HI IK at -BOONE'S Progressive Store Everything worn by women and children A prettier line of hats than we h.'ive before shown, reeeived this week iiikI they are selling like Christmas toys. Ladies' Dress Hats in Merry Widow and other latest shapes, without a pieee of trimming that is not rich. K-lliiiKut : $.r to $7.f Hats may be shown at higher pi ices, but they .'ire not better. A complete line of Misses trimmed hats at .$1 f) to $ 1 Ladies' street hats $.'5 to $:i.f0 No better goods can be bought any where at the prices. HOMESTEADS IS DEFEATED (Concluded from !'0 1. sort of Rummer realdence, nod a man's residence Is presume'! to lie with that of hl family, hut the presumption In this ruse I overcome Ly the evidence showing that defendant's occupation ma required him to reside elsewhere. Ill occnsloiisl visits for (he purpose of complying with the law have not heen ij flic Inrit to entiilHah and uialn- A , lain rirldouce : r'ondof ?. Crsry, 20 I !. He may have done the) hcvt he coujd under the circumstances, I I lint there are certain requirements of! , the hoiiicMlead 'aws without corn pll J ance wilh which an entry cannot he I j Completed. ' 1 It I contended hy defendant that' Jilt wan necessity for hla family to re- fide In Kliimath FhIIh the greater part of the year for the purpose of sendlotf , hla children to school. This how ever, j I- not sufficient to excuse him from ; MHldiidiiiitf and mniiitiiluliiK n iesl- , detiee upon the land in good faitb. 8all homestead entry la, therefore, 1 lifll for rancf-llation, and your ac I Inn la accnrdinKly reversed So note on your records, advise the parties in interest, and defendant of hisrlKht of appeal to the Department. In doe time make report to thla office. Itcspcctfully, K V. PKOUDK1T. I AnHlHtant Commissioner. Ostermoor Mattresses I I i ! C. K. Mc('l wry and A. Winner were up from I'ine ('reek hint Kulur day. They report that work on the' new road to tin mine iiliove I'ine! Creek will atari noon, and that con- 1 leruMit work will lu donu in the in I ilea till Ml miner. If you can't o to Kan iWiiOlsoi to re the hutlleahlp H""'. Stnl appeaHe yourapi elite for sin li scenery somewhat ly tnkii a look at the hattlealiip In T K. liernard w liidovv. It U made up of Imrdwaro from the shelves, nnd la a kiuicious reprem-nt at Ion. The nnnuiil, teacher liiMitute, held In Lnkovlow lust week, whs very nicceaaf ill. The night sessions ero especially well attended ttud the pro riiiiin ariHiiued for the eiitertiiiiiment of the public were very highly appro vliileil. i'rof UoIjIuhou' s addles on Thursday evening wbh well receved by the liirgu crowd In attendance. At a meeting of the members of the LnkeView Ihino liall team Monday eve ning Thos J. 1'owell wus elected cap tain. Something over f:UHJ hhs heeii autiMcrilicd for a hall totiriiameiit in MARKET FOR THE '08 CROP ( Concluded from I'iiko I.) turned Into 11 mr the lieat noes j Examiner through lour procerus, lieing cleaned I twice nod acoure I twicn. Afterwards - - It pHsses lhloutli tour (i lit el nt sets ot dou tile rollert lifloie being turned in to n merchantable product. Mm excavnt ion was completed a few iluyti hi me, mid now a guug of men are at work pitting In u concrete foiiuda tlou. Order for the lumber were placed Home time alnce, and tbo Hist payment made on the machinery, the cunt of which la MKX). The entire plant, Including the land and build ings, when ready for operutim, will reprertent a mini of money exceeding IU,(HKi, nearly all of which lien already h en an Inert bed. However, there re main aeveral ahnrea of Block fur aule, ' which w ill no doubt bo noon taken i up. The enterprise la one that ahnuld : and,la receiving the nearly nupport of all euterpritdut; citb.ena hnvinit the : ben l iutercHttt of Luke County at heart, for It will not only keep nt home many J Notice to Subscribers to the Lake- vl.w Hour Mills Stock. ' KutiHcribera to the (Capital Stock of i The Lakeview Flour Lillare rexpect ! fully reiiieited to call at the office of i A. Uieber, Secretary of The Lake jvl w Flour Milla, wheie certiflcotua of. ' ntockare ready to lie Uaued upon pay- j I incut of eubaclptioua. ! j A. Uieber. ! I 18 1 Secretary. ! I Fine Creek, Or.. April i!8. IIMJH. t Guaranteed Better than the Best of Hair. It will never Mat nor Pack. Dust, Moth and Vermin Proof. Absolutely Non Absorbent, practically un-wear-out-able. It is Built not Stuffed. Superior to any Mat tress Manufactured. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS. j v i 'A I STt? ESS L i Lakeview Mercantile Co. 000000000000000OMOOMHCM ..;pcr tiie kiiv. Wm. F. MINE. IANTTaOF.XT ani St'ltV'FYOU i'rdiiiut and careful attention irlvcn' toaurvcj'M of Land nnd Towtifltco, Map work &c. Settlcra located. Land nnil Town property foraal'. LAKEVIEW, OREGON. OUR . NEW QUARTERS 1 'Sf?;..-, ulmcrllie for The like County Kx Mininer. If you wiint the newa. W ANTED: l.aaeview lourin or Juiy veea. i ne tlll),Hn,,M ,)f .j,,)),, that would other anoiint will be Hwelled to WW if ; , , , ..,, for t,r,.u(lhtuliH, poMHtble, and there ia uo doubt that thia amiiiint, and poaHibly more can bo rained. The Kxamiuer In In receipt of it let ter from John (iermail, of 1'ortlaud, once a ruitiiieut of Lakeview. Mr. Herman miivh: "1 am very aorry to any, and 1 xuppoxa you have heard it before I li in, that the inajoiity of our representatives liave pledged them olvea to vote for Chiiiuberlain for U. H. Senator, or Franc Ih J. lltmy, I don't know which. " Drove Team to Death A ma u who.) niiino we did not learn, who U believed to be aotnewhat un balanced, hired a team from an Altu ran livery atable one day laat week to drive 'to Davie Creek, where he repre euted hid mother to be, and anld aha w as very ill. Inetead of atoppiuK at Davia Creek he drove on to Flue Creek, where he left a tired horao and hired another, ututihK that his mother wag very nick at Lakeview. He did not atop here, but drove on north n few inileH, and turned around aud atarted back to A It u ran the name day. One home died at Fine Creek, and he cot another there and drove on to Alturaa, making the round trip lu a little over 12 hours, 120 milea. Tho fellow was arreated at Alturaa, and flund ?- and turned loose. He came toward Lake view ou foot. es Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood Jr bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Doctors have endorsed it for CO years. Olio f raiment ram of bad blood It tluf lh llvi r. llil. mIiii' cuiiallimiluii, I'oliuuuut illiHtanrrn aiu tlii-ii limi lii Into th blood. I.. . i lliu IiohuU uou Willi Ayt'. I'llla. A Mda by J. O. Ayr Co, AUu Uiauiuaoiui yers T.ow.ll. Uua. uuiuMlur.r. of j hair viooa. AIIDE ClKfi. CllkkKV PfcCTORAL. W. hT. no tooratal W. publish th. formula, of .11 our nadlolu... A ri'prcm'iituilve in thin country by u liirg real Vatnte corporation. but will alford the farmora a market SimhIiiI InduccinentH to tliow who for their aurpliiH Ki alu, and thus iiiil i winh to become financially Intercut- in the development of Lake a vat re- led. BOIlriCH The mill will be of tVJ-buriel dailf capacity, and cannot be excelled in fort Dearborn Bldg. Chicago. M, the (tiality of product. ! Dr. Chas. H. Drake, I Veterinary Surgeon ! OFFICE 1 Rmo Fmonr. Fmmo A Lirtmr Stablm, i ; West of Hirst National Bank. Lakeview, Oregon. WESTERN STAGE LINE Cbas. Lambert, Manager Leaves Klamath Falls Daily at 7 O'clock, A. M. The Real Estate Security Co. Office; American fotel SIO LAKEVIEW $18 ROUND TRIP The Lakeview Furniture pany has moved into the Com-lartje Brick Building on Water street where a Large Stock of every thing usuallv found in a Furn- Store will be kept lture Undertaker's Parlors Repair Shop LAKEVIEW FURNITURE STORE. WALLACE & CO. Prop'r fipiam igg.lk"'-1 ""I"1! ,f J4 1 Band'A Laat Concert j A Ifaud concert will .be Kveu ,by i the Lakeviewi band next I Friday eve- niiitf at the Dpeia HoiiHe Kvery one ahoiild attend and ubtiiat the bund, j Prof. Hice will complete hie year's i contract with the Hand on May 10th, and uuleaa a ne contract la entered Into by tho citizons of Lakeview, thia will be the hint coucert under the preHcut management. It la to be hoped that oui people will employ Mr. lilce ou some aort of terms to. teach the baud another year, aa they are getting along so nicely, and it ia a ahuma to see it go to pieces. Mr. Illce ia a Urvt data Instructor and takes great pains with hla band. A mooting of the citizens of Lake view is callded for Thursday evening at the court houau, for the purpose of arranging a bane ball touruatneut for Fourth of July week. J. M. Lane, manager of the team, states that he has no doubt that (500 will be raised for the touriiumeut aud poasibly more alty Co Work Is Progressing; Most excellent progress is being made on the foundation for the new Court House, and it Is expected that the end of the week will see the stone work completed. There will be a six foot brick wall on top of the stone to complete the basement, and the laying of brick will bo commeuced next week. Judge Duly is highly pleased with the manner in which the work is being couducted under tho super vision of W. A. Wingato. OASTOXIIA. Bam tli I"' Kind Yon Han Always Bonjjl At the Theatres t THE MONO CO. will play six nights lu Lakeview, beginning May 4th. BlIKRKVa Musical troupe will play one night in Lakeview, May 10th. KMIUEB STOOklJo , will play in Lakeview six nights conimeuclug June first. TA Y LOli U AN 1 ELS CO. will play six ulgbts in Lakeview commencing June 32. kVmMMa. tfaffV fl VI Tr T! ilhe Ovenand Mnscmg Rei Of RENO, the Hub of the Slope Invites Land or Lot Buyers to call and see or write them for a List of Good Investments of Houses and Lots in Reno and Sparks Acreage near Reno Acreage North to LAKEVIEW, ORE., FRUIT LAND, GARDEN LAND, RANGE LAND Real Estate is the Best Investment Towns Tributary to Reno: North Susanvillc, Madeline, Alturas, Cedarville, Cal.; New Tine Creek, Lakeview, Paisley, Ore. South Goldficld, Tonopah. Carson, Yerington, etc., Nev. Wkst Tahoe, Loyalton, Verdi, Truckee, Boca, etc., Cal. East Wadsworth, Olinghouse, Elko, Fallon, Fairview, Ilazen, Lovelock, etc., Ncv. The Overland Banking: Realty Company RENO, NEVADA (Formerly Hibbard & Turner) p j i i p i i I a a i