5 i -u'n Q'Xiwnintv .iM ahrd Everjr Thursday. C. . MhTZKHR, I Jitor and Publisher . Dafldlng Rnlcr"! m I ho -ot offlwiit 1.pt K-PonJ-Clwui Multor. Or. TERMN One Year .$2.00 Six Months 1.00 Thrre irtonths, 50 could befall the state tlmn v ill follow an apathetic state of mtud amongst oters relating to the various proposi tions submitted to them. Nothing elt upon which you shall rote it of so great importance. It Is, of course, of very great Importance that the principles In which yon be lieve should be truly represented by your senators and representatives lu Congress, And that the noiuiuees of your party for every ottlee should te loyally supported. Candidates' Cyrils For 5hoittf Albert He nt. As I am the Regular Republican no.ninee f- r the otlice ot Sheritr or Lake County, I take this opooitunity to tliHiik the voter l the county for the hum r they have bestowed upon me in the past. It elected again, 1 promise them the same faithful duty to otlice llutt I liHVe 1 v eu in the past. . ALBERT DENT. Lakevi w, Oregon, Hay 7, IPOS' OUR. COUNTY TICKET. The R- ,ublicsu ticket is composed of as g .1 men as ever went before any pi- 1 le aud asked for their 'siitf rage. Froui the top of the ticket to the biitom, the men who seek the offices ere well kuou to be honorable, and worthy of the otlice they seek. For Mheiilf. we have Albert Deut. Mr. Deut has live i iu Luke county ninny vars, and bus been successful I lint, ,11c iiijiii j u J . - ... V- . , State from loss on any one or these l-or County Urk cases wouid be as nothing compared I v- N JPish. Iteing the regular with the damage resulting from the ! Republican nominee for the oihVe of passsage of that lot of initiative I bounty Clerk. I w ish to express my measure with which your ballot w ill J gratitude to the reople of Lake Conn bo in cum tiered. T fof l,Htit favors, ami 1 promise that I I shHll, if elected, give the same care fill attention to the duties ottheotlic They Hre vicious, mendacious, fool ish, the product of visionary in 1 mis, so weak mil impractical as to be ed as ha.luciuations. constitutional amend ment providing for equal represent ation of all parties, and of voters' 1 i properly clas I The proposed j oragnizatious, ' rriptioii. . IThe proposed is of this latter Jos- amendmeut w ith re in ev ry pursuit. For years he Work ed 01 lock ranches 111 this county, 1 . . 1 .. .-i. ..i,f as t y are mm as a public servant, j K to taxation is 11 most wicke.l. He eitiuto tbestcok business for i deWitful plot of capitalists that cau . htm f aud hs successful. His i depennd ou nothing but supposed j frh is two yeais ago urged him to be j gullibility of voters to pass it. Four i a ch lidate tot sheriff, kuo ing him .atllrmative votes only should be given, ( to the kind of man ttiut good j 311, 3:10. All else is either j sherurs are made of. He couseuted, j unimportant, or injurious, foul. If . . . it.... ...... r..;i . ..k, A..m-n I Juried that otlice iu au bouest an satisfactory mauner whs in the next two years that 1 have given iu the past. E. N. I AGUISH Tor Aifttfor J. 1. Hlair. Regular Republican noniiuee for As.-essor tf Lake County To tllise lipmi whom rets nv elec jiiwi 1 o 1 ne omee ; seek, I wish to Miy : , Study my pat record as such otlicer, and if I have not failed In my duty, 1 then 1 as-k you to give mo your sup i port iu the coming elect inn. .1. H. HLAIK. - 1 fair ! measures, Initiative and Referendum of citric add. Removing Ink Staint. In two quarts of water, previously boiled 11 ud cooled, dissolve four ounces v-jucbed : will be so discredited that its repeal j for by the rousing vote he received at j "st, aud ought to folllow, aud the , the uoroinatiug election. ou,y security tor true representative , r'or County clerk we have Mr. 11 X. democracy will be lost. j Jaquish, a mau equal iu abiltiy, watch-, Voters of Lake County; save the,, fol iess and paiustakiug to auy man . Initiative and referendum, your who ever b mored the otlice. Mr. only power to preserve government by Jaauisb has been tried aud found to I the people, c-y voting against every be juet the sort of niton for county cl rk that insures an honest au up right cou duct of the affairs of bis office. He has beeu di'dgeut, harwor'i icg, and has attended to the duties of bis office iu a mauner that bas failed to bring criticism, even from the most exacting. We believe that not'a Republican in the county can refuse tu vote for him. For Treasurer, we have F. O. Abis trom, a. so a tried and worthy man, who bas beeu prompt iu every duty of the otlice for the past two years Mr. Abts'roni bas uo opposition, but should be have, we doubt if a better county treasurer could he fouud. For assessor, we have Mr, Blair. Mr. Hlair bas been tried as assessor of Lake county, and bis rec ord as cucb officer will stand as the best recommendation any man cau have. Mr. Blair's judgement on values cannot be questioned, nor bis firmness be doubted. The Republic ans could uot have found a safer mau upon whom to place the great responsi bilities of the office of assessor. Mr Blair is one of the pioneer resi dents of Lake County and bis knowledge of the grow th of the county in values especially fits him for assess or. Fur County Commissioner, we have Mr. C. A. Kebart, a man widly kDOvn throughout tbe county, and a mau who tbe people are not afraid to trust in any capacity. Mr. Rebart is a mau of wide views on all subjects of public interest, and being a fair minded man anl ready at all times ! to look, not. to his own iuterests, but to the interests of the county at large. No better nor more representative man could have been found for county commissioner. Mr. Rebart did not seek tbe office but the office sought him. The Republicans did tbier party proud by nominating Mr. Re bart. For School Superintendent we have Prof. J. Q. Witllits, a mau who bas j been at the top of tbe column in edu cational matters for these many years. Ho has served Lake county nobly in the capacity of school superintendent and is certainly qualified for the office. Educational matters are of too great importance to tbe rising generation to be tampered with aud experimented with. Vote for a man who has beeu tried and found true to tbe office. For Surveyor, we have C. M. Faulk ner, a young and vigoious man, high ly educated for the line of work he seeks to perform for the county. He is a graduate, and also a practical civil engineer. He came to our coun ty highly recommended, and it is safe to vote for C. M. Faulkner. one of these proposals except as above indicated, and save yourselves future aucoyance by teaching sophists, visionaries aud crauks that you aie not gullible, nor inattentive to your duties as sovereign rulers of your own affairs. Tbe capacity of the people for self government will be fully tested by your attention or failure to act iu each aud every one of these cases. No legislative assembly cau ever do worse than you will do if you fail to vote X at every odd number on your ballot, I except as sbown above. We have ever defended, and con tinue to believe in, tbe principle of John this lav, because we believe voters know how to use it, and will not fail to do tbeir duty Our future support of it, and, we believe, its continuance as a. Statute of the State, depends upon your em phatic disapproval of nearly every measure upon which you are to pass at the election on June 1st. Oregon bas no better law tban this if you use it wisely. It is tbe worst of all laws if you cau be influenced to vote for, or. fail to vote against, al most everything submitted to you this Add six to eight ounces of a strong strained solution of borax, after which the whole may le prit In n bottle. Then to two quarts of water previ ously boiled and cooled add three-quarters of a pound of chloride of lime. Shake and let stand from four to six dtvys, after which strain and add from Fix to eight ounces of lrax In a strong solution and place iu a separate bottle. To remove Ink from paper, cloth or other absorbent substances, the com position In bottle No. 1 Is applied so as to saturate thoroughly the Ink covered spot. A blotter placed underneath will absorb all waste' moisture. Rinse out and then apply fluid No. '2. By the combined use of the two fluids thus described writing Inks or other fluids will ! Immediately dis solved and removed. If Ink spot is on paper, the paper can theu Ik? rew ritten on. We have just opened our spring and summer line of . shirt waists, zephers, wash goods, ging hams, laces, em BROIDERIES, HOSIERY, ETC. We invite your inspection BAILEY & MASSING IlL til isn ; Cold in One Day rrao t - mm MM t - . f This s?crnatiTre- v9 f&yr Cures Crip in Two Day. on every box. 2Z.z, Black Bart Soason wil' open 'April l;"th and close June "kith, l'JOS Hold Your Saucer Correctly. Did you know that there Is a cor rect and an Incorrect way to hold the saucer In which your teacup restsl The correctness consists in whether or not it is held gracefully. Watch the women at an afternoon tea. and you will see that not all. Indeed few, ban-' morning: to Siiturduy uim nlng:. nod Horse lx coal bluck; welglm Kioo pounds; French Cunadliwi; bred and mined lu Canada. Will stand nt A MEL from Tuehdav year, under it. die the cup and saucer lu the mot en gaging way. Hero is the secret: In stead of holding the saucer with the four fiugera placed beneath It and the thumb above the rim, as nearly every j woman ds, form a half circle wlthj the thumb and first finger, clasping the saucer in it and giving a slight support from below with the third and fourth fingers. A woman who does this may have the largest hands In tbe room, but they will appear the most graceful nnd charmingly managed. ' Save Initiative and Referendum Iniatiative and Referendum should never be renoi ted to except iu emer gent cases, wherein large majorities of citizens are dissatisfied with what tbe Legislative Assembly has done, or has failed to do. Tbe people should never be troubled with mattters of legislation except as a means' of relief in unsatisfactory situations from which there is no oth er relief. If so used, aud only so us ed, this law is the truest, only infalli ble safeguard to a pure representative democratic government. The state of California is ou its knees to tbe railroads, made so by leg islative enactments, which the people of that state are powerless to annul. Oregon is happily so situated by means of this law that we can keep ourselves free, llut all laws are susceptible of abuse, and uo greater misfortune Only Four Good Heasures No perfect law bas ever beeu made, nor can one be made. Tbe initiative and referendum, and direct primary laws of Oregon are no exceptions to the rule, but are admitted to have weak places, by tbe stoutest defen ders, yet we do not kuow hosv they may be reformed without creating new defects perhaps more dangerous tban those now existing. Tbe sharpest critic bowevc, can And no great cause of complaiDt against these laws, if he be friendly to the piiuciples which justify the existence of such laws, ex cept tbe facility with which crauks may incumber the ballots of voters with a mass of needless, foolish, hurtful stuff, as is the case this year. : Our here of relief from this evil is, : that voters are not so ignorant nor inattentive, as they are supposed by ,sme to be, and that they will so em phatically defeat t he expectations of I those who have trusted lu their want j of understanding or apathy to pass I such measures, that such attempts to I gull voters will soon cea.-e. We place I such confidence 111 the common sense aud watchlulrie-i of Lake County vo ters that we vent 111 e to predict not more than lour 01 ttiene propositions will be approved by them j The aUJnjjativo numbers which; should, uud iu our opinion, will be voted ou in Lake County, are 1104 3uG iUl Xt), aud we believe votera will uot ran to vote aguinst every other proposed measure. We wait anxious ly for devel-puietits. Statement No. 1 seems to have be come a fixed principle in Republican politics of Oregon. Not content with instructing members of the Legisla ture how to vote when it comes to tbe election of a United States Senator, it is now proposed to send an in structed delegation to tbe Republican National Convention. All that is nec essary to entirely disrupt tbe Republi can party of Oregon is for it to adopt a few more populistio doctrines, and from present indications it is not at all impiobable that such acton will be taken alcjimlagjije election. ' . N Sheriff Dent returned from the north end of tbe county last week, wueie us went, to summons th Your Expression. What kind of expression do you wear habitually ? Is It sour, morose, repellant? Do people look happier when you ap proach them or do they shrink from J ou ? It mukos all the difference In the world with your prospects for success In either society or business what sort of expression you wear. The candidate for success should learn the power of a smile not only because It wins friends, but because Its power over one's life Is 'Immeasur able. The effort to be always' kind, con siderate and gentle, no matter what may be ranking In the heart, has a great influence in transforming life. 1 at I'U'SII from Saturday evening; to Monday morning. I Man-H brought from u distance will lie cuivd for iu the Ik'hI ixmHible man- 1 her. I I TERMS. Ten dollars: for the season, payable on or liefore June l.'itli. 1 , T. A. CRUMP WANTED i'lMHLIi LAN DS. Homestead reliuiuishmeu'.s wanted. Want to buy direct frum owners. Write particulars to M. 11., Hox 10-2, Eugeno, Oregon. VI ALBERT G. DUHME BUYS TIMBER LANDS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING LAKEVIEW. OREGON. - STARTS A 1TNE HUSINESS. daily profits, 0 'articular free; write today. Lous Co., Ilea Moines, Iowa. LOCAL to eio. U. K. 1 !)-tf State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) NOTICE to sheepmen: My shearing corrals aud dipping vats in Cuinas prairie are now ready for us, aud in gond idiape. 1010 Rosa Me Daniels. $1500 IN PURSES Races Commence Thurs day, July 2d Cure For Chapped Lip. Chapped lips come from the drying of the membrane and constantly mois tening them, when they crack and be come very painful. Sometimes the Hps are ko painfully chapped that nothing will do any good except a bit of court plaster put on over the cracked part, which prevents further cracking. bit of self colored court plaster wil not show and prevents Infection. Son places in the corner of the mbutr touched with alum will afford relief. It smarts severely at first. A Fudge Tip. The girl and boy who like to make fudge will find they can give their canuy a delicious navor ana make a pleasant variety by using about a half teaspoonful of lemon Juice Instead of vanilla, or if the candy Is not liked quite so acid a little lemon Is used with tbe vanilla. If you'd thread tbe lace or embroid ered beading quickly after it comes from the laundry, tack a narrow tape to the ribbon before it is drawn out and then pull tbe ribbon out and the tape In. When the garment returns from the laundry, tack the ribbon to the tape and pull it in as the tape goes out. jury for the coming term of circuit court Be ready with the? pleasant look and the gentle answer, be ready with the kind word aud helping hand, and what a world of music you will make around you: Illogical woman, she never can claim To argue without dragging In a friend' J name. How strange 'tla that man, formed so wise and o cool, A soft word from her can transform t fool) j The Lake County Agricultural Ab jHociation Will jgive four days' rating on their track iu Lakeview, com- mcncliiK J uly 2d nnd ending; July 7th, 11WS. Tht mini of fliiOO will beill tributed In purruH, as follows: i-IliST DAY Jn.Y 2i. i't km: 1st Knee X-mile dash $150 00 -M Race " furlongs 175 00 SECOND DAY-Jii.v :!1 Race heat 200 (X) ith Race C furlong 150 00 THIirD DAY-Jii.v Otii 5th Race -rnlle dash 175 00 Clh liwa7 furlongs - 175 00 rOL'RTII DAY' J 11. v 7th 7th Race -inllo beat 1'50 00 Mb I tact 1 utile and 94 feet 175 00 'JJ.li Race Consolation orsoino other special GO 00 The reuHon for the mile und 94 feet race Is that the truck Is 0110 mile and 94 feet from wire to wire. CONDITIONS All of the above tucch are free-for- all, five to enter and three to start, but the Association reserves the right to hold a less number than five hy reducing tho purse In proportion to the Dumber of horses entered. Kntrleft to cImho the evening liefore tho race, nt 7 o'clock, sharp. The I'uclflc Coast Blood Horse Associa tion to govern all races. Entrance fees, teu per cent of purse. Money to be divided as follows: 70 per cent to the first horse und Hi) per cent to tbe second horse. The Association rescrveH the right to change any of the above races, In the event of not filling. No money paid without a contest. Roard of Directors Oeo. I). Har row, V. L. Knelling, K M. Miller. Robt. McKce. 1 I'. Light. F. F. LIGHT. V. L. KNELLING. L.ieitH Com. ty) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is sanior partner of the llrm of l J. Cheney A Co., doing business iu the City of Toledo, County aud htato aforesaid, ami that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED D()L LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworu to before mo and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of Doo j ember, A. L 188C. I A. W.OLEASON, j (Seal) Notary Public. I Halls' Catarrh Cure U taken inter nally, aud acts directly ou the blood and mucous surufces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75. Take Hall's Fumily Pills for constipation. Tlmbrrlml ollrr. United States Lund Ofllce, Lnkcvlcw, Oregon, Mch. 'Jil, I'.nih. Notice ih hereby given that iu com pliance with the pp -visions of the act of Congress of June .'I, IhTH, entitled, "An Act for the siiIh of Timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, und Washington Territory." 10 extended to nil the public laud states by act o August, t ls:rj, Puul U. Hugos, u Lukeview, county of Lake, statu of Oi rcgon, bus Hie. I in this idllcH his sworn statement No 'KIT, for tbe purchase of the E half H. W. quarter, West half KE quarter of Section in Township :is S., Range Hi E., W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose 1, aud to establish bis claim to said land before Keg inter uud Receiver nt Lakeview Oregon 011 Thursday the 5tH day of July, 1!MS. He names as witnesses: Powell, James E A. Thos J. Murray, Jim, Anteii. Storkmiiii, all of Lakeview Oregon Any and all persons claiming adver sely mo uoova iiescriiieii lands are re quested to fllo their claiiiiM in thin ollice on or beforo said Hlh day of July RXJ8 18-10 J. N Watson, Rcgi til IT. Tim In-r l.nml Villi-.- United States Land Ollice Lukeview Oregon, Feb. i:n)h. Notice is hereby given thai in coin plianco vitli the provision of the act of Congress of June :i, 1H7H, i i tdbd, "An act for tho sale of im.l.ei- i,ihi,L in tho Stales ot Calilorn 1 a, ( li ei;ii , Nevada and W shinglon Ti 1 1 Itm j , iin exienueu 10 nil the rohlic Ennd , States by net of August , is;i-j, Ldwln S. Fitzgerald, of Lakeview, county ol Lake State of Oregon, Jm Illod in this ollice his sworn Matenicnt. No. 402i, for tho purchase of tho N ! half. NW miiii-iiir W ,.1.... v i. spot-the very seat of my cough- j quarter, of section 15 in Township 41 when everything else failed." Dr. K 1 Range 17, E., W. M., an l will of King'a New Discoiery uot only reach- fur ,,ro"f t(? H,'..w t,mt t," sought ui.ra . . i.,iwjii, in, iih iinnatr or w v Miiiiiu riiuii rf n....i,,,.i,,.M..i " " I'tsl IllllLllltll It Ueached the Spot. Mr. 11 Humphry, who owns a largo general store at Omega, O., and is president of tho Adams County Tele phono Co., as well as of the Homo Telephone Co., of Pike County, O., says of Dr. King's New Discovery: "It saved my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the es the cough spot ; it heals the spots and tbe weak spots iu throat lungs and obest Sold under guaran tee at, A. Ij. .Thornton's drug store. 50c. and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. fi. D. Clark Contractor and Builder Job Work a Specialty Estimates Furnished Shop next door to Ahlstrom's Saddlery Khp Lakeview, Oregon tlllt'llftUftU and to establish his claim to said laud oeiore noglHter and Kcicuivef at Lako view Oregon 011 Thursday tho 'Hth duy of May, 1!K)8. ' He names as witnesses: U. W. Har dlsty, WJIInrd Duncan, Joe Lane. Henry Roydstun, all of Lakeview. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described 111 11 ( I hi ft r a j requested to Hie their claims in this ! m"? r.!Jm0r ,,efore "Bll th "V ot aJU N. Watson, Register. LOUIS SIIAVv" Dealer In Real Hstate 1 have libted some of tho best Ranches, Timber Lauds ami Town property lu Northern California, a country that is bound to improve rap Idly. Alturas, California. President Secretary