Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 14, 1908, Image 7

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    1.1't i . I TON
iPrraM.-n ' II ' 1 N V I '
I;;;;::;, r.w:r: mllOi lJ i
Ni'i ii'tmy Hi 1 fn ' ' .... 14'hIIk
Hi'i ri'im f nl hi , , , . W Hi i i Witt. H Th(J COT'
rotlttNHtl'r ll.'M. rm llril, l, ( i
i.rr.'lrirr nl Sin ( linn. J II. TilJ!
MmtpIkijt 1 1 1 1 ' l nr . K. II
Hi'i n-int) nl a kid Him ...J ni'
irrfinr)' nl I it im. r v.i PTC'P I
Vi'kiNi Inn W itl It I i Hull I 'ullui
A. IHi'imnN. . nml I nun ,
l.angua.t i
(iunnmi n. K i lin, Vlioo . n
H. 'I .1' t. 8 Z . t
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lrKk.ii i
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im I-.-. '
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A. . I'. W. -Lnki hh. in I'iUc .
A. II. I'. . iiii'i'tN IiinI n
llll'll I I. Ill -ll.i V li' l-.U ll llll.lllll
Mi-i.i.ii- I.., I i i , ; i-. i ti. " ..( II
elm. i l'i ii !. I . i ; V i I . i l in. i
it, ' ' ut I ' . I I NjkH III l l . I
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U'. I) V -,. m. u i amp. N.i. .".
ii. ..Ii. .i'ti i if 1 1 . Wiii M, iii.'i lik in
I III' M . . Mil I II 1: 1 1 . .1111 1 1 Wl'l I III - ,
I if Hi ll M I 1 1 ' 1 1 ! 'I M asi III ll' ll.l I
I.". ' ii I p. III. I . I'.ail.'V. I I.':
I .11 1 Mill I , I. I. I'.. N .l,ll.l-ll, ( i, i
I I'. I ...K. u- Pii.-auii.Mi. i
No. Is. I.IUi I . nir. Ik. ih,. hi
i.ii.l iliinl I Inn i,i.v e i-ti i ilk: -i '
nu ll in. in I Ii In ( i i, I HI. in k' i, ,
l.iiki' ii-w. ll l: lli-rj fur. I, i i
' . . Mel zkrr, .i I 1 e.
i:i:i;i:iv. ll ou;i: .akev l. w I.
In k, ill l.i.iti;.-. N. I. o. I. I
liii .1 h I In- hi'i iiii I nml fourth h
iIii.Vh i.f eiii'h month In 1. (). I) 1
hall. Mr Mae I'.aili-y, N. Mi
Alice I'.iililliit: !.; Mm, M I
Mohm. See.; Mm. I,. .1. Maullio
J. . . I-. t.nk. li-w Lodge. Ni
('.'I. 1.(1. . 1'., in. i-ii i'i-r.v Siiiu
day evening In Odd J'cIIdwh' I. a
lit ".:!( o'clock from ( IcIiiIiit 1 i
April I. inn I nl s oYlocU. (ruin Apr
1 to h'tolirr.'iu. I.i.ri'ii llallry, .n
i.', V.. P. I'lli'iny, S.'l".
M I). (Ill II. II
The llrt Siniiln In each iiuiii 1 1.
t'rimliing at Pnlnii mIiooI Iioum-.ii
11 A. M. AMdc (ruin thin prcmln!
wiry Sunday hi 11 A. M. and 7
1'. M. at LnUevlew.
Sunday School nl pi A. Ni.
1 'Mi; lie lit HiHil.
rrnjinmitliig Tlni tHiliiy 7::t0 1". .
Lnilli'H A hi W'l'ilni kiIh.v l:'M.
Choir practice I ri.l.i.v :'M.
A cordial Invitation In extendi'. 1 '
A. .1. A riiiMi ritiiti I' lntni
PirBt llii'itmt Church of Con' La li
nt New Hue Creek. Oregon.
1 'n-iu-hl lite wr v Ici'M ii t ll:orlnrk A m
nml 7:M 1' M tin eaeu Sunday i
every tnuntli.
Sunday School nt 10. delin k A. V.
rrnycr Service at ":".) on Wcilne.-.
1tt,v evening of ciicli wH'k.
All arc cordially Invited to attcu
t he NervlccH.
.1. Ilaydcii Howard, I'uHtor.
P!rnt Haptint clnirclw.f I.rkcvlr
PreachliiKMi fvllceHii 1 11:A.M., ami
7"Jtt P. M. on eiu li Kunday.
Sunday School 10: A. M.
JuiilorSocliily at 'J:'M l M.
KapllHt Younn Pcoplo.H Pnlon a I
l:.'IO l, M. on each Sunday.
I'rayer iiiit'tliiK 7..'I0, P. M. on Wed
iwday evening.
15 very body Invlto.l to attend all
mitvIci'm. A. Prank Slninrtnis, pantor
The Rxmuiuor bus h mipply of 11 r
class butter wruppur paper ou huml
ow, ut the following prloea: Por 0(H)
wiapperH, printed, $2.5, for 1000
printed gl.&Q. tf
For Snle Houho aud lot ou Main St.
Lot 81 x 210. liurnaln for quick Kule.
Irenkel mid Pulne. It
Bnth llw KinB Vol Have Always BoqU
I hi-
! sty. - :
" ' " "i "
.. - ' i
. 4..;v',
i.i; wim. KNvi. 1:1.0 a in .1 r
on ll.e ll.inr. In .me Ii i.,
II VeliuW l ow I that lift I l.
family for t u eiuy one y .rr
oilier a willing rloMi that
Mll.e Ml 11 J il 11 y ears old.
w ere lo' ed. a lid Mie I r.-a I 'i
ha e leit her b..,ly.
'1 he !eai on w eiil im . 1 to
and k'"t 11 di lnk ol w at. r.
Then he lifted the 'hollin.
ie r:.isi"'l
'II III tlie
!: I III the
v as not
Her es
Me:.',e.I to
l'ie Milk
teakettle I
oil Hie bill k Mile nf Ilie Kimi'.
'J'heii he eull.v remoifl Mi.
11111I the wliiij eloth fi.rn Mie
Mint would fondle them no i.i .i...
Then he pleked Mrs. lioll.y up ii! tie
Would 11 biiK of potalocH worth Hi)
centH 11 luiKliel nud can led her Into the
hitting room lilid droiied n tlie
lounge. In doliiK mi he took n pre
eautlomt to nee that her head was
higher than her feet, nml ns a result
he seemed to U kIIiIIiiu,' down hill on
hei haek. When Khe had been ar
ranged the dear. in Hit down and open
ed un old m h.Mil KiNiruph.v Hint had
somehow found lis way to a place be
tdde the family Itihle nud Katikey'n
' 'l llyiium on the center table and
opened 11 in lie crivteil l.y Hie nn
nouncement that the Misi-U-doiil river
was the loudest river in the world
This nave him no shock of Kiirprlso
lie had hiiNpecleiP the fact for Beveral
years, lie wns woinlerlu If It made
the A 11111.011 jealous to play second fid
die when there wuh n movement at hist
elbow mid 11 voice nuked:
'Samuel Iiolby, have we both died
and Bone to heaven V"
Mn. Dolby Comet to Lif..
Mrs Polliy hud K"t through alidliiK
down bill on her buck and had got up
and turned herself nromnl. The de;i
eon had no niiHwer ready. lie knew
that both were on earth find that the
lihiKe nn the suiokehoiiHe door was mill
waiting to be tlxed, but what wna the
use In Kettlui; up nn argument? . Ite
, Hides, he wns Interestisl In the state-
uiciu tiiat ,ia me. k. poiw could never
bear to lutlict pain ou even a grass
1 hopper.
' "I see now that we nre still on
earth." said Mrs. Dolby after awhile
lu answer to her owu ipiestlon. "Yes,
I remember tailing to you. Samuel.
I did not dream of fa In Mm; away, but
somehow when I thoiiKht thought of
thought of w hat the widow"
There were tears and boIih at this
Juncture. Some husbands would hare
gone after the kitchen towel nud spo
ken soothing words, but Mr. Dolby
hud been caught by the statement that
the Iludsou river emptied Into New
York bay Instenil of tbo Pacific ocean.
"Mrs. Ilnsklns came over to borrow
a quart of cider vinegar," resumed the
dying womun after a bit, "and 1 lent
her that pitcher with the nose knocked
off to carry It home In. I didn't no
tice anything strunge about her until
Just us she wus going out. Then I
saw tears In her eyes nud uHketl Iter
If she had heard bad news. With that
she busted out crying find dropped
Into n chair, and for live minutes 1
couldn't get her to say a word. Then
Bho told ine nil. She felt It her duty
to do so. I called to you, nnd then all
beemne durk. I thought the blow had
killed me, but It seems that It httfiu't.
It seems that I have got to live on."
No Huckleborrioi In Turkty,
Mr. Dolby hud some little curiosity,
but he held It lu leash. Tlio geography
made the statement that the huckle
berry was to be found lu every coun
try ou earth except Turkey, aud be
wondered why TurUr-y was left out
when a good thing wis going around.
u s iii. r.
Mm. Dolby olilx-d four nolm and ton
tiled fourteen teriri pivl then linked;
"lon'l you V. nut to know wtint the
blow vnn. r'niiiuelV Von nre Rolnn to
Kil.i joil do. but I tell you. One
(1m; lnf.t week Jon went over to Mr.
IoIiiifou'm to borrow n Ii,h to d In
Intern wlib. Von enine biicls without
tlie IliH-. fllid on Hrri' looking an pnlo
n n Khont nml not iii;. Ini niiytliiiiK. I
ill'!n'l penier you with ony iiehlion!.
1 J 1 1 c. I milled. Now I kiei'" nil. .Snrii-
tlel. do you wiinl to pi i'i.. n on your (
kl.een llll'l mi.v flint ll WHU Hie nil, III, 'II :
ill;iil,e mi le you do ll mid nk j
my foifh ni. tV" I
'I lie iUe liili aiim (.p'eet, but th! '
Jeiiiou piilil on ,i ! ' i'ii : Inn to It. Me b;id
found I In ).'' nl.iteuii'iil Hint
the liver of i, nil Mi;inii'cil 11 popU
luliou of '.'.l ' n.i -ll. ii ii.I he ,,:ii not to
lie nwiii lieil i,l ii:i rli,, i l le I "leM, li
wim kIm'U I ao to iii.Hvver III.
in.l then Mr. Imili.v Kiild;
"Mr. .IoIiiihoii h.iH a i-ilf aliout a
jeir old. Sou v. ere i.roln the lot
when the eiilf took you for hi father
lilid (Mine,' nl win nud ftruck
you In the HloniiK h with hi liciid.
iH were kin ked iilxiul ten fei t. and
Mm. JoIiiikoii. who uhh looking ou.
threw up her h;in ! iiud fiilnte.l uway.
Kin; thoulit you hud been killed ntune
ile:n. U hi e .1 o;i were down the calf
tried to bile your e::r. Von can't deny
t!ii. Samuel for Min. .IoIiiihoii I a
woman Hint wont lie Mie '.vn of
fered u Alike of oxen when Khe wn a
?lrl If r.lie would le!l a fuIehood. but
Oic reft i i' Klie ou were un
oiiv.oiiH for. ut least ten inlnutes.
Her f.-ilnt l.iftel her nt least seven or
-ti''if . a ud you lia.ln't inoved when ulie
aine ou; nr I: Vou v.-ere lylm lu the
':i:i e pl.i'e rt u J the calf wn furn
I '. In for .'o r ear. Vou were the
.!'.e hh i!".i .- 1 1 iiii'l. in: I perhapn It
woe" I b.Me I , 'e:i lieiti-r had the Lord
Li, 'i you I 'Til nml there. Jiou't yo:i
a:.. it to ?e h me to your In-art nud
it." !h. ! I; r.i i'l never l:a; pen a-jaln."
T'ie .'.':n -ei didn't. - IIutv Inel'leilt
i.''e t .-..! under ilNeussion ro-'O
l.efore lilrn n clear as ilnv. hut be
no f'.r::!vpie:M lo nk for. I'.e
. lie v lufi r"?tel 1:1 the Ptat.'
t!, t .l liii h'tnllli M'lMcd Jami'S-
a 1 nf I li-iry Sinilh. lis ho
i 1, n le i to believe, and he
v.o'i; p mil Pi !,;) mind,
there one iiiori.ent, Samuel,
.Toliuviri I'lin'.::! j on dead
.r 1: ' many pl-'.:'.e I
I:.. ! p it 'tip ( v the wln'er,
.', 1 ;. o'l V :;s oil your feet.
i I t ie re 1 i ii. nt y mi out
' ' ' i ' .' e-i. ar. 1 y.,i J.:iiiiii1
i .1 :.:i I ill,.!, ed hi-t f.itlier.
i ! i a!'. I hi-i mother a
i lay
1 r
i i.
;i :: ; ,-.l Iii;n fortv riiiTerent
I lii;n
llll I
. l' i' I as j i- coold vpeak.
j o't threat. 'tied t knock bis
".:! "IT nnd to break evcrv
ue in Ills blasted body.
I What tiia Deacon Told the Calf.
"Then jo, i sai l that any Infernal calf
that didn't know better than to come
! froilckln around mid bat u man In
the stomach with bis head ou'lit
: to lie murdered ou the spot, nnd blast
' your eyes you were the one to do It!
, You said that, Samuel - you said ev
ery word of It.
"And then, not even looMug urouud
or carinj; who heard or saw, you plck
id up ii club nud ba.-led and swatU-.l
.ui.l pounded that poor eaif nil over
the lot. nnd every lime you swatted
hiiii .oii shoutitl out something. Thai
,-oiiictliii, made Mrs. Johnson faint
tua.v a.Min. nnd when the came to you
were ioiie nn I the calf was loV.:i:ig
s i homesick that she never expected
il to live. t)li, deacon, nre you going
to Mick It nut like t aptaia Kid 1 did
or are you you
i ue neuron read iroin the geogranuv
Mint Hie soil carried down by the Mis
sourl i her every year was euual to of tin- state of K'.i.i.l'.' Island nnd
then rl.Kv.i the book and rose up and
returned to where the hinge awaited
him. During the next hour he found
himself whistling tin 1 singing nt In
tenuis, and he had Just got the door
up when a voice culled from the klteh
en door again:
"Samuel 1 oh. Samuel, tuipper Is nil
ready, nnd I have got hot biscuit aud
honey for you!"
Mrs. Dolby had been drawu back
from the grave tigiin. M. QUAD.
'An Illustrated Phraie.
lllltiug the pipe.
That Fiddling.
She W'hnt is that man doing In the
next Hal. do 'o;i suppose-trying anew
lie kit; he's trying my putlenoe.
Youkers Stutesiuan.
Ths Typewriter Girl.
See the busy typist Kill
Au Kho pouiuU the key,
rriutliiK other iiouiile'a thought
With upiirt'iit eiiue,
Sonietlnieii irlntliiK other Ihlnge
Ileeaiina of lack of euro.
And thus producing In her tiuBH.
A stroni; Imp, line lo swear.
Bee her with her Kulleltad face.
Mukina her excuse;
"I had It In my neteg, you i'e."
The bos. "Oh, n hat'11 tho nueT"
-M. A. lloyd In Harper's Wi.klv
Ipl Ml I
. iiuw
I 'III; l.'ltMl Yl
,, ,,k( ;
All Counf -i i. t 1 1,. i I it t ;.-n4 ;..' ".Iiit-o'. ut
J5pt riintMit tli it, tritlo vvhh uud iilant;ei i ,
fiilunt and C'hildrcii Kxpcrienco against i.x,i riim nt.
What is CASTOR I A
Ciifctoriu. I a li.trmlfM nultItuto for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Irop nml Soolliliiff Syrup. It Is Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
unbalance. Hh npo Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
mid iilhiys IVveriKlmeHs. It cures Diarrlio-a and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flattilercj-. It asimilates the Food, regulates the
Htomah ami Itowels, plviiifj healthy and natural (deep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tlie Kind You HaYe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
and CURE ths LUNGS
Wlk K0 I
ur. tuns, s
j rUti ISOLDS T,U CoVeF,,k
bcjiulifully illutfiated, cood itorwi
nd iitirlc about CaLionua aad
11 the Ft '(.
devoted each onth lo the ar
tiitic trproductioa of the hett
woik ef amalrut ud prolmioml
a yew
nook of 5 pag contaisicg
120 colored photograph oi
picturnque apou ia CaiiiornU
uad Oiegoa.
AU for .
II erdrri to
San Francinc
Rood Euild. .-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
ttgn&tore of
kaaTt aanaaiaiii i nau.ifui nwtfgl , , nHTL it!
Terminal Tract lots in Heart of Rich-
mond 1
A. L. Spellmyer. 7th Macdonald, Ave. 1 DirfimArifl C 'ol
T S. Handleyl; 1306 Beseel Ave. f. K1CI1IIIUIIU, sU
Write us or
! -V.
' r j -.- j,.,fti.i,i'. . J
' r:7: v: M ! - 4
"' " - . "k .'v. . v'V .- k ' "'
wliie'i !int -
1 1
OHicf at the Mercantile Company's
Store Lakuview, Oregon.
fjood Stock ... New Coach, s
Tai!v from Lakeview to lily, connect
irig ttli Daily Staiie to the railroad.
P. H. CORCY, - - - Proprietor
L 1 vi iv, ) ; ' 1 .
. . . TIME TABLE ...
In Effect May 1st, 1005.
Thrall ... A. ML v. Pokegama 10.45 A it
Ar. Hoptia 6.J5 " Ar. I'ixie 10..V. "
" Siet-l Br'g ti 4S ' Kl'bPp'tti 11.40 "
" Fall t'r'k. .7 06 " " Fall Cre-k 11.44
" Klbp'Ks7.10 ' hteel Br'ge 12.00
" Iixie 8.10 Hoitua... .li.aiPM
l'okegamal.i ' " Thrall ....1.45
Klamath Springs Special.
I.v. 'Thrall l.fjn p. M.I.v. Kl'h fp'ftui 4P. 11
Ar. Bo(fii 1..S5 " Ar, Fall Creek!.) "
" Sn-i'l Br't.-2.15 ' " Steel Br'gvS 00 "
' Full Creek 2.. " " Boiriu.. .3.20
' Krh6p'jt4i) ' Thrall . ...S.4o
&V?WwimmV iii IJIJiJ.iii
U,. ..., J
'PerMonUi 1
The Coming City is Richmond.
190G Population G000
1907 " 10000
1910 " 25000
A former Oregonian, G. A. Follett is a city Trustee
Many of your people have already located here.
Mrs. Geo. Miller. Lakeview, Ore. ' & '
at 'mile fr rtnul, D-"'!
ii ier land final j.r.H.I and blueft
'mviIp (or application" f.n read v. i
.- .Idnli it.ri'k' m inUvim, ft
' ''xoiidner ifTt "
So ivtr
" fieros ri ( Tlnnoc
n " r i ei i;t tii ronai
'I III l.r l.
i i k ., r,.B tTll4-
. . i , i , .,1 in merit tlla.
i i. Of-ual lor f 90S
-' , ''in.y -n. fkEK ff
. ,i.ii ,1. in yiio (Hit.
" f'itl .tmttr.MfM.
vis Cigar Factory I
A. StoIikm
iHker of
Havana and
DoMcstic Cigars
. ' tTRV ORDKR 4'ii.tCITli
i, iV ll- j trial. Si ir.
hnii.)"irf iifit d Kir t- i'..
I'wil. JtkfVIe, tfe,in
Kinal rrool Nolire.
iJepartment of the Interior, Land
OUi :e at Lakeview, UregOu, April 6,
Noti'i. i.4 hereby given that
MARTHA K. CORY, formerly MAR
THA E. NEWELL, of Ikeview, Ore
Kou, has tiled Dotice of hid intention
to niaVe final five year proof in uip
port of hi claim, viz: Hometead En
try No. Ti 12, made August 2S, 19.. 2,
for the NW tpiarter, Heetion 18,
Touusbip rS S., Range 17 E., W. M.,
and that eaid proof will he made be
fore Register and Receiver, at Lake
view, Oregon, on May 18. 100S.
He names the following witnesses to
Drove his continuous residence upon,
aud cultivation of, the land, viz: Ceo.
H. Newell, Herbert A. Xewell, Daniel
Chandler, V. R. Hammertdey, all of
Lakeview Oregon.
"i J. S. A'tti)!. i-'U:
The Examiner hn.s rweived h in-w
Ba:np!e book of the Wall Strwt line
of enirmved certificates of ntui-k and
bond blanks, the mont np-to-ila,te on
the market. Used and endurw.'d by
the liuidinir financlerH of America.
Copyrighted. Call nml we them It
you need anything lu thU Hue. tf
limber Land Notice
United States Land Ottice, Lake
view, Ore, March 2d, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress, of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the Kale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Nev
ada, aud Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land State
by act of August 4, l&O'J,
James E. Murray, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Otgon. has
Hied in this ottice his sworn tateu)nt
No S-ltj, for the purchase of the NE
quarter of Section S'J, in Towuahip
iiSS., Range 10 E., W. M., and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought U more valuable for it 4 timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 8tb day of July, 1IKJ8.
He names as wintesses: Thomas J,
Powell, Paul U. Hngus, John Au'en,
A. Storkman, all of Lakeview, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described land are
requested to file their claims in this
ottice on or before said 8th day of
July, 1908.
J. N. Watson Register. 1810
We have a full net of Mysell-Rolllns
&Co'n., wimpleo of Stock Certificated
and bondn, with price lint. If you
are organizing a stock company get
t'ur rlcen on stock certificate, tf
r, A Klntc' have "u -i .
i'liiftrn nml rlvrnr to !