Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 02, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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The Central Oregon From
5hanlko to Prlneville
This Move of a Lonj-Sufftrlnr
Public Hay Smoke Out
Portland Telegram, 20, tilt: Arti
cle of Inoorpornt Ion of tin Central
Oregon Railroad Company, the object
of which In to c instruct a rallroae
from Mianlko to Prlnevlllennd Bend,
were flknl In tint otllre ol thv County
Clerk this morning. Tho company la
caplliillwd Ht .V).(MO, wftlcli will Ik
taken up to n roiiMtdcrahle extent by
tlii iN-oploof Crook Couuty, who have
prnetlcally decided to build their own
rond. Im-chunc llitrrlmnn linn done
nothing. '
. 1 lit Incorporators lire Alfred I".
IHlew. F. H.Stniilcy,JcHoKtyiriiniiinl
llnm-oc Howard The route of the
new rotid will follow the line on
whleh Ilarrlman proinled tolmllda
road when In-took overtheCoiiitulilii
Southern. Hampered by the laek of
n outlet for tliHr IniiiieiiHe n nourii n,
the jieople have tired of 1 1 iirrlniti u'm
delay h, nnil it u recult the Central
Oreuon Railroad Company wtworga
IiUed. 'I'iiIm Ih not ii Hcheme of Mpeculu
tlon, nor Ih It n great railroad enter
prUe," mid .lee Mearim thin morn
ing, "it iHKlinply ii united tfort on
the purl of the people of Cent ml Ore
gon to Beeure nil outlet for their pro
duct. Miiny of the dinner who
Imve not the reitdy moiii-y will con
trltiute grain inn) other will give
work on the uradlug, that the
roud may Ih- built. .
"Whlle'lt Im of vimt Importance to
Central iregon. It 1 uIho highly Im
portant to 1'oit hind, ho Important
In fm t Hint the people of Cortland
ought to help In every vny poHHlble
to limure theeoUHtruetioii of ttie road.
It will give it ilueri route by mil for
tli.- HhlpiiM iit of Central Oregon pro
duce to the 1'ortUnd market. In the
menu time llurriiiian Ih apparently
trying to turn the trade ol Central
Oregon to San Traiu-lxco. lie In
building 1 1 j from the houiIi, and of
('iiiiiw the trade will go with the
In order that Oregon may have
the full U nelli of her own IndUNtrlcH,
m niTi-cHary that the vnt Central
' regou trade idionld fiiiiu' to I'ort
, ind, tiiMtead ol going to San Frau-
. lCO "
A Hide from the trrlgat Ion enterprl
e now under way In Central Ore
gon, there l- a large volume of pro
duce now grown In Central Oregon.
l.iiKt vear there wu Hhlopxl from
MiauUo I.iiiki.ihiU puiimlH ot wool, to
nay noihlng of wheat, other grain
and 1 1 r 1 1 1 !. All lid produce hud to
be hauled by team to MiuioUo from I1H l.A llllll'H hi the III
Connei ting wii h theO I!, i N. at
I'dggH. m iin- rolnnibl'i Kiver, the
i ' I 1 1 1 1 ! i j i ini I lii'I'll extend hi tar
Houtli iln Nliilliou.
i it Shaulko in I'linevi lie U '."
lulli h, anil irniii Mi.ilnko lo licliil Ih
iiImiiiI '.HI mile. I'.y oiihIiiicI llig I lie
(Vnlliil O it4,i n load hmiiiIi Iron)
Mimiitvo I he rich Interior ci iiiui r.v will
be pri i ill. d with mi oull"l for il
ploiitii Ih, and ill lie given a givat
Impel Uh lii the way of lili'lher devel
opment. It Ih I lie pilipwHi1 of t lie oitani.e.rH
of t lie lie w Ci "lilpaiiy I o pllnll t lie Wol'k
to coniplel Ii in Willi the lltlliont
1 1 I !- I I I I I I .
U. publican Acrostic
Willi h klHli'mimu In rorry uiir hit n ner
I ii llii' ili'i'tliiii i miii In k uff ill I' lull
11 im i It'l l Ii l tit in iHiriutlr uihiiiiit,
l.t-nt hp !' t Imrin lo Hi" Uktluil lirtHll.
In uniiiiiiHiii ttc'll HiHiitl fur ihf iiniIiiii,
Aiiiouk"! Ilit Kmiulrat tliroiiKliinil all the IhihI.
MakliiK luw I ro in w lrl ulitcrvatnni,
HUtorliaily M nliliig, lwvi Ui taiul,
Ti'in'liliiK thv UuiKi-vt'll pollry of mtiare deal,
Ami mliiT 1 1 known iruKrt'lva nnniurtu,
Vat four yriirn or mare of pulilio weal
Tall, our li ali:r, with crt-an il of plvanuroa.
l.aki vli w, Ore , June 2b, l'.H'H.
Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's too bad ! We had no
ticed It was looking pretty thin
and rough of late, but naturally
did not like to speak of it. Dy
the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor Is
a regular hair grower, a per
fect hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's
Hair Vigor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.
The best kind of a testimonial
'Bold for OTr alxty ysars."
MaS Sv O. Afw Cm.
Low .a.
AUa i
uIMIurwa !
cuwv reaotva.
Personal Mention
Itobort L. Wlr, o! Dir. arrived la
town Buodajr oo bntloena.
ChM. Cl, of Lo Angelas, li
topping t The lkvlw lloteL
Floreoce Daveoport cam op from
Reoo tiuotlaj to Jolo the Moog dram
atlo company,
" Kay A. Telford and Al. Andy, both
of Klamath Fall, are lo town making
final proof oo timber olalma.
Virgil Conn J of PaUley, one of tbe
leading mere haute of tbe northern
end of tbe oounty arrived Tueeday.
Ueo. Rinall, a etochman from Btlver
Lake, waa doing buainete hnre Mon
day. P. M. Cory, of the Weetern BUge
Company, of Newell'a, waa In town
on bulnMa connected with bis line
tbla week.
J. D. Karra, tbe I'aliley liveryman,
wee down to tbia burg Monday.
Mrs, ilambo arrived at the Lake
view Hotel tbla week from Han Fran-
cteoo, where she bas been apending
tbe winter. Bhe bas large Interests
at Plush, and will go out there aoon
to give matters bet personal attenton
Chas. H Huff, a Han Fraocinco
glass drummer, was In town Monday.
Hon. C. U. Hnyder, wife and
ilaiiubter Miss Mae, made a trip to
lily lust week
A. Ulen, Han Franreco, represent
Inn a lluuor and cluar concern, was
an arrival Haturday.
Willis Otortfe and N. F Currey
were down from rlusb Iats week.
W. K. McCornmrk a woolgrower
from tillver Leke, was down (Saturday.
1. A. Worthlnxton, llarrimn'a
right of-way man, la In town.
F. A. Fitrpatrlek and family of the
X ranch, were gunnta of tbe Ltike
view Hotel Tuesday
J. J.'ltellley and J. W. Loftiis, the
mluliig men, were down from (Joldruu
Hon. Win. T. Crolei, father of
Hanker Cremiler, is over on a visit
from CnUrvillo, Callfnrlna.
Fdmund I'. Hhcldon, a buidnertH
iiihii of I'ortlund, wan in town luut
W. I j. Wing, wasdoMU fiom Silver
Luke KridHj.
Hubert Ward, of Heuttle, reprenent
ing the Oliver Type writer,eouipiDy,
was in town Baturduy.
J. T. Ilordnu and wife are in town.
Mr. ltorden'is repreneutiiig the Ore
goniati, of Portlumi.
Ii. J. Hlckersoii and wife, and
sinter-in-law and Mine Green, are over
from Hidwell, California, ou n vinit
with the family of Peter Post
Tim Kheehiin, a space writer for the
McClure Ky ml lento, is now a resident
of Liikeviow, and a sulisjrlher to The
C.K . Oliver returned Tueaday from
a ten days trip to southern towns.
He went as far south as Falls Kiver
ShiiHta Co.
Furl Carriker of, the Went Side whs
in tho eity Wednesday to take his
IIIIIHK' leciiiil).
AdminiMrator'a Sale of
Real Property
In the (nutter of the estutei
of I. in-l et in K. Cox, dei-ciihi'd. 1
notick is im ;ui:itv t;ivt:x that
under and, in purx'tinu-it of an order of
Mile made by the County Court of the j
Mute ol i mi'k'oii, lor i ne l oumy ot
M ultiiiiiiiiih. on tlm 'j:ird day of
ruiiiy r."i7, in the above entitled mat-j
ter, the iiiidtT.-iwneil, uh the iidniin is-'
ti uf ur of I he estate of I.iifretia Cox, j
ilet'i'iied, will trolil lilld UlttT Siitlinlay
the Mb tiny of Anoint, IHON. proceed
to ell, at privatu mile, to the liitflient
and be!, bidder, for i-ash in hand,
pul.jeet to confiriiiat ion by said Court,
all ot tho real property described an
follow, to wit: The KouthweHt
quarter of eet-tion !) tottlinhip llllmiuth
i u n e 10 eaht Wiflainetto .Meridian iu
Lake County, Oickou.
Said nalo Is made for the purpose of
paying claiuiH nuiiiHt the Haiti Htate
hail charuet) ami OA'poimoa of udiniuia
t rat Ion, remaining unpaid.
Dated this 'Jth day of July, VMH.
it. Ij. (ilHHB,
AdmiuiBtrator of the ewtate of Luo
etia Cox deoeimed. 'Si 5.
U. S. Land Olllce at Lakeview, Ore
gon, , May 15, 1IKI8.
NOTICK in hereby Riven that
Lakeview, Oregon, who, ou March 21,
UKJH, made timber and stoue appli
cation, No. 1121, for UW quarter, SK
quartre, 10 half, SK quarter, BKJ NK.
Section, II, Towimhip 41 8..
Hange 15 10., Will. Meridian, bas filed
notice of intention to make Fiual
Proof, to etttubllHh claim to tbe laud
above deacribed, befortt licKifter aud
Heceiver, at "Lakeview, Oregon, on
the Oth day of August, VMS.
Claimant uanieH aa witnesaea: J.
O. liamakor, F. P. Uroha, li. I Kil
irore, all of lionanya, Oregou, and
William Deal of Lorulla Oragou.
iil 10 J. N. Wutson. ilegiator.
We oll'er One Hundred Dollars He
ward for auy cane of (.'aturrli thatoau
n ot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheuey & Co,. Toledo O.
We, the undersigned, have kuown
F. J. Cheney for the lust 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable iu
all business transactions and financial
ly able to carry out any obligations
made by his firm.
Wuldinti, Ktuuen & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O.,
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
aud mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75
centa per bottle. Sold by all Drag
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Die Mining Suit Now
On at Alturas
Alturua I'lalndenler,2finlt: Mr. W,
J. tlr!xhy of the llonjj mining dis
trict waa a vialtor nt our office tbla
week. He Informs ua that lie baa
mado a run of about alx tone of ore
It- ao arnata and baa made a clean
up. The talllmia are now being rya
nlded to determine tbe percentage of
bue ore, an. the best mode of work
Ing the aame. Tbe yield from the atx
tone, Mr. firigaby iiMsun-s u, will be
about $KiO per ton but, until thecya
nlded tallluK are cleaned up the ex
act worklnK yield cannot be determ
ined. Aa be fa an old miner and an
exju-rt aaaiyor, he la aatlafled hla ea
tltnate Im approilmaU ly correct.
Mr. Orlgaby also Informs ua that
In company with K. hi Jamison, an
o t her e x (a-r lenced m 1 ner , be I s erect I n g
a sttmp mill with a cyanide plant
attarhed, and the regular monthly
gold ahlpmvuta will hereafter be
Mr. (Jrtgahy says tbe ileeiieat work
Ing In bla mine la about. 7) feet, though
be baa about 100 feet of tunnel. The
vein la a well defined contact ledge,
nnd ahowa ore from flu to IPX) kt
ton. The future outcome of the
mines Mr. (irlirahy anya, la aoauml
Mr. Jamison recently sold bla mine
to a rortland company. It waa a
genuine spot caah sale, and while the
terma an? private, reached well up In
the six figure.
- The attention of the Huperlor Court
tbla week has teen o-cupll with the
caae of Mc Deary & Mhowera ra,
UroftdiiH. Dunlvan A hHrtel. The
suit InvolveH title to mlninir ororxTtv
, In the liong dlatrlct, and alde from
tielnit the first mining nult In Modoc
county contalna a alKnlflcance far be
yond the mere fact of n suit over
mining proprrty. The principals are
men men Kkllleil In the biiMiiieea of
mining and nre represented by an
array of rounael ami a acore or more
wltneMMee. If the mines of the Iloag
dlatrlct were worthliKs, aa some con
tend, why are t bene men engaged in
an expeimlve suit to detenulu owner
ship? MeHMrs. McClenry & Showers
are rep rettent ed by N. A. ('orulsh and
1'. M Jumlson, whllu LiraiiduH, etal.,
nre reprew-nted by lionner & Baldwin,
Adams & Wylle and A, F. whartel.
About twenty wltnesHca on cither
side are In attendance.
From the beAilcr.
Everybody Im trettlns busy and
are Rolntf to make the celebra
tion the taut ever held at tbla plaee.
Kllr.alH-lh Ward, lietter kuown aa
grandma Ward, Ima hud her pension
Ineri'UHed fromelnht dollnrs to twelve
dollars a month.
Mrs Ira Fn-etnnn purchased the
Frank I'avue riineb, and the Stella
1'iiyne lioineHtead one dny lust week,
payiiiK W.tWO for the aame.
J. C. ItiiKi'V. who bad a stroke. of
'nariilvsis last week is rapidly im
proving. This will lie jrood news to
liU liinnv friends throughout this
eeet loll.
The new road iniu hlne arrived last
Saturday. Koad aupervlsor Parker
baHlH-en jrivlntf It a trial on tho road
at the north side of towu.
Tell all yonr friends that Silver
Lake Is ifolnj; to have a g celebra
tion liiHtirii! two days. The commit
tees are sparing no pain norexpeiise
u, imke lt u wo tjayM Knn eve
. Waller K ttredue aud CharleM I'itcli
er wi re In to n t Ioh wi ck Hlj;"in) up
emit ractH for laud beloniue; to the
IndiatiH nil the .Kin math reservation,
mi which they will pasture their cut
tle thin Hummer.
Thl iif look pretty HUNpicloim when
an unmarried, but eligible gentleman
buy a new rane. Cope Went did
that very thitij? and every one that
known Cope, kuowrt he hart unearth
ly uhc for hucIi a thlmr without a la
dy to manipulate It. Such iictiors
look HUHpecloiiH and wo aurtniae he
litis been exposed.
The citizens of Silver Lake may well
be conHi atuJated upon Hecurliitf Hon.
II. A. Itrattntn of Putnley, our rtpre
acntative elect, to deliver tho orailon
ou the -lib. -Mr. Prattain, while not
an orator, la a pleasant, Interesting
and logical speaker, a good reaaotier
and a deep thluker, and those who
hear him will be more than pleuaed
with hla effort.
Ou last Tuesday evening acvornl
ladies met at the leader office and
organized the Ladles Silver Iake
Bubo Pal. Club,. The tnemtiers are
all enthusiastic and to ebow they are
not afraid to meet nil comera ou the
diamond, Bond thla challenge. We
the LadlOM of the Silver Lake P.ase
Pall Club, hereby challenge Messrs II.
II Keeney, Al Dunning. 'Dad" Wil
ley, L Fowle. '-Pa" Westcott, Judge
Martin, Cope West, P. W, Jones aud
Cliff Smith, to play a game of base
ball on the afternoon of July 4th ou
the grounds at thla place, the losers
to jiuy for a supper.
for men who toil
Levi Strauss
& Co's
Copper Riveted Overalls
the kind that "WEARS"
cut full
mad of
1 " jr
FFCC aSOclD For,a fcw dars. ,vc wiU 8ve $2.15 worth of
r Free Soap with each case of Sunny Monday
Soap purchased from tis. We recommend and guarantee these goods.
Fairbunk's SUNNY MONDAY is a laundry Soap that we are glad to rccom
menu, jt is uic pertect laundry soap, made from
the highest grade materials by a company that
knows how to make oap right.
is pure, white, efficient. No rosin or other adulterants that rot and ruin
fabrics. Best of all, it contains a remarkable new soap ingredient, called a
dirt-starter, that makes clothes clean, and taken all the hard labor out of
washing. You can wash everything with SUNNY NONDAY in any water at
any temperature.
One bar of SUNNYJMONDAY does as much cleansing as two bars of any
other soap, because it is all soap.
Give SUNNY MONDAY a trial and acquire a good habit.
We also recommend these other Fairbank soap products:
Gold Dust-washing powder. Fairy toilet soap
Glycerine Tar shampoo soap Pummo hand soap
Lakeview Mercantile Co
A reprfai'titatlve in thla country j
by a large real eatate corporation, i
Sxt-lal lnducementa to thoae whoj
wlnh to become financially lutereat-i
The Real Estate Security Co.
Fort Dearborn Bldg.
Chicago, 111.
Dr. Chas. H. Drake,
Veterinary Surgeon
Rmo Fmomr, Fm'mo Ltrmmr Stablb,
West of First National Bank.
Lakeview, Oregon.
Nolde & Reynolds
House, Sign and Carriage
Paint ers
Papering and Kalsomining
Olflco with Woodcock & Burtiea
tieneral i:lackuilthn
H. D. Clark
Contractor and Builder
JoIj Wo.k a S)L'cialt3r
Iistimatcs Furnished
Shop next idoor to Ahlstrom'n
Saddlery Shop
Exchange for Ranch
I will trade for a ranch with
good water supply my large tour
ing car. It Is a White Steamer, in
good condition. Ilaa top, lamp
and extra tires. Is worth 1S00.
I will run it up to Lakeview If
suited. Address, giving full par
ticulars of your ranch to
913 North Brown Street,
Napa, Camfokma
The Secret of a
Beautiful Face
liet in keeping the ikin pro
tectedaswellucleansed. Just
washing U not enough that
only leaves the delicate surface
more exposed to the irritation
of dust and germs j to merci
less attacks of sun and
weather. After washing, ap
ply Robertine and experience
its delightful refreshment.
You willadmire the line-less
softness it imparts to face,
neck and arms. It not only
ttmulates a radiant glow, but
protects the skin from becom
ing coarse. Prevent bum
lug, tan and freckles.
A mmtU m-IAr
nun i
Subscribers, Take Notice!
The new ruling of the postoffice department
will make it impossible for any newspaper in the
country to send out copies to subscribers who owe
a year on subscription without putting, a one-cent
stamp on each paper. That would break every
newspaper man, and cannot be done. The result is
subscriptions not paid must be stopped this sum
mer. It is not the" fault of the newspapers. We
would be glad to carry our subscribers along as in
the past. It is a new ruling of the department and
must be lived up to or we lose our mail privileges.
We hope you will pay prompt attention to this
matter, as the new rule is now in full force. We do
not wish to lose you arid hope that you do not
wish to part with The Examiner.
The present management will endeavor to ke
the paper up to its past high plane, and will, as c
cumstances and patronage warranty add to ;:
present value.
Special Offer: -
In order to bring all subscription accounts up
to date, all who pay their indebtedness and a year
in advance, will have their papers free for an addi
tional three months.
Send us j our check, draft, money order, silver
or stamps, and address same to
Lakeview, Oregon
The Lake Couuty Examiner has
changed hands, C. O. Metzker having
bold tbe paper to Fred J. bowman.
Al! moneys due on subscription are
paynlle to Fred J. Bowman, and be is
to contiuue tbe paper to all gubscrip
ers who have paid iu advance, for tbe
full term for which such subscriptions
have beeu paid. Bills due for adver
tising to June 15 are navable to O. O.
' Metzker.
Signed C. O. Metzker
Fred J. Bowman.
Way Ranch For Sale
A choice quarter section of Improv
ed meadow land, one and one half mile
east of Paisley, Lake county, Oregon.
This land is under irrigation, supplied
with free water rights from tbe Che
waucan river. Surface level and smooth
having been mowed and raked over for
many years past Public road ou
north and east lines of place.
For further particulars, address or
inquire of T. J. Brattain, Paisley,
Oregou. li) f
Photographer Here
ilenry Wendt, photographer, who
bas a photo studio and caudy factory
at New Pine Creek, Oiegon, ia iu
Lakeview, with a photo teut, south
of the Herald office.
Mr. Wendt will remain here until
July 10, 1908. Photos taken from
tamps, postals and all sizes up to
. 11X14. All work up to date.
Mr. Wendt expects to cometoLake
! view once a yeur with a tent. 25 tf.
j It Can't B Beat
The best of all teachers is experi
ence. C. M. )Iarden, of Silver City,
North Carolina, says: "I find Electric
Bitters all that's claimed for it. For
Stomach, Liver aud Kidney troubles
it cau't be beat I have tried it and
find at a mont excellent medicine."
Mr. IIarden is right; it's the best of
'all medecinea also for weakness, lame
back, and all run down conditions.
, Best too for chills and malaria. Sold
under guarantee at xnorntoa a irug
store. 50o.
For Lots in Watson 'a addition, ae
iMasingiU. ' 23 U
Timber Land Not Ire
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Olllee at Lakeview, Oregon,
June 21th 1008
Notice is hereby given that John
L. Glazier, of Sacramento, Calif.,
who ou May 15. 1008,. made timber
and stooe application. No. 1173, for
NW quarter, Section 32, Township 37
S., Rane 17 E., Will. Meridian, ha
bled notice of iuention to make Final
Proof, to establish claim to tbe
land above described, before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,,
ou the 11th day of September, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: Oda
Cravens, of Lakeview, Oregon, I. C
Cravens, of Dairy, Oregon, F. C
Eld red and John Stindt, of Bonanza.
27 10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timb land Nolle
U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore-
gon, June 23, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that tiordon
W. U arret t, of Lakeview, Oregon,
who, on May 4, 1908, made timber
and stone application. No. 1167, for
SE quarter. Section 2(5, 1'owneblp 38
S., Range 21 E., Will. Meridian, baa
filed uotice of intention to make
Fiual Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon,
on tbe 10th day of September, 1908
Claimant names as witnesses: Geo.
II. Lynch, Sarah Garrett, Granville
liardisty, Tom Watsou, all of Lake
view, Oregou.
27-10 J. N. "Watson, Register.
Timbrr Laud Netlre.
U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore
gon, Juue 23, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that David :
T. Joues, of Lakeview, Oregon, who,
on April 29, 1908, made timber aiui'.
stoue application, No. 1103, fosr SW
quarter 8W quarter, Section Ify
Township 38 S , Range 18 K, Will.
Meridian, has Hied notice of intentioja
to make Final Froof, . to establish
claim to tbe land above described,
before Register aud Receiver, at Lake
view, Oregon, on tbe 9th day of Sept
ember, 19U8.
Claimant names a witnesses: W.
A. Wilshire, Manuel Schwartz, Dao
Jones, John Quinn, all of Lakeview,
27-10 J. N. Wataon, Register-