Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 02, 1908, Image 7

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'I'lio Ilrot NiiihIu.v In 'Mt li month
ptvnt lilliH ill I 'lilnli hi'ImmiI Iioiim' lit
11 A. M. AhIiIi (iniii IIiIh prrmMim
rvry MiiimIm.v mil A. M, mid
I', M nl l,nkc li-w,
MllllduV Hi luinl lit 10 A. M.
lt'iiuni' ni )'.:in.
rrni'imn UhM TIiiiimiIhv 7:.'M) 1'. M.
I,iiiIih A lit Wi lniilil 1k).
( liidr iriiftifi' I rliinj
A ruiiiinl Ii.vIImiIuii l i xirinlcil to
j mi.
A. J. M tiiHtioiiK I'-iNtor.
l'Hl It (I I 141 . I I II II IV 'I III 'I III! H
nl Nrw PIiii- n t l Ort gon
I'rciii'lilnu wrvlr4'nl 1 l:ic oi'k A .
mnl 7::in I. M on nu ll SijihIh.v o
t'Vi-r.v mi in t li
Ntlliilliy Si'luxil lit lll.m Iih k A. M
I'rn.wr hfrvli i- it 7.:!ioii Vi-iih-
iln.v vrnluu of i-nrli Mi i k.
All nri-ronllull.V Invltnl tontirii
tlii Srrvlri'M.
.1. IIh.viIimi HowiiiiI. 1'iiKtor,
'Ir-i Hniiil-t i of l.rki l'
I'pi'iwliliitf 'rvili-i'-n t 1 1 ; A . M . . mih
7;'Mi I'. M. nimi' li Siiuiluy.
.Slllnlil.V Ncliool !0: A. 4
Junior Noi Mj (it INM I. M
H'itUt Youiiic I i !. I'nlon if
t;:ui I'. M. on fin li mhkIii.v.
Priiyer iimi-Hhk M
UI'Mill V I'Vl lllliK
Everybody Invite;! to ntt'iul nil
wrvlctn. A. I'l link MintiHitin, iiixto
llmbar Nolle.
Ullttlxl Sttttl'H I.HIIll (Mlll'P, I..ll'Vl
Ori'Unti, Jim. 17 II M.
Notice Im liii'i-ly given Unit In cum
plliiue.e with tliii iirovlHloim of tlm net
of Cougreiia of Jihih II, lK7H, entitled
"An net for lh mil'' of timber IiiihIm
in tlm Statea ot ('iiliroriiiti, Oregon,
Nevada, Hit'! WhhIiIiikIoii 'IV i rllory, ' '
hm extruded to nil tli" i'nlilio l.iunl
.StMti'B l.y in t of Anklet i.
John C. Yadeii, of illy, count y of
KIhiiiuIIi, State of (Iii'Koii, Ihih lliin iIhj
M it"! In t lilH ( ttli'ii din dwnrn Htnteii t
No. '.VXiH, for t'io iiiri'luiHii of Um N
half, HW quiuler, mi l N Imlf, KKiimr
tr, of Ki'ftlon H, In Tow iifilip :t; K,
Range !' K.. W. M., hii.I will oiler
proof to hIiow t lint tin' I. mil nought Im
more vm'iihIiIk for tt h timber or hIomp
than for iik't li'ull iirul purpoi-en, mnl to
ntiilillHll lilx claim t'l nil I I luilil be'olu
JtiiHtir mnl lteeeiver nt Lakeview
OriKiHi. mi 'I'un-1 ii V tho llth ilnv of
Annl. l'.mS.
Ij. I.. Anili-mon, .1. L. l H'li-ti, (J. W
Ati'lerieiii, nil of Illy Orison.
Any mi l nil permnm i lMiinlnrf ad
versely tlm uliovn (li-Hcrilmil IhiiiIh are
r lent (! I t i till- (hi lr cliitniii In thU
oltli i' on or he! ore Mini 1Kb duy of
April. IU K
i) -10 J. N. NSatMon, KfK'ii-tir
I imher Nolle.
United Statea I. n n I ntllcc, Lakeview
Orison, Jim. U", l'."H.
S'oti u in hereby given that In com
pllmico with tlin iirovUloiiH ut tlic act
of ('oimrunM of June II, 1X7K, entitli-il
"An act for tho hiiIk of tlmlj'.T liunlii
in tin Stuti'K of California. Oregon,
NavhiIh, Hint WiiMhiiiuton Territory,"
an (xtnli! to all thu rnl lif Kami
Stnt i'h ly act of Aiik'Utit 4, lH'.iU,
; Citrrin I. Joni'H, of Dh.Ihh, county
of UitlliiH, Statu of 'IV x a, Iiiih likl In
thia olllcn h ait aworu HtatuiiMit, No,
:till, for tlu luirchiiH of tho NK qimr
ter, N W iuiirtT, N hulf, NKjuaitr,
So. "20 ami NV quarter, N W iiart(r,
of Suction No. '21, in Towimlilu No.
:W, S., Kanuu No. !0 F... V. M., mnl
will oifcr proof to hhow t hut. tho luixl
ouuht Ih niiiri) viilualilo for its tiinlier
or htomt ttiiiu for agricultural our
jiiitfi, mill to iintnliliiili hia claim to
mil l laml IicToik County Clerk of Klu
inuth Co , at liin olllca at Klumatli
l-'iilln, OriKon, ' Saturday the lltli
.lay of Api-ll, l'.xiK.
Ih niiiiiKN ni wituiHiH : Win. LhhIiiih
way P. II. M ill-, Hamilton Mulkty, J.
T. Johuntoii, all of Klamath l'alln, Oiu
Kon. Any ami all n'rHonn claiming nil
rerNoly tho aliove di-HCrilteil landn, are
roiiicatoil to lllo their claima in this
otllce ou or hofore aiiid lltli day of
April, t'.RM.
U-HI J, N. WaUon. KuKiator.
Aptllrllon for ritatiiK IVrmlta
NOTlCi; iii hereby Kiven that al
applications for permits to xraze cat
tle, horsoti mid ahoep witfiiu the
TIONAL roUliSTH, duriiiK tho oen
iou of 11K)H, miiHt be tiled iu my oMlee
t Lukeview, UreKon, on or before
March 1, P.KiH. Full information in
rex'trd to grazing teen to be chnrKed
and blank forma to be used iu muklug
appllcutiouB will be fumluhed upon
4 Im OUY M. INGRAM, yuper aoijA
Tinni'.H VAit NOTICK.
United Statea Land Oflioe, Lakevlow
OreKon, Feb. 21, 1008.
Notice la hereby Riven that in com
jiliance with th4 provisions of the act
of CouKreaa of June 3, 1H7N, entitled,
"An act for tho sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington 'i'eiritory, "
a extended to all the Public Laud
fcitatos by act of August 4, 1KU2,
Leonidua O. Vineyard, of New Pine
Creek, county of Lake, State ot Ore
Kou, baa tiled iu thta odlce lua aworn
tatement, No. 4019, for the purchase
of the NR quarter, of Hectiou 10, in
T'owuHhlp HO 8,. Range IH E., W. M.,
and will offer proof to how that the
land aougbt ia more valuable for ita
timber or utoue than for agricultural
purpones, and to establish hla claim
to aald laud before Regiater and Re
Receiver at Lakeview Oregou, ou Fri
day, the 12th day of June, Hhjh.
He names aa witnesses: Cleo. Lynch,
11 E. Woodcock, M. 8. Humes, F. L.
J toss, all of Lakeview Oregou.
Any and all peraona claiming ad-
Tereely the above deacribed latiua are
requested to tile their claims iu this
moe ou or before Mid JUtu day of
June, 1'JOH.
910. J. N. Wataoo, Regiater.
lunch at th
Bi-ewcry 8a-tf
A. O. U. W, fiiikeshore Iidge, No. !
77. A. O. I'. V , inii t Ural nnd
(bird 'liiiirpilii.VH of t'lu li tiioiitli In
MiiHoiili- hull. Corn tlni n.C. of II.;
Hum 1'rl'i'. L, of II.; Vldit Oiii.tli
i r, (!. of (!.; F. I,. Nyxwuncr, K-ronli-r.
W. O. W. Lnki tlcw t iinii, No. .V.',
W'lMlllltll'll Of tllO Wol'lll, IIIIK-tH on
1 he acciilnl mnl foiirlli VimIiii'ki1ii,v
of ih Ii inoin Ii In iMaoulf liiill lit
N nYliH-k p. in. h. Hnlli'.v, CoiiMtii
iiiiiiiiniuli r; I',. N. .IikihIkIi, Cli-rk
I o o. I'. i.uUi-vicw i;iiiiiinpiiii-ii t,
No. Is, l.o. o. I'.. iiiii-Ih tin- llmt
'mnl third 'I liurMilny cvciiiiiuh of
i-iu ll liinlitli Iu Odd I'i-IIiim h' hull,
Lin-vli'w. M. It. Ilerj foril, t: I'.;
C. O. lelkiT, Hi rl l'.
I IlKltKKAII l.ODUli liiikolcw It.-
Ix knll I-imIk-. No. "1, 1. O. O. V.,
. im. i I Ik- M-coiid mnl fourth l-'rl-
Iii.vh of -It tin ni ti Iii I. O. O. F.
hull. Mr- Mm-ll'illcv. N. !.; Mm.
Alice llniitlnu V l ; Mr. M. I.
Momx, Sic ; Mrx. L. J. Mnulltoii,
. O. O. F. Luke view Loilue. No.
M, I. O. O V., in. i ta i vcr.v Kutur
ili.v evening In Odd I cllow' hull
nt 7 Mil o'cliM'k from (Ii IoImt I to
April 1. mnl at N o'clock from April
I tu Ocioia-r ;iu. Lon-u I'.iilicy, N.
j.; I'. I-", t lion y, S c.
1011 Kcslauraiit.
ut all hours.
First class
J. II. Cutter w hiskey at the Ilote
1-aknvlew I, nr. Tho bent and putest
whinkey ii'inle. tf.
limhrr Land Nolle
United Stat.-s Lund Ofllce, Luke
vie, Oregon, Mar., IH, llkif.
.S ol li e Is herebygiveii that iu com
pliunco " v, ilh the provisions of tho
act of Cmigrcs of Juno I, 17, entitl
ed "An act for tho sulo of timber
lands In tho et:itH of California.
Oregon, Nev.idu, and Washington
Territory," hh extended to till the
Public Land States by net of August 4
H:t, Ldwnrd II. Ilond, of Plush,
county of Lake, State of Oiegon,
has filed In this oftlco his sworn
statement, No. toll for tho purchiiKt
of tho SW quart'T NR quarter, NV
quarter KR quarter, of Section No.
!, ill TouiinUip No. S., RaugO No.
is R., W. M., uud will olfer proof to
show that tho land sought Is mom
vulualilo for Its flintier or stone than
for agricultural purposes , and to
establish his claim to kald land before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on Monday tho -il, day of
June, l!kJM.
lie names us witnesses: (. W.
Ilardlsty, Arthur Price, James W.
Nixon, all of Lakeview Oregon, and
OliittM. Rond. or Plush, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho above described lauds are
requested to file their claima In this
oftlco ou or before and 'J'Jd day ot
June, llKiH.
J. N. Watson, Register. 1310
Timber Land Nolle.
United Katoa Land OIIL-e, Lakeview,
Oregon, Mar. 18, 100H.
Notice ia hereby giveu that In com
pliance with tho provisions of the act
of Congress of Juuo 3, 1K7H, entitled
Au act for tho sale of timber lauds
in the Statea of Calif urn la. Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territtory "
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, lHIfi, OUie
M. lioiid, of Plush, county of Lake,
State of Oregon, has tiled in this ofllce
fits aworu statement, No. 4010, for the
purchase of the R hulf, NR quarter,
of Sejtion '2, in township 'MS., lvunge
IH, R., W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought la more val
uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, aud to establsh
bia claim to said laud before Register
aud Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, ou
Tuesday the 'ild, day of June, 1!JH.
lie names aa witnesses: O. W liar-
disty, Arthur Price, .lames W. Nixon,
all of Lakeview "Oregon, and Edward
. lioud. of flush Oregon.
Any aud all peraona claiming ad
versely ma uuove described lauds are
lequostod to tile theii claima in this
otlice ou or before said 23 day of June
J. N. Watson
lu the Circuit Court of
the ' State
of Lake.
of Oregon, for the County
Uick J. Wilcox, rialutiff, )
vs. )
Hugo Meyer, Carl Rehr )
aud A. btorkmau, )
Defendants. )
To Hugo Meyer, defeudunt above
named :
ORROON : You are hereby required
to appear and anawei the complaint
tiled auainst you'iu the above entitlod
Court and cause on or before the 1st
day of May, 1D0M, and if you fall so
'"" "I
tu answer sum liumpiuiut, ior waui
, , . .. , .. . , ' i i . ,
W Tr fV
to answer said Complaint,
the aum of Four Hundred Dollara, '
with iuterost thereou aluoe the Oth
......... ..v...-.
duy ot April, 1U07. at the rate of eight
per cent, per annum, aud the further
aum of Fifty Dollar.Attoruey'a fees
i irty jjouara Attorney a ieea ,
lu tbia action, aud for bia costa aud
disbursements herein.
Tula aummona ia served upon you
by publication thereof for six consec
utive weeks in the Lake County Ex
aminer, a oewapapei published week
ly at Lakeview, Luke County, Oregon,
by order of the lion. Henry L. Rea
son, Judge of the Circuit Court of
Lake County, Oregon, made and dated
the 14th day of March, 1008, and the
date of the first publloatoiu hereof is
March 10th, 1008.
L. F. Conn.
12-7 Attorney for Plalutitf.
Timber Nolle
United Htnten Iaiid Ofllce, Lake
view, Oregon, Jan. .T), IfKiH.
Notice In hereby given that In com
pliance with the provision of the act
of Oongrena of June II, JK7H, ent itled
"An act for the mile of timber laud
In the Htaten of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
hh extended to all the Public Land
hi I en by act of August 4, 1KI2,
(Jhestei' F. Studley, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon, hna
tiled In llil office hla aworn stato
inent, No. :i:xi!l, tor tho purchase of the
KW quarter, of Sect ioh !', In Town
shlpIIH K., Range 17 K., W. M., and
will offer proof to kho that the laud
nought Is more valuable for iti timber
or atone than for iirgicultiiiHl pur
poses, and to establish hla claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, ou Saturday
tho IHth day of April, V.m.
He naini's as wltni'Mxes: (ieorge
liynch, l-'red I Koss, Win J. McKee,
K. li. Woodcock, al of Lakeview
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above deacrilied lands are
requested to file their claim Id thiai
nfllce on or before aald IHth day of i
Atirll 1!K). I
J. N. Watson, Register. C 10
Timber lod Clr.
United States Laud Ofllce, Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. Cth 1JH.
Notice is hereby given that in com
tll a n cm with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 'i, 1H7X, entitled
"An net for the sale of timber lands
in tho Statea of California, Oregon,
N mada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, IH'.rj.
Elijah Sinalley, of Lakeview, coun
ty of lake, State of Oregon, has filed
in this ofllce hia aworn statement No.
.YMl, tor the purchas- of tho KW
quaiter, NR quarter V half, SR quar
ter, Sec. 7 and NV quarter, NR quar
ter, of Section IH, In Township 10 8.,
Range 21 R , W. M., and will offer
proof to show that tho land sought la
inoro valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview,
Oreifon. on Thursday the 7tb duy of
May, I'.kW.
He iiamas as witnesses: Eltiia llart
zog. 10l Iu ilartzog, Henry Fuuk, U.
C. Fitzgerald, ull of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho above described lands are
requei-fed to file their claims in this
otlice ou or before said 7tb duy of
May. 1:ki.
H 10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber No! ire.
United States Land Ofllce, Lakeview
Oregon. Feb V.xjh.
Notice Is hereby given that iu com
I liance with the provisions of the act
o. Contress of June 17., entitled,
"An act for the wile of timbper lauda
in tho States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wabhiiiutou Territory,"
as extended to all ttie Public Land
States by act of August 4, IHir-j,
Ole Soleim, of 15ly, county of Kla
math, State of Oregon, has tiled in
this ofllce hia aworn statement, No.
'.V.i'l, for tho purchase of the SW quar
ter, of Section !, In Township 'M S.,
Range 1, R., W. M., and will oiler
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for ita timber or a one
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bia claim to said laud before
Regisler and Receiver at Lukevie.v,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the day of
April, 11KIH.
Ho names na uituessea: Martiu
llaagousen, aud John Olson of Eu
gene, Oregon. K. Jorgeuson, ot 151y,
Oregon, and John O. Sveen, of Lake
view. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming udver
a ly the above described lands, are re
quested to tile their claima in tbia
office ou or before said -2 day of April
Ilk ih.
8-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber t.aal Notice.
United Statea Land Otlice Lakeview
Oregou. Feb. 15 RKW.
Notice ia hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3 1878 entitled,
"Au act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California Oregon
Nevada aud Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all the Public Land
Statea by act of August 4 1892
Ruby R Harper of Paialey county of
Lake State of Oregon, has filed in this
otlice hid aworu statement No. 40:2,
for the purchase of the E half, SW
quurter, N half, SR quarter, of Sec
tion 1'.). in Township 34, S. Range 19
R. W. M. and will otret proof to show
that the lund aought ia more valuable
for ita timber or atone thau for agri
cultural purposea, and to establish
hia claim to said land before. Register
and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon on
Tuesday the 2d day of Juue, llkkH.
He names aa wituesse : J. R. liar-
n v Uu.Ii lloi-tlannlu Can flmmm
Frauk Dobkiua, all of Paialey, Ore.
Anr n.l nil iiarafliin rliiimlnir ailver-
Register. Mjy the above desoirbod landa are re
quested to file their claima in .this
ofllce on or before aald 2, day of June,
810 J. N. Wataoo, Register.
Timber (.and Ketlee.
United Statea Land Otlice, Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. 13, 1SKJ8.
Notice ia hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congrosa of Juue 3, 1878, entitled,
"Au act foi the aale of timber lauda
in the Statea of Califorula, Oregon,
Nevada and Waablntgon Territory,"
as extended to all the Publio
Statea by act of August 4. 1802.
i.iT n ,i,..i. .i,
Joseph Arzner, of Lakeview, county
State of Oregon. Laa'flledlu
Ih a nHim hi aivnrn atntnment. XCL
J uf"uh
r, V,r.5P F - x,iSe.
of the Lot 4,
and SW quaiter, NW quarter, of Seo-
"tfroMv 38 H llange
i on3 n ffer nrnof
H'l ."d.. ,iU. VilL
. . . . , , nnht iH niorB
valuble for ita timber or atoue thau for
agricultural purposea, and to establish
his callm to said laud before Register
aud Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the 20tb day of May, 1008.
lie names as witnesses: Fred Snyder
O. Sherman Easter, Jack McCulley
Chas. Umbach. all of Lakeview Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims iu this
otlice on or before said 2oth day of
May, 1008.
810 J. N. Watson, Register.
Tlm SUntl Yo Ii:
In uo t'jr ivrr
7 iil hwt 1-cii innilo under ,;r-
f nunal gupervlHlon sinro Hi infancy.
uty, -UtcSUtt Allow no one toWdvo you in Mil.
All Counterfeit, Iuilt.itions ami Jiiat-a.H-KoiKlM are hut
i;sprlfneiit that trifle with anl endanger the h-uUli of
IntantH uud Children Experience agalnnt Experiment.
Caittorla in a hamiles auhstltate for Cator Oil. Pare
gorlo, Irop and Hoothlnff Syrup. It iff Pleaaant. It
contalnn neither Opium. Jlforphlne nor other Narcotio
nuhHtanee. It ape i Its guarantee. It den troy Worm
and allay FererUhne. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieveH Teethinjf Trouble, cure Constipation
and Flatulency. It aMnlmilate the Food, regulate the
Htomach and Dowel, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children' Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
I if ii i the nounM
Or. King's
Ikvi Discovery
IA A .1 (VI
OLDS Trial BotUe Free
beauliluUr illimi.ted, rood atone. res
tmd .roc U. .bout Clliori.l VX.O
II Ik. Far WoK. T-
dcroled eacli nth k the u
tube rrpvoductioa ei ike bat
woik oi .mtleui aad rolminiil
book oi 75 ptfet. conuiniaf
IzU colored pkotofrtpht al K ire
M (Jiooa.
All for . . . . $x.50
A(Mim all arilan to
FlooJ BuiUing Saa Fr
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears ths
tlgnaturo of
a mujuji n iriHityTr -mmm Btbt- i n'yw aaadiMaWaaa m msuabiaaematmKmtmamjU
Terminal Tract lots in Heart of Rich-1
A former
Many of
A. L. Spellmyer, 7th Macdonald, Ave. 1 DirhirinnH Cn Ei
T S. Handley, 1306 Be5eel Ave. f KICIIIUUIIU, Wl. -
Write us or Mrs Geo, Miller, Lakeview. Ore. B '.
IJoukIiN ftiul which liaa
has IwriM! tlo .Ijrnntn
Signature oi
Office at the Mercantile Company's
Store Lakeview, Oregon.
Good Stock -
New Coaches
Daily from Lakeview to Bly, connect
ing with Daily Stage to the railroad.
P. n. COREY, - - - Proprietor
Lnvi3.v, 9.35on.
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect May 1st, 1905.
Lt. Thrall .. 6
Ar. Bogu. 6.55
" !?! Br5 6
Ttll Cr'k.. 7.05
" Kl b tip'g.7.10
" Iixle 8.10
A. M.Lt. Pnkrgama 10.45 A V
" Ar. Dixie 10.56
" " Kl'b Sp'iri 11.40
FallCrwa 11.4S "
" ' Uteel Br'ge 12.09 "
Bogua li. P M
' " Thrali ...M.ib "
Klamath Springs Special.
LT.rThrall 1.S0 P. M.Lt. Kl'h 8p'g P. M
Ar. Bogin l.M " Ar. Fall Creek2.S0
' Ktet-1 Br'Ee2.IS " " Bteel Br'ge S 00 "
.' Fall Crrek 2..HS ' " Bognt.. .. 8.20 -
' Krti&p'gax40 " - Tbrall 1.44
1 1 n . 1
$10 PerMonth
The Coming City is Richmond.
1906 Population G000
1907 " 10000
1910 " 25000
Oregonian, G. A. Follett is a city Trustee
your people have already located here.
l'or it llntchM v tho bc"t Rriult
of llqiior nnd vnr to lie found In
On-iron. t'
I.Ian it fir final uroota, D-ort pro-if ,
umlfr land final proof and blank all
favita fur application for readvertia'
nenta ,ink wltncaa' afBilaviia, tc at
T' F.jtMrtilnpf ffrW. tf
.. Ibc Sower
. No Son4 Ctaaneo
1 OwkI tnnvn mt' rnnkn theiutfrt
Of III ! Il ! .
-m tt iiuri 1 1 work mrH lUv
( cny'B Annuml to 1909
ui.a. J'.. tk vw amu till ytm fi
0. M. FflKT 1 C3-, OmiMf. Mica.
lakeview Cigar Factory
A. Storkm.., I'rop
linker of
Havana and
Domestic Cigars
oocwrar oiDcaa aouciTiv
Oio on a trial. Store in tlia brick
building next door to Foat & tCing aa
loon, akeview, Oreiton.
Tlaabr aetnd Sotlre.
United States Land Offlca .Lake
view Oregon, Feb, 6, 11XJ8.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with tbe provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled,
" An art for tbe aale of timber landa
in tbe States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tbe Pnblio Land
Statea by act of August 4, 1892,
Marion S. Barnes, of Lakeview,
county of Laie, State of Oregon, baa
filed in tbia otflce bis sworn statement
No. 3996, tor tbe purchase of the NW
qaurter, NK quarter, E balf, NW
quarter, SW quarter, NW, quarter, of
section 4, in Township 39 S.. Range
18, E. W. M., and will oder proof te
show that tbe land sought ia more val
able for its timber or stone tban for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
bis clam to said land before Regiater
and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon,
on Tuesday the 12th day of May, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Geo. Lynch,
Fred Ross, Dan Chandler, L. .
Woodcock, a'l of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad v re
dely the above described lands are re
quested to tile their claima in tbia
otlice on or before said 12th day of
May, 1908.
810 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber ! Satire.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon Feb. 7th 1908.
Notice ia hereby given that in com
pliance with.tbe provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled,
"An act for tbe sale of timber landa
in tbe Statea of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all tbe Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
William T. Brismaster, of bly, coun
ty of Klamath, State oi Oregon, has
filed in tbia office bia sworn statement
No. 4007, for Ibe purchase of tbt W
balf, NE quaiter, of Section 20, ia
Township 38 S., Range 16, E., W. M.,
and will offer proof to show that tbe
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone tban for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bia claim
to said land before Register and Re
ceiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Satur
day the 16th day of May, 1908.
lie names as witnesses: Paul Stindt
and J. B. Lyske of Bly. Oregon, Joha
Stindt cf Bonanza Oregon, and O. W.
Howard, of Lakeview, Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming ad
vresely tbe above described lands are
requested to file tbeir claims In this
office on or before said 16th day of
May, 1908.
910 J. N. Watson, Register.
Tht Examiner baa received a new
sample book ot the Wall Street line
of enjtruved certificates of stock and
bond blanks, the most up-to-date oa
thf market. Used and endorsed by
the leading financiers ot America.
Copy righted. Call and see them If
you need anything; in this line, tt