Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 02, 1908, Image 3

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N Leavens Whole Lump f Physical
Wlill the dioilr for personal at
tractiveness Is a prner one. wa should
remember tlmt physical beauty la not
tba rlilrf or only thing-. It I a gift of
God and should he cultivated by every
ltfltluiate mentis,
lu K'irnl tin-re are three wide
spread theories In rognrd to thin no
tion -dm t, thnt beauty la iibjeetlv
oil entirely within tin; sihoihI, thnt
lt'U ohji-cllv n ml tlmt It In due to the
qualities of the thing which awakens
plenum-, within um, nnd. third, that It
la hiilfwny between theae views and
Mint It represent) that thought whlru
U aroused Mlihln n by the conlem
plulloll of u worthy thing-. A subjec
tlve n nil nn abjective clement hoth
Combine to make up the heniiilfitl
And tli In Mrcoiuitn fur the H-cmliij;ly
epuiiile tastes ninoiiK different Indi
viduals, for. an In well known, the
mother never him anything hut a beau
tlful ehlld. It Im the element of uppre
Clutlon and love w lili Ii rule here.
I. me en ii iniike iih co'or tillnd. Ixive,
w lili li hhleH (he deformities ntid
atnooth tin- wrlnUleit of old age. I all
There nr, hrnmlly spcriUiig. three
oinllilotiH which tend to the establish
tiient nnd iitiiliiteiiauco of personal
I ll r t of tlieMt. h good 1 1 ' M I ' H I health,
It ohkIiI t U a mutter of supreme
linpiii'liiin'e for wonieti to cultivate
icoixl Ih-iiIiIi And women of the pres
ent lime me w luer than thoxe of pant
gi" III thin rerfjiect, for they recognize
the Value of proper outdoor exercises
and t iUe part III these accordingly
Wl.lle lining (Ills It U J nut a chhcu
tin I to nvnlil Hie hnriuful iictlvltleN,
u rli ii h ill: slpntluii. etc., w hich have a
roiliileraetlli:: elfect nil the colixtltll-
J iiiiIhT, 1011 citiiimt too nhsoliitcly
turn jour li;n U mi the numberless uos
1 111 i tiifilli'lncH ninl lliiinrii Hint tire
of I'M the direct iiiiim' of H ciiMe of
bi-nKeii ilnv ii health. Ahove nil, live
acciiiillni; i i he rule of health.
A M-IOII'I I nliill! Imi of pliyxlcii) Ix-nil-ty
l ini-nlal mlUlt. A ciillured nnd
re e-d iiilinl Ml reveal Itl healthful
ef c" t nil I lie face.
'I'll 'in In many old women. Where
tiifii! iilty nn tourer oxIhU. It Is not
A Reliable P
Ely's Cream Balm
I avlcklf bterb4,
QIitm a.litf at One.
Itulnsnwa, noodim,
heals and tirot.ols
llio (liwiwd menu
hritnit resulting from
Cnlarrh nnd drive
way a Cold In the
iimni f.ii.viy. ii'-uAv rrurn
stores the Hw of I1HT itVLIl
Tusle and HmHI. Full slr.o m ct., tlrtig
giata. or by mail. In li pil I form, 70 rent.
i:iy llrothern, Ml W'urrun Htroet, New York,
ii we II i. n countenance
iit-h no. I unattractive.
'I c ilili l ' ichIIiI f henuty N char
acii' uhli !i will MM'iier or later reveal
It-el! In the Ii ii i ii ii ii visage. Rvery
plO .li'if.iomlst knows lhM.
The .iming woman who Indulges In a
reM'iiifnl i1Imoh 1 1 1 ii will ehow It In
her liic, w hile n pure, ChrlNtliko char
acter will reveal Itself with a light di
vine In Kuppurt of thin niotertlon amn-Ix-rleiH
eii-eii could It1 i!ed.
Thexe three, then, ore tho rondltlon
of ttttiiltilui; pcrKoiinl U'uuty.
Tlmhrr Ixtn4 Wotlre
United Kliiteit Lund Oltlce, Iakevlew
Oregon. Feb. 0. l!mH.
Notice In hereby Klven that In com
pliHnee with the firovlHlona of the act
of t'onureiia of line .'I, HH, entitled
"Ail Net for the mile of timber IhiiiIh
In the KIhImm of ('HllfornU, OreKon,
Nevudii, n:id W'HHhliiuton 'J'errltory, "
ax extended to all the I'ulillo Iend
Statet by net of AtiKUMt i, Wl'JL
Klma K. Ilurtzou, of Lakevlew,
county of Lulce, Htnt.e of Oregon, Iimh
Mleil In thin otllcu Ida aworii atatemeut.
No .'IIKM, tor the, piirchiiHii of the K
luilf, K luilf, of ncctloti 7, In TowiihIiIp
in H., JJimifo V.1 I',.. V. M., and will
oirer proof to ahow tlmt the bind
Hoiiiiht In tnorn vnliinblo tor Ha timoer
or atone thiiu for nurlcnlturiil pur-poHi-x,
and t.o entHlillh bU claim to
mid liiinl before KeKlnter ninl Kecelver,
lit l-iikevleu, Oreuoli, on WednoHday,
tho (1 h day of May, l'.KIS.
I lut ok.', lOlljah HuiNlley, lleurv Funk,
(I. ('. I'ltK'cral I, nil of Liikevlow Ore
Any and , nil pcraoriH claiming ud
ierney the uliove ilenerilied liuida are
reiiientei to file their clalniH ill thU
(illicit on or bidore auid ith day of
May. r.ius.
H in J. N. Wntnon lli-Kinter.
Tlmlirr i.aml Ni'lli e.
I "lilted Ktntea Land Olllce, I.ukuview
On lon, Feb. I.'t, I'.K'H.
Notice li hereby ulveti that III com-
I'll, nice with the provision of tho act
of ('ciiKreHM of June :i, IHTH entitled,
I "An net for the Kiilo of timber Intel n
'In tlmNtnli'Hof ('nlfuruia, OreKon,
i Neva la, ninl Waxhiiik'tou Territory,"
, iih evtemli'd to all the l'uUie Laiid
, Stati-x by net of Atitfunt. 4, IN'.'J,
I John A. Ilarhnm. of I'aihh-y, county
'. "f hake , State of Oregon, Iiiih Illed in
I thin oltleo hlH KVMiril htateuient No.
j bi'Ji, lor the piirchio-o ot the SK ipilir
Iter, NV iiuiter, of Section '.!, in
;TowiiMhip S., K.iiik'm '., K. , W. M.,
Mini will oiler proof to tdiow that the
t liiinl Nought in more valiiablo for lU
I I ntilier or htoue than lor iiK'ricull ural
ni r .i h'H, Hii-I to CHtalilir-h tiln claim
to n't I I land I'efore Kcul-ter mid Kn
reiver, at Lakevlew, Oregon, on Wod
neMilay the ZtU day of May, I'.mS.
He llHIIieH HH W itlll'MHI-M: I il'll, V.
(!ooley, Sum llimii-ter, of I'alhley Ore-
j K'on, John SimmoiiH, (ieo. V. Harrow,
of I uinley, 'renon.
Any and all pcrMonu claiming a l
veraely the above deacribrd IuihIm, ar
rixpiented td Hie their chiiiiiH in thin
olllce on or before aitid UTth day of
May, V.m.
H 10 J. X, Watson, ItcKlwtor.
Will D Hailed With Joy by th
In the average kitchen there are never
to be found enough dry towela when
the prMv of dish wnshlnK la at hand.
The towel thnt ought to lo ready for
ram irirt re
arc the men who havt
put them to the hard
ett testt in the rough
ttt weather.
Oet the originol
TcrwerTi fih brand
made lncc 1 636
.iW 60 YEAR
A Tno.
'lt1, CovniOMT Ac.
Anron"i1lii ln'-h n1 erHniioti mr
attlrklf mirmumn mr efiliiHrfl frl wliwhrr
lutrmloii l priihm.lf pnn-nml 'i. '"emutil "inii"ill. HANDBOOK rm 'iU
wiil frM. OMmi mrnrf for wurin palonta.
-iiniia tairn ilirnuvlt Wuim -u. ravalvt
$prUU Iff K4. I'll n'KIl Clrv, ,u
Bluq prints of any town
ship in the I fikevle
Land District can be had
by applying to the under
signed. All work up tc
jdate. Checking made
from the Land Of
flee Records at the time
the printsare made, work
neatly and - prompt!
W. J. Snider.
Lakevlew Oregon.
Scientific American.
I, ernta, 1 l
ill ttc(1"tilri
New York
IIUKluU. 1. C-
. l. .nHi.i. 1 1 1 r I fi wMAklv. I .anraat rlr
rillalli"! ft "T ''ii"illlll Juiirniil. 1 i-rma. 11
inr: I'-ar muntui, u wmuiin','i,"'"'".
Mrucb (JIDi ll, o-i HU WulllUllluU. U. I
i i ill! I ')!
roit imriNo towelb.
une la iiHiiully htuiKlns ou a ruck, eouk
ing wet. To ohvlule nil thin trouble nil
Invention hns recently been innde that
vlll be a Joy to the houHowlfe It I i Noviidu, nnd Wmhiiinton Territory,"
Tluibrr l,snt Waller.
Uultnd States mm OllUte, Kukevlew,
Oregon, Feb. 15, I'.HJH.
Notice la hereby yiven that In com
p'iunce with the pr -vlnioiiH of the net
of (Joiik'reHH of June .'I, 1H7H, entitled,
"An Act for the enle of Timber lnuda
Mi the Htatett of CaliforuiH, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wai'hiuk'ton Territory,"
extended to all the public laud atutea
by act o AiiKuat, 4 1S'.)J.
Viitil Conn, of l'liUley, county of
Luke, atnte of Orreuon, Iiiih tiled in
thin otllce hia eworn tdntetnent No
40111, for the purcliune of the NliiHr
ter, of Section 7, in Tow nahip !IH S.,
KutiKe 10 K., V, M., Hinl will otfer
proof to ahow that the land eoii)ht
la more valuable for ito timber or
atone than for agricultural purpose 1,
and to CHtiihlinh lua claim to Huid
laud before KeiMter nod Heceiver at
Lakevlew Orcuoti 011 Mondiiy the 1st
day of June, VMS. I
110 liniiieH nawitueeHes: J. li. Allien. '
K. 1'. LiKht. T .J. l'owell, U P. Alal- j
loy.all of Lnkcview Oregon, hud Odu
CrnveuH, or Ivlumatti t allH Urt'K'ou.
Any and nil pernons claimiutf Hdver
aely tho above deHcribed lunda are re
(pieiited to 11 le their clainm in thin
otllce on or before aaid lut, day of
June KKI8
810 J. N Watriou reitixter.
Timber Land Motlc.
United Stated Lund Otlico Lakeview,
OreKon. Mar. 1H, l'.HW.
Notice la hereby given that in com
plianco with the provlnloiiH of the net
of CoiiKnuirt of June 1, lf7S, entitled
''An act for ttie bale of timber lauds
in tho States of California, Oregon,
liiitk e Im hereby given thnt nil Irrlgn
tinii. or mlllriice illtc Ih m on nil trout
Kt n-fcliia . lil uiigbt l.nke Coiinl.v, Ore
goii, iiiiihI be hcrci'iied with 11 amiill
iiickIi wire Hi ri-i nliig (it their bend or
jllliillnli with the lliiilll clinliliel of
at renin. Alao nil iIiiidh or i,bi-truct-InliM
011 fit bl hllenliiM IiiiihI be pro
vided with II llfli-llililer,orotb renny
1111-11 iim of piiHHiige, 11 1 or ii' ii r the mid
die of the Kililli clinliliel. mi n t al
ow Ibe pnt-Mij:c of tr lit lit nil till
of yen r, iih jiiovhlid by lnw. S'nid
work to be done nt low water lime,
or to lie coliiph-ted by I'eli. 7, Ki7.
I.y order of .1 A. Itorluiiii.
Mi'clnl I)i.ut tib W nri'' 11 fur
1 .1. kel'ount , 1 1 ft-L- -ii '
Tlmlirr l.nnil
United Htiitca Lund Olllce, Lakeview
Oregon, l-'t-li. 'Jl, l'.ms
Notice ia hereby u'iien that in com-
plltince with the proviHiona of the act
of t'ougreaa of June 'X 1N7, n 1Mb
"An net for the aale of timber lunda
In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Wahhiuuton Territory,'
aa extended to all the I'lililic Laud
StBtea by act of Augimt 4,
Kate ('oluhau, of Bonanza, countr
of Klamath, State of Oregon, hae filed
in thin otllce bia aworu atatement No
40.VI, for the purchaHe ot the K half
NW quarter, SW ijuarter, NV quarter
of Section in Towiinhip '.Vi, S.,
Kunge 10 K , W. M , and will otfer
prool to ahow that the laud Bought b
more valuable for it timber or atone
than for agricultural purpohea, and to
egtablmh his claim to aaid land before
County Cleric of Klamath County, at
bia otllce at Klamath Falla, Oregon,
ou Tuesday, the Utb day of May. lUt'8.
He mimes as witnespea: Ida Howard
of Lakeview, Oregon, Maguie Colahan,
of lSonau7.ii, Oregon, Oda Cravens, ol
Lakeview Oregon, J. C. Cravens ot
Lakeview Oregou.
Any and all ( ersons claiming ad
vetaely the above described -anda ar
requeued to tile their claims in this
olllce ou or before aaid 1'Jb day of
May, 1W8.
0-10 J. N. Wutson, Ileigster.
Alao n complfteline of wngo
& and buetrv barnean. whin
robea. rlntue, bits, apnra
ijulrta, roeettea.ln fnct every
tblnjr In Ibe line of carriage
nnd borne furnlahlriRn. lie
palrlg by corupttente inn.
Tlic best Vaqv-vl
die on the market.
,.--.?? - At y
' t ; its . - ".-i
yih ;'
P 3 1:1
t:.4ian fr-. ,' . .."uu'g'a...
more than
the boiler
a band that
attuched to
iih extended to all tho
States by act of Augtict
l'ublio Lund
4, 18'.i2, Kose
at regular Intervnls on which the
towels ore hung. Coiulug In contuct
with the lion t from tho boiler dries the
towel lu a few minutes.
When tho Note Bleadt.
When tl.e nose la bleeding never bold
It over it basin or hold the head down
in any way This only cniige further
rtiHb of blood to the broken tissues in
tho nose. The bend should be held tip
and back, the (low being en light In
bnudkerchlt'fs or cloths. One of the
moat effective und simple means of
checking a nosebleed la to prens on the
upper Up. Near tho under lamfnee of
the Up runs the urtcry that aupplles
the Interior nusnl passu ges where the
ruptures occur. If this la presed the
flow of blood la mechanically checked,
thus allowing the blood around the
broken tiaras to congeal and wen I up
the opening If merely pressing with
the finger does not succeed, place a
wad of paper under the Up and fold
the Up over it, holding down tight,
aaya Woman's Life. Again, if this does
not succeed and a drug store la near,
get some adrenalin, saturate a piece of
cotton with It end apply to the interior
of the nose from where the blood
The happiness of life consists In
something to do, something to love
and something to hop for.- Pr. Cbab
....... .... M,.t..i.'., ,
quarter, KK quarter NK
Section :i'-, in Township 3!
range. On this bund are pron::w placed L. McDaniels, of Lakeview, county
or i.nae, rstaie ot uregon, lias tiled 111
this ciltic bia aworu atatement, No.
for tho purchase of the N10
quarter, NW quarter, N half, NE
quarter, of
18 S.. Uiiuko
V Ol V W XI .,.,.1 ...ill ..If..-
' " - . ill . , niivj nil, mi ci I'lififi
to ahow that the land sought is more
valuable tor its timber or btoue thuu
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish bis claim to aaid land before
Keglster and Keceiver at Lakeview,
Oregon, ou Thursday the 18th day of
June, 1008.
He names aa witnesses: Fliut Ver
non, A. Nollon, Win. Metzker, J. D.
Brooks, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
ollloe ou or before aaid . 18th day of
June . 1008.
J. N. Wataon. Register. 13-10
Nnsnl Catarrh qnlckly yiolds to treat,
mout by the agreeublo, arouiutie Ely's
Cream Balm. It is received through the
nostrils and cI' iiiibi-s and heals the whole
surface over which it dilfusca itself. lrug.
gists sell the fillc. size. Tost it nnd you
are sure to ooutiuuo the trmttmeut till ro
To aeooiimiod ite thimo win are partial
to tha u -hi el' uioinizurs in ajiplviug liquids
into the ua d pa-isitges fur euitrrlitil trou.
Mr, tha piM Vii't(ir p"ei.ire Cro:im llulin in
liquid for 'i tvliich will bo known as't
liquid Cr 1 IJ.iliu. l'rice Inehiiling tin
fiprnying t '. is 75 cent. I'rn - rists or bj
mail. T'l" 1 U d for 11 te-i'iiii'; 1 t!ie med
ioiuul proi f iiios of the solid pp'uratiou, .
$1,000,00 Reward.
The Oregon. Ciiliforiila & Nevada
Livestock .J'rotectlve Aaaix-bitlon
w ill give f 1000 IU'wnrd for the con
viction of any party or parties ateal
lug horNCH, cattle or.inulea la-longing
to any of the following; members of
tli Im AHMoclatlon:
Cox & Clark, Chew ucau Land &
Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattle
Co., Lake County Land & Livestock
Co., Warner Valley'Stock Co., Wiu
W. Iirown. lieu. M. Juuea, lieu. Han
kliia. S. H. Chandler, C. A. Kebart, N.
Fine, W.A. Currier, l'rnnk I?. I'.nuera,
J. C. HotcliklsM, Caldcrwood ltroa.,
T. .1. Hrattain & Sons. T. A. Crump,
Creaaler & llonncr, W. T. Creaaler
Maud I. Itninbo.
Oi.-i.-i. i-ww I w v- IIkkvkouii. rrcaid't
Ol' f II I. MM x M MI j I;u Sw & Tnxm
W. 1'. Hl ltVKOKII
by buying thta
reliable, honest,
high grade sew
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co-
erected in lono
SeomaiJIow LIGHT &. HARROW, Proprietor
Located on Water Street, near the Post office. J
fRLt Knowing what It was to suf
fer. 1 will nrlve FREE OF CHARGE,
to any atllicted a poaltive cure for
Ecwiua, Suit Rheum. Eryalpelaa,
IMIoh und Skin DlKcaMeH. Inatant re
lief. Dont suffer longer, Write F. W
WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue,
New York. Enclum Staimj.
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. m. every day bu'
PuHafert' are $j trip Si
OFFICE- Reynolda A WlnnBelJ'' uikevlst
Meals at all Hours.
Fresli oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game
in season.
Only First-class Restaurant
in Lakeview.
Nolle, for Publication.
To (loo. II. Ay res, Ous Schlnnel
A. O. Lowell, nnd Al. Farrow :
You are hereby notified: Till I
have expendod tlOO.UO one hundred
Dolltirs in labor, end improvements,
upon the Monarch Mining claim, lo
cated in the Paisley Mlniuc: Dietrict,
as will appear by certificate Hied in
the oHlee of the County Clerk of said
Couuty, iu order to hold said premis
es under tho provisions of sectiou
2.TJ4 revised Statutes of the United
States, being the amount required to
hold the eame for the year ending
December 31st., 1007, and if within 00
days after this notice, by publication,
you fail or refuse to contribute your
proportion of such expenditure as a
co owner, your lnteiests in said claim
will become the property of the sub
scriber uuder said section 2.T21.
3 ;!ni Stephen (Jay lord.
Subecrlbejor The Lake County Ex
anijner. If you want the Hews.
Get your onion Sets at Lakeview Merc,
Co. 1
lunchat the
IJrewery 8a-tf
M ' -""""tmitMIMHI,
1 ,
MrlattfcWWWWiUrli-amir J
e have made an entire transcript of allTRccortls in Lake
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the count.
We have a complete Record of every Mo tu.iire and tranu
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and ate most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these F:rror5:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds ol dollars hunting u
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Manager.