LAKE COUNTY KXAMIN'KR. I. Ahll.VIKW. ORKOON, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1W8 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY PrttMtrjt Thxlor Roowll VlfM-Fmldent ChM.W. Flrbnkt Rccmar? of SUM Kltbn Root flocmry of TrMnry Oeo. B. i'ortlrou Pacretary of War ' H. Ttt Attorney General Com. J- Bonprtt roetmaotcr General Von U Meyer Peoret.ryof Ktt V. C. Metralt 8ecreiry Interior U. GarfMd decretory of Agriculture Jamci ilton Secretary of Commerce 0rar V. ftrui Chief Ju.Uofj MelTllle W. Fuller Veapatlon Warner. P. 9. TVa.lon CommlMloner W.8. Richard., V. P. Land ComnilMiont'l KTATK. Governor Geo. Chamberlain Bnpi. me Judge T.k. Moore Betre'.ary of Stale w. Pennon Treamrer Geo. A. Steel Attorney General A. M. Craw ford Buy. t. Tubllc lnimiction 1-H Acaerman Printer W. 8. Punlway Palry and rood Cora J. W. 3i'ry i John V. Gearta C .8 Senator. j c. w. Kit. ton Bmrer Hennn Congreaamen j ,. u mums txi-ii jrntriAL iMTi.1. i Judge L- B''""" i Joint Senator . H. Merryman i S II. P. Belinay I Kepreentat:ve J H. a. Brattain j Attorney.... W J- M,r C S. LANP OFKICE. I J.N.Watnon Rogtst.r Fred V. CronemilU r R velvet i LAKH OOl'NTT. J Judge B- Clerk F. W. I'ayne Snerlff AIN rt I'ein J Treaaurtr F. O. AhtMroin j aaaesaor A- f"ot. r , SchoolSnpt K. B. jH.-fcsoti ; Snrvevor C. M. Faulkner i '. . t C. A. Itehart ' CommUniouers ; H K Heryior.l ! Stock Inanw-tor Vim. 1'remlfoot TOWS OF l.AKKV'EW. j Harrv Bailey Mayor j V. 8ne!l!nij ) , ! D.J.Wilcox ( Coiut'iluien i J. K. Watwu ( ! J.8. Lane j w. B. Snider Recorder j A.Bieber Treasurer LODGE DIRECTORY l. O. U. W. Lakesbore Lode. No. 77, A. O. U. W., meets first and j third of each month in Masonic hull. Cora Green, C. of 11.; relma Price. L. of 11.: Vida ( er, C. of C; F. L. Nyuwaner, lie-; corder. I EEBEKAH LOIXJE Lakeiew He bekah Lodjre, No. 22, 1. O. O. F. j meets the nccond and fourth Fri-i davs of each month In I. O. O. F. ! haiL Mrs. Mae Bailey. N. G.; Mra. ! Alice IJuntlnc. V. tJ.; Mrs. M. D. j Moss, Sec.; Mrs. L. J. Magiltou, i Trcas. j -j DEGREE OF HONOR Lakeahore L Lodge, No. 77, D. of H., A: O. U. W., Meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Masonic ball. ' Cora Green, C. ot U. ; Selma Price , L. of H. ; Vida Gnother, C. of C. ; Frances Nyswaner, Recorder. ! W. O. V.Lake lew Camp, No. 520. : Woodmen of the World, meets on the second and fourth Wednesday; of each month in Masonic hall at' 8 o'clock p. ill. L. Hniley, Consul; Commander; E. N. Jaquish, Clerk j i , I. O. O. F. Lakeview Lodne, No.! 6,'J, I. O. (. F.. meets every Satur-. day evening in Odd Fellows' hall; at 7:3ii o'clock from Octoter 1 to ' April 1. and at o'clock from April 1 to OctolnT Loren Uailey, .. 1 G.; E. F. Cheney, Svc. -iia. I. O. O. F. Lakeview Encampment No. IS. I. O. O. F.. meets the first ami third Thursday eveniuus of each month in ( hid Fellows' hall, Lakeview. 11. R. Heryford, C. 1'.; C. O. Metzker, Scribe. CHURCH DIRECTORY MKTHOMST EM.-fOI'AL C'H L'RCIf TH E first fcuudhy in citi'ti mumti, pr'w:liiinr at 11 a. in. Axi'lr from thi. j.reti'-hiij; ev.-ry Sun day at 11 a. iu.HU'i 7:. -op. rtt. at I-nk.-vUvv. feundtty Siiool at 1U a. in. Ixf-at' at 6: ' . m. frayr Mei'ti:ir Thurs'tar 7 :') . in. l.H li.s Ant W.-dm -siiay pj in. ''tmir prat tise Kriday 7 : iO p in A fordial inviia llon is tjcti-iiu. 0 t. vonn. A. J. AttMHTKOXfl, I'astor. FIKST BAPTIST C'H L In 'H ht i.oo.-K LAKt at Net fiiiv Ctwi, Oil I'r.-ai ;. ; i.i; r- vin-s at 11 A M anil 7 p ! iif . tti-n .-;.nlMy, of every month . i 1 1 1 n y . nool at 1" A.M. J'raivr iM-rvic- at 7 'W ii ll'tilii'-rtdv .t-n:ii- ' of a-h wee'l. All t. v fin .in..y 'iavi'tU t atu-ud . he rvi. i-n J. J1.WJ.KX PaMi.r. FIRST BAl'TI-T 'IH'1!''J1 '! I.. KKVIK .V -I'ri ai'lmii: -ervii- at 11 A M aiid I' M nn ! each hninlHV. nunday nju) at In A M. i Junior Hocir'y at i::v I'M. iiupii-t VnniiL'1 i'etpi.''fc 1 niim at ' r''1 1 P i on i-a l' ?-nnUav. Prayi-r Mi'i-tnu- at 7::) I'M t , ,in.-.lay iv. ninu. Kvci -j Li i iv in-, ii I ait-lid nil k-r- ' vkvs. A.H:ANK Hi M M'j, pBii.r. fill 1:1 H -r:KK V .-I'MiW MA-S ami Hi-in did ion nt I" u h. mj . .-iiihIhv Schiidl Ui'lM Bl-Ih !,( ., mi. W,.k 1l.1v h-k a' C::w a. in. I. a. VA.-T , .. J NOTICE Blueprinlsof any town ship in the Ink view Land District can be had by applying to the under signed. All work up to date. Checkings made from the Land Of fice Records at the time the prints are made, work neatly and promptly done W. B. Snider. Lakeview Oregon. COTTON FABRICS. Cotton Good Smart Rather THaM Pretty Not In the Li at. The moat striking feature of the new cotton timtcrlnl In aniartnoM rather than ppottlness. Bold plalda and checks there are. otld geonie tried ef fects, now "vlw roil" patterns nud tiny and ou dots. Somehow one miasm the flower. ' which from time luime niorl:il li.ive fulfilled accepted Idenla of what Is proHr In miimuery sturTa. There Is a feeling of sadness whoa oue looks over the array of wash poods displayed In the shops for the season of l!tS. for the old favorite, the or irandle. Is missing. Iitnitles have tak en their place, hut not the familiar flalnty Irish dimity that we all loved ia, even the new dimities have taken BEVES GOKU SKIET WT5. A pakrn -f this new skirt may be had In ix sizes from Z2 to 32 waist measure. Bend 10 cents to this office, giving num ber (3475) and waiat measure, and It will be promptly forwadel to you by mall. oc an air of "smartness." The patterns ire in dashing stripes or plquautly fetching dots. Halted skirt models will te as popu lar as ever next spring, and the Illustra tion shows a very smart one. Pattern"! I having five, seven or nine gores are most practical, the seven pored model j being the most desirable for stout flg- ; tires. These not only tend to make the : hips appear smaller, but are more easily fitted. The skirt shown Is a ! seven gored affair. It should be cut j by laying the center of the front gore ! ou a double fold of the goods length- ! wise, with the bottom edge of the pat- j tern along the end of the material. ! JUDIC CIIOLLET. j SNAPSHOTS OF THE MODE. Jewels the Smart Girl Affect: -Silk Binding on Tailored Coats. The cameo bracelet ntid earrings in dicate the return to favor of this old time stone, and conspicuous in the list of novelties is a belt buckle of gold in the form of a cat's head, the eyes be ing rhlnestones. The black silk braid that edges many of the new cloth suits requires heavy pressure to make It look well, so If used by the home dressmaker should be taken to the tailor for the pressing. Coin shaped pieces of material ap plied on wide hercuIt'S braid Is per haps the most rapid and least expen sive of any of the new trimming. Plain linen waists are always In good tasie, and hand embroidery Is on- aioui:r. roa linen waist Z'O'j. A pattern of tills shirt waist may be had In six sizes from 'i'i to 42 bust measure. Bund 10 CfutB to this tifilce, giving ber (Jij'J) and but rnuuBure, and It Will bs . promptly forwarded by mall. doubtedly the daintiest trimming. The popular wallachiun work Is effective on the heavier qualities, but on sheer lin ens French embroidery and eyelet work are used. A novelty of the season la to embroider white waists in colors. The effect Is pleasing, and If care la taken when laundering them the colors will not fade. Of course this work must ha done with wash cotton that cornea (01 thla purpose. The waist In the cut Is of linen worked In colored cotton. JUDIC CUOLLET. mm ATTRACTIVE TRIFLES. The New High Belte Color Toiehee en Lingerie Frocke. Most of the new hlch liclts are fln- ' Ished In oue long end with n tassel. This Idea Is carried out even In uiorti . Intf dresses, voile or Hnee n ml Is lo , coming to the average figure, partlcu I larly as the new princess ilress Is so much the ratio. The l'lt at present Is , not fastened directly around the wuNt I line, hut slightly above If. In nl'e the skirt a very Ion line In front and on the sides. ' The lingerie white divsses shown !n the shops have some touch of color i'i embroidery or lace, but the all over embroidery coats trimmed wlih iaiH aro pure white. These are ery useful to wear lu the late afternoon, an.l. A JCMPEB C08TCME 3U70. A pattern of this ugoful jumper frock may be had In aeven aires from 33 to 44 Inches want tneusure. Send 1) cents to this offlce. givinK number 70). and It will bo promptly forwarded to you by mall. while they could not be accused of be ing warm, they do add a certain air of dressiness to a toilet. This same mammoth taste seems also to have Influenced the designs of fou lards and chiffons, for the season's pat terns are out of proportion gigantic, in fact. The little old fashioned prints have given place to huge bunches of sunflowers and bunches of orchids. It takes many tucks nud plaits to reduce the size of the designs to human form. It Is believed by some women that un amateur cannot make and llulsh n gown that will compare with those coming from the bauds of a profes sional tailor. This, however. Is an ex ploded theory, for many dressmakers do turu out more chic gowns than does the average low priced tailor. The Jumper contume Illustrated Is easy to make and to give a professional air. JUDIC CIIOLLET. MODISTIC MATTERS. Fascinating Beach Hats For Children. Colored Blouses. For children fascinating beach hats are those of lingerie build, iu which a muslin crown and the bow at the. front are In one piece, befrilled nnd In set with lace. The muslin is In a cir cle similarly trimmed. P.otb biim and A HMAItT WAIBT 3339. A pattern of this fancy waist may be hal In six bIzi-h from 22 to 40 Inches bust mi astire. Semi V) cents to this oflice, fclv IriK number CJM'J). and It will bo promptly forwarded to you by mail. crown can be lifted from the frame when laundering becomes necessary. Colored blouses of striped and check ed Chluu ii nil JupuiicKo bilk and bhecr lawns and butlstes are the novelties In wulstdom this spring. Those of the cotton fubrlcs have whlto linen cuffa and collars, with u half Inch banding of the wuistlng stitched Out about a half Inch from the cuff and collar edge, 'ibis dressy waist Is made without shoulder seams and therefore Is not desirable for goods with a nap or np and down. As It is repeatedly said, one cannot have too many separate waists, for, no matter how extensive one's wardrobe, this article of feminine apparel has a place which cannot be filled. JUDIO CIIOLLET. .Vrri1. Blue Print Mad. t will tnnke Mue Prints of nn trnct 1 1 land In the I. like view Ijtnd district, nud 1o nls tract work. 'all on or write IV. 11. SMDKIt Uikevlcw, Ort'Kiin. ISt( LOUIS SHAW Dealer In Real iiatat 1 have listed aoma of the test Ranches, Timber ljtnda and Town property In Northern California, a country that U bound to Improve rap idly. Alt urns, California. 1o Lure a Cold In On Day Take I.AX ATI VK llkOMC QIMN1NK Tablets. All drumilsts retund the money if it (ails to cure. K. V. Grove's MlKtiatuie is on each Ixix. ;!." . A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health. Is the one on which we l came Hi'ipuinted with Dr. King's New Life I'illH, the painleos purifiers that cure headache and biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 'Joo at Le Heidi's Drug Store. I f.'K) RF.WARD. A RFAVARD of fifty dollar Is here by offered for Information that villi lend to the arrest and conviction of any pel son w ho has stolen w ires or other property, from our Company; and the same reward Is lieieby olfered for informal ion that w ill lead to the arrest and convict ion of anyone des troying the property f the Coinpiiny. Crms. I'mbnch. Secretary Lake Co. Tel. A Tel. Co. liltf. Notice. i TO WHOM IT MAY CONCFRN. j notice Is hereby irlven that nil Irrlgn : timi. or miilruce ditches on nil trout ; Htrcams tbrougbt Luke County. Ore . Uiill. must lie Hcrcened with n mIiimII ' mesh wire screening nt I heir bend or junction with the initio chiimiel of ; st renin. Also nil diius or oliHtruct : tons on sold streams must U pro ! vlded with n lUh-liulder. oroi Ihtciimv means of insNige, at or m ar the mid Idle of t he main channel, so it ill j ovv the passage of trout at all times of year, ns provided by law. Said i work to be done at low water time. or to lie completed by Feb. i, l!Hl7. Ry order of .1 A. Rarhain. SiH-clal Deputy llsh Warden for IikeCouuty, Oregon. $1,000.00 Reward. The Oregon. Cnllfornlfv & Nevada Livestock Protective Association will jrlve flOoo liewnrd for the con viction of any party or parties steal ing horses, cattle or mules belonging to any of the following inemlKTS of this Association: Cox & Clark, Chewacan Land & Cattle Co., Meryford Land & Cattle Co., Lake County Lind & Livestock Co.. Warner Valh'y Stock Co., Win W. I'.rown. (5eo. M. Jones, t !. linn kins. S. 15. Chandler. C. A. Rehart. N. Fine, W.A. Currier. Frank 11. lUners, .1. C. Ilotchklss, Cahlerwood l'.ros., T. J. Rrattaln & Sons. T. A. Cnimp, Cressler & ltonncr, W. T. Cressler Maud I. Rniuho. ( W. P. llF.iiVKoltl.. Presld't j F. M. Mil i. Kit. Sec & Treas. OKKICKItS W. P. Mf.kyi'oiiii FlNAMK C.'M.F. M. fillF.KN S. R. ClIAMH.KK ECZEMA and PILECURE FRtt Knowing what It was to suf fer. 1 will give FRKi: OF CHARCK, to any utlllcted a positive cure for Izema, Salt Rheum, Fry si pel as. Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant re lief. Dont suffer longer. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 4D0 .Manhattan Avenue, New York. Lnclose Stamp. FREE The Great AMERICAN FARMER ' Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Joiinial"uh lished. It fills a position of its own find lias taken the lead ing place in the homes of rural pcoplc'inj'Ovcry section ol the United States. It gives the farmer find his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLONJL. (lOODH. Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer TWO For the PaiCC Of One: TIlC Lake , County Examiner The Leading County Paper and The American aihntr BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 his unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: Fred J. Bowman, Lakeview, Oregon. Northern Stage Line. LAKliVIEVPAISLEY. A. W BRYAN. Proorietor. Leaver l.akevicw at 0 a. m. every day but Huiuiay. neluriiiiiK, leaver Taialey at fi :.h() a. in every day but Sunilny. PuHUn'i' arc Ii Ha4 Iris Ori'ICB HernnliU A Wlnaflel.r.. uikevla LAKEVIEW --ALTURAS STAGE LINE II K. Htaata, I'mp'r. Office in lilebcr' 5 to re Slaye leaves Lakeview daily, el tvpt Nimlay at tl a. in. Arrive at Aliiiiaa Ml ll p. m. N-ave- Alluras f.r Lakeview at ii o'i liH'k a. m. or on the arrival ollle atittte (nun Ms'leline. Ar rive in l.akeriew in I'J boiira al ter Icavinu Altiirii". r-'reldht Mnttcr - (liven Strict - Attention ... first - Class - Accomodations. LAMiVlliW PLUSH STAGE LINE P. K. Tavlor. Prop. nffl.- nt It. Urvnol.U' Store I Stane leaves lakeview Mondays, Wel ncctlaya and Fridays at t a. in., arrive at i'lu.h al 1' p. lu. Leave I'nikli Tuea lays, Tliurmlaya and Haturdnya, at 6 in., arrive at lakeview at 0 p. m. I'aancner fare f.'i one may or t1 (or round trip. Freight rates from May lat to Nov. lt f .75 per hundred ; I row Nov. 1st to May let f 1.00 ir butnlre S 1,250 Reward. Thr llartiry coimtj I. Iv Mm k Aaaorla- tluti. ol wlilrli I am a tin-in !n-r . ; ;fj t rwnl forpvliUuirc i iM IT) tf" Vi u aiiiUK u 111 cull- ImiKliiir In Ma mi ni tM-ra. In aitilitimi 1 i.fTi-r lau ri-Hanl. Ilnrai tiratut Intra'. alio liar nn t ltlmr tir tMith JaHa. Ko-confi-il Inaroiintlra ItanitF. Ilarnt-r. ljike ami 1 rmik I'miiitlca tloriM a i nteit lii'ii aiilil llnnu a anlil in pan thriMikh llila ai-i tlnn will Im ri-.orti'i In Ihla ati r. It imt no ri-orii-il, iili'i. writp ir tli illume TI10 THiifi lli ralil. Main S.'l, lliirna, Ore gnu. VV . W .Xruvt 11, liurna. ore- Reward for Morses 1 will nlve ."i.(Hl reward for Inform ation that will lend to the discovery of any horse branded with an old horseshoe brand 011 both jaws, placed as In the cut III this advertisement, with fresh t rlaimle brand underneath the horseshfs'. The triangle placed In such a manner as would cover up a bar on both jaws. Animals must be found III the possession of some person or persons. 1 lit' . -I To All Our Subscribers OAOTOnXAi Blfiatara . jfTuZ Trua ,4iaf uiaion" ConiaMTS AO. aklh Anil lMIrllSIin mmT auli'dlr ai'woniw "tr oiiinlmi (,mm liwli.f ll' HANUHOnK nil faiH Mill IriMt. Ol.lMl .ifln-r fi'f niMiis l""'- rmn.n taken llirwuah Muiin i . rl tpr. iut nrtW, nllhoHlvhama, lu lb Scientific Jlmcrican, A r.n1a.m.l llln.ral1 ktr I arat M- rulallun nf r ai'lonlinn Imiriial. 1 anna, A ti.ri (mr nionlba. L rttiW lijtall nwaitlj. fcUNN4Co,BNewyork Mrwrii nitira, ,r t at, Waabluaiim. U U Tbo Lrtuflof Papr of tfSU Coavit Th" San Francisco Chronicle TheWftklyChronlcIf Tba Vfry kal nikl)r Nawspapur pubitaJiaJ ta liv aollr Waal. $1.50 a Year Ibr-lmliiia Kft(r fa any tfk't if IK. i titul MfiUKj, ( aaa'la at.u kl.ili-u It la aM-at baoauaa, boid p-lnt'n all the nws of lh world 1 ci a In an Iniaraktln; way aiiJ ' u 1 1 y llluxratlnr many nr:l'-si. It has ko!ai dspark-m- a i vod to ACNiCULTURE H V i IC'JUvJKJI OUITKY LIV- STOCK M.NING LITtRATURO Fashions and SrOkTl Th- ara pidi trrsr Vy ton havlnf a Ihoiogjh know e.t. fl of ihclr tpaaialtlas. Tl Lci dkvatad to Afrculruia, Hofticu rura. Poultry and Uva ocu ar all l.lua'rated aid 'I lad with matter al tha f'aieat IniT'il la all aojk(d la lhaaa in UiHilai, arary Una bla ritn by thoaa vhe ara In eloaa loucr af!tl ooodlllank prarvallliif on ihla Coast. LtHD FOR SAMPt-I COPT. It tll a aaM fra. D yea araal ta Call' ! Reversible Map? Showtnf the UaitaWi Srataa, Da mlnlon of Canada aaal NanKara IV.eiloo a aid, MAP OP THE WORLD, arafaamtiaf ta vWtr la tma ooatlnafraa anas srtut alt aiaaa ta traa araaorrJoa. tb a Bra surfasat W aa Karta ata tSa othar aid. Sm4 U aaat iVaoaJy QraoaaW Is asM yaar. po.taf Paj The Dally and Map mJi tiilaaji aaaU Oriiy tip t Yar M. M. TVO rvaarJOLJKntHl MMaaVXTBCUTT