Woman'sWorld DUCHESS OF SUTHERLAND. Whose Husband Hat Gio Hr a Pal ace For tha Housing of Cripples. One at the most beautiful and niot mnfrillleotit pnliu-e In I'liv'tninl hit Iteeu turned Into n fnctory ho unltjue that It deerven ns iniHli distinction ax the castle. The pnlneo Is the plft of the Puke of SnMierlnnd to the crip ples In whose education ami training bis beautiful wife has long boon Inter- "uant mutntnatln Knirineenna; society held In the Urn ml Pacific hotel. Chlcapo. last month Oculist a whom the so ciety ti -. ! Invlteil to he prowont do olarvd 'u.Mlmousl.v that the method of llluc'lnatton employed today went Inferior to those employed ty our jrrent-prent rritutlparctit!. In so far as their effect on the eye Is concerned, lit a review of the matter lr. II. II Sen brook of New York wrote: "Out country lends the world apparently In the brilliancy of Its nrtlilel.il lllnmlnn tJon ami certainly leads the world In ocular exhaustion, discomfort and con gestion. Hoth here and abroad ocu lists agree that the kerosene burner ' N the least harmful artlliilitl itlitml- The Incamlesivnt lamp has glv VOGUE T01NTS. Marabau tats Vary Kxpenalv m4 Median High Coiftora No Mora, . Borne very striking neck pieced a r ti; ba soon this season In white and col rtl tuarahon. One of these la lu tb ahapc of an unusually broad fichu ot white tu.nrs.Nni, with a broad liorder 9f black marabou. The white portion la next the face and Is much broader than the black, crossing In front at ested. Recently the various projects and en terprises whi'h she has forwarded threatened to overwhelm her, and she decided to tun) her iet philanthropy Into a business. She organized n com-, pany which she called the lun liess of Sutherland's Crippled Uulld. limited.: Ferbaps it was the duchess' charm.; perhaps It was the warning in the ; i en rise to more chronic eye dogonora tlon and disturbance than any other light used for tiear work." lu explanation of the action of the Incandescent lamp on the eye lr George F. Suker stated: "The Intense light of the filament acting on the retina sets up a low grade of Infiam illation, which, though it comes on slow ly ami may never In? severe, still do Oes all efforts to cure It. We have so much light that overexhaustlon results and the eye cannot recuperate." Physical Culture Exercise. To derive benefit from physical cul ture Is one of the most illtlicult things to accomplish. Such a statement sounds discouraging, but the fault I really with women themselves, both the business women and women of lei sure. The former are hard pressed for time they who most sorely neeil the good of exercise aud the latter are well, one might unkindly call It lazy. There Is not the slightest doubt that untold benefit lu fact the sal vation of a woman's health lies In phvsical exercise. But It Is a long. I tedious undertaking and requires nc little strength of will to carry it out successfully. However, the woman A W , Blu Prints Mad. i will nwue Ritiv l'rintt of mm) trnct ot bun! In the I.nkevlew l.aml District, himI do Abstract work, i 'all on or write V. 11. hMDKIi llkevlew, Orvnn. 4 tf ' lo Cur a Coid In On Day rke LAXATlVh UUU.MO QUININh tablets. All driiKitiata retund the money il it laila lo cure. K. W. Grove's nature i on each boa. ?.U. Stage line , M; it-.W-l'AIM.UY. a RHYAN, r'roorielor. ;.- i.vf l.iikevicw Nttiri.tn. wry ilv !.! t Suntlay. IteliiriiiiiK, loavt'H I'liiolcy -at (I :;0 a. nt every day but "utulny. 1, Ihi Kind Yw Hm lwsi Bcqft OIHL'S TCB FKOCK 5306. A pattern of this sailor suit may be had tn four slses from six to twrlve years of age. Send 10 cents to this office. Riving number (33). and the pattern will be promptly forwarded to you by mall. the waist line with a quaint old fash A Memorable Day. Cue of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health, U the one on which e tie came acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Fills, the painless purifiers that cure headache and biliousuess, and keep the bowels right. !o nt lxe Mcall'a Drug Store. tM KKWAIU). .CUFAVAKI) of titty dollars is heie by otreied for information thHt will lead to the arrest and conviction of any pei sou wdo has sino-u or other property, from our Company ; and the same rennrd Is hereby olfered for Information that l d he arrest and couvietion of anyone des troying tho property of the Company. Clias. I'm bach, SecreUry lake Co. TeL A Tel. Co. ICtf. Notice. TO WHOM IT MAY f'ONCF.KN. notice Is hereby Riven that nil Irriga tion, or inlllracc ditches on nil trout streams tlironglit I.tike County, Onv gon. innst Ik screened with a small inesh wire sercciilnn at their head or junction with the main channel of Pasasnters' are f j Ol PICt! Hornolils A Uorm4 trie) Il WliiiflrM'i, .Alirl LAKIiVIIiW ALTURAS STAGE LINE II. K. ntRssa, I'rop'r. vVr TV EXPERIENCE I . -. - ...... i i m i w i r n V Tuaua, ,ia Dtaion Covsuomt Ac. Im snav- nillne a alia eh and Ofwcrlpt Biilc tlf rrimn mr imhn frea lieilir iM IV' i VA.i... .....nt lor -ull. Minna. Scunmic Jimcncan. 1.mrvmt f ir 'l aittit, $ ) ff1ttf1sNllma Office In Hleber'5 5twre Stage leaves Lakeview itaily.n tept Sunday at o a. in. Arriver at Alturaa at tl p. in. leaves Alturas (or Ijikevlw at fl oVliH-k a. in. or on the arrival oltl.e stage from Madeline. Ar rives in I-akeview In 12 hours a! ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - divert 5trlct - Attention pirst - Class - Accomodations. I .1 - T . 11-1.1. K I la n-. .... .. ... A- I who persists faithfully Is the one who ' , -.,,.,., , .. i at renin. Also all dams or obstruct - . , , ... ., . aiuin Kizca niim oi uu uiuck, ummiwu. . , The exaggeratedly high coiffure Is no longer considered smart, the hair piled high on the head not U'lng thought n modish as when worn much lower on the head. Now is the time when the reaps rich rewards. After an. w nen I you think of it seriously, fifteen tcj ; thirty minutes in the morning nmlj j evening Is not n great deal of time ; taken from one's busy day. If more j women would try the exhilarating. DCCHSSS OF 8UTHEBLAS1. I word "limited," but the capital for the( new company was all subscribed with- in a few minutes. Then the duke of- j fered Trentham Hail to be used as a; factory and school. For generations , Trentham Hall has been one of the ehovf places la England. ! The palace is now In a state of preparation. When it is complete, j about 300 workers In pottery, it-ather i and wood will te employed there. j The duchess is enthusiastic over her I new position that of the first feminine strengthening process of some exer-1 else In their rooms, with w indows wlde open, there would be far loss evil from confinement of business and home du ties. A Good Developer. An exerci e which should be prac ticed by growing children for develop ing a slender waist and a tall, erect fig ure is as follows: Let one person hold a large ring up right as high as the child can comfort ably reach. In raising the arms to touch the ring deep breathing is neces- I woman with a fine profile has the ad- lima on said streams must be pro vided with a lUli-ladder, or othereasy means of pannage, nt or near tlimnld die of the in a I n channel, so as tr. al ow the pasMiKCof trout at all time of year, as provided by law. al! vantage, for te knot of hair standta j work to be done nt low water time, straight out at the back of the head U r t() l0 t.m,,i,.u(i ,,v i-vb. 7. 1907. thought immensely smart but the fash- , nKr (f j ' A Ur,ml Ion is terribiy trying when a perfce j Sm.nI . fop both In the knot aud around It must IikcCouuty, In'Kon, head of a Dublie business in England.! sitated, which will expand the chest. Although it means n lot of work, she : and the lifting attitude of the arms will herself attend to the duties of hei j office. Delineator. ! In close Imitation of the Lucien coif fure. The child's dress shown In the sketch is a particularly good design for wash materials. The gathers give a pretty fullness to the skirt aud waist. The will exercise the muscles of the sides, i skirt is finished with a deep hem. be soft and loos and as natural look- , Ing as possible, never light or crlukly. C 1 000 00 I?f.V51Ivl The knot Itself can be composed 0fi4' 1 'UUU,UU ltWUIU. puffs or twists of soft hair supposedly When to Call on Brides. There need never be any doubt about answering a wedding invitation and theuiode of procedure later, for un less It Is requested that an answer be sent at once no acknowledgment of the cards is necessary until the day set for the wedding. Then, whether the ceremony be in the moming, after noon or evening, a woman attending il wears her prettiest town high neck shoulders and waist besides stretching j the body to Its full limit. The raising of the arms should be i done slowly uud the riuj lifted a trifle j higher at Intervals until it becomes necessary for the child to stand on tip toe to reach, thus exercising the mus cles of the legs, developing the knee and ankle Joints. These tub dresses are bound to shrink. The tucks of the skirt will provide for lengthening them. These give a pretty finish and may be let out one by one as the time becomes necessary. JUDIC CIIOLLET. Latest Beauty Food. According to the dictum of English diet specialists, a free use of currants fer the day. of coufce. aud decollete foi ! in daily food is one of the most effec- evening. What a man wears is gov i tive means or producing a clear, rosy erned accordingly. i complexion. Currants seem also to sat- If one has been bidden to a reception Isfy the craving both for strong acids at the house after the marriage. It is customary if this is in the daytime to leave a visiting card, as at any tea. None Is left for the bride nnd bride groom. To be exact in this particular, a married woman going to tne recep tion would leave one of her cards and FRIBBLES OF FASHION. Stunning Bridesmaids' Frocks One Solution of the Dress Question. Gowns of white chiffon cloth, with Insets of filet lace and with big white chrysanthemums embroidered and ap pllqued on the bodice, the hem of the and sweets, which are responsible foi many muddy or coarse complexions. Besides possessing the incidental ad vuiuuge oi u ucuuiy iuuu, cuiriiuin uit known to be the most nutritious of all fruits, as they consist almost wholly of grape sugar in the form that Is entire- two of her husband's if the Invitations i ly assimilated during digestion. As a were sent out in the names of the 1 consequence of a wide dissemination bride's parents. If for any reason the! of these facts through physicians and Invitations are Issued by one person specialists the use of currant bread in i .1 , . . i only, as in me case oi uuc iiuicui ur j lng dead or a guardian being the per-1 son who sends them, only one card j of the married woman and one of her I husband's would be left. I For an evening reception no cards i are required. If for any reason It Is Impossible to ' attend the ceremony or reception toj which one has been invited, visiting ' cards, following the rule given, should . be sent on the day of the wedding, I they being addressed to the person oi persons sending the invitations. "Whether present or absent from the marriage or reception a call within two weeks after the wedding Is Imperative. During this visit cards are left as at a reception. An unmarried woman does not leave a card for the father of the bride un less he alone gave the Invitation. Good form now demands that such an Invi tation from a man requires a visiting card afterward from all whom he hon- oreu, ana an uumameu woman wouiu ; post hers or send it to the bouse by a England has. become almost as com mon as that of ordinary wheat bread. Corn Cake. A southern corn cake recipe is a valuable addition to one's scrap book. Mix and elf t three-fourths of a cupful of cornmeal, one and one-fourth cupful of pastry flour, one-fourth of a cupful ol sugar, one-half teaspoonful of salt and five level teaspoonfuls of baking pow der. !i.dd one cupful of milk, one egg, well beaten, and one and one-half tublespooufulH of melted butter. Beat thoroughly, turn into a shallow butter ed pan and bake twenty-five minutes In a hot oven. Cut In squares and ar range on a bread plate. If a richer com cake is liked, two teaspoonfuls of butter may be used. ' When being laid away, all white silk gloves should be wrapped In blue paper, then brown, and pinned closely together at the edges, and all delicate ly tinted gloves of any material should be placed In brown paper, as the chlo- servant during the regular calling rjae 0f nme jn WDite paper will dls- hours. A married woman would leave hers and her husband's in the same rway. 1 If the card that comes in" the wed ding Invitation bears simply her new name and that of her husband, with the address of their new home, this means that she will be at home any afternoon Informally. If she has "days" they are the same as a "tea," except for the fact that the bride la expected to return these calls. Any one going to her days or sending cards inakes a formal call or sbowa a desire to do so, and it Is for ber to respond. color them. The Oregon, California & Nevada I'lvetttock Protective Association will give $1000 lteward for the con viction of any party or partlen ntcal ing liorscH, cattle or mule lielnngtiig to any of the following iiiciuImth of this Association: Cox & Clark, Chewacan Land & Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattle Co., Iike County Land & Livestock Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Win W. Brown, Geo. M. Jones, Geo. I Ian kins, S. U. Chandler. C. A. Kebart. N. Fine, W.A. Currier, Frank B. Bailors, .1. C. HotchklxH, Calderwood Brim., T. J. Brattaln & Sons, T. A. Crump, Crensler & Bonner, W. T. Cressler Maud I. !:mho. I'. M. Mi 1. 1. Kit, Soc& 1 rean. I W. I. llKICYKOUn Finance Com.IF. M. Gkkkn tt. B. Cham, i. Lit It you nre thinking of organizing a tock company we our new samples LAKEVIEW PLUSli STAGE LINE P. K. Taylor, Prop. Office at II. Ke noldV 5tore. Staita leaves Ijikeview Mondays, Wed ncsdayt and Fridays at 0 a. m., arrive t Flush at 0 p. m. Leavca Piush Tuee days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 m., arrives at I-akcvicw at I) p. m. Passenger fare $3 one way or $5 foi round trip. Freiubt rates from May 1st to Nov. 1st f .75 ir hundred ; fronr Nov. 1st to May 1st f 1.00 per hundre iCor'New Tori 1M UrskBaf rape or in t rdSa- Cot TV Stu Francisco Chronicle ThtWetklyChrontcl- The very Wat we)y Newspsper putlaiie4 la 1ft eadra WeaL $1.50 a Year tarluilliif roalaf Ss ear I' " the InilOTi atataa. laa4a aua Uatr $ 1,250 Reward. The llarnry Counti Live Htor AiMx-la- llmi. i l,l!-h ai, j a ii-iiitM-r. ;hy7.Si rrwtnl furevlili-ur ' li-xlliix In thr run vli-ilnu of psrlln, irnltnn tM- liihsliiif (o us mi-in rn. In mliluioti .ffi-r M rpttsnl 'nr. .ranit Imrw Ihmi bar on rlilmr or IkiOi Jaws, hn- Clirtli'il I n n mm 111 K.nse. Huriicf. last- n.1 crook ('niiiitlps Horn s eiiti-l whon suM Iloru-a mil. I o .,M lliroiiKli thin wi'llon will ho r".orti.. In not lr. II not so n-ori(il. iiIi-sm. rriir or lri lihoiivTba Timrs H-rlil, Mln H-.'l. M.irni.Oro Son. W. V .llruu n, Hums, On-- Keward for Horses 1 will give J.'i.OO reward lor Inform ation that will lead to the discovery of any horc branded with an old tiorMeshoo brand on both Jaws, placed as In the cut In Mils advertisement, with fresh t rlaucle brand iiinlcriii'ut li the hors-sliiM. 'I'lie trlnimle placed In such a manner as would cover up a bar on both Jaws. Animals must Ih found In tint possensloii of some person or persons. It Is anal baoaaaa, eesidas rwlntlar all the aeva et the world enoh la an InteresMaf way and tally Illustrating many artlclai. II Haa auedaT 6ayj mrsn develed la ACPICULTURt H -KTICULTUR I O'JLTHY LIVr. STOCK M.NING LIThRATUR FASHIONS aad 3KOKT1 Thsa are proaMad a i' by e i'lors havn s thoro(h snowi J,. ol (hair speolaltliM. The I r davelad la Afr cu;ture. Hoitiou ture. Poultry and Live Stoox tr wall Cluairatxd a-d (! ied w!;h mailer ef the freainal tnnieil ia all aofsjad ta theaa inJustrtst. every II ae bln wntcn by rhoee whe are In aloe touch w1ik ooadlUMa avalUn( en this C ca.it. SEND FOR Il will 5amfvi oorr. a eat e. Oa jroa wasrl ate On naaate Reversible Map? C!owln tha Uaited Stmioa, Da mlnloa ef Canada aad Nan Kara Msitoe ea eesi aid. MAP OF THE WOWLD. praat a tla at vlaw In (it 0oaitnas aaaBs wtth all axis Id irae pr earaea. the sa Itra awrfaoa W m Kartk a tha ethar alda. Saod S3 "Vaaalyt peta( BfaaW PsLpar. ha Mae) aaW aai Ma sJ The DaJIpr tnd Mp Only $&?5 a Year M. K. As T0UWa iii FREE To All Our Subscribers SMART WEOLIOEB 8115. A pattern of this negligee may be bad In six Blsee from 12 to 42 Inches bust m Ma li re. Bend 10 centa to this office, glvfnf number (3145), and tha pattern will be promptly forwarded to you by mall. , , skirt and the sleeves, were worn by a There are nervous women; there are 1 ., , , ? , r , 7 , z . , . i particularly charming set of bridea- nvrjernervouB women. But women an " ... nervous that the continual rustle of a silk skirt makes them nervous no, there are no women so nervous as thatl-Fliogende Blatter. ' Kerosene Light Best For Eyas. Human thought moves in cycles, but who would ever Imagine that modern human invention could be dlscouated to tbla twentieth century and Invidious ly compared with the old fnnbloued custom of a hundred and fifty years ago? This was the practical result of discussion at the meeting of the Should the small child object to bar ing his ears washed use a shaving brush In place of a brush, and the op eration will be completed with satis faction and ease on both sides. Good Housekeeping. To remove Ink stains wet the spot with milk and rub in as much starch as It will hold. Leave for a week and then brunh out the starch. The stains will be found to have vanished. Water is a nerve food. It has a dis tinctly soothing effect when slppeo gradually, as one can test for oneself. maids at a recent wedding. The all Mack and all white gowns offer a striking solution of the dress question, for they give one a chance to dress well without too conspicuous a wardrobe. Even the negligee can be black, and there are some very strik ing negligees In black crepe de chine, trimmed with pink, violet, pal bio and a lovely shade of rose. The smart neglige Illustrated will be effective copied either in cotton or woolen materials. When the latter Is chosen, It can Ko satisfactorily launder ed If the material is Ironed before It be comes thoroughly lVy. The selection of a pattern Is Importfanf, Avoid fussy things, aa negligee ef tfs tln1 ot suitable for general Weat. Itesld, if ry much trlmraed they cuanot t laundered well. JLT'IO CUOIXET. The Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by ail Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journaftwb lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead ing place in the homes of rural peopkMnlfevery section of the United States. It gives the farmer and his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by S0L0NJL. OOODC. Within the Next Ninety Days , We Offer TWO For the PaiCe Of One: Tlie Lak: County Examiner The Leading County Taper and The American armcr BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 his unpa ralleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: C. O. Hetzker, Lakevlew. Oregon. 0 a. ie