Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 09, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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Ice Cream
Ice Cream made at home is
pure, cheap, and ready when
you want it. This week we
cut the price on freezers. They g
ar of one gallon size, hard
wood, stoutly made, with gal
vanized metal parts, and will
make excellent cream with lit
tle labor.
The ladies who Hold loo cream and
; rake Frldav during the opening day of
t tie baseball tournament fui tho heno
llt of t ho Library were very veil
patronised. That was h it should
be for It surely was in a good ohiiso.
Pocket. Pishing rods nt-J. It. Anion
Co. UT-tf
Horn : To Mr. and Mm. .Isek Fair,
of San Franolsoo, fomerly Miss Marie (
Hullo, of Lakeview. r buy, torn -'.Uh i
of Juno. t
It. J. Kline and P. K. Sturgeon, of i
I'plaml. Iiiilinna, arrived hero Satur
day. They are looking tlio country !
over with n viow of locating n WHlfrJ
system tor some .own in this vicinity, i
Finding Mint Lakeview MIH Well Slip
plied ill tllisWUV, tlio gent lemon lift
for Fort liidwoll over the lino In Oil
lloat Oars lit J. 11. Anton Co. '.'7tf
C. K MoClenrv, tho Pino Crook
raining iinin, returned Saturday
compelled to wait In (ho lobby until
tho llrst Hot In completed. Tho P.tain
Inor note with approval tlmt Mr,
Mont; advertised hint night flint tho
show would Pegln nt S :.'I0 Hhnrp. Tlmt
hour I plenty Into enough to milt thoi
convenience of nil, hiicI will give tho
early to boil people nu opportunity to,
retire nt n sotisonuUo hour, Homo
t hi tin needed In this high altitude.
fSeUon Knock Out Onus
Tho redoubtable ,loo (iiuiH, tho
colored light weight champion of tho
tlslio nroiiii, wim knocked nut in tho
17th round Nt San Frnm-isoo, on tho
Fourth, I v " Hutt I ing'' Nelson, tho
Our Price
$3 I
Reaching For the
Lake County Wool
It i8 to be regretted that A. E. Irv
ing, the representative of the Century
Mercantile Co . of Berkley, Cailf..
was unable to meet the sheep owners
before the wool sales of the past two
weeks wert made. By invitation of
beep owners in Nevada, Mr. Irving
made trip through their s ate, inter
viewing and explaining to theui his
company's method of handling wool
From eastern .Nevada he rode north
Into Oregon and west unt 1 he arrived
in this community, covering h dis
tance of over 700 miles.
In a recent interview with him
some interesting facts were discussed
ad letters were shown from men in
various parts of California, whose
wool the company bad bandied, which
brought out the fact that the grower
bad received from two to tour cents
per pound moie than the speculator
buyers would pay.
The Century Mercantile Co., is a
oo-operatiTe concern in its workings
and shippers get the benefit of full
Market prices at eastern woolen mills,
lees expense of handling. While this
ceo pan y maintains a strong eastern
riling force at al. times, yet this
year a personal representative was
ant rom California to push sales,
being aware of the fact that it might
Fm harder than usual to make sales.
Upon recei'iug the wool at their
warehouse every sack is opened and
the wool properly graded ho that
mcd manufacturer may be able to
buy just the grade be desires and in
the quantity be wishes without hav
ing to buy a lot be cannot use, as is
usual in au ungraded clip, and which
he must re sell.
In order that the company might
bare the wool graded as the mills desir--1
they went to the trouble and ex
pense of bringing a man from the
eastern mills to train their graders.
This means prompt sales and good
The fact that the movement has
spread so rapiily throughout Calif
ornia and that in every locality they
go, as in Red Bluff district sb 1 year,
the local price for wool is forced up
is pretty good evidence the company
has struck that for which growers
have been looking, viz: "A co
operative method' of handling their
product direct and cutting out, as
much as possible, the middleman and
nis profits. "
Mr. Irving has been urging those
whom h was able to see not to sell
at the low figures offered by the
speculative buyers; because, through
all this seasin the maiket for long
staple trools, like those of Lakeview.
has been tiim and with au upward
tendency. Within the past month
these wools have risen from Ave to
tan per cent in value, which makes
the actual market price but little
lower than that of last year. In fact
the company in March, and again in
April, sold wool at only ten percent
less tban that received for the same
grade last year. This certainly speaks
well for tbe company's outlet in the
fc'acb of our local banks baa personal
letters from tbe Berkeley bank with
which tbe company does business,
showing that they bave strong East
ern connections and are very success
f u in tbeir manner of handling the
wool, freeing that our wool interests
are quite heavy bere we would sug
gest, as did Mr. Mc Bride, secretary
of the Eastern Nevada Wool XJroers.
Association, that "Mr. Irving's
proposition is one which may be
commended to the careful considera
tion of all wool-growerg in this section."
Similar Conditions
Produce Same Results
Up in Wasc) county, north of bere, , of tbe crop for tbis year puts" tbe
muder similar conditions, it is re-, aggregate yield at 2,200,000 bushels
parted 'that on account of the un-! for tbe couuty.
ually mild winter, Fall-sown wheat! Wben tbis southern portion of the
bs an exceptional stand. j Great Inland Empire gets to the front,
H stool of tall grain which was on . now assured from coming of railroad,
display at Dufer, 15 miles south of j tbe wheat crop that wlil pour out
Tbf Dalles and in tbe heart of tbe of Luke county will lie something
Wfaaco Couuty wheat belt, contained enormous.
atalk all grown from one seed. Similar conditions must produce
It is thought that a yield of from HO ; similar results, and as is the case up
to IK bushels an acre will be harvest-, there now, wben cheap rapid and easy
wl from Fall grain. The ruins which . transportation is assured bere, then
wm) general over the Iuland Empire
uriug th latter part of May aVj
tafliated in briugiug about wonderful
f'jvelopiuecit in both Spring and Fall
jwn crops. A conservative estimate
will tbe desert bloom aa a rose, and
large ureas now devoted solely to
grazing will be transformed into vast
i wheat Holds that will yield immense
1 crops of a superior fall wheat.
The Remedy That Uoc
"Dr. King's New Discovery is the
rnmedy that does the healing others
promise but fail to perform," says
14rs. K. U. I'iersou, of Aurburu, Bit."
It is curing me of throat and lung
tiouble of long standing, that other
treatments relieved only temporarily.
Hw Discovery is doing me so much
rood that I fool coulldeut its continu
al use for a reasonable length of time
will restore me to perfect health."
Tbis renowned cough and cold remedy
ud throat and lung healer is sold
it 'Thorn tou's Drug stoie. 50c. and
tl.UO. Trial bottle free.
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the
business heretofore existing between
B. K. McMartin and M. Whorton in
the name of Whorton McMartin bas
beeu dissolved, Mr. McMartin having
retired, and Mr. Whorton continues
the bubinesa, and all bills due said
firm are payable to Mr. Whorton
and be settles all indebtedness.
Signed li. It. McMaitiu.
27 4wks. M. Whorton.
A It ii ihs, Modoc county, California,
jntt over the utato lino, whoro ho tins
been in attendance at court in a met
for tho "Mountain Sheep" gold mine
in the llottg district. Tho property
Iihs been in litigation for a year or
fo, but be thinks now that it will be
doei'led in bis favor. It Is said to be
a very valuable mining property.
The .V.tura Now Kra reports 23
j bores at. the race track in that town
It purely was 2:t" for Enkoview,
'judging for our recent nutiotiuccuient.
Now Aniortment of Fios Silk Fish
1 lines at J. B . Auten A Co. 27-tf
C. D. Kakestraw, Supt. of tho Bid
wo;l Indian school bus informed tho
Now Era that a similar school will
be established in A It lira.
One of the exhibit! nis the Fourth
provided was a young fellow who
dropped from a 50 foot polo into a
pool ot water. He did it twice, and
came out a I riuht,. It look to us
as though that was a pretty dangerous
way of making a living.
The Foresters gave a banquet to
members and fronds Mouday uigbt.
C. S. Beeraft, a dairy man of Iho
couuty, with postotilce at. Vlstillis,
Klamath county, was in Lakeview
Saturday, lie is getting together a
big herd of dairy cattle, and finds
profit in the business.
A dance was held in the Opera
House Monday night. These be
strenuous times iudeed for tbe young
people hereway and also for some of
the older ones who have to act as
Haying tools. Rope and Pullies at
J. B. Auten aud Co. 27 tf
County Fruit Inspector A. M.
Smith wan In town TuendHV. lie ro
porfH that tho orchard of Luke Co.
show prortpects of nood cropH. Tberv
will ! plenty of npplcH. pears and
cherries about fuMcy and hummer
E. It. Patch, of Pine Cn-ek, who rep
reKoiitM the Allwiuy numeric, wmh
in town celebrating the Fourth. I If j
gave tin much Information n to fruit
growing which we will iiublUh later.
E. Taire, a rancher engaged in rais
ing cattle ai il alfulla on the Cotton
wood, Went Side, wan In own thin
W. 15. BarncH, formerly nxwHrfor of
Lake County. In over from Klimath
Fallf. Mr. Barnex I now n rcHhlcnt
of Klamath, and was recently eU cted
Hbcriff that county. lliw many
friend here are glad to cee him again
and uth pleased over hi pronperity.
MarbeU aud Lyman' Rifle Sights B
J. B. Auten Jt Co. 27 tf
LOST: - Between Opera House and
Hotel Lakeview, a cluster garnet scarf
pin. Finder will be liberally reward
ed by returning same to Win. V.
A lady's drnli kid glove, with pearl
button wjih left at thin office the4th.
The owner can secure namo by cal
ling at the Examiner office.
L. A. Carriker and wife were
callers on Tbe Eaxminer Tuesday.
Mr. Carriker was looking for hay
ing bands. Wages for that sort of
labor on tbe big ranches have come
down tbis year, being SI. 50 tor bands,
and S3 for man and team This in
cludes board.
J. L. Morrin, a former Lake County
renldent. hat len lucky ntnce in iv-
lutr to Middletown, California. The
Miihlletowii independent nay: "Mr.
Morris won a eat rutilicr-tlred
buggy on the Examiner gift propor
tion and It wu delivered ycMtcrday.
He is to be congratulated on his
S. T. Colvin, a resident of tbis sec
tion since 1873, was a caller Friday.
He was interested in sheep and cattle
for 30 years, but for tbe last seven
yeats baa grown horses and spent tbe
winters disposing of them In various
parts of tbe country. He thinks be
will stay Mere the coming winter.
P. Ward of Oakand arrived bere
Monday night. He bas been a reader
of the Eaxminer and conclnded to
come up and get a piece of govern
ment Jland before it is all gone.
Others can emulate bia example with
future profit to themselves
The big Paisley package of Exam
iners mailed from this office last
Thursday, bas gone atray somehow
and somewhere in the mails. It
seem almost impnsssible such a thing
could happen. We are at a loss to
account for it and cannot imagine
what could bave become of the pack
age, our supply or extra copies nas
gone or we would remail them to our
Paisley subscribers.
llano, whom lie ilcfcutcil two ycuM ;
ago at liolillh'ld, Nevada. Cans eiiys j
the best man won. It was evident
to all present, that after tlio 7th i
round, victory was going to NoIhoii.
Tli result of t his tight makes NoUou I
froin ' ' bo Champion. Ho ban not decided
w hot her or not ho wi'l stay in tlmi
ring. (!aus savs now that ho stayed;
one tight too lung, aud that may be i
tho cas- with Nelson. I
5hoved to Bi Mouses All
the Past Week
Tho Mong company have been play
ing the past week to crowded houses,
and on some nights standing room
evou was at a premium.
The company are in advance of
what oue might opxoct in a towu so
far from railroad transportation,
which renders travoliug difficult,
tiresome and expensive.
Mr. Mong is a very talented young
man, and iu all lines ho far essayed
he bus proved himself a hea lliner in
his profession. Ho has played many
of bis roles, such as "David tiai rick,"
"Tbe Poor Inventor." "Till Death
do Us Part," and other bills, oue of
which, "Tbe Clay Baker" lie wrote
bimslf, to crowded bouses iu th cities
of the Fast ou u ightly runs un high
as III consecutive nights, siinw lug
conclusively where good acting is best
known be Is highly appreciated.
His supporting company Is good,
especially the dn'.icato graceful act
ing of bis w ife.
The company will leave hero this
week for Kalmath l'al'S, aud
when they complete an engagement
there, they will make a tour of the
surrounding country, after which they
will return tu Lakeview, of which due
announcement will be uiudo in The
While away the companv will lie
accompanied by the Lakeview
Orchestra, an organ'zatinu of artists
iu their line. They will provide
music ot a quality that cannot fall
to please tho most critical tusto.
The Examiner wishes the company
and the orcbtestra, pleasure aud pros
perity while away, anil commends
them to our neighbors who desire a
high quality of entert ininent.
Come in and Be Clothed
You'll Look VOUK MlvST niter 1 jet
tlirtuili with you. My Clothes nlwiys
have that
Stylish, Distinctive
air so iiimh appreeiauetl ly women of
jjootl taste, and I am always careful to
suit each customer
You'll Feel Better
if von come in
La Mode AnneiIon
This Store is Well Named
IWst Solid Packed
Pest Solid Packed
Tomatoes 1 -! .e can
Corn l"c can
Pest Peaches Hoe can
Pvery article in this Store is Sold at
Ask for prices on the .above floods
the Same Rate,
elsewhere, and
yoit will find you have liecn paying too much
for your oods.
Buy Your Goods at
And Save Money.
(hie door south of Huteher Shop
V TD 1 1 I
x I Li o I II
Rear Admiral Charles I. Thomns,
retireil U .H. N., died nt the famous
Del Monte Hotel, California, at H ::!0
July 3. Heart failure was the cause
He was tecoud in command of the big
fleet that left Hampton Hoads for
Kan Francisco, During Admiral Evans
illness the duties of command devol
ved upon Admiral Thomns. After
Evans retired fur a period of two
weeks Tho nas commanded the (loot
and was then succeeded by Admiral
Sperry, the present commander.
Adol J
Rustling for the New flill
F. O. Hunting Is around this week
liUHtllng up the Htnall liiilnnee ncc
eawary to lie HiibHcrlbi'il to tinlnli the
tlnurlnir mill, now under coiiHtruc
tion. It should lie hii ciimv matter
to do that, as there Is a Held for such
an enterprise and will prove a pa.vlntc
InvcHtniont from the Htart. The mill
will coHt about II2.0H0, and all the
money except about $.0i0 ha Ix-cn
Tbe Democ.ats are now assembled at
Denver to nominate a candidate for
tbe presidency At tbis writing it
seems that the man will lie William
Jennings Bryan for tbe first place,
but no one can tell aa to his runn
ing mate.
Subscribe for The Lake County Ex
aminer, If you want tbe news.
Joel Chandler Harris, "Uncle Re
mus," tne noted rouineru wruer,
died at his home in Atlanta, Georgia.
after a short illness.
Busy People Protest
One of the strange things to a new
comer is the disposition of the people
of this town to delay arrival at a
tbeatricral performance, until ten
o'clock or later. This makes it im
possible for the companies to get
through before midnight or Jatei
Everybody in consequence gets tired
out, sleepy aud cross, aud no matter
bow good tbe acting, it fails of
appreciation. In all the cities with
which we are familiar, the ourtain
goes up at a :lj sharp, bnould any
appear at the door later, they are
Card of Thanks
We wish to eipreaa our apprecia
tion and heartfelt thanks to our
frelnds and neighbors for their kind
assistance during the recent III new
and death of our dear wife and
Kufus K. Funk.
Henry A. Funk.
Daniel O. Funk.
Cord a M. Funk.
Elrua E. Hartzog.
JonunjA. King.
NOTICE. Customers must comply
wltb tbe rules and regulations of th
Lakeview Water Company, or tb
water will be shut off.
27-tf. H. V. REIIAUT.
Everything Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Stores.
Boots and Shoes for Miners, Bticca
roos. Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All Kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & flining Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co.
Adel PIush
Just Exactly Right
"I have used Dr. King's New Life
Pills for several years aud find them
just exactly right," says Mr. Felton,
of Harrisville, N. V. New Life Pills
relieve without the least discomfort.
Heat remedy for constipation, bilous
ness and malaria. 'e. at iTboru ton's
drug store.
Alfalfa for Sale
I'artk'H wlHblnn alfalfa bay can
accommodated by leaving orders
Drenklo & I'ainu'a olllce.
28 w 2 J . K. McCoul
Best th World Affords
It gives me unbounded pleasure to
recommend Ducklon's Arnica Halve,"
says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill,
N. C. "I am convinced it a the best
salve tbe world affords. It cured a
felon ou my thumb, and it uever fails
to heal every sore, bum or wound to
wbiob it la applied, lo. at Thorn
ton's drug store.
Pacific Land Co. Lakeview, Ore.
Locates Homesteads, Desert Claims
and State Lands, besides doing a gen
en 1 Real Estate Business
We are prepared to get your property before
thousands of people on short notice.
List with us and give u trial.
Oiiice opposite Hotel Lakeview.
Lake County Examiner