Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 07, 1908, Image 6

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Ihc (ircat
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The .catling: Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
lulited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Parmer is the only Literary Farm Journal puh-liln.-tl.
It fills a position oi'its own ami has taken the lead
ii'U place in the homes of' rural eople in every section ol
tl:c I'nitcd States. It .uives tanner ami his family
sonu -tiling to think ahout aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Hxcrv Issue Contninssn OriRitml IVmi by SOI ON I.. (iOOPl:
I !
Within the Next Ninety Hays Wc Offer .
Two For the Pake of One: TftC Lake c,,untv 1 cr
'I he Lending County V; er ar.d The American Fanner
his nana raheled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies iree. Address:
C. 0. Hetzker, 1 akeview, Oregon.
51. 20 Reward.
rbe Harney c-oun j
Live Siiv k o-i
li.'n. of which Inn
11 lru-nit'iT. ;nyI :.s
ti w?ird for rvi.leni e
l-a-lmg la ir.- nm
victioti of parte
M-iilim? Mrs k ri.
. ten.:'.-..-- K "t int'ir
I fij ,li--r. In JI ition 1
Hors hrrtnl borne
i-tioe .r 0:1 riilioi
or both jftws. K-
corded ini-'-n:iTK-f
tange, Huri'et. Inkt una (" Count'.'
Horn's vented tii-n soi.1 Hori' fold to f
nbrounh this si t:oii i,l iiv rvtivl iu t i i i -paper.
If not s-o r--t-rir1. ;.l-se write or tle
hoiie The Tini"S H.-riil.t. Mtiu Sit. Barns Ore
ou. W. V .Itrow u, Burns, On--
Regard tor Horses
1 will itive reward for inform
ation that will lend to the discovery
of any horse liranded with hii old
horseshoe hrand on but h jaws, plno d
as In the cut in this advertisement,
with fresh triangle hrand uinK rnea 1I1
the horseshoe. The triangle placed
Id such a manner as would cover up
a bar on hoth jaws. Animals must
be found in the possession of some
person or persons.
H. E. Bakkek, Prop'r.
Office in fiieber's Store
State leaves Lakeview daily, ei
cept Sunday at i a. m. Arrive
at Alturas at ti p. in.
Leave Alturas for Lakeview a
ti o'clock a. in. or on the arriva
of tl.e state from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours at
ter leaving Alturas.
r-reight - Matters - Given
.Strict - Attention
Nrst - Class - Acomodations
'. E. Tavlor, Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds' Store.
r'tage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Weu
need ay g aod Fridays at ti a. m., arrive
at Plueb at p. m. Leaves Piush Toe
daya, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
r.m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. bd.
Passenger fare $3 one ay or $5 foi
round trip. Freight rates front Ma)
lit to Nov. 1st $.75 per hundred ; Iron
Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per bund re
A Memorable Day.
One of the days we remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our
health, ia the one on which we be
came aoqualnted with Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless purifiers that
cure headache and biliousuebs, and
keep the bowels right. 25o at Lee
lieall's Drug Store.
Cutter paper at The Examiner
offloe. The Beut made, at 12.75 for
600 and 11.50 for 1000. tf
To All Ouk
rue trouhle with most adver
tisers is that ttiey expect Imme
diate returns of large propor
tions One prominent advertlttor
Illustrates the principle of atlver
Uslnt In this way:
Tb money expended for
dvertlalng la tUe ma
It placed at Interest. The
profits Iron the adrertlslaa;
re rlrtoallr the Interest
the Investment.
"The sun. spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good will Is something that
has value, which. If the adver
tising hui been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment.
"The rte of Interest is deter
mined by the skill with which
the lnvesiRjent la made.
"Just as the quickest way to
Increase Invested wealth Is by
compounding the Interest, Just so
the quickest waj to realize re
sults from advertising la to com
pound the returns."' Advertising
Adver liners (t good returns
on ths amount Invented la
our co lumen W roacJi ttao
Blue Prints Made.
I will make Blue Print of any
tract of lund ia the Lakeview Land
DlHtrict, and do abstract work.
Call on or write V. B. KNIDEIl
Lakeview, Oregon. 48 tf
To Cure a Cold la One Day
Tablets. All druggists relund the
money if it fails to core. E. W. Grove's
tignatare is on each box. 25c.
Dutch lunch at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Bears tiba 1! Kiof) Yoi Wm Alwayg loo&
'f); '
Th Leadtaf Paper of t;
I P-fccfcle Coast
Th" Stti Francisco
The Weekly Chronicl-
Ths vory boat 3K.y Nowjpaprr
pub.lshej la &e eoJrs West.
$1.50 a Year
tn'-hii ic t r m mi in-i tif the
iLid mu. ansae suti
It is Vst because. tjiii5
pHi"nr si. tS nevs ot the iorld
e.oi r. In an n ersunc wy
ull) ,".u5tr3ing many
r'i-e . 't t.'i sccia. lnpar
m n s .levcd 'o
T'r: Y
rocK -
i r i
N' . :
r'h-nr are prcs aod eret Vy
: .) : r.avnf a tforouuh V.n"w
rvc'.ed tj A;r culture.
:.. .r.. Poultry ana Live
r vi t.ial'.rild and
r i rr.iitnr o (fifl i;raatst
r-i. e kl. onjifc) is thri
:-sirlj. every ns being
r '! n y those wno a--a In close
cn 'v.i' asndltlona prevailing
i trili Lcajt
It will se sent rroe.
Co yon ul ths Chrodtol
Reversible Map?
Showing the Uatte4 States, Do
rr:nicn of Canada anal Northora
I'rx co ea oto aldo. MAP O"
TK VOLU, sreatlng to view
In oe coutlnbous map, ertih all
i mi In tr (irsporHoa, the en
tire surlase tie Earth ou rhe
other siia.
Sews S3 sjU rat tSn aOss ni
'"Ve-kiy Chrontesj' tor om ysar.
pe-sui( pnpmii set Bias) aaj
The Dairy nd Map
Mr mJL win pnM
Only t Ycsr
It you are thinking of organizing a
itock company see our new sample
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned, Thoa. 11. Uberlock, has
been this day appointed by the County
Court of Lake County, Oregon, execu
tor of the laat will and ten tarn en t of C
L.Mitcbeil-Iones. deceased. Now, there
fore, all persons Laving claims against
the estate of the said C. L. Mitchell
Innes are required to present them
with proper vouchers, within six
months from the date of this notice,
to the undersigned executor at bis
home in Summer Luke, Lake County,
Dated this 23rd day of March, 1908.
Tbos. II. Sherlock,
Executor of the lust
will and testament of
C . L. MitcheH Innes,
13 5 deceased.
-tin iiii'TfrTiMiiirnLr
, i . t , l . UtM
Mii" ( i rrcui itu, tit ., iitt
tMH i Met 'it i vn t i nit i h I hi itttl (of I '
SuOM i iot'ik u I In hfcnmlUt t w lio n-tnoVt
till IT 'tM'tllt t n1tii t stti'Mii.t ft tn'inlMr
(r(- i it it .-tin r i iti'i "o iin ii ''r VMM '' nl '
iirtf'l Mi III1 rlfcitil nti.lHrr
I.. K i o
n'i it ni !.
j i Mt m. Or mB
i1!- tt i. v htiiMiiu
i . ii i . i vr
1 1 j -nl- I,nm
imtl Yfiiltrrta WH'rlttlftJ
, in i n r- r.i. to.iitllm:,
- , . Willi ' M M. I,
I liM I V I'!.. I ! I.I.I
IV.;s!i-. rr.fjon.
i ; iu; v
'! II
Nfv Tire ( ret J .
.iiiii a i
I . '
I.Kk. i - e . :i .
' i; c I! ' i
M u-i. i.i ii Piivclor i
tl.c Lakeview CitiA'iis' l',.mtl
Ir'KSVii W
I iu Wnll sin-el lino uf fiirm ml j
rrt ilii-iilrt of Stork imil r.olnl lilnnl.1-
: tt tin' l'.'iiiiiin-r oir.rf. New Niitnii 1
'look rrri'lvril Muliibl.V cvcllltir;. II j
yoll wiilit stuck cert itii Ii t( s k c (I j
ijimpli H iiiul U' t pur i rlrcn. ' ' j
Timber l.snJ NclUs '
I'uiti'd Stutct l.iiinl Olllcc, l.i. Kc
vie. t)ies'u. A til 17. j
Nticf It In-reby iven tbut In cmii ,
i 1 m ti. w ith tlm ruvieiiii.M (il tlif net ;
(if Cotn.rcj-3 ot June .1, lTs, cutitlt'il :
"An art fur tin) i-hio of tiuiiiri iuihi.i
in the elates of (.'nlitoriiiii, Orr ni,;'
NrVbiln iiml W hsIi iiiutcii t irii.i .
hs rxti-niled to nil tlm I'm ho I. ami
StutcH l y net of Allkillnt I.
l-.nii rrim. (if l.iik(li-w
Lake, State nf Drejjmi, tint tiled iu
this ollice bis sworn stntcmcnt. No.
.'5747, fur tli piiri'tiiiM' nf tun l.,ift li.i.
NV (imti tcr. SV4 NW (iiui ti r Sc.- :r.'.
and SK limit ter N K ijuui ter. ol Sec
tion No'. I'.l, in Township No. 40 S .
Kaiiiie No. '-"J I '.. , W. M.', ami v. II
olter proof to slmw that tlie Inml
Moulit is more vnliinbln lor its tim
ber or stotip tlmn for iiyrieiiltiiral
purtJOrCri, and to estublirh lilrt claim
to saiii land Ke'istel nml
IU'ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon on l'ri
day the UUth day of June, I'.KW.
He numi-H an wituesses: M. K.
Musgtave. Hose Musgrnve, Arthur
Kehart, Crauville ilanllpty, ull of
Lakeview, Oregon.
Any aii'l a'l persons cliiiniing aii-verH-ly
the above described lands are
rti)iienteil to Hie their claims in this
otlice on or before raid 'Jtith day of
Inni. l'KlS
J. N. Watson, iiegister.
Tlmbrr Lend Nitl;e
United States Laud Otlice, Lake
view, Oregon, April, 17. r.W.
Notice ih hereby given that in com
pliance (ith the provisions of the act
of Congress of June U, 1S7H, euilled
''An act for tlio sale of timber lands
in the States ot California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wasliiugton Terrioiy, "
as extended to all the Public! Land
States by act of August 4. IHH'i,
JOHN' W. KKllAicT. of Lakeview,
county of Lake., State of Oregon, has
filed in this otlice lilt sworn statement,
No. 4U8"j, for the purchase of the Lots
1, and 2, NK quarter, NW quarter, of
Section No. VJ, iu Towmhip No. 157 5.,
Range iU K., W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the land nought is
more vuluuble tor its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, end to
establish his cluim to said laud before
Kcgister and lieceiver. at Lakeview,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the lltlidiiyol
July. lDOM.
He names us witnesses: hli liar
mini, I'iiarles lliutiiim, Nuto Wilcox.
1'rank Wilson, ull ol Lakeview, Ore
Any and all persons claiming a
versely the alove scribed lands, are
requested to tile their claims in ti) .s
clllro on or before t-aid 14th day o
July, lUOH.
1710 J. . Watson Uegmter I
'I Imbrr L. Soilce
United States Land OfUco, Luke
view, Ore. March !, 1U08.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of J.jne a, 1878, entitle
"An act for the sale of timber luuds iu
the States of California, Oregon, Nev
ada, and Washington Territory," us
extended to all the Public Land States
by act of August 4, 18J2,
James E. Murray, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oegon, has
Hied in this ollice bis sworn atatemeut
No 8110, for the purchase of the N i
quarter of Section 32, in Towuship
38 8., Range 10 K, W. M., and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for lti timber
or atone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 8tb day of July, 1U08.
He names as wintesaes: Thomas J.
Powell, Paul U. Hugus, John Auten,
A Htorkmao, all of Lakeview, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lund m
requested to file their claims in this
ottlce on or before said 8lh day of
July, 1U08.
J. N. Watson Register. 1810
! Woman'sWorld
! I !
The G'S.itent Soprano 8ingr In tlv
Histo.'y of Grand Opera.
Mux. I.nhii Tcttvir.y.lnl. lio ttniilc
rih'li lilt nt CuviMit tinrili'ti, I .niiilnii,
diirlnu I tio ii'i'it biMNoi) of l!h7 (lint
( nIii' who linlli'il ill littvltl'4 n olr ns
I l-i'.'Hi'lMil hi Hint f 1'iiltl n tut it ilin
tiuiili' piwiT fiipctlor In M c 1 1 n 'h. uiih
I'liiiL'ril n! tin otioiiii'iiw Kiilury by Om
i r:ir 1 Imiiimm i -.i-hi l ill lilt Midi
; Ii.iII.iii tim 1 1 1 1 In New Vori..
I 1 ln i h nl N' ii U iiinii iv;i'r. Mist t.
l'lliri'l lllli 1 1 II Mtlll'M -ll'lll, ill It'OViM'l'il
luT Im lull' I. i:i lull ! l:rf lii, but
I'll 'iii::!! ii n! i"i Vl -1 : t n '. i n ; r-1 1 . nljn
nl ronlnuM u I 'i Imlli tin' A hum Iii ii
Itupcjini-iiit. Later Mr. lliiiiiini'rtelii
silcrcrilcl I i srrill llig her. She Is 11
siller In In w of Slimr ('auipnnlnl, the
groat romliirtnr. I.Ike Caruso, she lins
been lier nu n ntrilrtnr III the Klllglm;
nil Wiii-u asked how she learned her
lilt the great singer replied:
"You ask me how to lenrti singing?
Well. well. I should linve to wrlto you
a bl' book, lint n short urtlrle like
this. Hud then perhilpH ynii vmiiiIiI Ik
iiniie thi wNer. fur no one can lenrti
to slug nt prn;ili li'iirn to piny gnttnt.
"Iu the very tlrst place! It Is n gift,
for If .mmi wish to It- n singer you
mutt Imve a voire. ICvrry body It not
Ihmii wl'h n voire, and some people
who nre Imxc lint the sennit vital
(lunlltlciitlon of a singer. I nl!in! to
that I ciiu only describe ns 'heart.'
A voire mid the heart to go with It
nil. there yon have the complete
dicer! ,
"I'ut how often does (his occur? I
(line heard ro many vocalists with
woinli't f nl. pun'. iei'fecily traliV'd
voli es v im v!n;: t!ie nn'et (law lessly
find l all There It no warmth,
no passion. In their singing It leaves
one unite unmoved nf lerwnril. And
tills Is solely bemuse they have not
lecti born with a heart.' The voire
can be t ruined: the heart never. It
Is there or It Is not there.
"People have been kind enough to
say I was born with both voire
nnd "heart It Is not for ine to tell, but
from my earliest days I have been
steeped b: music. 1 simply could not
ht-rp mysi If -felt as though I had to
Him; or dlu.
"Hut ns to how to become n singer
I am n fral I I cannot tell you. I do not
think any nrtlst who Is a true artist -a
sLnger. not a mere vocalist -could de
scribe the way to do It. Hut this I can
tell you-that nothing Is done without
real hard "'ork. much practice aud
genuine erithiiHlnsm."
Gowns Worth Altering.
lief ore attempting to alter n garment
consider whether It Is worth It. Ascer
tain what will Iw needed to make It
preseutalile aud what It will cost to
get the necessary articles, what time It
will take to make the alterntlons and
how it w ill lock when finished us well
as for wfwit length of time tho gar
ment would likely Im useful after the
changes nre iiinoe.
I '.a la nee this ugulust the cost, ap
pearance nnd wear of a new garment
of the same character and then decide.
If Ii does not cost lets than one-half
(he pil'-e of u new govvu. require lest
than one-half the time to make the al
teration that It would to make a new
one and If It will not wear lit IcuM
half as long as a new one. put It aside,
its It Is not worth the exertiou
lio uot for a moment think this arti
cle It written to (Ib'rountgc the thrifty,
and lead I hem Into extravagance, be
cause -some of the prettiest gowns
ever seen were made over and so
Hklllfully arranged that the most sus
pecting could uever huve told Just
what It wus that changed the whole
aspect and tntnle It new.
On the other baud, many wom
en try to economize and spend inure
money, time und energy on u frock -and
then have nothing than would
have been required to make two new
ones. Therefore a study of each gar
ment should be made before It Is re
modeled. When once you have mado up your
mind that It is worth wbllo to make
the change, do not spoil the gown by
buying a yard leas of the new goods
than Is really needed, saying to your
self that It is only a "made over" and
may be Skimped. This Is the poorest
kind of economy.
In the aarne way do not try to save
in ths sewing. Rip It wherever It is
needed end do not be afraid of a few
extra stitches. If necessary rip the
sleeve entirely out aud the collar off.
New Lamp Shddes Glisten.
I, -imp shades lire tremeudoualy ot
nnte and mote nnd more glittering. A
no- ballet clrl lump shade, for In
1 decorated .with as tunny Jew
Vi. , I .
In us till" MMHit Kli'i'il.v of billlft IrK
rinilil .,ii Il ly ib'sliv. 'I lii Mntih' I
oi lnifiiiiiil mill In tn.'uti of dull nils.
On imh Ii of Hit' I'U'H I'ihiHh In i irnlnl
fd liillli't Kill. 'Ilil: Ih lint It rclliMllnll
cm tin- imiiif.iliii'Hs uf Hn Imllrt nl''1'
-iiti-x . I'tit l oly mi (xililiiili I'm
of tin- ti.iiitiv uf her I'lilo'lii:: All "f
tlu lli.tirc H piilnti-il rxii i Ilic kUI t.
vilili'li U iiim.Ii' nf Hulitl.v HlilriTii clilf
foil. Tin kIih'Ii U tltil lii'd wild it iT'-a I
bund of i:"'d IiimitiI.ih ilntb'd Willi
bright cnliiritl Ji-wcIm, lii'iicntli wliN'i
It ii nilt'f nf U'il'1 lii'1' Aii'Miiil tin' t".
(if till lllMlllHII It IV tlltl'l' Mll'llltllM HI
ruby I'iMiN wlilili iiii- iimh-i nil
ill'niliiil tin c'1::!' f tin' hIimiIiv
llniLili.v irill l.'i In ; w.i'i n lillii' hh.i l'
tiif-itit f ir n l.u. i' t . 1 1 ' ! 1 "r fin ''I
l!lltli It Wilt 1 1 1 II 1 nf ilV I'lll'i t-lli.
mpf ylil. ti uiit :i f.ilnl.' wlil li 1 1 1 1 : 1 -
I I '.' i II . I iis 1 1: 1 1 ! ill it. i I'll 'i nl i: i '.
pliili iiml ;"!! lliii'iil i ItIii-: ii nl i'i
II I fi 1 1 1 ii ! 1 1 1 ill t liM biinbi nf l lMm-i
I'liilii'i'iilriv i'i'i mil I nl 1 1 1 'i.i win 'l
W lit dli'l'll w ilil pllll
Iiii'-i'. I ln i; il l l.irr I i-
ri iii ! mi I
l-lll l I Ml, I ll W till
mil-. ri ii.i.M'i-i
XV ,f. III. nil- ll IlilV
I llbl;-.' ll rl-V'l.ll
I'lnl. Mil. I I r. i-inl. r
A ' i i j 1 1 1 1,.ii U
I'lTil I ll ill ! '.. Willi
I.l'.li.w I'm
Imiiiry bi t!i
npl I I hi i f i
III Mli-
Ill t'. "it
I'mt t'-i' i. II
r c f n .Mm ii i! P.uijji.
ii I
in ll -n t l' il In
ii bn-'t p-ii-l.i'l In tli!i p!i'. s. Inn, wli'l
nl' t ir Mull ; 1 1 l i-i' iiin
i-. I In 1 1 I ii I "i Im.'ii.-ii'
iiii I w tn-ii y ml : I . 1. ! I"
r - - ii tv ..mii't lini't bill
down In 1 1 ; iM-ii ! i'l plin es to be walk
ed on or lent to Hie bc'Tir-i or strri
I Trrt
veneris uf (! cistern il'l'-t von
Fee Imw iiei e-.iry It is for Hi. -in to It
thoiieu'lily i 1 1 - -1 1 He fore I have an
nnllque nifj in my home under nil (Ir
ruii.Mlniii'ct do I have ll ipei l.illy fti
Hilt. i!rd In f:n I. I myself would go
so fur nt to fiitbl.l the Importation of
eastern fabrics Into any occidental
country iiiiU-s they had previously un
dergone some purifying prih-ess. Many
of the otherwise umiecoiititable out
breaks of tropical disorders In Pnrls,
New York mid London lire due to In
fection from oriental rugs "
RcthecM J's Unfinished Moots,
op'e who puss lird Kotlitrhll'l'a
mansion lit Piccadilly, says n writer 111
the oulver, often no'lce that the end
of one of the cornlreii It uiitltilshcd.
One It likely to nsk. "Could nut Hie
richest limn In the world afford tn pny
for Hint cornice, or Is the lack due
simply to carelessness:" The explana
tion It a very simple Jet suggestive
one when It Is known. Iird Holh
child It an orthodox .lew. and every
pious Jew's house, tradition says, must
have some part iiulliilshfd to lnar tes
timony to the world that lis occupant
Is only, like Abraham, a pl:,:.lin mi'l
stranger upon the eartli The Incom
plete i ornlre ou the mum Ion seems ti
say lo all who hurry by In the streets.
It-lit on uimisHlug woid'y wealth or
gulir; iilmig Willi the madding crowd
III the pallis of folly; "This Is not lird
I'oth-i hlld'H home! lie Is traveling to
etei ully!"
A Helping Hand.
When the foreign mirslotuiry hn4
eourlmicd his talk, he made Hie usual
appeal for contributions. however
bii.a.i. says Success .M.ig,i..iiie. I ouilnif
up to the platform with several others,
a nnall buy mounted to the level of
the lecturer and. hastening toward
lib. i. i-ald:
"I'leiiM'. nlr. I was very in n Ii Inter
ested lit your lecture, and ui, I"
"; mi. my little man." ..i.l tlie mis
sion i 1 I'liroiiiagln-.:!) "Noil want to
lic ;i . i the good work'.'"
exactly, sir." said the hoy.
"W'l; i I want to know Is. iiuve you
any i ireigu stiiuqm ou don't want?"
A Chocolatlere.
chiK-olatlere Is distinctly u wom
functiun, !'rc(Uciitl.V taking th
of afternoon tea. The refresb-
,s nil have chis-olate In nome form.
Is hot chocolate with whipped
i to drink, chocolate lee cream,
n'.ile cakes with white frosting or
e cakes with chocolate frosting
i liocolate liouboiiM Ah chocolato
lo become cloying when no other
. U employed, the sandwiches are
ibly of plain bread aud butter,
olives, stuffed or plain, and salt-.-i
lit In well with the chocolate
To Brighten Paint
hell paints a ill soon acipilre n
dull look from the frequent
iK that Is iieceHHiiry in this room,
use of soup only Increases the
ly. especially If Hie paints are
od plan Is to boll one pound of
n a gallon of wuter for on hour,
wuah the pnltit'wlth this brat
and ll will not only be kept
but bright and glnssy
iiii I
U .
w '
A Dress 8h sld Hint.
- not generally known, but worth
remembering, that If dress
s are dusted with a good toilet
r before putting on the waist
suit will le a refreshing feeling
i prevention of the disagreeable
which usually attaches Itself to
sble! a In winter weather.
Tlil method is particularly valuable
when on suffers from chafing of the
If line were represented by a wo
man Instead of a man, there wouldn't
be all this birthday funs, anyway not
at the age of lltufl. She'd keep still
about it or cut off a thousand years.
I-ct no mau laugh when a woman
shurpena a pencil. Instead let btm re
met:: K-r those serious moments when
he baa tiled to sew on a button.
A pinch of sad taken before meals
stimulates digestion.