Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 07, 1908, Image 8

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When ou start to buy Clothing
you want to et ail for your money
that it will bring. You know that
prices evervwher are not alike. You
know tb.ii the cost of selling materi
ally a .' - th figures at which the
goods an it. rkcu. Tnen, to do justice
to rui cu are very much inter
estetl n i UNing f a house that is in a
position t) l uv light, sell right, and
give you the right treatment when yen
do buy. We want you to compare our
Clothing with others. Compare the
style, the construction, the general
make-up; see if you cannot see a differ
ence in the entire combination.
It you go elsewhere and pay more
for Cloth ug not as good as ouis,
that's vour fault.
B l-
. fif
B ll
Lakevlewand Vicinity
See the Moii'n 'company tonltfht.
Nrvwrry Sti
fi n
Our shirt Waists are going fast.
I Hitch lunch tit tlu
loon. '
Albany Nurseries, K. K. 1'atch,
'ageuL lltf
Ladles' long silk and little gloves at
A M. 1
We have a Dice lino of Ladies belts.
B. A M. 1
J. S. Fuller returned from Warner
last week.
Try a dish of Lemon Ice nt "The
Frost" today. 1 tr
We have a nice line of Ladies and
Misses Ties. H. t Al. 1
Frel Tatro made proof on his timber
claim Tuesday.
FOK SALE: New v Piano, cheap.
Knquire at Geo. Millars tf
' Clothes That Suit Women of Taste
at "La Mode". 1
Clitf Hulek, of Silver Lake, visited
Lakeview last week.
Miss (Jate was In Lakeview iast
week from Warner Luke.
O. F. Amick was up to Lakeview
Monday from Flue Creek
The Dress Making Parlors at "La
. 6
Pine Creek loving Ahead
One can note improvement in the
thriving litUe town of Fine Creek
very time that place is visited. The
tepa of progress there may not be so
sery rapid, but tbey are eteps in the
right direction, and every one of them
counts The mines above the town
are taking new life, and the miuiog
nen of that community are quite ean
guine as to the future. McCleary &
Bhauer have assurance that they will
win the Fern mine, which has been in
litigation. The Kafader mine has been
leased and several other properties
to the district are now beiun worked
on leads' that show better than 9100 tu
the ton. The outlook is mdeed en
roaraging. Mr. Burgen, ho recently
wade a trip to the famous Rawhide
nines, in Nevada, states that Pin?
Creek has Rpwhide "tkirmed"' for
prospects, and that be nould not.
trade Pine Creek mixing property for
which to build himself a home, and
knows of do place in the country more
favorable to the bomebuilder than
Lake county, and he is quitting a 95
a day job to ttnd a borne in Lake
county. There are homes here for
mauy thousand of the country's
homeless, and the prices within the
reach of any energetic man.
Central Committee Meets
The members of the Lake County
Kawniae property, uuru inrntm i . ... n
,r . , . County Central Committee ; S. F,
shows that prosperity is smiling upon j
them, and the real "laugh"' is to come,
yet and its coming The investor in j
Pine Creek cannot lose he h ucky to
ha there now.
Pine Creek and Lakeview are so close
ly linked together by natural inclina
tions that one cannot move ahead
without the other moving aleal
One cannot grow without the other.
Coming to Lake county
That hundreds of people, and no
doubt thousands, have Ibeii eye on
Lake county, as a future home, and
are only awaiting the settlement of
their affairs in their preeut liumcs,
in evident by the hundreds of letters
received by The Examiner not to
mention the many hundred received
by the real estate men of Lakeview.
When men engaged at highly remuuer
ative employment, as in the case of
the man we now have in mind, pull
op stakes and come to Lake couuty to
had a home and a.pieee of land that
they can buy, there is ceitainJy some
attraction here, and they are sure to
come. The man referred to writes
The Examiner for certain particulars
rot'arding this countv, and states that
La has been employed at 80 per day,
and has not lost a day for Ave years.
This man is looking for land upon
Central Committee, elected at the last
Primary Flection, held on April 17,
IOC'S, met in the 1. O. O. F Hall, in
Lakeview, Oregon, on May 2, 1908, at
the hour of 2 o'clock, P. M., for the
purpose of oganizing a County Cen
tral Committee. S. B. Chandler, was
appointed a member of said Commit
tee for Crooked Creek Precinct; L.
Fraues was appointed a member for
I South Warner Precinct. F. P.
i Light was! elected chairman of the
stroni, Secretary. L. F. Conn was
elect 1 State Central Committeeman;
V A. Massingill was elected Con
gressional Committeeman. The fol
lowing were elected delegates to the
State Convention: S. F. Ablstrom,
F. P. Light, S. B. Chandler, 11. A.
Brattain. The following were elected
to the Congressional Convention: A.
!E. Follett, W. A. MaaangilL F. M.
Chrisman. L. D. Frakes. There be
ing no further business, the commit
tee adjourned, subject to the call of
the cbiirrnan of the Central Committee
Hay Ranch For Sale
A choice quarter section of improv
ed meadow land, one and one half nile
east of Paisley, Lake county, Oregon.
This land is under irrigation, supplied
with free water rights from the Che
waucan river. Surface level and smooth
having been mowed and raked over for
i many years past. Public road ou
! north aud oust lines of place.
Fur lUi'iher particulars, addreaj or
inquire of T. J. Brattain, Paisley,
Oregon. 19 f
Bean ths Vol Haffl Alwayl Bot$l
fe 111 p
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made with Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
No Alum, Ho Lime Phosphate
Mode" will open about May 20,
Rubber and CoHon Hose best
at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
W. A. Massiugill and Henry
went to Plush Hrst of the week.
The best Lawn Mower ou the
ket at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
L. B. Moss brought in a load of
freight from the railroad this week.
One and two piece Oslermoor Mat
tresses at Iakev.-ew Mercantile Co. 1
Ladies Shirt Waists iud Muslin Uu
derware at Lakeview Mercantile Co. 1
Harry Cannon, the marble dealer,
came over from Cedarville this week.
B. R. McMartiu, the Pine Creek sa
loon man, wa up to Lakeview .Noon
day. Our line- of Ladies Uudewear can
not be excelled in this couuty. 11
AM. 1
Hay for Sale:--J. E. McConl will
deliver hay in town or sell at the
stack. 154
The iligh School base ball team have
received their suits, aud they are very
A. F. Fitzpatrick and wife spent
several days of last week in Lakeview,
from Paisley.
For anything in the line of Frozen
Dainties or Soft Drinks, you will find
at "The Frost". It
George Jammertbal returned from
Sao Francisco last week, where he
spent the winter.
Look at the notice for reward issued
by the telephone Company for destroy
ing its property. lOtf.
We are showing in our window a
complete line of Hardware and
Carpenter tools. B. M I
Read the notice in the Fxaminer
this week, of a fine ranch for sale,
ney Paisley, Oregon. 19 tf.
You will not feel exactly right until
you have drank one of those "Egg
Phosphates" at "The Frost". It
E. Lake has gone to his homestead,
aud J. C. Blaisdell is in charge of the
bioycle shop during his absence.
John Nyswaner started to the rail
road Tuesday with his pranciug
freigb team after a load of freight.
The best place to shear sheep, best
range, etc., is at trie wcuanieis cor
rals, in Camas prairie. Not in the Re
serve. 10 10
Our Millinery and all Kind of La
dies' Furnishings v take the lead for
style and quailty "La Mode, Mrs.
Neilon Prop. ' 1
NEWSSTAND: Daily papers can
be purchased each morning at Wallace
A Co's. news stand on Water strebt,
north of the Postofflce. ltitf
'.'Uncle" Jim Foster, of Summer
Lake stated while here l ist week ,that
bis fruit bad not been damaged. by
frost ao far.
The Mong Co.
Baker" to-night,
drama. Mr. and
York success.
Grain crops down the valley are
looking well. Although not very tall,
the grain has not suffered much from
want of water.
Miss Kdna and Mr. Merle Houston,
of Klamath Falls, are in Lakeview this
week visiting. They came over with
the Mong troupe.
Oda Cravens, J. II. Driscoll and
F. C. Eldred, the Bonanza harness
maker, came over tn Lakeview this
week on land business.
Tollman, Photographer, Residence
Studio at Walter Dent's place, two
doors north of M. K. Church. Those
wanting Urst class work can be accom
modated on or after May 13th. 19
Mr. James Brady was down from
Paisley last week. , He informed us
that be would soon go to Rosland, on
the Deschutes, for the summer.
W. W. Hampton and Prof. R. II
Jackson came down from Paisley Mon
day night, Mr. Hampton to defend a
protest against bis timber filing.
plays "The Clay
a 4 act character
Mrs. Mong's New
Bicycles for rent at Lake's it.
Ed. Bond and wife, who spent the
wluter at Hauls point, Oregon, return
ed to Lake county Monday, and went
on to North Warner, to their ranch.
Bicycles for rent at Lake's. it.
Little Flnteuce JohiiMtoii, Is some
better as wo go to press. The little
baby, Mary, Is much better, and U at
the home of Mrs. Charles Sherlock.
Frank Morine and his cmw of line
men finished stringing the wires for
the Lakeview - Silver Lako telephone
line lnnt week and returned to Lake
1. F. lioltuook, of Cusltlug Nebr. ,
father of the Holbrook boys cell
known lu this county, arrived in Lake-
view lat week, L take a look at the
eouutry. i
George Cannon paused through
Lakeview Tuesday ou hi way from
Fandango to the Kinchin t sawmill
with six yoke of work oxeu to haul
lugs for the mill.
Miss Mullo (irmly, who has been
teaching at the Johnson school house
closed her school this week, and pays
ed through Lakeview Monday mi her
way to San Francicso.
Mrs. Neilon will be in Pine Creek
May !th. Paisley, May 10th, with a
beautiful display of Spring Milliunry,
also a few correct, things In Belts
Fancy Neckwear, Veils, etc. 1
Bicycles for rent at Lake's. l.
S. O. Cressler and A. J. Armstrong
claim the houors for making the cham
pion record automobile run from Like
ly to Lakeview. Thy made the run,
a distance of SO miles, in H hours.
Mrs. Wendell and Leita llandUy
started for Pnusmuir Sunday morn
ing. Mrs. Weudell will be absent
but a few w-eks, but it is Mrs Hand
ley's intention to remain at Puns
mull. R G. Ross, agmit for tho Oregon
Nursery Co., is lu Lake county
taking orders for fall delivery. Mr.
Ross is the successor of II. I). Maples
den, who visited this couuty for many
years. 1
The little son of Dave Caution, of
Lassen Creek sawmill, fell from a
imrch ono day last week aud broke, his
arm. Dr. Randall, of Pine Creek is
attending the boy aud he is getting
along uicely.
The highust votes stand as follows
for tho "live baby" to lie given away
at tho Opra House Saturday night.
Judge Benson 10, Dr. Daly 14, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Noriu 12, S. (). Cross-
,'lers, 9, C. O Metker, 8.
The Mong Show Company are play
ing this week in Lakeview to crotftled
houses. The plays put on are up to
date, and well played. They will pluy
every night this week. The Lake
view orchestra furnishes music every
Mrs. Plyuer Howard, Walter and
Harry aud W. J. Howard came ovei
from Drews Valley Sunday. Mrs.
Howard and W. J. recently returned
from Philadelphia, to prove uuon their
timber claims. W. J. will endeavor to
II mi employment in Lakeview, aud will
not return to. Philadelphia.
Bicycles for rent at Lake's. 4 t.
I. Deter was up from the ranch
Tuesday. Mr. Deter has been quite
sick for a month past, witfering from
an attack of pneumonia. He says the
grain crop has been damaged a little
by frost but not enough to materially
injure it The fruit, such as cherries
and Bpricots, was somewhat damaged.
C. E. Oliver spent last week on the
West Side farming. He says the
crops ou that side of the valley are
not Bufferiug for rain as yet, notwith
standing a shower would do much
good cow A very large acreage baa
been sown this year, owing to the fact
that the flour. mill being built promis
es a good market.
Mr. W. B Chance of Albany, Ore
gon, deputy commissioner aud factory
inspector of the Labor Bureau of Ore
gon, arrived in Lakeview Sunday
morning from the West on a second
tour of inspection of mills and facto
ries in his district. Mr. Chance waa
here last fall and made au inspection,
and comes this time for the purpose
of making a second inspection aud re
commending issuance of certificates
where mills aud factories are in good
Bicycles for rent at Lake's. 4t.
A Woman's Duty
Is to he as well gowned as her purse 'and
her taste will permit her.
We Help Her
to select ( he most
eeoming Stvles in
Millinery, I h v , etc.
. . m mm m 9
or Lonilort and Satisl.iction come to "i.a i loiic.
Jlmm fy. Icilon, lnoprietoi'.
The Newspaper Annual
There is no end of information a
bout newspapers in the ''American
Newspaper Annual' (published by N.
W. Ayer & Son. Philadelphia, 15.00
net), the 1908 edition of which is just
out. Catalogued in simple tabulated
form are the facts one needs in deal
ing with newspapers, with particular
attention to circulations, which are
all given in plain figures.
There are supplementary lists of
daily newspapers, magazines aud class
publications. A colored map of eitctf
State is bound in the book. It also
contains the Advertiser' Telegraph
Code, compiled especially for the use
of the publishing interests and filling
a long-felt want in this direction. 18
lo Cure a Cold in One Day
Tablets. All druggists rutund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
itgnature is on each box. 25c.
This 5tore is Well Named
Ilest Solid Packed Tomatoes KJk'C can
llest Solid Packed Corn can
Hest Peaches 2;"e can
Ivvery article in this Store is Sold at the Same Kate.
Ask for prices on the above goods elsewhere, and
you will find you have heen paying too much
for your goods.
Buy Your Goods at
And Save Ylonej'.
One door south of Huteher Shop
V T) 1 Ul
J Add
everything Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Stores.
Boots and Shoes for Miners, Bucca
roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & Hilling Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co.
I PTusiT
3 l -
Pacific Land Co. Lakeview, Ore.
Locates Homesteads, Desert Gains
and State Lands, besides doing a gen
era Real Estate Business.
We are prepared to get 'your property before
thousands of people on short notice.
List with us and Rive us a trial.
Ofltcc opposite Hotel Lakeview.
Mail Ord.r Haiut in
I Lidwir.. I)rv Good, tnd
SulxJic. oi .11 kjftda oucrird
"iJi Itful.l Monthly
- nw:niiiini inisi'AI'I K f
Jones cash stori
OH-,,, (,.!,,
m,y nrrd Vnd lu,
The Buyer. Guide
Front and O.k St,.
A California!,'. Lurk.
The Incident day of my life aa
whou I bought a box of Jiucklou'u
Aiuieu bulve;" writes Charles 1
Jiudahu, of Tracy, California. "Two
25o boxes cured uie of uu uuuoyluK
case of itobiug piles, which had trou
bled me lor years aud that yielded to
no other treatment1" Hold under
guarantee at A. L. Thornton's dru
Every Sunday Mass aud Jlonediction
at 10 o'clook A. M.
Sunday School after Uenedictiou.
Week day Mass at C::J A. M.
Father Vabta. S. J.
The Comity Court of Lako County,
V" tho -lt,J ,ltty April
l.iiw, nuwlo an order for the alu of the
personal properly of the C. U Mitoh-ell-lnos
estate, at private sale. Said
'.'?r? . . r,r"I'i y consists of an un
divided half interest lu i;i(l oows with
youiiK calves, und HO mixed yearling,
also live head of horses, IKX) bushel
or Krnin, some farming Implements
and mac.hiuery. aud complete outfit
for cutting urn! stacking hay. Any
oue interested in tho purchase of tha
above property call on the under
signed. ., . , Thou. II. Kbeilook.
t ,WA(lr 1,lHt WiU ud Testament of
V. U Mitchell-Innes, Deceased. - iBtf.