Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 30, 1908, Image 3

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    f l!u paper li
idle, of tlifl uick
The Oam af Haarf, Body and Lay la
Qraat Funmattar.
Ono of llm most amusing diver
ion tlir-re injur a mikiII circle of
people, wlictlu-r young r old, in the
old KnliKh jjniiio culled head, bodv
rid Icl'h. You pa-. to eurli player
lip of paper, wiy .'I by (i inches in
i.c. Kadi oih: then drawn at U.ti
top of iix paper a liewl, making it
a lmlicrotm at hi itiiaitiat,ioii and
r t i-ntic ttk 1 1 1 un Hiii'L'rM. Ilo then
luiek m Unit j unt ft
in left in view und
iiii'H it to 1 1 i m rieht liand tieililior.
arh player in the mine way next
di.iwrt on tlie paper handed to him
a lioily, join in;,' it to (he neek tho
first plaver ha made, and i-ncli p.i
ei. i'Avr In-ill; folded hark, in pur-i-d
to the nvxt ri;;ltl hand neighbor
Dpi li. Mai li pi.i'.er then completes
the picture by adding fret to the
bodv and fuld.-i l!ic paper once mora
and pas-et it on. finally ca li one
liaiiie the neat uic by writ in;' on
tin- bottom uny title he cho'i' en.
WIicii the pipers ale unfolded it
will he n Miiir company indeed if
jic; s iiimii -)dn of laughter arc not
cal i d forth. Of cour-e i-arli player
li. In portion of the picture:
witnoiit feeing the other portionH,
and often tlie oiMct combinations
Ely's Cream Balm
Uuro to Civo Satisfaction,
ctvrs truir at once.
It cIl-llh-lfM, h'l'l'l IN, flllK fcfl'1 l'lr1M-fN (III-
iliMi M--il.riinn r m It in fr.m i!iiri!i
mi'l i!mvch,wuv ik Cold ill l'i- 1 1 . ' 1 ii ' IT,
!! hIii-i n I lm hi-iici i of 'I'n-'n H-ii !l.
I'fyl'ini.i', ('ujitaiiiH ti i ii.jmi ii il'-i'i'
Ailieil lit tho ii'Mi'!!ii ii-. I i ,rl l.
Irfiry" Si'-, r() rent nt f 'riij'i'ii! lit- I y
m il Iiiiii Tr am J'.iiIiii fr Ii it i.i
uloinli f. 7" ri '.1,4.
lit rtHOThTrtS. to Warren St.. Nrw York
Monkay In Bight.
One firl leuve-i tho room, while
the other hide a thimhlc or porno
other hinall ol'ijtN t. When they are
re;:dy thev call "Whoop!" nnd she
fiiti-r-. If i-I.e move toward the
hidni ; plan-, they cry, "You hum!"
"Now you ham more!" If hhe c;och
very m-ar, thev mv, "Oli, now he U
ino t hlaiii;: !" If hhe inoes from
the oliji-ct, they H.-iy . "How cold hhe.
r,r I" If the article in found, the
fuiiii-r rrie-, "Monkey in ni;,-ht !" and
thru -he has the pleasure of hiding
it in home other child Ii-iivim the
Hide and M-ck i-t played Minilarly,
ax i. "hot lettered blue beans" the
only difference in the hitter being
that the h:ld oi:t-i,!e i railed into
the rooi.i with thee words:
"lint I iiIIiti-iI lilur tx-min.
1'll'il'' I'.llln l'i Hl:pMT."
- I'iiil.nlclphia Ledger.
t iMihrr I ii it llr-.
United hluli-H I, hihI Oilier, Lakeview
Oregon. I-eh. i. I'.HiH.
N nt Ire I lirrriiy -ivrn that In coin
1'lmnrn nilli tlm iroviHioiiM of the net
of (Nmuri-MH of nnek:t, 1K7H, crilitlfd
"An act tor Mil mile of timlier ImihIh
in tin- Sliili-M of ('iilifurniii, Orison.
Ncviulii, h:kI WiiHlilnutiui 'I'rritory, "
it exlrinln'1 to h!1 the I'olilic Imiii)
Stuti-H dy net of AiiKiint i, IH'.rJ,
I.Imiii 0. lliirtznu, of Lakuview,
i county of Luke, Ht lit e of On-Kon, Iihh
iili-d in thlM oltliO) til HMorn KtHtemeiit,
No :t'.KH, tor tti nrchiin of tliH K
liulf, K half, nf m-elioii 7, in ToiihIi1i
4o s., IIiiiikb l!l K., W. M., ami will
olfrr proof to (iliow Hint tlm hunt
Mouu'lit I morn vuliinl In tor. Hh tiinoer
or xtoiii) tliun for Hurieoltoral pur-
IMJhl'H, llllll til (-htlllillHtl lllh clllilll tO
.mi'l liiml lir'orc Ki-K'i-'ter hiI liecclver,
1 laikeview, ( Iri-Kou, on Wi-dnrHilay,
I the li h iluy of May, V.'H.
He liiinird mh w itnt-HHi-H : I 'll w i I)
' I l;it !(.-, 1' lijnli Siiinlli-y, llrnrv l-'iiuk,
. t'. l'itK-rHl l, all of l.iikevii-w Oru-
Any hihI all K-rioiiM rliiirniiiu u.I
verely the nhove ilcM-rilit-d IiiihIh nre
reiocHti-d to llli- tlii-lr clitiiu in thin
olllce on or lieforo mid Otli day of
Mav. l!ilkt.
S "to J. N. Wat miiii Ki-kMit.
Ci-eular neaction.
Many hoy and 'irls hiie douht
lefM uondiTrd why the water in
runmi' out of the hottoni of a
t : i f 1 1 1 or a wa.-h ha in assume. a
liirular tin l i "ii. I i 1 1 you ever no
tice this? It ii tine to what the
acienti-ts call circular reaction.
The up.iard ru-h of the air from
the drainpipe i; ci !s the downward
rush of ti c wain- and sets the lat
ter in mot ion.--1 'hieiiL'o New.
Hia Patron Animal.
Here i.- a Japanc.-e ".-ell" to work
on jour fiu-nd: M.vplain to him that
-cry month of the year has its pa
tron animal, who is HippoM'd to con
fer its ow n qualit ;e on per,-on- horn
in that month. Otiour-e the vie-
ore th men who hove
put them to the hard
est tests in the rough
est weather.
Get the original
Tower's Fish brand
rr-ade since 163d
urtio rec roH rue AtnNO
mi ki
A HIV t l
V 1 iJ
r'fl4 CO YEARS
' Toil.. .AtHHU
rhk DCBIdNa
r',rHt, Covbiokt Ac
Anrnni n1lii n nkotrb n1 itwripiN dit
flillrklr 'Him "!' fr liilliT BH
bivmitton u iTolmMf pnoi'ii'''. ifimiinl'.
" "..iririlr'iiin.i.iifi.l. HANDBOOK nl'iu
rul ft. Iil'lt mn- T 1"' unr l'iii.
I'.iOhii tmn tiirwuiili Atunti A Cu. reclTa
tpr'fii tvtic4, mOwut nhjnra. la
Scientific JUiiericatL
A bunrtiiomBlT niti-rt-t wi-f klr. I unrMt rtf.
riiii..n ft i'T n.iiniiii.i J'uiriinl. 'I " a
nr tii'tiiius, iu ceil wj'i miwp.!.
. . i
Iilue prints of any town
ship in tlie 1 nkevlevs
Land District can be had
by applying to the under
signed. All work up tc
jdate. Checkings made
i i
from the Land Of
fice Records at the time
4 tin nrlnff n bVa ar nln iirAaL I
in v jt nilgai u iiiuuv. nui n t
neatly and promptly &
VV. 15. Snider.
Lakeview Oregon
Proprlef or.
hru om.. r ft, Wubiuaiui. U.
TlmlM-r I. uml o In.
United HtiiteH Laml Ol'lce, Lakeview
Orek-on. IVIi. lit, HHIH.
Notic4 lii'ieliy Kiven tliut In eoin
I'llunrc witlrtlie prov-inimiH of tile net
of t'oiit'ri'HM of June .'!, H'H entitleil,
"An net for I tin mile of timber luiels
In t lie .States of Cailfornlii, Oreuiui,
I Nevii'la, mi'l S iiih jiiytoii Territerjr, "
hn exteinli'il to alt tin I'nlilii: Land
SlateH l.y net of Aiik'oct 1. W'
.1 iilui A. 1 Ut i lm in . of l'aih-y, county l
; hi i.iiKe , nime 01 iri'Kon, iiun men iu
! this olllce bit) hworti Htateini-iit No.
! to-U, tor tlm piircliio-d of the SK quar
ter, ,W qiiiii'ter, of Suction "i, in
Tou iihliip :it. S., KiuiK'e I'.', li., V. M.,
und will oiler oroof to hliow that tlie
' land Hoiik'lit is innre vulnnlile for its
j t iiiitu-r or nlonn ttnui for aKriciiltnral
j I'urpoht'H, hihI to I'htiilUlHli liin claim
I to i.'i id land I'l'fule Itek'ihter and Ke
ceivrr, at Lukv iew, (111'1,-on, on Wed-
m-Kilay the -7tli day of liiy, ilHW.
I Hi- names an itnesiiirH : (ico. V.
i (iolry. Sum llanixter, of I'aivley Ore-
K 1 1 . lohii SimiiioiiH, ieo. W. Harrow,
of l'aihley, Ort-Kou.
Any and all ierHoim elaliniin; ad
verncly tlm nliovu di-Hcrilied lauds, arc
TO WHOM IT MAY cowrciiN,
not Ur Ih hrrcliy Ivrn that nil Irrlua
tinli, nr mlilrnre ilitclief oil nil triillt
Mtri-HtiiH tliruiilit Luke County, Ore
gon, imiMt lie Kcreened with a hiiiiiII
Iiii hIi wire K rn iilii ut ll rlr lirml or
junction with the main chimnel of
Htrenin. Aluo nil ilaliiM or ola-truct-Iiiiih
miHiiiil utreaiiiH liiiiHt la- pro-
lileil with ii tihh-ldililer, oi-ot lu reiify
null ih i if paHMiie, nt or mar the mid
dle nf t In-iniiln c liaiiiu l, hi in-ti al
ow i I.i- no-Mii:e of tii lit nt nil tiini-H
nf j t-ii r, iim provided ly law. Said
work to he dune nt low water time.
nr to lie cnlnpl. teil liy I'eli. 7, 1!H
lly milrr of J. A. I'.arlmin.
Siieclnl lirpntv tiKti iinleii for
LnkcC'otinty. Oregon.
The best Varji'''"" v1
file on the market.
AImo n completollne of wno
nnij Imsrjry hnrm-HH, whin
rolieH. rhitin, ldfH, KpnrR
ijiilrtN, roMettea.ln fact every
thlritf In thp llnp of rnrrlnfre
nnd horw fijrriUhlnjfH. Iin
pairljf ty compet?nt mn.
li :'r.,:"... i - ,
i - 1 1 1 r
i ? l
.... , TT"
- iaT- JUa a
i i i
r,..iii..t...l I. OI.1 4 in ll.iu
tim w ill (ell what month ho was , nic on or l,i.for miiil -JTth iluv of
Mav, HK'H.
H ID J. N. Watson, IJecUter.
horn in ami ask what his patron an
imal is, ami, no matter what month
lie hiiv.-, you iiiimut, ".Monkey."
Aciordinj to Size.
I Hit. wus eivin-; a birthday party,
ami ilurin;; tho merry games tho
child's mother nsked her if she was
"Oh, rve ncer been ho happy in
all my life," replied Kflio joyfully.
"I really couldn't be anv happier
les I was mirier.
Homo Companion.
' Woman's
A Jolly Rids.
Automobiling in the
Philadelphia Ledger.
Dotty'a Dilemma.
"Autumn" wua the awful word that Dotty
couliln't api-ll.
With ottit-r words It a-med to her aha
got along quite wt-ll. ,
Tho teacher kept her In one day until aha
cuulil reiiu niliiT
Die aii.-lllr.K of "the ai-uaon which endi
with bloak Novi'mber."
For ono-half hnur oor Dotty eut, but
. memory fulled to aid her
Or bring before her andduned eye the word
which had delayed tier.
At laat, when deep dejection aeemed to
ahut out every hope,
A happy thought broke through the gloom,
and Dotty ceaaed to mope.
"How atupid of me, alllyl Why, It Isn't
hard at all.
aareely any one aaya 'autumn,' and I
aurely can apell 'fall.' "
-8t. Mcholaa.
Timber Land Notice.
United Status Lnd Otlleu Lakeview,
Oregon. Mar. IS, I'.HW.
Notice is hereby iven that iu com
pliance with the provitdoiiH of the act
of C'oiiKreMS of Jnue t, 1 7 K, entitled
''An act for the fule of timber laud
in the- States of Ciiliforn in, Oregon,
Nevada, anil Washington Territory,"
as extended to alj the Public Laud
States by act of AiiKbt 1, 181)2, Hose
L. McDBiiiels, of Lakeview, comity
of Lake, State of Oregon, lias tiled iu
this olllu- lua sworn statement, No.
.Ul'.'-J, for the piirchaso of the M-!
quarter, N'W quarter, N half, NK
quarter, SI-, ipiartt-r NK quarter, of
Section '.ii, iu 'J'owunhip 38 S., liaiiKe
No 'Jl E.. W. M., and will oiler proof
to hIiow that the laud Boiitfbl is more
variable tor its timber or ntone tliau
fur Hrleultiiral purposes, ami to es
tabliwd his claim to said land before
Ket;ister and Kin-elver at Lakeview,
Oii'Kon. ou Thursday the 18th day of
June, VMH.
Ho names as witnesses: Flint Ver
non, A. Nellon, Wni. Metker, J. D.
LSrooks, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all I'einohs claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to Hie their claims iu tbis
olllce on or before paid 18th day of
June , l'.KIH.
J. S. Watson. lieuiter. V.i-10
United States Land Olllce, Lakeview
On-Kon. I-eli. 21, l'.MiM
Notice is hereby iveu that in com
iiliaoce with the iiroviulons of tho act
of C'ounrces of June .'5, 187H, entitled.
"An act for the sale of limber land
! iu the States of ('uliloruiii, Orecon,
evada, and Washington t'erritory, '
ax extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of Au'UKt 4, IhU'J,
Kate Colahau, of lionanzii, county
of Klauiath, State of Uret!on, has filed
in this otlice his sworn t-tatcnicnt No
40f:i, for the piirchaHe of the K half.
NW quarter, SW ipiarter, N'W quarter
of Section .12, In lowtiHhii) .)S S.,
Haiik'e Hi I-., W. M., Hud will oiler
in'ool to show that the laud Koucht if
more vuluuble for its timber or i-tone
than for Hk-riciiltural purpoiies, and to
eHtalili.sli his claim to tsaid land before
Countv Clerk of Klflninth t'ounty, at
his otlice at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the Kith day of Mav. limh.
He names as wituespea: Ida Howard
of Lakeview, Oregon, Ma'Kie Colahau,
of lionanza, ()ret(on, Oda Cravens, of
Lakeview Oregon, J. C Cravens of
Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all i ersous clainiinu ad
veisely the above described .amis are
requested to tile their claims in tbis
olllce on or before said I'.'h day of
May, l'JOS.
It 10 J. N Watson, Keister.
Gold and Jawala In the Kremlin.
All the czura of Russia have been
crowned in the Kremlin in Moscow,
tho treasury of which contains the
most historic jeweln and the choicest
plate now owned by tlie Itussian
trown. Thcro id $000,000,000 worth
of gold, silver and precious Btonci
in that trciiaury. Among tho mors
notable items are basins of gold fin
bifr as a small bathtub nnd two card
tables built entirely of solid eilver.
Chicugo Journal.
$1,000,00 Reward.
The Oregon. California & Nevada
Livestock Protective AsHOclatlon
w ill Klve fl()(K) Kcwnnl for tho con
viction of any party or parties Ktenl
liiK horse, cattlo or iduIch U'loiiKln
to any of the following members of
thin AsMdclat Ion:
Cox & Clark, Chewacau Land &
Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattle
Co., Lake County L'lml & Livestock
Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Wiu
W. It row it, (ieo. M. Jones, (Jeo. Man
kins. S. H. Chandler, C. A. Kehnrt, N.
l-'lne, W.A. Currier, Frank 15. lmuers,
J. C. HotchklsH, Calderwood lros.,
T. J. Urattaln & Sons, T. A. Crump,
Cressler & ltonner, W, T. Crossler
Maud I. !'.Minlio.
Oki. u-KHs I W- V' "KitYKoitii. PresWrt
mtu krh r M.Mu.i.KU.Stv&Treas
I W. P. IlKltYKOKll
FlNASl'K 0"M.F. M. (JltKKX
H. 11. ClIAMU KIt
by baying this
reliable, honest,
high grade sew.
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co..
StpohAIow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprteto..
----- j
fRLE Knowing what it wa ti suf
fer, I w ill give FKKE OF CHAIUiF.,
tunny allllcted a positive cure for
Eczema, Salt Itheum, Erysljx'lan,
lifakJ tilwl SkL lit I llkiaift una Inutunt
a in tinii ' r I li iirn a' n. J linilllll I
lief. Dont suffer lonRt-r, "Write F. W I
WILLIAMS. 400 Manliattan Avenue,
New York. Enclose Stamq.
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. in.
every d&y but Hunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. m. every day bu'
Paiscatcra' an $3 Rarvd trio
OFFICE- Rcrnoldi A WtngfleU'i akiTl.iv
Located on Water Street, near the Post office
Meals at all Hours.
Fresh oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game
in season.
Only Firstclass Restaurant
in Lakeview.
Tluibrr lrnd Motlrfi.
United StHtes LhucI Otlice, Lakeview,
Orenon, April 2i liXlH.
Notio ia hereby Kiven that in Coin
iliuncn w itb the irovlHlonu of ttie act
of Couimt(B of June H, 1878, entitled,
"An ant for the Biile of timber lnudd
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
an extended1 to all the Publio Land
States by aot of AngiiBt 4, 1802
I'uinley, county of Lake, State of Ore
gon, baa tiled iu thin ottlce bis sworn
statement ,No. 40t8, for the parchasi
of tne W half, NE quarter.E half NW
quarter, of Beutlon 31, in Township
at 8.. Kauge 10 E., W. M.. and will
offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish bis claim to said land
before Keuister aud Receiver at Lake
view, Oregon, on Tbuisday the Oth
day of July, 11)08.
He names as witnesses: O. E. Fitz
putrtck, of Puisley, Oregon, Johu
Stiiult, of lionanza Oregon, Henry
Newell, of Lakeview, Oregon, E . L.
Tull of Illy, Oregon. ,
Any and all persors claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
runliuutml 1 1 Ola tllMll I'lullllM 111 t.llid
,n..u w. ,,r i,f,,r mhI.i otli 1h nf .In. ! H'l'ch lunclmt the
Noilre for 1'uhllratlou.
Uuited States Laud Otlice, Lakeview,
Oregon, March 21, 1908
NOTICE is hereby given that the
State of Oregon has uuder the provis
ions of the Act of Congress of August
14, 1848, aud the acts supplemental
and amendatory thereof, made appli
cation for the following described un
appropriated, uon-miueral surveyed
public- laud as indemnity for losses to
its grant for common school purposes,
Lots No. 212, for NE quarter NE
quarter, See. 25, T. 33 S., It. 14 Ei
NW quarter SW quarter aud NE quar
ter SW qaurter, See. 6, T. 30 8., K. 18
E., and SE quarter NE quarter. See.
3, T. 35 8., 11. 15 E., W. M.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to tile iu this otlice said
claims on or befoie the Oth day of
June. 1008.
15 0 J. N. Watson, Register.
(Jut your onion Sets at Lakeview Mere
Co. 1
InrVTa. i
I e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake Count v.
which, in any way, affect Renl Property in the county.
We have a complete Record of every Mo tgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed iven.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and ate most difficult to trace up from the records.
ffl We have notations of all these Fzrrors:
Others cannot find them. We have speni hundreds oi dollars hunttn 'T
Vyy these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
f J. D. VENATOR, imager.
lv, 1UU8. J. N. Watson, Uegister. 15 10 j on.