I t : "-i V, THURSDl Y, JULY !, 190 SARTORIAL NEWS. Ilaan Tretiaa In Fashionable Paver. A Nw V.ll Pin and OirdU. A woman hi known by her topknot. If It I frizzed and fror.zy, lustcrleas ml pasted, Unit lelt n alory, At this moment tlii silken tress In mi tho wave crest of favor. Imleeri, why should II Dot be? The hat fit" the tresses, of vie versa, and In order to keep the puffy effect the comb la incut fashion able. A pretty g'ld crinkled veil ln with a Orcein n key pattern In rhlneatones la novelty. Veil pin. In ftu-t, are a ne cessity ts1ay, although Hie popularity of tho veil In Mill waxing. A round, tilli girdle In LI In soft folda of plain antlii nun given a novel touch hy two browl Ntrciunera of bro caded rlhlion ten or morn Inches wide A KBAT IK. Mr OOWN- 'HI'). k. altrru of thla home iuwn mny be hod In alx 1r-frnm 3: to 4?. Hcml 10 eata to thin uftliT. tclvlna nuintxT (2429) fetiat tin-niir, and It will be promptly rerwardea by mall. thai fa mo from tho top of the girdle la the buck, where the ends were caught through an oval rhlucatoue bcle. mart motor coat worn hy n young ww a a who la her own chauffeur was if lark red rubberized Bilk, with .;. sloping- yoke la front, from which f - box plalta. There waa a high .hi collar. (ttallle, flannel, caahmer and nun'a veiling are uaed for this home gown la thin materials nothing la prettier tban flowered organdie or dimity or letted awbta. China allk will give bet. ter service for general wear tban any other fabric. For a person who la la dined to be stout a fitted lining of Am quality of batlate will greatly add to tbt neat appearance of the gown. JUDIO CUOLLET FASHION FEATURES. A Naw Slaeve and Sash Figure Preml nantly In the Spring Stylet. An attractive feature of spring faah- Ions la the triple aleeve. There la often a billowy underxleeve of aoft material. UBually In a contrasting color. It la a very new and pretty Idea. From orlentnl modca haa been takeu tho amnrt hip sssh. knotted and hung log lu lam e .i.Im in front, which figures on ioiiio oi' the liitt'Ht evening gowns. Uroml comia in hoiiio ronu ore seen on all the hi I lor suits. Hoth flat and round brulil hnve an Important place OIKL'S BAIIiOH SUIT 3131. A pattern of thla natty llttla tailor suit may be hud In four alaoa from alx to twelve yt-ura. Send 10 cenla to thla ottloa, giving- number (3131), and It will be promptly furwurdud to you by mull. aa trimming. 1'luln colored linens and duck, trimmed with white .braid, tltched to tho material In straight lines mid fancy designs, la effective. Tho broad collar and cuffs are also a feature of this stylo of frock. Tho mall Kiel's sailor suit shown here Is of , golden brown linen. It may be : worn with a white linen collar, belt and , shield. A blue Unon dross would look well made entirely from the material, I with tie collar, belt, cuffs and bottom , f tba aJn braided with Bput&r JUDIO CU04JX. MODISH WATT;.: What Will 0 the LcmL.H of In Spring Sltevef Han. mai QuMont The feminine world r ,'ili a,,' tntcd aa to the length of a r, . e to ' worn In the rpiliiji The , himmi whether to make on elliow xieeve oi one that rem lira to the wrlil. Moat l the French gowns arriving from h other aide are made with alcevca thai come right down to the knui kles. wltic A ATTKACTIVB WAIHT-8422. A putt-rn of Oil jumper walat may b had In tore lf-fur iulw from thlr (en to aevrnieen rur of aa. Rend II cents to tliln I'fflce. alvlna number (3472), and Ihm pattern will tx promptly for wardod to you by mall. a point falling over tho Augers almost to tho very tips. Well made and well fitted, they are vtry chic, and for a chunicn they nro pretty enough to meel the vagaries of the wmiiau who la looklni; for soincthliiK i'cw. Lovely buttoim are iiiikIo by cover ing button iiioUIh with black velvet nnd working tlieni In colors. A down big tint button molds were covered with velvet on which was worked an elabo rale network of blue silk. Tho dcxlgn Khown In the accompany ing Illustration la u gulmpo walut to tx worn with a separate Kulmpe. Thlf will make a frock still moro attractive, aa all kinds of dainty combinations of colors can le resorted to. Besides, It several gulmpcs of different material! are provided It will be eultable fot both street and formal occasions. Fot a matinee a brown cloth costume would le pretty worn with a gulmp of Bbrlmp liberty silk. The material for tho gulmpe should be tucked before It Is cut out A plain shirt waist pat tern may be uaed for thla purpose. The sleeves should be made with a puff that la gathered Into a band below the elbow. JUDIC CUOLLET. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. The Glbeon Tuck Uaed en Ceate Cer set Waista With Nave Frecke. Tbera are several varletiea of the sew boned corset walat on the mar ket Tbeao sprang Into uae with the princess snd other tight -dreea forma, but they will not paaa oat with them, for from every point of rlew, whether A SCHOOL FBOCX 5454. A pattern of thla school frock mar be had In three alxea from ten to aisteaa yeara of age. Send 10 centa to thla offloa, giving number (34EU), and the pattern wll be promptly forwarded to you by malL of comfort, beuuty or mere utility, they aro the uinut attractive form of underwear that bus been devised. ! The Ulb.son tuck Is used a great deal In both the Keparaie coals and in suits It gives the garment the lirnad sboul dercd effect and Ih part leu la rly effec tive in stilt. for younir girls. A favorite trlnuulug for handsome hats Is the uncurled ostrich feather In bou effect This Is wound around the crown of the hat lu a graceful fuBhlon and Is often completed by on ostrich feather pompon. The school frock pictured la carried ont In blue serge. The skirt Is very at tractively laid In doublo box plulta ol the front gores. The buck closes with an Inverted plait About the Jumpet waist Is a fancy . black braid dotted wtU whit. It U worn over gulmpe. JUDIO CHOLLBT- HERE LIMle Chang I Vp to the pf spptar to ! n -Sprtftf d'M4 n't t'li.iiiKp In C . I'll 111 IVltl waist style nlnn. n In Purl, eral outlines, him-Ii n (he Ihotllder, kimono aleete ii" The gen dmoplm I JlllllM'' effect, are aa prominent n ever. rii only Dew fenlure are tiie ttlmiulng't and the eoml'lnntlon nf colors. In Paris all koi-Im of colora me uhc1 to gether, which. In the handa of an t? exierlence detlner. would prove a failure. The spring will rove another tolot aeaaou. The only ndjectlve tbnt 'an 1e applied to aHKortment of new nu terlnla Is brilliant. !otille facerl wool ens aro shown, one aide of one color and tho other n contrantltii; tone. A SMALL Gllif.'S AT HON-3172. A pattern of tlila apr in may b had It) four nil" - fur c'rls from ilx to twelve yearn of a.i S'-rwl 10 renin to thla office rlvliiir nuinlx-r (3IT2i. and tho pattern wlP be promptly forwarded to you by mall. rod faced with dark grecu, a blue faced with L'd'len brown, are amoug the many (ombinatioiia shown. lue majority or sninu girla wear aproiia. It Is, however, often difficult to get a pattern of one that Is pretty and at the same time easily made. The one shown In the cut Is attractive and so designed that it completely covers the skirt and goea well up over the front of the walut. JUDIC CUOLLET. WHAT TO WEAR. Hew to Get a 8mart Draaa Effect Re meve Shields From Waiat. It Is a sea sou for bargains, and the woman .with a little money to spend can certainly make a great showing lu dress. A telling point la style la se cured by the wearing of a petticoat of a slightly paler shade than the gown, and there are petticoats In embroidered linen that carry out the gown Idea splendidly. ' They are embroidered to the depth of fourteen Inches, and tae flounce Is heavy enough to make the skirt set out well. The touch of black at the neck Is more fashionable thuu ever. It Is shown In tho many jewel studded bauds of black velvet to be worn at the top of the collar. It Is also used with low necked gowus not only stud ded with Jewels, but combined with n chain arranged lu graceful festoons. The tunic on the skirt Is quite thi latent fashion, the revival of nn ole mode, while the tightly clinging skh' la more the rage thau ever. What inuy be a very pretty fashion that of making th" sleeves of an even PONOKB BHIltT WAIST 3609 A pattern of thin shirt waist mny be ail In glx alzea from 32 to ii Inches bust ensure. Bend Id cents to this othre. .I K number CW and bust measure, 1 it will be promptly forwurded to you t mall. OocU different from tho rust of the lie. a In color and material, la being ived. Tlicro is no material uioro popular '' tlilrt wnlsts this season thuu pou 'ei, tiords there unything that shows .'euer results from just a little em broidery. Tho wallaehlan work so much oni Is particularly effective. This is nothing more thau a plain but tonhole stitch, with the pearled edg made on the outer edge of the leave and flowers. Eyelet work Is generally combined with It. JUDIO CHOLLET. rim ter ltnd A at lee. I 'Mi tnient ot the Interior, U. H. I..' ii l oillcn at laksvlaw, Oregon, May Pi, .Wi4. NOflt'l-i rt hereliy kivm St WILLIAM F. HF..NKV, of Illy Ore (ron , who, on Msrcii V.HtH, tnade i tiiiiber and stone application, o. ii'ii, lur nun, rv (juniirr, nr. 'pinrter HW quarter. HW quarter hK quarter, Hm-tion H, Towimlilp ;i7 S.t itange Kl K., Will. Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make Final I'roof, to establiah claim to the land above described, oefore iCeulnter and Keceivei, at likevln, Oregon, on the 14th day of AtiKUet, UMW. ('lalmant uainea as witness: William hotter. II. K. LanKhnm, Jamna Freeman, James llluisdeli, all oy Hly, Oregon. 21-10 J. N. Watson, ltcgiHtr. Timber Im.uiI tlrt: Deiiartment of the Interior, U. S. Land OHUe at Lakeview, Oregon, 1sy 14. V.XiH. i NOTU'K Is herby (riven that MF.L ', VIN HANSKN, of Kiigenc, Oreiron, J who, on March 2, Y.Xih, made timber I and stone application No. for Y.' .vA , tiw4 tttjii, rir.,'4 ftw4, bc tl.n '.'ii, Tiiwiiship :i7 S., lUiuro 17 K , Will Meridian, has Hied notice of In tention to make final proof, to -nt't-lisli claim to the lurid above dewriled, liefore Keirihter and Kceiver. at Lake view, Oregon, on the 27tb day of July i:8. ('lalmant names as nitneHnea: Ole boleim and Christ Jorirenson, of lily, Oregon, John (J. tiveen and John Jacob-ten, of Lakevlew, f!reg n, and Martin Ilaagenson, of Kugene, Oregon. 2110 J. N. Wstson, Ilegister. WANT COLUMN OO TO TOLLMAN'S' O ALL Ell Y for photos, views, and enlargments First -clats woik. Fair prices. '2Ctf DUTCH LUNCH AT THE BKEW ery Saloon. tf K LI It EST A UK A NT FI KST-CLASS men Is at nil hours. tf THE EXAM INEK IMCINTM TOWN shlo I'liits, ami makes in books to order. FOST & KINO HAVE THE 1.5 EST Kriule of Liqours uud Cigars to Ih; found In Oregon. tf J. H. CUTLEK WHISKY AT THE Hotel lukeview bar. The bestand purest whisky made. tf FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT ON Main . Lot SI x 218. Bargain for quick sale. Drenkel & Paine, tf LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOR KE- ward Issued by the Telephone ' Company for destroying lta prop erty, lotl NOTICE. Subscription to Stock Id the Lakaview Flour Mills is now doe, and ehare holders are requested to call opon the Secretary. A. bieber, and make iiayment and receive their certiQoatea. By order of president. F. O. Bunting. 24 tf 2.00 STAKTS A FINE LOCAL business, daily profits, 15 to tlQ. Particulars free; write today. B. F. Looa Co., Dee Moines, Iowa. 1 9t NEWS STAND: DAILY PAPERS loan- be parchaaad each morning at Wallace A Co'a. news stand on Wa ter atrett, north of the Postofflce. lotf BLANKS FOIt FINAL PROOFS, Desert Proof, Timber Land Final Proofs, blank Affidavits for Appli cation for He-advertisements, bbtuk Witness' Affidavits, etc. NOTICE SHEEP MEN MY SHEAR- iug corrals and dipping vats in Camas Prairie are now ready for use, and in good shape. 10 10 Rosa McDsniels. WANTED TIMBLR LANDS-HOME stead relinquishments wanted. Wa want to buy direct from owners. Write particulars to M. 1L, Box i'J-i, Eugene, Oregon. 9t 'WANTED, -GOOD MAN IN EYE ry locality. Good pay; experience unnecessary to represent large Real Estate organization, write today. B. F, Loos Co., DesMoines, Iowa." tf WE HAVE A FULL SET OF MY sell-Rollins & Co's samples of Stock Certificates and Bonds, with price list. If you are organising a stock company, get our prices on stock certificates, and other printing. FARMERS. HAVE YOUR BUTTER Wrappers printed at The Examiner ottlce, Instead of sending away for them. Keep your money at home and patronise those who patron ise you; besides, you see wbat you are getting, and don't bave to pay If not suited. THE EXAMINER HAS RECEIVED a new sample book of the W all Street line of engraved certificates of stock and bond blanks, the most up-to-date on the market. Used ami endorsed by he leading financiers- of America. Copy-righted, and see them. If you need any thing in this line. NOTICE THOSE INDEUITED TO Ceo. Cooley, will please call at once and settle, as my shIood in Paisley will be closed Julytlrnt aud all ao couuta must be settled Settleiueut can be made either with me di rect or with W. H. Tucker. Yours Truly, G. W. Cooley 211 mouth IIKKP UUANItH. amoe Rami B",'rln8ilo',0f', allies Dal'l riKht ear lor w: r..rat lor wi'tlinr mn ewe "Hiuar. Croo aud " Id rlghi -a i Tai Hrand 111 un. i ran. LAke fomnSlt t aildruat. LaktTlew.Orvaui Zac vwhitvvnrth Branrta with OropoS lah ar. Halt I'aaemow tin i Ight loreet reieraewrwniiiar.. "rr" , r ...... a r mm AVcCclalk' rrcpnt.ilionror As-5imilaiin(iticF(KlnmlI?ctil.i-UwJ llic bloinnctB ore! Dowels uf Tromolcs DicslionCKperfur ness and Rest .Contains neiiler Opium .Mnrpliine norlueral. OT7A11COTIC. inptm SoJ' Six Smn KkJU HUM Aperfecl Remedy forConstipn fion, Sour Stoirvvh, Diarrhoea Worms .(Convulsions .Fcvensh ness And Loss of Sleep. FocSunile Signature of NEW YORK. era KILLthe COUCH u CURE the mncs wi Dr. King's New Discovery PRICE En a 2i Art OLDS Trial Bottla Fras AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. QUABANTD SATISFACTORY OK MONET KEPUNDED. MAGAZINE READERS fimSIT KAOAZIHX Murilttlly JlimiiUii.ims' mnn aaMaWCaLafaaiaa I'5 allUFatWaaU T' CAKXKA CI ATT fiOAD 0V A TS0TIAVD WOVBKIf a ba ml 75 mn, aaataaataa 120 cmUmd aW;py $0.75 ftctmmqmm qmtm at Caldama mmm OnfM. Tat. . . . $3.35 All for ... . $x.5o AMraa all mtimn la SUNSET MAGAZINE FloJ Building Saa Fnocttrc 1 Imber Land Natlce Uuited States Land Office. Lake- view, Ore. March 20, 1908. Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nev ada, ana wasningtoo Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, James E. Murray, of. Lakeview, county of Lake, State of Oegoo. has Bled in this office his sworn statement No ;'83G, for the purchase of the NE quarter of Section 32, in' Township 38 S., Range 16 E., W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land Bought is more valuable for it timber or atone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 8th day of July, 1908. 1 He names as wintessea: Thomas J. Powell, Paul U. Hugus, John Auten, A. Storkman, all of Lakeviea, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described land are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of July, 19l8. J. N. Watson Register. 1810 flnhp I h . I nil.. Department of the Intel i or, U- S Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, June, 15. 1908 NOTICE is hereby given tit OTIS FOLLETr, ff lakeview, f Oregon, who, on April 18, 1908, made timber and stone application, N. 4110, for SIO quarter NW quarter' NE quarter SW quarter, Hecti vi Township 39 8., Range 21 E., WiUV Meridian, has filed notice of utttiou to make Flual Proof, to stubliuh claim to the lauds above decribd, before Regis ter and Reeel'erat Lakeview, Oregon, on the 1st dyof September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: J. T. Motzker, VV'm. Stlmpflg, C O. Metzken Bk Lee, all of Lakeview, I Oregon. 25 iu J. N. Watson, Register. OA0TO11IA. tmmUm - IfrMtoiBanAlwirtBwff ftjmatar ' '" ' . si. i i "-, i hi rr a a EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. -j J 5 j ji fll ifXi tri'S njp aa aa as m aa as aa - TMB MimiM eMkltT. MCW IHI TT. iantwi aack BMatk la Nm aa- . Mic tmpndmctfm ut Am hm 1.00 aatoarapiMn. lXSj. J.XJit4 TOE)' mil For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Tears WESTERN STAGE LINE Office at the Mercantile Company's Store Lakeview, Oregon. Good Stock - - - New Coaches Daily from Lakeview to Bly, connect ing with Daily Stage to the railroad. P. n. CORCY,- - - Proprietor Liayia, Oregoa. KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE ... In Effect May 1st, 1905. Lv. Thrall.... 6 A. MXv.Pokegwmal0.4 A at Ar. Bogua.....C.t6 Ar.Dlzle 10.46 M Steel Br'g (.45 " Kl'h Bp'ra 11.40 - FtUCr'k..7.06 " " Fall Creek 11.46 " " Kl h8p'f7.10 Steel Br'nlX.OS " " Wile 3.10 M Bonn. ltJOPat hukef.ma8.20 " " ThraU li.U Klamath Springs Special. LT.-ThraJl I SO p. KXr. Kl'h 8p'nt 45P. U Ar.Bosui 1.A6 " Ar. Fall Creekt.60 " Steel Br'fe2.lS - " Steel Br1 1 00 Fall Creek t.U M Bogu ....!. Kl'h Bp'g 1 1 40 " Thrall 1.45 - La fliiew Crgar Factory A. Storkmaa. Pr6p.' " . " ' Maker of I Havana and . Domestic Cigars corrar obdebs solicitu Give us a trial. 8 to re in the brfck building next door to Poet A king sa loon wakeview, Oregon. Timber Lnd Me tire Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon. AAV AW xW ... ii..i ,..,.., nm nimn.i, , June 15 1908. NOTICE is hereyb given that EARL AUSTIN, of Oaklaud, Calif., who, on pril 22 1908 made timber and stone application. No. 4153, for N half SE quarter, SE quarter SE quarter, Sec tion 20, Township 38 8., Range 18 E Will. Meridiap, haa filed notice ot Intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before Register and Receiver at Lakvlew, Oregou. on the 3rd - day ot September, 1908. Claimant names as wituesses: Geo. Lyuch, Marion S. Barnes, Elden Woodoock, Oscar Metzker, ail of Lakeview, Oregou. J. N. Watson, Register. First publication June 18, 1908. Last Publication Aug. 20, 1908. - t I I I