Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 23, 1908, Image 6

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To All Our
i.-.-.Ttn i-ii .Til' w aa I
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of . Writers.
The American Farmer i the only Literary Farm Journal"pub
lishcd. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It jjives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLONL. O0OD13
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
TWO For the Paice Of Onet TIlC Lake County Examiner
! he Leading County Taper and The American Farmer
his iiMa rallelcd ofTer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
CO. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
I 1 : F i. I ' .
$1,250 Reward. -
The Harney coumj
Live toek Asocia
tion, of which I air
a member, paya T5(
reward for evidence
leailing to the con
viction of pariier
stealing stock be
tonkin? to Ms mem-
bers. In addition 1
'offer 5U reward
Horse brand horse
shoe bar on eithei
or both jaws, he-
corded inKcountiei
tange, Uarrer, Lake and I'rnok Couutien
Bones Tented when gold Horses sold to pass
(.0 rough this section will be reported in thit
paper. If not so reported, please write or tele
hone The fimea Herald. Main Barns, Ore
ion. W. W .Brown, Bums, Ore-
Reward for Horses
1 will cive $5.00 reward for inform
ation tout will lead to the discovery
of any borne branded with an old
horseshoe brand on both jaws, placed
as In the cut In this advertisement,
with fresh triangle brand underneath
the horseshoe. The triancle placed
in euch a manner as would cover up
a bar on both jaws. Animals must
be found in the possession of some
person or persons.
H. . Bakkek, Prop'r.
Office in Bieber's Store
rHage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at 6 a.m. Arrive!
at Alturas at 6 p. to.
Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
6 o'clock a. in. or on the arriva
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - (liven
Strict - Attention
first - Class - Acorn odations.
1'. E. Taylor, Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds' Store.
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
ncsdays and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrive
at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves Piush Tuet
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
f ,m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Passenger fare $3 one way or 5 foi
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st .75 per hundred ; fronr
Not. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per hundre
A Memorable Day.
One of the days we remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our
health, is the one on which we be
came acquainted with Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless purifiers that
cure headache and biliousness, and
keep the bowels right. 25o at Lee
Heall's Drug Store.
Butter paper at The Examiner
office. The Best made, at 12.75 for
600 and 11.50 for 1000. tf
The trouble with most adver
tisers Is that they expect Imme
diate returns of large propor
tions. One prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising in this way:
The naoaer espeadea far
aaTertlalaa; la the aaaie mm
tt placed at latereat. The
Bronte from the aaTertlalaar
ar vlrtaallr taa latereat aa
the laveataaeat.
"The sums spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good will U something that
has value, which, if the adver
tising ha been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the investment
"The rate of Interest Is deter
mined by the skill with which
the investment Is made.
"Just as the quickest way to
Increase Invested wealth la by
compounding the interest. Just so
the quickest way to realise re
sult from advertising Is to com
pound the return." Advertising
Advertisers set feed returns
a the mount Invested la
our column We reach the
Paper of tr
Th Sm Francisco
The Weekly Chronlcl-
The wry beat week.y Nowapipsr
publlxhed la the en-ire
$1.50 a Year
In-lumnn aai ten of tS
Lulled o'-auta. I auada atiU Meitru
It is iat because, brid-i
prlr.t'nr ai. the news of the wrid
eci we-K in an in'erejtlnj way
.'- till) ,! uatritlnj mint
ariic.e. t ipeclai deparv
tv n: i.- i-J -o
' ' TOCK
Fn . .IONS
.. 6 own
Blue Prints Made.
I will make Blue Prints of any
tract of land in the Lakeview Land
District, and do abstract work.
Call on or write W. B. 8NIDER
Lakeview, Oregon. 48 -tf
Tl. a' J ti at
Beantlts m am m nan uwrfi mm
To Cure a Cold In One Day
rablets. All druggists reiund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
Dutch lunch at the Brewery
loon. tf
ra presided
. - -: -vrn( a thorough know,
f '. " fjc:aitl9j. 1: e
o:eo to A.jrcu.ture.
itc-- ' Poultry ana Live
l.lueiraled and
'z matter of the Rresieit
!.iiTn;t to all engaged la thea
in iustrles, every line belaf;
vr.H'.n by thoae whe are In eloee
touch will- ooDditieea prrvailinf
on thU Cbast. (
It will be seal free.
De yo wajrt the ChroaMe
Reversible Map?
Showing the United States, De
mln!on e( Canada sad Northers
Mexico ea eae ilde. MAP OF
THE WORLD, areeeatlai te view
la tate eeatlnaeas map, with all
areas In tnae areporttea. the ea
Hre auHaoe W lb Earth ea the
other aide.
S3 sad (wl tm Has) aad
'eklT OrentaW lev eae year
tag pnaall1 ea Mao aaj
The DtJhr end Mxp
BV akeeC j i n peal
Only ta5 Yea
If you are thinking of organizing a
stock company see our new earn pie
lhiw rArttt
t il'-t I'll hlv HI h, i., t'AHl .
ihmii ftitti .tnit r rm iwti, i ii, wtun
fioi.iiiMu lor mivorunuiK fun to nmot hr 11
Minwrllfra to I hi Ktnmlnt't lin r'iiov.
Iroin one lot a 1 1 1 y to aiiiiilnr, r rlna
thi'ir iitltli i' kIoii'k nhixilik r no inlxT i
rtnip llili. oltlre a rant ao lliolt h1 riM lv ait
dr ii'il ui tin' rlulil onlnii'i.
I. ' tow
Itlurnr) at la
OKKU"K-llv lliill.lnitf.
I, IM K Ulll'
A I (en rj -at !.
IjiiiiI Matlri'K Mm i'ImII)
OK( It K- 11; huililltiK.
. HIIH'M M. It.
rilVM I A mil Ml l. K
cr gon.
, v f p S-J
J Mouse
! IMintcr
New Pine Creek,
ar o 3-, IjiX: rr 3r
James Barry
oil Kl- ! HH Ih
HrntU Willi .kMiih
riKin '
for wi'Uit-r. vino -murv ro- o
In nuhl -ar. Tai Hraml Ml ilmix
Lake I'oKtortu v allrri. lan.- o-w wr.
Timber I -and NotUe
I'niteil SttttcH Limit Otllce l.nkov itnv
Oicu-tm, IVli. l'.H'S.
Nnlioc ik liirt-liv ni'i'ti tlmt in I'nm.
t'l in ti i't- with the iriviiiiH f the net
nf tiiiif," nf Jtitit' II, lTS, fhtitlfil,
"An lu-t fur th MiU of timl't-r Iiiihih
in tin-Stiitt.4 of ('ilifurniii, Oifk'tm,
Nt'vmlii, iiml WtiHhiiik'toii Ten itn- v, "
I Its extemleil to all Die l'liMu' l.nuil
htutec liy net nl 4, 1K''J,
' I.Men K. Wuoileiiek. of Liik'vi'v,
'eounty ! Luke, iStn'e of Oregon, Iihm
I till'. I in tlilM I'tlioi lnu bwoi n
titnlen:eiit, No '.V.Xi, lor the 'tn eliiice
; of the SK iiint tei'. of Sect ion DU, Hi
; Tow lii-liip, ;W , Iiaii(.'e 1-H, i; , NV. M.,
; an.l will oiler ( i iof to liow Unit the
limit i-iiii lit is more vtilnnMe for itn
titnl er or htune t hit ti tor nt'i ieultural
1 iliriiot-e, inn) to tf tt I ili tiis t-lii i tn
j t ) saiil it tn I define I i 1 r iital Ke
j eeiver tit lnkevietv I iri on on Mon
Jdiiv, the Ulh day f May. I'.K'S.
lie nmnen as HtieHNeH : (ieo. Lviich,
' M. S. ISanicM, I'leil llii-fi, 1 'an ('iintiil
' ler, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any Hii'l all I'ersonn cliiiniiin: iil
vor.Hely the itliovo ilenci llieil lamln are
i -iii'ft'il to tile their clainiH in ttiin
otllt'e on or tiefure hu id lltli, ilay of
May, UK.IS.
7 10 J. N. Wntfiin, l.N'ister.
Tlmhe I .a nil Nntlre
ttiilted Ktnteit f.Hinl Ottlre, Lakeview
Ot'PUiin. I'YIi. 4th, IlK'H
Not loo tit hereby jjlven that In coin
I'llunctt with the t (ivtttliitm of the net
of t'on wrens of iln no U, IH7M, entitled
"An net. fur thu utile of timber lamls
lit the Stiiten of t'lillfornlu, Oiemin,
Nt vieU stiij Hnliiiiut ui 'lei rltory,
h xtemleil to all the i'nblio I. ami
SlaleM by net of AiitMint 1. Wl
I'l.VM'l! I IOWA lilt, of I.Hktvlew,
llieil Hi thlHolllee hln hwoi u hlatenient
No. : tl 7 1, for the michiiM of the N
luilf. NW iiiiiuter, M'i iiiaiter, NW
iiiaitef, of Section U, hi TowiiHlilp 'M
S., Umifo 1(1 K.. W. M., anil will oiler
I'l-oof lo chow tlmt the In mi nought In
iimie viilnalile lot Its timber or Mono
t tin ii for hki li iiltural nn iohii, iiikI to
enlali -My hl i laim to xuiil html de
lore ICeuUler mill lieeelver, t iiHke
View, OieUoll. on Monthly, t he II h
dav of May, WH,
Iln iiiunoH ii h uitneiHeti: Walter
llortiilil, .loe Ilowniil, .Mm Oyvciin, nil
of Lakeview Oregon, ami Mike liooh
re, ot l In in n 1 1 1 1 ii.Im Oienmi.
Any n ti 1 1 nil HTHoiiM elaimlni: ml
vere'y the above iIohci ilnul IiiihIh nte
l'i'iiiehti'il lo llle their elainiH In (lux
olllee on or beloni Miiil llli day of
May. UK'S.
710 .1 . N . Wiit noli, LoKUtor.
timber I and NntUc !
I'nite.l States I.iiihI Ulllee. Lakeview I
Oreyon, l'eli. nth, !H S,
Noliee In herel v liven that in eoin
I'llillice with t he ! lo v I M o 1 1 H of the act
of Coni.-ren of .liinii :i, is;s, en I f n,
" All net f it the utile of hinder lamlx
in tint States ot t 'alll orn in, Oregon,
Nevinlu. ami WimhiiiLitoii 'I'm i llm v "
iim extemieil to all the 1 ublie Land
States, by net of Annuel 4, Wl,
I'retl S. Tatro, ol Lakeview, eonnty
of Lake, State of Oregon, h llhul in
this ollice Ins sworn el at iinent No.
.'I!'", for the purchase ol the ft half,
NW iMimter, V halt. Nft tpiaiter, of
Section no. 1 in 'I'oiMirhip .'I'.l S.,
iiaiiKO is ft , W M., a mi , 1 1 r-
rool to how that the land sought
is mine valuable for i's timber or
stone thiiti for awricntliiral purposes,
mid to ebttblish his claim to f alii liiinl
bet ore Ueister anil lieeelver at Luke
view Oregon, on 'l'tieMlny the.'ith ilay
ol May. 11HW.
lie names as wittiesn-s; Mil, 'latio,
K. II. Hiilliuil, (i. II. Stevens, II. S.
Intro, nil of Lakeview Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming inlver
"ely the nbove (lescritieil l.niils are te-iiii'-li(l
to tile their claims in this
cilice on or before said Mhiluy of May
I J N. WiiImiii. Li 'Ulster.
Halting Calves by Hand.
I'robnlily Hie inost hci'Ihiih olistncle
In riilslnii iitlves by luiinl Is scours.
This Is the most common ullinwiit
liuiollll tin !! fed eiihex Heniira !'
eiuiseil by ii linmbi'l' of ciiiiillllum..
mostly due to cureless feeding. Tliu
most cntniiioii ciniKcs iiml those which
ciin Ik ciII.v avoided are nverreedlnif.
cold milk, sour milk, tllrt.v bucUeis ami
the practice of rcedlnu kiiiIii In the
milk. Oveifeeillinj hill been meiillnn-
ed liefnie. The niilli sli.iulil be welj;ll
ed or measured iicctiraiely at every
feci) If It hi found Hint the ciilf lu-cil
more milk, the amount should be lli
iTOilscd Klailuall.v ( liimclni; sU'ltlcll
ly to II heavier feed Is almost icitnlit
to cause scours. The nillU ilmillil ill
ways be fed v ri fin. it ml only sweet
milk should be If It H Impossi
ble to have the milk sweet nil the time,
then It should lilwii) be foil sour,
liood calves inn be I'.tKcil on sour
milk, but If It Is sour one feed Hint
sweet the next the cnlcs lire almost
certain to Inive trouble wllli si oil n.
The bucUets shoulil be waiheil ami
scilltlcil nrier eilt'll fei'itlnu. so tllilt
Ihey will U clemi uiiil sw cel.-t'uleli
I ( . 1 1 k Ii-r III I'lil'iili'is Aih iiciile.
limber Nolle.
United States Lund (Ullce, Lakei'lew,
Oregon, April 'li V.m.
Nutic is hereby ijiven that in cuin
pliance with the provisions of the act
of t'oiwet-B ot June TI, 1S7H, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber hinds
in the States nf California, OreKon,
Nevudn, and Wushiiik'ton 'territory, "
as extended to till the 1'uhlic Land
States by act of August 4, 1K'2
Paisley, county of Luke, Stute of Ore
Kon, lias filed in this ollice his sworn
htatemeiit ,No. 4IHX, for the purchase
of trie W half, Nft quarter,!: half NW
quarter, of Section III, in Towiichip
i S Kaniie HI ft., W. M., and will
olfer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable tor its timber or
stone tbuu for agricultural purposes
aud to estublish his claim to suld land
before Keuisler und Keceiver at Lake
view, OreKon, on Thuistlay the tit b
day of July, 100H.
' lie names witnesses: C. ft. Fitz-
patrick," of Paisley, Oregon, John
Stiudt, of liorianza Oregon, Henry
Newell, of Laketiew, Oregon, ft. L.
Tull of Lly, Oregon.
Any and all pernors claiming ad
versely liie above uescntieu lands Bre
reimested to file their claims in this
oflice ou or before said ittb day of Ju
lv, VJUH. J. N. Watson, KeKister. Ifi-lO
Timber Lend Notice
United States Land OHlce , Lakeview
Ureon, l et), oth, l'JOM.
Notice is herbey Kiven that In com
pliance with the urovisions of the act
of Congress of June II, 1S7H, entitled,
"An act for the salo of timber lands
in the States of Calif ruia, Oregon,
Nevada, and WashioKtou Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of AtiKtist 4,. Wl,
Fred L. Kohs, of Lakeview county
of Lake, Stute of Oregon, has tiled in
this ollice his sworn statement No.
i'Mi, for the purchase of the Nft quar
ter, of Section .12, in Township 'M H
Mange is u.,w. M. . and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its tiuibet or stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud to
establish his claim to said land before
Register and lieceiver at Lakeview
Oregon, ou Saturday, tho 0th day of
May, 11X18.
lie names as witnesses: Ueoree
Lynob, ft. ft. Woodcock, Marion 8.
liarnes, Dan Chandler, ail of Lake-
view Oregon.
Any and ail persona claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
oflice on or before said ilth day of
May, 1908.
710 J. N. Watson, Register.
1 1 m In-r I. an il mii-i-
United Stales Land Ollice, likeview
t Ireu'i.n, Feb IM, P.t ".
Nolico is hereby given that In com
pliance with Hie provisions of the act
of ConiTcss ot June II 17 entitled,
"An act tor the sale of timber limits
in the States of ( 'i.litorn in, Oiegon,
Nevada, sml Yitt.tiini-ton Territory,"
us h. tended to all the l'nblicj Laml
States by act ot August 4, IK'1,
tillleit F Atthur, of Lakeview,
county of Lake Stltte of Oregon, has
tiled in this otllce his sworn statement
No. 4U.M, tor the iichase of the SW
qatirter, Si; quarter, 10 half, SW quar
ter, Si; quarter, N W iiuarter, of S
tlou III, iu 'L iwnship IIS S , ICniigu 18
ft., W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that the land sotiuht is more valuable
for its limber or stone than for armi-
cultural purposes, ami to establish
his claim to suid land before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,
on Monday, the l.'th day ol June, IIhiH.
He names hs wiIiicmu'S : 11. ft. Mc
Crary, Win. Custer, Jumes McCrary,
Chas. Nelson, all of Lake lew, Oregon.
Any mid all persons claiming ad
versely the above described hinds are
riMjuested to lllo their claims in this
ollice ou or before suid l.'HIi duy of
June, U'. '
i 10 J. N. Watson, Legister.
mlee tor I'lllillriltlou.
United States Lund Ollice, Lakeview,
Oregon, March 21, I'.KIS
NOTiCft is hereby given tlmt tho
Stute of Oregon tins under the provis
ions of the Act of Congress of August
14, 1848, and the acts supi'leuicnta!
and amendatory thereof, made appli
cation for the following described un
appropriated, uoir mineral surveyed
public hmd as indemnity for losses to
its grant for common school purposes,
Lots No. 212, for NK quarter Nft
quarter, Sec. 25, T. 'MH., R. 11 ft.;
NW quarter SW quarter and Nft quur
ter SW qaurter, Set). C, T. .'W H., R. 18
ft., and SE quarter Nft quarter. Sec.
3, T. :i5 8., Ii. 15 ft., W. M.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
tquested to llle in this otllce said
Islms on or befoie the fith duy of
iiiue. L)08.
50 J. N. Watson, Register.
Duckwheat Dran aa a Stock Fand.
ltuckw heilt feed, iiicauliig the bntt
with most of the hulls removed, fur
lllshes the very best of protein fissl
for the dairy cow, writes ('. . Sineud.
V. S.. In Natlomil MorUuuiu. When
mlxetl eiiially with comment It miikea
n gissl fattening food forswlue. When
lulled Willi oitts It Is ti gin ml feed for
sheep. When mixed wllli wheat bran
mid cornmeitl, nil i-iitml ly by wcljrht.
It inukes u fair hoihe feed when tht
horse Is being only inmlerateiy used.
My hogs have this year fiitteued on It
mixed as advised, any my milk cows
urn now puling ten pounds per duy of
thli buckwheat feed with coin silage.
My sheep tim e been fed ou bin k wheat
feed for several years with sllnge and
liny, with morn or less out. At pres
ent my horses are eating mi equal mix
ture of wheat briiu. buckwheat feed
nml oats ami are lining wetl, aHhuugh
this Is the llrst winter I have thus fed
Shelter Cheaper Then Feed.
Make the cow stable comfortable and
. snnlliiry und put the cows therein to
stay unless the weulher In so pIciiHiiut
i that jou yourself would enjoy going
; out and Inking a nuii bath. Sm li a
i stable need not be expensive, but It
must have light, pure ulr and clean
liness. Arrange It so the cows uro
comfortable at all times. A cow fas
tened In a rlh'ld stanchion cannot lx
comfortable, nor If she must lie on a
cohl or tllthy Is-d, ami you need not
take iny word that It will pay you, s
cmise you will (Uncover for yourself
by actual experience that from the
Increased production nil.l the decreased
union nt of feed needed you are get
ting a flue illvldi'inl on your Investment-!,.
W. Uglily In NHilimnl Stockman.
Sulphur Expelled the Rata.
Here Ii ii Maine fanner's mode of
ridding hit premises of rats ami mice:
"If you sprinkle sulphur on your barn
floor mid through your corn as you
gather It, there will not Is a rat or
mouse to bother. 1 have done this
for years nml have never Is-en Ixitlier
ed with rats or mice. I have some old
corn In my crib at present, aud not a
rat or mouse can be found. In stack
ing hay or oats sprinkle on the ground
and a little through each .load, and my
word for It. rats or mice can't stuy
there. A pound of sulphur will b
sufliclent to preserve a large barn of
corn and is good for stock ami will not
hurt the corn or bread." Amerlcaa
Musician and Director of
tbc Lakeview Citizens' Hand
Lakeview - -
1 ho Wull street line of cngrnved
ajrtlfleak'H of Stock and Uoud blanks
it tho Examiner oflice. New Himiple
book received Monday evening. If
you want stock certificates ho mi
rumples and Kt our price. tf
Zac whitwonh z;r:
rlghllor ewua; reierae tor wsiiiori Terflreno
W. Kaoge, KUh C'ruvk I an office 1lren
Lakeview Oresni!
Dn. Miles' Amti-Paipi Pills
Pain inchest.
Distress in
Take ONE
of the Little Tablets
and the Rain is Gone
If you have
Try One
They Relieve Pain
Quickly, leaving no
bad After-effects
25 Doses
25 Cents
Never Sold in Bulk
Farm Work.
There Is small excuse fur bclnjf Idle
on the farm, says American Cultivator.
No matter how bud the weather, the
man who inuusKes well will always
nml souiethlnic fur his tin nils and him
self to do In the ham or the shed or
the shop, and every farm should have
a shop. There will lie harness to oil
or ladders to make or mend or a zee
to grind or saws to sharpen or a dozen
and one thliupt to do to have tools and
utensils ready for bright days plenty
to do liesldes whittling and whistling.
Ration For Laying Hens.
An excellent ration for laying bens
In the winter Is! parts of cracked
corn, outs chop and shorts. To this
add enough clover or alfalfa hay tea,
with the purtlally cooked leaves aud
steins remaining' In the tea, to make
the mixture a stiff mass, in addition,
the birds should have plenty of grit
and occasionally a little meat food.
Meat meal or chipped meat, If the lat
ter Is not tainted, Is a good way to
supply this feed.
Curs For Grease Heel.
A subscriber -writes that he baa
found the following treatment reliable
for grease heel, says the Chicago Inter
Ocean: Wash the part with castlla
soap suds till it is freo from impure
matter or substances, then apply coal
tar disinfectants once each day til)
cure Is effected. If the scab becomes
unhealthy, wash again with soapsuds
and repeat with the coal tar. lie sure
to keep animal In dry stall.
Worms In Colts.
For Intestinal worms lu colts the fol
lowing mixture Is used by veterina
rians: Mix together as a base one pound
each of salt and granulated sngur. In
this mix ono-half pound of tobacco
dust or fine cut tobacco, four ounces
of sulpha te of iron powder, six ounces
of powdered wormseed. (Jive a heap
ing tcnspoouful In the feed at first
once per dny, then twice per day, and
keep it up for three weeks.