LVKF. COUNTY, LAKKVIKW. OUF.UON, THURSDAY. JUNK 25, 1IH18 4 Lake County Examiner . FRED .?. P.OWMAN. PuhlUb'd Every Thursday. t S.-cont-('l Miller. One Year. $2 00 TERMS: j.Mx Atonlhs, IM . s '(Three Months, 50 SnhKCTlher to I hft Kiamlnef who rtrnoTf frpraone (wliiT h amxlirr, r rhant: !,roj I bt office a, curd xo lhtr pupor can b ad r THIS PAPER H l on fll a K.r. Pass ptiui.' " " - - . ,oirv lo' aarerUifinit 1H0 baiaailelor lu l. . L-van.'ii. i ll . wnprr .. , OUK CANDIDATES , Tho Repubiic-Bu Natiouat Conren tioui which met at Chicago lat we'k, pliu'cd it nomination the Honorable W illiam 11. Taft. of Ohio, for ll'resi : dent of the Uuited Stutes, on the first ballot, an uupreeedeuted distinction, not heretofore given Buy new nmn. The vote stood : Taft, "Oi, Hushes GX, Cannon, 61, Fairbanks, 40, Knox, 48, LaFolletieSo, Foraker 10, Kooaevelt X It ha been a foregone couclusiou for Mue time that Mr. Taft was cer tain to be the nominee. He Lad the lead of all other candidates from the start, and bad the hearty endorse ment of bis personal friend, Presideut Roosevelt While comparatively a young man, be baa long been In active life, and wherever be was placed, has filled the position in a capable, force ful, honoiable and painstaking manner. ' His record is too well kaown to the public to need any special mention of The Examiner. Suffice it to say at present, what was said of him by Con gressman Benoa. of Ohio, in making tbe nominating speech: "I name for the Presidency that perfect type of American manhood, that peerless representative of tbe noblest ideals in oar national life, Wildam H. TafU" Tbe press .reports state that tbe demonstration that followed tbe name of Ohio on tbe ro'l was not a drop to a deluge compared to the roar that broke out aa Mr. Burton concluded. On tbeir chairs, witb waving flags, bat and 'kerchiefs stood the men from Taft 'a state, shouting at tbe top of tber voices. Other delegations carre in on tbe wave and roar of laughter followed when a flag pole to which was attached a pair of trousers of most generous proportions was held aloft by the members of tbe Taft dele gation. It was tbe angora goat trous ers mentioned and previously de scribed. Aoross tbe consolidated por tion of the trouser3,fore and aft, were attached placards bearing the inscrip tion: "As Pants tbe Hart for Cooling Streams, so Teaxa Pants for Taft" Tbe blue banner of the picture of Taft waa quickly raised by Ohio dele gates, who whooped and yelled like a batch of Comancbe Indians. After holding it aloft for a while they bore it down the isle, followed by others. When the demonstration bad been under vay twenty-five minutes, Chair man Lodge, witb tbe assistance of tbe Sergeant-at-arms and tbe Taft floor managers, managed to quiet the bub bling enthosiaoa of the delegates and introduced Knigbt of California, who seconded tbe Taft nomination. Tbe nomination for vice president went to Congressman J. S . Sherman, of Utica, N.Y., by a practically unan imous vote Jamea Schoolcraft Sherman, Con gressman and lawyer, was born at Utica, N. Y., October 24, 1855. He graduated from Hamilton College in 1879, received tbe L. L. D. degree in 1903 and was admitted to tbe bar in 1883. He was elected mayor of Utica in 1SS4. He was chairman of the Re publican state convention in 1895 and in 1'JtXX He waa a member of con gress from the 23rd New York District from 897 to 1891, from the 25th New York District from 1893 to 1903 and from t he 27th New York District from 1903 to the present time. He is still a practicing lawyer and is President of tie Utica Trust and Deposit Com pany. His home is in Utica. The Republican National platform, as piepared, lauds Roosevelt for tbe great things be has accomplished dur ing hia administration, and c-redita the Republican party with the great ad viiin o in prosperity that baa taken pliu-H in the Nation biore tbe birth of the party. It callrt attention to the fact that the Democrats obstructed wise legislation at the wbhiou of Congress just closed and Bay tLat despite filibustering by opponents, many progressive laws were pansed. It especially commends the t-UK-reucy currency meaHure, the bill for the appointment of a National Monetary Commibeion, Government liability laws, greater etllcieucy of Army and Navy, model child labor law, and tbe widow pension bill. Tbe platform declares unequivocally for a revision of the tariff immediately following tbe inauguration by a cpeclal Fenalon of Congress. Tbe establishment of postal savings tanks ia favored upon principles em bodied in tbe measure now pending iiefore Congress. Tbe enactment of tbe railroad rate Jaw and ifs vigorous enforcement is Improved. The enactment of the employer s liability act is heart ilv commend!. The welfare if the wageworkers is. -.,,.,..., iir thA imrtv as of treat i .,.. Tim KVtuilili.-mi nnrtv nointi with ...I I.. ...! .,rlill....l I.mi In thn iMlllKA of ii Ht the Hague Conference. It declaims that generous provisions most be made for the widow and or phans of those who have fallen while righting their country's battled, a well a the survivors who aided iu up holding the (lug. The platform call attention to the tact that the Repbln'n party pasaed the Sherman anti trust law over l)em oorattc opposition and enforced it The establishment of rural mail ser- vice to millions of homes is pointed to as one of tbe beneficent acts of a RepuHican administration, and the etfortu under wav to establish good roads for the entire cjuntrv for the benefit of the agricultural community is com mended. - . The p at form declares for such amend ments to the statutes as to procedure in the Federal Couits with respect to the use of the injunction as will pre veut tbe summary isue of such orders it limit, instruction on the one band and as will preserve undimin-: OaUU HUU U will uuuiwiu-. ishedthe power of the court to en- force their process on the other baud, to the end that Justice may be done to tbe end that justice may to all The Examiner believes that with M. Taft as standard-bearer, upon such a brilliant platform, victory ia asstnred for the Republican party and that his administration will go down in history side by side with that of President Roosevelt in tbe estimation of tbe people. One thing ia certain : If yon believe tbe policies of Mr. Roosevelt should pe continued, then you will vote for William H. Taft for President of tbe United States. NOVEL LICENSE PLAN A new treatment of tbe liquor question baa been evolved that ia now engaging tbe attention of think ing men, and that Is simply to com pel every man and woman who drinks Intoxicating liquors to pay a lie-tiMe fee, exempt aalooo men and permit anyone whodeslrea to engage in the traffic, tbe sale restriction be ing: to sell only to license holders. These in brief are tbe chief points of a plan suggested by E. E. Hall, of Spokane, a candidate in the third district for tbe next leglalatnre of Washington, to solva the liquor ques tion In that state, in wblcb tbe Re publican party is pledged to local op tion, while the Democrats are on re cord as favoring absolute prohibi tion. Hall has been a resident of Eaatern Washington since tbe pioneer days. Outlining bis plan, Hall said that while he Is willing to stand squarely upon tbe Republican state platform and vote for tbe passage of a local option law, If elected be will intro duce a measure which provides that tbe roan who drinks tbe liquor most pay a license. He added: "My plan would be to abolish all saloon licences, permitting any man deolrliig to sell liquor to do bo, If a man wants to drink be should be compelled to take out a license to do so, and it snouid be made a misde meanor for any person to sell to a man who does not have such a license. Such licenses should be Issued by counties and cities, a reasonable fee being about $5 a year for conty II-J censes and from (1 to $3 a year for city. This would bring in a larger ! revenue than under tbe present license system, and would put the burden where It belongs." ROOSEVELT A GREAT MAN Senator Boriows made a most forci ble ai d pertinent speech at tbe open ing of tLe republican national conven tion in Chicago. After mentioning tbe material progress of tbe nation under tbe last four years of the ad ministration of President Roosevelt, in which be discussed tbe president's policies as to our relations with for eign nations, tbe curbing of predatory wealth, tbe emergency currency, tariff 1 taken in the Rubsian-Japan war, tbe building of our navy to its present commanding place, tbe settlement of disputes with our Canadian neighbors, and other matters of national benefit, the Senator added : "Yet nothing has added so much to his just tame as this persUteut and invincible refusal to break the unwrit ten law ot the Republic jy accepting a nomination fur a third term. By this act of self-abntgot iou he places his name and fame iu tbe secure keep ing of history by the side of that of the immortal Washington." Taft'a trousers, his only pair, which he rent the morning be waa to appear before tbe Emperor of all tbe Rub sias, and so carefully aud neatly mended by bis devoted spouse, are now bibtorio. The republicans of Texas constructed a tair to be given Mr. Taft upon bis nomination at Chi cago. Tbe trousers are mada of mo hair, warranted to tit no other candi date, and were designed to draw espec ial attention to the Angora gnat indus try of that state. The same were to be carried at tbe bead of the Teaxa deleagtlon truly a novel sort of a po litical standard, only equalled by tbe Log Cabin t "Tlppvano and Tyler, too,1 and "Uraii Pa's Hat" of tho later HarrlKOii. It the troupers "en badge of victory fur the Republican party in thU eampaltin well and good! Tho Idea la that of i Jollll IV Carrington, secretary of the !Bm.i?i Men's Club, of San Antonio. Some people make the mistake of thinking every depart. uent is meaut to be read by everybody. On the con trary, read only that which appeals to you. Others do uot. possess your taste, and will read approvingly that, which voti discard. Therefore, do not grumble at the editor because he pub- lishe.s al. kinds of new. The Exam-' (incrwili aim t print all the news great tri-, j from every point oi una , "t ifgum. u win tuKe space ami , money, too, to cover the Held, but we j i have th necessary machinery, iiiclud .f ' m lypeseiiing maciuue. lo no me 1 J'"1', and shall make further improve ments wheu w at ran ted. Thin is an ago of big things and bid newspapers. So our advice is to read what you like, and skip the rest. To attempt to iuterret J ourself in "all that's go iug" is a grave mistake. The Standard Oil Company at Ro CD,fri N. Y.. the l'Jtu iut.t. was - 'ouu1 SuiU7 ou forly pouuta ,or bwwpUow of rebate for oil ship nwnts frolu le,ln- The n"",in,ual flu is J'.UOOO on each couut, or $800, WW la all. Another rise in kerosene and gasolene is now assured. Perbapa it would be better to put tbe Standard Oil rrowd in jail. It would prevent so nirjcb rebating and would maka that tough bunch respecters of the law, and would, moreover, prevent the present method of making the people pay tbe fines, as they surely will be compelled to do, under existing con ditions. Francis Travesty i ompany Comuenoes an eogagemeut in this City at tbe Opera House on Friday night, June 26th. Tbe company comes highly recommended aud a moat de lightful and refreshing performance consisting of comedy drama, bigb class specialties, mosial numbers and illustrated songs and animated pictnrea between tbe acta are prom ised. There ara some ten members in the company and a performance of aomn two hours and one ballf will be given. Miss Rujaero oue of tbe moist capable leading ladies on tbe stage is a member of tbe Company. Also Mr. Lloyd Fountain and Virginia Bell) besides other wall known artists. Reserved seats can be secured In advance at tbe postofflce. "Genera! Rain" bas bia bead quarters in this region tor the past two weeks. U is presence waa welcome to the old settlers, and was cheering indeed to tbe new corners wbo bave jutt h eated on tbeir new homes. LOUIS SHAW Dealer lo Real Estate 1 bave listed some of tbe best Ranches, Timber Lands and Town property In Northern California, a country tbat is bound to improve rap idly. Alturas, California. Notice The Lake County Examiner bas changed bands, C. O. Metzker having sold tbe paper to Fred J. bowman. All moneys due on subscription are payable to Fred J. Bowman, and be is to continue tbe paper to all subscrip era who bave paid in advance, for tbe full term for which sucb subscriptions bave been paid. Bills due for adver tising to June 15 are payable to C. O. Metzker. (Signed O. O. Metzker Fred J. Bowman. A Oran4 Family fltdicliw "It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr. Fiank Conlan of No. 436 Houston St., New York. "It's a grand family medicine for dyspepsia and liver complications ; while for lame back aud weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recommended." Electric Bitters regulate the digestive func tions, purify tbe blood, and impart renewed vigor and vitality to tbe weak aud debilitated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at A. L. Thorn ton's trug store. 60c. Administrator's Notice. THOMAS C. LITTLE ESTATE, Notice n hereby gyen that the under signed bas been appointed ad miabtrator of the estate of Thomas C. Littta, deceased, by tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake, and bas qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same at the law office of W. J . Moore, in Lakeview, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified within nix mouths from tho date here of. Dated and first published this 10th day ot June, 1908. C. H. LITTLE, Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE OifAH. M. METZKER ESTATE NotiiH is hereby given tbat the undersigned has been appointed tbe administratrix of tbe estate of Cbaa. M. Metzker, deceased, by the County Court f the State of Oregon, for the County uf Lake, and bas qualified. All persons having claims against said ettate are hereby notified to present tbe same to me at my resi dence iu - Lakeview, Oregon, witb proper vouchers and duly verified witb in sis months from date hereof. Dated and first published this 4th day Of June, A. D. JU0& Luciada Petree, Administratrix. Toko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven Mlffion boxes sold In past la months. Thi$ tlgnatore, in the mine Levi Strauss & Co's Copper Riveted OveraDs NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I Department of tbe Interior, Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, June IS, 10U8. Notice is hereby given tbat Joseph I Arzner, of Lakeview, Oregon, wbo, on I A or 11 J4.11KJJ. made homestead appll cation. No. 21)17, for bW qoaiter 8E qoarter, E half HE quarter, Bee. Xi, KW quarter BW quarter, Section 34, Towusbip 37 8,, llanKe 11) E., Will. Meridian, baa filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, be fore Kegister and Receiver at Lake view, Oregon, on tbe 12tb day of Aug ust, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Snyder, Jack McCully, E. H. Amsden, Mike Kau, all ot Lakeview. Oregon. 20-5 J. N. Watson, Register. Th Bet Pills Ever Sold "After doctoring 15 years for chron ic indigestion, and spending over two hundred dollars, nothing bas done me as much good as Dr. King's New Life Fills. 1 consider tbem tbe best pills ever sold " writes 11. F. Ayscue. of Ingleside, N. C. Bold under guar antee at A.L. Thornton's drug store. 25o Executors' Notice IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREUON, FOR THE COUNTY OF LAKE. In tbe Matter of the Estate of) Warren 11. VVhittemore, ) TO ALL' TO WHOM IT MAY ' CON CERN : Notice is hereby given that tbe un dreisgned executors ot the last will and testament ot Warren li. Whitte more, deceased, have duly filed herein the flnul account of their administra tion of the estate of said deceased, and that Friday, July 10, 11W8, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at tbe court room of tbe County Court of Lake County, Or, in tbe court house of said county, has been fixed and appointed by Hon. 14. Daly, Judge of said Court, as tbe time aud place for the hearing of objections to said final account, if any there be, and for tbe settlement thereof. This notice Is idirected to be pub lished in "The Lake County Exam iner," a newspaper, of general circula tion, published weekly at Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, designated for that purpose by said executors, once a week for four successive weeks prior to ;July 10, 190H, the date by said court so appointed for tbe hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof, by order of Hon. JJ. Daly Judge of tbe County Court of Lake County Oregon, made and entered in the above entitled matter June 10, 1908, and the date of tbe first publication hereof i June 11, iyoa B. O. Creesler, W. 11. Bbrk, Executors of tbe Last ' Will and Testament of Warren 1J. Wbittemore, Deceased. 246 a"""" "nTwtTY" OUR. STOCK OF General Merchandise CONSISTING OK ) Dry Goods Groceries, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Cooking! Uten sils, Camp and Heating Stoves, Tents, Bedding, Etc. i Is Complete BAILEY & MASSINGILL Lakeview, Oregon To Cure a Cold in One Day OUR. QUARTERS The Lakeview Furniture Com pany has moved into the large IJrick Building on Water street where a Large Stock of every thing usually found in a Furn iture Store will be kept Undertaker's Parlors Repair Shop LAKEVIEW FURNITURE STORE. WALLACE & CO., Prop'r ALBERT G. DUHME BUYS TIMBER LANDS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING LAKEVIEW. OREGON. WESTERN STAGE LINE Chas. Lambert. Manager Leaves Klamath Falls Daily at 7 O'clock, A.M. Office; American Hotel SIO LAKEVIEW S18 ROUND TRIP Wm. F. PAINE. LAND AGENT ani KiJH VKYOK Prompt and careful attention dvin to surveys of Lands and TowiihUch, Map work &c. Settlers located, Land and Town property for sabs, LAKEVIEW, OREGON. GriB la Two Day. on every (VJs SX&yTl DOX.25C I tub Siar Drilling Wins Co. ia erecting a plunt at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gus, etc., etc. A moderate amount oi money will ttturt you la a profitable business. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Testa to be The Bunt In Tho World.' For full particulars regard ing well drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. PORTLAND, otceov. or AKKON, OHIO. NEW P 1