uttjui 9 i i VOL. XXIX LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, OKtiGON, THURSDAY, APRIL .TO, linn. NO. 18 Bit 1 HOMESTEADER IS DEFEATED. Decision of Lakcvlew Of fice is Reversed. ACTUAL RESIDENCE NOT PROVEN Homesteaders Mu.it Reside manently Upon the Land They Will Lose it. Per. or Tbfl Commissioner of the General Land Office tin handed down mi liti portant decision in tint following case : Register and Receiver, Lskevlnw Oregon. Mir: June '.".I V.m, J. L. Yad.n made II. K. No. 3UI7 for the N K qtiar tor, Seo. 3, T. 3.1 S., K. 1.1 K. Juno, 10 ID07. J. I., lluoll (lied mi affidavit of -inteit ugainit tli said entry, charg ion, In effect, t Kit t (loftinilutit had failed to rewldo upon, cultivate and improve mhIiI 1 a t I an required by law. At tbo hearing ou Augimt !, i;u7. before George CliHHtuln, county crWk nt KUninth County. Oregon, Iioth irtln appeared i.n.l milunitlud teli mony, upon wnieii you rendered a decision, October 27, KH7. In fHvor of defendant, recommending tbat said t-onivsi no iiiHiniBMid. I'lHliilHr was notified of mil. I decision ly reglideied letter, and on November 2.1, l'JUT, iie II. el nil ii priil therefrom, liy letter December 7, l'.K)7, you transmitted the record, Including trnid appeal, to this office, i'litltitiir testified that he had noon tb laud Involved only once hlch was about tlii time the contest was brought; Mint thorn wa u cabin ou It; tlmt ul urn I ten or fifteu mirim were free from timber, apparently naturally ho, and fenced ; and tbut there wore about two aud one half million fm-t of tln.litc.n (lie rumaiu ler. He did not mo anyone living there, Init did not inspect the bouse 'loMoly, and his toHtliuouy does nut how how it wait furnished, or to what ftnt t ho land bad been cultivated. He introduced five witnesses, liut Ii loos not appear any ot them had ever seen the land. Thoir testimony U chiefly in regard to defendant's res idence iu Klnniath Fulls, shout sity or sevcuty live miles from the land. U shows that lie resided there, with bis family, from about Scptomber 1, JIKXj, uutil about the lime the contest ai brought; that Mince July I, liKM, he hud contractu for carrying the maim on two route from Klamath lalla, aud ban been reported by the postmaster to the Postoffice Depart ment aa living iu that city. It appear from defendant 's testi- niony inai ne naa iieen engaged an a mall contractor, uudor different con tracts, for twenty yeaia, or more, and waa eo engaged at tbe time be made aaid homestead entry; that the dltfer nt mail muted which he baa bad dur (K the pant soveu yonra have been from 'orty to sixty ml lea from said land ; and that tbo postal regulations require him to live upon tbe routes and give tbeui bin personal aupervl aion. It In not shown that be actually does tbe work of carrying tbe mails, but It appears that he employs others to do it. By a preponderance of tbe avideuce on Hie it is shown Unit dofoudant's family, consisting of bis wife, three aons and oua daughter, reside uooa tbo land involved from two to four months each year. - They go to it a bout, Jure and leave about September. Dofendaut viits it occasionally at all sobboiis of the yuar, but it does not appear that hu Imioii hii place of ao tual resldnufw tff'tbo oxclusiou of oue elsowhere. Ilia employment has re ipilrd blm to live away from tbe land ever since mukliijf his entry. Tbe altitude of mild land is about live thousand foot utx ve seu level. There is a sin ill log house ou it, about fourteen by eighteen feet, aud about Mlteeu or twenty aores are enclosed with a this wire feuce. lie uses tbe ouclosed luu I for grazing purposes, lmd a cow an 1 calf ou it wbeu tbe hearing wss ha 1, uud has cultivated a few garduu votjutubloa, but has not done uuy practical farmiut;. It is clear from the evidence that defend ant has not es'lablisbed aud main tained a boo k tide residence upon said land. Ills family lias used it as a (Continued on I'sge 5.) Jonnath-iti llourna Happy A axlutiKloii, I). C. April 2-' With thtt nolo'-l ion ot I lie ili-li-Kiiten In Now Vors lor IIumoi'i, mint, of them, aud a solid iiolonat ion for Knox iu J'cniiHy Iviiiiih, the alliex, ai the other piohliienl IhI caudidatoM are called, are ahoad of Hocrotaiy Taft In point of (JelcKHtim, ail WshIi IukIoii In HoethiiiK with political talk. (Senator .Jonathan Houriin, Jr., of Oregon, the orluliiul tiocoud elective term man Is nrov. in happier every .lay, becsiiMM h profenses to see a de velopuiont of bis idea all over the country. More InniHtent presHiire Is im brouuht to boar every day ou l'resi dent Itoosovolt to chuiiK bis mind about another term. I'ohticiaus from all over the country are going to him, pleading that he permit himself to be named iik'uIii. Their reason in given as fear fur the siiccohn of the Republi can ticket, if Talt is nominated. Clouds are gathering ou the horizon of the Talt boom every day, aud thoy are worrying the managers of that expeiihlve campaign, which is said to have cost more than 0U),lniO up to dato. In many Status, the negrowa hold the balance of power, and the labor vote is being lined up solidly against the secretary. In miiuy States, where elections are close, the (State tickets have been named, ami the nominees of the Kopuhlicau party want a mau at the head of the ticket who will be sure to cat ry them through to success. In the past week, there have been three distinct and I in put tun t protects ninile against the Tuft candidacy, aud thoy are certainly worth consideration at the bunds of partisans who want the ticket to succeed next November. In tho first place, the negroes enraged at tbe treatment . accorded them by Federal oHlce ho., t- bosses In tbe South, niauaged by Hitchcock, have eliminated them from participation In party councils, met in 1'hiladel- phla, and dratted protests thai will have an etfect ou the vote. In the tecoud place, President Charles J. French, of the New Hamp shire brauch of the American Federa tion of Labor, has issued an appeal to laboring men to light tbe Tuft can dldacy, and declares the opposition, unirersal in tho ranks of organized labor, is not based on politics, but thai it is from union men. Mass moetlngs are to be held in every city in the country to carry out the pro test. The third important development of the week was the issuance of a letter by former Senator Chandler, calling on tbe couutry to sunoort the La- Folletto candidacy. He bases bis ar gument on the giouud that tbe acts of the administration have nullified tbe past good work, and says there is col lusion between tbe admiuistraton and the "interests" in consideration whereof support is thrown to Taft. Those protowts are all from Kepubli cans, and tbey have resulted iu bring ing the Taft boom to a standstill. All oue cati boat now in Washington is tbe question: "Will it become uecessary to draft Roosevelt again to save the Kepublicau ticket at tbe poles?" MARKET FOR THE'08 CROP. Flour Mill Will Be Completed by The First of September. v There will be no luck of market this year for nil tbo graiu tbat is produced In this section of Lake County. Tbe new flouring nil 11 will be completed during tbe first, part of September and will then be prepared to handle all kinds of grain. For it will not only be equipped for turning out a strict ly high grade wheat flour, but also rye, j graham, and oorn meal, as well as ' numerous kinds of cereal foods, in cluding the well known germea and o racked aud rolled wheat. A barley crusher will also be included In tbe equipment aud a general milling bus iness conducted. Tbe mill proper will be three stories iu heigh' , witb a full 9 foot busoment. Tbe main building will be 32x14 feet in size, while tbe engine room, locat ed in the rear, will be 32x20 feet. It will be equipped witb a 35 horre- power engine aud a 40 horsepower boiler, and in additiou an electrlo plant for llghtiug the mill will be in stalled. Throughout tbe equipmout will be pf strictly modern aud high grade machinery, und before being (Continued ou Page 5.) TAKETHEIRNAMESOFF COUNTY SEAT PETITION Vulgar Articles in Have Changed Ten voters who signed tbe County seat removal petition have asked the county court to take their names olf the petition. There are a number of f ibers, pONsibly twenty in' all, who will do likewise. They, like Mr. A. M. Smith, whose letter we publish be low, signed the petition because tbey believed it fair, but since reading tbe articles published iu the Sliver Lake papers, on the subject, they have changed their minds. Mr. A. M. Smith, of I'lne Creek, Is one of the most pr Jiuiuent citizens of (loose Lake Valley, and no tiersoti need ever fear or m a.-hamed to fol low in his footsteps. Following is Mr. Smiths' letter. DENTISTS PROVE TO BE BILKS The dentists who were in lakeview lat week, brothers, named Gray, from Sacramento, proved to be bilks. Thsy did pot remain in Lakeview but a day or two., and did piactically no work here. They went to Davis Creek, where tboy put up . with 8 J. Dultou. Mrs. Dutton asked them to examine her daughters tooth.' Tbey put the girl into the chair and did w hat they called (00 worth of work before they let her up. Then a hired girl war'od her teeth examined, and her I . as tl50. She could not pay tho bill, and went to Mr. Duttoo, and here was when the trouble began. When Mr. Dutton found out bis daughter's bill be rebelled, a ltd furth er stated tbat the hired girl could pay but i', and that he would only pay that sum for bis daughters work. Tbe dentists got in a hurry all at once and wanted to go to Alturas. Just before startlug with them Mr. Dutton re ceived a message from C. D. Arthur to collect a stable bill for bim from the fellows, which he did, and tbey went south in a hurry. Fulton's Bill Passed Oregon ian News Bureau. Washing ton, April 23 After one of tbe hard est fought legislative battles of this session, the House of Representatives, late this afternoon, by a vote of '217 o 8, passed tbe Fulton land-grant resolution without amendment. Prior to the vote on, final passage, Ford ney's ameudment was voted down, 13 to 2-27. Tbe resolution will go to tbe President by the end of tbe week sad will promptly be signed by bim. Immediately thereafter steps will be taken to initiate suit against tbe Oregon & California Railroad Com pany to secure forfeiture of tbe un sold portion of its urant. For the time being, it is understood, uo pro ceedings will be undertaken against lumber companies aud other purchas ers from tbe railroad. Oregonian. know tough, dog, "I know It's touuh. old North End Papers Their Minds. Ilolisving it to be, at tbe time, legitimate, fitting and entirely proper that I he question of moving tbe Couuly seil to Paieley be put before the people of Lake County, at tbe coming election, I signed tbe petition circulated for tbat purpose. Since baring read tbe untruthful, improper, vulgar and positively indecent articles tbat have appear! in the Silver Lake leader, bearing i upon tbe subject, I, like many others, have concluded to ask the Couuty Court to take my name off tbat petition, and feel it my duty to not only not condone tbe pub lishing of sucb articles, but to also firmly express my disapproval of It. (signed) A. M. Smith. JURY LIST MAY TERM Following Is tbe jury list drawn for tbe May term of circuit court, which convenes on tbe lllh: Lakeview. John Odom. Frank Stanley, Elmer Harvey, A. N. Stanley, C. C. Loftua, C. A. Clippenger, J. E. AlcCoul, Roy Chaudler, Wm. Egan, J. D. Heryford a D. Coulter, J. 13. Fisher. C. 8, Morris, T. IJ. Veinon. R. A. Hawkins, E. C. Ablstrom, H. L. Chandler, 11. L. Nortbup, Fred Fisher, J. C. Oliver, Walter Paxton, W. D. Bishop, Wm. Uuutber, L. C. Fmerson. Silver Lake. A. V. Dunning, T. J. La Brie, E. Carlon. Piue Creek. A. M. Smith, Summer Lake M. Suit. Plush D. U. Cleland Crook County Stirred up Tbe burning of shearing pens, barns, etc. and cutting of several raises of w ire fence on J. N. William son's, sbeep ranch in Crook county recently, and the subsequent arrest of ex-sberitf C. S. Smith and a man named Elliott, bids fair to cause to be unearthed some crimes of a more serious character committed about Prineville some years ago, such as murder, arson, stealing and other heinous deads of lawlessness. Crook : county papers are teeming with ex citement over tbe recent discDveries. Shearing; Commenced A big crew of men are sbearng witb tbe blades at tbe Warner canyon shearing corrals. Si Henderson's band of 3200 were sheared there first of tbe week. Tbe clip is said to be exceptionally good this spring, partly owing to tbe absence of scab among tbe sbeep aud partly because tbe range was good all winter and tbe sheep kept fat. Tbe price of wool is not ao good as last year. Fifteen ceuts and possibly a little better is talked of. but mother's cleaning hout.l" Donahsu In Cl.v.land Plain D.al.r. 5unday'a Ball (lame The ball game last Sunday between the Pine Creek team and Lakeview was one of the moat interesting games tbat has been played In the Lakeview field for many a day. These teams are very evenly matched,, albongb Lake view won by a score of 13 to 1. These figures would indicate a one sided game, but Pine Creek played a good game and beld our boys down to mere "scratches." Both sides scored several star piays. Dntton starred when be ran from 3d to home ahead of tbe ball, and when about 15 feet of tbe goal was struck in tbe back of the bead witb the ball, tbown from 3d to borne, and was knocked down, but fell witb bis band on tbe borne plate, the ball glancing out into the Del 1, letting in Gray, and almost admitting Faulkner to 3d, tbe. latter being caught out by a mere scratch. A star play was made by Pine Creek's center and right fielders, when Stevens attempted to eaten a flyer and tbe ball bouned from bis banr.a and was caught by Reed. Powell also starred in bis borne run. Many other star plays tbat we can not now call mind. There was a large crowd in attend ance, and tbe gate receipts amounted to tiO, which was tbe stakes played for. Tbe game was ably and fairly um pired by Mauley Wborton, of Pine Creek. Following Is tbe game. Lakeview 0 2 J 2 1 1 o 213 Pine Creek t) 100000001 Lakeview Pine Creek Players Runs Position Runs Palyers Faulkner 1st base 2d B 3d B S-SOD L field C flld R-tield Pitcher Catcher 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Vernon Mo" v Cook Amlck Broili Stevens Reed Smith Lark in. Sticksel Powell Judge Dutton Storkman Gray McDonald Wallace Mauley Wborton, Umpire. SUMMARY: 2 base bits made by Lakeview players: Faulkner 1, Stick sel 1, Dntton , A. Storkman 1, Gray 1. Pine Crtfk pUyers : Cook,! 1 Stev ens 1, Reed 1,. Home runs, Powell 1. Left on 1st base, Lakeview: Noiie, Pine Creek, Reed. Left on 2nd base. Lakeview: Gray twice. Mc Donald. Pine Creek: Cook, Amick twice. Left on 3 base. Lakeview Judge, Dutton, Gray. Pine Creek Amick ,Larkiu. Caught out on 2d base. Lakeview: Judge. Pine Creek: Cook twice, Stevens, Reed twice, Larkin. Caught out on 3d base. Creek: Lakeview: Faulkner. Pine Cook. There were a number of good plays, ' sucb as double plays, fly catches, etc. Tbe lease on tbe present quarters of the U. S. Land Office expires July 1, and tbe officials have been notified to secure proposals for quarters for tbe ensuing year. About 1000 feet floor space is required, and any one having rooms suitable and desiring to lease tbe same should apply at once at tbe office. MAKE USE OF THE WATER. Farmers Should Prepare For the Dry Season Predicted. In tbe event of a dry season, which is predicted by some, especially in tbe Sacramento valley, where a great many sheep and cattle are driven in the fall and fed for wiuter market, it behooves the people of this section of tbe country to prepare to feed stock here. If cattle and sbeep capuot be driven there for feeding tbey must re main here, which will require double tbe amouut of hay usually used here. Again, there might be little feed on tbe winter ranges, and iu case this condition comes about, stock that us ually go to tbe desert will have to be fed hay iu tbe valleys, which will in crease the demand also. There is said to be a great deal of water running to waste in the various stieams, which should be put onto the meadows and made tbe best of while the water lasts. Hay will be hay next winter, if all the stock in this country must be fed here. Farmers should take advantage of the opportunity now and prepare to put up all tbe hay possible, both grain and grass bay, and be prepared for any emergency tbat might arise from a dry summer in this or any other country. COL, 'COGSWELL DIES SUDDENLY, Expires While Enrotite to Office in Porl.in,t. HEART DISEASE CMJ c 0-JEATH Was a Former Resident Lake County, and Still Held i arte Interest. tlete. The sad news of tbe death of Charles Amos Cogswell, was received io Lake view last Saturday. Mi Cogswell, was once a resident of Lakeview, and is known by every one iu It i- county. He taught school in Siirprir valley at onetime, aud ws admitted to the Oregon Bar in 1879. Tbe following from tbe Portland Telegram of Friday, April 2ttt, gives an account of his life, and death: 'Charles A. Cosgwell, one of Ore gon s most prominent citizens, died suddenly of heart disease about 10 o'clock tbls morning while a passen ger on an electric car on bis way from bis Summer borne in Milwankie to Portland. At tbe time of bis death be was engaged in conversation with Colonel Jame6 P. Sbaw and John Scott, two of his frienas and neigh bors. Mr. Cogswell boarded the car near bis Summer home for t'te purpose of coming into Portland on business. He walked quite rapidly to arrive at tbe station on time to catch the car, and when be got on beard be ra breathing witb difficulty. He took a seat beside Colonel Sbaw and re marked tbat be was very abort of breath from walking so rapidly. Colo nel Sbaw jokingly remarked tbat bis friend must begetting rather old, tap ping bim on tbe shoulder, and Mr. Cogswells' reply was a laugh. Colonel Shaw turned to look out of the win dow, and. the next icetut, bearing Mr. Cogswell breathing heavily, " turned in time to see him slipping from his seat into tbe aisle of tbe car. Colonel Sbaw lifted the prostrate form upon tbe seat and felt of bis heart, thinking, that bis friend waa suffering from bis raprfj walk, but was surprised to discover that his beart was fluttering. In a moment it stopped boating altogether. He then realized tbat Mr. Cogswell was dead. The car wns just leaving and wben it reached the Golf Links Colonel Sbaw telephoned tbe news of the death to Milwankie and instructed people there to send word to tbe fsm- ily of tbe deceased. Tbe remains were brought to tbe Finley Undertak ing parlor. Mr. Cosgwell was a member of the City Executive Board, on which he has served three years, a G. A. R. veterati' and a member of Sumner Post, a member of Hawtnorne Lodge, No. IU, A. F. 4A. M.,tbe Oregon Com mandary of Knights Templar and a Mystic Sbnoer. He was also a prom inent attorney, president of the War- er Valley Stock Company, one f tbe largest stock-raising concerns ia Oregon, and attorney for tbe Southern Pacific Railway in Lake County. Born in Vermont. Mr. Cogswell -moved to Iowa when a boy and wben 17 years of age at tbe outbreak of the rebellion, he inlisted as a volun teer iu the Uuion Army and served during tbe war. For his bravery he bad been promoted, and at tbe time of being mustered out of service he was Lieutenant of bis company. Following tbe war be moved to Ore gon and settled in Lakeview, Lake County, and took up the practice of law. He became nne of Oregon's most prominent attorneys, and was twioe elected to the State Senate from bis district. He engaged in cattler-rais- ing and soon acquired considerable property, and wben be retired from active practice in his profession, spent most ot bis time In business. During recent years he has been president of the Warner Valley Stock Company, which owns 40,000 acres of land ia Lake County, this state, and in Neva da and Northern California'. Several Years ago, wben he retired from active practice of tbe law, he moved to Portland with bis family and bas resided in bis handsome resi dence at East Seventh and Holladay streets since: He waa connected with the Board ot Publio Works under ex- Mayor Rowe. and when Mayor Lane was elected three years ago, Mr. Coirs- well was appointed a member of tbe Pxecutlve Board. He was chairman of tbe judiciary committee and tbe street cleaning and sprinkling com- mitttees and a member of tbe special franchise committee of the board and has given mnob time aud attention to bis work. At tbe time of bis death he was 64 years of age. tie is survived by bis wire, a son and two daughters. His eldest daugh ter is Mrs. W. E. Gelinsky. His son Charles is 18 years of age, and his other daughter, Margorie, is 14.' Out of respect to the death of Mr. Cogswell, tbe flags on tbe City Hall and all other municipal buildings in tbe city were ordered placed at half mast today."