Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 14, 1908, Image 2

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    Dn.MiLcs'ANYi-KiiN Pills
.i ii ma v sua m at b ft m x a
A $1 Take OMEV "
"l i .'"TV of the Little Tablets
11 U7
Pain inchest
Distress in
of the Little Tablets
and the Pain is Gone
If you h
Try One
3 They Relieve Pin
Quickly, leaving no
bad After-effect
25 Doses
25 Cents
Never Sold in Bulk
Dainty Finish For Short 6lavM.
Coral Buck'et In Qjaint Draign.
Short slimes tiro terminated with
cuff, strap bunds or often with llitlo
frill of lace.
Corn) buckles In quaint ro.-o bouquet
adorn many of (lie black silk wchhlng
Milluc. clique mill cbifTon Ihiii nil'
ns popular t ever, nn I there nr
mighty pretty effects I:i wed contrast
Oil colnl'1
Plimpi ti In' worti ly little hoys and
i!iin ii'C si h-vi t ti ! year have i
S' PlBUSIIliD il
firatorntlnn to Entry of Lands In i
National I orest.
Notice in hereby given tht the
lands de-cribed below, embracing SO
cres, within the Ooose Luke Nation
al Forest. Oregon, will bo subject to
wttlemnt and entry under the pro
visions of the homestead law? of the
TJoited States ami the act of June 11,
lOOti (.'U Stat., 2.13, int the United
Btatesland office at Lakeview, Brecon,
jo June i ISMS. Any eettlor who
actually ami in good faith churn
ing any of sui t lauds for agricultural
purposes prior to January 1, UXH's
and has abandoned same, has a pre er
nc right to make a homestead entry
for the 1ik1h aoutally occupied Said
Viada were listed upou the applica
tion of the persons mentioned below.
ho haie n preference right subject
Bo the prior right of any such settler,
provide I such settler or applicant is
qualified to make hometstead entry and
tbe preterenee riuht is exercised prior
to Juue 1:MS. on which date the
lands will be subject to settlement
and entry by any qualified persou.
The laa Is are s follows:
The W h il , of NK quarter, Sec.
a, T. V. s . R 20 E. W. M.. listed
Opon the application of Wm. Schmidt,
address ear ic A' .1. Moore. Lake-
Or. i.".-!!!. Fred fennett, Ooiu-
Olisf inlici
rj Food
PT pvill
fjlMlPIll t
the (iuernl Laud Otllce.
oive ynr Imiter wrnp
t Tin- I'xiHiiino ortiee.
ntiiiin; ii way fur them.
Tin keep y tir iimney nt home, mid
pat,rmiir.'- them that putroime .run.
nexiiles. x. hi see whilt you fire tfet
ftntf nii i ilmi't have To pay for It if
t fJ('Mi't 1 1 i t you. tf
Tle Kxunmier prints t. iliio pUif.
I p! tl si nt
- m
,?m tw km
and strictly prohibits
the sale or alum
baking powder
So does France
So does Germany
Tht iale jl alum ioxl
has been made illegal in Washingtoo. and the District of Colum
bia, and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as
mjunous. yQ protect yourself against alum,
when ordering baking powder,
Sap plainly
von - wen iritlt ti "V nu n ln Mini;
(i tl m n.oKt iililinu t xjH'itrf of llie il.ty.
lei ioiI if t v do not meet your ii'l.
I oK'Cl c'N. ( II!. I'. W. 1.1 .ml till-
151 'l L0 j ; A iii.imnil I r.n- 1 l
,, i 1 , r Ii 's, llilll'l IS, coiitr o I is
mil t.irv i' inei rs 1 nfofn ;ui"ii fi
o 1 1 oi.iili n to lie V'ir it i I
ill' -1 1-1 1 ' . Wol k snrinl ii-lt-, !('
$10 1
IM ' Hi' IHIS ii. !y i: N . I.-',
.. 2 s. 1 nosi 1 ken on u I Ii 1 n ; l
.( nt .,i,in hi 1 ' 1 1 j cr 1 1 me, Inirt 1 1. 1 ! 1 .
Mil 1I1 i- IiImI ! 'o At lulri t 111 ii I 11 10 1
-i t hoi . h k 1 in i It'e of 111, I In ills it 1 1 1 1 1 11 ' 1 1
I- Pn. .... 515"
Vitnni .11 . ml H iiwti ,'5 . 55 lij!. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! t nurse in m:lk i 1 1 vt liking
l''nviti);s :i . I arteMi.' I Iterim; for i r 1 . 1 f t 1 1 1 1 r ; 1
tiroMH. Ii ire , . , , 5 0
SnnriN(l. y K,W!ir Ni.liolna 1.55 ....
,?5 ills. nt- nil voikern in Itiiililiiu tr.olis
Tells liow t.i e-tiillilto tutellieiil I y. Pi ii e $l(0
O S I" f CV 1. nl SPii II ICAM'JNS. Uv .Janu s
' Pliiiit i2.Si, fully illuslraie l. Knniis of uil.
lit" ami (irivitc contracts, hpccificutioiis, lioinls,
- t ; ilii'ies 1 1 I r. siiinsiliilitien of Arcliid its,
rout rncim .mil Du tiers Price $i.(H)
toil make- .! em in'" I k
Timlin 1. 1011I tl
0 cited Stat s Lnnd Ortice.
Urjion. M.
m$ tifcMks POWDER
and be very sure you get Royal.
Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole
somenes of the food.
VrrS r i.ii as tier
United .V;i'i- l.iiml I :!i ,
( )rcL.'i)ii, .M :j r 'J.'i, l;1'.
Notice is li-i -liV tlii"! t!i:
I liHiice with ttin prow-inn
La km it
if (.'oiik.'re-s of .) une
"A n Hv-t fi r t tie cHle oi'
i'l the Stiller, nf full
Nevada, ami Wio-hmt
us extended to all t In
States liy ad of Aimnr
Clayton Kis-e!l, of I.
it 1:1 com
of the act
, entitled
tie-tier lands
Til in, ( ! Ck'nll,
1 11! .lie I.uud
t t. is;'1.',
nki'iien, conn
1 mbirr Nuic
Unite, I Staten lin.l
view. Oretinn, Apr. V. I!
NoMc is liereliy yiven
pliaiice with t he proi 1
of C'ourens oi June !i.
"An act for I he side ot
1 Ml
that in Cotll-
1 1 hi ot t lie act
N-7. etitltlfd
tiiiilii-r lands
in the states of I'alili rma, (ninon,
Nevaiia and Vii.-h'ii:ou 1 ei ritory, "
as exteinli it to all the l'til lie Land
State I y act of Ailk'U-t 1, M"J, Jo
epti L. llamptou, of l'uirley, county
)f Lake, State of tireK Hi lias lllni in
thistdllce tiis sworn utateaient. No.
40t;. for the purchase ot the SK1'. NW
quaiter, N halt SV iiuarter. Sec
and SK quarter ot Section No.t-.,
in Tnwuabip No. 31 S. liane No. 1H K ,
W. M., and will offer proof to shn
that the laud woutrtit is more vulual.le
for its timber or atone than for acri
h. l'.i'-
Notiee is hereby tiveu that in com
.'iance with the pr 'visions of the act
f OonLTtss of June X 17. entitled,
"An Act for the sale of Timber lauds
the states of Uali'01 uia. Oregon.
Sevada. and Washiucton Territory."
a extended to all the ol lie land states
by act o AuL-ust. 4 l1- '-.
Paid U.llojos, ot L ik. view, county of
Lake, i-tate of t)irenii, has filt.l in
tbn ntlic-? his sworn statement Nb
3K.J7, f jr the purchase 01 the E half S.
W. quarter, Wtst half "E quarter
t Sect i. 111 in T unship US S.,
liane 10 E. , VV. M., and will olfer
proof to sho-v .that the laud eifitfht
I more valuable fir its timber or
tone than tor acricultural purpose 1,
nd to e.-talilish his claim to said
laud before Renter and Keeeiver at
L&keview Ore'ou ou Thursday tbe Utb
day of July. UK'S.
He names as witnesees: Tbos J.
Powell, James E. Muriay, Juo. Anten,
X Storkman, all of Lakeview Oregon
Any aud all persons claimiuk! adver
sely the above described lands are re
qneate 1 to file their claims in this
thee ou or before sai.i L'lh day uf
uly r.m
1810 J. X WutsoD, Reuieter.
Timber Land Notice.
United States Land Ortiee Lakeview, 1
Orecon. Mar. IS, 190H
Notice is hereby diven that iu com - i
ptiance with the provisions of the act '
Congress of June ., 17S, entitled.
"An act for the gals of timber lands
la tbe States of California, Oregon.
Alevada, aud Washington Territory,"
ma extended to all the Public Laud
States tiy act of August 1, Rose
I McDauiels, of Lakeview, eouuty
f Lake, State of Oregon, has riled iu
this ottic hw sworn statement, No.
for the purchase of the NE
qnarfpr, NW rjnaptr. ; hnlf, NE
quarter. SE 'P'arter NE quarter, of
iBectiou i'l luwucb'p 3S S , iane
tio til E.. V. II., and will offer pn.of
Co bhow that tbe land sonuhl is more
Taluable tor its timber or ttoue than
lur acricultural purposes, aud to es
tablish bis claim to said land before 1 atTieiiltornl r.iiri.r.Keu. MnH tn eatut.Uh of tbe SW ouartT XE auarter.
Kesister ana t.eceiver at Lakeview, j,is claim to Haid laud before Register quarter SE quarter, of Section
Tint FAToniTR V01LK-W1
sensible low heels. W omen's fiMitcynr
It very huu; and pointed. So elutmaleif.
Is t! e t ic of the new shoe llii't one It !
1 obliged to wear 11 shoe at Ivast tw.)
nir;e binder than one ordinarily pin !
diases. !
Anions: the novelty buttons are thue I
of enatiie'cl Japanese emblems, and
iM" "moliini of cun tnetal mid cut .
pt'cl are very cxsl style
A'elvct Is koIii to be worn extensive
ly this winter, and few women but nvII
have 11 dress of velvet, chiffon velvet
or velveteen. The latter Is durable
arti' very effective. Velveteen now,
comes In liht weight Mini 11. iki up In.
tO -'tl!iirt tsllltlies f ir t!,e vt ;-eet
No r.i.:ti'!' makes preliier In lour
Row iis tliati "il.' in tarioiis weight
mi I wciim's The uin.'el In the cut
shows the favorite ( In j-K i 1 1 . vl!!i
an exlreuiily a 1 1 r; 1 t i i overblou-.e.
while the i-olnr of the dress Is :i very
lovely smi.l.e irrav. and tin' trimming
Is v el vet n or hi id Vi II h a K 1 1 le S"iil:'.-he.
The separate piimp.' Is nf rieani cnlor
ed la -e. .II MIc' ( 1 1 1 ) I.I .1 7 T.
I lo. l'-oh mnl W'llialns 1.10 p
tip to e) lie work on those subjects
AbMM.NIIO. U v ti. Tnwn-.i..
l is
A winking
workers in
mi ill
luii it jiraciicul working ,' 11 i 1
s 'r Arcl
51 Vi;N till of
I 0 ii . 5H il
and CniMTi ''
lol-t.iki s Price. . . .
:i ; am i) V iNd
j I , t ill ill- ( 'oniph
s 1 1 I I ill-- 1 ' , ' I'l -i-l-
t 1 1 1' iv it ii : ci
M S "Mv'Y ON5I lh
I i r i M 140 ;. , .4 ill
1 ill ic tie-!- Prior
W nlker. Kliabb s
I i
III -o
I '1
M l- an
Hid jn
50U VP II. Kv
iWMlls. (Inly
Price .. 5l.0(l
i50 i., 2ii
for cat icini't's at.. I
N"d 11 I In on I leu 1
a 11 1 1 r
ll nl I
SI .(Ml
-, Ii I
Si (',0
it -els
ty of Luke, State of Or-ou, lias tiled
in this office his sworn state'nent. No
Tilt'il, for the purcba-e o' the E half.
NW quarter, SV tpiai t-' . NW quarter
of Section No X, in Towiishi No W
S , Rantre No. 17 K , W M. ami will
olfer proof tu show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purpo-e.
.....1 .1.4 1 .1 1 I. I..u ..t..i... a 1 1
before Reejter and Rec-herat Lake- J -"ltra l'"rpoes and o estab hsh bis
view, Oregon, ou Tuesday the 7th day Ha to. H,,J ,lu!J,J lj,,f(,re 'Mter
of Julv 'and Receiver at Laaeview, Ureon,
He names as w itnesess : Ur.-d Ross, ! " Tuesday tbe 7t h day ot July. i:H.
Dan tiod-il. lieortfe Lynch, L. S. . lle "jV" ,,ue .T : '"'jn ' Hr"
Ascouyh. all of Lakeview- Oregon. U' ,1""rr(J f''""7" V""'"''''
Any and all persons claiminu B1,. "'f t"". all of Parley Oregon,
vereelv the above described lauds H'e ! A." i"'".! ',-rs"'s Ih'ii.iuk ad
.oip.t..,! tr, l thei. ,.Ma i ti.i-; verlselj the above described lands
office on or before said 7th day of
I . 1 1 1 1 1. iU
U-10 J. X. Wats. u. Reyistei. ,',7 1 , . 1. .
10-11 I. I Watson, Iie'ute
TimbT LmikI . ti. t j '
United Sates Laud OH) e, Lakeview, Timber Land (Wice
OreKou. Mar. H l!nS f Unitefl Statelt IjH,)( )(fi(.p iMh.
Notice is hereby jfivm that In com- ,, ,Q
pliance with the prows. os of the act v,ew' Oregon, Mar., 18, VMH
of C-uuress of luue :i, Ih78. entifl -d , Notice is hereby iveu that iu com
"An act for the sale o: timber lands j pliance with the provisions of the
in me i-naies oig iauioruia, wreyon.
Nevada, and Washiut'ton Terri'tory "
as exteuded to all the Public Lund
States by act of AiiKUst 4, H'J2, Oilie lands in the states of California,
M. bond, of Plush, cv uuty of Lake, Oregon, Xevada. and WasbinKton
Largo Hltj Dsliked by Hr.irdrestera.
Frocks of Supplo Nwitsrm'.
Tbe small hat Is promised a vojftlo
later on In the season, and one reason
for this Is probably found In the fact
thnt the lai'Ke hats are so heavy. The
heavy huts have Ix-en found to cause
baldness, and hairdressers advhe the
lltfht weight.
Rest ilresses." reception cowim. par
ty frocks 11 ti I house dresses ure nil
made this season from supple mate
rials. Only the short skirted tailored
suit Is made from a heavy fabric that
I lie.- Vi li'l 111 s !l re
-I II III lb' I .11 V. Me I
III ll'i.l p.l I't . if I lie Wi
ll 1 1 1' 1 1 f 1 , I". I-l III I (I'll
i.l I ,.-l lor. tot he
nl In
1 1 1 1 II I o 1 1 1 1 I y I
; I iii-Ih-
iI Id Oil ll'l'l'l 1 1 1 1 if pi 1
er. I ! pl i us I inter, nl
m ii-
SI k
I'l red ai 1
1 1 1 11 1 r 1 1. 1
Lake County Examiner.
this olficeou or before said 7th day of
i act of Congress of June J, IH'H, entitl
led "An act for the sale of timber
State of Oresr.n, has filed iu this office
hiss-vir-i stafeiient, No I0H'. for the
pin chin e j the E hull. NE quai ter,
of Sejtinn -. in township 3'.) S , Range
1H, E , W. M., and will offer proof to
Territory," us extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4
Edward E. Rond, of Plush,
ooiioty of Lake, State of Oregon,
show that the laud sought is more val- bus filed In this office bis sworn
uahle tor its timber or stone tban for 1 statement, No. 4011 for the purchase
Oregon, on Thursday the )8tb day of
June. 1908.
He names as witnesses; Flint Ver
non, A. Xeilon, Wm. Metzker, J. 1J.
Brooks, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims iu Ibis
jilioe ou or before taid 18th day of
, Jnn . irm.
i, N. Watson. Regi-ter. 1310
Timber Land Nutiie
United States Land Office, I.nku
veiv, Ore'OD, Apr 2". l!)bS.
Notice is hereby given that in com
ptiauce with the provisions of the act
tit Congress of June 3, 1H78. entitled
Aa act for tbe sale of timber lands
in th? States of California. Oregon,
and Keeeiver at L.akewew Oregon, on
Tuesday the 231, day of June, !Jb8.
He names aa witnesses: j. W liar
disty, Arthur Price, James W. Nixon,
all of Lakeview Oregon, and Edward
E. Rond, of Plush Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
lequested to file the i 1 claims iu this June, 1!X)8
office ou or before said i day of June He names bs witnesses: (.
1IW8. llardisty, Arthur Price, James
1310 J. X. Watson Register, j Xixon. all of Lakeview Oregon,
' innheV LiTiTa"No7Tc 1 Oilie M. Rond. of Plush, Ore.
Uinted States Land Odice. Lake- ! Any and all persons claiming
J5, in Township Xo. 38 S , Range Xo.
18 E., W M , and will offer proof to
show that tbe laDd sought is more
valuable lor its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes , and to
establish his claim tu said laud before
Register aud Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on Monday the 22d, day of
1 view, Oregon. Apirl 17. IdOH.
1 Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled.
"An act for the sale of timber lands
I in tbe States of California. Oregon.
Nevada, tud Washingtoo Territory," '' Xevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laod as extended to all the Public Laud
titates by act oy August 4. 181)2. 1 States hy act of August 4, 1!2,
MAV TATRO, of Lakeview, county WILLIAM SCHMIDT, of Lakeview,
of Lake Statu of Oregon, has filed iu ' county of Lake. State of Oregon, has
this offloe his sworn statement, No. 1 filed iu this office bis sworn state
409t, tor the purchase of the E balf, mout, No. 408J, for the purchase of
RW quarter, and X balf, SE quarter, ,tbe S balf, SW quarter, of Section 17,
ft Section 2, in Township 3y K ,! iu Township 30 S., Range 20 E., W M.,
Range 18, 15., W. M., and will offer and will otter proof to show that the
proof to show that the land sou, bt is land sought is more valuable for its
more valuable (or its timber or stone timber or stone than for agricultural
thnu for agricultural purposes, and to . purposes, and to establish bis claim to
ristablinU bis claim to said land bit 1 Kaid land before Register and Reeeiv
fore Register atidfReceiver at Lnki)-1 er, at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wedoes
iew, Oregon, on Thursday, tlin lbth dav, tbe 15th day of July, 1908.
day of July, 1908. He names as witnesses : Dan O'Shea,
lie names as witnesbos: Ed. Tutrn, John Rrauuh, D. Bryan, A W. Rryan.
kJeo. Steveua, Joseph Ambrose, Prod all of Lakeview, Oregon.
8. Tatro, all of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming ad-
Any aud all persons claiming ad- versely the above described lands are
veraely the above described lands are requested to rile their claims in this
vaqueeted to file their claims in this office on or before said 10th day of
office on or before eaid ICtb, day nf . July, 1908. 1
July, 1908. 1 17-110 J. N. Wataon, Register.
J. X. WaUop, Register. 17-10
uuruii 1 o t riu uruivo MAuiri t ar uiulu u m
requested to file their claims iu this ! dx'H not lve t0 11,0 fl"r!
-M28. '
All raiment
Timb r Land Notice
Uui ted Slates Lind ( llflce, Lake
view, (Ire. .March ill.
Xoticf is hereby given that in (torn
Pliance with the provisions nf the act
of (!oiigre-iS of June 3, H7H, entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber lands in
the Stales of California. Oregon, Nev
ada, and Washington Terr tory, ' as
extended to all the Public Land States
by act of August. 4, Wl.
Orin A. Keslar, of Sun Francisco,
county of Sun Kraneisco, State of
California, has tiled in Una office, his
sworn -statement No. 3K70. for the
purchase of the N half, N half, of Sec
lion No. 10, 111 Township No. 31) K.,
ICaiige 'il I. ., W. and will oiler .SJ. In 1 ow iimIii .IS S.,
proof 10 show that tbe 1 111 I sought is W. M., and will oiler
more valualee tor Us timber or stone that me laud sought, is inure valuable
tbau for agricultural purposes, and to for its ilmtier or stone than for iirel.
ei-tahlish bis claim to said land bo- i cultural purposes, and to establish bin
j Ti tin Kit 1. ami Mini r:
I'L'nite.l Sta'es Land Olllce, Lakveiew
I 1 iregon, I'eb. ix, P. his.
j Notice is hereby given that in coi
glance With th piovisioii of thn nf.
o'. Congiess of Join. 3, ls;s, cut II hid,
"An act for the ral of timber biudt
In the States of t'lilifornia, Orei.n,
Nevada, ami Washington Terntory,'
as extended to all th J'ublic Rami
States by act of August 4, rirZ,
Rosetta Downey, ol Lakeview, eouu
ty of Lake, Stute of Oregon, has filed
lo tliis olllce his sworn xtatemeni, Nil
1037, for the purchiiMi of lie R half
NW quarter, SW ipmrter NWipnuter,
1 N W ii'iarter SW 1 Icr. ot Seelom
luiuge IS R.,
proof to show
fore Register and Receiver at Lake
view Oregon, ou Monday the Clh day
of July, I'.ttH.
He names as witnesses: A. J.
Neilon, T. M. O' Connell, O. W.
llardisty, Ela Liuvillo, all of Lake
view Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad-
clalm to ald laud before Regiater
and Receiver, at Lakeview Oregon, on
Friday, the bth day uf June, lllus
lie niiiiies as witnesses; R K. Wood
cock, M. J. Karnes, (ieo Lynch, F. U
Itoss, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and a I persona claiming ad-
....u..ln ! 1 1. . . .
"" ij on) uuovh oescrineu lands are
versely the above described lands are ! requested to Ills their claims
reuuested to file their claims in this
office ou or before said dth day of
July 1908..
J. X. Watson, Register 1810
Timber Tumi Nollre.
United States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, Mar. 20, 1908.
Xotice is hereby given that iu com
pliance with the provisions of tbe
act of Congress of Juue 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands iu the States of California,
office ou or
June, 1 90S.
In this
day of
before said bth
J. X. Watson, Register.
Timber Notice
United States Lund Office, Rukevlow
Oregon, Apirl. 2, 1908.
Xotice is hereby given that iu com
pliance with provisions of tb act of
Congress of June 3, 178. entitled,
"An act for the sale of timl ox lauds
in the Stales of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terrlt orv. 1 1
as extended to nil the Public la.,,,1
Oregon, Nevadu., and Washington Htat.eH hy act of August 4, JS92,
olllce on or before said 22d day ot
June, 1908.
J. X. Watson, Register. 1310
Final Proo Notice
Departmtnt of tbe Interior, Land
Office at Lakeview, Oregon, April 10,
Notce is hereby given that John 8.
Kelsay. of Paisley, Oregou, has filed
notice i t bis intention to make Dual
tire year proof in support of his
claim, viz: Homestead entry Xo.
2o48made June 3, 1902, fortheSWSW
quaiter, See 9 and E balf SE quarter,
NW quarter SE quarter, Section 8 own
ship 36 S., Range 18 E., W. M., and
that eaid proof will be made before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview,
Oregon, on 25tb day of May, 1908.
lie names tbe following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of the land, viz:
Martin Lauritzeu, 8. P. Dicks, W. K.
McCormick, Jr., Geo. Jones, all of
Paisley, Oregon
J. N. Watson, Register.
for women Is either very mannish for
rough' wear or exquisitely supple for
dress wear.
The fancy to secure the new collars
visibly nt the back with cuff or bob
pins und to clasp the two upper front
edges with more handsome pins of the
same shape will continue smart dur
ing the winter.
Stitched bands of cloth nre used to
define sejims on fur garments. These
Beams have heretofore iioeii left unde
fined. Silk braids of a flue, close. mush
are employed for the name purpose.
There Is a fancy for uhuost square
muffs with a head iu the center at the
lower edge arranged In tho form of a
full brush tall, the legs making a
trimming for the muff at the sides.
Tbe all In one dress shown in the il
lustration for a small girl is of golden
browa cashmere, with trimmings of
brown and white tucked taffeta piped
with velvet. The guluipe is of tucked
white lawn. JUDIO C1IOLLKT.
Territory," as extended to all tho
Public Land States by act of August 1,
1892, Luther 8. Ascough,of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon,
lias filed in this office bis sworn
statement, No. 3920, for tho purchase
Sadie L. Hampton, of 1'ninlev. eon 11
ty of Lake, Statu of Oregon, bus filed
in this office bis sworn statement No.
400.1, for tlie purchase of the NE ' SF
, .-'ec. 1. T. 34 S., R. 17 il. , W. AI.,
and Lots 5 and (i of Section No. (i, in
Township 31 H., Range 18 E.. W. M..
shin Xo. 38 K., Range Xo. 17 E., W.
M., and will offer proof to show that
tbe laud sought is more valuable for
its timber or dtone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,
on Monday the 0th day of July, 1908.
He names as Witnesses: Fred Rons,
Oeo, Lynch, Clayton Kissell ami
Dan (Jodsil, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before said tith day of
July, 1908.
1410 J. N. Watson, Register.
Branla with Crofi off iafi
tar, Hall (Jurtiirurop oil
right for ewea; reierne for wethora Tar Brand
W. Kaute, flab Croak, roainfflca ailrea
lAkvlew Orevon
of tho 8 balf XE quaiter, NW quarter 'i win oner proi f to show that the
NE quarter of secton No. H, in Town- J. J """Kni is more valuable fr
winner or suine llian Tor llgl ielllt Ural
purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said land before Register and Re
ceiver, at Lakeview Oregon, 011 Tues
day the 7th day of July rhjh.
Ho names as witnesses: J A liar
bam, H. W. Farrow, W. W. Hamilton,
J. U Hampton, all of Paisley, Oregon.
Any and all peisomi claiming B,i.
versely the above described Jiuids are
required to file their claims in this
office 011 or before said 7th day of Ju
ly 1908.
15-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Zac Whitworlh
Eli Restaurant,
at all hours.
First class
8. V, Ablstroin, the saddler, has re
ceived a new shipment of gloves, tho
best iu the market. If you wan
gloves-good ones call nt he A hi
stroin Iiuruess Shop. 39 tf.
nWall Street engraved atock ccrtlfl
Mining blanks at the Examiner
1 1