Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 30, 1908, Image 6

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To All Our
lhc (ircat
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
I he American F-armer i tin- only Literary Farm Joiirnaluil
lishcd. It tills n position of its ow n and lias taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It ives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLO.VL. GOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
TWO For the Pake Of One? TIlC County fcxamlner
The Leading County Taper and The American Farmer
his imp a ralleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
I 1 f
$ 1,250 Reward.
The Harney count j
Live .Stock Assoria
i-sk lion, of which 1 an
14- tewara lor evidence
'r lta'litiK lo the con-
viclion of partier
ttralinir ttiKk be
. - longing to !t mm
v. rfi jtfT. In addition I
" unci irwiru
Horse brand horse
' shiieber on eithei
or both Jaws. Re
corded inaeountiei
tanire, Harrier, l.akt an.) Crook Counties
fiorea vented when sold Horses Hold to pas
phrouKb this section will be retorted in tint
paper. If not so r-jorn d. pkae write or tele
honeThe Tjme Herald. Main S-4, Barns. Ore
on. W. W .Brow n, Burus. Ore-
Reward for Horses
1 will uive $.1.00 reward for Inform
ation that will lead to the discovery
of any horse branded with an old
horseshoe brawl on both juws, placed
as in the cut in this advertisement,
with fresh triangle brand underneath
the horseshoe. The triangle placed
In such a manner as would cover up
a bar on both jaws. Animals must
be found in the possession of some
person or persons.
H. E. Bakkeb, Prop'r.
Office in Bieber's Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cent Sunday at 6 a.m. Arnvet
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
6 o'clock a. rn. or on the arriva
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention
first - Class Acorn odatlons,
1 E. Taylor, Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds' Store.
Stage leaves I-akeview Mondays, Wed
ncsdays and Fridays at 6 a. ni., arrive
at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves 1'iush Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a .m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Passenger fare $3 one way or $5 foi
round trip. Freight ratea from May
1st to Not. 1st $.75 per hundred ; frow
Not. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per bund re
A Memorable Day,
One of the days we remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our
health, Is the one on which we be
came acquainted with Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless purifiers that
cure headache and biliousness, and
keep the bowels right. 25o at Lee
Head's Drug Store.
Butter paper at The Examiner
office. The Uct made, at 2.75.for
600 and IL50 for 1000. tf
The trouble with most adver
tiser Is that they expect imme
diate returns of large propor
tions. One prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising Id this way:
"The money eiptidrd for
drertlalos la the unt a-s
If placed at Interest. The
profit a from the advertising;
re virtually the latereat ea
the Investment.
"The sun.a spent for adrertlslnf
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good will la something that
has value, which, if the adver
tising ha been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment
"The rate of Interest Is deter
mined by the skill with which
the investment la made.
"Just as the quickest way to
increase Invested wealth is by
compounding the Interest, Just so
the quickest way to realise re
sults from advertising is to com
pound the returns." Advertising
Advertisers get good returns
en tbe amount Invested to
our co lunina. W reaoh the
Blue Prints Made.
I will make Blue Prints of any
tract of land in the Lakeview Land
District, and do abstract work.
Call on or write XV. B. SNIDEH
Lakeview, Oregon. 48 tf
- TL.. If -J U II a, Sh a
Boars tU lm m n lw WOT
lo Cure a Cold in One Day
Tablets. All druggists reiund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
Dutch lunch at the IJrewery Sa
loon, tf
Tb LeadaOf Paper of ui
hkd&c Coast
Th San Francisco
Thf Wttkly Chronicle
The very b?at veoicly Nawpaosr
pub.ia.'.od la the entire Waal.
$!.50 a Year
iM-lndiac ixwLar to am t-t of tl,
I nlui bia ua, I iiuidi aud
It is b'lt becaus. b3.d' ali news of the world
e-c i in an In'ereslinp way
. .. d uliy liiustrartng man
!-:. e;, It has s?ec;ai da par V
rr. .n.j uevoted to
l:v- stock
and S.-OkTJ
These are presided erer Vf
oi ior having a thorouph knowl
ei:'e ol Ihelr spedailies. Tha
i at'" oeveted to Agr culture.
HortiCu ture. Poultry and Live
jCf. if. wall illustrated and
:1 ii with matter of the ?reateit
!nt-rss to ali engaged la these
in "strlej. every line belnf
wrtl'.n oy those who are In elose
Ijjc.i with oondltiooj prevaillr.f
on this CeaJt.
It will be free.
De jroe want the CfcroeMs
Reversible Map?
Showing the United States, De
mlntop ef Canada ana North ara
Mexico oa eea sloe. MAP OP
THE WORLD, preaeetlaf te view
la line oootlnueui map, with all
areas tn tree preeortloa, the en
tire surface 4 site Karta no th
other aide.
Se4 S3 ami get the May mmi
"Vnajy aireceeie" ter one year,
pea tags pneals1 ea Meat mmi
The Dairy tnd Map
saem, I
Only Xa.75 t Year
Bmti WMmSmSt&att
It you are thinking of organizing a
stock company see our new Bample
inio r at tn . 1HM1.H as' U4 ...
m.i. mi,, .-au riaiti mi., alittii
0aiia i lot ailvctUKiiia t su lie mailt lir 1
SmwrtlH-raio I lu Kianilnor who rvinov
Irmii on,' ImslliT o auoilK'r, or rhunu.
tiKir iiomorrii'v aililn'u a It on 1,1 n im tniM-r
ilri una otlit r a caril Ihelr '-'f i an tiv ait
UrvsM'il lo lhi right Hiot1ii,
lltnrnr) al t
l.l.akrvlfw. ilrraro.
(IKMl K- llv llull.llllK.
j I. ! K. TOf
I Atlnrnrj
IjiikI Maltrra Mrrlall)
OlHi K-Il; ninlitlns.
i --s
' f r-f t e r s t t t t t t r f t t ' wis
, .s
l'lliM I anil HI HI. r:o
f t.s, y y v v ' I yv 'V '?
.7.W ,,"Pcr
L" .V. UJ
Painter fll 'M
New Pine f ree k.
Mil t i l' II K IH
Hrtut wilb r-llow KurK It
rlnni rar tor ewre; rrrr
lor wcirwTa. fioimrw,-a rsjuare l"ro aiul
In r I at 1 t ar. Tai Hratnl 111. IIsiikb. Iran,
Lake. roatoltW adttrtuM, lakovlrw . Orcst'l
mm r.i
James Barry
CHAS. b. rice.
Musician and Director ol
tlic Lakeview Citizens' Hand
lakeview - -......... OreRoi
I'ln' W all Htrti't fiin' of tni;ravil
ATtiiicnti'M ni Stuck mid I'.iuxl lilitiikt.
it tho KxHinltier ulliii'. Nrw Hinnpli
Jok rt-iflvfil Muinl.iy i'Vi-hIdk. it
yen w nut i-tin k trrtitiifitiH mc t
4ituii'H ami ft tmr I'lliic tt
1 1mbrr l.anU Nullce
I'll it t I Stall-.- I..,,, i fi
vimv, Oh'kuh, . t il 17, i.-i'S
iltll-t IH IlllfllV vl'iii 1 hut in I'lHI I
'li.iii. o vv i I 1j tin' ri inioi s ut tin tn i j
of C'oiikirc.-! ol .hint' .1, l sTS, cutitin I
"An Hct tor tlio !nli nl tin tu r n-: r- i
in tut- Hiiiti'H in i inn orii in, t iri'K'
Nevuilu um) W niililiikton li-irilotj.'
I.H CXtl'lilli"! til till t III' I'lll lli' Linn'
Stales liy net of AiiKiixt I. l.i-i i
C KiniTMiii. nl l.nkf I'-w . ronntv I '
Luke, St..H of Or.w i. I' - tlli'.l i
tliiri ultii'c ti id turu htiitrllicn t. No.
11747, for the I'liri niihM ni tlm l,.i.-t liuit
NV quiii Ut, SV , N V iiuai h r Si"' I
b ml SH iiuartir NIC tiiirtrr, of Srr
liou No. 'M, m Township No. 4l S ,
KiiiiKo No. K., W. M., Mini uill
otter proof to bliow that the luml
founht is luoro lor itt tun
Lit or htonc t tin ti for iiriciilt iirol
piirpoxi'H, hihI to H.-titl'lirli bin claim
to bitiil luml hiioie l.i'K'i.-lfi mill
Kcceivcr at l.Hki vicw, Ori'k'on on
day the '.'Oth ilny of Jun,.. r.loH.
Ho ti ii m an witucMHi'M: M
MllKiri'lll l- Cox.. l I, li llm, !
KeliHrt, ( ruovillH J la ri i it y t all ot
Lakeview, Orcyon.
Any anij n'l persons clniniitik; ail
verrfly tlio hIhivk iIi kci ilu-d lands art"
refiuesf eil to lih- thfir clain h in this
olllco on or licforo haul 'Ji'itli day nf
June 1!K)H.
J. N. Watson, lU-Kister. 17 10
Notice is herehv irivnn rhut rlm ,m.
dersigoed, Tbos. II. Sherlock, Las
been this day appointed by the County
Court of Lake County, Oregon, execu
tor Of tha lHHt. tt'lll linil tnilumunl nl It
v. w
L.Mitchell-lnnes.deceuHed. Now, there i
lore, an persons Having claims auatnst '
al ...a., a. a i . t . mr .....
iue esiaie oi me saia u. x initohell
Innes are reuuired to nrfwHnf i hum
with proper vouchers, within six
months from the date of this notice.
to the undersigned executor ut his
home in Hummer Lakn. I.uWa fnnniu
Uuted this 23rd day of Marcli, 1008.
Th os. II. 8heilock,
Kxecutor of the lust
i will and toHtarnent of
C . Li. Milclil ll Innuu
13 5 deceased.
'I'lllltirl l.uml .Nollrf.
L'tiitod States Land Ollice, LakovTi w.
i I.' 1. i r. , , 1
iyn'Ki:u, I'l'il, l.jf
Notice is hereby Kiven that in com
p?iti(:e with tho pn viii;ns of the act
of Coi)KrtH of June .'I, 17H, 'entitled,
"An Act for the sale of Timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and WhiiiKton Territory,"
bk extended to all the pulilic land states
hy act o" AiiHiiHt, 4 IHirj,
Viil Conn, of l'aiwley, county of
Lake," mate of OrreKon, has filed in
this ofllce his sworn statement No
40151, for the purchase of the NKijuar
ter, of Section 17, in Township 'M H.,
KariKO 1(1 K. , W. M., and will olfer
proof to show that the land solicit
is more valuable for its timber or
stono than for agricultural purpose i,
aud to establish his claim to suid
land before iiuKister and Iteceiver at
Lakeview Oregon on Monday the 1st
day of June, lllllS.
i,e names us w itnesses : J. U. Atiten,
R 1'. LiKht, T .J. l'owell. U V. Mal
loy.all of Lakeview Oregon, and (Jda
Cravens, of Klamath l ulls Oregon.
Any and all persons claim inu- adver
sely the above described lands are re
questei to tile their claims in this
ottlce on or before suid 1st. duv of
June YMH
810 J. N Watson register.
Timber Land Notice
United states Land Office.
l i a f
view, uretfon, prn, 17,
ISotlce is hereby Kiveu that In com
piiance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June X 187H. euitled
'An act for the sule of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terrlnrv.
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 18!12.
JOHN W. RKHAUT. of Lakeview.
county of Luke., State of Oregon, has
tiled in this office bis sworn statement,
No. 4085, for the purchase of the Lots
1, and 2, NJS quarter. NW mmrter. of
Section No. 19, in Township No. 37 8..
.uK u.t n, t nuti win oner
proof to show that the land Bought is
more valuable tor ita timber or storm
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
itegisier and Kecelver, at Lakeview,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 14th day of
July, 11J08.
lie names as witnesses: Eli liar-
num, i buries Uurnum, Nute Wilcox,
Fruuk Wilnon, till of Lakeview, Ore
gon Any and all persons claiming ail
versely the above described lunds, are
requested to Hie their claims ju this
office on or before suid 11th duy of
July, J'J08. '
17-10 J. . Watson Register.
"Hear me. wife. Hot done jot? Why,
her it Is supper ( t mo. ninl you are
till lu your iiiuriilnu' wrnpir," snld
Mr Wlllliinia its lie lume Inline frniu
his work ninl fouiiil liU wife still ru
'Yes. tun do you nut know .Unit 'wiv
man's work In never ilnni'T' There I
tilt' billi.V, too"-
Kiln, but do you not know Unit
all women huve so much to do? If
you would oul.v hurry the least little
1 bit. ,voil would iiccoiiipllsli iijl the work
lit a much shorter time. I could do It
nil In one half the time."
I "till. .IiiIiii!"
"Well, you Just K' off somewhere
aud see If you don't (llid things In 'ap
ple pli oiiler' when yon come hack"
Thus ended the evening chut.
The TiieNilny following she received
a note saying:
l,nr I'ltn-fnnirt lnimollal,'ly. I nm
vrry III. Yuur inolhi'r. I:. K. I'
When .Ioin returned from hit work
nod lind the note he said; "(lu, by
all lui'MiiM. will ntietiil to 111" house
keeping," lidded he. Willi n cotllldelit
".I nil ii. I shrill be obliged to letive tho
baby nt lioiiie. In ('use I should not be
' st home iiguln toiimrrvw will you see
VrfOOn that he Is fed?"
I "Of course. Mo you think I would
I starve him?"
"The next liniriilng while Mrs. W.
was on her way Id her mother's house
John wns nt hortie, Introduced Into the
mysteries of the kitchen.
About dinner time lie went down
Into the eel In r and soon returned with j
a large bowl of sweet creniii. After ;
placing this on the table he put on his j
hat nud i at ninl sauntered down to
the butcher's after n stenk for dinner, j
In going out he forgot to shut the
door after him, nud on his return home
he found live cuts lapping the cream
he had left on the table.
"Well," he said. "I shall say nothing ,
of this to Clin, but I'll broil the steak, i
nud that will quite muke up for the j
loss of the crcnui." J
He then tied one of L'lla's aprons
around him. in .he hud seen I'.llil do
w hen she w as nhout to engage tn some
such kind of work put the steak Into
a frying pun nud covered It over with j
n pot lid. fully expecting to find the
steak nicely done when he should ngaln
raise the lid.
Alas, however, the sleuli wns burned
to n cinder!
"That Is striiiitfe." said John. "Kiln's
broiled steak never resembled this cer
tainly." P.y fiiis lime he wns quite hungry.
He wns not quite so boastful ns he hud
! been Unit inornlag.
'There Is, at least, one thing I'll have
for dinner. I'll warm up the potatoes
that lire left over from yesterday's
dinner "
So John put a large lump of lard In
the frying pan nud soon ufler the pota
toes. The potatoes were soon warm,
but as he sat dow n to eat them he w ns
surprised nt Ihelr greasy appearance
ns well ns at the amount of bird left In
the pan.
How many times he hud wl 'ied T.lla
bin k ngaln that dav! In thinking of
his many di.iapporiiluients. together
with the fact that he had not yet had
his dinner, poor John knew not what
to do wllh himself.
Tin rliii-'lng of the doorls'll nroused
Mm. and he. forgetting his ridiculous
appearance, rushed to the door,
t "I have come to call on Mrs. Wil
liams." said the lady w ho rung the bell.
".Mrs. VYIMIauis Is not In nt present."
"Then I should liko to see Mr. Wll
llntns If he Is In."
"I mn he. mndnni."
"Von?" said the lady, trying In vnln
to keep from laughing.
Then poor John, suddenly recollect
ing his ridiculous nppenrnncp, felt
ready to die of shame. There wns no
help for It, however. He Invited the
lady Into the close front parlor. In
which the fumes of the burned stenk
and hot flit were still distinct.
Scarce knowing what ho wns doing,
he led her to the sofn, and she sat
down, not upon It. but Into the pan'
containing the lard.
John started buck, not knowing whnt
to do or say.
In the midst of these troubles the
baby begun to cry. and John, now ter
rified Is-yond everything, rushed Into
the other room, mentally resolving
that If Klla did not come soon he
would put an end to these trials.
Tho lady In Ihe front room kept very
quiet. She thought she heard some
one crying, fihe listened. It wns John.
He wns talking to himself. He said.
"Oh, denr Klla, come buck to rue again
and forgive me, nud you shall never
hear me bonst ngaln!"
Then the old lady In the front room
slipped off her wig, her old black veil
and her dress, and In a very few mo
ments bis Kiln, for It was she. stood
before lilin.
"Oh, Klla. forgive inc!" were his first
words on recovering from his surprise.
She forgave hlni, then told him bow
she had planned all to cure blm of
"You have done ao, darling," aald be.
Dress Aeessierlss In Which tha
Daslgri rigor Cffsotivs'v'
Charming little tilings can be midi
n-ltll the I'ose ns n moll A pair of
white sntlu slippers wl.ii n slurred
while rose worked upon (he InMtqt
would Illlike II pretty :IM for n rudely
girl, ninl the slippers of hind: 'ii'ln or
pink suede or soft gray mi I of violet
nre nil worked In conventional ro es
of the very same shade.
And there are still other ways a tut
many of them for uinl.liig ihc of the
rose for a dres trltiiiulnu A woman
w ho Is giving articles of die s for plea,
cuts fashioned Ihe wide band of ros
rolored bris'iide wllh Ihe lyil't'oldcrcil
roses standing out In til ;!i rdlcf I lu
bntids nre for the neck and for cadi
cuff, nud there ale two w ld"r bands
for the front of the coat or town. The
bands nre veiled with -li I IT. m and tin
Ished along
lu one of
I'arls '
each edit" Willi cal' Iti'lk
the p e v III lie s' o -s la
are sc. .in;; nw b.i.oois
1 ri-
. i :.
A SATISKAl TOIir siiinr w AIHT-Ss1.
i A life sl.ed ro'-e Is fuMcm-d upon a.
; hatpin, nud this Is Ihrusl lulo the lint
j wherever It looks well. All A iticii-n II
woman traveling abroad bought two of
j these hatpins, which she uses In her
: hat to set It off The rosea are lu 'i lit
red, nud In putting on her hat the f. o-
man thrusts one lu the bandeau and
: the oilier in the crown. The hat be
1 comes charmingly Hnlshed by this lit
tle expedient. The making of these
: pins should not be nn exceedingly til f
: tlciilt Job for the woman who Is handy
j nnl Ingenious.
I There Is nothing especially new
about the shirt wald sketched, but If
Is mi exceedingly satisfactory model
, and can be made up lu nu.v material.
.IIT'IC riluI.I.KT.
Braiding on Costumes Invariably D'ack.
Handaoma Cold Bands on Hats.
No matter what the color of your
winter grow n, the brat ling inti-d lo
black, and a touch of some black fur
will give It ell the chic of un Imported
Hands of elaborate slher or gold
trimming or pearl passementerie are
much used on hats, line exceedingly
rich baud Is of gold net covered wltou
gold figures very much lu relief. As
Bered Concert Oosrs.
The music lover meaulng, of course,
the layman la ao curiously constituted
that be wanta not only to enjoy music
himself, but be wants others to enjoy
It. lie wanta to force them to enjoy
It, and to that end be will pay money
out of his own pocket. Such elements as
the spirit of speculation and local or
civic pride may enter Into the process
of making up this huge annual deficit,
but ultimately the subsidies which, dl
re l and indirect, make possible a rau
elenl life In Anierlcn will be traced to
this curious characteristic. And . this
Inf'llenfM.ilv accounts for tin1 many
boi'id fin-ei one sees w'jerever music
Is I in naliiuient.-WIIIIhiii K. Wal
ter 1 1 ' ' T ' ,
soma of this trimming costs (20 a yard
the ataggerlug prlcia of millinery are
not surprising.
ahlrt waist seen recently waa fas
tened down the front with small black
bow of ribbon tied to flat beauty plna.
The ribbon was about half an Inch
wide and made Into small one Inch
bows. The trimming looked very neat
down the front of this black silk waist.
Adjustable cuffs inn he purchased la
desired lengths to wear with short
sleeved lingerie waists.
Velveteen Is being very much used
this season for the small boy'a suit
aud Is always handsome, while It Is
durable In the extreme. The suit il
lustrated is of dark blue velveteen re
lieved at the "throat by mi embroidered
linen collur. Jl'DK! CTIOLLET.