Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 28, 1908, Image 4

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    C" xaminrr
et shod Bvary Taertae?.
Kditor and Publisher
rJ at tbe Fort Offlfti lolew,0re.
t Bocond-'1 Matter.
(One Year, IJ.00
TERMS: si Months 1.00
Three ,tonths, 50
Lake view, Oregon, flay 28, 1W8
Republican Ticket
' H. M. Cakk.
WlLIJS C. Hawlr.
J. V. IUii.kt.
Robert S. Bean.
Geo. H. Mkrryman.
11. P. Belknap,
H. A. Brattain.
Albert Dent.
John B. Blair.
J Q. Willits.
M. Faclkner.
C. A. Rehakt.
The people can do nothing at the
election next monday more danger
ooa than to vote for the initiative bill
instructing representatives and sen
ators in the Legislative Assembly to
efect the Candidates for United
States Senator receiving the highest
namber of votes at the general elec
tion. Statement No I. as it is, is as
far as the people can go safely in that
direction. A good thing, by it's
abase, is rendered as odious as if it
were erroneous in principle. Sure as
the state attempts by law, to destroy
the power of the Legislature to elect
whom it will, United Stales Senator,
as provided by tbe Constitution of
the United States, tbey will lose the
whole principle of Statement No. 1
and tbe power which tbey now have,
of pl-icing members of tbe legislature
under moral obligations to elect to
tbe Uinted States Senate, the man of
tbe people's choice. You cannot
bring them under legal obligations
to do it. Tbe constitution of both tbe
State and tbe United States provide
that tbe Legislature shul! elect Sena
tors. An election in which the elec
tors are without tbe power to choose,
is not an election. Would you take
part in tbe election on the first, if
yon were instructed for whom you
should vote, leaving yon without
choice? Would you respect a law
which took away tbe light to choose
from yourself. The right of tbe Leg
islature to cnoose whom tbey will
elect, is asabsolut , under ttie consti
tution, as ir your own right to choose
who you shall vote f r for members of
tbe Legislature.
By signing btntenieut No. 1 Candi
dates for the Legislature and lor
United States Senator may bring
themselves under obligations, morally,
to do YOUR will, but you cannot, by
law, destroy freedom of voters in the
Legislature when electing a United
States Senator, any more than you
may lawfully take away the electors
right cf free choice next Monday.
Whenever the people pass this bill,
Statement No. 1 is doomed. For this
very reason. All the- old bosses who
are put out of a job by Statement No.
1, hope you w ill vote 320 X Yes. Lake
County voter, dout do that. Vot 327
XNo, and save the principle of State
ment No. 1, which is moderate, reas
onable, right. While tbe legislature
is asked to sign Statement No. 1, be
may refuse or sign as -suits him, and
you can do as you like, vote for him,
or against him. That ends it This
bill attempts to compel him to do
what, by signing tbe statement he
freely binds himself to do. The bill
would natuarlly supercede Statement
No. 1. Legislators would refuse to
obey tbe law, tbe Courts would J bold
it and tbe whole principle unconstitu
tional, and you would lose alt
While it is left voluntary with can
didates to sign or not, and having
signed, being free to break their
promise if they will, tbe question can
not come before tbe Courts, and the
people bold a very affective means of
netting their bill. Be wise. II la
better never to attempt to much.
Vote 327 X No, and save Statement
No 1, or 320 X Yea aod loee It.
UoTenor Chamberlala has hereto
fore been tbouaht a alocere man, tut,
ha diahonert himself In hla silly de
deration of non-psrtlsanshlp. ije baa
no political connections at variance
with the democratic party, and ia
known br all voters to be trying to
sneak into tbe Senate by that Specious
pretense of non-partisanship. ?e
bad believed tbe Governor an open
fighter, plainly disclosing his pur
poses. Now we see him as a candi
date willing to take office under false
pretense ;
; Mr. Chamberlain has never held no
office to which he was not nominated
by tbe democratic party. He is now
tbe nominee of that party for Sen
ator. He is loyally supported by
every voter of that party. He firmly
upholds the doctrines of that party,
and in tbe Senate, as he has in every
other station of life, would be found
standing for ail it's policies, includ
ing tbe un-american doctrine of tariff
for revenue and sgainst protection.
A vote on any question, In tbe
United States Senate, is always with
one party or tbe other. A donkey
cold accomplish as much in that body
as a man wbo would not vote with a
party. A Senator cannot vote other
wise. Mr. Chamberlain is a Demo
crat He WILL vote with that party.
Tbe protective tariff on wool will
bave to be fought over in the next
Congress, tbe republican party
fighting for it, tbe democratic party
Bghtiog against it
The democratic party has always
been for free wooL How will Geo.
F. Chamberlain vote on that question.
if In Congress. He dares not ssy he
will vote with tbe republicans. Then
be WILL vote with bis party for free
A vote for Cake is safe.
No newspaper in the state, that we
have seen, and we bave watched many
of them, has taken up the initiative
and referendum measure as they are
to appear on the ballot and reasoned
out their points as The Examiner
has done, except the Portland, Daily
Oregon ian, wbich paper just recently.
has taken up tbe discussion of tbe
measure. The Oregonian holds exact
ly tbe same views on tbe measures as
does Tbe Examiner. The Examiner
has studied every one of the measures,
one by one, and has had legal advice
upon them, as well as sound reason
ing, and our conclusions were arrived
at after careful and painstaking study.
If any in Lake county has not given
every measure a careful study from
which he is able to draw a different
concusion, we feel that he will be
safe in voting upon them as they are
marked on tbe sample ballot published
on an inside page of The Examiner
this week.
Dr. Clarence True Wilson
Woman Suffrage
"The queeton is not whether the wo
men bave a right to vote, but it is
whether e have a right to compel
them to vote at tbe dictation of a very
small minority of their own number.
It is certain the vast majority of our
women do not wish tbe Fallot. Tbe
laws for tbe protecton of women are
improving steadily with tbe years and
every interest of hers is au well safe
guarded as that of any man. If you
wish to protect the rights of women,
ask yourself today, does my wife want
to vote, does my-sister, does my mo
ther claim it to be her privilege? If
they do not, what right have you to
compel them to do it by tbe ballot?
But it is said we need tbe ballot of
women to aid us in goerument. But
is it expedient? Will society be im
proved by the Krinting of the ballot
to women? iVill tbri better element of
women come to the frout as political
workers and till our offices, cr will the
worse? Which is the better element
of women? The quiet and unassum
ing queens of our homes, our mothers,
sifters, wives and Kweethearts, or will
politics be controlled by tbe club
women? This is not an untried ex
periineut. Four states have given tbe
ballot to women unconditionally, and
alter 30 years of women's voting,
politics has not arrived at the moral
standard of our own state, in Wyom
ing, Colorado, Idaho .or Utah. But
you say, "There are not as many
women as men in Wyoming." Yes,
but in Utah women are plentiful that
seven or eight of tbem club together
and keep one husband between them,
and with this numerous company they
bave not closed the saloons, or closed
tbe protbels, or prevented gambling
dens, or purified politics. Indeed,
there are no four states in our Un
ion where politics is so corrupt as in
tbe four states where women vote.
It is a sad picture where a man, 'or
the sake of office, sells bis integrity,
but it is a sadder, and a common sight,
in tke states where women vote, to
see women sell their virtue for offices.
I can give speciflo Incidents with
names, places and dates, where wo
men, desiring to be assistant . county
clerks,, etc, are sent from the candi
dates' office to tbe political boss to
there oH er her all at tbe shrine of a
man, who, but for politics, would not
be allowed to enter bar borne, in ev
ery woman's suffiage state, tbe pro
Vbrb has bad a double emphasis that
"Politics make strange companions."
If you wish to prevent such condi
tiona in Oregon, vote "No" on the
woman suffrage amendment on June
Gratifying Dispatches
Corvalll. May 17-"Kntlmeut In la
vor of the re election of Conrtreesmaa
W. U, llawle la ao nearly unanimous
that tbere can aoareelr be aa id to be
a Congressional campaign In progress"
aald Chairman C. V. Johnaon, of the
First District Committee, today. The
people of tbla district, regardless of
party tinea, appreciate the fact that
Hawley la "making good" at Wash
ington. They reogolie in him a roan
j 0f 0Rh Intellectual attainments, tire
lees industry and rare oratorical aliil
ity. Tbe Republicans of the district
were so well satisfied with tbelr repre
tentative that thsy re-noniiuated him
without opposition.
"it baa been gratifying to the people
of this district to read In the newt
dlspatchea from time to time that by
bit earnestne, bis sincerity and bis
devotion to duty. Hawley has made
a favorable Impression in Wsthing
ton. I'boueb the unwritten rulet
forbid a new Congressman to thrutt
himself forward, we are glad to learn
that Hawley baa made mauy warm
friends in tbe House of representstivrt
and that during bit drat session he
bad opportunity, in discussing the
Oregon and California land grant re
aolutiou, to demonstrate his ability
as an effective public speaker.
tiers in Oregon we know liswley
as a man fitted both ny native intents
and by education foi the work of
statesman. All bis life be bas kept
himself well informed upon all public
questions, we are justified, there
fore, la believing that he will soon
attain a position of influence lu the
House of Representative. We all
understand .bat it takes time for any
imsn to rise to leadership and we ex
pect to keep Hawley in Washington
until be baa bad a cbanoe to work
bis way to the top.
"Uawley'a persistent efforts for tbe
cancellation of tbe railroad land
grant, bis systematic work in behalf
of a government appropriation for
free locks at Oregon City, bis adroca
Jcy of river and barber improvements,
I aod bis attitude in favor of tariff re
vision wbils maintaining tbe protect
ive principle, bave met the hearty
approval of tbe people of bis district
This satisfsctory publio record, to
gether with tbe personal esteem in
which be is beld because of bia high
oral character, bis geuial disposition
and bis intellectual attainments, make
it a pleasure for tbe people of bis dis
trict to vote for him regardless of
party lines."
Cake Is the Man
Just now tbere appears to be a little
doubt but that it ia Senator Cake nf
Oregon. Once the campaign started
it was speedily seen that the oft
boasted personal popularity of George
tbe Governor was not so almighty
stout as it once was. Various things
that some folks have known about
our executive bave come to light and
a lot of folks are today doubtful if
George was such a whale of a man
after all.
The nearer Oregon makes it unani
mous for Cake tbe better for Oregon.
One place where party politics coants
ia in the upper bouse of Con
gress, were tbe majority party gets
what it wants and the minority sits
tight and waits. Oregon wants a lot
of things from Congress; it can get
tbem through a democratic senator.
Between the men personally the
issue is not draw; it is not a personal
campaign ; II it was Mr. Cake would
not be on tbe defensive.
It is also remembered that Cake was
one of tho Republicans wbo had tbe
nerve to stand on a Statement No. 1 (
platform when it looked as though
that meant defeat ; be stood for tbe
popular election of tbe United States
Senator whether it profited bim or
not; Chamberlain bas stood for it
because it was bis sole chance of ever
landing tbe place.
The vast difference between being
good because you hope it will pay,
and because it is right, represents the
difference between tbe stand of Mr.
Chamberlain and Mr Cake.
Not a "Japanese Spy"
Lakeview Oregon,
May 22nd, 1908.
To tbe Editor, Lake County Exam
iner: In noticed an article in the Klamath
Express a few days ago, which had
for its headline, "Japanese Spy in
Town", and it contained a brief out
line of my military career.
in answer to this article I would
like to state that I was discharged
from tbe Service of the United States
Army on April 24th and my discharge
was Honorable with character Ex
cellent. The cause of my discharge
was given as "Special Order, 00
Paragraph 13 Wac Department".
There were no further orders or
reason why I should be discharged.
The San Fraocisco Chronicle publish
ed on April 30 and May 1st, wrote
their suppositions as to tbe cause "f
my discharge intimating that the
cause was that 1 was triyng to sell the
secret. Exploives D, a high Explosive
used in tbe interior of projectile used
only by tbe U. S. Government, to
Therefore, as tbe caues oi my dis
charge is only guess work on tbe part
of tbe papers I do not see any reason
why 1 should be branded as an out
cast and traitor in tbe eyes of tbe
Citizens of tbe United States.
I served my Country as a Soldier
during tbe trouble in tbe Philippines,
exposing my life for my country's
cause. X am as true an American as
ever lived and just because I am an
Expert in Uigb Explosives and a Un
quiet having lived 18 years in Japan,
I see no reason wby 1 should b made
to appear as a traitor to my flag. So I
demand tbe Klamath Express to re
tract their Statement.
Jack Tread well.
Soldier of 21st U. S. Infantry and
70tb. Coast Artillery Corps, Lakeview
keL . VaU v c Hromo Quinine Tablets.
enM'tt ei 1 'n ri"t ia months. This signature,
. Seven
in the mine
Levi Strauss & Cos
Copper Riveted Overalls
Candidates' Cards
For Joint Stat 5nator
Vote for Oeo. II. Merryman, of Kla
math Falls, for Joint State Senator.
The Regular Republican nominee.
Has had experience in tho legislature
and knows how to serve this district.
for he III
Albert Dent. As I am the Regular
Republican nominee f-r the office of
Sheriff of Lake County, 1 take this
oppoitunity to tbuuk the voters of
n county ior toe Honor tbey bave
luiotninad I tin II n a I .m .tin 1 .
inj niu n u uuij uia i u but? uani. ml
elected again, I promise them the same
faithful duty to cilice that 1 hsve giv
en in the past. ALUERT DENT.
For County Clerk
E. N Jaquish. lieing tbe regulur
Republican nominee for the office of
County Clerk, 1 wish to express my
gratitude to tbe people of Lake Coun
ty for past favors, and I promise that
I shall, if elected, give tbe same care
ful attention to tbe duties of tbe otllce
in the next two years that 1 have giveu
in tbe past. E. N. JAQUiSll.
For AifMior
J. II. liluir. Regular Republican
nominee tor Assessor of Lake County.
To these upon whom rests my elec
tion to the ofilce 4 heek, 1 wish to say :
Study my past record as such officer,
and if I have not failed in my duty,
then I ask you to give me your sup
pott in the coming election.
J. 11. I3LAIR.
For DUtrlct Attorney
Having again been honored with the
nomination for the oillce of District
Attorney for Klamath and Lake Coun
ties, aud feeing that my careful, buei-ness-like
and economical administra
tion of tbe affairs of tbe office the
past four years will strongly appeal to
every unbiased voter regardless of
party affiliations, I therefore hope,
that all sucbill endorse my candida
cy for re-election, and approve of my
efforts in behalf of fairness and good
government by recording their votes
in my favor. W. J. MOORE.
The World's Bete Climate
Is not entirely free from disease, on
tbe bigb elevations fevers prevail,
while on the lower levels malaria is
encountered to a greater or less ex
teut, according to altitude. To over
come climate affections lassitude,
malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever
and ague, and general debility., tbe
most effective remedy is Electric Bit
ters, tbe great alterative and blood
purifier; tbe antidote for every form
of bodily weakness, nervousness, and
insomnia. Bold under guarantee at
A. L, Thornton's drug store. Price
mMw&Tmmc- isifiiii mai.iatcwty-lju IjiusI
g V
General Merchandise
Dry Goods, Groceries, Ladies' and
Gents' Furnishings, Cooking Uten
sils, Camp and Heating Stoves,
Tents, Bedding, Etc. tf tf
Is Complete
Lakeview, Oregon
ure a Cold in One Day
LNI) A OK N'T ami SlUtV r.YOK
Prompt and cart ful attention given
to surveys of Lands and TowiihUch,
Map work &.v. Settle located. Land
and Town property for Hale.
Hay Ranch For Sale
A choice quarter section of improv
ed meadow land, one and one half mile
east of Paisley, Lake county, Oregon.
This land is under Irrigation, suppl led
with free water rights from the Che
waucan river. Surface level and smooth
having beeu mowed and raked over for
many years pant. Publio road on
north and eust lines of place.
For further particulars, uddres or
inquire of T. J. lirattain. Paixley,
Oregou. ia f
Homestead relinquishments wanted.
Want to buy direct from owners.
Write particulars to
M. II., Uox 402, Eugene, Oregon. !)t
it krached the Spot.
Mr. E. Humphry, who ow ns a large
general store at Omega, O., and Is
president of the Adams County Tele
phone Co., us well as of the Hume
Telephone Co., of Pike County. O.,
says of Dr. King's New Discovery:
"It saved my life once. At least 1
think it did. It seemed to reach the
spot the verj seat of my cough
when everything else failed." Dr.
King's New Discovery not only reach
es the cough spot ; it heals the sore
spots and the weak spots iu throat
lungs aud chest Hold under guaran
tee at, A. L. Thornton's drug store.
50c. and 11.00. Trial bottle free.
Timber laud WoMcm.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Orogou,
May 14, 1908.
NOTICE ia berby given that MEL
VIN HANSEN, of Kugene, Oregon,
wbo, on March 2, 100H, made timber
and stone application No. 4100. forE
NEJ . HVik NEW, BE NW, Beo
tion 20, Township 37 B., Range 17 E.,
Will Meridian, bas filed notice of in
tentlon to make final proof, to estab
lish claim to tbe land above described,
before Register and Rceiver, at Lake
view, Oregon, on tbe 27th day of July
1008. , ,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Oie Boleim and Christ Jorgenson.
of lily, Oregon, John O. Bveen ana
John Jaoobsen. of Lakeview, Oregon,
and Martin llaageuson, of Eugene,
21-10 J. N. Watson,
Curt. Hp
la TV u ijy.
on cv?ry
bo. 25c. f
Valued 5am at (told.
II. O. Ktewurt, n merolmnt of Cedat
View, .Miss., Bays: "1 tell my cut
tomers when tin y buy u bo of Or.
King's New Life 1'IIU they get the
worth of timt much gold in weight,
if adlicted with constipation, miliaria
or biliouHiiKHt. " Hold under guaran
tee at A. Ii. Thornton's drug store.
Dealer In Weal L'stste
1 bave listed some of the beet
Ranches, Timber Lauds and Towt
property iu Northern California,
country that is bound to improve rap
idly. Alturas, California.
A rcpreMctiti.tlve In this country
l.v it Jargf real eHtaie corporation.
Special liidmeiiieiilH to IIioho who
wIhIi to liccomc, financially Interest
ed. The 4?eal Estate Security Co.
Fort Dearborn Bldg. Chicago, 01.
Exchange for Ranch
I will trade for u ranch with
Rood water Hupply my laiKt' tour
in cur. It Ih a White Steamer, In
Kood condition.', Han top, lumpH
and extra tires. Ih worth flSOO.
I will run it up to Lakeview If
wilted. AddresH, Kivln full par
tlculara of your ranch to
1)13 North Rrown Street,
Naim, Cai.ikou.nia
H. D. Clark
Contractor and Builder
Job Work a Specialty
Estimates 'Furnished
Shop licit door to Ablatroin'e
Saddlery Shop
Lakeview, . Oregon