Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 23, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 17
Contract for Work by
The Day.
Lime and Cement Secured Cheap
er Than liver llefore In
like County.
Ivil tor ot F.xamiurr: Referring to
the iuiiilrjr in tha laxt IxHiie. of the Kx
amliier, fur an Olllolal atiitomuut of
tha rnanuer tu which Contracts have
lioeu Jot foi thu coiiHtructlun of the
Court House Hulldiug, and h.Io th
method uhikI in purchanlng muter
lata, for the sumu, 1 bog leave to inform
you that tha following Contracts, in
reference to tlio couHtructlou of the
Court Houito building, have lieeo let:
tho Plana Mini Specifications to Mr.
Charles II. liorggraf of Albany, Ore
gon ; the Lumber to the Lnkovlew
Land and Lumber Company of I.ake
view, Oregon; tlie Brick to Mr. 11 C,
Htlck.l of New I'lue Creek Oregon.
Lime aud Cuiuent have been purchased
in open uuirket, and the KjikI for the
building and the Stone for the foun
dation were delivered by tho day's
HI la for the Lumber and lirlck were
iuvited ljr publication in the Luke
County Examiner, and CoutracU.wcre
awardoj In each case to the lowest
and boat bidder.
No contract tins been let for the
construction of tha Court Houtte
building, for tho reaaod that alt bids
recovied for tho work were considered
ao unreasonably hlicb that the Couuty
Court rejected ivery bid submitted
and bun mndo arrangements to cou
atruot the building by the day'a work.
or rather by the tiour'a work, ao tiiat
each man employed shall be paid by
the hour. At a result of paying each
tnau by the bout the queation of bow
many hours shall constitute day'a
work has been entirely eliminated ;
and by rejecting all bids for tho con
struction of the building and having
toe work louo in this maimer the
Court is of tho opinion that a saving
of nut lesa thuu from MoiiO to fTOUO
cat) be made for the taxpayers of tho
lo superintend tho construction of
the building the services of two ox
lerieuced and uoinpoteut men have
teeu securel ; cue to take full charge
of the Stone, lirlck, and,Cement work;
tbo other to superintend the carpen
ter and Unlaulug work. These men
nd also the Bricklayers, although
paid by the Lour, are under contract
to complete tho entire work of con
struction. All other men employed
are residents of the Couuty.
In the purchase of Llnio and Ce
ment, quotations were invited mid
received from nourly every wholesale
lea-er In Limo und Cement ou the
Paeltlo Coast, ami as a result of this
method Roach Harbor Lime, which is
one of the best brands of Limo in the
market, was purchased In seamless
barrels for 1.35 per barrel with a
freight rute to Madeiiun, California,
of 51 3 cents per hundred pounds,
no that each barrel of Lime costs .at
Madeline, freight paid, only 12.55 1-2
per barrel.
Uoldeu Gate Cement, which Is also
one of the best brands of cemont In
tho market, was quoted at $1.1)0 per
barrel of 400 pounds each or t'2. 10 per
barrel in Hacks of 100 pounds each.
Tho Cemeut was purchased lu sucks
for the reason that there la no loss
from leakage, while If purchned in
barrels there Is usually great loss from
leakage, and also from the breaking of
barrels due to wagon transportation.
A sack of Cement, therefore, font, 52
1-2 Cents with a froight rate of ,11 3-4
cents per 100 pounds to Madeline,
Calif oruiu, so that each sack of Ce
meut containing 100 pounds cost at
Madeline, freight paid, only fl. 0! 1-4.
It Is sufe to buy that never before
bus cither Lime or Cement been pur
chased und delivered ut Madeline, Cnl
iforolu, by any peraou or firm lu
Luke County for prices as low as thoso
Becured for tho conetruotiou of the
Court IIouhu building.
The samo conservative rule shall be
applied to tho purchase of every other
article required to complete the build
ing, so that thu tuxpayer may feel
Hsaurod that It shall be the eariient
endeavor of each iiuhiiImt of the
County Court to do everything that
Is poHNible, to construct the building
not only lu a good substantial man
ner, but also in tlie moat economical
way that such a structure can be built;
and upon Its completion a committee,
of competent and representative bus
lensa men of the county, shall be ap
pointed to make a thorough examina
tion, not only of all expenditures and
vouchers covering thn entire cost of
the building, but also a report of the
manner lu which contracts were let,
iiittrlal purchased and ail other mat
ters relating to the conittrucllon of
tho Court Ilouae building, so that the
aaine cau be published for the Infor
mation of the taxpayers of the County.
All invokes, vouchers, contracts,
quotation for material purchased,
and correspondence relating to the
construction of thn Court House
building are on din In the office of the
County Clerk, and are subject to the
Inspection and examination of every
taxpayer of Lake County,
II. DALY, County Judge.
II. M. ('ake, Republican Nominee for
United States Senator.
Plush De Horoscope.
Disparage not I'lusb
Oh Tumble down Dick
For surely your vision
Has played you a trick.
McCarty Come Down
Has protlsied true
You cau look at the Stars
And read it auew.
The electric lights
And street cars you may
If you'll only look
lu the place where they be.
Thn City Hall
A grand swell affair.
Fiesto change '
I on will Hud It there.
The Orpheuru and forum
Just ope your eyes wide
And dout try to make out
Our pout has lied.
The wild serging waves
Kind friend will you note
Is a panal where the boats
Cast aucbor lu port.
The Elephants mounted
Its harmless be sure.
Its only a dummy
A sign for some store
At canamary hotel
You'll Mod Bill Harry in the lead
You can vouch for Hill
Where the 're dishing up feed.
And if your an petite is good
Mr. Tumble Down Dick
If Hill is there you'd
lietter be quick.
Of the noted people we
Met while at Plush
One was the Shakespeare
Of the towu of Sage Hrush.
Also Count VVilhelui von Mulkey
Honored Plush with bis name,
And then there was Duke Canterberry
He of Kabbit Crock fame.
We have Majors Fine
Ami Ooveruorg Wise
And titles of all
Description and size.
We bae majors dntno
Aud Cboetr de Cooka
Hut you needn't
Size us up by our looks.
If this is to hard
For you to digest
Take a Cigar
Aud a good nights rest.
Failing in that
There's a place you will find.
Spring bitters that's good
For the body and mind.
Now say you not Plush
Isn't oue of renoun
For isn't it known
lu Washington.
The Lake County poet
Are ou tho Wing
They as well us the geeae
Know that 'tis Spriug
yours 1 ap V. 1 awl.
f" "
R4 J. Martin, Coming
Mr. 11 J. Martlu, president of the
Oregon Vulley Laud Co., which
eeently purchased the Road Laud
Grant, meutioued iu The Examiner a
couple of weeks ago, la expected hero
shortly. There will be somothiug
stirring iu Luke county lauds this
year, lufact the rush has already
I -, - -J l;i ;.,c
. '.
( 'AN I) I DAT
Fur I.'. K Mvnn'itr 1 4 17 C 2 !." 40 fl 3 9 fl 131
t:. W Fnlton. It I'll .1 :n hi 0 .1 35 47 2 8 1.1 9 2r
(l.ii.i.lM-rl.iln. I) 5 11 S 6 2 11 8 61
'or CotigreHMiuuii.
V C 1 1 ii w lev. It 40 8 4H 10 10 6 41 HO 11 11 20 10 311
IliMlice Kuprvine Court
K. .Ib-nii. It 44 U 40 10 12 7 40 hO 10 10 21 1.1 316
)iry am! Fool Com.,
.1 W.Hul.rv. H 31 7 3.1 ! 8 5 2(1 80 10 9 1.1 10 228
Alexander ibid. It 8 2 li 0 4 1 IS 35US4
tall road Com ,
T. K. CiiuiplM'll. It 20 0 2 .1 4 25 39 8 6 7 3 1.14
W. A. Curt, r, K II 22 3 2 2 IS 21 3 4 11 SKi
It. Kolertori. K 6 1 .1 .1 3 1 7 11 2 2 .1 2 .14
'rowciiiiiiij Atlornev.
I). V. Kukei...tll. it 31 8 19 3 1 4 23 33 5 2 3 10 145
!' II. MIIIh. It 13 1 :H 10 11 1 25 .15 0 10 21 8 197
W. .1. Moorr. I) 20 14 IS 1 6 6 16 25 7 15 128
"or State Senator,
II. L. Ilohzntc. It IS .1 7 7 3 3 10 39 4 2 4 3 111
(i. II. Merririi'in, K 18 0 34 i 4 3 12 23 1 2 10 2 112
L. F. WlllltH. U 12 2 7 8 5 2 22 24 6 8 12 14 13
il. Springer, I) 21 14 17 3 6 5 14 20 C 10 122
'or Keprewiitiitl vtf,
II. I'. I'.elkuap, It 20 11 30 5 3 27 41 6 2 6 6 161
II. A. llriittaln. It 41 21 50 17 9 8 4 75 11 12 21 14 327
J. i:. Mnrka, H 8 13 3 1 ft 11 2 2 5 41
"or Slierlrt.
Alliert Dent, K 12 3 30 21 11 3 37 47 11 8 1.1 12 210
F.. K. Ulueharr. K :W 2 15 1 5 12 32 3 11 123
JuineHO. Hiirker, D 17 4 3 1 ft 3 16 22 ft 12 88
J. D. Farm, D 10 14 18 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 55
'or Count v Clerk.
K. N. Jaqulnh. H 40 3 44 21 12 7 48 80 10 12 27 17 321
F. W. I'a.vne, I) 20 19 21 2 6 11 24 6 10 140
'or TreiiMirvr,
F. O. A Matron), It 41 10 47 20 11 7 48 80 10 12 26 18 330
J. H. HlHlr.'lt 15 23 16 10 8 43 70 9 7 17 11 229
N. W. Tuvlor. U 30 4 19 3 1 7 10 2 5 11 6 98
A. J. FrwttT, D 14 20 8 2 4 4 9 14 2 14 91
C. K. Oliver, D 11 11 4 1 10 10 5 4 56
'or School Supt.,
.1. Q. W.lllte. K 43 8 37 19 12 8 44 76 10 11 23 18 309
It. 11. Jackaon, D 99 16 1 5 13 44
or Surveyor. 39 8 42 17 11 T 47 77 11 12 22 16 309
r Coroner, v '
Wm. Wallace, I) 20 17 19 2 7 6 17 24 6 13 ' 133
'or ConimlfHloupr,
K. K. Henderxon, It 46 21 47 1 1 2 6 7 1 5 2 139
C. A Hehart. It 4 4 19 11 5 45 70 11 11 22 18 226
NOTE. Last reports give Cake
8000 majority in the State.
Merritnun lead in Klamath county
by OV, and lost in Lake by 11, which
leaves him 58 ahead in these two
counties. Reports from Crook give
him a tiiajoritv of three, hence bis
Hrattaio's vote in Klamath county
was 378, and Uulknap 287, which will
no doubt nominate these two, over
Kuykendall lead Mi 11a in Klamath
county by 120 and loses Lake by 52.
V - -J,.. J. 1 h .;t ;f !v " v.
iijji...A 4 u3j I
Oscar Krtisloeh, who won the J nines Gordon Itcnnett cup iu the Interna
tlouul balloon races at St. Louis by his flight of 873Vj miles lu the balloon
Pommern, started from St Louis ou Oct 21 aud lauded at Asbury Park, N. JN
I bout forty hours later.
Y ? x
F -O. Ablatrom
the Democ ratio
was nominated on
ticket for County
E. K. Henderson was nominated
on the Democratic ticket for County
U. M. t-aulkner was nominated on
the Democratic ticket for Surveyor, aoove names did not appear on
the Democratic ticket for the offices
to which they were nominated, but
were written in.
Five More Companies 1
Portland Or. Apr. (Special corres
pondence.) With the pannage by the
Senate a short time ago of the Army
bill the way is paved for the establish
ment io Oregon of a number of new
military companies. In order to
bring the Fourth Oregon regiment up
to a regular army basis as required by
the War department, it will be neces
sary to recruit Ave additional com
ApDlications fro a almost every
thriving city In the state are being
received at Portland oy Adjutant
General Finzer. The task of picking
out the new stations is yet to be tak
en op by the Oregon Military board.
The desirability and advantage of
being the station of a military com
pany of the National Guard service
appeals to every enterprising commu
nity. Companies are already located
at sucb points as Eugene, Roseburg,
Ashalnd, Cottage Orove, Mc.Minnville,
Wood burn, Oregon City, The Dalles,
Baker City and Pendleton while strong
applications for one of the new com
panies Lave been tendered by each
points as Astoria, Rainier, seaside,
Canby, Sliverton, Medford, Grant's
Pass, Forest Grove, New berg, and
Klamath Falls. Other applications
are being received weekly. The last
Legislatue appropriated f 100,000 to be
paid out at the rate of 125,000 a year
for the construction of arm cries in
t he smaller communities of the state.
This appropriation is to be voted up
on under the Initiative and Referen
dum at the coming June election.
Cure for Nose-bleeding
New York City, April 5th, 1908.
Editor Exasiner:
In the last few months The Exam
iner has published two differen treme
dies for nose bleeding, and having bad
much experience with the ailment
many year ago, also having cured
the same entirely from a remedy found
in an old scrap book, and believing
the remedy much better than either of
the others pobliehed, I present the
same for the benefit of yoni readers.
Furthermore, I have shown the reme
dy many people the past tbrty five
yefv.. when their none hlft In my
presence, and was successful in every
instance. However, it only applies to
the ordinary nose bleed, the small
veins. The jaw bone: on the under
side, has a notch in the bone, and a
cross said notch the blood veins sup
plying the fac pass over, one for each
side of the face. Bv pressing the
thumb, or finger upon the vein, in
this notch, when the nose blaeds, the
supply of blood is instantly shut off,
allowing the rupture to heal, in a very
short length of time.
S. V. Rehart.
X L Firm Sells Out
One of iue largest deals that ever
took place in this county was consum
mated yesterday, when the Heryford
Land & Cattle Co., known locally as
the 7C Co., purchased the entire
holdiugs in this and Mod 00 Co. Cat,
of the Cox & Clark Cattle Co., well
kown here as the XL Co. F. M. Green
Superintendent of the Co. is in
Sacramento, where the deal was
finally closed and a telegraph message
was received here stating that the
deal was closed. The purchase price
amounted to the enormous sum of a
quarter of a millon dollars, for which
the purchasers receive in the
neigbboibood of 6,000, or 7,000 bead
of cattle, 300 to 400 head of horses
and about 20,000 acres of land in Lake
couuty, Oregon, and Modoc county,
California. Everything formerly
owned by the XL firm is now the
property of the 70 firm, which makes
the latter far the largest Livetsock
Company in the Slate of Oregon.
Happy In New Home
This office '.a In receiot of a letter
from W. S. Edwards, a former Lake
county man, who has resided at Walla
Walla the past two years. Edwards
states that be owns a 4 acre fruit
ranch, and that himself and family
are well satisfied with their new home
aud have good health. Two sons have
been added to his family group since
leaving here, the youngest was born
March 28, this year. He says the best
news he has to write back is that be
and his wife have joined the Metho
dist church and are trying
to live
christian lives.
To Eat Yeller-Legs"
Mr. Wm Holder, eldtor of the
Silver Lake Leader, has been at Paisley
the past week eating "yaller legged '
chickens. That generous hearted
personage extended a cordial invita
tion to the editor of Tho Kvmniuer
to come up aud partake of those
wholesome viands with him, but on
account of a rush of business, we
have been uuable to flud time togo,
however glad we would be to&bare in
his blissful etuffeduess.
High Mass at the Opera
Large Crowds Attend
Gatherings, and are
Highly Pleased.
The Easter Services Couducted at
the Metboiddt Church by L. W.
Couuter, were highly apperciated
by all who attended and the house
was filled to the doors and many
left because they could not find even
standing room inside the Church
The songs by the choir and those
by the little folks, were very beauti
ful. The recitations by the little
girls and boys were grand, and
parents and friends of the sneakers
must have been proud of their child
dren. Two little tots who attractd
special attention because of their
age and size, were little Miss Cbeny,
child of Mr. and Mrs. AL Cbeny, and
little Miss Reid, child of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Reid. Other little speakers
were listened to with rapt attention
because of their perfect
not only for the particular
but their prepardaess for
any like
The services of the Most Holy Mass
at the Opera house last Sunday morn
ing were very beautiful and inirrefi
sive. The servicesjto some were, of
course, a puzzle. But to those who
understand that every movement of
the Priest on the Alter is a symbol of
the Li'e and Death of Jesus Christ,
it then becomes a very sacred cere
mony. The choir, nnder the supervision
nM M'k Biic.Mips, sung the latin mass
most beanifully. Their clear young
voices rang out sweet and true, the
the joyous melodies of the Benedic
tion were especially beautiful.
The Ochesrtra's selection Largo
Hadel, and Palms Faure, were
sublime, and most appropriate.
The sermon, by Father Vasta, while
short, was to the point, and vested
in perfect language, and listened to
with rapt attention by the immense
gathering of people, who completely
filled the opera house, several having
to leave for lack of room.
Father Vasts's Banquet
The Banquet given by Father Vasta ,
last Mondsy evening in honor of the
young ladies who participated in the
choir, was a very pleasnt affair. The
Father was so grateful to Miss Snell -ing
and the young ladies, that he felt
that be could not do enough for them
The table was spread with all the
good things one could think of;
notbiug was lacking to make it a per
fect feast, and cooked to perfection by
the ladies of the Catholic church, and
was a feast long to be remembered by
tnose fortunate enough to receive an
A few invited guests were present
besides the choir. Dr. B. Daly, Mr.
and Mrs. V. L . Sneliing. Mrs. Wm.
Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Umbaon
Mrs. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Price,
C. O. Metzker and wife. Miss Sneli
ing, Miss Hall, Mr. Wm. Proudfoot,
Mr. James Partin, Mr. Carrigan of
San Francicso. Those who pre
pared and served the delicious repast,
were: Mrs. James McShaue, Mrs.
Loftos, and Mrs. Babel.
The choir oonsisted of the Misses.
Edua Penland, Lora Chandler, Eva
Clark, Fay Barnes, Lena McShane,
Bertha Loftus, Marie McShane, Myr
tle Hahu, Vinnie Henderson, Lena
O'Shea, Elm a Chandler, Vale Loftus.
A Sad Record
We uote. with Badness, that two of
our exebauges this week, the Cedar
villo Califoriua, Record, and the Vre
ka, Calif., Journal, devote tho larger
part of their news space to obituaries
of loved ones. Five deaths occurred
in aud about Cedarville last week
withiu the period of oue week. And
the same number of deaths were re
corded in the Vreka Journal. A sad
record ijded for small commuinties,
for one week. There did not seem to
prevail auy certaiu disease, nor are
those communities considered un
healthy. Both are possessed of health
ful and vigorous climates.