Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 21, 1908, Image 8

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I ki vie and v'icinity
Hats to suit your fancy
You may not like some hats we cany,
but we have others you will like. They
may not all of them suit you, hut some of
them will move just the tiling for your
features ami will, without ilouht, prove le
Ci mini;. Krom $1 to 55
Overshirts and Underwear
It isn't to he supposed that vt
overlook ihe important matter ot m..
ami Umlc wear fr Men. Here is a In- u
ful line v t cheviots, madras, tine g ,
and silk shirts, with handsome color
in almost any shade yuu may desire,
the prices are worth considering, too.
From 60c to $J.5n
Fashionable Suits
Our Suits are cut stylish
fashionable cioths. '1 hey are
Suits that will please you.
double breasted
and srui ran teed
north window.
From $12 50 to $25.00
sack shape,
to tit. Sec
hap - from
tue sort ot"
Single ami
Well made
them in our
S loes, Shoes, Shoes
When we sell you a pair of Shoes we
want you to know they are just what we
sa of them good clear through. When
vou wear it you'll understand both the
quality and comfort. Try us for the best
Shoes made. Best for wearing, best for
economy, best at all points.
From $2.50 to $7 a pair
TlmU. r t-und otirr.
Department of the Interior, U.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
May 15, 1908.
NOTICE IS hereby given that
JAMEsTAIT, of Alameda, Califor
nia, who, on March 23, 11)08, made
timber and stone application. No
4125, for the SE quarter. Section 14,
Township 33 S . Range 18 kl. Will.
Meridian, has filed notice ot intention
to make Final Proof, to establish
rlaim to the land above described,
tfore Register and Receiver, at Lake
view, Orogon, on the 10b day of Aug
ust, 1U08.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Clyde Cogburn, Jesse W. .Nelson,
Mary Fost, John Cogburn, all of
Lakeview Oregon.
8110 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber l.aad Soticr.
Department of tbe Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
Hay 15, 1908.
NOTICE is hereby given that Per
Bella J. bra tain, of Paisley, Oregon,
wdo, on March 19, 1908, made timber
and stone application, No. 4119, for
Lot 4, Sec. 30, T. 34 S., R. 1SE., and
lot 4, Section 25, Township 31 S.,
Range 18 ., Will. Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to nibke Final
Proof, to establish claim to tbe lard
aboe described, betore Register and
Receiver, at Lakeview. Oregon, on
tbe 4th day of August, 198
Claimant names as witues-s:
II. A. lirattain, Ernest Mathes. W.
B. Farrow, (Jeo. W. liauan, all of
Paisley, Oregon. J. N. Watson,
2110. Register.
Notice to Creditor
Notice is hereby given that tbe
Couuty Court of Lake County. State
of Oij,'od, bag this day appointed tbe
undersigned administrator with the
will annexed of tbe estat- or 1'rederick
Cox, deceaed, in the State Oregon.
Now therefore, all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them, with tbe
proper vouchers, within -i? months
from tbe date of this notice, to the
' n hH ortjicrnort arl m i n i uT iq t r.r ut hia hnm.
in Lakeiew, Oregon.
Dated this ICth day or May 1908.
F M. Green
Adm'nistator with tbe will annexed
of tbe Estate of Frederick Cox, de
ceased. 215
Dicrlts for nut at Ik't. I.
Hioycle for rout at Lake' 4L.
Road ItoonrV new ad. thia week.
iMltrh hliic, Ml th ' rvwer.V Sii
loon It
Hammock, Hammocks, Hammocks,
at 11. A M. . U
We carry compW te lino of Fishing
tackle H. A M. It
FOR S.tjK:-'i"v Piano, cheap.
Fnqniro at (Jen Ml ler-. tf
The best lawn Mower mi the nuir
ket nt Lakrvio ' Mnvi.r ilt Co. 1
sn'' !. ' I. 'i ' .misty ll.
,un: i' .. nl I In' iii'wh.
One "ii I Un pitct Oiermoor Mat-
tr'Soi( h likev en- .Mereitnt il Co. I
A Hieler has put a gin front hat
case In his store. It look very neat.
I.adii' Shirt Waists and .Musltul'u-
derware at Lakeview Mercantile Co. 1
Dan Chan Her spent a few days in
town the past week, returning to
Drew valley Tuesday
Dan M alloy will eoou begin the cou
strn.-tloii of a in barn on hi lot re
cently purchased from the city.
ChII a'ld get ho rue of our Hippo
Ciardeu Hose It is the best value we
have evei offered our customers.
T. E. l.eruard. 21-4
We have some choice lireakfast and
Dinner Set a, which we will five away
with each cash sale ou Steel Ranges.
T. E. liernard. 21 4
Perhaps we have told you about our
Red Cross Ties, tbey are here. Come
in and look at tueui. IDey rare
elegant U. & M. It
J. II. Auten hardware store la one
of tbe neatest stores in town. He has
received a portion of his goods, and is
ready for busiuees.
We want to tell you, again about
oar line of shirts, neat nobby, and
well fitting, and the largest assort
ment ever brought to Lakeview H.Jt
M. It
Miss Kate Runk, of Klamath Falls,
came over from that place, arriving
here Monday, to appear in a t-cutest
case before the land office, set for the
ISth. Her apponeut did not appear.
RY LOCALITY GOO') pay; exper
ience unnecessary to represent large
Real Estate organization, write today.
B. F. Loos Co., DesMoiues, Iowa." tf
Woodmen take Notice All members
of Lakeview Camp No. 520 are re
quested to be present at tbe Masonic
Hall on Sunday June 7th ( hour given
next week) to taflpart in tbe decor
ation 'ceremonies A full attendance
is desired. By Order of Committee. 2
Mr. F. C. Savage, of the Hrra of
Savage and Adair, of Reno, Nevada,
Steam Heating Co., visited Lakeview
last week for tbe purpose of figuring
on tbe contract for installing a beat
ing plant in tbe new Court House.
Tbe result of bis visit is not known.
(CnMlnwHl from ngv&)
petitioners as Is required by law. It
Is hereby ordered that the laid matter
be submitted to the voters of Lake
County Oregon, at the General Elec
tion to be held ou June 1st, l'.HW. It Is
hereby oidered that a liquor license
to sell spirituous, malt, and vinous
liquors in less quantities than one gal
lon Is hereby granted to (.1. W. Cooley
of Paisley Lake County Oregon, for a
period of six months from May tlth,
l!HS to Nov. Mb IIH'8, both dates In-
elusive upon his tiling herein the n (11 -tbivit
required by law that lie him not
sol i liquors to minors nor permitted
minors to loiter about his saloon.
Court adjourned until U o'clock A.
M. ay Mb UK'S.
May 8 P.H'8
Court convened pursuant to ad
journment tf Mhv ilh, l'.HS, with
same oltlrers present.
(The business transuded on this
day was published last week )
Court adjourned mill 10 oclock, A.
M. May 11, :tX8.
May 11, lints
The following rlaims were examined
and approved and warrants ordered
drawn ou the General Fund for their
amounts :
E. .V Jaqulsh, stamps etc t 'M 20
E N. Jaqulsh help registration 88 25
J. N. Juqulsh making voting
Months, and repairing one
old booth, 20 25
Albert Dent telegraphing etc, 72 W
C. O. Metker, Prlntiug aud
Publishing 119 45
Albert Deut Frank Norska
insane 12 10
Wm. Cole Janitor work and Hnillf 15 IK)
Albert Dent over paid taxes for
Wm. Furst U I 05
Glass and Prudhomme Co.
supplies 100 85
E.J1I. Smith examination of F.
Norska (lusane) & 00
r. Ltdiiighort witness 28 00
Klamath Falls, Lakeview Stage
Co, Stage freight 12 55
Ilicks-Chatten Kugravlug Co.
Enrgaviug U 25
T. J. lirattain ovrepaid taxes
of Minnie Saddler 13 30
Thus. M. Peters 2 days County
Court reporter
C. D. Porter overpaid taxes
I. O. (). F. Lodge Hall Rent
A. J. Armstrong Rent Methodist
Church & 00
Thos. G. Hufctiugs transplanting
trees 7 IK)
Elmer Harvey juror i day aud 8
miles 3 SO
Frank Stanley 1 dav 50 miles s u
A. W. Dunning 1 day 2ik uiilea 23 K)
A. .V Stanley 1 day
C. C. Lottos 1 day 40 miles
W. D. llishop I day 24 miles
C. A. Clippeuger 1 day 1 mile
J. E. MeCoul 1 day 1 mile
Hoy Chandler 1 day :0 miles
William Egan 1 day 1 mile
L. Clelaud 1 day 90 miles
D. Heryford 1 day I mile
Coulter 1 day I mile
Fisher 1 day :U) miles
Morris 1 day 30 miles
Vernon 1 day 12 miles
Ahlstrom : day I mils
1 day 1 mile
1 day 0 miles
leu jloje;
A Woman's Duty-
Is to be as well gowned as her purse and
lier taste will permit lier.
Wc Help Her
to select the moM ' en uuiti;: St vies in
Millinery, Press, etc.
ait. .. . i
or lointort and Nitislaetion come lo "l.tx i loue
Jinna JlK lciloii, Proprietor.
20 (K) !
9 90 ,
20 00
This Store is Well Named
Ucst Solid Packed Tomatoes ltU'C ean
Hest Solid Packed Corn l.rc cm
Ucst IVaehcs L'oe can
livery article in this Store is Sold at the Same Kate.
Ask for prices on the above jjoods elsewhere, and
you will find you have been paying too much
for your ioods.
Buy Your Goods at
And Save Money.
One door south of IJutchcr Shop
i Absolutely
M of fruits, comes the (ptjp? v
feV chief ingredient of el
VrvkJv The only baking powder p'J
made from Royal
W3f Grape Cream AUf
' of Tartar JF
iti iVvf' I ' I ''u'e more ,''D 'D'ur'ou 'um
J I V " y photphste of time powders, but wilh ,
JiV llfi fn 1 Royal you are ure of pure, hedtl J ul food.
U. W. Ailen and Mr. A. Kuckuk,
of Wisconsin, large sawmill men and
timber dealers, who visited Lake
county in January, are back here
again to look further into tbe timber
buinesR. Tbey went to the timber
Monady, in company with C. II.
It looks pretty safe now to predict
a clean sweep for the Republican
party in Lake county. Republicans
are not much inclined to scratch
their tickets, as they can see the effect
of so doing, especially in presidential
years, when Republicans are expect
ed to vote their ticket.
We see by our exchanges that tbe
ladies of several Oregon towns have
organized clubs for tbe purpose of
beautifying their town. What is 'the
matter with the ladies of Lakeview
organizing a club. This town could
be made one of tbe prettiest in Ore
gon, and nothing attracts attention to
a town more than its beauty.
Bicycles for rent at Lake's. 4t.
7 (Kl
ft 4' I
: 10
3 10
0 00
3 10
12 00
3 10
3 10
U (K)
(1 (Kl
4 20
3 10
3 10
3 00
3 10
4 00
6 00
10 20
3 10
6 00
6 00
3 40
17 00
1000 Rolls choice wall paper
just received.
Loren Duiley 21-3
NOTICE to sheepmen: My shearing
corrals and dipping vats in Camas
prairie are now ready for us, and in
good shape.
1010 Roha McDaniels.
At the Theatres
EMPIRE STOCK CO , will play in
Lakeview six nights commencing June
six nights in Lakeview commencing
June 22.
Hay Ranch For Sale
A choice quarter section of improv
ed meadow land, cue aud one half mile
east of Puialey, Lake couuty, Oregon.
This land is under irrigation, supplied
with free water rights from the Che
waucan river. Surface level and smooth
having been mowed and ruked over for
many years past. Public road on
north and east lines of place.
For further particulars, addresi or
inquire of T. J. lirattain. Paisley,
Oregoo. 19 f
S. D.
J. H.
C. S.
T. Ii
K. C
Wm. (iuuther
U. L. Chandler
E. ti. Arthut 1 day 1 mile
II. L. Noithrup 1 day 10 miles
Fied Fisher 1 day 20 miles
M. Suit i day 132 mi'es
L. C. Emerson 1 day 1 mile
.. C. Oliver 1 day 30 miles
A M. Smith 1 day 30 miles
Walter Paxton 1 day 4 miles
E. Carlon 1 day 140 miles
A. M. Gallagher Justice aud
constable fees State v s.
Tbrustun 14 40
S. J. Studley wit 1 day 12 m 2 70
It. McGratb day 12 miles 2 70
Ed. Henderson 1 day 14 miles 2 00
(J. Jackson I day 12 miles 2 70
M. Whortou Juror 1 day 1 mile 1 10
L C. Vineyard 1 day 1 mile 1 10
J. U. McNew 1 day 1 mile 1 10
.) K. FurgeHon 1 day 1 mile 1 10
James Viuceut 1 day 1 mile 1 10
Joe Reed 1 dav 1 mile 1 10
Tbe following claim was examined
aud approved aud a warrant ordered
drawn ou the Road Fund iu payment
of name.
T. E Bernard Road Supplies t21 00
Court adjourned until 10 o'clock A.
M. May 12th 11)08.
May 12th 1H8.
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
ment of May 11th, VMH., with same
officers present when tbe following
proceedings were had to-. it:
The following claims ere examined,
approved and warrants ordered drawn
on the Hiiil Jing fund for the same.
Liauk of Lakeview for mouey ad
vauced on freight, lime and
cement 1334 02
F. (). Ahletiom advanced for
Labor 2."j80 08
Tbe following claims were examined,
approved and warrants rdered drawn
ou tbe (federal Fund iu payment of
Maine :
Mrs. F. W Chrisman wit. J.
Walieude Inquest 93 10
Viola Chritiman Wallende inquest 3 10
Chris Newman Walieudo inquest 3 10
Olt) Hamilton Wallende inquest 3 10
The. Kchwigart Wallende inquest 3 10
Mrs. T Schwigood Wa'deude
lnquext 3 10
James Stafford Wallende inquest 3 10
11 II. Kenney Wallende inquest 3 0
J. M. Word Wallende luquext 3 10
S. A. Letter Wallende inquest 3 10
Lorn Small Reporter, inquest 1') ftO
J. M. Maitin acting coroner 5 00
T. II. Thorn examination of body ft 00
J. Ii. (iillam Hall Rent 2 50
J. C. liasey. Juror 2 10
Wm. Holder juror 2 10
Jan. ii. Oowdy juror 2 10
C. E. McKune juror 2 10
T. C. Hamilton juror 2 10
Rulb Spencer juror 2 10
E. B. Parker wit. Statu vs.
Crouin and Barry 31 00
Court adjourned until 10 o'clock A.
M. May 13th 1008
Court cou veiled pursuant to adjourn
ment of May 12th 1008.
with same officers present when the
following was bad towlt:
The Books of the Sheriff and Clerk
were examined and approved.
The following claims were examined,
appioved aud warrants ordered drawn
on thu General Fund for their
Amounts :
II. R. Heryford Com. salary and
milage 928 80
C. W.Duet Com. salary mileage 12 00
Court adjoured.
1 lUSIl
J Adel I
Everything Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Store5.
Boots and Shoes for Miners, Bucca
roos. Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & flining Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co.
Pacific Land Co. Lakeview, Ore.
Locates Homesteads, Desert Gains
and State Lands, besides doing a gen
era Real Estate Business.
We are prepared to get your property before
thousands of people on short notice.
List with us and give us a trial.
Oilice opposite Hotel Lakeview.
Mail Order Hou. in
th. Northw.,1
i Uiriwaj Of v Coodt and
SupfJiet of ll kiftdt quoted
"i out irgulai Monthly
i m need bri.d (,
Th Buyer. Cuid
From and Oak Si..
A Culllurnlan's Luck.
The luokiebt duy of my life wan
when 1 bought u box of lliickluu'a
Arnica Salve;" wrltea Churlus F.
Hudabu, of Tracy, California. "Two
25o boxes cured me of au annoying
caae of itching piles, which had trou
bled ine tor years and that yielded to
no other treutmout'" Huld under
guarantee ut A. L, Thornton's drug
Every Sunday Mausaud benediction
at 10 o'clook A. M.
Sunday School after lienedictiou.
Week day Mass at C::i0 A. M.
Father Vu.ta. S. J
The Couuty Court ot Luke County.
Oregon on the IMtb duy of April
l.KJH, made au order for tho rialu of tho
Promd property of the C. U Mitch-Hll-Iuoa
oatuto, at private sale. Huld
personal property ouiiHiata of an un
divided hulf iutereHtiu i:i rows with
young calves, und SO mixed vearliugs.
uldo live head of hornes, ;ioo busliei
of grain, aome farming implements
and machinery, and complete outllt
for cutting aud ntucklng hay. Any
one interested in the purchase of the
above property cull 0u the under
signed. r . , , 'I'uos. H. Sherlock.
Executor lust Will and Testament ot
C. Li. Miteuell-Iuuos, Deceased. I8tf.