ablek Bnrjt Thursday. C. O. MKTZKEK, Editor and Publisher Knifed t th font OBIM-HI lUw,Or. t Sooond-ClsM kUttcr. iOm Year, $2.00 TERMS: iSx Months 100 (Three Month, 50 Lakeview, Oregon, April 9, I908 Growing: In Population Most men have always acted In accor dance with their conception of tbe beet Id teres t of themselves, and it is expected that most voter in Lake County will so act In the matter of the removal of the County Seat, for it is not easy for meu to divest them selves of this spirit even iu matters wherein no persoual interest should have influence unless such interest be in perfect harmony with the greater benefit of the majority. There are, we aro sure, some unsel fish men in the Northern precincts of Lake county. Men who will not, through impatieuce and hasty 'action, for tbe convenience of themselves, and tbe advancement of their own communities, injure others needlessly. We are io full sympathy with tbe people of tbe Northern part of the vxramy in weir lee.iu iu., ought to bare a county seat nearer them, and will do all that we can to 1 . 1 l : .-.-1: . U . . u : facilitate that object in a wav that involvee the least injury to others. A new county is inevitable at no very distant day. There must be 600 people in tbe Northern precincts now. With tbe population increasing at tbe rate ot ten per week, which cer tainly is true, since tbe papers there state that 5 to 7 new homes are estab lished each week, 40 weeks will bring tb'em 600 more. They will then have a population of 1-00, tbe number re quired by law, and may organize a new County with a couuty Seat very near every borne. They will not then be content to remain longer attached to tbe old counties and will not so re main. Those 11 bo oppose a new county are fighting against natural conditions and they will fail. Lake county will baild a court house at Lakeview, where tbe County Seat will remain, and we of the South end will see that tbe unselfish, patient people of tbe North ge! what tbey want with least inconvenience to everybody. Statement No. 1 seems not to have fared very jell with candidates for joint senator and representative in this district. Dr. Geo. II. Merryman pledges himself to vole for the Repub ican choice tor U. S. Seuator, while L. F. Willits and II. L HoigateSre unpledged. II. A. Urattain and Dr. IL P. Belknap pledge themselves to vote for tbe Republican choice in this district for U. S. senator and Marks pledges to vote for the people's choice if be be a Republican. Announcement TO TOE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF LAKE COUNTY: It is with a fteliDg of deepest regret that I am compelled to inform my many friends who have so persistently urged my candidacy for the office of Sheriff on tbe democratic ticket, that owing to Dot Laving followed tbe strict statutory provision relative to filing nominating petitions, my name has beeo left off tbe primary nominating ballot. However, this omission may be sup plied by democratic electors writing my name 01 the blank line left for that purpose under the beading "For the offiee of Sheriff" Yours very Respectfully, 15-2t J. D FARRA. Announcement To Republican Voters: I am a can didate for the repulihi.-an nomination aa one of the .Joint Representatives for the Twenty-flrrit representative dis trict, comprising Grant, Crook, Klam ath ai.d Lake counties, there being two candidates to be nominated and elected from this district If I am nomiuated and elected 1 will devote my time and efforts to the enactment of necessary laws and the repeal of unnecessary laws; that I will vote for tbe people's choice tor United States senator, provided he is a republican. J. E. MARKS, Canyon 3ity, Grant County, Oregon. A Twenty-Year Sentence "1 have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Buck len's Arinca Salve, which cured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, of LeRaysville, N. Y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the worst soiob, boils, burns, wounds, and cuts in tbe shortest time. 25c, ut A. L. Thornton's drug t-tore. COFFEE Schilling's Best is a business-like name; you know what it means; and it means what you want. Your grocer returoi your money If yos its'! J it; we par Lim ...CANDIDA Tlib' COLUflN... etr NherltV. To the Republican Voters of Lake County .Oregon. 1 hereby announce inysflf a Csndi date, tor the Ottloe r tSheritV, Mittject to the dcvlflou t ! R I ullicau party, at tbe primary election. to le held' April 17th, 1908. It I am aelocWd by the Republican party, as their iii;iilr Nmi.!iim, and rtevted at tbe .nine flection, 1 will serve the people a tail ' fully in the future a 1 hate in tbe ind. Yours Iwcei tiul y, ALUERT DENT. 1 wlh to an noil nee to the Voters ot Lake County. Oregon, that 1 am a caudidate for the Office of Sheriff, 1 auuol01.e u, the .republicans of subject to tbe decision of tbe Demo- , Lake couuty that I am a caudidate for cratic Party at he Pi imary election, , the uoiuiuat Ion for couuty lonimis . , ... , . ., .... ..-vk, , sioner, at tbe Primary elect lou to be o ..e.u ou " To the Republicans of Lake County : 1 hereby announce to the Republl - cane of Lake County. Oregon, tha 1 1 "K" 10 an tue peopie.witnout tear ot will e a caudidate for the nomina- censure from any seeking special prl tion to tbe office of SheritT upou the ! Hcke- C. A. R Ml ART, Republican Ticket at the Primary I Crooked Creek. Election to be held on April ITth, UK'S. s r mamty Treaanrrr I have served the people of this) To tbe Republican voters of Lake County two years in tbe capacity ofc . Oreuon Sheriff, aud am willing to abide ty y, Oregon. their decision upou my official record, i I hereby announce myself a candi E. E. KIN Ell ART. To the people of 'Lake Couuty, 1 wish to announce myself as a caudi date for tbe office of Sheriff of this county, on the Democratic ticket,sub ject to tbe decision of tbe Democratic Party, at tbe Primary election, to be held April 1, 1908. Respectfully, J. G. BARKER. 1 unit j , wigh Vnnouncl to the Republi ! CBn voters of Lake county that lam a caudiuate for the office of couuty cierk, subject to tbe decision of the Republicau party at tbe primary elec tion, to be held on April IT, 1908 1 cheerfully submit my record as county clerk for the past year aud a half for you- app.oval, aud if you choose to select me tor the office again, I pledge myself to perform the duties of clerk duriu' the next term as faithfully as 1 have in the past. Yours Keectfullv, E. N. JAOU1SH. To the Democrats of Lake County Oregon : I wish to announce that I am a can didate for the office of County Clerk, subject to tbe decision of tbe Demo cratic Party at tbe Pi imary election to be held on April ITth, 1908. F. W. PAYNE. or AmnnMr 1 desire to annouuee to the Republi cans of Lake county that I am a cau didate for the office of Assessor, sub ject to tbe decision of the Republican party of this county at tbe primary election to be held ou April 17, 190S. I confidently belive that my work as assessor in the past has been satisfac tory, and I promise, if nominated and elected, to perform tbe duties of that office as faithfully as lies in my power so to do. Y'ours Respectfully, J. B. BLAIR. C. E. Oliver requests tbe Demociat-, ic voters of Lake County to consider GRANT COUNTIES: bim a candidate at the primary elec- ( 1 wti to inform tbe Republicans cf tion to be held Apiil 17, 10J, for the j Klamath, Lake, Crook and Grant no-nination for couuty Assessor. If ! f e ,.,.UH,t.i.tuV.''1'., tlJ.'f'EN.TV," , , , , , , . . , FIRST REPRESENTATIVE De nominated and elected he pledges : TliUVr oi-' f ikK.t ;o ti, r , n, himself to give equitable valuation, correct descriptions and no omis sions. To faithfully serve all people of this county without favoritism or predjudice. C. E. OLIVER. To tbe Democratic Voters of Lake County Oregon. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for the office of Assessor at the Pri mary Election to be held on April 17th 1908. A. J. FOSTER. To the Republican Voters of Lake Couuty, Oregon. I wii-h to announce that 1 am a can didate for nomination as Assessor at the Primary Nominating election to be held April 17 1908. If I am nomi nated aud elected 1 pledge myself to endeavor, to the bett of my ability, Co assess all taxable property iu the County so as to tie just to one and all. "Hew to the line, let the chips fall w here they may. " Very Truly Yours, N. WALDO TAYLOR, Silver Lake, Ore. for nurvf) or. To tbe Repbulican Voters of Lake County, Oregon. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Office of Couuty Survey or, subject to the decision of tbe Re publican party, at tbe primary election, to be held April 17th, 1908. Yours Respectlully, CHAS. M. FAULKNER. For Krhool Maperiutendent Upon tbe solicitation of many friends, I announce myself as a candi date for tbe nomination to the office of County School Superintendent, subject to tbe approval of the voters of tbe Republican party of Lake County at tbe primary election to be held April 17th, 1908. J. Q. WILLETS. For County School Superintendent. To the Democratic Voters of Lake County, Oregon. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tbe office ' of Couuty School Superintendent, sifbject to the de cision of the Democratic Party, at the Primary Election tO' be held April 17th, 1908. ' H. 15. JACKSON. unnl) i omniHMQM-r At tbe ear 11 en. solicitation of many Irieuda, I wIhIi to announce to the republican voters of Lake county that 1 am a candldnte tor the ottloe of County Coiiniilssiouer, subject to tbe decision 01 the republican party at the primary eleotlou, to be livid April 7th, UHW, It I am elected by tbe Republican party as their nominee, aud elected as Cuuuty Commissioner iu June, 1 promise to tulflb the duties or that ottH-e to' t lie best ot my ability, and work for the bost interexts ot the peo ple of Lake county. Respcctfnllr yours. K. K. HENDERSON. iheld April ITth. If I am uoiulnated I ud selected, 1 promise the people, of : every .ectiou of Lake county, that 1 ! "1 Jcate that which la just and date lor tue omce or Uouuty Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repub lican Party, at the Primary Election to be held April ITth F. O. AilLSTROM. I For 5latc Senator. I 1 hereby submit uiy name to tbe Republican voters for joiut Siuatorj 1 from Klamath, Lake and Crook couu ities at the primary electiou to be held April IT, 190H. I Having faithfully represented this district in the last sesxion of tbe leg-1 - ittlature, and since the seuatorsblp ! ! has, for this term, beeu conceded to 1 Klamath, 1 again ask for the favora ble cousideiatiou of the voteis of this Senatorial district. Respectfully, GEO. H. MERRYMAN. 1 herewith auuouce myself a candi date for joint senator from Klamath, Lake and Crook counties ou tbe Re publican ticket, sutject to the decis ion of the primary election. L. F. WILLITS, Klamath Falls, Ore. I hereby auuounco myself as a can- I didate for the office of Joiut Senator for the Counties of Klamath, Lake and Crook subject to tbe decision of the Republican Primaries April 17, 1908. HARRY L. HOLGATE, Bouauza Oregon. To tbe voters of Crook, Lake, and Klamath counties. I hereby declare my Platform ; Statement No. 1. "Ho that is greatest let him be your Servant." Tbe people of Oregon are competent o elect all officers. Oregon Livestock Breeders, Oregon Fruit Growers, are world famous. Let us make Oregon the Greatest State for Good Roads, Good Schools, Pure Foods, ilonext Weights and measures, Honest Political Methods. Push for Oregon, Pull for Oregon I My Native State, "Sweet Oregon." Democratic Candidate for Joint ! Senator G. SPRINGER. For JolDt-KriM-rneBtati ve. TO THE 'REPUBLICANS OF KLAMATH. LAKE. CROOK AND will be presented for your consider ation at the Primary Election to tie held April , VJOH, asking your suf- frage for selection as one of the Rep ublicau nominees for Joiut Represen tative iu said diritrict, to he balloted for on June 1, 1908. H. A. BRATTAIN, Paisley, Oregon. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for Joint Representative from Klamatb, Lake, Crook aud Grent Counties ou the Republican ticket, subject to the decision of the primary election. U. C. COE, Bend, Oregon. For IMMtriet Attorney. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF KLAMATH AND LAKE COUNTIES: I wi-ih to inform you that my name will be presented for your contider ation at the Primary election to be held April 17, TJ08, asking your suffrage for selection as the Republi can nominee for District Attrouey o' the SECOND PROSECUTING AT TORNEY DISTRICT OF OREGON to tie balloted for on Juno , 1908. In placing my name before you for nomination as your candidate, permit me to say that 1 shall cheerfully abide by your decision at the Primary Election, whatever it may tie. F. 11. MILLS, Klamath Falls, Oregon. I will be a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for tbe Second Prosecuting Attorney District of the State of Oregon consisting of the counties ot Klamatb and Lake. D. V. KUYKENDALL. I am a candidate for tbe Democratic nomination for Prosecuting Attorney of the Second Prosecuting Attorney District of Oregon, comprising Kla. math and Lake Counties. W. J. MOORE. For ( oronrr To the Democratic voters of Lake county,! hereby announce myself as a candidate for Coroner of Lake county .subject to the decision of the Democratic Party, at the Primary election, to be held April 17th. If I am elected to this office, I promise the people of this county that the duties of a coroner wili be per formed according to law. WM. WALLACE. Take LaxatlVG BrOUlO QUinme Tablets. Seven Million boxes told In put 12 months. . ThlS signature, Voter, Consider. In considering their choice for State Senator, tbe voter wants to bear in mind that the man he votes for is possessed of good judgment and is conservative. In Dr. G. II. Merry man be will find these qualities well exemplified. He is on record aud that is the best evidence 0110 cau have. During bis term of office as reprenen tative from this district iu the State Legislature, he proved himself to be a safe, conservative, honeat economical legislator, and bis course was oue of consisteny from start to finish. It is a record of which he may well be proud and one that the voters of this district ought to have repeated. This tbey can have when tbey return Dr. Mtrry man to tbe State Senate. Klamath Republican. i't-l Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional rente dies. Deafness is caused by an inflam ed condition of the mucous lining of tbe Eustachiuu Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube reidored its normal condition, bearing w ill destroyed forever; nine cases out ten are caused by Caturrh, which nothing but an inflamed condition the mucous surfaces. We will give Oue Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7.rc. Take Hall's Fam'ly Pills for consti pation. 1 am agent for the Sacramento Bee, the best daily paper ou the Coast. Win, Wallace, at the Furniture Store. 33 -tf. .LOUIS SHAW Dealer In Real Estate 1 have listed some of the bent Ranches, Timber Lauds aud Town property in Northern California, a country that is bound to improve rap idly. Alturas, California. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. Homestead relinquishments wanted. Want to buy direct from owners. Write particulars to M. II., Box 492, Eugene, Oregon. Ot He (Jot What He Needed "Nine years ago it looked as if my time bad come," says Mr. C. Farth ing, of Mill Creek, lud. Ter. "I was ao run down that life bung ou a very slerder thread. It was then my druggist recommended Electrio Bit tera. I bought a bottle aud I got what I needed strength. I had oue foot in tbe grave, but Electrio Bitters put it back on the turf again, and I've been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at A. L. Tbroutou drug store. 50c. OA.O'OHI A.. Bun lie y 1,18 Kind V"u Have Always Boojff Signature r We have just opened our spring and summer line of shirt waists, zephers, wash goods, ging hams, laces, em- . . broideries, HOSIERY, ETC. We invite your inspection BAILEY & MASSINGIlL To Cure a Cold in One Day ALBERT BUYS TIMBER LANDS FIRST NATIONAL LAKEVIEW. Timber Notice. United States Lnud Office, Lakeview Oregon, Apirl. 15, 1908. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with provisions of th act of Congress of Juuo 3, lhTH. entitled, "An set for the vale of timler lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wnxliington Territory," as extended to nil the Public Land StateH by act of Augutd 4, IH'.r, Sadie L. Hampton, of l'ainley, coun ty of Lake, State of Oregon, has filed in this office bin iworu utiitemeiit No. I 4(Kfcj, for the purchate of the NE SIC j Yt, Sec. 1. T. 84 S., R. 17 IC. W. M., and Lots 5 ami (5 of Section No. fl, ir Township .'It S., Range 18 E., W. M., and will oiler procf to show that the land sought is more valuable for' Its timber or stone than for agrlcultursi purposes, and to establiHh his claim to said land before Regiater aud Re reiver, at Lakview Oregon, 011 Tues day the 7th day of July 1908. He names as wituesMes: J A. Bur ham, 1J. W. Farrow, W. W. Hampton, J. L. Hampton, all of Palidey, Oregon. Any and all pertons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are requested to file their claims iu this office ou or before said 7th day of Ju ly 1908. 15-10 J. N. Watson. Register. Restoration to Entry of Lands in Notional Forest. Notice is hereby giveu that the lands described below, embracing 80 acres, witbinv tbe Goone Lake Nation al rorest, Oregou, will be subject to settlement aud eutry under the pro visions of the honiehteud Iuwh ot the United States and the act of June 11, 190; (31 Stat., ii.1,'1, ) at the United States laud office at Lakeview, Oregou, 011 June 9, 1908. Any settler who was actually and in good faith claim ing any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 190(1, aud has abandoned same, has a prefer ence rigbt to make a homestead eutry for the lands acutally occupied Haid lauds were listed upon the applica- tions of the persons mntloued below, ! who have a preference right subject I to the prior right ot any such settler, I provided such settler or applicant is qualified to make hometstead entrvand the preference right is exercised prior to June (i, 1908, on which date tbe lauds will he subject to settlement and entry by any qualified person. The lands are as follows: The W half, of NE quarter, See. 21, T. 30 S ,. R 20 E. W. M.t listed upon tbe application of Wm. Schmidt, address cur ot W, J. Moore, Lake view Oregou. Fred Dennett, Com missioner of the General Laud Office. Approved March 20, 1908, Frank Pierce, First Assistant Secretary of tbe Interior. 154 Plenty of Trouble is caused by stagnation of the liver and bowels. To get rid of it and head ache and biliouHiict-s aud the poitton that brings jaundice, take Dr. King's New Life Pills, the reliable purifiers that do the work without grinding or grilling. 25o at A. L. Thornton's drug store. :r-.T7fr,-riTi,-iry, Cures Crip fal Two Days. m & CV on every box. 25c. "1 G. DUHME BANK BUILDING OREGON. H. D. Clark Contractor and Builder Job Work a Specialty Estimates Furnished fchop next door to Ahlstroni'H Suddlcry Shop Lakeview, - Oregon Black Bart Season will open April. lf,th and dose June 15th, l'JO.H Horso Ih coal black; weighs lOoo pounds; French Ciinndlaii; bred iiii1 raised In Canada. Will ataiid at ADEL from Tuesday niumliiK to Saturday morning1, and at PLUS1I from Saturday evening; to Monday morning;. Mar H brought from adMance will Ih! cared for In the best poHniblu milli ner. TERMS. Ten dollars for thcHcasoii; payable on or before J 11110 1.1th. T. A. CKUMP Timber Land Notice. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregou, Mar. 20, 1908. Notice is hereby given that iu com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregou, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Public Land States by act of Auguat 4, 189' Clayton Kissell, of Lakeview, coun ty of Lake, State of Oregon, baa filed in this office bis sworn statement, No. k?J' lor lthtt Vrhuw of the M half, NW quarter, SW quarter, NW quarter of Section No. 8, in Township No. 38 S., Range No. 17 K., W. M., and will offer proof to show ttiat tho land sought is more vuluable for its timber or slope than for agricult ural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lake view, Oregon, on Tuesday the 7th day of July, 1908. lie names as witnesess : Fred Ross, Dan Godsll, George Lynch, L. S. Ascough, all of Lukeview Oregon. Any and all porsous claiming ad- .. .. . ... .,vu ut-wriueii lands are requested to file thulr claims in this oil ce on or before said 7th duy of July, 1908. 14-10. J. N. Wutson, Register.