LAKE BOUNTY EXAMINER, LAKEVIEW, OUEOON, THURSDAY, JULY ff. IMS VANITY'S VISIONS. A Parlilsn Neckwear Fancy -Navel U For Cameo Jewelry. To give color In (In1 JmIhiIh worn Willi NO IIIMIIV WIiImU II I II I'lirlNlllll fanty to lii'iul llu'in with ii llilli' bnw of I lull wide rnilii rllilmti. An end of thin ribbon in run ilnwu Hip ii-nier of the Jabot to tl) wiiImI line. The muiii'tr-it uvk wear, whether col In r mill cuff) or He unt JuIhiIh, ii ro done In fl ii linen. llli I jikIIi.Ii eyelet embroidery odued wlili line IiInIi to-c-lii't. With (allured ulinit whIhIh nro Worn ili'llrftlrl.T t ' 1 1 1 ' I collill'M mill f'li tTif. will) tie to mill' Ii Olio of I In iiionI cITei live niomilliitf for tin' cameo I Muck velvet. A 1m nil pHHKCll t tl roll I It Nllcll lltl III llllllll'lll llllll worn tlglifly ii ton n1 I In- neck or a n A rilKTTY NKOtHUCK- 32. Tba pat lorn of thin tlin-n olocn ni-Kll- nr Iw IibI In imvpii lii -frniu to 4( tnchi'a bum mruiniri'. K-n1 In ci-ntn lo I hi onic. uIvIhk nuriilxT li'X). ami It will b jiroiiioily forwiirdt-il t you by mall bracelet I a fiiHhlon much fnvored by women on the other ulde. S.) well uro the n Im of the gray lialriil women met Unit It U now putt nihil to K't nil klnd of pretty (ikuIim and hair onuiini'iiti In urny lillnlold. A white chlun l-l!U ilreHH Hhuwlni; dot) of Muck lit miide In Jumper fiinh lon, with nhort mnuilurlu hIccvch. TIio nklrt I rompoied of two llounce), one liliiced dIjovi' the oilier to form tUe en tiro length of the nklrt. Iloth flounce), tht liinmliiiln hleevea and yoke lire, out lined with mirrow Muck it.'ttln rlbhoti In Greek key pattern. This fnHclnntliiR iickIIkoi l very ef fective nnd eimlly mnde. The Hleevvs nml Milieu of the wnlxt nro cut In one aud Joined to tlio pine that forum tbo center. Ixick mid front. Tho -tl b ciiii 18 OulNhed In n variety of wnyn, do IK'DilliiK upon the material employed tnakliiRlt. Jt:i)IU CHOLI.1CT. FORECAST OF FASHION. Laca Ruffle Under Hat Brlma Smart Saihti For Summir Frocka. Many of the spring huts have ruffle of lace sowed Inside Just where the crown and the brim are fastened to gether. This rullle Is allowed to fall over the hair, and It makes a very pretty and becoming addition. With the summer dress will Ik worn some at tractive sashes. These ribbons aro wide, ethereal In appenrnnco nud tied In four loops In tho back. Some of the streamer aro also knotted a few inches from the end. Tho Idea I CHILD'B MIOHTaoWN 3U71. A pattern of thla child's one piece night gown la out In four alsea from Two to Hunt years of age. Bend 10 cent to thla ortloe, Riving- number (31)71), and It will be promptly forwarded to you by mall. to get a ribbon to match the delicate weavo of th,o dress. Flowered materials nro high In fu vor. Flowered organdies, lawns nnd ' batistes make lovely summer gowns, ind they require little trimming. Instead of wenrlng llttlo curia tho luiart woman la now threading ribbon through her hair, tied In rather a flat bow ou the top of her bead. Bhe wears her ribbon In tho daytlmo and makes It an adjunct of tier millinery. Children are always attractive when neatly dressed far the night. It Is not necessary that their llttlo garments bo of expensive materials, but only that they be beautifully laundered. The nightgown seen In the cut Is a simple fleslgo which Is slipped on over the kead.. . JUDIO CIIOLLET. DICTATES OF FASHION. Mourning Modes In Veil Borders an Cotton Good. I An attractive mourning lint fncti re tfiiit'y wih innilo nil of crnpi'. It wri on tint order of n nnllor shape, though 1 Utile higher In the crown, and win rowrcd miiootlily Willi crii, (lull l;oioil nrnunil tin edges with It. Th" trimming wtm a very large how net on llteclly In the front, lint Instead of 'oo,' It lookeil no If In I roue pelii! licen wired inn) fiiiini'il Into a IV HOOLOIBL'S OOWN illCS. A potti rn of tlila aallor ault mny tin hail n four alsra-from ilx to twelvo ycara of if". Hi'inl 10 ci til to thla olllee. lvln lumkrr (3IO, anil ll Kill ba promptly for aardeil to you by mil 11. Ihw. A veil of the plain Mack brua m.1m net edifeil with era pa fall ocr the hack. Borne of tba border on tbo new cot ton roixIh for thla effect Is seen In oiuny fahrlcN, gingham, bntlntes and i Jluiltlea aro ulHtlnetly loud. Thus 'hnRht itreen linen crosa a pink or gray ifrHk, a deep purple la aeen on palo blue aud a copjier n-d on champagne color. It in wlnor for the ijlrl with ,f(jv and long worn gowim to select leaa utrlklnff colorlnRs. IlloiiNo wulKt and kilt Hklrta are al ways worn by achoolulrl. and noth- lurf ciin be prettier for tho chlldlnh fltfiire. Tho ahleld and collnr which lore tiMiinlly a part of the bloime are 'dlHpenmd with In this ault. The col lar, however, Is of rather a different destRn from thoM generally aeen, which gives to the dress a distinctive fyle of Its own. JL'DIG CIIOLLET. FRIBBLES OF FASHION. ;A Gorjjaoua Evaning Hat Baga and I Baits In Harmony. Black hats trimmed with scarlet feathers lire the Intent wrlnklo for evculnu weur. And all ahndes of a plcklxn cerise are very fashionable as A CH,D-S rOCK-097J. A pattern of thla child's frock mar ba had In thraa suesfrom three to Ova yeara of atre. Send 10 oanta to thla offlca, rlvlnf number 0397t, and It will ba promptly forwarded to you by mall. k an adornment for these chapeaux when the brighter colors are not becoming. Tho bags and belts are arranged this year In a curious harmony. The bag Is made of silk or of leather, and in either case It Is hand embroidered, hand painted or much embellished with steel or other metal. And the belt and tho buckle match It This matching of the belt and the bag has come to be a pusslou wltb women who dress well. Odd bits of tajH'stry are utilized for funcy waistcoats, and crctonno aud chintzes uro also seen In unlimited number nnd coloring. Some smart models of this kind extend below the waist lino and worn with a cutaway coat show prettily the entire length. There la nothing really new in chil dren's dressy frocka. Hand work on fine mull aud linen Is still tho last or namentutlou. Duluty band embroidery, Innumerable tucks, narrow Valen ciennes frills, set on by band, are, aa usual, the method of eluboratiou to which tho maker of the frock for mall children resorts. The dress Illus trated Is a combination gulinpe and petticoat that Is slipped on over tba titad. JUDIC) OHOLLET. J 'ii A PARIS NOVELTIES. Filet Loco Scarfs A Now Optra Olaaa and Hair Ornament. A scarf Hint I'm Men im nre wild hoitt. In ninile of n vtlde HI l ip of diet luce, Willi ll holder of cloth of gold, Willi long gold fringes nt Ilk ends. Kl lit limy Im Kiltmlltilted for the more pensive cloth of gold border. Another Men from the Parisian rap Itnl In nil opera ixIjikm. At nrst sight It looks like tin orillniiry long handled glass, hut by pressing ii tiny spring out A TUB KB I'lBC'K SK1KT 3956. A pattern of thla three pleca aklrt may ba had In six alx-s-from 22 to 32 Indira wulat measure. Hi-nd 10 cent to thla of fice. (tlvlriK numUr tVJuQ), and It will ba promptly forwarded to you by mall. pops a pretty fun from the handle, while underneath the kIuhs Itself la a pocket to hold milady's coat check or carriage curd. Another pretty decoration Is for the hair, consisting of n simple strand of stiffened gold braid with a huge se (julnod butterfly hovering lightly in the front. The new three piece skirt illustrated Is round length, closes In the front and Is'le with a habit back. The belt Is of the skirt material. When fitting n skirt nlwitys remember that tboi'e are three point to be kept straight the center front, the center back and sides. There must always be a straight full of the goods at these points if the skirt Is well balanced. JUDIC CIIOLLET. CHIC STYLES. Brown and Tan Tonea Popula Pretty Spring Jumper Frock. The unaccustomed shopper will la? I simply Is'Wlldered by the umnlier of 1 new colors displayed this season. But after some examination her choice will dwindle down to three or four toue which she will find U'st adapted to her use. In the browns she will In? par tic A FBACTICAL WAIST SC3S, A pattern of thla walat may ba had In aeven alsea from SI to 44 Inches buat measure. Bond 10 centa to thla offlca, 1v. Ins number (3025), and It will ba promptly forwarded to you by mall. ularly bewildered, for they are ao nu merous that it la impossible to even name a fructlou of the number offered. But it will take very little study to convince the shopiier that the wood browns are the most popular aud tuut there ure lovely stripes lu wood browu and tau exactly suited to ber use. A pretty frock for spring Is a prin cess Jumper mude of delft blue fou lard. The yoke nnd sleeves are of em broidered net luce with large over hanging shoulder capes. And another gowu of this snine variety Is fitted with a very deep guluipe of duchess lace with sleeves of net trimmed with duchess. At this time of the year all kinds of materials nro offered for sale uuder tho name of bargains. However, the hargnlu shopper must know the value of the material she Is about to buy aud whether It will answer the purpose for which It Is Intended; otherwise she Is liable to be paylug the regular price for a short length of goods thnt she will find inconvenient to cut from. A waist such as the one seen In the cut can be made from remnants. JUDIO CIIOLLET. V earia i r r Jab- M . fl.. L.I..L I..JJ 1 k TlmlM-r Ian ilrr Department of the Interior, U. H. j LnU OMIcft at Lakeview, Oregon, Mb Id. i!KIH. WILLIAM F. llr'NMY, of Illy Ore Kon., who, nn'March 2H, I5KW, nmdo ! tlmUr mid utone npi.licatioo. No. NOTICE U Imrnl.r ulven thnt 4131. for W half. HVV otiarter. HKi fimrlnr SW niiarter, HW iinrter Hh iUHitr, Hoctfon 11. Township 117 H., Khiiko 15 10., Will. Meridian, has Died nollea of Intention to mako t'lnal Froof, to ml h Id lull claim to tho lurid .... Kecelver, at Lakerlew, OrcKon, on tlia 11th day of AtiKimt. MH. ('luiiiiHtit names as witnesses: William hotter. H. K. LanKharn, James Freeman, James lilalwlcll, ull oy Illy, OrcKon. ai 10 J. N. Watson, Ue later. Timber lnl .ollf't. Department of thn Interior, U. R. Land Olllfe at Lakevlew, Oregon, i May 11, liXiH. NOTICK is herby given that MF.L VIN 11ANSKN, of Kuiene, Oreffca, who, on March Kuw, niHda timber and Htone appllciit ion No. 41'). forF.J j .NKi , HW4 NKU. KK'4 NW', Sec jtioii .!, Townnhlp:i7 K., Hnnga 17 K., I Will Meriilian. has llled notice of In 'tention to make final proof, to Ktitab linh claim to the land above describe!, I iM'toro liegiKtor and liceiver. at Lake ( view, Oregon, on the 27th day of July 1 .. Claimant names as witneHses: Ole Boleini and Christ Jorgenson, of lllv, Oregon, John O. Sveen and John Jacobnen, of Lakeview, Oregon, and Martin llaageuson, of Kugeue, Oregon. 21 10 J. N. Watson, liegister. WANT COLUMN (JO TO TOLLMAN'S' (JALLERY for photos, views, and enlargment". First-clats woik. Fair pricea. UCtf DUTCH LUNCH AT THE DHEW ery Saloon. tf ELI II EST A Ult ANT FIRST-CLASS meals at all hours. tf THE EXAMINER FRINTS TOW'N- ahlp Flats, and niakea In books to order. FOST & KINO HAVE THE REST grade of Llqours and Cigars to be found In Oregon. tf J. II. CUTLER WHISKY AT THE Hotel Lakeview bar. The best and. purest whisky made. tf : FOR SALE HOUSE ANI LOT ON Main St. Lot 81 x 218. Rargaln for quick sale. Urenkel & Falne. tf LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOR RE ward Issued by the Telephone Company for destroying Its prop erty. ltf NOTICE. Subscription to Stock in the Lakeview Flour Mills is now due, and share holders are requested ! to call upon the Secretary, A. Bieber, ! and make payment and receive tneir certificates. by order of president, F. O. bunting. 24 tf 12.00 STARTS A FINE LOCAL busiuetis, daily profits, $5 to 910. Particulars free; write today. B. F. Loos Co., Des Moines, Iowa. 1 tt NEWS STAND: DAILY PAPERS can be purchased each morning at Wallace Jt Co's. news stand on Wa ter etrebt,uorth of the Poetofflce.Uitf BLANKS FOR FIN.AL PROOFS, llewert Froof, Tiiulier Land Final Proofs, blank Affidavits for Appli cation for Re-advertltvinents.blank Wituesu' Atlidavlts, etc. NOTICE SHEEP MEN MY SIIEAR ing corrals and dipping vats in Camas Prairie are now ready for use, and in good shape. 1610 Rosa McDaniela. WANTED TIMBER LANDS-HOME stead relinquishments wanted. Wa want to buy direct from owners. Write particulars to M. 11., Box Eugene, Oregon. 9t "WANTED, GOOD MAN IN EVE r lnenlitv (lood nav : excerieuce unnecessary to represent large Real Estate organization, write today. B. F. Loos Co., DesMoines, Iowa." tf WE HAVE A FULL SET OF MY-sell-Rollins & Co's samples of Stock Certificates and Bonds, with price Hat. If you are organizing a stock company, get our prices on stock certificates, aud other printing. FARMERS. HAVE YOUR BUTTER Wrappers printed at The Examiner offlce, Instead of Bending away for them. Keep your money at home and patronise those who patron ise you; besides, you see wbat you are getting, and don't hare to pay If not suited. THE EXAMINER HAS RECEIVED a new sample book of the u ull 8treet line of engraved certificates of stock and bond blanks, the most up-to-date on the market. LTbciI and endorsed by the leading finan ciers of America. Copy-righted, and boo them, if you need any thing In this line. NOTICE THOSE INDEBITED TO Ceo. Cooley, will please call at once aud settle, as my saloon iu Paisley will be closed July first aud all ao counts must be settled. Settlement can be mude either with me di rect or with W. 11. Tucker. Yours Truly, O. W. Cooley 24-1 month HHKEP HBANUH. James Barry Brad wltb Swallow ITork Id riant ear (or ewa: reverse (or wethers. Borne wi Square Crop and sin In right ear. Tar Brand 111. lUnse. :ran bake. foatosice address, Lakeview, Oregon Zac Whitworth ear. Hall Underorop IT right tor a wee; reterae lor wothors. Tar Brand W. Kange, Fish Orrek, foe'oOca ad Ursa Lakeview, Orenou, FS NV?S. ' fXrTU- J--fct--Vl. I r t'.t r- J 2 h r flw.. Tlir) ll'fv ill H'- All Count -t'. it lJtpcrlm. nls tli..; Iiiianta an:l Chil(liii-I-xper!ence against Kxiicrhncut What is CASTOR I A Caatoria 1 a Jiarmless aubstltute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Jrop and Kuoihinir Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic unbalance. Its ac Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'everishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tccthinjj Troubles, cures Constipation; and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho 8toma h ami ilowcls, giving healthy and natural Mcep. The Children's Panacea The Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc ecimua w.Niif. Tf swiiw smmr. near romm em. KILL the COUCH mo CURE the LUNCS Dr. King's Hew Discovery Fnn OpycHs PBICE an- jk si aa OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. OT7ABANTD SATISFACTOBV OB HONE? BEFTJNDED. ZIAGAZINE READERS SUH SIT MAGAZINE beautifully illustnlcd, cood $1.50 yaar ad article about Cauionua all the Faf Waal. CAKZXA CRAFT dereiad aack Booth to K. sr- tube leproductioa oi the best $1 ,00 wotk el amateut aad pfolfnioml g Ttl phetograptieri. E0AD OF A THOUiARD W0HDXS8 a book el 75 pejet, contsiaina 120 colored pketogrsphs ol Jo.7S pictureaqua spot k Caliioraja " aJ Oragoa, Toul . . . $3.35 All for . . . . $1.50 AtMreat aO erden te SU1CSET XIAGAZIITE Fleed BuHJing Sao Fl an rnnac ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE CUAS. M. METZKER ESTATE Notice if hereby given that the undersigned has beea appointed the administratrix of the estate of Chas. M. Metzker, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake, ana has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at my resi dence in Lakeview, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified with in six months from date hereof. Dated and first published this ith day of June, A. D. i90. Lucinda Petree, Administratrix. Thinks It Saved Mis Life Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine, says in reoeit letter' "have used Dr. Kings New Discovery many years, for oongbs and colds, and think it saved my life. I have found Jt a reliable remedy for throat and - lung complaints, and would no more pa without a bottle than I would be without food". For nearly forty years New Discovery has stood at the bead of throat and lung remedies. As preventive of pneu monia, and healer of weak lungs it has no equal. Sold under guarantee at A. L. Thornton's drug store. 50o. and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Sale of Court House Fence Notice is hereby goveu that on July 2 nd, 1008. at 2 P. M. at the Sheriff's Ortloe, iu Lakeview, Oregon, the fence surrounding the Court lloua Square will be sold tor cash, to the highest bidder. Done by order of tha Coun ty Court. E. N. Jaquisb, County Clerk. K. F. Ahlstrom, the saddler, has re celved a new shipment of gloves, the best in the market. It you wan gloves good ones call at he Ahl strom Harness Shop. 39 tf. Ban the Blpataia t j ins Mna tni itaw Always tanpi t L . J j . ii si ft, aa i UonIit, i lia.i l n m been mrerv Isi- 'I wliloli b.ns b tl.o mi -"sit" ... ilonri .-r-i Klnei .liiuey. .Jo ,r no one to ileeei v- - . in in tlilrt. lions ami 44 Ju.t-u-KMM," urn but ! with and ciulantfer t be. health of Signature WESTERN STAGE LINE Office at the Mercantile Company's Store Lakeview, Oregon. Qood Stock - - - New Coaches Daily from Lakeview to Bly, connect ing with Daily Stage to the railroad. P. fl. CORCY, - - - Proprietor KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE . . . In Effect May 1st, 1905. Lv. Thrall ... 6 A. M.Lv. Pokegamal0. A M Ar. Bogus 8.85 " Ar. Dixie 10.66 " Bteel Br'g 45 " " Kl'b Sp'gs 11.40 " Fsll Cr'k.,7.05 ' " Fall Creek 11.44 " " Kl h Sp'g7.10 Bteel Br'ge 12.09 Dixie .8.10 ' " Bogus 12.20 PM " fukegsma0 " " Thrall. ...J1.4S Klamath Springs Special. Lr ."Thrall 1.38 P. MXt. Kl'h Sp'gsl P. It Ar. Bogus l.M " Ar. Fall Creek2.fi0 " Steel Br'gea.15 " Steel Br'ge 00 Fall Creek 2.36 " Bogus 8.40 Kl'h Sp'gs 1 40 ' " Thrall S.45 lakeview Cigar Factory A. Storkmah, Prop. w Maker of Havana atid Domestic Cigars OOaiirTBT OKDKBI OLICITK Give us a trial. Store in the brick building next door to Post & King sa loon, .akeview, Oregon. Timber Land Notice- Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, June 15 1908. NOTICE is bereyb given that EARL AUSTIN, of Oakland, Calif., who, on April 22 1908 made timber and atone application. No. 4153, tor N half SE quarter, SE quarter SE quarter, Sec tion 20, Township 38 S.. Range 18 B Will. Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before Register and Receiver at Lakview, Oregon, on the 3rd day of September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Geo. Lynch, Mariou S. Barnes, Elden Woodoook, Oscar Metzker, all of Lakeview, Oregon; J. N. Watson, Register. First publication June 18, 1908, Last Publication Aug. 20, 1908. " mii i muni uuni 1 1 . wiinmn in mrnurn, ut I. .I.I i- t