Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 10, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Vtre-1'resld nt
Secretary of State. .
fvrtetary of Treasury...
' feoretary of War
Attorney toners!
roatmalcr tieiioml
Secretary of Navy
Nccreu-ry Interior
Secretary of Avr-i'iiltiire
Scrrciarvot l oiiiincroe
Ohlet J'iile
Vi'spuHon Warner. V. S.
VV Ku hard r.
. . .ThoCsloTT- Rooclll
. . . (has. . Firt'tm
Kith ii K. 1
.. . . i;oo. I Corn lvon
Wm II . ta'
rhas J. Honaeerie
Von t,. M.v.t
. c M.icslt
JfcS. li. Os'llC'd
James W Hsot
Oscar V. sirau.
. Men Hie w KmII'-i
elision l Vlnllilsslollt"
S. I .and 'ommtl-n"
l.eo. fhamt"-! Is't
K. A V.iit
K. VV . Hi-l.-oe
' l.eo . MO- I
A . M . I ' r s u l.n1
K rcary of stale
A t mniey i"'"rl
Savo. 1'nt'lic Iti-trui tiott.
j t i r y hp' Food rem
V S Senator.
t ont-resMiien . -
! itii jri'ii i
Jolul Senator
,1 II A. k.'-..ini
S. p.irtnst
J V . ;'' T
t John M . are
, c. w Kk.i- n
l Hun; r Her" il
, J N W : I'ts n a
H I.. Hens- ti
o. II Mt i r ci.i.
. it. !snsy
.W.J. Moore
r s. i.anii ufkii k.
.. v. w on
Fred I ir-oionillier
; -i r
Treasurer . .
School Snpt .
Survevor .
K. V I a lie
Allwri l
O. Mi --Irotn
A J !' i r
B Jackson
M. Faulkner
C. A. Hi hurt
H R H rvtor.i
W III. I'WI'lloot
Stock Inspector
H--" Bailey
V. ftnelllng I
I. J. Wilcox J
J. S. Watson j
J.S. Lne
w. B. Snider
Co incilmeii
. Kecorde:
A. O. V. W.-LAKF.VIKW t.OPC.K NO. 111.
Meet every second and fourth Thursday of
each nionth. In Wa-orlc Hull. Lakeview.
Ch. Tonningwn. W.M.; Wm. U tint her, F.
No. T? I. ofH.. A.O 1". W.. Meets first and
third Thorsdavs of each mohtli in Masonic
Hall. Cora Green C. ofH.: Selma Price. I.
of H . ; Vida Gunther, C. of Frances Ny
waner. RecorOer.
I. O. O. F--LAKEV1EW I.OPi.E. So 63. I. O.
O F., tneeta everv Satutdav evemne in 0ld
Fcllowa Hall, at 7:30 o'clock, from K-tober 1
to April 1. and at fc olclx-k from April I to
S-iitember 30. Ioren Ha'ley, X .; E. F.
Cheney, fcecr.tary
1 O. O. F.. meets the first and third Thurs
day .venin of eacb month in Odd Fellows'
Hall. Lakevlew. It. K. Herylord. C. '., C. O.
Metrter, Scribe.
2i. I O. O F., meets the s-eond and fourth
Fridavs of each mouth in oM Fellows' Hail.
Mis. Alice Bnntlne, X Mrs. W L. Hert
ford, VV. G; Mrs. M. I' Moss. s.-,-retary ; Mrs.
L. J. Magilton, Treasurer.
men of thi-World meets ou the t-coud and
fourth Wediu-aday of each month iu MaMnic
Hall, at 8 o'clock, p in 1.. HaiUy, t'oiisiil
Commander; E. N. Ja.Uih. . K rt
first fcuuday In eaeh month, prewhiuir at 11
a. m. Aside frotr thi. preachiuK .-very Sun
day at 11a. m. aid 7 Mp. m. at Ijite.l-
Sunday Sehoil at 10 a. m. Ir-je t6:p.
m. Prayer Meeting Thursday 7: p m
Ladies Aid Wednes-iay l:su p in Choir
practise Friday 7:: p in A cordial iu na
tion is i-xteinlea to toiiii.
A.J'. AKMSTRoNC,. Pa-tor
at New Pine f're k, Oreiron. Pr- aotuii s-.r-vicei
at U A M and 7::tup M of eat ii s.inday
of eterv niouih Sunday 1 A J.
Prayer Service at 7:'0 i. n w dn-dity eeuiu
of each weed Ad are cordially lm-.-e-l to
itu-ii'l hen-ri-e
J. H.lVIil.N HOW ARK. 1'astor.
Preachinx service at II A M and 7 P M on
each Sunday. Sunday S ljoi.l at 10 A M
Junior Society at S:JI) P M. hsptist Vnutur
People's t'liion at 6::v P M on each Sundny.
Prayer M-cinir at 7:'I'M Wednesday eve
ninit. Ever) Ixxly ited to atteml ail ser
vices. W.A.HOPKINS Pastor
and Benedietioii at lUo'clm-k a. m . suietsy
achool after Renediction. We k dsv Ma- t
6:i in. I. A. VASTA. s J.
r A. WITH'M M. D,
PlllHM I . unit s K. F.O
Orpgon. ?
. Oregon
New Pine Creek,
Wm. P. PA INK.
L n j , ' ; e s i' a xi s ; 1 1 v i : y 1 1
J'rornut and farofu attention t'lven
to Kurvi'.vs if Lunds and Townsiti-H,
Mfip work &c. SettlerH locatt tl, hand
and Town jirois-rty fors.i!t.
Exchange for Ranch
I will trade fur a ranch with
K'"d water supply my la rye toui
lii car. 1 1 Ih u Wl.iu- St,.,,ni. i in
good condition, lias top. lumps
und I'M ni tln-H. Is wuril, !(1mmi.
I will run it up to Lakeview if
Bulted. Address, jii in full juir
ticularrt of your ranch tu
lil.'I North Iirowii Stitt't,
N'AI'A, Cai.ii -'OKMA
Tlnthrr poller
Not OohI Lnnil
I.-iartmtnt of the- IiiitTior, V. 8.
I. mil OttU-o nt LnkeTif. Dtvon,
Antjnst 1!, 1.HW.
Nidu- i lM'ctT uivc. thnt
AUNOl.P I'KKSS. of I.Hkcvlow, Vto
krciii, a ho, on J it nt ".', I'.HW, tnHii
I'iiiiImt rihI Stoit( Al'i'licntMU, No.
I .'IT. Strt:tl No (V!IS, (or S Itulf SV
ItiitrtiT. Sect ton II. Towtihliiii US S. ,
Khiiwo l" K. Will. Mcri.liHii. hit tilcil
,itict of ititt'tif ion fo unkt KiiihI
i 'roof, (n i-flHi lisli ilitiin lollio IhmI
i I'd. ilcsci ilie I. l'i-!or' K'C i!tr ittoi Hi IiiUticiv, (ircton, on the
i 1 il iv o! Nov -ml or. I'.H'S.
I'litim.uit timttr im il tie-i-cs : Mary
I'M. John t'oclitii-i. I'ly ii .'oK' n,
of" I -akev ic a, Oii'KOti. mi l .1 unit's Tiiit
of A 1 tiro. in, I'ltlitornl:!.
A'JOtVJ-J ,1. N. Uiif-oti, iu'k'istt'r
Ttmt-r I. and Vitka
Nol Co.'tl l.tinil
IVl'iirtinetit of the Interior. I. S.
I, ttiiil l)!llt' nt L.tikrvicA, (iri'noit,
AnnuM li i:tw.
Ndtift" I- Itereliy yiven that l.Ol'IS
II. KNtJL'KS'l'. "if rinfli. (tifon,
who, on .Inly "JO, UV1, it'itilo litnt t-r
mill Stoop A-uilU'iif ion. No 0i:i;, lor
V hHlf N I'. ii.n ter. h half NV .innr
lor, . Scftitui Ut'. Townhit It'
K.tin'e IT K , Will. Met'litian, hit
flltil notii'e of. intention to timko
r'inal Troof to frtHt lisli cldim to the
litiiti mI ovh tiesfril't'il, liotoie Kt'w'istt-r
Hurt Kecelver, Ht jkevit, Dreiiou, .
on the llth iltty of Nuvenilier, UK'S.
('litMintnt nuiiies an wituessen: Jaitit's
it. Barker, John . Marker, Win. K. ;
llHmtnerley, Henry Nell, all of1
Lakeview, Ornti. I
A'.MSU J. N Watsou. Keister.
Tmibi r Land tic
Not Coal Land
Department of the Interior U. S.
Lau-1 Office at Lakeview, OreKon,
August li l'AVS.
Notice ia hereby siven that U.
ralth Ctinuitik'hHin, of Pltmh, Ore
Hon, who ou .-'uly Ji', IIHW, made Tim
ber aud Stone Applieation. No. 0141,
for nV (jnarter SW quarter. Sec. "4,
N half NW quarter. Sti ittarter NV
(tnarler, Seotiou 'i Township ' S. ,
Kauce 21 K., Will. Meridian, has riled
nt t ice of intention to make Final
Proof, to establish claim to the laud
above described, before Keuister and
Receiver, at Lakevie. Orekjon, on
tbe ICth tlay of November, litis.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
J Keilley, of Heuo, Nevada. V. II.
BeneHel, and F. II Oliver, ot P.tisb,
Oregon, aud C. V. Dent, of LJikeview,
A-J0O-J2 J. N. Watson, Ketjister
state ind otirc.
U. S. Land JtHce, L.akeview, Ore
pou, July , , liHW.
Notice is hereby ivu that tbe
Stae of Oreou had Bled iu this office
its application to select under tbe
provisions of the Act of Congress of j
August 14, aud the Acts supple i
mental and ameudtc ry thereto. the fol- 1
lowing described, unappropriated, nou
mineral public lauds, as follows: i
List No. 0101., for SE quarter SE
quarter, SW qoaiter sE quarter, Sec. 1
T 37 S., K. lti E, and SW quarter
SE quarter. Sec. 1. T. :5 S., H. lo
E , W. M.
Any and all persons claimint; ad-
versely the liuds desmbed. or desir i
in to object because of the mineral :
character cf tbe laud, or for any otner
reason, to ttiv disposal to applicant,
sbould H!e their affidavits of protest
iu tbis office ou or twfore tbe U'tb
day of SeptfcQjU-r. UXH.
J. X. Watson, Remitter.
Tte bOTe notice will be published
id tne Lake County Exaojicer print
ed at LakfrTiew, Oreon. and the Bo
nanza bulletin. Tinted at Uonaoza
Ureuun. for the full period of tbiry
days f.rior to the date herein last en
tioued J. X Wti-;n Heuirtr. -i-i sept 'u.
Timls-r Land ailre
Nol Coal Laud
Department of tue Juteriur. L". S.
I-an 1 (office at Lakevitw, UreoD.
August li. lams
Notice is hereby rfiveo that FRANK
C. KLDRKIl, of liouauza. Oregon, :
who, ou July !, lis, niade Ticnier
aud Srone Application. No. 0.", for
NE quarter. Section Township '.in
S , Rauie 17 E., Will. Meridian, has
filed notice of itentiou to make Final
Proof, tc establish claim to the land
ahnie describe. 1, Ijfefote Register aud
Receiver, at LukeOew, Oieuou, on tbe
Cth day of November,
Claimant nanips as w ituesses : Oliver
F M. Cory, Henry Newell Wm.
Iiamniert-ley. of Lakeview, Oregon,
and Jn nes il Drincsoll, of douaii.a,
Oreyon. ;
A'2ou .1. N Watson, F,eister.
Volict lor Puhlieat on
Not coal land
I lerartmeiit of the Jntetim-, L.
Land Oltioe at l.nkeview. Ore
July 30, PXiH
Notice is hereby i veil that SARAH
(J A RRETT. one of the heirs of Will
iam L. .Millis. Dec'd Lakeview, Ore. '
who ou .May 17. '.T, made ho-nestead i
entry. No ;:) i Serial No. ti."i ,forE,'a ;
SW quarer, Sec. 1, K halt NW quar
. ter, Section ', Township to S , Rane
18 E. , Will. .Meridian, has tiled noico
j of intention to make ir'inal Five year
I Froof to establish claim to the. land;
j above described before Reenter and.
Receiver, at Lakeview. Oregon, ou
j the IGtb day of September, VJUH.
I Claimant uamea us witnesses : John
; C. Morris, Nancy Morris. Gordon I
ICurutt .!,.r.,,.a 1,-f,r, I.',.. M !
...... . u, vui.i-.c 1 r, II, !
u11 of ,;,,hvT,' rtk'V"- .
'liinll-r Land Notice
'Not coal land.
Department of the Internir, L' S.
Land (Jllice at LakevieA, (Jre'on,
Alll-'llpt 1 1. JlHIH
Notice is heieby (iiveii thnt KDWJN
II vUTOti, of LMkeview, (reL'ini,
whii ou June!!, I!i made Timber
a .. Stone A pjd lent ion No. 4I!j!, Ser
ial No. n:jl. lor K halt V. ludl, Sen
'loo T"liehip JO S., I.'unue 'Jl il
Will Meridian, has liled 1 of ice ol in
tent n,'i to make Final Proof to ( i.-li claim to tin- land al.ove des
cril e l. Leli.t i: Keii: ter and llei'eivei,
Ut l.akevieiv, Oregon, on thn Si day
ot October, l.HIH.
('Itiinaiit una es us wit nes-es :
li. K. 1'tiiik, ').'. 15. V'-frnon, Oiuri
l'muuh, Move Down, all of Lakeviu'.v,
( l-enon.
:i:t 10 , J. N. Watso,). Iteiister.
I biiBinuss, daily profits, to &1U.
FurtiiMihtrs tree; write today. II. F.
Loosl.ij., Dim .Moines, Iowa. 1 tj
There are, nKvays, in this city peo
ple who Mtand rendv to liny any
piece of real entitle in any purl ol
town or tuil'tit hs. If tlio property tun I
thetrict are both iitlmct ive. (ince
In 'i v title an e pet ionctvl Inviiitor
will buy tit n fiincy pt Ice ; I hi t t lie
urent niiijoiity tit tiuym KNt)V VAL
I'I'.S in real eslatt t hey are eilnciitetl
in this one tlntii. above otlieis. An. I
that ineiins Hint if a real cinik-iiiii in
real e-tate is ottered it ttlll tin. I ipiick
takets. If tin' tabic is not tlii'le, 'lie
buyer is not apt to be found - ami
1 I Ins is as ll -Itotil I I it.
( )t course, real eMate in this city
is not really "ollered" for sale utiles-.
it Is .lr.iiritely H.l vet t i-c.l.
Most peopiekno.v this. Son, e people
are learning it ctery week
A Traveling Han't tltprrlrnce
"I must tell yon my epxeiicnce ou
an F.ast bound O. K. A N. K K. train I
from i'eudletou to l.e tirttn4e, Oie ,
writes Sam A (iaiber, a well known!
traveliiK num. "1 wan in t lie sniok In
department with so. tie other traveling
men when one of them went out into
the coach ami pame buck aud said,
"There 8 a wmnau sick unto death in
the car. l at t nce cot up and weut,
out, found her ery itll with cramp
colic; her hands aud arms weia
'drawu up bo you imiiI I not Htraihteii '
them, uud with a deathlike look on
, her face. Two or three Indie were
, working w ith her and Kivinu her whls
key. I wont to my suit case aud tot
my bottle of Chamberlain' Colic,
Cho.era and Diarrhoea Keuiedy (l
j never travel w ithout it), ran to the
water tank, t:t a double dose ot tbe
j medicine iu the kIhss poured some
water iuto it and ti red it with a
pencil: then I had quite a time to wet
the ladies to let me uive it to tier but
1 succeeded. 1 could at once see the
etfect and I worked with hei rubbing
. her hands aud lu twenty minutes 1
Kave her another dose. Hy this time
we were almost into l.e liranUe where
' I was to leave the truin. I iiave the
Dottle to the liusbHtit' to be used in
Case auot her dose should be needed
but by the time the train ran into l.e
Orunde she was all ritht and 1 receiv
ed the thanks of every passenger iu the
car." For sale by l'a;y and Hall.
Tbe timber land of T. II. Walker
and tne -Met loud Kiver and Co. la
Siskiyou couuty, Calif oru in is assessed
at ,7 per Hpre ?1 KH9 th(in ,hHt j
. , . '. .
&hta county. -If tbe law enforced
1 in New Zealaud of tax iutf laud at tbe
price the owuer is willing to sell fur,
was iu force here it is pretty certain
the valuatiou would be somewhat
bi her thau the apove rate.
A Paying Investment
John White, of 38 Highland
Ave.. Iloultoii. Maine, shvs: "ii
tieen troubled with a coiik'Ii every
winter aud spring- Last winter 1
tried many advertised remedies, but
the couch continued until I bought
a oOc bottle of Dr. Kind's New I)is !
covery ; hefore that was half gone, '
tbe coutb was all Kone. This winter!
the same happy result has followed ;
a few doses once more banished the
annual coti.h. I am now convinced
that Dr. King's New Discovery is the
be?t of all cough and ting ' remedies. I
Sold under guarantee at A. L. Tboro-
too' Drug store. .Vc. and fl Trial !
Lottie free. J
l.u l re afraid to give (jhamtier- !
Iain's Cough Remedy to yourchldren.
u coouics do opiuoi or timer riarm
ful drog. It always cures. For sale!
by Daly and Hall.
besul Jully illustrated, food stories
and artirics shout CaUoro aiul
ail tka Far U est.
devoted each month to the ar
tiiuc repfoductioa of the best
woik of amateur aad prai caaioaal
photu graphef x.
a book of 75 pages, rontaiaiof
120 colored photographs ol $075
pictiiresque spots at California
aad Grcgoa.
All for
'f ,T
1 all orders lo
rud f
Admtmstrdtor'tt Notice j
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, 1 r the (.'ouuty of Lake. !
In the .Matter of the Kstate of, j I
J. (i. Hampton, ) J
Deceased 1 I
Notice is hereby iiven that the under- '
siKiied adminislrator ot the t stale of
J. (i. J I a 11 1 tit mi , lieri-aed, has duly i
made aud liled with the Clerk of Die'
above entitled Court his final account j
bs such administrator, and the Hon. '
li. Daly, the Judu'e ot said court, has,
by an order duly, tnaoe and entered iu I
thi above entitled uiatttr, hfijiomted
and lixed Saturday, Sepleniber 11)1 h. j
Kins, at the hour of K; o'clock A. .M. !
i t said tiny, at the court K00111 of 1
said t;ourt in the Town of Lakeview,
Lake utility, Oregon, an the time and
place (or heal ing object ions to suid
1: 1 ......... 1 . . 1 1 .
1111111 iii-i ijo 11 1, 11 any wieitt oif, auu jot j
me st;iiiemi-ni inereof.
This uotico is, by order of Hon. 15.
Daly, Judge ot the county court of
lakn county, Oregon, published lu
the Lake County Lnxmiuer, a news
paper publihed weekly ut Lakeview,
Lake ouuty, Oregon, once u week for
tour successive weeks prior to mien
date to appointed, aud the date of the
first publication hereof is August lh
VMH. Dated Augilht iiDth, 1!KI8.
J. L. Jl A MI'TON,
Administrator of the JOstute of J. (1.
Jlumpton, Deceased
Dealer In Real t!tate
I have listeil nome of the bet
IJanches, Timber Land and Town
properly In Northern California, a
country that la bound to Improve rap-
'iy. AlluraH, Calitoinlit
lo Cure a lui in One Day
itke I.AXATIYr IHJn.MC gl'IMNh
uhleih All ilrtikitii-is it-iniiil ti
noiiev il il tails to cure, I-',. W (Tine's
diii'ittiitc is on each li. ;!.V.
A McniornMc l)ny.
One of I he days we remember with
plea-iii e, as well as with prollt to our
I'ealth, is the one ou which we be
came 1 1 1 t ii i I with Dr. Kind's New
I. lie Tills, the pHiule s pin illcrs that
cure licit. Incite and bil iotiness, and
keep the bowels rik'ht. 'Joe nt ,i.e
Iteall' DntK Store.
Pl-ic i on i ii i i
A ;'A AKH if lllly dollar Is here-I
byoirered tor information hat will,
lead to the hi rent and convlc Ion of .
liny riHon tu Iuih dtolon wirrn ir
I . -
rom our Company :
ard is h"eby olfeied
for liiforinHt Inn thtit will Ifinl tn
arrest and convict ion of anyone des
troying the property of the Company.
Chan, 1'inbach,
Secretary Idike Co. Tel. A Tel. Co.
nut Ice Is hereby tlven thnt nil Irriga
tion, nr mlllrm-e illtchca on nil trout
streams '.hrotijjht l.nke County, Ore
iron. niiiHt l M-rt'iiiHl u-lfh it hhiiiII
ineah w in' Kcrii iilno; nt their lieitd tir ' ',r"" t 'sl live
liimtlon with the nwiln t liiiincl .,t!,n, 'I ,u last named
st renin. Also nil iIiiiiim or obstruct
bms ou said st renins must Is- pro
vided with n tlsh-lndder, orot herensy
nn-Hiis of passu ltc, nt or near thumb),
dlo of t he tnilln channel, so as tc al
ow the pnssaue of trout lit nil times
of year, n provided by law. Snhl
work to Is done at low water time,
or to Ih completed by Feb. 7, 1!ni7.
lly order of .1 A Itnrhitm.
Special Deputy tlsh Wnrden for
l.nkeC'tiiinf.v, llrt'tfiiii.
$1,000.00 Reward.
1'he Oreg-on. California & .Nevada
! Livestock Protective Assoclm Ion
will (rive tUMKI Reward for tbe con
! victlon of any party or piirtk-n stenl
' lug; horses, cattle or iihiIcm Im-Uii tn
j to any of the follow ing tnemln'rH ol
thlsi AHMoclatlon:
; Cox Ac Clark. Clievtitcntl ltnd A
I Cuttle Co., Iler.vford Unnl A: Cuttle
I Co.. Lake County Land Ac Livestock
I Co., Warner Ytilloy Stta k Co., Win
. W. Ilrutt ii, lieu. M. Joik'm, (iisi, Han
kltiM. S. 11. Chainller. C. A. Itehart. N.
j Fine. W... Currier. Frank II. Hntier.
i .I.C. llotchklsM, Caldertv ooil I'.ros.,
, T. J. Hrat tuln At Soiih. T. A Crmnp,
t'n'Msler Ac Monner, W, T. Cressler
.Maud 1. I'hiiiIio.
I W. I'. Hf.kyi oimi. 1'r. Hld't
' r " I F. .M. Mil i.l:lt.Sivlv-Tr.'H
W. 1. II V.KVFoltl.
Fix a mi: C vi.(F. M. Hukk.n
s. IS. ClIAMll Mf
Tbe Examiner has a supply of first
class butter wrapper paper on hand
now, at the following prices: For f00
wiapperr, printed, CLTjll, for 1000
printed tl.tX tf
fRE Knowing what It wiih to t;f-
(er i wj KVe I'
to nnv altlicted
h ponltlve cure for
Eczema, Salt Rheum
IMlcHitiid Skin DlaeawH. liiHtanf ri
lief. Dont aiiffer longer, Write F. W
WILLIAMS. 4MI .Manhattan Avenue
New Yrk. Enclose Stamp. XllTK K,
Department of the Interior, IT. H.
I. and Otllee at I.akelew, OreKon,
AtlKllst 'JO, 11HIH.
Notice Is hereliy lven (hut WIIj
jl.lAM J. rUoUD'HOT, of l.nketltw,
I Oregon, who, ou Apt 1 1 '.I, I'.KIH, imiile
I Tlmlier it nd Stone Application, No.
'Xl, SerUI No. Oltm, tor NK tiunrler
SW tpiiuier, K hull NW tiiitrter, lot
I and 'J, Section IH, Township :i7 H ,
Knnve I? K. . Will. "Meridian, hits
'lied notice of Intent Ion to mitke
I 'ilial I'l'oot, (o KKtnlilihh claim to I lie
laud above tlesclilied, t.eloro Ket-'lsti r
and Receiver, at I.akevltov, Oregon,
on the 'J'.'tli tlay of October, l'.n 'M
Claliniint 1 1 it i n i- iin wilneshes'
( 'liarlcM I 'aiilkliet, mid Thomas
.1. I'owell, of l.nkeview, Oregon.
'JTO'.".l .1. N. Walson. UcKiHler
INolk fur I'ntilliatlnn
Depiirtuienl of the Interior, I'. S
I. iiml (llllce at l.akevlew, (lieon,
A lilttisl 0, l!MS, I.. ..I ,1.
---.too in iif-ii-i.v kii-ii mi t. I lie
,.,, ,, ,.,,, r, , il(,
of I ft lit nad St reel. New York, N. Y.
,,MM ,,, , ,, ,,,,. ,,,,,.'.
v.. D'hcn i..... ........
m-ii (iri itii l . I". I IU PI' H'l"l II II I MM
tilll ( Mil tiki
,fl ,,ri)Vsi..ns of tl
approved .lime 4. :
te act nl t oiiKi'ch,
IM'7. i:k Stat.. .'.).
the N half SW quarter, Sec. 4, T :." K,
K. IT r.. W. ,M.
Any ami all person claiming ad
verndy the lands described, tir tlesir
InU to object liecause of the mineral
character of the land, or for any
other reason, to the disposal to appll
cant, should tile their allldavlts of
protest In this ottlce, on or before I he
l.Mh tlay of October. I'.MW.
.1. N. Watson, lieulster.
The apove notice will be published
lu the Lake County Kxau Iner for a
Issues prior to
In the above
not it
Ann. "JO -Hept, 'il.
Not Coal Laud
Department of the Interior I'. S.
Laud Ottlce at Lakeview, Oregon, '
Aug. li. Ilk Hi.
NOTICE Is hereby given that W ILL
1.M T. KI.M.EY, of Lakeview. Ore
gnu, who, ou April i:-, uiitde
bouiestead entry No. JtdH, (Serial
0"ll as amended, S half, SW quar
ter Section 17, North West qnaiter
North West quarter, Sec. 'Jo, NE
quarter NE quarter. Section 111, Town
ship 37 S., liango 'JO E., Will. Merid
ian, has tiled notice of Inlentloii to
nuke Final live year proof, to estab
lish claim to the laud above decsr I ti
ed, before Register and Receiver, at
Lakevie-, Oregou, ou the lHth tlay of
Scptemlier, I!NIH.
Claimant ntiineH as witnesses: Rob
ert A. 1'axton. Frank Wilson, Cliiulea
Gucher and Thomas Hastings all of
lakeview Oregon.
A'JO'JJ J. N. Watson, RegKUr.
$1,250 Keward.
The Harney 1 oijic j
Live hum s u
I Ion. of a lih Ii I an
a iiit-inlM-r, ;m'M
reward for evidence
leadiiiK to the 1-011
vli lieu ol pal'le,
alraillll stock lx-
lonKlnv 10 ts uirtr.
In aildltlou I
l-'O. reward
Horse brand horse
shoe dar 011 t-tiliei
or iHith laws Re
corded Inaeoiintli-i
llauiie. Harm , I ski and I r.s.k ouiiin-t
riors,-s vented wtien sold llnrs. s sold to pas,
tlirotlEb this sii t 1011 will be rt'isirteil in Kill
pas-r If not so ri-(ro d. please write or tele
illume Tue 1 lines Herald Main H24. H tins. Ore
Ron VV. W .llrown, Burns lire-
Reward for Horses
I will u;lve $.1.(Mi reward for Inform
ation that will lead to the discovery
of any horse branded wlih 11 11 old
horM'shoc brat'd 011 both Jaws, placi d
its In the cut l.i this advertisement,
with fresh triangle brand underneath
the hurscshis'. The triangle placed
ill am Ii 11 manner ax would cover up
a bar on both Juwm. Animals must ,
1st foil ml In the possession of Home
person or persona. '
i I'J.iV
Your Next Commer
cial Printing Job Can
Best Be Done By Us
Whether it be
Telephone or Call fit
Batuath yf h 111,1 lwy BoggU
Tlll.. JtaVftM A
rf t ii 1 CoPvniGMT AC.
AnTilfll fMilti.tT " U.II NIhI ilnwffl Pt Irtfi NHf
qilh blf M1"''" " 't nt'itilo'l fimt wlii'lhff lt
hti( t"H I l'1'ttrti..T ' ilfftiiii'" " umililrf
li,i!t-iiinir''t"i.. Mil. liANIWMdK -i.r(,uHi
Mil ll. lblH ft,' I'll. V T.. . Hill l'lt-
uta I it k, mi tMrmi.-li Mm tin , i, im
k it tin
Scicniiflc Jln:crican.
A nii'1"ini )Htir-iff1
iriftfl WiMWlr. f nftfnt rlf.
- Ml,. ) t.'tl, 'I .t.l.M. 9 I
, (i. r-tll t-yn.l iitiw.itiirMi.
fftr: l 'Mf in. 1 1.
Mifcin ii '.f
i. ''"' Mew TprK
I I"!.. W.fMfltfti.H. . 7"
mine msnmiitsiB tom
Tha "traaiirla" la ref nls'd as (lis I'a
rtflr tloaal raatsat sad tit rstislis
aawspapar. lis 4sltf absnuinnislty tail
la rwilalaa Bat anly tka ettd'a la'rsl
aad Hl aswa but trsats of s ilit. 's' (
iNipsrtaat subjaffta whlrk strung)? stuM-sl is
arakara af valuable sod iaris-1 inf.Miiiai o
It Is tka (Xxr t whlrk ll.s f.r.i..r i's
fruit irawar. tba aiareksat. fiis hni.truisa
a all atkar wavkata lara fur atrial la
Pally, ens year ftarladtaf ain1a? so
f'ally. III asnatks llarlu.1ln( S i...Utl 4
Pally, tkrsa aiariika ilu' si Sundsy) '.'no
I'silr. aaa ansalk llatluiliaf s.uoisrl. '
W kly, awe yaar I '"
Waskly, Ms atoatka
Ssiaday, ane ysar "
aia asvaika 1
The Weekly "Chronicle"
The rry brut
publlaaeJ Id'
wrrkly nrvtspHj'. r
tbe entire V. i-t.
$1.50 a Year
taelaaltaf !,( la anr rsrt ..f n.
I'alsa I aaarla sn klsa .Cu . n-i f
pla cv 1
Il Is baat tarsus !.) .r "11 r . I l.
af tba wurtd s. b n. rear
atlaf way sad fully tllusi 1 a' I i.'ci s-ti
else. It baa epaelal esfa'iuono ...
btl Tf I N a
r.i.. '
aae Uri ft
Tkaea are arete4 arar kf .l 'i-rs '
w 11.
a UMr4h ka srtadia af
Ibt.r iv I
Y. a4a davalatf ta Agr.ruliios H..-I1.
aultara. ravltrv aa4 and I ! Htm k
arall IliaatratW a l)l4 tb ii.smsi '
Um (raa'aat lartavaat ta s.) i.r.' 1.
tkeae taitaairiaa, t'tt tins bsii t r"i,
k tfcaaa wha ara la el-- t.-b alii.
prevaJUM aa 11. is 1 sst
la lendlBf
la fut subscription.
M. LT. do YOUNG,
eta rraaeae CBraalrU,"
Frm-rlare, CaL
aim owul txo vxrABTstEirr.
For Infanti and Cbildien.
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Beat inn
tun tit uj a of