Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 07, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 19
Question I Submitted As
a County Measure
The Cffcct of Voting On LocnIOp.
tlon A Submitted. flay lie
Carried Hy One Or All
There will tin submitted to tl peo
ln of Lake County tlio proposition,
"rilmll llcenso Im granted to Hill liquor
in Lake Comity T If h majority of
the votes cast in Luke Comity on
ttlltt IJIIKhIIoII ll for lil'HIIMII, tli n it
will Iih lawful to grant license to sell
liiiorN in liny tireclnetjn LakeCoun
ty, except In ii irt)('ltict in which u
miijorlty of thu votes cast on ttrnt
picstion in agaitiHt license. In mioh
Jir.'l'llll'tM it will not lut lawful to sell
liquors. If h miijorlty of the votes
'ttnt In Laku County on tint qtiimliou
110 against license, then It w ill not be
lawful to -i ll liquors in Lake County.
Silver Lttkt, Hummer Luke, nod
Paisley precincts uro grouped together
111 II Separate petition (or M Villi) II )!
t)li question, tlilill license In.' (.TH II t I
to III' 1 1 '!I(IIH III tllCMI ITHCitll'tH. If
ii majority of the votes ciiMt in t tir
thrcn precinct I hi hh liint license,
thlll It Will not be lit VV f II 1 to ncil 1 li JIIOTrt
in Hiiy ono of these precinct. If tt
majority of roti-M cast on Hint quest ion
in tliuHu three precincts li for license,
tli 0 n It '111 ho hiwful to ni' II liquors
in Hiiy or those products in which a
majority of vote cast on ttuit que
tlon Iri for license, unless a majority
of vote cunt in Lultn County on ttrnt
question do iiguimd license, in which
case It w ill not he lawful to sell liquors
la liny precinct in Luke County how
ever tln voti) miiy In) in tlio precinct
Natural Trend of Affairs
TIioho coinmiin itii'M which have none
steadily forward iu the up hill of life,
an 1 Kron ureutrHt are thoxo which
have imijo their dlaponitioiia iu Mitch
way an to protean aliuiu linen of ;Anl
realKtance. Natural phymicnl condi
t Ioiim may In, and arc aonietiuicH,
ovorcouie; hut never can a communi
ty Iiihh fnvoralily eituiited t y nature,
conteat for themimo thliirf HUCceeHfully
with an ipnilly enterpi ibh'K one, to
wardri which all the uatural couditlooa
point Ub a center of trade andOkettlth.
We once lived at 1'alxley, We liked
the town and like It yet. While there
we watched cl aely thu natural trend
of trade and growth. We found that
1'alHley wun. ao to npeuk, situated not
far from thu head of two utreamw, of
wealth prod uc I u forces, the one flow
IriK South into Lukeview, and the oth
r flowing North iuto Silver Lake.
And we found that outelile a circle of
very email diameter, everything which
oontriliutud to the Krowth of a town
flowed away from l'aieley. That
very uolp to the town froii Hourcee
outside this email circumference imiHt
he drawn there UKuiiiMt a etroiitf na
tural current iu au opuoaite direction
and at Kreat coet to enterprising cltl- of the town. We gave three years
of our life woikintf shoulder to shoul
der with as good and enterprising ci
tizens as evor devoted their lives to
the upliiilldhiK of a town, utriviuff to
reverse tlio Htrong tides ever flowing
from us. Hut uature drove every
help outalde the limited urea, away
from us.
Pulsley Is tlio center of a splendid
uomtiiunity, without natural ulliuuce
with outlying aids to het Krowth.
Lakeview Is the natural reservoir in
to which ull bt reams near it easily
flow. With the capital, enterprise,
and vigor of all surrounding neighbor
hoods contributing. In the niOHt na
tural spirit of co-operativo ell'ort to
the strength uud btulnlity of Lakeview
as niuiket iu which to buy and aell,
combinud with the alertness of Lake
view business men, the town, by the
Jocreo of uature, the epli It of its peo
ple, and the unalienable friendship of
thoHO who arc natural contributors
to Its strength, is without a rival as
to its eligibility us countv seat for
Lake County, i and mutt reniaiu so.
The only future development that can
ihange this sltuutiou is the permanent
settlement of the Desert North and
I' nut nf HllviT I nki. When thin I
(Join there will tin mii entirely new
COnilltlOll established. 'I'd Im l!W pO
m hit Ion will demand h now County,
wit h h seat if County govet iimcnt nt
It own heart Th-r will thou ap
pear another natural center of enter
prise, and of doth public mill private
business. Resistance to It demand
would lit linth foolish 8ihI fut lit-.
Any in h n who foipee h teeming popo
lat Ion of prosperous farmer in all tin1
region known a Mm Silver Luke Des
ert, sec hImo with equal clearness, the
ciiiilltloiiH that will compel new
County. I t ciiii not be prevented
whim that time arrives. There are
thoHH who afllrin that thin condition
Im rnpl'lly developing and Im hooii to
h ri'iillzml. Think of it, ye fair in I rul
ed r illAim of Kllver Luke. With fif
teen huridiod or two thoiiHiunl people
In Lake Comity North of 1'alaley.
Home of them seventy five or eighty
in lien North ami with a certainty of
(.'lowing to thiee or four times that
iiuiiiIiit, do you not nee that you
would need a County Heat there! And
do you not sen that you would de
mand tt T And do you not nee bow
nun h thu difficult lr of getting It
would Im lnrrcHned if the County neat
of Lake shall lutve linen movbd to
Puisley? Hut, the County Beat of'
Lake County cannot Im moved to
Paisley now. Then, you will not de
nim hiioIi removal.
Hum your petitioiiH for a vote 011
County Dent removal, and organle for
the purpose of speeding I he day w hen
you can Hiiy. "Hehol l our Kreat new
County, anil our Hpleud hi County neat,
without a rivel, or the poutdhillty of a
rival ever HrlaiiiK. " Work In harmo
ny with nature ; then watch nature
help you.
Circuit Court convene in I-ake
Comity next Monday, May VI. The
ducket for thia term ie very liht,
tncre !-in uo criminal chmch at all.
and vtry few civil caHea.
Teams Meet On the State
Line Grounds
A large crowd went to Pine Creek
Innt Sunday to witness a ball game
between the t'iuo Creek team and
Lakeview team. Hvery available con
veyance was put to use, and many
who wanted to go were unablo to do so
becauHe they could uot get a team or
rind room la the rigs that went.
The day was a little too cold to be
pleoHiint riding, but no one who went
regrets having gone thiough the slight
hardship r the time tbey had fully re
paid them.
The gamo was called at 2 o'clock P.
M. by Win Nixon, umpire. A large
crowd attended, and the gate receipts
amounted to a neat little sum.
PI no Creek went to the bat first but
failed to score. Lakeview made It
tallies their tlist time to the bat and
the second time Pine Creek made 2
iu their seoond at bat, and from that
time on throughout the game, it was
in and out by both sides. It was a
good game, interesting throughout.
Hoth teams played good ball, Lake
view winning iu a score, of 9 to 5.
Charley Cook; kept score, Hud we
failed to get the game by innings or
the line up.
There were several "jowerg" over
decisions, and once or twice it looked
as thouith the crowd would be treated
to a little side show. However, all
difficulties wore settled and the game
ended in tlio beet of feeling on all
Lakeview aud Pine Creek can have
many a good time together, as the
ball teams are so nearly eipial iu point 1
of strength, that every game is of I
great interest to the. fans of both
Alturas Will Not Give In
liob Hartin, of Lakeview, was here
last week, endeavoring to so arrange
with the Alturas Jockey club so the
two race meetings would not conflict
iu their dates, llorsemeu from all
over the country are desirous of at
tending both meetings, but the dutes
are so arrauged that the two meetings
come at the same time. .We are in
formed that he was not successful iu
his mlssiou, as the Alturas Jockey Club
had their dutes set some two mouths
Iu advance of the Lakeview people,
aud seem to think it would be only
fair for the Lakeview meeting to post
pone to uouord.-Alturas New Era.
Convention of Road Supervisors Held
To Discuss Methods.
It Im the int ntion of the County
Court to hI pt ii pyxtyn atic way ol
milking Hiibitiiutial nod permanent
Improvements in the condition of the
public roads of the Comity, and in
order that there may lo genuine co
operation tietween each Koad Super
visor and the County Couit, h Con
vention of the Road Supervisors o
Lake County was called to meet with
the County Court at Lakevie' , yes
terdsy, to consider and ascertain the
At the council meeting Tuesday
evening the deal pending between the
town of Lakeview and the California
ami Oreguti Liwht, Power and Heat j
Company for the purchase by the lat !
ter of the town's electric wire ytm J
was cloned. The price paid was
0X', the company to fur n i o ten
street lights during the life of the:
franchise, twentv yearo The com
pauy has purchased au engine, and
expect to begin fnrnitUii'.g lighli
within a few weeks.
Honest lorn" cotter Dead
Keno, Nev., April 'JJ. Tlrnnas Cot
ter, one of the oldest aud best known
wool buyers of the wont, died yester
day at Klko. His funeral will beheld
from his home at Oakland. He leaves
a wife aud daughter. The deceased
spent much time in Neva. I a, buying
uesrly all the wool output of this
state. He was elfectiouately known as
"Honest loin" Cotter. Sbti r niacin
co Chronicle Mr. Thus, ('otter wns'
well and tavoiably knowu in this sec-j
Hon, as for years he came here each j
season to buy wool. . Ify his busi-j
ness ability aud geuerul knowledge of
wools, he gained the Mendbhip and
confidence of each man with whom he
had any business transactions. The
wool growers of this part of the coun
ty will greatly regret the death of Mr. j
t: -A. r?
let' V I '
i '
u :
Miss Jackson plays the title role in the Intent European comic opera hit,
"The Merry Widow," by Fran Lehar, which has just been Introduced to
American audiences at the New Amsterdam theater. New York. The version
used is the English translation by Ceorgo Edwardes, which was employed in
the production at Daly's, In' London, last summer. Miss Jackson made her
debut In 1S!7 In "Little. Miss Nobody" and later made a bit In "Miss Boo
White." ,
i ci-t n et x to adopt to make the
l.'ii'ti- i, I .like County equal if not
l etter tiieo iNo-e of any other Jounty
i i ttie .Male
All So it t idi.ih ettfiHiiig the Con
vention veie alloved the usual milage
pernor! bed by. law for other purposes.
All the Supervisors of the county,
except W. K. McCorniack, of Paisley,
ere pn-eent l give the Convention
the bem fit. oi the r kuonleoge aud ex
perience in ioa i conrtriictlon
Up to the time of going to prees
tie pttitiou presented by the north
mi people tor placing the county seat
removal roposition on the ballot bad
not been tiled with the county court.
There were 008 names to the peti
ti hi, at d 4(il are necessary to get the
measure on the ballot. There were
about 37 person who signed the petition
who MKiied another one asking the
county court to take their names off
the former pet itiou. leaving 171 names,
oi just ten more than the required
. Kveu should the requlste number of
names be secured, it is considered
doubtful if the question of removing
the County beat could be legally placed
upon the ballot at this time. The
law relating thereto is not altogether
clear, but from reading of the act
appears as if tLe clerk is required to
give 30 days' notice of the fact that
! the quebtion is to be voted
on, anr1
this of course cannot now be done.
When to Kill Game
The Examiner this week received a
letter from Mr. W. A. Cauffman. of
Kenesaw, Nebraska, general agent for
.'the Oreg tn Valley Land Company,
w hich receutly took over the large tract
Road laud lying in this county,
i mention of which was made exclusive-
i ' V ' - - - S f"
J - li
f t
ly in the Lake County Examiner a few
weeks ago. Mr. Cauffman Hyn, after
the usual" Please find Inclosed money
order for which send your oaper, etc. "
"Now, Mr. Metzker, I will be glad to
see anything good in your paper in
regard to the big land deal, and I
want to tell you right here, that we
are going to make Lakeview look like
a young Loudon before vey long, and
all you people there cau help as will
be appreclater very much.
When is it the best time to hunt in
Oregon? I am a great hand for that
kind of sport. Hoping to hear from
you elc, I am, W. A. Cauffman."
In a former letter from Mr. Cauff
man, be stated that the Oregon Valley
Land Comany, were men who "do
In regard to the best time for hunt
log in Oregon this part of Oregon,
we will say tbt from the first day of
January to the thirty-first day of De
cember is good, bat one mast be guid
ed somewhat by the Oregon game laws,
as we are not far enough out of the
world as to be immune from law.
Deer bunting is good most any time,
but it is unlawful to kill buck deer
between the first day of November of
each year, and the fifteenth day of
Aupust of the following year, and
to kill female deer between the first
day of November of each year and the
first day of September of the following
year. It is also unlawful to hunt with
dogB at any time, and to kill any kind
o deer at any time of the year one
hour after sunset or one hour before
sunrise It is also unlawful for any
one person to kill more than five deer
in any open season, or to sell any deer
any time.
Hunting tor geese auu ducks or any
of the various kinds of fowl, is best in
the fall of the year. The closed season
for geese and ducks is from the first
day of April to the fifteenth day of
September of each year.
Hunters must have a license, which
is procured from the county clerk and
costs one dollar.
Mines Opening andHoney
Supplied for Road
New Pine Creek Ore. May 4th.
Conditions are warming up in the
Hoag District, with the openug of the
season. Mr. John McFarland, au old
time - Virginia City aud California
miner, has secured an option on "The
Big Bonanza Group," property of the
Big 4 Mining Co. We are not at lib
erty to state details of the option but
from what we have been told Mr. Mc
Farland has a very advantageous con
tract and one we feel very sure will
go through, and'tbe Big Bonanza will
soon be under vigorous development.
Mr. McFarland has a force of three
men now at work sampling and doing
some preliminary work, he saving 75
days in which to sample and prospect
the group
Chas. Laughlin was dowu from the
mountain on Saturday and reports
having from 10 to 15 inches of Ore iu
Bottom shaft that is worth above 1100
per tor Miner know v. hat a foot
of f 100. lio Ore means, and if the ore
body will live to any considerable
depth, Laughlin & Jamison have a most
splendid property.
Mr. V. C. Stauley, representing
some eastern capital has leased the
Suu Set Mine ou the Ft. Bidwell slope
aud we are told work is to be started
We are told reliably, the Forest Ser
vice will appropriate the $4000.00 pe
titioned for by the residents of Goose
Lake Valley and that money will te
available and wrok may be started on
or before July 1st.
Senator Fulton-Elkins' Match
Dispatches state that U. S. Senator
S. ti. Elkins of West Virginia, oue of
the most prominent orators aud lead
era of the upper nouse or congress,
aud known as the railroad Senator,
met his match a few days ago in the
person of Senator 0. W. Fulton, of
Oregon. The Oregon ian says: "Sen
ator Fulton squared accounts with
Senator Elkins on account of the let
ters deliberate refusal to permit the
Interstate commerce committee to
consider and vote upon the Fulton
bill providing that no Interstate freight
rates shall be increased until such ad
vance is held by the Interstate com-
meroe commission to be just and reas
Classed With Oklahoma
Land Lottery
Vast Tract of Road Land to Be
Cut Up Into Small Farms and
i-old to Homebuilders
R. J. Martin, of the Oregon Valley
Land Co.. whom The Examiner men
tioned a few weeks ago as being then
on ills way to Lake county, arrived
here last week, after this paper had
gone to press. Mr. Martin is looking
over bis company's new possessions,
and be is more than pleased with
their bargain. He is interested la
the vegetable and fruit yield of this
county, and sees much in store for
the farmers if careful attention is
paid to starting orchard. The Ex
aminer published the terms opon
which this large body of land will be
put on the market by the Oregon
Valley Land Co. Farms of from ten
acres to one thousand acres will be
offered for sale, at not to exceed 200
for each farm, and a town lot ia an
addition to Lakeview is to be given
with each purchase. There are thou
sands of acres of this land that is the
very choicest land in this county,
some natural hay land, and soma as
fine, rich grain and fruit land as can
be found in any country. Tne cutting
up of this large tract of land, which
has. over since the settlement of this
'! y, been held, practically in a
body, under one ownersnip, mesas
much to the futnre of Lake county.
It has often been said that the peo
ple holding these lands were the only
drawback to the settlement of Lake
It is said by fcome that the opening
of these lands is next in importance
to the world famed Oklahoma land
opening, a few years ago, and that
there can never be another such land
opening in the United States.
Circuit Court Docket
The following cases appear on the
Circuit Court Docket for the May
term :
Schlecht vs. Schlecht, to recover
Warner Valley Stock Co. vs. Min
nie Caldwell, to recover possession of
property. State of Oregon vs. War
ner Valley Stock Co., et al, to reodv
er possession of property.
W. V. Stock Co. vs. J. C. Dodson,
to recover money.
Robt. Baty, vs. W. V. Stock Co., to
recover possession ' '
VV. A. Lofierty against various per
sons, to recover money.
Nancy Morris vs. Elbert Morris, for
divorce. :
Nellie Sanford vs. B. J. Sanford.
for divorce.
Gussie Green vs. J. W. Green, for
divorce. J.
Ayres 4 SctdugU vs. John Westlake,
foreclose mortgage. ' ,
O'Neil & O'Neil vs. L. Vanderpool,
to recover money.
A. Goodman vs. Pat Angland, to re
cover personal property. ' " (
. C. Johnston vs. Pat Angland to re
cover personal property. 1
D. J Wilcox vs. Meyer, Behr, and
Storkman, to recover money.
Mr- L. O. Sifemoree, of Ft. Klant
ath baa purchased what is known as
the Ana River ranch, at the north end
of Summer Lake, from Jack Purtin. .
The place comprises one thousand
acres, and Mr. Sisemore paid tO per
acre for it. lie paBseoV through Lake-,
view this week ou his way to Sum
mer Lake. Mr. E. K. Cole, of tba
Pacfflo States Telephone Co., of Klani-
ath Falls, accompanied bim for an
Work on the new court bouse Is
progressing very rapidly. The outside
walls for the basement are ' nearly
completed, all the stone work is done
aud ready for the brick. The wails of
the jail are being laid in the base
ment. ;