Blake had died penniless they Jiad permitted his daughter, Dora, to cuter their house hold nominally as a member of the family, but In reality as a superior cook. It was she who bad cooked the din ner which had so pleased C'hadwlck and which brought him frequently to the little house. The men who were iromotlng his syndicate Insisted that io must uot remove from tho hotel to 8 boarding bouse where his simpler needs could bo Bulted, and It was only at the Ilortons' that he could escape that terrible menu card, with Its res taurant French and Its ovorrlch sauces. lie d!d not always want steaks and roasts, mid the knowledge that there were good things on tho bill which hi? could not translate only added to his dissatisfaction. II v as afier nu especially trying ini-iil n( tin- hotel that Pave armed hi in sell with a box of violets and sul lied forth to propose to Nell. He had Blewly come to the conclusion that Nell was no longer ns you hit as she pretended to bo, but she ofT 'i-ed escape from the hotel, and hi- im- ;;1; of tha place sick of Its cuisine, Hs grinning l ellboys, Its servile waiters and Its ar- rogruir clerks. Ills business sponsors at least could j- I Automitle 4 THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY' Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal CWe occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. CSaid A Business Man : " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said an Educator: "The quality of instmo tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest C.Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. References: Any bank, any nev soaper, any business man ,r- Portlaud ri 1 7. . a. by buying thb reliable, honest, high grade sew. ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. iVational Sewing Machine Cc SAN FRANCISCO, CAi rCruV Al BELVIIii-r!. :u. nl Ire for I'ulilicalion . Department of the Interior U S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, August 10, UK'. Notice is hereby jriveti that U1RAM M. HAMILTON, byj. M. tiatehelder, his attorney in fact, of Lakeview, Oregon, has tiled iu this oliice his apppcetiou No. 0315 to select under the provisions of the Act of June 4, 18'JT, (30 Stat., 3ii), the S half NVV quarter, Sec 4, T. 35 S., II. IT I-"., W. M. Any aud all persons claiming ad verely the lands describe!, or desir ing to object because of the mineral character of the laud, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant ebould tile their affidavits ct iiotes. in this office, ou or before the lotk day of October. IO08. J. N. Watson, Register. The above notice will be published Ui the Lake County Examiner, at Lwkview, Oreeon, for a period of at least thirty days prior to the data labt hereinibove mentioned. A'1S'J4 J. N. Watson, Register. LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED - Schools For Animals. "Toil never heard of schools for ani mals? Well. Unit shows your Ijjno rauce," said the professor. "There- is nu elephants' school lu Klain," said he. "Youur elephants ar taught In It to take up aud carry lu their trunk j great tcitkwood legs no eusy tusk, for tho logs require delicate balancing. They are t.mght to kneel, to answer to tho various strokes of the iiukus, or B.i.id, and, lik saddle ho rues, they learn several milts. Pets' schools abound tin- w.Hld oci. ';". ri ntv schools for while mice, fur iiuvil'.cys. for song bird;, not t,. ciuJlnn the fa mous piioiii,j.-iiiih school I'". ii..,:iin:; pnrrots Io lull; that Is the pride of Philadelphia. The big rtenV-i l i wIM nnlmals ii.-ii:ill n,n mm i ' . ,, ,.i Where l!"ni, tiiu-rs. be.tr'- 1 i m r m t. 3 m A COMPLETE RECORD ! e have made i which, in any in entire transcript of allIccorcls in Lake County, way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. hiiuiMiimmmi, ERRORS ROUND. are tar,"':' ore vi"--- j tamed Hon. rnpn:v""v. broken i.iic .! ' t'l. l.y "ilnMo on!v win illV .1) .1 . Ill or In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed recoid and not indexed; and many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed at all, and ate most difficult to trace up from the records. i. lb We have notations of all these Errors: Others cannot find them. We have speni hundreds ol dollars hunting up these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. 4 J