tup 2? VOL. XXIX LAKKVIKW. LAKK COUNTY, OIlKdON, THURSDAY. AUGUST R Hm)8. NO. 33 QfO MAKING A DESERT FARM The Silver Lake Leader Tells of New One Up There WISE FARMERJESTCOTT His Crain, Alfalfa' and Vegeta bles Showed His Neigh bors Something TheHllver lake lewder of Augum 7 contain the following S "On litnt Hti'ilny afternoon In com pany with Jim Ninffurd tin-editor of tho I-cmlcr 11 ii visit to the homo of 'IV and 'Ma' WfHicott. mtimtcd ill. Mil II lllllc lllul 11 lllll f'OIII IllM'll. We lute I heard much of t he improve ment MM Wt'll UM tilt' Hplelldld KIUW Inn crops on t he Wi'Hiciit ranch, hut had not rculired wliut wiim ilu'ic mull wi hiiw It with our nun f.vcx, ami to Hi' H was to gurc upon It Willi perfect Hiimcfiiifiii. 'Jui fut.rtcfii iiiuiifiiH nmi Air Wl'Mt'Ott II H'' I II llOIIHWtl (III Upon lIllM I lltH't of llllld Mllll lllllll.V. V lll'll lie liletl. Klllllt ll II t It, IIH lie'WIIH t'OIIl- -rcii looiixii to irv io numi up h lioini' upon a dreary and il.Holtiie looking uugeliruNli plain. Mr. West-4-oll let tin-in laugh, while hi nalil nothing. J nil (en luoiilliH ago lie Im'Kiiii to Improve tho place dy build ing it miiiiiII bonne, t lieu ln-gun to dear up tlit liiml ready for crop tbia pi lug. lly late hi edlng; thiit- In had lorty hciim grulilVil, i wi my of which In mi-Ii-I to rye, not plowing the ground at nil, Imt In H sicad Kfivelt a thorough discing;. Seven teen acres he plowed. Kevcu f Which lit Mowed to alfalfa and tip other teu to barley. The other ilirve m rea he uwed for a garden, yard 'and darn lot. Tin rye U an pretty u field of tiiat grain a one wImIicm lo v and will produce an lininc na tiinniiut of liny. Tin barley, for a first crop, M a fairly good one, although Ita growth liiut Ih-en somewhat Mtuutnl by the extraordinary hot weaih-r we have had during the punt month. 'ui will make choice hay. The alfalfa well wurdM almoMt fall iim when we want todeMtrllie It, Imt w ill Hiiy that dur Injr our live ycira' rcMldeuce In Lake coliuty we ha ve never net-M ltMt-iiial but on One In tie patch of alioiit an acre that had Ihvii well Irrigated. It Im Mlinply a wonderful growth, and no one can reallxe that Mils alfalfa, Howif iIiIh spring, without a drop of water on It except t ha' which came from the mUIi-m. hIiii-iI up fully four teen IticheH high with the darkest of it hcnll h.v tfTccu eiilur, and Willi -uch an eveiiiii MM on the ground that Melooiit ciiunilcd nay where, in the gnrde,i poialiN'H are grow ug iim Hue an er gic aiiywmre: Hinlmif, oirriitx, uhmIiiim" and tuinlpH unit are an Mteei anl Juicy mm i-Ve u,r.-w on an.V mill greeia I In- eye of I lie be ti.il.ii i. ,- hum a iiueMory and liilf Ih.iikc wil li a km nl ci I ill imilei nen I li, a line well if aier, pure ami clear iim cimii, a Imlii ami iiila-r mil IiUIIiIiuhm. J'Ikm and chlckeliH, cum n ami en Hex, ail i-lwn ami lal, nho Ihg pi . ir-H i ity iilel thrill. S o iImi Hum new Ini lie Jilnt oH-neil pliallltlUK an It I". Mill ! pay anyone tne lime -iil In K""'K w e li, an no n ut i. can poi I ray m liat In I lure ax well iim I lie eye cull we o. 'I'o looh iipiai tne uriiw in t riii and lliell at Hie muri III uh !! till' OUlMdlt oi the lci.ee ami to Hunk wual a ureal liauxii ii iijiii lull Iiivm Im-cu made In it'll nioiiiliM opM-ti'M like a il ream, Inn a mem reality. I In. IiiiiiI iii Mr. Wexcott'M In Juhi like ihoiiHauiU of itcreM lylutf in iiurilii'l u 1-ake couuiy , all of wnicii can Im- iuuiIv lo ploiilice iim well lot HUH pli fo M lilt I lie name IiiICIIIk II I'llliH ttllwu that Mr. Wenlcoll Iiiim upplleo lo llili pal liCUlac piece. niiiiout naiiery to Mr. WcHtcolt we waul In Mil llial we coiiniili-r It a lile-nl., mat lie located wllhllM, iim tie Iiiim oy hi energy and liuiallcr Iur lii ln l In the proline pniduclive in -KB hi iIh- miii ami hy Iiim lutt-iliueiit inetliod ol Iuiiiiiuk. pruved I icy on-1 any duulit l hal I lit! MitKehruMli pl.niin ol t lil. Mi ction can lie made to pro tluceiniiuyf Id. Mr. WeMCoi tM wtn k ami i he Kpifiuiltl rellliM tli tallied are ol Iim nk ulnlile valtliinie to uleinlliin Met i ler , aM it Im no u nicer an iiuiriid expcl'iiueni iim lo wuet ner tni uplaim null III III-- Hellll-Mild Im ll will proilllce. nut tne prooi im a Mit-ru reality, wuicti we wl-li llm tlioUMitudM wuo ait- Mt'i 1 it if Iiuiiicm could Htv, mm we have ecu. w till their own eyt-M. GEORGE BOYDS- TUN KILLED DID: FENCING His Team Ran Away, Throwing Him, and Kicked Him on the Head A fnont dlHtrHHln accident occurred nnur town Tuniiay veniiiK when (ieorKD iioydMtutt lont hii Ufa. It ai-eirm he waa hyin, and id Mome way lont control of I) la team, which afartttil to riu. and threw him lietweeo tbem and ttwwsuou, aod oue of the boraea kicked bim la the head, lie aa taken to bia borne, and kIvmu medical attention, but be only aurvlvi'd a few houra. A liiiKnlMr cc Incidence ia noted in the fact that nhout two yeara aioce he had a brother killed in a etmi'ar manner at lMley Dofb men it Aitemi wnre (tool huriie.ueii, but hal frequent ruuawMya In-fore ttieetioK with their fatal Moci. tents. Mr. Hoydntun waa about 10 years of Hit, aud leave, a wife, two boy., and two uirle. ben I rip. a father, mother and a number of brothers aod aiiitera to irourn bia untimely death. He a born and raiatd here. Heva.a bard worklnif man quite well to-iio. and waa bivhly esteemed by hla frieuda and neighbors He waa a member of tb local Woodman Iode, and carried an insurance in the order. The funeral eervlcea will be held this (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock in the Metbodiflt Church by the Bap tist clerKymau, Iiev. U. C. Harris The eubject will be "The Departed Deal." and b-lnit in the very heart of a won derfully rich mineral belt, there is every m-mmou to believe that at au early date it will show very anbfltan tll imrirovemf-nt. Heretofore this peetionof country, Iih. been comparatively durnmnt arid j occ.tifiied only as a ((razing field by I the Htockuien, with an occasional ranch here and there and which has yielded iinmeiiHe crops wherever culti- WhT-e these retmurces are in their, Thought They lurancy and await tne advent or -ner-uetiu men and capital, the surround-j I ml hills abound in countless beris of antelope, dcr, liear and mountain , sheep and the Jarre brooks and lakes i are filled with delicious mountain1 trout. ILLEGALLY it They Owned Everything in Sight And More HARNEY HEN IN LIMBO WINGF1ELD SAID TU lit: A BIGAMIST A San Jose Woman Doing Lot of Vicious Talking u Tberr is a woman In Ban Joae who Is kicking up a rumpus, and nay tbat lieo. Wiuutielil i a bigumiHt, claiming abe already waa bia wife lieu be married Minn M unlock It ia not at all.liker that Wingfleld. dead game sport that be has proved hinmef to lie, would take cbaL.ct'8 on auy such deal as this woman alleges. KLAMATH'S NEW SUPERINTENDENT FAIR GROUNDS OF OUR SCHOOLS Isn't It Time for the Lake County Partners to Or gonize for Fall Fairs? Teaches School, Kuns a Big Farm, and Has 1,000 Head of Cattle I Itald .'Mountain .Mine Cedarville Record 5: A mining man went out to HhIiI niouutalu IhhI Munday to look at the milieu. It is to be hoped ho wid tuke bold of them and make them paying properties. The ore is there, and all it needs is capital to get it nut nud work it. President ft. St. George Bishop of tbe Klauiatb Falls County Agricultur al Asoclatlon, ia authority for tbe Htatemeut tbat the couuty will have a blrf fair and race meet this fall Tbe track on tbe new fair grounds will be completed in a few days and w ill be one of the ll lu tbia section. A number of buildings for exhibits will be put on toe ground and by tbia tall every tbing will be in readiness for a race meet and couuty fair Farniera are urged to collect exhibits so tbat there will be a good display of agricultural products. Isn't it about time for the farmers of this couuty to organize a county Hair? The Kxamiuer believes it, would tie productive of much good ! and would be a tine opportunity for the faimers all over tb county to get together to their mutual benefit. MUST SPEAK ENGLISH OR. NO HOMESTEAD HuNt'luiU IteniH A HOiibation was created in the Fed eral Court of Dever wheu Judge Lewia panned a new ruling, when thruwlug out half a dozen natural lzatlon cases, in which be held that a foreign horn -person must speak the Kuglitdi lan guage before he cau hull a cleur title Jo a hoineetcad. "I cannot allow final papera to tie I xiven" aatd the court, "where the party seeking the same la liable to peak the English lauguage. He can not understand the laws of this country or auy of the acts that go to rove bis citizenship. He may have loinestaadeu upou land, but be must road and write English before be can Hccure his final papers and come bo fore this couit with a natitva born citizen who cau s ear he bus known the subject for a period of five years." The decislou will result in invali dating many claims throughout this state aud it is claiiuod was made iu accordance with tbe rulings fioui the naturalization ottice. A Former 1iiIhIiv Man Newt. Taylor, of Crab Orchard, ftebrBBka, In renewing bis uubscrip tlon to The Examiner, nays: "We appreciate the weekly visits of your paper verymuch, as every copy con tsiui Home , Item ot interest to us, Having lived iu Paisley, tor a number of years, we at 111 take a deep interest In the alfairs of Lake Couty, aud the welfare of her people." MILLWRIGHT FOR MILL NOW HERE To Have the Mill Ready for Grinding this Fall's drain Crop . A portion of the machinery for tho now flouring mill hits arrived. Ho noon as tho rest gets here, operations will begin aud Tbe Examiner will give 4i0 enterprise suitable muutlou. It will lie a line thing for the furmers, nironliug a market for their gralu, ami will also provide the peoplo with flour at less cost. H. Hlniniona, the millwright who Is to put lu position the muuhinery for the Homing mill Is here aud will at unoo lustall the mill so that It will bo j .ready for operation within a few weeks. Parties who have wheat to dispose of might do weu to 11 rut coiiBtilt the Lakcview F ouring Mill Company. It may bo that Mr. Himmons will ul ho become the miller He is highly j leuommeuded and has only recently completed a nulla lioiiauaza. 3lnU.CN Fine Saddle H. F. AhlHtrom, the pioneer saddler aud harness maker, reports business exceedingly good, eight orders for saddles having' boon received the pant week from d liferent parts of Oregon, Nevada and Califorula, This Urni has hud the reputation far aud wide of making tho best saddles on tho mar ket, and several meu aro constantly employed iu tilling the demand. This brings iu much money to the town that otherwise would not reach here. Thought Man wax u Deer Tho Alttiraa New Era says that Frauk Aville whs shot aud seriously injured by W. H. Harrison, iu the Horse Lake Motintulns laid. week. They were hunting aud Aville was uiiutakea for a deer. A base ball game ' was pulled off in Fine Creek Munday between tho Fine Creek team aud an aggregation of players picked from Lakeviw and Crane Creek. It was a walk ov?r for the HI ate Liners, resuitiug in a score of 17 to H Another game was bad on the same day at Davis Creek, just across the line in California The Lake City team came over to that place with tbe determination of taking home with them the laurels that bad been snatch ed away on th-ir owu diamond a few weeks ago. The were doomed to dissHpolutment, however, for Davis Creek again carried olf the honors. We did uot learn the score Iti s expected that the Hly baseball te-iin will be over in a few days to cross bats with tbe local teams. A game is beiug arranged for San dy beteen tbe All Stars aud tbe Ltke vlwe High School. Toere has aw-ays beeu a strong rivalry between these two teams, the iant game b-duga com-1 plete victory lor thi All Stars. The! agme Suuday is looked forward to with a great deal of interest. ft. li. Jackson, of Paisley, (he new county school superintendent - of schools is in town tbia week in attend ance at tbe county examination. . Mr. Jckaon is a very pleasant gentle man io meet, lie intends making a regular trip each week to Lakeview to look after bia oc filial duties. In addition to being Lake County Super intendent Mr. Jackson is also tbe principal of the Paisley schools. He also is tbe owuer of a 1000 acie farm adjoining Paisley, and is tbe owner of 1000 bead of cattle, a number of which be is now pastu ing on tbe Klamath flats, getting them ready for market at either Aabland, Ore., or Vreka, California. It will be seeu tbat with his manl fold duties aud property iuteresta tbat Mr. Jacksou is a very busy man. Work on t ,'ourt 1 1 ohm The work on the iievtr court houae Ik now ho fur advanced tllut the roof and the copula nre lielng constructed It la Hinted that the .entire upier ory mil y lie uaed mime 'time In the future fr h county hopttiil. It la a fine t'tifturi mid one that nu!d do credit to n county wlih fen time the population of Ivike couiily, and the Imt of It nil Im that it Im (mid fur and thi-re la money lanldea In the treaa cry. All tbia apenka well for tbe coun ty and Its omclaht. Our Urtcle Samuel Begins Civil and Criminal Action - Against Them ROCK ISLAND SUR VEYORS AT WORK SAILING WITH THEJLS. FLEET Letter From a Young Sailor Man Now Having dood Time in Auckland Tbe editor of The iiCXaminer has .a youug 'need ou board too U. fi. "Uori", BOW waking the toor' arouud tbe world. He is an electric ian, aud is a South Dakota buy, uamed Milton Wlliard. His last letter ia dated Honolula, but the fleet is now at Aukland, Hew Zealand. ' . Im winter Ihara nnm inn m irwua m. ports state tt at tbe boys shivered soma before arriving ; at Auckland.' He aays: - : We left Frisco. July .7th for Hon olula, aud tpeut 9 days at sea. We bad fine weather fr6m tbe time we left Frisco. It ia awfully bot here. It is almost as hot as Rio Jauiero. We arrived here on Thursday, July ltf about 2:30 p. m. !ine days is- uot. long to bt at sea, but our next run will be 16 days from' here, to, Aukland New Zealand. On Friday we paraued aud Saturday we coaled ship. .To day was cleaning day. The poorer' class of people supplied fruit tor all the ships. We got about 600 pine apples aud about 100 bunches of bananas., Cocoanots - and alligator pears aud a good deai of. mixed truit. 1 bfcd a wbore pine apple to myself. Ibey are larger 1 ever saw in tbe United received, your Examiuer and was very much pleased to get it Said to to he Running a Line Portland, and Con struction Started Wlnnemucca, ( New). July SI It la stilted here on g;ood Htitlioriiy thin the Hock Inland Hailroad K.VHtetii la npprexeiit huildliii; a line north to jro through Wluneinucca and end at Portland, Oregon. It 1 stated that the actual aurvey of this route baa lieeu completed and that the work hat been atarted. M1h Our Sunshine . The Metk?er family, who left here recently tor San Fraucisco eridently are not altogether pleased with the Golden Gate an I mies our suntthie. A card from tbe ladv 'says: This laud of Siiusbiue and Flowers' is the dauip- Nauce O'Nell," the other day, aud found (on the stage) an old Lakeview. favorite, Mrs. Paul Harvey. This will ue argeeable news for ber many frieudi iu Lakeview. " '.fbe Henuet Show played Monday night to a large audlauceat tbe Opera House. ltlgr Fire Went of Town Tbe Forestry office, just as we go to press, got woru yesterday morning of a big tire raging lu tbe timber in 27 17 Drews Valley. A big crew of men was sent out to fight fire. HERE S NEW A FIELD Kuoulug full populous tonus well that the more j much preferable to oue line of busi and cities will be t-i.i.... u.. m a. i veiv unlet tor n venr or tn at lMMt ' mou iu uuuuuea m me eeciiua veiy tpjiet ior n year or two, at least j n,BntillH.i ,. i,mlo1ia ,.,, theie is a positive demaud on the part j thouands of acru open to settlemeut of tho public for a new Held, of diver- under tho laws of the United States, The Portland Journal says Tbe Ex miner is publishing much good in formation about Lafee county. " Equity salts to enjoin tbe mainten ance' of fences, Bud criminal auita to ' prosecute the men responsible for tbe unlawful inclosufe of 112,340 acres of government land, were filed ia tbe United, States court Saturday by United States Attorney MeCourt, says the Oregon iao. Tbe anita are five in number and tbe principal defendant is1 tire ' William .Hanley Company, ' wbicht' it is alleged, baa inclosed j improperly 82,&Kr acres of vacant I publio land and i'O acres of school land, til iu Harney county. It i f barged ittttt tbe fences com .plained, pf tv beep maintained by 60GUed corporation to tbe exclus ion of ail other stockmen for about 1) yesrss.' Harry L. Corbett ia secrptary of the- corporation, wbtlo WUlUw Haoley t president and general man aiier. fiftnley win be prosecute criminally. Practically three sides of the alleged"" unlawful iuclosore are inclosed by rm-roek as a natural barrier, which .served to keep tbe beHa con ailed. Where there wer any openings around the tract, '-which is about 30 nil lea, in length and range frcm 4 to 12 miles in' width, the' company purchas ed aeef ies of tract I of 40 acres each, do Which it constructed fences, com plc'tln'g the inclosnAj. Ttjs other largcstv indlridnal tres 7TR8eiri : against ..Which proceedings 'bare. been institued, is ttie PaclHo Livestock Company. It is cnarged with, having mainained a fence inclos ing 23,000 of land in Malheur county. l,t ia alleged that tbe land baa been in Cioaed" unlawfully for 15 years, la addition to tbe equity suit, a criminal proceeding bas been brought against Henry L Miller and John (Jilchrist, president and manager, respectively, of i!e company. .Civil and criminal suits also have been fled in tbe other th'ee cases, as follows: American- Livestock Com- than any.1 pany of Cbicago, inclosing 1800 acres States. 1 in Harney county.' for which Kdwin li. Hall, manager, vt ill answer to a criminal charge; Elijah ani Royal T. Clever, inclosing acres in Union county and J. F. aod Ralph O. Smith, inclosing 300 acres also iu Un ion county. Tbe suits against both tbe William Hanley Company, aod the Pacific Livestock Company embrace a larger .acreage tbau warf involved in the case agamta me cuue LieeK L.ana iu which It was in 000 acres of government laud,, that ex-United States Attorney Hall was indicted on a charge ot conspiracy. He waa tried tbe United States court last Feb ruary and convicten, bis co-coospira-tors, W. W. Steiwer. 11. H Hendricks and Clarence li. ''Zacbary, pleading guilty and tetitityisg for tbe pros-cu-tiob. esr. coiaesi piace I was ever ia - we Livestock Covupaoy, "-"""'J -M" " lumo iimta .me accused pleaded guiltv f.'v-08 fx.J,'.r,,d': 1;ut,euue'1 tbe' this case, involving 20,00 THE PRICE OF BEEF IS BOUND TO b0 UP A Loudon aispatch states tbat tbe I ha ?"&f ii'8' A1"08t , , r t.. I all. the contracts pending have been prolouged scarcity of meat in, the rescinded or faileu of execution. The United States continues attentiou aud ia begluuiog alarm. The demands- of silled resources ; where the mauufaa tiircr can secure water power; where the homesteader can obtain rich gov ernment laud; where the timber belts will furnish lumber sutllcieut for all building aud geueral purposes; where the gold mines mix be operated at a profit by the gold miner; aud It Is such a reglou lu Southeastern Oregou and iu Lake Couuty, Certainly there is a disposition ou the pait of mauy people to engage iu business lu a section which ia uot entirely depeudeut ou any eiugl re source, for they have come to believe that a diversity of lesources is at a nominal cot-t for each oue huu dred aud sixty acres ot laud which will, withiu tbe next year or two, tie in direct railioad communication with tho outside world. Tbe Nevada, California & Oregou Railway is rapid ly coming this way fiom tbe South, aud a branch of the Oregou & Cali forula is uearing Klamath Falls to tbe west of us. Auolber line is already surveyed through thissectlou starting iu at Vale and tbeuoe directly West to the Pacific Ocean. With these three hues of railroad actually assured, transportation facilities will be at our doors Au absolutely new town has been to claim , sh;pmeuts of meat for South Africa to - create " we" 88 thnsefor bwedeo have beeu , i suspendd for the time. American j. .,,, aii,. ,uuiin,. ,j ..Dnin . houses for the return of canned meat j 8eif 0f the condition 'to push tbe in sent here, already repeated twice iu )dutry of canned .meats to the limit, orders that agree to pay tbe freight (and.iu all its packing establishments both ways, are so extended aud per lis working with qxtra forces on full sii-teut it is impossible to understand Uiwe to secure position and satisfy tbe how such operations cau be effected..' "'aet. lut it i calculated that lu iio years the stocks of preserved i do wilHt ,bev il is impossible to meats have not Ueeu so reduced iu reestablish the equiliurium orthe mar- Kurope as at the present time. . Kel since ail estimates seem to show Through English ports alone. 5,4;10 hU the world's ikimand is superior (KX) pouuds of canned meats have beeu j V,' tte aetu'41 Prodjuctlou. returned to the Uiiited States. Au in-' ' a view of the situatiou, which if diciatiou ot the necesitr for meat iu i piolonged must paoduce an insupport- the exportiug country is fouud iu the iaL1 r'8B iu the i''ice ot meats, there fact that the important lionise of Lib by which bus immense stocks iu Aut werp, has given orders to return it AVootl.s tin Fire Recent fires have done considerable damaga to timber lauds iu Klamath county. The fires here have only burned up the ueedles. However, there is great danger from fire, owing to the inteuse heat of last two weeks making eveiythiog dry as a tiuder box aud campers should take great care with ther tires. is a returu. to the FJiiglish ports to Argeutiue cattle. ' idea of reopening tbe admission of Atlvertl.Hotl Letter . Mr. Fmll Pettersou, Walter Strand, Albert Robbius, "Mr. Crest Strand le, Mr, Jobuey Prairte, Mr. C, L. Smith, Dr. Daue, Mrs. M. Iluback, Mr. EHing. .A. HariBon, Ed. Sheerwood, Henry Stout, .Mrs. Ftorlce McOee, Win. Clark, Mr. tli. E. Colviu, Mm. Hertha Klueery, Esmil Dethlife, UPli MILLER, Postmaster. very j laid out iu tbe district of Oold Run