Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 03, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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f Jars tens Pmkltg
i mnprtny. n dr- I
, I j
n In tiff ) Milt t
vs. i t r
fit U-ii V ll.-i tu-iiMii l.qulty ,
JciiiiI-M. tl iiucui 11 to I
. hjn wife I Fievcloe i
AtvXHiider R.;h J M.rtxi,c.
mil -
CrL'o'rjilaiin ,. Rcith j
Ilia Wlli',
Ivf-mlnuts. f
'TdKt'iilwn K II-iiiitiii in,
Jemii- M H n man.
Alexun.ler Keith, .-init
Uvorglauuft A R.ith.
You and emh of you are hf rvh
amjulred to appear Mini mum er in
.cotioplnlnt flk-d you In the
. yive wo titled Conn and tHUeewlth
im ail wrt'kn (roui tlie date of the
ibni publication ( thi Summon.
ywjt. on or Ih'Imiv the a h ilny of
-Octolwr, lavs, ami If yon full to
.ppenr und hiwwit tin itne, for
want thereof the I'Mintin win apply
"4o the Court for h decree against
you and -ch of you for lire sale 01
tbe North-Vet quarter of Section
TltirtT. Ti. 37. S.. K. IS E. W. M..
taske County, Oregon, and for the
Xorecloriurje of the following- deeorili-
- H. mortgages upon said described
.land, towlt :
A certain mortjcage executed by
the Deft ntanta Reubcu E. ll.nneman
-mid Jennie M. Hennetnan. his wife,
'.upon the aforesaid described Urni
cm the 4th day of April. 11XC, in favor
.ot the Plaintiff herein in the sum of
$TO0.O with Interest thereon froin
date at the rwe of 8 p.-r cent er an
num, and for $-'W 00 Attorney' fee
- .therein :
A certain roortirase executed ly
the Defendants R-uieii E ileum
.aoan and Jennie M, Meniienian uimui
JUQ aforesaid real estate ou the 13th
sdiy of February, 1904, lu favor of
Xrank D. Nar-h. in the sum of f-Hu.ut Interest thereon at the rate of
.It percent per annum from date, ami
,l(Jr foO.OO Attorney's fees therein,
srbich said mortgage was duly a
aigaed to the Plaintiff herein for a
vaJuaMe consideration, on the 2ud
,day of May, VM.
A. certain mortgage exeentcd by
;Lhn Defendants, Reuben E. Henne
.aran and Jennie M. Uacnemau, his
wife, upon the aforenaid iieicritiel
real property on tie 13th day of Feb
nary, in favor William W. Hey
more in the sum of $50 00 with inter
-cat tbereotf at the rate of 10 ier cent
, jgier annum from date, and for the
. "ani at $25 OOau attorney'" fee therein;
vvjilch said mortgage wa duly as
. aligned to the Plaintiff herein for a
Vatliiable consider! Ion.
A. certain mortgage executed by
-lie Defendants Reuben E. ilennemau
-ruid ic iiie M. ileuuemau, his wife.
tipijix the aforesaid decrltred land oh
tUe rth day of June. l'J05, In favor of
. be Union Meat Oiinpany, a Corpora-
liyu, in the kuiu of $;i0.00 with Inter-
es thereon at the rate of 6 per cen
. 1er aiiDiun fntu date and for thi '
-sinn of f-n) attorney a fees therein;
- which eaid ui,.rt,aue was duly an-
,ned to the plaintiff herein on the
2th dav of MiiV. iao7. for a valuali
. OUedilerMtiou and for hi cotM and
. dUburnenu iitii herein and for eucli
other and furt her relief uHihei-oun
ijoiay deem meet.
Notice In hervliy given yrni that
tbJ.i miiidiiiouh ii nerved ui'Ui you b
ftulilii-ation thereof iu the Iike
County Examiuer. a uewHiiaper "f
.general circulation, fartiieil and p b
1 is lied weekly at La ki-view. Like
County. Oreyon. pniiiiint to an
r4er of the Hon Henry L lie ihoii.
Judge of Raid Court, duly made at
XTianiUTH, in Klamath F.-ilU. Kbiiu
.ath County. Oreuoii, on the 22od la.
A AugUKt, lUtiH.
The date of the firxt publication
Jiereof is the 27th day of Autfu-f . l!i.
and the date of the la-r publication
-hereof is the 8th day of October. l:0S
:U-7 Attorney for Plaintiff
Ajotiee hr fabllcatloo .
Department of tbe Interior U S
JLapd Ottlce at Lakeview, Oregon,
ugaai 10, l'JU. I
Notice ia hereby given that HIRAM
M. u A MILTON, hyj. M. Datcbelder,
"tiia . attorney in fact, of Lakeview,
JDreou, has tiled in this office bin
apppcrtion No. 031.0 to belect under
Abe protieioua of tbe Act of Juue 4,
2307, (30 Stat., 3b), tbe S half N A'
-! liar tar, Sec. 4, T. 30 8., K. 17 E ,
W. M.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
-verely tbe landd described, or desir
ing to object because of the mineral
character of the land, or for any other
reason, to tbe disposal to aonlicant
fcbould file their affidavits of protest
in this office, on or before the 15tb
day of October. 1908.
' J. N. Watson, Register.
above notice will be puliliwhed
IV - Luke County Examiner, at
in'thfe w, Oregon, for a period of at
ikvtv ty days prior to tbe date
ljBtrrii ibove mentioned,
last IreroiA t. Wabson, Register.
he interior, V. S.
!NaU ft
Uenartmeot itt k
keview, Oregon,
Liind Oiiiea ut U.
JulSViOd that JAMES
Notes is hereby lvm. Pi c k
W..WVBRSK. fN male
' Cicjgoa, who oi Nov. 1, . 7 f HK
'Homestead Entry No. ,
. ferial No. 01a, Hection JO.
-C . . . Ml L Will
1 4Un, baa filed notiea of intention A
lauko ITinal Hva year rruui, -
I Lab claim to tha land above deacrib
tofb Ixjfora Reglsta and Keoeivei at
akaviow, Oregon, on the Ufa day of
KtJptetnber, 190H.
Ciaima at naaea aa witnesses:
Albert '5. Convaraa, J. Henry Lasb'
miari, wf New Fi Greek, Oregon.
i' N. Watson. Register.
IteKaiYm Han tiwriBw
8ubaeribe for Tbe Ike County Ex
jjmtxier, l yon wt V
Admlalttrator'a Notlc j
In th Coontr Court of tha Ktata of;
Orftn, for ihm County of Laka.
In tbe Matter of tba Entats of,)
J. O. Hampton, )
Oeoeanifcl )
Notice I hereby nlen that theuoder
vilined B'lmipisrrafor of tha eata'a of
J. 11. Hampton, deoeaed, has duly
made and Hied with tha Clerk of the
above entitled Court hia final account
a auch adiuiiiixtrator, and tha Hon.
M. 1hI, the ot enid court, haa
by an order duly mane aud entered lu
lb above entitled niatUr, appuiueu
and fixed Saturday, September ll'lli.
at tha hour of IC o'clock A. .
ot oaid day, at the court Room of
aid court in the Town of Lakeview-,
Lak ountT, Oreiion, aii the time ami
place for hearing objections to td
final account, if any there be, and for
the settlement thereof.
This notice is. by order of Hon. H
Daly, Judiie ot tbe county court of
lke couuty, O'etion, publUoed lu
tba Uki Conuty hJixtnloer, a tienn
paper publihed weekly at Lakevie.
Lake ounty, Oretfon, enca m week for
'our succem-ive week. prior to eucb
late so appointed, and the data of tbe
Qrt puhlica'ioa breif U Autfai-t JlU'
l'A9. Dated Aumiet Hh. HXW.
J L. HA iII-TjN,
V mini-trntor f tbe F-iate ol J. O.
tian.ptoi, Deceased.
Nolle lr Publlral m
Not coal land
Deoartment of the lutetior, U. S.
Ijtud Otttce at lakeview, Oregon,
July .10,
Notice i hereby jiren that S RAH
GARRETT, oue of the heir of Will
iam L. Millis. Dec'd Lakeview, Ore
who on May 17. Hkrj, mae hoie!teai
entry, No'Jo-'fO (Serin) No. 0r.Jafor Klv
SW quarer. Sec. 1, E half NW iuar
ter. Section 12, Township 40 S , KHiitre
la E.. Will. Meridian, baa lied notice
of intention to make f inal V iv year
froof to establish ilaini to tbe lan
above described before Kexixter and
Receiver, at Lakeview. Oreuon, on
tbe ICtb day of September, Ilu8.
Claimant names as witneaeea: John
C. Morris, Nancy Morn. Gordon
Garrett. James MeCiarj, Krancls M
Miller all of Lakeview. Orecon.
32 5 J. N. Watsou, ReaUfer
Tiastx-f Lau4 .lce
Not coal land.
Departaint of tba luteroir, U S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
A-Jeust 11. I9t8.
Notice ia hereby piven that EDW
HAIil'ZOLi, of Lakeview, Oregon,
who on Juue i, 1H made Timber
and Stone Application No. tl.l. Ser
ial fto. LKt. tor K hair E bait, Sec
tion 5, Township 40 S , Rane 21 E.
Will Meridian, has 8led rotice of in
tention to make Fins) Proof to es
tablish c'aioi to tbe land above des
cribed, before Register aud Hec-ivet.
at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 23 day
af October, IIW8
CUImant names as witnesses:
R. K. Knnk, T. B. Virnon. Omri
Frouuh, ateva Down, all of Lakeview,
3310 J. N. Watson. Register.
stt fkr Pallcati0a-(lailate4 Tract' kD M4I.V-.
Lakeview. Oreg n. Land OtBe,
Aogntit 6, 1908.
Notice is hereby given tbat, as dir-
le ml.,OD.u ln
?a.c Dnder the P
i . -','""
June 27, 1906, Publlo-No. 3J3.we will
offer at puhlic sale, to tbe highest
bidder, at 10 o'clock a m .on the 25th
day ot September, Y.m next, at thlb
office, the following tract of land, to
wit: NWqurter NWqosrler, Sec. 22,
T. 38 8., R. 2o E., W. M.
Any persons clainiinu adversely the
above described lands Bre adviBed to
file their claims, or objection, on or
before tbe day abov6 designated for
337 J. N. Watson. Reigster.
Kred P. Crouemiller, R-ceiver.
TlmtH-r laud otlr
Not Coal Land.
Department ot the interior, V. S.
Land Office at Lakview, Oregon,
Auifiist 6. KIOH.
Notice is hereby given tbat MAC
view, OregnD, wuo ou June 4, 190H,
made timber nd stone ardicutiCu.No
4133. Seriil No, C2SS, for SWquarter
section, l'jivfssbip ,S S , Kange 21
E, Will Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Proof to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver,
at Lakeview, Oregon, ou the 19th day
of October,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Anna L. Wbitefaouse, O. W. Hardinty
K. H. Suyler, K. A. Paxton, all of
Lakeview, Oreiron.
8-1310-15. J. N. Watson, Register.
(let Your Piano in Order
Mr. J. A. Davis, an expert piano
tuner, will be in Lakeview about Aug.
17 to remain a sbott time. lie works
under a poistive guarantee to give
satisfaction, or no pay, and will for
nish references from satisfied custo
mers. Tuning pluaos is 85 other repairs
extra; orguus cleaned W. Remember
you are to be tbe sole jadge of the
work. No satisfaction, no uav. Leave
orders with the Examiner. 3:i z.
There ia no need of anyone suffer
ing long with this disease, for to
effect a quick cure it ia only necetw
ary to take a few doaea of
Colic. Cholera and
Dicnnooa Remedy
la fact, ia most cases one (leave la
aAdent. It never faila and can ba
relied upon in the most severs and
danger-eras caars. It ia equally TV
uubto for children and ia the meant
of saving the Uvea of many children
each year.
In tbe world's history do medic ins
turn ever met with greater success.
KUCE 25o. LAR6E SIZE 60c.
OopyrllilHl l!HW, by Ah'Iiis
l.ltortiry l'r'
"lVn't tell uie you ian'1 ni:ikc him
prope!" snorteil Mr. INmle. luriiluir
awllnit fare nil one of liN dm; tiler
who won prtiupintf Ite'ii-e n mirror
"You don't r at It rt hi W -i M i i
A corner and then !'; at tilt i Ji.i: '
much a to m), 'What are ymir linen
tlon-ir " i
"Hut how are yo:i fol.ii; to pet bl;i .
in a ixrtier" I
"There are hundred i of a. A
him what he bullf hit new h u -c f t
and keep on SKkbiK ijuct'on- ulnnf It .
till yon get him in a plie he au't;
qnlrni ont of. I know men nn lu!l j
and nilphty provoklnt at tlie. but '
you ie pt to patient a d help the.ol
Sl-ice yoo thluk ltH terribly enr I
to comer him I'll Jnt rhr you m
chance to d- It." snnpfexl XIlia ljeai. '
"I see him romlnr thpnch th g:ite
now. I'm itohig to run u-t:ilrv Tell
hi in I haveu'l Maiihed drexlng."
Tlowdy. Vr. King? Co-e right In
Take off your overcoat, tlr.iw a rhalr
up to the fire and make yourself com
fortable. I.eab will 1 down shortly.
She's not quite through frU.Ing her
hilr. Right cold today, lun't Itr How's
the folks?"
"About as well as coiuuiou. How're
von all?"
"We're all able to be up and stirring
arontid. Ma's complaining, ns usual,
bnt not much the ui-itt.r with her. I
Vticss. I see ynu got the Inst couf of
p:liit on your new h uie. Must b;ive
ben pretty cold Ui on the tcp of tbtt
Indder. wnsn't It? Sirs I to l.e:ih the
other dtiy when I got h mie. "If Mr.
King iliesn't cnti h hli death of coM
It'll be a wotider to m :!' "
"Would vou believe l:? She got thnt 1 H,d N,v,r 6m" " a"rr-
b:tdly scared atKMit von tti:it she had 1 m i,,ne ,',r,, ,,urro' ,u,,t UHrJ-T lu-
er m i make m. a batch of her cele- I u u' ut helped build the wou
..tfltr.1 cold cure sr.J then mi 1 derful railway up Itke'e peak, la
"triLi,Torj it. m to hi roi: ifT vrn?"
to take It over to you. Dut I told her
thut most folks had their own cold cure
and wouldn't think of taking any-
Ixxly eNe's."
"But I didn't get a cold "
"lah will be mighty g':nl to bear
r, a . , , , ,, UC 1 fill III n U rtwrr . V111 iiit-ii i . Ill-
a.' says she the very nst tb ng i , , ! . , .
' . . .., .., "'deed, since the IiiIhts In a int-usure
flic went upstairs. ' f Mr. Kings . ., , . ,.
lerre f!ie went uiistalrs. If Mr. Kluz
got n cold boiler up and tell me. be
cause I'm so worried alxxit hlin.' "
"But I didn't get a cold '
"That's too b:id er I mean, of
course, rt's tw bud that 1 went und j
senred I.enh so. But we were talkli.g
about your new house. What wna j
your terrible runli to get that lust coat ,
of paint o-i? Something unusual go
ing to happen?"
"Not that I know of. I Just wauted
to get through. And now at lust I'm
beginning to feel as if t wen ready to.,
'lou't you need something besides a j
house? 8ce if you enn't think of some
thing you're still short of."
"I can't say tbat I can."
"Something that stays In the house."
"Well, I got my ma to make out a list
of the things she thought I'd need, and
I turned It over to Burckey and had
him fill It out"
"Maybe the thing I have In mind Is I
not to be had at Burckey's."
"I must say if It can't be bought at
Burckey's It must be something un
usual. But don't tell me what It Is.
I'm a terrible fellow for guessing rid
dles and solving puzzles and such Ilka.
I never heurd tell of a riddle that I
couldn't guess."
"Well, a lot of men have got gray
trying to solve this one. But dive in;
maybe you can. I don't want to dis
courage you."
"Ia It found ln most bouses?"
"No, not sK. Old bachelors seem to
think that thf ran get along without
them. Whenever they do have one
round It's an ugly old thing. I al
most said secondhand, but caught my
self just in time."
"I reckon you have one?"
"Oh, yes, four. I got one, before I
started housekeeping."
"Now, that's interesting! Which
room do you keep It In7'
"For twenty years I tried to keep It
fa tbe kitchen, but I didn't seem to
make any headway I gave up trying.
I'm Just as liable to flud mlue la the
parlor as anywhere else."
"Is It a bootjack? I don't think
Burckey keepa bootjacks."
"Well, It a bootjack Is snpposed to
make life easier for a man, then It's
like one ln that resaact, but tt'a not a
hoofjack nor rook atom, rnoujTK It to
aupimaed to stand rotin.l a stove a
ffot-4 denl and Is like one lu It
ireta pretty warm st tlinei."
"I reckon It couldn't be a roTcept.
fir Itttrckey kept t'leir I believe ym
s:iM It mmle life eiislei or a limn)"
"No, I illibrt. I ral.l li wn mi;.
pone. I to. lint the tlil'ia I n-ld I'm
wan ukmI In the pnhii win tint I p t
one before I Murie l ho'i .ekei-phiy n iU
tlmt now I've pot f i:r. Do ,vn li'iow,
l'e Nhmi eiii-ln); f r aine tl"ie t'l.ll
you were roIiik to a k me If I wouldn't
Klve you one so you voul I brJ
lioiiaekceplrir rli ht. '
"That's n ther poo I point. If
sometMnjr fhnt you'd p've ipvsy. '
riH-kon It i a n't In wort'i so v ry in b
I'll ciieia It jet; .Ntiw. you see if i
"Just to eniiMirnjte yen a little. I
dtM't mind a.iylu( tti't. while I
wouldn't sell ll for any move. i'!l kIvc
It to you jiit as noon at ever i ul
me for it."
"Is It s stove lift :r!"
:r. ISle pushed a rood sl-ed han.l-
lu' " "' - '
,0 t uw 'hem anuriiy.
"Nw- M ,u' ." ,h,"w '
. . i i i . .... . . . i . . ... . . . .. .
Cetner. snui .ir. iiuc. "it s son-e
t!il-'jr can't Im bought at ltun-k
c.v's. yet It's found In moat every
h uie. It's supposed to make life
. cuhUt fir a uinti snd U lll.e a Immii-
n-k In this repe t. You trlel for
twenty years l keep yours In thej
kitchen, but couldn't do It. though It i
does stand around the stove a heap.'
it's anuirtbing you won't sell, yet you'll
give It to me J'.i.-t as ipih-k ever I
auk you for It. und you've been think
, ti:g I was going to ask you for It. I
.ow, ir units not a corker 1 m no
Jud.-o of rlddlee:"
I "AnJ you don't know what It
Krowleit .Mr. I'oole.
"iJlve me iiimtlier minute or two.
I've got U! it's a coal scuttle!"
"Not by a dnrned sight! A wife,
you blutikety blank f'Ml!"
"Oh. oh. and you'll give me Miss
I.enh? Will you. Mr. Poole? Will you
give her to me for my wife?"
ro'jsldered a necvkasltr la the far west.
thin: f a cnrtoalty "way ribr.i.Vi-foia .el-t r"atni. V.-eoi-"
la the New England ' "V,1 1 uru"-'1 -
.ra la a atory of the bum,, ' '.'I;; ?-
but Is Botnetblnjt
brute, incre is a story
mid a man from Maine. Here It Is:
' A wealthy Yankee went west last
: winter from Maine, leaving bis family
at home. Ills hobby wss to collect
' quaint pieces of (rettery, unique arti
cles of furniture, bureaus, table,
desks sod "whatnots." When be wss
ready to lenve for home he found he
had boug'.it up several dray toads or
cur Ion. He chartered a car and loaded
lu bis treasures, but there still was one
end of the car that might be filled with
, something unique. Bome one suggest
ed that be buy a burro for his little
boy to ride, which be did, and the
"mountain canary" occupied tbe va
cant space. The Yankee station agent
back In Maine, when he began to un
load the car. checked off each article
a.. t.lll ..r L4ln. till K n ... ,kA
j v., , . . t I'll. hiuius .ill nr t-aifimr its i u .
I burro. lie was much puzzled, for he
1 could not find this thing on his list.
Finally be made an entry In the "re-
mark column of his tally sheet as
"One bureau short and one donkey
over." Kansns City Htur.
Fruitless Plants.
Tbe knowledge that the common
white (Hitulo seldom produces fruit I
so widely din'used thut tbe b.irretiuess
of the plant causes no comment. In
luiiciiou un m-i-un c uutu mri lany
transferred the uume to tbcin. It bt
usual to spe;ik of ixitatoc Intended
for planting us "si el potatoes." I tea I
potato seeds niny be found, however.
If one senri lies the potato fields long
enough, and from such seeds new
strains of potatoes may lie ril e l.
The potato Is not nlo:ie In Its strange
ways. Many other plants, of which
the ground nut und Illy of the valley
nre good examples, rarely produce
seeds It Is noticeable thut ull ucb
plants have other excellent nnd efH
flort means of propagation, nml It may
be assumed thut bulling one method
requiring less effort than the other
they have generally udopted It.
When plants have more than one
means of multiplying, us. for instance,
seeds alKive grouud and tubers or run
ners below ground, they usually sub
serve two distinct uses, those below
ground serving to multiply the plant
In its own locality and those above
giving It a chance of gaining a foot
hold In distant lands. American Bota
nist. Old Sword Bladts.
Be ugh as the fighters of old were,
the inscriptions which they put on
their swords often showed not otily
considerable poetic Instinct, but senti
mentality. "Faithful In adversity" Is
such a sentence engraved on an old
word of tbe seventeenth century. In
a collection of blades of the sixteenth
century are these Inscriptions:
"I quarrel." "God give me speed
that my foe be beat Indeed." "With this
defense and God's will all my enemies
I ahall still." "In battle I will let my
self be used." "When I my aword up
lift In strife. God give the sinner eter
nal life." "Trust In God, bravely war;
therein your fame and honor are."
"Your aim alone be God's great name.
Who dares deny strike thou him lame."
"Every soldier fine look on this sign
snd use bis hand for God and tbe
land." On blades from the eighteenth
century are these Inscriptions: "Noth
ing better In the world thou hast than
to hold love and friendship fast" "1
aerre." "A food blade I. Wbo would
deny let him meet me, and I will bold
It will cost him or blood w (old,"
pit Limi MnWI "t!r WnM fwnI.KJ b? m I miM trwyvlMn M
if a lt
Mkina mmi Iim. r
In Inrmil, anrwni In ln
HU Hon KI hruuiiimi tvH nm ana pi
low 1KN
O A VS' rilKK
ihiI II M iny imi vtiu tli
W llt ttky. ! Ion ll hat
MOB ll hat ll
ww niih ww niivnwiiin ,
Irmfrurl 411 tlMka ruu
I Nan any oilur lai-inrv
oir Mliti lltilrra nllrtl ih
SlUltMIl I
ll i llli VI I K.
numhrr nn hand aka Hi
IKKaa ranaiit Sl.l lu
CAleTTBBIlVrt whrn'U, mrlr.i no lor rhabaa arl uralau Sana, nnui a
a.uitHaMnl al all kimla al
V A ' rrtlr tHatl tt ttm tin, n
ran a '' Ail i r law H Jkuui w l 4 nraW H .v 1 1.
NAUJI, Taoaia mr 411mm will mil la Iha
air out aUilr Ihonaaud palia aoM Um yrtr
tvr lira kuiHlrvU llmuaaad palra now la ua.
DCMOItlPTIOtfl Ma.Vlnall II lallvclr
ntlraav nUilif vfiiuuillrlnd llor.llni.willi
aiKvtal Qiiaiiiv of ni'i!wr. 'i' l - c lcomr
biHuua ami arhk h clra ut aanail pnn.-tarra wi(hil allov.
ma Ihr an liM.lp w r have ol Irttrta (mm aalta.
6rtlcUitiomrraata.ina! I'lai irtrii torthavaonivbrffa Miitiad
pomanrlwlrf m a a-linlr araara t iwv wrinh numnrt iiian
n ordinary ilia , iha pmurtirr iratailagqiialnir- lriu, (irrn
by aarrral lavrra ol .ion apa-ialtv laoiWun Iha
Irrad. Thrrrjular ptwrol tivaar Iirraiaii v prr pair. Inn lor
Jvrrtlainir tMif tMr wrlrr Bui Irka a air. tal (avtui V TJT tCW I A
Iha rlilrr ol only h In rr rarr. All rwiK ia aiilpprd iam day aflat U rrrrlract. W alilp C A D. e
approval Vou do not wy rem aaul ymt ha riaminnt and fmind lim afrirlly aa rrpaiaa alrd
W will allow a ran illawnari rd prr ir"t iilirirlv maLlnf Ihr irlc a4.SA rr iawl II yoa
arnd Kill. l-il U I I il oslniil and rmlnaa ihla adfrrnarmrnl. Wr will alao arnd mi
airkrl plalrd hraaa hand pumw Tirra lo I mu'iird al lit K raprna If for aay rraaon Inay art
aol aalialariory on riannnaliaaa. Wr air ;irilrl.ll rrllahlr ami money arol lo ua la aa aarw aa la a
bank. If ynu otdrt n pair i ( 'Hrar mra. yu will And thai Ihry will ilda raairr. run (aatrr
wrar brllcr, laai lonarr im1 nrk tan ihan aiiv lira vou havr rrr ward or arrn at any 4a. W
know that you will I ao writ il thai whrn you. want birvria you will gla ua jrwtis aadat
Wa waol ytm to arnd ua a trial oidrt at rvnre, hnur llna rrmarkalda lira nfTrr.
mmw, aaaaa af r-arrt -y-f ryCO don I lm any kind al anv ik until you arnrt for salr !
If WW i C.C.U f KCO llrl,;rilurn i'mnlurr l-n.l nrra on approval and trial al
tha aprcial InlrotliHioM prn-r quuard abmr; or
ribra and quofca a.l utakra and kinda of (lira
nl a,nr lAjm IT lut wrtia was poafal
or HH ol llrra frum
j otters w sic making
11 00.I7 criafa portal U
T.rnirr l.aa I Vatire
Pcpitrluieiit ol I lie luti'Mor, V. H
.-nil I O.ili-e al Lttkuvie, Olegou,
miiio. I.i, l!..
NOTll'r. I heieby given Hint 'ilL
Ht.lU' C L.U'liAM. of Vlalillia,
iregnii, hu, ou April 10, I'.nm, mime
luiber and stone H plication. No.
Hi I. forjNW.iiuartfr MV t(tk iler.hsv.
""a-'a1 Kjuw" liir..
I lll.k,Mi'l I 'Inn,,' I.hs 1 1 ' t uo'lcrof
ii'rni Ion , JJ imkej r lnalji r-iof, to
I ll l'aii l ll. ;t ' li.e .almvu
ti.inil miiiicii u.y 1 1 iii'i'.ic '
Walter Mnuarl, Krank,
A in. O i'lilteil, till or Lketln lie
sou, and Ouur 'i. Uuldiu, of
Vlstlllis, Oregon.
i'-iu J. X. Watson. IUr.ler
3 -elate s.aa Xallrr.
,,. ..... .
. V -I. ' "r"w. ''
Kin , aoij n , nam.
Notice is he
leby giv-n that Hie
Stus of Oregon haa tiled iu thrs ntllee
itt at iiliontlon to selm-i nouVr the
prorialons of the Act of ()iiiirma of
Augilnt 14, IH1H, hikI I tie Acta supple
mental and ameudtcty thereto.! lie rl
lowing dencrilied, utiappropriated.nou
niluersl public Isuds, sa follows:
List No. 0101., for SK uuawtar SK
ipisrter, SW ipiuiter HK quaeter. Kee.
M, T 3: S., It. It) K, and HW garter
HK quarter, Hec. 21, T. K. 10
K . V. M.
.' nr and all persons claiming ad
vernely tha luuiln fleaci ihed, or daalr-
Ing to object liecHilnii Of the ...lueral
sracter of the lun.l.or for an otner
'nMM.h. 'Tr'-.tU "Plut,
o il m ''r''' "Lri
this oltlce on or before tha, IPtb
.la- 1,7 Re. I... I r i.s h
day of September, IUlh.
I.. II.U ..III... 1 a - . I ....a
Ua II BinilM. Ih-VVI tar BV
The bIiov nctl"a will be iiiibilnhefl
in me l.iiKe l. ounty r.xamicer print
ed at lakeview, Oregon, nnl the Do
iihdzii Bulletin, printed nt ISmniiza
Oregon, for tbe full periml f,t thlry
diiys prior to trie dnie hcraiu bant men
tinned. J. N. Watson Reglnter.
July .'W-.Sept 10.
Mlale Land atar.
L S. Lund I. Illce, Laseiiaw, Ore
gon, July, I.i, Khim.
Notice is hereby given that the
State of Oregon has tiled ia this olllce
Its application to snluvt under (the
provisions of the act of fiiiKres of
Augilnt II, HiH, aud the Acts supple
meutai and aiueiuliitory thereto, for
the following described kinds, to wit-
Llrt No. 0Hf, for KK quarter SW
quarter, Hec. 4 Hnd NW quarter NW
quarter, Sec. I), T. XI 8., K. 21 K. W.
M ,
List No. ORG,
for HW quarter NK
T. 31 a., K. 11 K., W.
quarter, Hoc. 'A
Any and all persona claiming adver
sely the lauds described, or desiriug
to object because of the mineral
character of the land, or for any
other reasons to the disposal to
applicant, shonld file their affidavits
of protest iu this ottlee, on or before
the 10th day o- Hentember ,1!K)H.
J. N. Watson. Register.
The above notice will be uublished
in the tbe Evening Herald, printed at
Klamath Falls, Oregon, and the Lako
Uouuly Kxaminer, printed at Lake-
view, Oregon, for a period of at
east 30 daya prior to the data last
mentioned In tbe above notice.
J. N. Watron, Register.
July 30 -Hep 10.
Timber 1.4 nrl Mollee.
Department of the luterior, U. H.
Iand Ottlce at lakeview. Oregon,
June 15 l'J08.
NOTICE ia hereybglven that KARL
AUSTIN, of Oakland. Cal f., who. on
Kprll 22 I90t made timber and stone
application. No. ilD.T, for N half SB
quarter, Hp quarter HK quarter Reo
tion 20, Township 38 H., Ranga 18
Will. Meridian, has Hied notloe o
Intention to make Final Proof, to
establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver
at Lukvlew, Oregon, on the 3rd day
of September, 11)08.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Geo. Lynch, Marlon H. Barnes,
Elden Woodcock, Osoar Metzker, all
of Lakeview, Oregon.
J. N. Watson, Register.
First publication June 18. l'J08
Last Publication Aug. 'Jf), 1908.
business, daily profits, $Ti to 110.
Particulars free , write today. R. y.
Loon Co., Dee Moines, Iowa. 1 Ot
r M Mr NrMwi M mi vr m.
I). H Wilis t 0
it .
H tM fMir MIWHM n.l 9 to W M '
In i mlii.lltnra't jxiiiiu bt Imtlnt liltarl iW "( lh iifMf ' iw
hriMinl y m nl. IHI Nor III V a Iw rt I at uir iifMjrum ara
I mnf Prut tiftill vny iur ra(Mlu4 n. !, owf unlMMrs 4 Mr;
il imrM fV. to rnlr nU.
wan tifki I or aevnaievrsi "" ImiIu nuWui
aiiHlv nur aiiiwtb rm.illa al lit awaWa
llm re" W a iall ilia liin hail(ia.U I r Ira tot rana
Wa a.a utlaftnl tllt tt t prnnl alwiva larlor
vh can Mil out Israxlr widaa fum u mom U(a
iUy rraivl
Wa nVi M rrrnlarlv nan.ll ar4 hand Mrvrln, IX
nail li 0ut 1 Kh raiail aluira. 1 mm liail a
t, IO. laMrtittira lAtaatn liata mail4 lira
aat 14 awaW rwaaraa.
Ksllra Iha IMnh r bail
"A" and punalurw aarlna If
ad -II," alao rlna atrial ail"
tn prarrnl rim aaltans. Tkla
Ira will onllaal anar atlkaa
anaka-aorr, KLAwrlKJ avanl
wrilr lir our big Tlrr aul runnlry Caialasu wUkb
al about ha I llir I prh ra
toilay. IHI NOT THINK 4r liUTIrffJ a btryetf
imi Nor r ii i I
anvnnr until ytm know Ihr nrw sad wuodartnl
kara cvtriyinan;. Wiiia 11 NOW.
1 trnhar t anl "otlrt
Depart inent of tha Intel lor, U. H,
Laud Miles at Lssevimt, Oregon,
June, ir, liM
N'Ol'ICK la hereby wivni tlmt OTIH
TOLL KIT, if Lskevlew, Oiegou,
who, on April I. IIHH, inii.le lliiilr
sod stone spplii-Mtloii, No. 4U'", for
HK quarter NW quarter, NK onaiti-i
SW ipmrter, S"cll n , TowumIiIii .'ttl
S, Kiilige 'Jl Will. Meri lisiij bin
II I". I t.(li-n of lit'r.ti'in tojinskt
I'' i I r 'l,"tii alrtiili;i i Uiui to Jll.i
Uuils si ovf 'ilodcrlU d, lelorc Iteails
ter aud ltci i-t vor lit Lskcvlew, Dragon
on the 1st d. i)i.l September, I 'M.
Clslmsnt tismea s wltnenai-a:
J. T. MeUker. Wm. Stluipflg, t: O
.Metzker, But Lee, all of Lakevisw
( Irearoii.
:."-10 J. X. Watsou, Register.
i Notk
The Uke County Kxaminer Las
chanired tianda l II Mtik.r l..alr,
aoj the iatr to Krtvd J. Il i.m.n
.tu mouevs una ou suiiacriptloii arc
payable to Kred J. Bowman, and ha ia
to continue the paper to all subscrip
ers who have paid In advauee, for tba
full term for which such subscription
have beeu paid. Bills due for adver
tising to June 15 are ayabla to (J. O.
Hlgoed 0. () Mrtxker
Fred J. Bowman.
Hay Ranch For
A choice quarter mm-Hoo of I
ed meadow land, oue und one hi I
eant of I'alsley. Lake county, ( r. .
Thlslsod is under irrlKallou. at , ,'..
Ub f,M -"r right, f.ou tb . !-
wa.ican rlvr Horf-7,- ... I
""u,,n Mv,,r' H"rf l-vel su. smoolu.
hmxllilt 1mmju o and rskml over fr r
ninny years pasL l'libllo road ua
north aud cant lines of place.
For further particulars, addrest ar
inquire of T. J. Brsttaiu. I'ulslsy,
Oregon. yj t
Learn to Play Piano or Oraa
In One Hour
If J im cun t play by note, w will
leach you In one hour to pl.i your
fuvorlle piece of iimihIc bylhe"p'taV
Form" met bod. You will theu Ink
ready to piny t nine anv nml nil
iiiiimIc written In hU new inethtKl,
which Is so Mlliiiile Unit sn eluht viur.
nl'l child can learn lo plu tbe pluiio
nr ,)r I'our without u
'M'l',r. Pon t Imvc u silent organ
l''" ' '" house liny loiiccr.
Trv. ' "r m 'l'0p 'lia.
U OH UK: We will Mend yon,
express charges prepaid bv un, t
iiouiiu portfolio of 10(1 plect t otiu-
mr nni sacred music In th Enay
Form" method, und our Guide to
the keyboard iin.l coinpU-ie almplo
liiHtructlons, nil you will need to be
gin playing your favorite pieces at
once. Try the iiiuhIc seven dy Tf
you want It send us f 1.50 wltl.ii t!,.
seven days, and fl.lKl n iuimiII for
II vc rnont lis thereafter. If o. ,.'t
want It Hend It back to us I i )
seven days at our expeDrve. Hi . v
wrlto iim today an I wiy: "I a- -your
fnft trial offer In The
County Examiner. My plan'. . i
organ has white keya."
. (IMPORTANT: Be sure to any bow
many white keya your Instrument
has.) Address.
.'WWabanh Av., Chicago
Nolle lor PwlHkailao
Department of tbe luterlcr. U. 8.
Jaud Olllce at Lakeview.Oregon, July
14, 19t8.
Notice Is hereby given tUt Emery
H. Amsden, of Lakeview, Oregon,
wbo, on November, 12, 1007, made
ilomestead Entry No. 3070, (Serial
Number 0.15) for NE quarter, Heo
tlon 31, Towusbip 37 S., Range
19 E., Willamette Meridian, has Mled
notice of luteutlon to make Final
Commutation esUblisb claim
to the land above described, before
Register aud Receiver at Lakeview.
Km0 a th Ub dr f BeI,u,n,brt
Claimant names aa alinu.. t t
Willits, Joe Ancner, Gabriel Arsner!
Of Laksvlaur llimiinn a., i.
Orltfith of New Pin, oZ-'
.rw-u v , n. watsoq, ItogWUr.
IjMHert Proof, Timber Ind Kiimf'
ProofH, blank Atlldavlta ' for Appll
cjitloti for Ro-advertlawments.blmk
Wltnesa' AttlilaTlU, etc.
I maawju. . . wi. . i X -. ., ' . Vj