, 1 rt v N'U"?ALCIA. Sciatica. Rheumatism Backache. Pa'N inchest S .OVACI. SucrussrjEss .PatES'AMTI-ilN Pills r- a m Headache "SB Take ONE of the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone If you have Headache Try One They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no bad After-effect 25 Doses 25 Cents Never Sold in Bulk J Resior in '; 1tr l.'l ut ii ore't . Notice, is In .el y given th'tt tli.' fallda de-cnt ed below, rtiit rHClt'K V Wres, witlii-i t t ionse Lake Vulion al Forem iiifii'on will l -llijui't lo att If ' ' 'rv mi lln 1 " Visini "-tea i I i i1' he Unitee tin' act ''i'"' II. ijm; ( i. i hi it. i'i it StuW i tl.nkevii .Ore iii, on J': Any - I h" van H.-M..I.!- , in good " ' h I - "i1 log anv i -in . 'i fdfur ... i u' li nil purpose- pi loi ' .Inimiiry I. "Mi", ii lm al.mi.io I naire. h h pc er- mic i ' h hou'ei-1' er'ry for tU I i mIIv I'vi'i i i."l w'.ld lauds v... lit-. ..(ion Pi. apO'CH tifirjS I I ( ' .. Ill-I ll fl Iflnv. who 6' -c.ce r ' ! eft to tin - n - ' ' "', prof ' nr Hi ' ix qualit' I ' i.enets- i. ' i n vl the fuc ic . . u'ir is c.vcti'i.cil i or to June '. itt'i on whic istc ' ii lands "i i 'iijci't I i -cttlc ' lit ami pct' iy 'iv qualitbd i.r- ii. The 1 - U II. s: The VK M ' r. - '. 11. T ' " i- ''.! 1 flpOTI t -' i i: lit V ' ' ''I' ' It, tfldre-- i h .1. . . I i e- jew - H i lie .'!. n- Ciffei. i i ;-iiir' ' 'Mi t. Arm 'V i ik ?ierc. . . i" the In 4 S"r.io:!M. NEWS. Hanrfco . N Ci.i ' j Tr.-de Far ;-.. t - A t to i.l Hint, (in ir ihc Ii ' ii.'- i'i ii.- I i'i' the new Ion ; !:,:.!! I -i i. Mi.. i' i'i' I.' I'li-r i oloretl hrn.'.ti. '..t'. ti I- llin- 1 . : Ii i:i!i riif fee i-....., .-.I Ilk I. I I'i'. met tin' Kli'i'M"; .i;e t " y I i nt .ill if lie In.; ! I l'cil ici ic.ci ii I :i c w.il I. 'I lic tllimi'ln : lit' I' ' i i i : . i ; i n' h iiuc IiiiuiIS i'. ic ''cr co. hi. i ; 1 liuilc'i t!u i I. ;;!,. c Hi'o'Ui : ' ' III! I .low ti t'.ii' I .'lit I r 1 c wide I'lilul of Cllli't ll . I. c I.I till' IKItlll'lll l II H. - Tlu wliiicr li.u- iv i'I'i' i'i'' hilr to o iirnin rcl o v'.i" ' n i l hi I irt;. iHiiuiMilo: i-roniul Cic : ' c I'I Ic n ;ii'.n ' i mi' i '.ic 'i.'l-'i'c cr nidi tin l . : ; t ; 1 1 1 : : i . lure.-.; of l.i ti.'l . Miiny wiii.icii nro Ii ' i'i t'lclr luce WIlh-lM of hl'-t MKlllllCI- ll I'll l I'l l'cll their tmw winter cosliinu' Tin wlille liloiiscs me I'd oniln ci-ru -. Iilucn. Krcciis ami I'fowns. I ). i r I !u w:ilt lit llOllll1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ll'MlIt l!I a llilll: l.v, Imt It H nhvn.vs snfc lo soul It to n re llnl'lo (l.vclii el:iMlsiineiiK Tin- new ti :lil I'M'Milu nklrt onlaltH that the pctico:il' iiiiil In- a tlieain of 1 i J U5T PUB1.1S 1 of In t Orpf i F. X Tot aired l ' OF til qnlref 'laint eutitlc the let fail o UMint t' fcltf ll 'or t lii Ten l l tbereon ' MONS cit n' ' -iicty i i. 'I'titf Stat of I i.k. 1'iirinnt ;it. tif ci'iiunt rtl" ve ill'1 TDK ST- K ii hi c ! t-1 y e i ii.) Hi ' . r 1 1 c il - I y 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 h . i i' . .1 fnU'r i l: IT I i i e . I'.H'fi 'i'i i' il -niil i-'v ; 'Hint ii I I.OVH ll u c I I u ii fill l i:.iillt ' "11 h en linn re.l i-1 i . hi r will' iuti-i .i-t i'.-iv "JTth. lii'.i. at ' ib rate of . i I i ci cent, pel iinmiii .mei for the i i. -i- iin i tlihli1 r-emeut- of thin act i This mi ' i - i f.ere't upon you liy pijli!'. ntii)ii thereof 'or ix ci n nerutive eek-i in The Liikp County Karni'!. r h newsparer pn'jli-le.l V;rkly lit Lakeview, Luke County, t3rei!on. liy or-ler of the lu. ilery L. iienaon, iinie of thp OirL-ui' Court of Lake Countv, Orewn, uiarlp ami .iateJ tie Mh dHV ..f Mmch. l!Xi8. hinl the date -f th tirrt puhlicutiou here of ii March lOth. (M)H. h V. Conn, 127 Vttorney for Plaintiff. Karmi'ew, hiive yr tnittcr vnti jUTu printed it The KxiirniiiP ntfiee, iMteii(i nf Ht-iMlin-; awH.v fur them. Von keep your money nt lnnne. nml patronlae them that patronize yiui, ftenides, you He.- what yiu are wt rtng and don't have to iay for It if it doi-sn't Hiiit you. tl The Kxaminer prints townt-hip plain, ' and Qiakee them into book to order, if Baking Powder The only Baking Fowddr made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar & made from imnps ws (V - Insures healthful and delicious food for every home every day Safeguards jour food against alum and phosphate of lime 'I .-HI Volllll'I'H Wl'll' Wt'ltlll I'"' """k lllii(ili( tin JntTliiui'l I'llllilllii i I 'I'll- "' ! ' Money icfuinli'il if (In villi i I o"i! KM-'M OK'CI !) CONkkl li: ; NV. I :'' fo". 5,l,p., I ,F i'i" A in iiiinl " ' 'I iiu'Oi'mIk fur Ar Iiiinl-. 1 t t. " 1 Civil imkI iliit;iry I'.ni.'iii' i i n I "' . tln firm lim iinuli' kiimui t" 1 'ic ' I '' I mi recent c uihlnn tinu work t- ci i '' 1 ''' Prico : IM'lLDINd stllliWIMiiNIM;s H, I N- .. 2iH) pp., 25illn. (!nftly inihi ikcn m i in llii"iii'li link of at tint ion at proper I -. Inirl I'nl I" Own er nml ili-criililalile to Ar liitit tmH 1'i.i il i OivcH tlioruiifili knowlcdj.'!' of mi iIioiIh nml innli r inl. Piit i' . f I ..'' 1- i'i fl ti w t Timb r .i N I I lied StHteit Llili'i i.lli'C, l.i.kcMert (. i-ii. .inr "Jti. KH'S Notice i.s herehy tin-ii Unit in coin I . innce w illi th pr -ii nt- Uic act o i out refri of .Itiiic i. entitled "An act ii. r the i-aie i in r iimda ie the Statea of Cii hiiiIh, i ieK n, NeibdH. Hint Wufhliii - lei i Hoi y, " tifi .Xteli ed to till 1 1 i in I iiinl SI mes liy ai t of Ai - i Clayton Kia-ell, i i ie . . i nn ty of Luke, Stutt 1 i . i - illed in 1 hid ollice hid i' ' ic . No 112 1, for the purciia . naif. NW quartei. SV ij'.j i. .) wirter of Section No 8, ii. '! . : I,i No :W S , Kmivre No. 17 i . . ii mI1 otfer proof to h ti.-.i iiu- hind bought is ii ore vahiH' 'e i h li.elier or Htone t lian for at 1 1 n 1. 1 .,1 n rpii-en, and to PHtHhlinh hin c. iin lo .i i hind hefore Kekiifter aim l;.-i-. ixerat LHke vitw, Oretion, on Toe-.; ay the Tth day of July, VMH. He iiHiiies us itnee.- : Fi e f Itoris, Dau liod-il. tieorj I.yneh, L. H. AHCOiinh, all of Lakevie Oieu'ou. Any and all peinini.- cluin iny ad Verpelv the uhov-j cie-crihe I lauds re requested to file then clainm in this t'tllce on or before haul Tth day of July, l'J08 U-10 J. N. 'AhIm ii, Rt-k'ister. L iko T ml- H ii . Jit d -tat -s Lan I I il vie l u e'iin, Apr. . Noli.- i- hereby k-'lveu I i il in com- iiliiiin'i- with the i ro'. I- ii of the act jo: Cum k'pgs uf June .1 -IS 7. entitled ! "An act lor l be sale ol li . bei laiulM iiu Hie stales of Call'iii'ia, (ue'on. I.N' ihiI and sVarh-ni'ioi. lerritory," 1 n-. r leu. n il to all tlie I'i i lie Lan 1 1 Stale- I y act of Auuu-t i, IH l'J, Jos eph I.. Ilan pton, ol li" ! y. county oi Luke, State of Orcu tl 1 - ti lu 1 1 i- i U'ce his e a an it el int. No. 40i ii i r the purcbar-e Sl-'W NW Iquhilei, N half Stt ip I, M'l'. .r 'an. N HF. iiiai t tr ttiii. Nn,C, i in '1 ii.'. nnhip No. :54 S. ll i . No. IS K , i V M., and nillotier pi nl lo nho that the laud nought ia . i.ro aluuble for ltd timber or stone Itici lor Hk'ri ! cultural purposed and to evtal linh his claim to naitl laud befme Ke'ister and deceiver at Laicevie v, Oieiton, on Tuedday the 7th day oi July. I'.iiH. lieu lines an nituessed: Jehu Har ' haui. H. W. Farrow !eoTi.'ii Harper, 1 W. W. Hampton, all of I'i icli-y t Ire'on. Any and all persons clalini'i' ad verlselj the above descrO'ed lands are lemiPhtud to llin itieir cln ims in this oil ice ou or before said 7th day of July. 1908. 15-10 i. N, Watson, HeKister nni ill!-: wi t: nova - ."K loveliness, wifti hu e ini'les anil chltToii palore. It must have n perfectly fit tine tip Hindu without a wrinkle, swiitliliu' the hips and buck with the grace of a uiennuld's akin. There never was any salt devised for small boys more aatlsfactory than the Kus-sliin style. '1 he Inn;; blouse Is ex ceedingly becomiii);, mid the trousers mean perfect freedom for ucllve youn( le's. As Illustrated the Milt Is mudii of pretty htrlpi-d cheviot In shades of tan and brown, while the collar and shield are of tan broadcloth, banded with brown. JITiIC ClIOl.MiT. A tag from a 10-cent piece will count FULL vain A lag from a Scent piece will count HALF value F Z jPl s&k 3 with valuable tags bave your tags from HORSE SHOE GRANGER TWIST MASTER WORKMAN STANDARD NAVY J.T. Old Statesman Otd Peach Hosier's 16-ox. lUbnllMl Spear Head tailor's Pride Lgiantlne JoBy Tar MtfleBit Old Honesty Black Bear W. N. Tlnsley'a tUtmal Uat Big Four Tenpenny Pick ivy Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many other useful presents as shown by catalog : GjU1 Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Tags English Steel Razir-50 Tags Gentleman's Watch 200 Tk-fK l' rench Briar Pipe 50 Tags Leather Pocketbook 80 Tags Steel Carving 8et 200 Tags Best Steel Shear 75 Tags Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Carda 30 Tag CO-yd. Fishing Reel eo Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. . ',.- . PREMIUM DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., St Louis, Mo.' WHAT IS WORN. Skirts Still Plaited, but Gor.d Effects Newei Lace and Fur. Rklrt.s of htrlctly tailored suits are almost Invariably plaited. Anulu, there are ninny gored Kklrts. some showlnR ten or twelve gores, the seams either lapped or stitched or set together with black or colored piping. There Is no method of trimming which cau be depended upon to give more charming results and lend more style to a garment than soutache braid If properly applied. I.ace Is used with fur In a number of attractive ways. Sometimes n band of rich fur alternates with n band of luce In the composition of a Paris. tuufT. By the way, muds are very I urge, nml the new whim Is to use half a dozen or no skins on u muff. Gold cli.iln bags have lost none of tluslr popularity. Indeed, they Hcein to increase In v ogue. The small sizes are rOB OKNCIKE COMKOBT 5821. Hot as much worn as the larger ones. They are carried by the smart woman In a number of sizes bung from a sin gle rins of gold. There in no garment that means more genuine comfort than the roomy bath robe that 'can be slipped on ut u mo ment's notice on arising from the bed and that la so comfortable for nn after noon nap. In the Illustration It Is made uf cotton eiderdown trimmed with bunds 6f ribbon. JUIMO CHOLLET. AUCIim.CTLIRAL DKAWINO AM) I I I I I RiMI Iv Untune, von 1 o-t Mul Mi nun 1H5 pp , 55 ilraw:ns. Complete course in making working; ilr.'iwitigs ami nrtestic. lettering for nn liitei liirn purposes. Price f 5" t;SriMATINO. liy K-lwnnl Nicholas. US pp., j5 ill. For till workers in Mnildinu' I r ules Tells how to estimate intelligent! y. I'lic. $i KI ()NrCT5 nnd SIMJ ll'ICA I IONS. My .laui.s C 11 ji tit. l25pp , fully illiistraie. . Korins of pub lic anil private contracts, specifications, lioiuls, etc.; iltities niii! rcsponsiliiliticM of Architects, coot ractoi nml Owners I'rice $i.(M) 5TIU-Mi:il)INl and Mill. OUAKII. My Ilixlgson ami William.. IM) pp., ISO ills. Only tip tot?:lte work mi these subject. I'riijO .. 3 S . t M 1 AkIMINTRV. My (i. Town-nnl. l5 pp.. 2i4 ills. A working tiuinual for caipiiitcis and Wisiil worker in i-tnrul- Not theoretical treatise, hut a practical working guiilc. i'lhe $1 5rKt:Nliril of A Ai rRIAS V.y K Maiir- r I4O pp., 58 ills. Fur ArchilectH, Muihlers, Steel, iiml Concrete Workers. Kii.iblcs one to avohl luistiikes- Price $I.(K) Hill 1AM A l) .VIN(J I 1 1 .60 pp., 1 40 ills. Complete course in projection. s!i;iJi' lines, intersection 11 1 1 I ili'Vcliipini'iits, let tering, with exercises nn! plates Price , $1 (K) MA5DNUY ON5IKUC I ION l, i in 11I Mrvne. 40 pp.,4 $ ill. Latet-t ami l.er-l Ain.-ri- call metlinil Price $ I t0 These viiliini" are haii'lstnuely biiuinl In led art Vellum lie Luxe, Ue l' x IiicIich. Sent prcpnld tn any part of t lit world mi receipt nf price I'euilt by Prafi, I'tittnl Order, ICxpress Order, ur Ib'glsier ed I't ter. tti t In- Lake County Examiner. limber l.nJ Nulic United States La ml Olllee, I. tike view. Ore. March :il, 1!HM. Noticti if. hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Cmigre is of Juno I), 1H78, entilled "An act fur the sain of timber bonis in the States of California, Oregon, Nev ada, ami Washington Terrtory,' as extended to all the 1'ubllti Laud Stated by act of August 1, W.r. Oriu A. Keslar, of Sau I'iioicIhco, county of San I'Vancisi-o, State of California, has tiled in this otllce Ins worn statement No. .'KI70, for the purchase of the N half, N half, of Suc tion No. 10, 111 Township No. 'M S., Kuiige 21 K ., W. M., ami will oiler proof 10 show that the I111J sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to ei-tablish iiid claim to said land be fore Ueglster and Keceivt-r at Luke view Oregon, 011 Monday the Cth day of July, l!-8. He name as witnesses: A. J. Neilon, T. M. O Connell, O. W. Hard idly, lOlzu Liuville, all of Lake view Oregon. Any ami all persona claiming ml -versely the above described laixla are requested to Hie their claims in this ottice 011 or before said it ti day of July 1'JtW.. J. N. Watson, Kegiater 18-10 Tmber Land otlrr United States Land Ollice, Lake view, Oregon, Mar. 20, 1908. Notice is heretiy given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Coogresa of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands' in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Publio Land btates by act of August 4, 1892, Luther S. Adcough.of Lakeview, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has Hied in this ofllco his sworn statement. No. :I9VX), for the purchase of the H half NK qumter, N i quarter NB quarter of aectou No. 8, in Town ahip No. 38 K, lUnge No. 17 K., W. M., and will offer proof to ahow that the laud sought is more valuable for lta timber or stone than for aurlonl- tuial purpose, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday the (3th day of July, l'.K)8. He names as Witnesses: Kred Itoaa, Oeo. Lynch, Clayton Kiddell aud Dan (ioddil, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely thn above described lands are requested to Hie their claims in this ollice on or before said (!th duy of July, 1908. U-10 J. N. Watson, Register Zac Whitwonh rvs ruiui for emu; rucriK) for wmIiom ir BrauD W KiliKC, Flab Oriivk ln.iiiltr silrtrcw IaI-i-vIhw OrHirei TIN II I-'. It I.1MI Ml l ll :. United Staes Lnml Oltlce, l.iik vclfW Oregon. I'Vb s. l.ms Notice is hereby given Unit in coi -'liicp with the piovlHiomt of the net til Coiikichs ot June :i, 17.. eutitlei, 1 "An act fur the mtl of ttm tier lamia In the Stated of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' as extended to sll tlei l'uhlie Lau1 States by act of August 4, iMiri, 1 Rosetta Powney, nt Lakeview, couu ty of Lake, State of Oregon, has tiled in this ofllcti his siwiru statement, No 4o.'I7, for thn purchase ot lie K half NW quarter, SW quarter NWtpiaiter, NW quarter SA' quarter, ot Section 3'J in Township :iS S., Range H ll, W. M., and willolfer proof to show that the land Hought is morn valuable ir ltd timiier or stone than for urgl cultural purposes, ami lo establish hin ; claim to said laud before Register and Receiver, id. Lakeview Oregon, oil Friday, the "ith da) of Jiiiik, P.hih. I lie names mh witnesses: I'i K. Wootl- cock, M. J. Rurues, (it-o Lyuc.h, P. L. koss, ail or I.akevlew Oregon. Any and a I perMins ciuimlng ad versely the above described lands are requested to fll- their claiuiH in this otHce on or before said fith day of June. 1908. 1110 J. N. Watson, Regldter. Tlmtxr Notlc United States liud Otllcp, Lakovluw Oregon, Apirl. 'A 190H. Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with nrovlsions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878. entitled, "An act for the aale of timber lands in the States nf California, Oregon, .nevaaa, ami Washington Turritory," aa extended to all the Public Land I Statea by act of August 4, 1892, oauie 1 iiampion, or Paisley, coun ty of Lake, State of Oregon, has flle.1 in this office his sworn statement No. 40tjr-, for tbe purchase of the NK V UK , Sec. 1, T. 31 8., U. 17 K, W. AL, and Lots 5 ami 0 of Suction No. 11, in Townnhip 34 8., Range 18 K., W. M., and will offer procf to hIiow that tho laud sought Is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaes, and to establish his claim to said land before 1'uislufn.. u.,.l lL. Oelver. at Lakeview Oregon, on Tuos- uajr 1110 .ill nuy oi July P.K18. Hu named as witnesses: J A. liar ham, H W. Farrow, W. W. Hampton, J. L. Hninpton, all of Paisley, Oregon. Auy aud all pe.r-.ona clulming ad versely the allOVH lewi.rll,...l 1, - - ........... J..U..B . 1' requested to Hie their elui.n. ... tt.i. - - ' "' lli I.UI otllee on or before said 7th day of Ju- 10 0 J. N. WatHon, Register. Eli Restaurant. First class mcula at all hours. tf H. F. Alildtrom, the sutMlor, has re ceivod a new ahipment of gloves, the best in the market. If yon wan gloves-good ones call at he Ahl stroin llurne-irt Shop. 39 tf. oWull street t'ti:rav('il atock ccrtlfl Mining blanks at the Examiner tti '.