Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 21, 1908, Image 2

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    Dn.Mn.ns' Anti-Pain Pills
Pain inchest
Distress in
Take ONE
of the Little Tablets
and the Pain is Gone
If you have
Try On
i They Relieve Pain
Quickly, leaving no
bad After-effects
25 Doses
25 Cents
Ncvrr Sold in Bulk
A tap from a 10-cent piece will count FULL value
A tag from a 5-ccnt piece will count HALF value
with valuable tags
Save your tags from
Old Statesman
Old Peach
Tlnsley's 16-ez.
totaral bat
Spear Head
Sailor's Pride
Jolly Tar
Bridle BR
Old Honesty
Black Bear
W. N. Tlnsley's
ftataral Ual
Big Four
Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many ctner
useful presents as shown by catalog :
Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags
Fountain Pen 100 Tags
English Steel Razor 50 Tags
Gentleman's Watch 200 Ifcgi
! rench Briar Pipe 50 Tags
Leather Pocketbook. 80 Tags
Steel Carving Set 200 Tags
Best Steel Shears 75 Tags
Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tags
Pocket Knife 40 Tags
Playing Cards 30 Taps
60-yd. Fishing Reel 63 Tags
Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which
to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write
us for catalog.
An Achromatic Lens.
Mnny of tV lion nn.l girls no doubt
have ii' H r heard "t iiu achromatic
Umib without know ii. Vitt tl.v what the
ttnn menu ', fiys tiic t Incugo New.
It mean a Ions th it transmit light
without ditidiug It Ium I: t onsiltuent
color. A ra.v or oidlnar light In ntn
posed of t In m'vi'ii colors of tho ruin
how, n Sir Isaac Now (on showed ii
liy t!u iw-o of tin pi lm. cu ll color Imv
lug ii dWYoicnt degree of roiranglhlllt.. .
lion ii tlbed lay i retracted, theiv
fou. It tllxll.'s ItM'tf Into tin colored
rn. whl . Ii tlol.i(e variously from tin
stra-.lii lino of tin simple rii.v and
thni mirrooiiil the object lowed wlt!in
halo of those colors It w n thought
for il Ion.: tinio thut thin ilofort could
not In remedied. I nit iiliout IT.".ii n liiiin
named J nli u Iollnnl made un Improve
nirut thut accomplished tin desired
purHMto. lie found that Hint gins nud
crown glass differ In their power of
dlnenliig color1, and be made a don
ble Ions of flint gtunn. and tin comUliis
tlon of the two given an aim.! color
leas Image. The achromatic lens la of
(rent value to astronomers ami also to
uaera of the mlcrotwope.
Hew Icebergs Farm.
An Iceberg In nothing but fragment
of glacier detached by the action of
the water, says the Chicago News.
Some of the in are of Immense else and
carry with the m great tuannes of rock,
earth end sometime plauta. Polar
i bears and sen In hare also ten seen on
them. Ureeuland In the place from
which tnost of the Iceberg In the north
Atlantic come. The waters that wanh
the bane of a glacier are somewhat
warmer In summer than they art In
winter, and thin has the effect of loos
ening and detaching largo parts of It.
The ocean currents then bear these
fragments toward tho teiiirate sone,
where they are gradually melted. It In
during the latter part of the summer
unison that loetiergs are niont seen, for
It takes a long time for them to lie
come detached from the glaciers, with
ouly the moderate degree of heat that
the warm mouths give to uorthern wa
ters. It In said that only nlxuit one
eighth of the IccU-rg shown alsive tho
wntor. If. therefore, one In men that
rlncs fifty feet above the nen. the Kallor
knows that Its lower end In iitxoit XiO
feet Ik'Iow.
Timber Notice. .
United Ktite tul Office, Lake
Tie. Oregon, Apr. "2, 1OT.
Notic is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provision of the act
of Conrgess of June 3. 187. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of. California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
State by act of August 4, 1892, Jos
eph L. Hampton, of Paitley, county
f Lake, State of Oregon has filt-d in
this office his sworn statement. No.
40GG, for the purcbaBe of the SE NW
quarter, N half SV quarter, Sec. 5
and NEy SE quarter of Section No.0,
in Township No. 31 S. Range No. 18 E ,
W. M., and will offer proof to chow
that the land sought is more valuable
lor its timber or stone than for agri
vnltural purposes and to establish bis
claim to said laud before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,
n Tuesday the 7th day of July, 1908.
He names as witnesses: John liar
bam. B. W. Farrow George Harper,
W. V. Hamptou, all of Paisley Oregon.
Aiiy and all persons claiming ad
verlsely the above described lands
are requested to file tbeir cHLms iu
this olficeou or before said 7th day of.
July, una.
35-10 1 " Watnon, Register.
Timb r La'd Notice.
United States Land Otiice, Lakeiiew
Oregon. Mar. 20. i!io8.
Notice is beiehy given that iu com
pliance with the pro, isrions of the act
f Congress oi June 3, 1878, entitled 1
An act for the sale of timber lauds
io the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 1. 1892,
Clayton Kis-iell, of Lakeview, coun
ty of Lake, State of Oregon, ban Hied
in this office bis sworn statement, No.
1921, for the purchase of the E half,
NW quarter, SW' quarter, NW quarter
of Section No. 8, in Township No. 38
H., Range No. 17 E., W. M.t and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for ltd timber
er stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before Register and Receiver at Lake
view, Oregon, ou Tuesday the 7th day
tf July, 1908.
He names as witnesess: Fred Ross,
Dan Oodsil, George Lynch, L. S.
Ascough, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tne abovy described laods are
tnquested to tile tbeir claims in this
tttice on or before said 7th day of
July, 1908.
H-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber lnd Notice.
United Sates Laud Ollice, Lakeview,
Oregon, Mar. 18, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
fdiance with the provisions of the act
f Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
iu the States ot California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territtory "
a extended to all the Public Land
states by act of August 4, 1892, Ollie
M. bond, of Plusb, county of Lake,
State of Oregon, has filed in this office
bis sworn statement, No. 4010, for the
ixirchase of the E half, NE quarter,
of Sejtion 2, in township 39 8., Range
18, E-, W. M., aud will offer proof to
aliow that the land sought Is more val
uable for Its timber or atone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establsb
au claim to said laud before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on
'tJay tba 23d, day of June. 190S. I
He unices as it uesse : ci. W llor- j
disty, Arlbiir Price, '.lames W. Nixou,
all of Lakeview Oregon, and Edward !
E. Boud, of Plush Oregou. !
Any and all persona claimiug ad- j
versely the abve described lauds are:
tequested to tile then claims in this
otiice on or before said day of June
1908. i
1310 J. N. Watson Register. I
Timber Land Noiice
Uiuted States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, Apirl 17, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com- j
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, :
"Ad act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon, '
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"!
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 192,
WILLIAM SCHMIDT, of Lakeview,;
rnuntv of Lake. State of Oregon, baa'
fllurt in thla rifHr'A his au'nrn atuTA. '
meut, No. 4080, for the purchase of:
the S half, SW quarter, of Section 17,
iu Township 30 S., Range 20 E., W il., i
aud will otter proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Register and Receiv
er, at Lakeview, OregoD, on WedDea
dav, the loth day of July, 1908.
He names as witnesses : Dan O'Shea,
John Branch, D. Bryan, . W. Bryan. I
all of Lakeview, Oregon. i
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in thia :
ofiico on or before said 5tb day of I
July, 1908.
17110 J. N. Watson, Register,
Final Proo Notlre
Departmtut of the Interior, Laud
Otiice at Lakeview, Oregon, April 10,
Notce is hereby given that John S.
Kelsay. of Paisley, Oregou, has filed
notice cf his intention to make final
Are year proof in support of his
claim, viz: Homestead entry No.
2048 made June 3, 1902, forthe SWJ4SW
quaiter. Sec 9 and E half SE quarter,
N W quarter SE quarter, Section 8 own
ebip 30 S., Range 18 L., W. il., ana
that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview,
Oregon, ou 2oth day of May. 1908.
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of the laud, viz:
Martin Lauritzcn, S. V. Dicks, W. K.
McCormick, Jr., Ueo. Jones, all of
Paisley, Oregon
.). N. Watson, Register.
Whom Da I Call This TimoT
If tliii g itne Is played by a large
company It lobN to the fun.
A stake N set up In the middle of the
room or on a lawn. There must Ik a
ring for each player mi 1 n name of a
player attache. I to each rfng.
There arc two side- ini.l a captain
for each side. The hoops lie In a pile,
and tho captain of one side taken a
hoop and t onsen It over the stake, ex
claiming. 'Whom do I call thin time?"
If the captain fall to place the ring
over tho stake the captain of the other
side taken bin turn. On the other baud.
If the ring goen over the stake No.
1 next the captain of tho other vide
ban a guess as to whom; name Is wilt
fen on the slip attached to the ring. If
he guesses correctly he can choose one
from the other dde. If bin guess Is
I wrong that hide loses n player, and ho
on until one Bide far oiitnumters the
other. I'rl'ea. of course, add to the
charm. Washington Star.
Timber Land Notic
United States Laud Office, Lake
view, Oregon, Mar., 18, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Cougress of June 1, 1878, entitl
ed "An act for the sale of timber
lauds in the states of California,
Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4
1892, Edward E. Bond, of Plush,
county of Lake, State of Oregon,
has filed in this office bis sworn
statement, No. 4011 for the purchase
of the SW quarter NE quarter, NW
quarter SE quarter, of Section No.
15, in Township No. 38 S., Range No.
18 E., W. M., aud will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes , and to
establish his claim to said land before
Register aud Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on Monday the 22d, day of
June, 1908.
He names as witnesses: O. W.
Hardisty, Arthur Price, James W.
Nixou, all of Lakeview Oregon, and
Ollie M. Bond, of Plush, Ore.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims io this
office on or before said 22d day of
June, 1908.
J. N. Watson, Register. 1310
Restoration to Entry of Lands in
National Porest.
Notice is hereby given that the
lauds described below, embracing 80
acres, within the Uoose Lake Nation
al Forest, Oregon, will be subject to
settlement nod entry under the pro
visions of the homestead laws of the
United States and the act of June 11,
1906 34 Stat , 233, ) at the United
States land office at Lakeview, Oregon,
on June 9, 1908. Any settler who
was actually and in good faith claim
ing any o said lands for agricultural
purposes prior to January 1, 1900,
and has abandoned same, has a prefer
ence right to make a homestead entry
for the lands acutally occupied Said
lands were listed upou the applica
tions of the persons mentioned below,
wbo have m preference right subject
to the prior right of any such settler,
provided such settler or applicant is
qualified to make hometstead entry and
the preference right is exercised prior
to June 9, 1908, on which date the
lands will be subject to settlement
and entry by any qualified person.
The lauds are as follows:
The W balf, of NE quarter, Sec.
21, T. 3G S ,. R 20 E. W. M., listed
upon the application of Wm. Schmidt,
address care of W. J. Moore, Lake
view Oregon. Fred Denuett, Com
missioner of the General Laud Otiice.
Get your onion Seta at Lakeview Merc
Co. j
DuUih luochat the Brewery Sa
oon. tt
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of Lake County, Ore
gou, on the 29th day of April, 1908,
duly appointed the undersigned, Chas.
Umbach, administrator of tbe estate
of J. M. Willey, deceased, and that
said administrator Las duly qualified
and is acting aa such; now, therefore,
all persons having claims against tbe
estate of J. M. Willey, deceased, are
herey required to present said claims,
with proper vouchers, to tbe under
sgned administrator at bis office in
Lakeview, Oregon, within six months
fiom tbe date hereof.
Dated this 29th day of April. 1908.
Administrator of the estate of
205 J. M. Willey, deceased.
We are showing la our window a
complete line of Hardware and
Carpenter tools. B. M 1
A Wall Mann.rtd Cat.
A cut may le taught good manner.,
strange an It may seem. There used to
le one at a I'.oston hotel that liehaved
letter at table than many children do
If you will pardon the editor for say
lug so. He waited every day for the
doors to le opened and then stalked
solemnly Into tho dining room, where
a table was set opart for him In a cor
ner, aud took his seat In a high chair,
where he waited quietly as n well
trained boy would, rubbed his paws
aud his mouth on a napkin and then
stalked solemnly out of the room.
When does a two cent stamp become
one of less value? A two cent stamp
becomes a sent stamp after your letter
Is mailed.
What Is tbo difference letween ouo
yard and two yards? A fence.
By well employing my second you
will never negret my first and you
will more thoroughly enjoy the whole.
What Is it? Tast-time.
A Mistake.
"It's a great mistake." said Bobble
Tompkins, "to say that we Americans
are lorn free."
"Why, Bobble?"
"Look at that baby of ours. Was he
born free? I guess not. He ain't al
lowed to do nothlu he wants ter."
Wis as an Owl.
Tbo owl was the emblem of Minerva,
the Athenian goddess of wisdom. From
that fact doubtless originated the ex
pression "Wise as an owl."
Th Discontented Dog.
A lovely dog. a proud old cat,
Uved together In a modern Mat.
The flat was way up In the ky
ft think 'twas sixteen stories high).
Th dog on day aald. with a algh:
"I wonder, dear old puaale. why
Our mistress, who' so good, you s,
Makes such a dreadful fool of me?
For when sh takes me for a walk,
I'd tell her if I could but talk,
I'leas not to dreia mo up; you see
It makes th doggies laugh at me."
Now, puasy, who was very wlae.
Just opened wide her shining eyes
And humped her back and curled her tall.
Then gave a curious yawnllk wall.
"Now, doggie, it is wrong, you know,
That you should always grumble so
For all your mercies you should b
Devoutly thankful. Do you eT
If you were hungry or In pain.
Were all bedraggled In the rain
And had no place to lay your head, .
Wore longing for a bit of bread.
Then, doggt. you would know 'twas tru.
I know H i so-I'v lived It through,
to do not look at me like that,
For I u eno a barnyard cat."
r Philadelphia Ledger.
li.-no voIip written nmiwlio mil
niiMHig tlie li r i.i tiililing i x .i rl of tlio li
M Ml" rofnniloil il I be v ln tod inert ) our im il"
kii'Mok'Ci i) c rv ti i i- iu w. i i. Mid (iii
- 5"'l'" l4() 1 maii'Mil if t.ii'Ik i
liuill il- for '((. I'.lllU in, (ii,tra(toi
Civil ii 1 1 I Sim t if Kiiginri-rs Infnriii'iiioii I
the lir I n ionic i,iiiiwiitn 1 Hi' ' T il Rio-
U reren r sir 'ion wnik ni I'ial nle, '
Trie SI "
Hl'lt.lMMI UIi IM t:NIr.M. ) K. Nit I..
200 pp.. 250 1 1 1m. CoMtlv tnistaki hocctir tlirmii'
luck of Htteiiliini at n.icr titoe, Inirlful to Own
vr iitol diM-roilitnl'lu Io r did it hi d I'liir
dives thorough ki owlcilge of iiirtliotl and matt i
lain Price SI 5"
llv Until in, M'ti II' 1st mI Uron tt 183 'p ,
iriiw ngn ('ouipl ' course in making workup
Irrtwing, Hid nr'c-iii! lettering for art ditiMlui
jiurjitmoii, I'rit t- I''
STinIINO. My 'Mwiml Nicliolas. US ''-.
j5 ill.. -or .ll workers in Muiltling trade
Tells liow to e-ti 11 10 intelligently. I'ric. $
ti f AwT5 1.0.I MM-. inCATIONS. Hy Jatm s
(J Plant l25pp . lullv illustritd-1 Korms of ptil
lie and private con' rnct, f-H't ificutioiiM, liond-,
etc ; diricn and r -ponsiLilitieH of Artditetin
contrac ton and hth Price , Sl.tH)
rAIKltUIIINl ni- Mill 50UARU. liy
llodgsonj.ini 'llixiim 130 pp., iHO ills. Only
tip to t! tie xvi-rk -oi 'bene Hiilijcctn. Price .. $l.X'
AKPIiM'KY. Hy .. Town-end. iW pp.. 2j4
ills. A working ti 1 11 11 tut 1 for carpenters nin
Wood worker-, mi gem-rul- Not a
treatise, Imt a practical working guide. Prl. e
SIVfiNillil of MATl RIA5 Hy K K Maiir. i
I4O pp , 58 ills. For Architects, Hinldcts, St.
and Concrete Wotkers. Enables one to nvonl
mistakes Price $I.(MI
-1 II l A l)K AINU i 1 ) lot!
pp , MO ills. Complete cniir.-e in pn-j. --t i i 1 .
s!ii !' lui'-s, intersection and dev. l. p'n. nts, let
teeing, witli t-xeri'i-cn nml plates Price $1 (Ml
MASONRY ONSlKlH'l IDS ,- i 1. iii
Itrytie. M0 pp.. 4 ills st ami l.i -l Am. ri-
can iiiitlinds Price $1
The-e vitluiiien in' I11111.U1 iiuel lnoui'1 In red nil
'cl:illil lie l.lixe, sle l! X l' Imiie-. Sent pl.'plll'l
to nn.v jxtrt nf the w i.rld ii receipt nf price Kcuii
by Driifi, l'.itnl Order, I'.xprcs order, or Register
ed Iel ter. to the
11, ,
r 1
; 1
M LrUikC VUUllL UAUlllintl .
Timber Land Notice
United States Ixmd Olllce, Lake
view. Ore. March 31. 1908.
""Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds iu
the States of California, Oregon, Nev
ada, and Washington Terrtory, ' as
extended to all the Publio Lund Status
by act of August 4, 1892.
Orin A. Keslar, of San Francisco,
county of Sau Francisco, Statu of
California, has filed in thin olllee bis
sworn statement No. :i970, for the
purchase of tbe N half, N half, of Sec
lion No. 10, in Township No. 39 K.,
Range 21 E ., W. M., nud will oirer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud to
establish tils claim to said lit nil Imi
fore Register aud Receiver at Lake
view Oregon, on Mouday the Oth day
of July, 19C8.
He names as witneases: A. J.
Neilon, T. M. O' Council, O. W.
Hardisty, Elza Linville, all of Lake
view Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
otiice on or before said Oth day of
July 1908..
J. N. Watson, Register 1810
Timber Land Notl-.
United States Laud Olllee, Lake
view, Oregou. Mar. 2(1, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lauds in the States of Culifornlu,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
1892, Luther S. Ascough, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon,
has filed in this ofllce his sworn
statement, No. 3920, for the purchase
of the H half NE quurter, NW quarter
NE quarter of secton No. 8, iu Town
ship No. 38 H., Range No. 17 E., W.
M., and will offer proof to show thut
the laud sought is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,
on Monday the 0th day of July, 1908.
He names as Witnesses: Fred Ross.
Oeo. Lyucb, Claytou Klsse.ll and
Dan Oodsil, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
omce on or before said 0th day of
July, 1908.
1410 J.JN. Watson, Register.
Till It Kit !.. Mllll K
XL' 11 it ed Sta'es Land Olllee, I.i.kveleW
Oregon, Feb. H, KHIH.
Notice is hereby given that iu con
r!lance with the provisions of the an.
ol Cnugiesa of June 3, 1878. entitled,
, "An act for the sale of timber litndt
I In the Stntes of California, Oregon,
'Nevada, aud Washington Territory,'
an extended to all the l'ul lio Laud
I States by net of August 4, 1192,
I Ronetta 1 towney, tit lakevlew, coun
: ty of Lake, Statu of Oregon, ban filed
. in this olllee his sworn statement. No
: 41)37, lor tbe pnrchasu of He E half
: NW quarter, SW' quarter NW quarter,
j NW quarter SW quarter, of Section
32 in Township 38 H., lmge 18 E.,
I W. M., and will olfer proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable
for its limner or stone than for urgi
cnltural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before Register
aud Receiver, at Lukevlew Oregon, ou
Friday, the btti day of June, 1908.
He nitmen an witnesses: E. E. Wood
cock, M. J. Humes, Oeo. Lyucb, F. L.
Ross, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and a I persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
olllee on or before said Cith day of
June, 11)08.
11-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber Land Notice
United States Lund Office, Luke
view, Oregon, Apr. 20, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
or Congiess of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
In the States of California. Oregou,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
an extended to all the Publio Laud
States by act oy August 4, 1892,
MAY TATRO, of Lakeview, county
or Luko State of Oregon, bus filed iu
this ofllce his sworn statement, No.
4"lNi, for the purchase of the E half,
BW quarter, aud N half, SE quarter,
of Section 2, in Township :i9 8.,
Range 18, E., W. M., aud will otrer
proof to show that the land sou, lit is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land be
fore Register andlReceiver ut Lake
view, Oregon, on Thursday, the 10th
day of July, 1908.
He names as wituesses: Ed. Tutro,
Oeo. Stevens, Joseph Ambrose, Fred
B. Tutro, all of Lakeview, Oregou.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands Hre
requested to file their claims iu thia
ofllce on or before said 10th. day of
July, 1908. '
J. N, Watson, Register. 1710
7a Whitvvrtnh ' crop ot un
tab II IllllfUl III r, Hall Unduroiop ol
right lor awes : rat ere lor withers Tar Brand
W. Kaoge, riib Creek, foetnffliv sddraaf
Larertew Ore
Eli Restaurant,
at all hours.
First cluss
H. P. Ahlstrom, the saddler, has re
oelved a new shipment of gloves, the
test Iu the market. If you wau
gloves good ones call at be A hi
Strom Harness Shop. 39 tf.
oWall Htrwt engraved atock certia
Mining blanks at the Examiner